The growth of Marina Yudashkina. Marina Yudashkina: biography and personal life. - Well, immediately went to the registry office

The famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin this year celebrated not only his 55th birthday, but also 30 years of marriage with his wife Marina. The Yudashkin couple is considered exemplary in Russian show business, and there have never been discord in their family.

Although Marina recalls that when Valentine reached high altitudes and opened his fashion house, then at first she was very jealous of her husband for the models. Then it seemed to Yudashkina that young girls were looking at her talented and popular husband.

“I had jealousy! We just got married, come young and beautiful girls to him, stand naked or in shorts. I looked at it a couple of times, and then said: “And for a long time you will feel them!”. But my husband rightly said that this is his work, ”says Marina Yudashkina.

After this incident, Marina showed discontent a couple of times, but then she realized that she needed to trust her husband.

During the Tonight program, the couple's friends remembered that Valentin had made an offer to Marina literally on the third day of their acquaintance, with the words: “What to pull?” Yudashkin's wife recalls that her husband was attracted by her creative potential, she immediately began to believe in him and his talent, so when difficult times came in the family, they sold the car without hesitation to buy a new sewing machine. And then the designer's wife pushed her career aside to help her husband in everything.

This paid off, and after a few years Yudashkin became amazingly popular. Soon, among his friends there were already completely a star, and in 1988 the couple were invited to film set clip of Philip Kirkorov, in which Boris Moiseev took part - there they met the future pop king Russian show business. Already finishing shooting in the center of Moscow began to rage strong hurricane, because of which Kirkorov and Yudashkin had to run along the Arbat to hide somewhere from the weather.

“We are running, at this time I look at Marina, who then had a beautiful top with two straps, and I see that this top has torn, and she is running almost without a top. Topless runs along the Arbat, ”recalls Kirkorov.

Yudashkin is proud of his wife - and pampers her with special outfits. So, he sewed his first wedding dress especially for Marina, which, according to him, was “ultra-short”. When mom Valentina looked at him, she asked: “This is a swimsuit, right?” But Yudashkin did not redo his work, and in this form he went with his wife to the registry office, where the rest of the suitors began to look at the attractive beauty.

Marina and Valentin doted on their only daughter Galina, who gave them two adored grandchildren. “Mom is generally a world grandmother, she constantly invents and does something for her grandchildren, and dad works with them and plays,” said Galina Yudashkina.

Now the family is the most important thing for the designer and his wife. Despite a busy work schedule, Yudashkin always finds time to be with loved ones and play with his beloved grandchildren.

The father of the famous couturier killed his brother with an awl!

The father of the famous couturier killed his brother with an awl!

Valentin YUDASHKIN, who will celebrate his 50th birthday next year, is currently working on a new collection. No one doubts that it will be as enchanting as all the previous ones. A positive person with a charming radiant smile has been married for more than 20 years to the charming Marina, whom she considers not only her guardian angel, but also a muse. Together they raised a beautiful daughter. And the career of a fashion designer began 25 years ago. Everyone knows about it. But only a select, very narrow circle of people are aware that around the same period, a great grief occurred in the Yudashkin family, which forever changed the lives of all its members.

Yudashkin was born in the village of Bakovka near Moscow. The romance between his parents developed so rapidly that when Raisa was barely 18, she became a mother. Lived in a small house next to railway station and a dance floor. Three years later, another son appeared in the family - Zhenya.

The eminent couturier recalls his childhood as the most happy years. And most of all, the amazing collection of toy cars sunk into his soul, in which the brothers could play for hours without causing any trouble to busy parents.

When Valya went to school, he began to engage in figure skating and painting. Then he entered the Moscow industrial technical school and graduated with honors.

And already in 1991, Yudashkin had his own Fashion House, where he invited his mother, wife and brother to work. According to the mean confessions of Valentin Abramovich in an interview, family idyll darkened only by the death of his father. It happened in the late 90s. And in most cases, the fashion designer categorically refuses to tell anything about his relatives. Such moments always lead to unpleasant thoughts: is there some kind of skeleton in the closet, the existence of which you want to forget, like a terrible dream?

