Medium tank Pz Kpfw III and its modifications. Armored vehicles after the Second World War Buy an evacuation hatch for a pz 3 tank

It is necessary to start this story with the fact that in the fall of 1939 two damaged German tanks were discovered and secretly removed in Poland, which were carefully studied at the NIBT training ground. light tankPzKpfw II was almost complete, but did not cause any special emotions. Successful reservations from 15-20 mm cemented armor sheets, a successful engine design were noted (the engine was transferred to the Yaroslavl plant for careful study in order to develop a project for a similar product with a capacity of 200-250 hp), a gearbox and a cooling system, but in general, an assessment the tank was restrained.

But when examining a tank pz Kpfw III , referred to in the ABTU documents as "medium 20-ton tank "Daimler-Benz", the Soviet specialists got a break in the pattern. The weight of the tank was approximately 20 tons, it had cemented (that is, unequally hardened armor, when the upper layer of the armor plate is hardened to high hardness, and the back layer remains viscous) armor 32 mm thick, a very successful 320-horsepower gasoline engine, excellent observation devices and a sight , as well as the commander's cupola. The tank was not on the move, and it was not possible to repair it, because already in the spring of 1940, the sheets of its armor were fired from anti-tank guns and PTR. But in 1940, the same tank was officially bought in Germany "for informational purposes" and delivered to Kubinka for sea trials.
In domestic documents, this tank is called T-SHG, but most likely its modification was Ausf F, and the letter "F" turned from typewritten capital letter D drawing a small transverse crossbar by hand.

The results of the tests of these two tanks amazed the Soviet specialists. It turned out that the German tanks have very high quality armor.

Even in the process of capturing and secretly transporting the "Polish" PzKpfw III, two shots were fired at it from a distance of 400 m from a 45-mm cannon, which did not penetrate (!) The side armor 32 mm thick. The regular BR-240 armor-piercing projectile left two round holes 18 and 22 mm deep in the side, but the back of the sheet was not damaged, only 4-6 mm high bulges formed on the surface, which were covered with a network of small cracks.

The mention of this caused a desire to do the same experiment at the NIBT test site. But here, shooting from a specified distance at an angle of contact from the normal to 30 degrees, they pierced the indicated armor twice (out of five). Deputy People's Commissar of Defense for Armaments G. Kulik authorized an inquiry through the technical department of the NKV and GAU under the leadership of E. Satel, which showed the following:
"... Shelling from a 45-mm cannon armor-piercing projectile armor of a German medium tank gives us an extreme case of penetration, since the indicated German cemented armor with a thickness of 32 mm is equal in strength to 42-44 mm hemogenic armor of the IZ type (Izhora plant). Thus, cases of shelling the side of the tank at an angle greater than 30 degrees lead to shell ricochets, especially since the surface hardness of German armor is extremely high ...
In this case, the matter was aggravated by the fact that when firing, shells of the 1938 release were used with poor-quality heat treatment of the body, which, in order to increase the output, was carried out according to a reduced program, which led to increased fragility of the shell and its splitting when overcoming thick armor of high hardness.
Details about the shells of this party and the decision to withdraw them from the troops were reported to you on 06/21/1939 ...
The investigation conclusively shows that despite the said decision to seize, a large number of 45-mm armor-piercing shells of the above-mentioned part, as well as in the neighboring one, have the same marks and, apparently, the same defect ... Thus, the withdrawal of these shells from the troops, this was done up to the present day. there was no time, and the shells of the release of 1938 to this day coexist with new ones of normal quality ...
When shelling the armored hull of the tank at the BT-Polygon, 45-mm BRZ shells were used. 1940, free from the indicated defect and fully satisfying TTT ... "

Armor plate with a thickness of 32 mm tank PzKptw III after shelling with a series of five 45 mm shells (2 holes). Meeting angle up to 30 degrees.

But even the use of high-quality shells did not make the "forty-five" powerful enough to fight the PzKpfw III tank at medium and long ranges. Indeed, according to our intelligence data, in Germany they have already begun to produce these tanks with 45-52-mm hull and turret armor, which is insurmountable for 45-mm shells at all ranges.
The next feature of the German tank what caused delight among domestic tank builders was its transmission, and in particular the gearbox. Even rough calculations showed that the tank must be very mobile. With an engine power of 320 hp. and a mass of about 19.8 tons, the tank had to accelerate on a good road up to 65 km / h, and a successful selection of gears made it possible to realize its speed well on all types of roads.
The joint run of the German tank approved from above with the T-34 and BT-7 confirmed the advantages of the German on the move. On a measured kilometer of a gravel highway on the Kubinka-Repishe-Krutitsa stretch german tank showed top speed at 69.7 km/h, best value for the T-34 it was 48.2 km/h, for the BT-7 it was 68.1 km/h. At the same time, the testers preferred the German tank because of the better ride, visibility, and comfortable crew jobs.

