Detailed instructions for making a taiga ax - tips and rules. My God does not call me a slave! Bonding and riveting

Battle axes were a necessary part of the armament of the Slavs, so in Russia there were several types of them:

  • slander,
  • coinage,
  • ax (halberd).


Klevets is a combat, short-pole hammer, a type of coinage. It had a blade in the form of a beak (hence its name) of various lengths. Often forged with a hammer on the butt, which has the most various forms: spiked, pyramidal, conical, smooth, etc. This ax weighed from 1 to 1.5 kg. The length of the shaft was from 60 to 80 cm. Often, the shaft had an all-metal handle, designed for one or two hands. The Slavic klevets also had a point on top, pointing upwards, which the Slavs called the "spear". Klevets could be combined with minted.

This type of ax was designed to carry near hand-to-hand combat, however, was often used by riders as well. Due to the narrow blade, the cleaver had a high penetrating power, which, moreover, was combined with a relatively light weight and convenience in combat. This ax could easily penetrate any armor, however, there was a possibility that if it got stuck, it would be difficult to remove it.


Chekan - a battle ax with a beak-shaped blade and a flat striker on the butt, which was fixed with an eyelet on the handle. The name received from the old Russian word "chasing", which is synonymous with the word "axe".

The blade of the coinage was 9 to 15 cm long and 10 to 12 cm wide, and the hole usually had a diameter of 2 to 3 cm. It weighed about 200 to 350 g.

This type of ax was used for close hand-to-hand combat. Many scientists and researchers often confuse coinage with slander, however, they have a number of significant differences:

  • coinage could cut through and break through shields,
  • it is much easier to remove it after the strike,
  • possessed an "anti-ricochet" property,
  • did not slip
  • could not bend or break upon impact with steel.

Often, to balance and increase the functionality of the tool, chasing and slander united on one tree.

Ax (halberd)

The ax is one of the varieties of battle axes, with a wide, up to 30 cm, crescent-shaped blade mounted on a handle up to 1 meter long. Often axes were made heavy. In Russia, axes were used mainly by infantrymen, therefore, in order to be able to pull the enemy off the horse and pierce the armor, they were often made with a long and strong spike on the butt, which was bent down.

By the 15th century, axes in Russia were supplanted by more effective reed, because it was more versatile.

Russian battle ax-Chekan

In search of history. Battle ax.

The ax is actually a very important tool. Of course, if you are a real carpenter, then you must definitely know how to make an ax that is perfect for certain jobs. Professional master carpenters usually use several axes at once. However, this species the tool is also necessary for people living outside the city, or just city residents who occasionally travel to their summer cottages. After all, you need to heat the bath with firewood, and you can chop them only with the help of an ax. And so that no misunderstandings arise in the process, and the tool does not let you down, you should know about all the subtleties of how to make an ax with your own hands, as well as how to prepare it for work. The ax itself can be completely different in shape. But you should properly mount the ax, wedged, and it is also necessary to sharpen at a certain angle.

The choice of the piercing part of the ax

When you are faced with a choice, in the process of acquiring a stabbing part, be sure to pay attention to the metal from which it is made. There must be an inscription GOST, confirming the implementation in accordance with the norms and requirements. You should be alert if you see a sign like: OST, MRTU, TU. In this case, the metal production technology could be changed by the manufacturer. If we talk about choosing a good Soviet ax, then it is better to buy it on the regular market.

One can check the quality of an ax in the old way by striking the blade of one against the blade of another. If one of the products is made of poor quality, then it is on it that the impact marks will remain. Also, if you hang the ax, you can knock on it and listen to the sound. It will be characteristic.

Pay attention to the fact that if the blade is good, there should be no dents or flaws; the eye must be cone-shaped; also, the eye and the blade must be coaxial; and also there must be at least a small thickness of the butt, and its ends must be perpendicular to the blade.

If you could not find a product that would meet all standards. Do good ax you can on your own. Even if some misunderstandings are found in the purchased product over time, they can be eliminated by sharpening the burrs, boring the eyes, and giving the butt a symmetrical shape.