Unfortunately, Valentin Abramovich hides details for a reason.

heinous arson

Small fights are common. Especially between brothers, - shared a housemate down Lunacharsky Street, where long years The Yudashkins lived in harmony and love. - As we understood, everything happened at lightning speed, spontaneously, by chance. Of course, Abram Iosifovich did not have hatred. He always seemed to us balanced, friendly, kind. To imagine that this can be done intentionally - it does not fit in my head!

As family friends notice, Leonid never showed a temper or aggressiveness. He was very well-read and reserved. In addition, at one time he served as a cabin boy in the Northern Fleet in Solovki, and in last years his short life worked as a head waiter in a prestigious Moscow restaurant "Prague". Yes, and the family of Leonid Abramovich (they are brothers with Abram by mother) is also wonderful.

They say that a black cat ran between close relatives because of part of the house and land plot. And even then all the discontent was expressed in a quiet way. And here's the twist...

Leonid's wife was grief-stricken for a long time and, not having experienced constantly pop-up memories, left Russia. The fashion designer's father was sentenced to ten years. True, he was released earlier for exemplary behavior, but he did not return to Bakovka. Shortly after his release, he died - his heart failed. And his wife continued to live in the village until recently. Until envious people set fire to her barn. After the fire, Valentine surrounded parental home with a high tin fence and lined the house. And then he persuaded his mother to move to him in a neighboring settlement, where several years ago he built huge mansions. By the way, due to the fact that the fashion designer grabbed a large plot of public forest, five years ago he was sued by disgruntled neighbors.

They didn’t achieve anything with their complaints, ”said a sweet lady who lives next to Yudashkin’s mansion. - One old woman died shortly after the wave of publications, others continued to live in a hut with amenities on the street. Only last year, a wealthy businessman bought the site and settled everyone: now some are in Moscow, some are in Odintsovo. And in place of the rickety house now there is a high fence and cabins of migrant workers.

funny errands

The tragic story in the Yudashkin family among local residents overgrown with legends. Yes, such that it is unpleasant to retell. One thing is clear: the famous couturier in his native village, oh, how they do not like him. Some giggle, remembering how, as a child, he stood at the gate, playing football with the boys, and from time to time admired himself in the mirror, which the boy always had with him in the pocket of clean and ironed pants. Peers even call him a "moron", noticing that Valya dressed in a strange way: everyone is in jackets, and he is in a scarf and a long black coat. Someone boasts that they often beat him at school. There are those who tell stories about Brother Zhenya. Say, he, working as a cook in the Canteen of the Khrulev Plant, drank heavily and was ready to exchange everything for a bottle of vodka.

And once a local kid chipped in and bought a Java moped from him for 500 thousand rubles. (Then there were millions).

This dude drove something funny, cartoony - either Lip, or Hare, - said Andrey Sedov, one of those guys who got the moped. - His mother always grumbled at us all and went sad. They lived poorly. Things at home were not new, but solid. And in general, there is always order in the apartment. Something, and Aunt Raya is a neat woman, of which there are few. I understand how it infuriated her that her son often hangs around the village in an indecent form. But scandals, especially public ones, did not roll up. Decent woman. Not a gossip like so many here. And also a beauty!

Instead of an epilogue

Learning the secrets of someone else's past, you always experience a double feeling. On the one hand, I believe it, because people tell a lot of texture and in details everything coincides with official data. On the other hand, it is somewhat sad to realize that people who are worshiped by thousands, who are respected and loved by fans, may not have everything as rosy as they often draw in seemingly candid interviews. In any case, we do not claim any of the above. And life, after all, she herself will put everything in place sooner or later ...

There is a stereotypical opinion about Marina Yudashkina: the wife of a star fashion designer, smart and beautiful, probably spending half her life at fashion shows. But the pages of the biography of a successful business woman are an illustration of the frantic pace and sleepless nights, everyday movement forward in building a fashionable empire, which the world now knows under the name.

Childhood and youth

Marina Yudashkina, nee Patalova, was born in December 1958 in ordinary family. Parents - simple people, and Marina studied at regular school. Like all girls, she loved to comb dolls and invent outfits for them. This passion in the future predetermined the choice of a profession - the girl mastered the art of creating hairstyles and learned how to cut clothes. By the way, Marina's mother also worked as a hairdresser.