In the fall of 1940, the chairman of the Defense Committee K. Voroshilov received a letter from the new head of the ABTU:
"A study of the latest samples of foreign tank building shows that the most successful among them is the German medium tank"Daimler-Benz-T-3G". It has the most successful combination of mobility and armor protection with a small combat weight - approx. 20 tons. This suggests that this tank, with armor protection comparable to the T-34, with a more spacious fighting compartment, excellent mobility, is undoubtedly cheaper than the T-34, and therefore can be produced in a large series.
According to the special opinion of vols. Ginzburg, Gavrut and Troyanov, the main disadvantage of this type of tank is its armament from a 37-mm gun. But according to Sept. this year reconnaissance, these tanks are already being upgraded by strengthening the armor to 45-52 mm and armament with a 47-mm or even 55-mm cannon ...
I think that german army in the face of this tank, today it has the most successful combination of mobility, firepower and armor protection, backed up by a good view from the workplaces of crew members ...
It is necessary to continue work on the "126" tank without a minute's delay in order to bring all its characteristics to the level of the German vehicle (or surpass it), and also to introduce the most successful solutions of the German tank into the design of our other new tanks, such as:
1. construction of evacuation hatches;
2. engine cooling circuit;
3. gearbox design;
4. power supply scheme with engine placement and fuel tank behind a sealed enclosure from the team;
5. commander's observation tower;
6. placement of the radio station in the case.
I ask you to make a decision to finalize the design of new tanks in view of the newly discovered circumstances ...

Fedorenko 13/1X-40"

All this determined some adjustments in the course of Soviet tank building, taken in 1937-1938. and corrected at the beginning of 1940.
At the end of October, the leadership of ABTU basically formulated requirements for supplementing and changing the designs of new tanks and tactical and technical requirements for them, and On November 6, 1940, Marshal S. Timoshenko addressed the Chairman of the KO under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR K. Voroshilov with the following letter:
"The conducted experimental exercises of the Tank and Mechanized Troops showed that the issues of command and control of tank units are extremely difficult.
The results of long runs and tests of tanks, as well as the study of advanced models of foreign tank equipment, show that it is necessary to make appropriate additions to the Tactical and Technical Requirements for our tanks.
The tank commander, starting from a separate tank and above, must be given the opportunity to fully and constantly monitor the battlefield, the situation and the tanks subordinate to him, freeing him completely from the duty of an artilleryman or loader.
In present At the same time, viewing devices and means of observation for the commander are limited and cause an urgent need to increase all-round visibility and visibility for each individual tank.
At the same time, it is necessary to significantly reduce the efforts on the tank control drives when driving.
In order to improve the combat qualities of tanks ... it is necessary to make the following additions to the TTT.
1) Install special command observation turrets with all-round visibility on tank turrets.
2) Review the number of crews.
3) Specify weapons and ammunition.
4) For external communication, require the installation of a r / s KRSTB less. in size than 71-TK and easier to set up.
5) For internal communication, require the use of throat phones instead of bulky microphones.
6) The viewing devices of the driver and radio operator should be replaced with more advanced ones. The driver, in addition, install an optical viewing device.
7) Demand a warranty period for the operation of the tank at least 600 hours before K.R.
8) Change the suspension of the T-34 tank to an individual torsion bar.
9) In the first half of 1941, factories should develop and prepare for serial production a planetary transmission for T-34 and KV tanks. This will increase average speed tanks and make it easier to manage.
I present a draft resolution to the KO.
Please approve.
Marshal Soviet Union With Tymoshenko"

So, unlike the statements of some fans of armored vehicles, the Soviet military was well aware of the shortcomings of our pre-war tanks, even the "fresh" T-34 and KV. Largely because of this understanding, such a machine as the T-50 was born, or the project for the deep modernization of the T-34 tank, known as the A-43 (or T-34M).


M. Svirin “Stalin's armor shield. The history of the Soviet tank 1937-43.” Yauza/EXMO. 2006
M. Svirin “Stalin's self-propelled guns. Story Soviet self-propelled guns 1919-45.” Yauza/EXMO. 2008
M. Baryatinsky "Soviet tanks in battle. From T-26 to IS-2". YAUZA \ EXMO. Moscow. 2007.
"The Complete Encyclopedia of World Tanks 1915-2000". compiled by G.L. Kholyavsky. Harvest.Minsk\AST.Moscow. 1998

Starting the Second world war since the invasion of Poland, Germany had only about a hundred Panzer III tanks, so in the Polish campaign and battles with the French and British armies in the west, this tank was not so noticeable among the mass of more outdated tanks that were armed at that time tank forces Germany. But by the beginning of the Wehrmacht's eastern campaign, the Pz.III had already become the main tank of the German army. On June 22, 1941, there were 965 Panzer III tanks on the Soviet borders.