Select a workpiece. Make an ax handle

Based on your height and strength, you should choose the length of the ax handle. The quality of the wood is also very important. For example, for lightweight products, up to one kg in weight, the length of the handles is 40-60 cm. If we talk about a heavy ax - up to one and a half kilograms in weight, the length of the handle will be 55-65 cm.

Approaching the question of how to make a wooden ax should be done correctly. For example, not every tree is suitable for its handle. The most suitable options are the basal part of the birch, as well as its growths; maple or oak, ash and other types of wood. It is very important to dry the preparations well, and always in natural conditions and for a considerable time.

You select the tool template in advance, and your template should be outlined on the workpiece. The end part of the handle should be thickened so that the master can slow down with his hand if the ax slips out. Excess wood (outside the outline) should be removed with a knife, an ax with a perfectly sharpened blade, or other similar tools. After that, you need to make sure that the actions are correct. Put the ax on the ax handle for fitting, using a mallet. Make sure these parts fit very snugly together. After that, you can proceed to further cleaning. To scrape, you should use glass, and to grind - fine-grained sandpaper. Knowing how to make an ax out of wood is half the battle. But that's not all.

"Landing" an ax on the handle

This process can be done, for example, in this way:

  • The top of the ax handle is adjusted in accordance with the eyelet. Unnecessary wood should be removed with a knife.

  • The hatchet should be placed horizontally on a flat hard surface, and the ax should be placed on top. On the handle, you need to mark with a pencil the place to which it needs to be planted. Dividing the segment in two, you should put a second mark.

  • Use a vise to clamp the ax so that the wider end is up. A hacksaw for metal should be cut to the 2nd mark directly under the wedge.

  • The wedge can be from the store, and also made from wood by hand. Its thickness can be 5-10 mm, the length is the same as the depth of cut, the width is equal to the eye of an ax.

  • You need to put a board on the table, and put an ax on it, upside down. The ax should be put on the handle, tapping it on the board. Next, turn over and knock with the handle, in the process of planting. So turn over and tap should be several times in a row. As a result, the ax should go into the eye.

  • After that, the ax handle must be placed vertically, and a wedge should be inserted into the cut and hammered with a mallet.

  • Oil should be applied to the ax handle, the excess will drain, and the tool will remain to dry. After all, with the help of a rag, it is necessary to wipe the ax and the handle.

In addition, you can watch a video on how to make an ax, with which you will be more clear about the essence of making a tool.

Ax blade sharpening

This issue is very important so that the work of the tool does not cause inconvenience and trouble. In accordance with GOST, the sharpening angle should be from twenty to thirty degrees. If you are a professional carpenter, then sharpening should be done at an angle of thirty-five degrees.

Upon completion of the work done with an ax, it is recommended to put a cover on the blade. Be careful!

“It’s not a fur coat that warms a man, but an ax,” says folk wisdom. An indispensable assistant in the household, right hand» of any carpenter - it's all about a completely unpretentious tool called an ax.

Whether it is an ax for a summer residence or for professional use, the demand for this tool will never disappear.

A conscientious attitude to operation, the ability to properly prepare the tool for work, will help not only to avoid trouble, but also serve as a guarantee of the successful completion of the planned work.

Experienced craftsmen know how to make an axe. Understanding technology and learning practical advice, making an ax with your own hands is not difficult for a non-professional.

Ax piercing attachment

When choosing a piercing metal part for a future ax, special attention deserves the quality of the material. Parts made according to GOST, that's what you need.

Markings MRTU, OST or TU on the nozzle should be avoided, because these designations allow for changes in technology during the pouring of the part (there may be the addition of third-party substances that affect the quality of the material).

When the blade strikes another, there should be no serifs on both. The curvature of the material, the presence of any kind of dents, the curved axis of the blade are completely excluded.

Significance of the handle

You can choose the optimal length of the ax handle based on the growth parameters of the master and the impact force. The strength, in turn, directly depends on the length, so when working with a large ax, it will be easier to chop logs of firewood.