According to Yudashkina, she grew up in a family where it was not customary to force, the main thing is not to interfere. Marina worked from the age of 15, and at 17 she began to participate in competitions, including international ones.


Marina's professional career began as a hair stylist at the Central Design and Technology Bureau under the Ministry of consumer services, she was a member of the national team in hairdressing. He also worked there future husband Valentin, only as a make-up artist, and was already designing clothes.

After the joint passion for the world of beauty grew into a family business, Marina forgot about her own ambitions. The woman became the main inspirer, closest assistant and adviser to the couturier. In the press, Yudashkin is often compared with another wife Russian celebrity- who began to follow her husband everywhere simply out of jealousy.

After all, Valentin Yudashkin has been spinning all his life among long-legged perfections pacing the catwalk and simply beautiful women. Although the fashion designer admits that he is a conservative, he has a family and the gap "can only occur from a lack of brains in a husband or wife."

Members of the Yudashkin family are united by one thing. Her head, as you know, is still a workaholic, and Valentin is even glad that at least at work he manages to see close people. And if Marina was doing something else, then the spouses would have long forgotten about living together.

It is now Marina who runs the Fashion House, which bears the name of her husband, and in the early 90s, when difficult times began, the Yudashkins, in order to feed themselves and keep the business, sold antique furniture and Marina's personal car.

Moreover, the woman herself offered to sell the only vehicle. When it comes to work, be it an administrative matter or hairstyles for models demonstrating the next collection, Marina enjoys the boundless trust of her husband. Yudashkin never criticizes his wife's decisions.

Personal life

Photo in "Instagram" the fashion designer's spouses demonstrate a luxurious woman (Marina's height is 174 cm, weight is 65 kg), who has not changed much since her youth, and the Yudashkins got married in January 1988. Young people, although they worked at the same enterprise, rarely crossed paths, they saw each other when they were preparing for the show at the next competition.

According to Marina's memoirs, they met for three days, and agreed to the proposal because Valentine caught them by surprise. Before giving an answer, she did not consult with anyone, since she always made decisions herself:

“You don’t have to tell me every day that they love me. I have to feel it."

The wedding took place three months later. Valentin Yudashkin was not afraid of signs and personally sewed for future wife dress, decorating it with live orchids. Marina very soon abandoned her former passion for hairstyles and began to build a family life.

Marina Yudashkina and Valentin Yudashkin

Surprisingly, the woman does not remember whether Valentine complimented her and gave her gifts, but she definitely remembers that the couple never parted for long. Although Yudashkin considers a common child to be the main gift.

Born in 1990 only daughter couples - . The family then lived in a one-room apartment, and Yudashkina made every effort to Small child did not interfere with Valentine's work. A month after the birth of the baby, the fashion designer presented the first collection at Paris Fashion Week.

Marina accompanied her husband on the trip, leaving her daughter in the care of her grandmother. In conversation with socialite I noticed that I might have had more children. But then the young grandmother worked, and Valentin's career just went uphill.

Marina Yudashkina says in all interviews that helping a man build a career is a woman's duty. It is necessary to discuss matters, give advice at home, otherwise there will be a listener on the side very quickly. And in no case should you blame your husband for laziness or selfishness, try to remake him, transfer creative and professional disputes to the everyday plane.

“If your husband is not getting along with the project, it’s better to look in the mirror.”

According to Valentin, he is constantly on the road, gets tired of calls and devotes more time to workshops. And Marina is the person who knows everything, remembers everything and manages everything. They never had not only scandals at home, but even simple quarrels. And to offend Yudashkina, you have to try very hard.

The fact that Marina's love saved him in 2016 from oncological disease, Valentine said in a television show . Then the presentation of the collection at the Paris Fashion Week fell on the shoulders of his wife, daughter and the French team.

In turn, the fashion designer's wife did not go into details of what words she found to support her husband, and it is better not to say them. She only said that if the doctors say to be treated, they will do so. On the same program, he noted that Marina, in general, drags her family on her, this is the same Russian woman who will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.