The development of the Panzer III medium tank has been carried out since 1934 by such well-known German concerns as Friedrich Krupp, MAN, Daimler-Benz and Rheinmetal Borsing. Each of the manufacturers presented their tank sample. As a result, the military preferred the Daimler-Benz project. The tank was put into production in 1937 and received its final name - "Pz.Kpfw.III". The first modification "Panzer III Ausf.A" had only bulletproof armor - 14.5mm and a 37mm gun. The tank was quickly improved and refined. Modifications A, B, C, D and E were released in small batches. The first large batch (435 units) produced the tank "Panzer III Ausf.F". Most of the F modification tanks were already armed with the 50 mm KwK 38 L/42 cannon. Reinforced frontal armor was now 30mm. The tank continued to be improved, making various design changes, increasing armor and strengthening weapons. So, the frontal armor of the "Panzer III Ausf.H" was already brought up to 60mm. For the late 30s, early 40s, it was a very good anti-shell armor. Work on the tank
continued during the first major victories of the Wehrmacht in the West, and then during the war with the Soviet Union, where the "Panzer III" was already the main tank of the German army. The combat value of the "Pz.III" of the most massive productions can be compared with the Soviet medium tank "T-28" in terms of firepower and armor, since after Finnish war The 30mm armor of these Soviet tanks was brought up to 50-80mm. Light tanks of the Red Army, such as the T-26 and BT-7, could fight the Pz.III on equal terms only under very favorable conditions, such as sudden fire from an ambush from a very close range, but as a rule, the trio outnumbered the light Soviet tanks due to the best performance characteristics, primarily armor and guns, as well as thanks to excellent guidance devices, excellent optics and the division of duties of crew members of five people, each of whom was engaged in his own business, while, for example, Soviet crews of three on the "T-26" were overloaded with work. Comfortable conditions the work of the crew increased seriously increased the effectiveness of the "Pz.III" in battle. And yet, with all its advantages, the troika could not fight absolutely on an equal footing with the new types of Soviet combat vehicles - the T-34 and KV. Only at a very close range was the fire of the "Pz.III" cannon on these tanks effective - a weak gun at that time became the most serious drawback of this excellent combat vehicle. Soviet tanks, on the other hand, had the ability to penetrate Panzer III armor while being at a sufficiently large distance outside the effective zone of destruction of the latter. The only thing that prevented Soviet tankers from fully realizing their advantages in battle was the lack of radio communications, problems with the transmission of the T-34 and especially the KV, as well as poor visibility from the tank. In this, the "troika" had advantages, but these shortcomings on the "T-34" were eliminated during the war, which completely reduced some of the superiority of the "Pz.III" to nothing. The "Panzer III" was assigned the role of the main tank in the Eastern Campaign of 1941, and an unpleasant surprise for the Germans was its poor maneuverability in the conditions of the war against the USSR - too wide caterpillar tracks made it difficult for the tank to move along the Russian impassability. The commander of the third German tank group, Herman Goth, noted that the lack of roads prevented the advance of his tanks, which moved through Belarus to Moscow, almost more than the Soviet armies.
Assessing the latest modifications of the "Panzer III" tank, namely "Ausf.J", "Ausf.L" and "Ausf.M", it is worth saying that in the late 30s, early 40s it would have been just an excellent tank, however at the time of the deployment of truly mass production of these tanks of the latest series, Germany's opponents also already had good samples of armored vehicles that were in no way inferior, and even surpassed the German tank in a number of characteristics. The British could oppose the German "Pz.III" with their "Matilda" with a frontal armor of 78 mm, as well as a well-armored infantry tank"Valentine" . The Soviet Union mass-produced T-34 medium tanks, and the Americans began sending M4 Sherman tanks to their allies under Lend-Lease. The ultimate potential of the Panzer III design was achieved when the L and M modifications were developed. It was not possible to further strengthen the armor and install a more powerful gun on the Troika. The Soviet Union, Britain and the United States continued to improve the characteristics of their combat vehicles and it was no longer possible to hold out the "Panzer III" to their level. By that time, Germany had long ago had a more advanced tank - the "Panzer IV", on which it was finally finally decided to bet after the obvious impossibility of further modernization of the "Panzer III".

Modern battle tanks Russia and the world photo, video, pictures watch online. This article gives an idea of ​​the modern tank fleet. It is based on the classification principle used in the most authoritative reference book to date, but in a slightly modified and improved form. And if the latter in its original form can still be found in the armies of a number of countries, then others have already become a museum exhibit. And all for 10 years! To follow in the footsteps of the Jane's guide and not consider this combat vehicle (quite by the way, curious in design and fiercely discussed at the time), which formed the basis of the tank fleet of the last quarter of the 20th century, the authors considered it unfair.