Before making a choice, it is worth deciding on the desired result:

  • heavy version of the tool ( total weight 1kg.-1.4kg., handle length from 55 to 65 cm);
  • lightweight version (weight 0.8 kg-1 kg., with a length of 40 to 60 cm.).

The quality of the wood from which the ax will be made is of great importance. Not every type of wood is suitable for manufacturing. Often, birch is used for this purpose (parts located near the roots or stem growths).

There are also handles made of oak, acacia, maple and other hardwoods. All selected blanks need long-term drying.

After the wooden blank dries well, the contours of the handle are drawn on it, according to a pre-made template. To avoid slipping of the hand during operation and to increase the convenience of the ax, it is necessary to provide a thickening at the end of the handle.

A knife, a chisel, an electric jigsaw will help to cut the contour.

After trying on the ax nozzle and not finding any signs of a loose fit of the parts, you can safely continue to improve the ax handle. Glass will help to scrape the tool, and sandpaper is useful for grinding.

Planting a piercing nozzle on the handle

Properly following the instructions for the nozzle will lead to excellent results:

The eye of the piercing part must be adjusted to the upper part of the ax handle, extra part wood can be easily removed with a knife.

Make a mark on the handle where the stabbing part will end. To do this, you need to place the handle lying down, in order to avoid inaccuracies. Divide the resulting segment in half, make an appropriate mark.

Holding the ax handle, standing, it is necessary to make a cut to the second mark. This is done with a hacksaw and used for a wedge.

Plan out a wooden wedge similar to a pre-purchased metal wedge. The width is equal to the size of the eye, the thickness of the product is from 5 to 10 mm, and the length is equal to the depth of cut.

Putting a board on the table, it is necessary to put on it the piercing part, located upside down. Next, put this part on the handle and slowly start tapping it on the board.

Periodically, you need to change the method of tapping from the stabbing part to tapping with an ax handle.

As soon as the piercing part enters the eye, it is necessary to put the ax vertically and insert a wooden wedge. A hacksaw for metal will help to cut off all unnecessary materials, which as a result of the nozzle will be on top.

At the end, oil is applied to the handle, and the product is thoroughly dried. The correctness of execution can be compared with the photo of an ax to the country house, posted below.

Blade sharpening

In order to avoid the hassle arising at the time of work, it is necessary to responsibly approach the sharpening of the blade. Regulatory indicators of compliance with GOST:

Compliance with the requirements in the amount of sharpening is very important. The mismatch of the degree leads to the fact that when chopping with an ax, the blade gets stuck in the wood.

During the initial sharpening, minor damage, chips and potholes are eliminated. After the secondary sharpening is carried out. The end of the process is the grinding process, performed with a fine-grained bar.

A hand-made tool according to the instructions is always the best ax that can be in the country.

Photos of the best ax options for giving

An ax is one of the most common types of edged weapons in antiquity. It was much cheaper and more practical than a sword, the manufacture of which took a huge amount of scarce iron, and in terms of combat effectiveness it was in no way inferior to it. An ideal example of this kind of weapon is the Viking axes, which will be discussed in this article.

Where did they go

Where did combat and utility knives come from? Ancient axes were very remotely similar to their modern “descendants”: forget about the pieces of sharpened flint screwed to the shaft with ropes! Much more often they looked like a drilled cobblestone impaled on a stick. Simply put, initially axes were not at all chopping, but crushing weapons.

And it's justified. Imagine a relatively thin, chipped plate of flint: what will happen to it if the owner hits the shield, wood or stone? That's right, it will be possible to say goodbye to weapons, since this mineral is very brittle. And this is in the middle of a fight! So a stone planted on a strong shaft is a much more reliable weapon. And an ax in it modern form could appear only after mankind mastered the basics of metalworking.

Basic information

Contrary to popular belief, Viking axes, even the most menacing ones, were never heavy. Maximum - 600 grams, no more. In addition, the shaft was never bound with iron! First, the metal used to be extremely expensive. Secondly, it made the ax heavier, and a massive weapon in a long battle could lead to the death of the owner.