The family lives in the village of Bakovka, in country house, which was built for four years, and then the same amount was equipped. Marina recalled that she really did not want to leave the bustling city for a dacha where there was no one to talk to. But I had to resolve issues with the builders, purchase interior items, and think over the design. The situation in the house is the fruit of the imagination of the Yudashkin spouses.

Daughter Galina adopted her father's talent, released collections of youth and children's clothing, but her main hobby is photography. The girl shoots for the official website of the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin, created an album that contains best work parent collections. In addition, Galina holds the post of art director of the fashion house.

In April 2016, Galina and her husband Pyotr Maksakov gave Marina their grandson Tolik. For the sake of the baby, Yudashkina started laying hens so that the child would receive homemade eggs to the table. Now the grandmother is passionate about building a children's town on the adjacent plot: she "on her fingers" shows the manager what she wants, and he embodies the ideas in the carpentry workshop. Marina does something with her own hands.

In addition, on the shoulders of a woman - looking after other living creatures. Four dogs live in the house - German Shepherds, Maltese and Akita Inu, Musya the cat and fish. Free time at the Yudashkins it passes for "doing nothing" - they are glad that they do not have to run anywhere.

Marina Yudashkina now

Marina's life is closely connected with fashion. The wife of one of the best fashion designers in Europe is a regular guest, and even the hostess of social events, parties, fashion shows. In March 2018, Moscow Fashion Week for the autumn-winter 2018-2019 season was held in Moscow's Gostiny Dvor. The week was opened by a demonstration of Valentin Yudashkin's collections.

Shortly before that, Marina helped her husband organize a haute couture show at the State Kremlin Palace. There, the fashion designer presented the collection "Russian Theater".

And soon another “April child” will appear in the Yudashkin clan, as Marina calls the replenishment in the Galina family.

Name: Valentin Yudashkin


Age: 55 years old

Place of birth: Bakovka, Russia

Occupation: fashion designer, People's Artist of Russia

Tags: fashion designer, artist

Marital status: married to Marina Yudashkina

Valentin Yudashkin - biography

Valentin Abramovich Yudashkin - Honored Artist of the USSR and Russia, artist, fashion designer, author of fashion collections and projects. He is called the Russian Pierre Cardin, whose outfits eminent fashionistas are proud of not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Close friends of Valentin Yudashkin note that, although he is present at almost all social events and is famous all over the world, he remains a modest person, an introvert, for whom home comfort is above all charms modern life.

The future fashion designer was born far from the bustle of the capital, his small homeland is the village of Bakovka near Moscow. Yudashkin's date of birth is October 14, 1963. Love for cutting, sewing and modeling clothes appeared in Valentin Abramovich back in early childhood. At first the boy devoted his days and nights to drawing, then his passion for fine arts acquired a certain focus: Valentine began to draw the first sketches, samples of clothing.

From hesitant driving with a pencil on paper to the first intelligible sketches, the young talent has passed long way, but his efforts were not sufficiently appreciated by his parents: they dreamed that their son would master a more “male” profession. But the wisdom and respect for the choice of Valentine forced relatives not to interfere creative development boy.

When school years left behind, Valentin Yudashkin entered the Moscow Industrial College at the Faculty of Modeling, where he turned out to be the only man.

A year later, Yudashkin was drafted into the army, but this did not stop a man who was truly devoted to his vocation: in the army he was constantly thinking about ideas and plans for creating clothes that were put into practice immediately after the return of the future fashion designer to the institute. There Valentine defended 2 theses- "History of the costume" and "Make-up and decorative cosmetics."

The first position of Valentin Yudashkin is a senior artist at the Ministry of Consumer Services. The division into a stylist, makeup artist or fashion designer did not yet exist, so Valentine's duties extended to all 3 positions. Often young man I had to work around the clock.

Already from the first steps in the profession of a fashion designer, Valentin Yudashkin became a representative of the Russian fashion industry abroad. His responsibilities included creating sketches of the team's equipment. Soviet Union in hairdressing, which took part in various international competitions. The first authentic collection of the fashion designer is costumes for teams that participated in the make-up and hairdressing competition in Poznan, Poland.