Films about tanks where there is still no alternative to this type of armament of the ground forces. The tank was and probably will remain a modern weapon for a long time due to the ability to combine such seemingly contradictory qualities as high mobility, powerful weapons and reliable crew protection. These unique qualities of tanks continue to be constantly improved, and the experience and technologies accumulated over decades predetermine new frontiers of combat properties and achievements of the military-technical level. In the age-old confrontation "projectile - armor", as practice shows, protection from a projectile is being improved more and more, acquiring new qualities: activity, multi-layeredness, self-defense. At the same time, the projectile becomes more accurate and powerful.

Russian tanks are specific in that they allow you to destroy the enemy from a safe distance, have the ability to perform quick maneuvers on impassable roads, contaminated terrain, can “walk” through the territory occupied by the enemy, seize a decisive bridgehead, induce panic in the rear and suppress the enemy with fire and caterpillars . The war of 1939-1945 was the most ordeal for all mankind, since almost all countries of the world were involved in it. It was the battle of the titans - the most unique period that theorists argued about in the early 1930s and during which tanks were used in large numbers by almost all the warring parties. At this time, a "check for lice" and a deep reform of the first theories of the use of tank troops took place. And it is the Soviet tank troops that are most affected by all this.

Tanks in battle that became a symbol of the past war, the backbone of the Soviet armored forces? Who created them and under what conditions? How did the USSR, which lost most their European territories and with difficulty recruiting tanks for the defense of Moscow, was he able to launch powerful tank formations on the battlefield already in 1943? When writing the book, materials from the archives of Russia and private collections of tank builders were used. There was a period in our history that was deposited in my memory with some depressing feeling. It began with the return of our first military advisers from Spain, and stopped only at the beginning of forty-third, - said the former general designer of self-propelled guns L. Gorlitsky, - there was some kind of pre-stormy state.

Tanks of the Second World War, it was M. Koshkin, almost underground (but, of course, with the support of "the wisest of the wise leader of all peoples"), who was able to create that tank that, a few years later, would shock German tank generals. And what’s more, he didn’t just create it, the designer managed to prove to these stupid military men that it was his T-34 that they needed, and not just another wheeled-tracked “highway”. The author is in slightly different positions that he formed after meeting with the pre-war documents of the RGVA and RGAE. Therefore, working on this segment of the history of the Soviet tank, the author will inevitably contradict something "generally accepted". This work describes the history of Soviet tank building in the most difficult years - from the beginning of a radical restructuring of all the activities of design bureaus and people's commissariats in general, during a frantic race to equip new tank formations of the Red Army, the transfer of industry to wartime rails and evacuation.

Tanks Wikipedia the author wants to express his special gratitude for the help in the selection and processing of materials to M. Kolomiyets, and also to thank A. Solyankin, I. Zheltov and M. Pavlov, the authors of the reference publication "Domestic armored vehicles. XX century. 1905 - 1941" because this book helped to understand the fate of some projects, unclear before. I would also like to recall with gratitude those conversations with Lev Izraelevich Gorlitsky, the former Chief Designer of UZTM, which helped to take a fresh look at the entire history of the Soviet tank during the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union. Today, for some reason, it is customary to talk about 1937-1938 in our country. only from the point of view of repressions, but few people remember that it was during this period that those tanks were born that became legends of the wartime ... "From the memoirs of L.I. Gorlinkogo.

Soviet tanks, a detailed assessment of them at that time sounded from many lips. Many old people recalled that it was from the events in Spain that it became clear to everyone that the war was getting closer to the threshold and it was Hitler who would have to fight. In 1937, mass purges and repressions began in the USSR, and against the backdrop of these difficult events soviet tank began to turn from a "mechanized cavalry" (in which one of its combat qualities was emphasized by lowering others) into a balanced combat vehicle, possessing at the same time powerful weapons sufficient to suppress most targets, good maneuverability and mobility with armor protection, capable of maintaining its combat capability under shelling the most massive anti-tank weapons of a potential enemy.

Large tanks were recommended to be added to the composition only special tanks- floating, chemical. The brigade now had 4 separate battalions 54 tanks each and was strengthened by the transition from three-tank platoons to five-tank ones. In addition, D. Pavlov justified the refusal to form in 1938 to the four existing mechanized corps three more additionally, believing that these formations are immobile and difficult to control, and most importantly, they require a different rear organization. The tactical and technical requirements for promising tanks, as expected, have been adjusted. In particular, in a letter dated December 23 to the head of the design bureau of plant No. 185 named after. CM. Kirov, the new chief demanded to strengthen the armor of new tanks so that at a distance of 600-800 meters (effective range).