Another misconception of modernity is "an ax is a weapon of commoners." Like, all the "self-respecting" leaders of the Vikings used swords. This is from the category of Hollywood myths about the Vikings. The ax is much more practical, simpler, it is not so a pity to lose it in the heat of battle. A good sword made of “good” iron was so expensive that archaeologists have so far been able to find only single copies of such weapons.

Confirmation of this is the found graves of military leaders and high-ranking "inhabitants". They sometimes found entire arsenals, among which there were many axes. So this weapon is indeed universal, it was used by both ordinary soldiers and their commanders.

The appearance of two-handed axes

But favorite "toy" northern peoples there was a legendary brodax, aka a two-handed ax on a long shaft (that's what the Viking ax is called, by the way). In periodicals, it is often called the "Danish ax", but the name is not very true, since it does not fully convey the very essence of this weapon. " finest hour» Brodaks came in the 11th century. Then people who are armed with it could be found from Karelia to Britain.

In full accordance with the ancient sagas, the Vikings simply loved to give their weapons sublime and epic names. For example, "Friend of the Shield", "War Witch", "Wound Wound". Of course, only the best and highest quality samples were awarded such an attitude.

What was the difference between two-handed axes?

In appearance, the blades of the brodaxes were very large and massive, but this impression is only partly true. The blade of such axes was significantly thinned during manufacture in order to save precious weight. But the “ax” itself could indeed be large: the distance from one tip of the blade to the other often reached 30 cm, and despite the fact that the “working body” of the Viking ax almost always had a significant bend. Such weapons inflicted terrible wounds.

Handles for a reliable swing had to be large ... and they really were! The “average” brodax, rested on the ground with a shaft, reached the chin of a standing warrior, but more “epic” samples were often encountered. These axes were extremely powerful weapon, but still they had one serious drawback. Since the shaft had to be held with both hands, the warrior was automatically left without the protection of the shield. That is why the “classic” one-handed axes of the Vikings occupied far from the last place in the life of the latter.

Influence on the military affairs of the Slavs

Many similar weapons were found near and on the territory of our country. Brodaxes come across especially a lot, and such finds are most typical for Leningrad region. Approximately in the XII-XIII century, the situation in those parts becomes less "tense", and the list of standard weapons is gradually changing. Viking axes with wide blades are gradually "transformed" into relatively harmless household equipment.

By the way, according to historians and archaeologists, it was during the period of maximum distribution of brodaks in Russia that a real “boom” in the development of domestic weapons thought of those years occurred. Battle axes in Russia, created under the influence of the Varangians, absorbed all the best from European, Asian and Scythian designs. Why are we paying attention to this? It's simple: the descendants of the Normans will later like the evolved Russian axes.

Combined models

Exactly Kievan Rus gave a second life to combined options, with a striker on the butt. Similar weapons at one time it was highly quoted by the Scythians. It is these axes that in the 10-11 centuries the Vikings will “take over”, and from our country this weapon will begin its march through the countries Western Europe. It should be noted that initially the Vikings used a pick with a simple, round or mushroom-shaped section.

But already in the 12th century, battle axes in Russia acquired a square-shaped coinage. This evolution is quite simple to explain: if initially the military people dressed in chain mail and other light armor, then over time the armor became more and more serious. It was necessary to break through it, and so there were klevtsy and "punches" with a pronounced faceted section. Most prominent representative Varangian-Russian axes is the hatchet of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Most likely, it never belonged to the prince himself, but it was made just in the historical period we are describing.

Weapons of the "modern Vikings"

Today, by the way, are produced modern replicas this weapon. Where can you buy such an ax? Kizlyar ("Viking" - one of the most popular models) - this is the new "homeland" excellent weapons. If you are one of the enthusiastic reenactors, then best choice you won't find it anywhere else.

Why not a sword?

As we have already noted, the ax is often perceived by the layman as a weapon of a lumberjack and a master, but not a warrior. Theoretically, this assumption has some logical reasons: firstly, these weapons are much easier to manufacture. Secondly, even a more or less tolerable mastery of a sword required at least ten years, while the ax was with a person at that time all the time, and the improvement in the skills of its use took place, so to speak, “on the job”.