The show of the first own collection of Valentin Yudashkin took place in 1987. The place of the debut was the hotel "Eaglet". It was thanks to this show that the fashion designer became famous throughout the country, and the dress, which was the central object of his work, found a separate place in the fashion world.

The year 1988 was marked for Yudashkin by the opening of his own company called Vali-Moda, located in a building not far from the Soyuztheater. It is thanks to this successful location that the couturier is noticed by the luminaries of French fashion. The young designer received an invitation to Paris.

Valentin Yudashkin was shocked by the variety of textures and colors that he met in the French capital. The fashion designer returned from this trip, fully confident that his homeland could take (and definitely take) its own place in the fashion industry of the world.

In 1991, at the Fashion Week in Paris, Valentin Yudashkin demonstrated his triumphant Faberge collection. The audience was delighted with the dresses, made in the style of the world-famous Faberge eggs, one of the dresses shown then is now in the Louvre.

Valentin Yudashkin was the first and only one in the entire existence of Russian fashion to enter the Parisian High Fashion Syndicate in the status of a corresponding member, thanks to which he managed to open his own fashion house. Deciding not to stop at the release of clothes, Yudashkin eventually replenished the assortment of Moscow boutiques with glasses, jewelry, dishes, and interior items.

The work of a talented designer was noticed by the first lady of the USSR Raisa Gorbacheva: she became one of the first high-ranking secular ladies who regularly order outfits from Valentin Abramovich.

Valentin Yudashkin was recognized as the People's Artist of Russia in 2005, in 2007 France presented the Russian with the Order of Art and Literature, and in 2008 the couturier was awarded the Order of Honor for his great contribution to the development of Russian fashion and national culture.

In the outfits from Yudashkin, the national color can be traced, transmitted in cut, trim or accessories. The summer collection of 2006 was inspired by Italy, in the autumn-winter models the silhouettes of the 90s, decorated with Byzantine and Russian motifs, clearly appeared.

On the next year Valentin was inspired by the architecture of St. Petersburg and the impetuous lines of the Impressionists. The designer suggested meeting the winter of 2008 in suits with a touch of the era of Elizabeth I, and spring and summer - in dresses embroidered with pearls or decorated with lurex, blue, mustard or color pink.

In 2008, the Russian Ministry of Defense approached Valentin Yudashkin, ordering him to develop a new military uniform for the army. The fashion designer spent a lot of time and effort studying the history of the form and best practices as Russian army times of Alexander Suvorov and Georgy Zhukov, and foreign.

And in 2010, a scandal broke out: in December, due to hypothermia, more than 150 conscripts in Kemerovo region were hospitalized. There were accusations against new form from Valentin Yudashkin. But the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, after checking, denied this information, having discovered the replacement of high-quality insulation with cheap analogues of synthetic winterizer.

Valentin Abramovich, in order to justify his honest name, was forced to tell and show the samples he developed. As it turned out, the final version of camouflage clothing had a very distant relation to the author's projects, the military grossly distorted the original models.

Today, Valentin Yudashkin has his own brand Valentin Yudashkin, which produces clothes of the rank prêt-a-porte and haute couture, but his work is not limited to clothes alone. Judging by the official website, the brand produces fur products, textiles, and designs interiors. Yudashkin's fashionable empire is rapidly developing, only the quality that has distinguished this name among others for many years remains unchanged.

Dresses from Yudashkin gained immense popularity, which increased after the designer began to regularly take part in Paris Fashion Week, showing new collections. In 2009, the artist impressed the sophisticated audience with a combination of neo-Gothic and silhouettes of the 50s, intricately cut sleeves and a wasp waist.

Six months later, Valentin decided that romanticism in pastel colors, flying fabrics, floor-length dresses and mini-hats would be in fashion. The theme of the autumn-winter collection of 2010 was Russian constructivism in gray-black colors, decorated with lurex and antique gold. For the summer, the couturier offered bright orange, purple and red outfits with a company logo.

The Russian Heat collection once again demonstrated to the whole world where Valentin Yudashkin comes from. Multicolor, sundresses, square armholes and slanting fasteners are a reference to the folk costume. An explosion of color combined with voluminous hats a la papakha, furs and lace create unforgettable looks. And then there are translucency, lightness, vintage.