The latest tanks in the world when designing new tanks, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of increasing the level of armor protection during modernization by at least one step ... "This problem could be solved in two ways. Firstly, by increasing the thickness of the armor plates and, secondly," by using increased armor resistance". It is easy to guess that the second way was considered more promising, since the use of specially hardened armor plates, or even two-layer armor, could, while maintaining the same thickness (and the mass of the tank as a whole), increase its resistance by 1.2-1.5 It was this path (the use of specially hardened armor) that was chosen at that moment to create new types of tanks.

Tanks of the USSR at dawn tank production armor was used most massively, the properties of which were identical in all directions. Such armor was called homogeneous (homogeneous), and from the very beginning of the armor business, the craftsmen strove to create just such armor, because uniformity ensured stability of characteristics and simplified processing. However, at the end of the 19th century, it was noticed that when the surface of the armor plate was saturated (to a depth of several tenths to several millimeters) with carbon and silicon, its surface strength increased sharply, while the rest of the plate remained viscous. So heterogeneous (heterogeneous) armor came into use.

In military tanks, the use of heterogeneous armor was very important, since an increase in the hardness of the entire thickness of the armor plate led to a decrease in its elasticity and (as a result) to an increase in brittleness. Thus, the most durable armor, other things being equal, turned out to be very fragile and often pricked even from bursts of high-explosive fragmentation shells. Therefore, at the dawn of armor production in the manufacture of homogeneous sheets, the task of the metallurgist was to achieve the highest possible hardness of the armor, but at the same time not to lose its elasticity. Surface-hardened by saturation with carbon and silicon armor was called cemented (cemented) and was considered at that time a panacea for many ills. But cementation is a complex, harmful process (for example, processing a hot plate with a jet of lighting gas) and relatively expensive, and therefore its development in a series required high costs and an increase in production culture.

Tank of the war years, even in operation, these hulls were less successful than homogeneous ones, since for no apparent reason cracks formed in them (mainly in loaded seams), and it was very difficult to put patches on holes in cemented slabs during repairs. But it was still expected that a tank protected by 15-20 mm cemented armor would be equivalent in terms of protection to the same, but covered with 22-30 mm sheets, without a significant increase in mass.
Also, by the mid-1930s, in tank building, they learned how to harden the surface of relatively thin armor plates by uneven hardening, known from late XIX century in shipbuilding as the "Krupp method". Surface hardening led to a significant increase in the hardness of the front side of the sheet, leaving the main thickness of the armor viscous.

How tanks shoot videos up to half the thickness of the plate, which, of course, was worse than carburizing, since despite the fact that the hardness of the surface layer was higher than during carburizing, the elasticity of the hull sheets was significantly reduced. So the "Krupp method" in tank building made it possible to increase the strength of armor even somewhat more than carburizing. But the hardening technology that was used for sea armor of large thicknesses was no longer suitable for relatively thin tank armor. Before the war, this method was almost never used in our serial tank building due to technological difficulties and relatively high cost.

Combat use of tanks The most developed for tanks was the 45-mm tank gun mod 1932/34. (20K), and before the event in Spain, it was believed that its power was enough to perform most tank tasks. But the battles in Spain showed that the 45-mm gun could only satisfy the task of fighting enemy tanks, since even the shelling of manpower in the mountains and forests turned out to be ineffective, and it was possible to disable a dug-in enemy firing point only in the event of a direct hit . Shooting at shelters and bunkers was ineffective due to the small high-explosive action of a projectile weighing only about two kg.

Types of tanks photo so that even one hit of a projectile reliably disables an anti-tank gun or machine gun; and thirdly, in order to increase the penetrating effect of a tank gun on the armor of a potential enemy, since, using the example of French tanks (already having an armor thickness of the order of 40-42 mm), it became clear that the armor protection of foreign combat vehicles tends to be significantly increased. There was a right way to do this - increasing the caliber of tank guns and simultaneously increasing the length of their barrel, since a long gun of a larger caliber fires heavier projectiles at a higher muzzle velocity over a greater distance without correcting the pickup.

The best tanks in the world had a large-caliber gun, also had a large breech, significantly more weight and increased recoil response. And this required an increase in the mass of the entire tank as a whole. In addition, the placement of large shots in the closed volume of the tank led to a decrease in the ammunition load.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that at the beginning of 1938 it suddenly turned out that there was simply no one to give an order for the design of a new, more powerful tank gun. P. Syachintov and his entire design team were repressed, as well as the core of the Bolshevik Design Bureau under the leadership of G. Magdesiev. Only the group of S. Makhanov remained at liberty, who from the beginning of 1935 tried to bring his new 76.2-mm semi-automatic single gun L-10, and the team of plant No. 8 slowly brought the "forty-five".

Photos of tanks with names, the number of developments is large, but in mass production in the period 1933-1937. not a single one was accepted ... "In fact, none of the five air-cooled tank diesel engines, which were worked on in 1933-1937 in the engine department of plant No. 185, was brought to the series. Moreover, despite the decisions on the highest levels of the transition in tank building exclusively to diesel engines, this process was held back by a number of factors.Of course, diesel had significant efficiency.It consumed less fuel per unit of power per hour.Diesel fuel is less prone to ignition, since the flash point of its vapors was very high.