But this point of view is only partly true. Almost the only factor in choosing a weapon was its combat practicality. Many historians believe that the ax was supplanted by the sword because of its heavy weight. And this is also not entirely true. Firstly, the weight of the Viking ax only slightly exceeded the mass combat sword(and even it was less - the mass of the ax itself was no more than 600 grams). Secondly, swinging the sword also required a lot of space.

Most likely, in the historical perspective, the ax gave way due to advances in metallurgy. There was more steel, warriors could be provided large quantity albeit inferior, but technological and cheap swords, equipment combat use which was much simpler and did not require such significant physical data from the "user". It must be remembered that the fights of that time were by no means elegant fencing, the matter was decided by two or three blows, the better-trained person had the advantage, and therefore both the ax and the sword were equivalent weapons in this regard.

Economic importance

But we should not forget about another reason for the popularity of axes. The Viking ax (whose name is brodax) also had a purely economic importance. Simply put, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a fortified camp with the same sword; Given that most Vikings were on campaigns in their lives, and at home they were engaged in quite peaceful affairs, the choice of the ax was more than justified because of its high practicality.

Ax as a weapon of noble warriors

Judging by the annals and finds of archaeologists, this type of weapon was very popular among the Scandinavian warriors. Thus, King Olaf the Holy, notorious in his time, was the owner battle ax with the expressive name "Hel". So, by the way, the ancient Scandinavians called Eirik, the son had the respectful nickname "Bloody ax", which quite transparently hints at his preferences in the field of choosing weapons.

There are frequent references to "axes lined with silver" in written sources, and in last years scientists have found many archaeological artifacts that testify to the truth of these words. Such, in particular, was the famous Mamenna ax, on the surface of which amazing and beautiful patterns formed by a hammered silver thread. Naturally, such weapons were of status and emphasized the high position of the owner in society.

The burial of Sutton Hoo also testifies to the great reverence for battle axes, as many richly decorated axes were found in it. Judging by the luxury of this burial ground, one of the outstanding military leaders of the Angles or Saxons was probably buried there. What is characteristic: the deceased himself was buried "in an embrace" with an ax, on which there are practically no decorations. This is purely so that during his lifetime this man clearly preferred axes.

sacred meaning

There is another circumstance indicating the reverence with which the northerners treated the axes. Archaeological and written sources unambiguously indicate that the Viking "axe" tattoo was extremely common precisely in the period from the 10th to the 15th centuries. This weapon, one way or another, appeared in almost all combat patterns with which professional warriors adorned their bodies.

It is also worth noting that the Viking Ax amulet was no less common. Almost every second neck pendant included a miniature figurine of an axe. It was believed that such an ornament bestows the strength, power and mind of a real warrior.


If you are a professional reenactor, then the Viking ax (made by Kizlyar) can be an ideal choice. But such a “toy” is not too cheap, and therefore many lovers of medieval weapons may have the idea of self-manufacturing this weapon. How realistic is this? Is it possible to make a Viking ax with your own hands?

Yes, it is quite possible. base for ancient weapons an ordinary ax can serve, from which, with the help of a grinder, everything superfluous is simply cut off. After that, using the same angle grinder, the entire surface is carefully polished, on which there should not be any burrs and protruding pieces of metal.

Other remarks

As you can see, making a Viking ax with your own hands is relatively easy, and it will not require large expenses. The disadvantage of this method is that the resulting tool will only have a decorative function, since they will no longer be able to perform chores.

To create an authentic sample, you will have to use the help of a professional blacksmith, since only forging will allow you to get a truly fully functional ax, an analogue of those axes that the Vikings once fought with. Here's how to make a Viking Axe.

battle ax

This type of weapon, one might say, was unlucky. Epics and heroic songs do not mention axes as the “glorious” weapons of the heroes; in chronicle miniatures, only foot militias are armed with them. But in almost any publication where it comes to the weapons and military operations of the Vikings, "huge axes" are certainly mentioned. As a result, the opinion about the ax as an atypical, alien weapon for Russia took root. Accordingly, in works of art it is “given” either to our historical opponents or to negative characters in order to emphasize their villainous character in this way. I even had to read that the Russian people "from time immemorial" comprehended the ax as something "dark and vile" and even "misanthropic" ...