Among the clients of the famous couturier are Svetlana Medvedeva, Olga Slutsker and Natalia Ionova (Glucose). Wedding Dress the singer also ordered from Yudashkin. The designer's favorite model is Galina Yudashkina's daughter.

In 2015, the spring-summer collection of the Russian fashion designer made a splash. The dresses, which Valentin Abramovich was inspired by the atmosphere of the flowering gardens of France, turned out to be surprisingly tender and feminine: made in pastel colors and decorated with appliqués of buds and rhinestones, they aroused admiration among visitors.

In 2016, Faberlic paid tribute to the famous Russian couturier: Maurice Rousel, the master of world perfumery, created the Faberlic by Valentin Yudashkin Gold perfume. Fashionistas highly appreciated the new perfume: its noble floral-powdery scent is as elegant and refined as the luxurious outfits of Valentin Yudashkin.

To successfully promote the new Faberlic perfume by Valentin Yudashkin Gold, Faberlic created a colorful commercial. It features the song Don't Wait ("Don't Wait"), which is performed by the American singer Mapei. Music track, performed by Mapei, is not new: in 2014 he entered the album "Hey Hey".

The successful cooperation between the couturier and Faberlic continued in 2017: the sensational collection of clothes Faberlic By Valentin Yudashkin appeared in the company's catalog, consisting of delicate dresses, blouses and skirts of the Russian fashion legend.

Valentin Yudashkin - personal life

To achieve success and perfect recognition, Valentin Yudashkin was largely helped by happiness in his personal life. Even in the most difficult times, wife Marina believed in talent and Creative skills husband. In addition to the fact that his wife sacrificed her career as a hairdresser-stylist for him, in 1990 she gave him wonderful daughter Galina. Having inherited a creative streak from her parents, Galina Yudashkina became a talented photographer and creative director Fashion house Valentin Yudashkin.

In June 2015, Valentin Yudashkin married his beloved daughter: a luxurious wedding took place in Gostiny Dvor, and journalists immediately dubbed it the wedding of the century. Galina went down the aisle in a dress designed by her father, who had been conjured for 9 months. Many guests came to the celebration in suits and dresses from couturier.

On the ring finger The bride was wearing a 7-carat diamond ring, which Valentin Yudashkin, together with her future son-in-law Peter Maksakov, ordered from a private jeweler, having visited New York for this purpose. The wedding was led by Nikolai Baskov.

In 2016, the daughter gave her father a grandson Anatoly, in the spring of 2018 - another one - Arkady.

What is sick Valentin Yudashkin

2016 was marred for the “Russian Pierre Cardin” by a sudden illness that made relatives and friends worry about his state of health. Valentin Yudashkin, whose age at the time of illness reached the 52-year mark, was urgently hospitalized before showing his new collection in Paris. The responsible event was taken over by daughter Galina, the art director of the fashion house.

Information appeared in social networks and the media that the famous fashion designer has cancer. The designer's wife, Marina Yudashkina, said that her husband had an emergency kidney operation and nothing threatened his health. What relatives did not talk about, voluntarily or involuntarily, Joseph Kobzon revealed in an interview. The master of stage stressed that the complications of the situation could have been avoided if Valentine had been examined in a timely manner.

AT " Live"At Boris Korchevnikov, the Yudashkin family told how and why they had to hide the disease in front of the French team, which doctors treated Valentin.

In 2017, Valentin Yudashkin not only appears at social events, but also develops new clothing collections, writing new golden pages in his biography. By his example, the couturier once again proved that short stature (167 cm) is not an obstacle to the greatness of talent.

A fashion show by Valentin Yudashkin is so far the only show by Russian designers officially included in the Paris Fashion Week schedule. Shortly before Women's Day 2018, the couturier presented a collection for autumn and winter 2018-2019. Connoisseurs of the fashion industry have long noted that the participation of Galina's daughter noticeably rejuvenated Yudashkin's style and brought notes of modern sound. This time, the designer's jackets, dresses and coats featured an avant-garde cut with a rather meager set of colors.