New tanks video, even the most advanced of them, the MT-5 tank engine required for serial production reorganization of engine production, which was expressed in the construction of new workshops, the supply of advanced foreign equipment (there were no machines of the required accuracy yet), financial investments and strengthening of personnel. It was planned that in 1939 this diesel engine with a capacity of 180 hp. will go to production tanks and artillery tractors, but due to investigative work to find out the causes of tank engine accidents, which lasted from April to November 1938, these plans were not fulfilled. The development of a slightly increased six-cylinder gasoline engine No. 745 with a power of 130-150 hp was also started.

Brands of tanks with specific indicators that suited the tank builders quite well. Tank tests were carried out according to new methodology, specially developed at the insistence of the new head of the ABTU D. Pavlov in relation to combat service in wartime. The basis of the tests was a run of 3-4 days (at least 10-12 hours of daily non-stop traffic) with a one-day break for technical inspection and restoration work. Moreover, repairs were allowed to be carried out only by field workshops without the involvement of factory specialists. This was followed by a "platform" with obstacles, "bathing" in the water with an additional load, simulating an infantry landing, after which the tank was sent for examination.

Super tanks online after the improvement work seemed to remove all claims from the tanks. And the general course of the tests confirmed the fundamental correctness of the main design changes - an increase in displacement by 450-600 kg, the use of the GAZ-M1 engine, as well as the Komsomolets transmission and suspension. But during the tests, numerous minor defects again appeared in the tanks. The chief designer N. Astrov was suspended from work and was under arrest and investigation for several months. In addition, the tank received a new improved protection turret. The modified layout made it possible to place on the tank a larger ammunition load for a machine gun and two small fire extinguishers (before there were no fire extinguishers on small tanks of the Red Army).

US tanks as part of modernization work, on one serial model of the tank in 1938-1939. the torsion bar suspension developed by the designer of the Design Bureau of Plant No. 185 V. Kulikov was tested. It was distinguished by the design of a composite short coaxial torsion bar (long monotorsion bars could not be used coaxially). However, such a short torsion bar in tests did not show enough nice results, and therefore the torsion bar suspension during further work did not immediately pave the way. Obstacles to be overcome: rises not less than 40 degrees, vertical wall 0.7 m, overlapping ditch 2-2.5 m.

YouTube about tanks work on the production of prototypes of D-180 and D-200 engines for reconnaissance tanks justifying his choice, N. Astrov said that the wheeled-tracked non-floating reconnaissance aircraft (factory designation 101 or 10-1), as well as the amphibious tank variant (factory designation 102 or 10- 2), are a compromise solution, since it is not possible to fully satisfy the requirements of ABTU.Option 101 was a tank weighing 7.5 tons with a hull like a hull, but with vertical side sheets of cemented armor 10-13 mm thick, since : "Sloping sides, causing a serious weighting of the suspension and hull, require a significant (up to 300mm) broadening of the hull, not to mention the complication of the tank.

Video reviews of tanks in which the power unit of the tank was planned to be based on the 250-horsepower MG-31F aircraft engine, which was mastered by the industry for agricultural aircraft and gyroplanes. Gasoline of the 1st grade was placed in a tank under the floor of the fighting compartment and in additional onboard gas tanks. The armament fully met the task and consisted of coaxial machine guns DK caliber 12.7 mm and DT (in the second version of the project even ShKAS appears) caliber 7.62 mm. Combat weight a tank with a torsion bar suspension was 5.2 tons, with a spring suspension - 5.26 tons. The tests were carried out from July 9 to August 21 according to the methodology approved in 1938, and Special attention given to tanks.

Not so long ago, the restoration of the German Pz.III tank was completed, about the process of which we have a small photo report:. Now let's look inside and look at the jobs of the tank crew.

2. The crew of the PzKpfw III consisted of five people: a driver and gunner-radio operator, who were in the control department and a commander, gunner and loader, located in a triple tower.

3. At the bottom of the photo, on the left, is the driver's seat, at the bottom right of the gunner-radio operator. A gearbox is installed between them.

4. Place of the driver's mechanic. The viewing slot has an armored shutter with several positions, clearly visible in the photographs from the outside. Side clutches are painted gray, thanks to which the tank turns.

5. The place of the gunner-radio operator.

6. View of the fighting compartment from the driver's seat. The transmission tunnel is painted gray at the bottom, inside of which there is a cardan shaft that transmits engine torque to the gearbox. In the side lockers were laying shells. Triple tower.

7. Gunner's sight. On the right is the breech of the gun with a stamped year of manufacture, 1941.

Photographer: Andrey Moiseenkov.