1. Axe. 2. Minted. 3. Ax

Such a belief is very far from the truth and, as usual, comes from ignorance of the subject. About what meaning our pagan ancestors actually attached to the ax is said in the chapter “Perun Svarozhich”. The rarity of its mention in the annals and the absence in the epics, scientists explain by the fact that the ax was not very convenient for the rider. Meanwhile, the early Middle Ages in Russia passed under the sign of the cavalry coming to the fore as the most important military force. If you look at the map archaeological finds, one can be convinced that battle axes are found much more often in the north of Russia than in the south. In the south, in the steppe and forest-steppe expanses, the cavalry early acquired decisive importance. In the north, in the conditions of a rugged wooded area, it was more difficult for her to turn around. Foot combat prevailed here for a long time. As far back as the 13th century, according to the chronicle, Novgorodians tried to dismount before the battle, declaring to their commanders that they did not want to “measure on horseback”, preferring to fight on foot, “like our fathers”. The Vikings also fought on foot - even if they came to the battlefield on horseback.

Incidentally, the myth of "huge axes", which required "incredible strength" to simply lift, is immediately dispelled, it is worth looking into any learned book. Battle axes, being similar in shape to the workers that lived in the same places, not only did not exceed them in size and weight, but, on the contrary, were smaller and lighter. Archaeologists often write not even “battle axes”, but “ battle axes". Old Russian monuments also mention not “huge axes”, but “light axes”. A heavy ax that must be carried with two hands is a woodcutter's tool, not a warrior's weapon. He really has a terrible blow, but his severity, and therefore slowness, gives the enemy a good chance to dodge and get the ax-bearer with some more maneuverable and light weapon. And besides, the ax must be carried on oneself during the campaign and “tirelessly” wave it in battle!

Experts believe that Slavic warriors were familiar with battle axes of various types. There are among them those who came to us from the west, there are those from the east. In particular, the East gave Russia the so-called coinage - a battle hatchet with a butt elongated in the form of a long hammer. Such a butt device provided a kind of counterweight to the blade and made it possible to strike with excellent accuracy. Scandinavian archaeologists write that the Vikings, when they came to Russia, it was here that they got acquainted with the coinage and partly took them into service. Nevertheless, in the 19th century, when decisively all Slavic weapons were declared to be either Scandinavian or Tatar in origin, the coinage was recognized as “Viking weapons”. A funny impression is made by the illustrations of some artists of that time, where the Vikings go towards the Slavs, holding weapons in their hands, which, according to the authoritative opinion of scientists, they had to borrow from the Slavs in a few centuries!

Much more characteristic of the Vikings were axes, which archaeologists call "broad-bladed." There is nothing so “huge” (except for a meter-long ax handle) in them: the length of the blade is 17-18 cm (rarely up to 22 cm), the width is also most often 17-18 cm. Weight - from 200 to 450 g; for comparison, the weight of a peasant working ax ranged from 600 to 800 g. Such axes spread around the year 1000 throughout northern Europe. They were used from Karelia to Britain, including in places where the Vikings rarely appeared, for example, in the central regions of Poland. Scientists recognize the Scandinavian origin of broad-bladed axes. But this does not mean that anyone who made them or fought with them was necessarily a Scandinavian.

Another type of battle axes - with a characteristic straight upper edge and a blade drawn down - is more common in the north of Russia, mainly in areas with a mixed population, where Slavic and Finnish tribes lived nearby. Scientists call these axes “Russian-Finnish”. Axes of a similar shape, judging by the archaeological data, appeared in Norway, Sweden and Finland as early as the 7th-8th centuries. In the 10th-12th centuries, they become typical for Finland and the north-east of Russia.