Photos of the emaciated and gray-haired fashion designer, published on Instagram, excited the fans of the master. However, the strength of mind and the support of loved ones do not allow Valentin Abramovich to focus on health. The next spring-summer collection once again struck those who seemed to have studied Yudashkin's style of creating. It is known that the couturier has always extolled the woman. This time, the artist saw the beautiful half of humanity, dressed in oriental-style outfits, with complex cuts, hand-embroidered and rich colors.

Some of the models never made it to the catwalk: dresses, skirts and blouses will go to selected showrooms, where only buyers will see them.

Marina Vladimirovna Yudashkina (nee - Patalova). She was born on December 2, 1958 in Moscow. Russian designer clothes, top manager of the Fashion House Valentin Yudashkin. Wife of Valentin Yudashkin.

Marina Patalova, who became famous under the name of her famous husband as Yudashkina, was born on December 2, 1958 in Moscow.

Mother worked as a hairdresser. Marina decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother.

She got a job as a hairdresser. In the 1980s, she worked as a hair stylist at the Central Design Bureau under the USSR Ministry of Consumer Services. There she was engaged in modeling hairstyles. She was a fairly well-known master in Moscow. She won the championships of the Union and Europe.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, she began to help the fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin at the Vali Fashion company.

Since 1993 - top manager of the Fashion House "Valentin Yudashkin" in Moscow. In 2016, Valentin Yudashkin became a full member of the French Federation of Haute Couture, Pret-a-Porter and Fashion Designers. This is the first brand of the Russian fashion industry to be awarded this membership.

The clients of the brand she leads were or are many domestic stars: , and etc.

Now the fashion house "Valentin Yudashkin" is one of the leading in Russia. The company owns a network of branded boutiques.

The growth of Marina Yudashkina: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Marina Yudashkina:

Married. The spouse is a famous Russian fashion designer. They met at the Central Design Bureau under the Ministry of Consumer Services of the USSR. At that time, she was preparing to perform at the next hairdressing competition, and Yudashkin created clothes for the Soviet national team.

In 1990 they got married. Marina became for Valentin not only a wife, but also a muse and a reliable business partner.

As Valentin Yudashkin admitted, without his wife he might not have achieved his success: “If it weren’t for Marina, I don’t know what would have happened to me. After all, there were such terrible moments in my life when, due to lack of livelihood, I sold furniture from home, a car. Moreover, all this belonged to Marina, but she took such steps for me ... To say: "I am grateful to her" is to say nothing. I greatly appreciate the fact that she dedicated her life to me. She believed in me. It was very difficult to break through, but she was there in those years. ”

On December 22, 1990, their daughter was born - she is a photographer, graduated from the art history department of Moscow State University, then studied at the design and photography courses of Parsons School of Design in New York, now she is engaged in family business(she holds the post of art director of her father's fashion house, launched a children's clothing collection under the Yudashkin brand).

Galina Yudashkina is married to Pyotr Maksakov, the grandson of the actress. She gave Marina and Valentin two grandchildren - Anatoly Maksakov (born April 2016) and Arkady Maksakov (born March 28, 2018).

Marina Yudashkina with her daughter and grandson

In 2016, it became known that Valentin Yudashkin was battling cancer. Later, when, he especially noted the support of his wife, who was always there at a difficult moment.

Marina herself said: “It is better not to say those words with which I supported him. Well, what are the words? She said that it would be necessary to be treated, so we will be treated! Alive - live!

Marina and Valentin Yudashkin in the program "Live"

In March 2015, the name of Marina Yudashkina appeared in the reports of the criminal chronicle. Then the media reported that in the apartment of Marina Yudashkina located in the center of Moscow (in one of the houses in Bryusov Lane), the police discovered a gambling hall. “According to preliminary data, the apartment was registered to Marina Yudashkina, although there is no evidence that she had anything to do with the organization of the gambling establishment,” the law enforcement agencies specified.

Later it turned out that a year earlier, Marina had rented an apartment to a certain native of Belarus, who turned out to be a figurehead. And those people who settled in the apartments brought poker tables and slot machines there.

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