We express our gratitude to the staff of the Central Museum of armored weapons and equipment for their assistance in photography.

Approved as a memo on the use of a German combat vehicle - a medium tank T-III, designed for the rank and file and commanding staff of all branches of the Red Army and benefits for partisans and sabotage units operating in the territory occupied by the enemy. This document has been compiled for the preparation and publication of a manual on the use of captured tanks after they have been captured by the Red Army.

From IKTP - /Romanov/

Warrior of the Red Army!

Perfectly master the trophy technique!

In the battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland, the fighters and commanders of the Red Army capture various types of military equipment of Nazi Germany and its allies. Despite the unfamiliar design, in some parts of the Red Army, tankers are able to deal with enemy equipment and successfully use it in battles with Nazi troops. However, in many formations, the study of enemy equipment is not given due attention, which is unacceptable.

Each soldier of the Red Army must know all the features and military equipment of the enemy in order to skillfully apply in the defense of our Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The German medium tank T-III is the most advanced type of tank of the Nazi army. It has the following distinctive features:

1. High speed traffic on and off the roads.

2. Excellent running smoothness.

3. Simple and reliable motor capable of consuming gasoline. However, to get best results aviation gasoline or other first-class gasoline must be used.

4. Small size artillery shot and the possibility of making a shot with an electric discharge device, which significantly increases the speed and accuracy of fire.

5. Convenient location of evacuation hatches, allowing for quick evacuation in the event of a tank fire.

6. Good observation devices that provide all-round visibility from the tank.

7. Good tank radio equipment.

8. Ease of operation by untrained personnel.

Tankers Osipov and Gareev are mastering a captured tank. July 1941

Captured tank PiKpfw III Aust H on trial* in Kubinka. Summer 1941

Captured tank PzKpfw III Ausf J. Kubinka, 1943

The total weight of the average German T-III tank is 19-21 tons, the engine is a 12-cylinder petrol type "Maybach" with water cooling. Maximum engine power 320 hp Fuel tank capacity - 300 l. The mouths of the gas tank and the cooling radiator are located in the engine compartment to the right along the course of the tank. Access to the fuel tank and radiator fillers is through the right hatch in the roof of the engine compartment.

Currently, the T-III tank is armed with a 50-mm tank gun, the main characteristics of which are slightly higher than the domestic 45-mm tank gun mod. 1938, which significantly increases it combat capabilities in comparison with the tank of the specified type of previous releases with weapons from the 37-mm tank gun of tanks.

In addition, many T-III tanks with a 50 mm cannon have increased thickness of the frontal armor of the turret box and turret (up to 52-55 mm in total), which makes them impenetrable to 45 mm armor-piercing shells. anti-tank gun at a distance of more than 400 m. These tanks are usually equipped with equipment for overcoming deep fords and water barriers up to 5 m deep. The mass of such tanks is 22-22.5 tons.

All known cases of the use of captured medium tanks T-III in the units of the Red Army confirm the high combat characteristics of this type of tank.

The good armor protection of the medium tank T-III, its high smoothness of movement, a large number and high quality of surveillance devices make it possible to recommend the use of this type of tank, especially as a commander's vehicle. tank unit or a tank for reconnaissance of the close rear of the Nazi troops.

German tank PzKpfw III Ausf H, captured by Soviet soldiers. July 1941

PzKpfw lII Ausf J as commander's vehicle tank company T-60. Winter 1942

When conducting reconnaissance and / or sabotage operations, it is best to overcome the contact line of troops in the evening, since at this time the German trenches are filled for the most part an incomplete and often passing German tank does not arouse much curiosity and is not checked by German infantrymen, while in the daytime this is much more difficult to avoid. When fighting on captured tanks in the depths of enemy defenses in the evening, it is not recommended to open your own lighting and fire from a machine gun, since lighting and machine gun fire can give the enemy the location of your tank.

The most successful are the actions of captured tanks in the enemy's position in groups of 2 pieces.

Being captured during the fighting, the tank is subject to repair mostly in field conditions and with the involvement of a minimum amount of materials and equipment. Tank units are highly reliable and can be operated even by an unskilled driver. A repair manual for the T-III tank is being developed.

For drivers familiar with driving trucks, tractors and tanks, the following sequence of starting the tank and starting to move can be recommended.

To start the engine of the T-III tank, you must:

1. Place the front shift lever in the middle position.

2. Open the gas tap by placing its handle in a vertical position, which is located on the engine bulkhead behind the right seat.

3. Press and turn to the right along the course of the tank the mass switch lever, which is located in the engine compartment and is located against the door of the engine bulkhead.

4. Drown the key in the ignition to failure.

5. Press the starter button while lightly pressing the gas pedal with your foot and right hand push down the starting jet handle located on the floor to the right of the driver's seat.