Russia also developed its own, “national” type of battle axes - which, by the way, once again confirms the incorrectness of the opinion that this type of weapon is alien to the Slavs. The design of such axes is surprisingly rational and perfect. Their blade is somewhat curved downwards, which not only chopping, but also cutting properties were achieved. The shape of the blade is such that the efficiency of the ax approached unity: all the impact force was concentrated in the middle part of the blade, so that the blow was truly crushing. On the sides of the butt, small processes were placed - “cheeks”, the back part was also lengthened with special “toes”. They protected the handle when the planted ax had to be swung back and forth after hard hit. With such an ax it was possible to perform various movements and, first of all, to deliver a powerful vertical blow.

It is no coincidence that axes of this type were (depending on size) both working and fighting. Since the 10th century, they have spread widely throughout Russia, becoming the most massive. Other peoples appreciated Russian invention. Archaeologists find hatchets of this type in Volga Bulgaria, Scandinavia, Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltic states. But these finds date back to a later time, so even the most stubborn Normans can only recognize the East Slavic origin of this type of axes.

Let's mention one curious detail. On the blades of some battle axes, scientists, no, no, yes, and they find ... a hole. Her appointment has long been the subject of scientific controversy. Some considered the hole a magical sign, others considered it an ornament, others considered it a production brand, the fourth believed that a metal rod was inserted into the hole so that the ax did not go too deep when struck, the fifth argued that a wire ring with a tied rope was threaded into it - to pull the ax back towards you after throwing at the target. In fact, everything turned out to be much more practical and simpler. According to many archaeologists, the hole served to fasten a cloth sheath to the blade, “Yes, this man will not cut it.” And besides, an ax was hung for her at the saddle or on the wall.

Some scientists, by analogy with a hole in an ax, suggest recalling the spears of the Bronze Age, in the tips of which holes were also made. Archaeologists find similar spears in steppe zone Russia, as well as in Denmark and China. It has been established that their holes were used for attaching leather or cloth tassels, pendants, even figurines, similar to the way the end of a military banner pole is formed these days. One ancient Chinese spear has been preserved - miniature figurines of captives hanging on a rack, with their arms twisted, are attached to the holes in its tip ...

Battle axes. Samples of basic forms. 10th–13th centuries

So, the ax was a universal companion of a warrior and faithfully served him not only in battle, but also at a halt, as well as when clearing a road for an army in a dense forest. Indeed, it would be nice to remember this for the authors of works that force their heroes to chop bushes and trees with swords or chop wood for a fire. Much more respect deserves the observations of Eastern travelers who saw Slavic warriors at the beginning of the 10th century with their own eyes. These records testify that our ancestors in a military campaign constantly carried with them not only a sword, but also an ax, a knife and others. necessary tools, up to the saw - a whole arsenal of "artisan tools".

In conclusion, we make one more remark. What is the difference between "axe" and "axe" and is there a difference between them? In the archaeological literature, both these words are used interchangeably, as synonyms. There is also no clear distinction in ancient Russian literary monuments. But in fiction“Axe” is more often called a combat, rather than a working ax: apparently, it sounds more menacing.

Nevertheless, some philologists insist that the battle ax was basically called the “axe”, and the worker was called the “axe”. In any case, it was the word "axe" that passed from the language of the Eastern Slavs to the language of distant Iceland, entrenched in it as one of the names of the battle axe. Interestingly, the Slavic and Germanic languages ​​in this case, as it were, "exchanged" names. Our ancestors used another synonym for "axe" - the now forgotten word "bradva" ("bradov", "brady"). Linguists believe that in the deepest antiquity this word passed to us from the language of the Germans. Moreover, it is no coincidence that “bradva” looks like a “beard”. To both the Germans and our ancestors, the ax blade pulled down seemed “bearded”. The wide-bladed ax already familiar to us in Iceland was called the “bearded ax” ...

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Chapter XVIII. THE AX FALLS By the spring of 1646, the armed resistance offered by the forces of the king of the parliamentary army was broken. Sir Jacob Astley, captured after the defeat of Charles's last troops at Stone Wold, told his captors, "Well, boys, you've done

From the book Another History of Russia. From Europe to Mongolia [= Forgotten History Russia] author

Why is there an ax in the soup? Surprising as it may seem, but for the first time the idea of ​​the connection of Genghis Khan's army with papal Rome was expressed and presented to the general public long before us. We are not even talking about the works of N. A. Morozov, whose "Russian history", written in the first half of the XX

From the book Forgotten History of Russia [= Another History of Russia. From Europe to Mongolia] author Kalyuzhny Dmitry Vitalievich

Why is there an ax in the soup? Surprising as it may seem, but for the first time the idea of ​​the connection of Genghis Khan's army with papal Rome was expressed and presented to the general public long before us. We are not even talking about the works of N. A. Morozov, whose "Russian History", written in the first half of the twentieth

From the book The Knight and His Armor. Plate armor and weapons by Oakeshott Ewart

CHAPTER 3 AX, MACE AND HAMMER The weapons I want to introduce in this chapter can be called secondary weapons. medieval knight. It will be about an ax, a mace and a hammer. This weapon was worn like a sword and a spear, as part of fully armed. Of course there were

From book hunting weapon. From the Middle Ages to the twentieth century author Blackmore Howard L.

From the book "The Ugly Child of Versailles" because of which the Second World War author Lozunko Sergey

Polish ax in the back of the League of Nations In any historical work, event World War II, necessarily contains an indication of the helplessness of the League of Nations, this "big brother" of the current UN, conceived as a collective means of preventing wars and

There was no Kievan Rus from the book. What historians are silent about author Kungurov Alexey Anatolievich

modern civilization spawned an iron ax? I think the reader is already ready to independently answer the question why Kievan Rus could not take place even hypothetically. However, criticism of the official scientific dogma is unproductive if the author does not offer

From the book With Rommel in the Desert. African Panzer Corps in the days of victories and defeats 1941-1942 author Schmidt Heinz Werner

CHAPTER 10 "Battleaxe" on the Frontier 1After our visit to Sollum, Rommel lost interest in Tobruk and began to pay more attention to the frontier.

by John Keller

The Ax Man Meanwhile, the East German leadership had already gone through a phase of purges by the Soviet MGB and then by the MVD, the secret police, renamed again after Lavrenty Beria took over again in March 1953. Dozens of high-ranking

From the book Secrets of the Stasi. The history of the famous secret service of the GDR by John Keller

An ax falls on Ulbricht The Stasi chief's devotion to his work was such that he could well be called a workaholic. In addition to spying on dissidents, counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and the fight against international terrorists Milke watched closely.

From the book Originally Russian Europe. Where are we from? author Katyuk Georgy Petrovich

4.1. "Ax", without which you can't cook soup. I'm a Tatar, I'm a Tatar with a Russian soul. Song So, the religion of the Cossack Field, the Russian faith, was identical to the religion of the Mongol-Tatars. And the next question arises. How could it be so coincidental that, having come to Russia from distant Transbaikalia,

From the book Sink "Icebreaker" author Zorin Andrey Alexandrovich

Chapter 4. An ax in the back “She took an ax and hit her father forty times” From American folklore “On August 19, 1939, Stalin began the secret mobilization of the Red Army, after which the Second World War became completely inevitable. But Hitler did not pay attention to what was happening in

From the book The Fourth Ingredient author Brook Michael

WHERE THE POW AND THE AX WALKED. Poddubitsy and Krutoyaritsy. True omen. "Lost" black soil. Sly Prince Vasily. "Vervi" of the great sovereign. Wealth of the Dvina people. The joys of the "roaring camp". Drawing of Siberia. Reservation. Leave for a dream. Little is left

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic Culture, Writing and Mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

Ax Belonging to a man, husband, warrior; a symbol of courage. Deities depicted with battle axes different peoples; among the Slavs - Perun and other solar deities. The ax was used as a weapon, as an instrument of labor, as a sacrificial attribute. Due to the fact that this

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