6. If the engine does not start from the starter, it is necessary to take the crank mounted on the right wing, open the hatch in the aft (rear) part of the tank, insert the crank into the ratchet of the inertial starter and smoothly turn it counterclockwise for about half a minute.

After that, to start the engine, pull the cable ring located to the left of the ratchet.

To start moving on the T-III tank, you must:

1. Check the position of the brake pedal. The pedal must be in the up (raised) state.

2. Press the clutch pedal with your left foot.

3. Without releasing the clutch pedal, place the front shift lever in the forward (forward) or rear (reverse) position.

4. Put the rear shift lever in the position corresponding to the desired gear.

5. Slowly release the clutch pedal and, pressing the gas pedal at the same time, start moving.

To quickly stop the tank, you must quickly press the clutch pedal and at the same time strongly press the brake pedal.

In terms of control, the tank does not have any features that significantly distinguish it from domestically produced tanks.

To turn the tank to the right or to the left, you need to pull the corresponding vertical turn lever towards you while simultaneously pressing the gas pedal.

To transfer the tank to a higher gear (to speed up the movement), it is necessary to move the rear gearshift lever to the position marked with the largest division of the sector scale, accelerate the tank by pressing the gas pedal, then quickly press and release the clutch pedal,

The transfer of the tank to a lower gear is carried out in a similar way.

To stop the tank, you need to move the rear gearshift lever to the position corresponding to the lowest gear, then press and quickly release the clutch pedal. Then, making sure that the tank is in low gear, depress the clutch pedal while pressing the brake pedal with your foot, then move the front gearshift lever to the middle position, stopping the motor from engaging the gearbox and release the clutch pedal.

Do not forget to remove the key from the ignition after stopping the tank, which leads to engine shutdown, and then open the mass shift lever, preventing the battery from discharging.

A tank with a 50 mm gun has the same basic control mechanisms as with a 37 mm gun, with the exception of the mass switch, which is located in the engine compartment on the wall to the left along the tank.

To load a 37mm or 50mm cannon you need:

1. The handle of the wedge lock stopper, located on the right side in the upper part of the breech, pull to the right and move forward until the stopper sits in the socket. Then move the bolt handle (located at the bottom, on the right side of the breech) towards you and at the same time press the latch lever located in the bolt handle, after which the bolt will open.

2. Fold the projectile into the tray and push it into the breech, after which the shutter will close itself. The gun is loaded.

Aiming is carried out through an optical sight, fixed to the left of the gun. The horizontal and vertical aiming of the gun is carried out by handwheels, also located to the left of the gun.

To make a shot, it is necessary that the mass is turned on and the engine is running, since the shot is made by an electric discharge device.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

1. Turn on the electric shutter switch located in front of the turret turn signal.

2. Turn on the plugs in the electric trigger plugs located on the front wall of the tower to the right and left of the gun,

3. Press the red button to the right of the gun, after which the letter “F” will appear in the window next to the button

4. Press the descent lever located on the handle of the gun's horizontal aiming handwheel.

The use of a tank machine gun has no special features compared to the use of an MG-34 infantry machine gun.

If it is impossible to use the captured tank, it must be rendered unusable, since even a slightly damaged tank can be restored and used against the Red Army troops.

Captured PzKpfw Ш Ausf H with paratroopers. Winter 1942

Interior of a PzKpfw III tank turret. Figure from the instruction manual in Russian.

To do this, you must first remove the machine guns from the tank and hide or carry them away, for which you need to do the following:

1. Open the hatch of the tank mask, for which press up the handle of the hatch lever, located in front to the right of the machine guns, and force the lever forward to failure.

2. Turn the locking lever of the cover of the detachable casing away from you and fold down the cover of the casing.

3. Turn the locking lever of the cape located behind the casing away from you and fold the cape.

4. Move the latch of the swivel fork to the right, and fold the fork back.

5. Raise the machine gun by the middle part and take it out, giving it back.

To remove the machine gun from the ball mount, it is necessary to turn it counterclockwise by 30-40 ° in order to bring the tide into the longitudinal groove, and then remove the machine gun by moving it back.

Then, with blows of a sledgehammer or scrap, destroy the engine, gearbox and breech of the gun. Access to the engine is through the overhead hatch, and to the gearbox through the control compartment. If the hatches are closed, open them with a large screwdriver or crowbar. The gun can be ruined by pouring a handful of earth into the muzzle, and then firing from it.

If there is fuel in the tank, the tank can be blown up by putting ends, rags or straw soaked in gasoline or oil on the neck of the tank and igniting them. For the complete destruction of the tank, it can be strengthened at the junction of the frontal and side armor plates with inside a tola charge of 1.5-2 kg and blow it up with a fire tube, or with an electric fuse.

But it should be remembered that the competent use of a captured tank will bring a much greater contribution to the approach of victory over the Nazi invaders.

Death to the German invaders!

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