You are not just a wonderful daughter. Poems about daughters

A little girl, still a little girl. The head is in buns, and there is candy in the mouth. This is my daughter, mother's beauty. Her heavenly eyes are liked by everyone in the neighborhood. He claps his hands and laughs happily. Most of all I want to do some harm. Who runs fast here? Whose laughter is heard here? This is my baby, which is the sweetest of all. You love to play in your mother's arms. Mom will hug you tenderly. Your sweet mother will kiss your cheek. And whisper in your ear "How I love you"!

Sunbeam, raindrop,
Light wind breath,
My daughter! You are for me
The best creation in the world!

What is happiness before I did not know
I just waited for happiness and dreamed about it.
In children's dreams - a sea of ​​​​sweets,
toys; In youth - beloved, to be
someone needs. Just getting everything
clearly understand true happiness
you don't know this. Let the sea of ​​toys
and a kilo of sweets, And love came,
just not everything. Just now I found out
that the answer is simple, true happiness
the stork brought me. little lump,
tenderness and warmth, my dear
daughter, you are my happiness!

My daughter, my sweet one, I have no relatives in my life. Your dad and I love you so much, you are the only one given to us by God. All my dreams are only about you, all I need to know is that you are near !!!

Kiss the leg, kiss the hand. I'll hug you softly, whisper in my ear, How much I love you very, very much, You are my daughter, you are my angel!

I live for her, I breathe only for her. I catch every glance, bastard from a smile. You are my pure, innocent child. Grow up happy my daughter. I'll do everything, my dear, for you. Being a mom is happiness for me!

People forget about many things in life... But we will remember this night when we will be told: "Congratulations!!! Look... THIS IS YOUR DAUGHTER!!!"

I will touch my lips to a warm cheek! Oh, you are my little daughter! And the heart will shrink from the heat! God! How I love you!

… I have a daughter and a husband. This is my whole family. I treasure my family. I love them very much...

My daughter woke up, Stretched sweetly, Lay down, lay down Yes, and smiled. The heart is beating fast. Oh my fish! How dear is your smile to me!

I will squeeze in my PALM, your LITTLE legs. And I will press it to my lips - I WILL NOT GIVE THEM TO ANYONE!!!

Every day I live like in a fairy tale, and I look into my beloved eyes, I hear a joyful sonorous chuckle, I adore you, my angel.

My daughter is my wings behind my back, My daughter is my stars above the Earth. My daughter is my happiness forever, My daughter is wealth and years ... My daughter is my continuation, My daughter is what God has given me, My daughter is dedicating my life to you, My daughter is all my joy !!!

What eyes, what cheeks! Lips like roses! There is nothing cuter than our daughter! There is nothing better in the whole world!!

The little sun sleeps next to me. I'm waiting for it to wake up - we'll meet with a look. The joy of recognition will light up in the eyes, A smile will bloom on small lips. You are my ray of sunshine, scarlet flower, Affectionate hare, a sip of joy, a warm little ball, my girl, You have no idea how much I love you.

My favorite thing is - This is my daughter, my girl! You are my ray of sunshine, a spark of fire, A ringing stream in the desert for me. My slender poplar, with gentle foliage. I always admire, daughter, you. Let sorrows, sorrows bypass, You are my blood, my petal. The world, let it be sunny on your way, Black paths - try to get around. May life be bright, daughter, with you. Give people kindness, joy from yourself. And then a lot of friends will appear, You will be happy, grow up soon!

I take your hand in my hand! And a whole wreath on my wrist. It was not in vain that I experienced torment in order to give birth to such happiness!

Everyone knows that a man Passionately awaits the birth of a son, Only a daughter, over the course of days, Loves more and more. A warm little ball, A lacy funny little bag, Let there be little weight in it for now, Daughter - daddy's princess.

A gentle face, every dash, a snub-nosed nose sniffs ... Money, a career - all this is unimportant, important - sleeping side by side.


What a blessing it is that I have a daughter, beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and sonorous children's laughter, and this little man is the most precious thing in the world!!!

My friend, my flower, my beauty! There are many daughters in the world, But I have only one you! Jumper-laugher, Like a mischievous ball! How I love you, my ray! Be always, always like that!

Beloved daughter, cheerful eyes, I read fairy tales on long cilia! Upturned nose, laughing lips, I can kiss them all day and night. My affectionate bunny, you are my angel. You bring only happiness, my delicate flower. In your smile I find salvation, after different problems you are my comfort! I love you sweetie, I love you so much! I will give you everything in the world warmly. So until now I could not understand how I, my dear, lived without you?

A pure innocent creature, an angel with a bright soul. What with bright playful eyes Represents the ideal itself. Looks out of a flannel diaper, Smiling uncertainly, yet. I look into naive little eyes. My baby, she's extraordinary.

Sometimes I freeze at the crib And admire how my daughter sleeps: Arms and legs spread freely And snub-nosed nose sniffs! Here is a slightly smiled daughter! Maybe she sees her mother in her dreams? I want to cry from tenderness And so believe that the dream is about me!

Thank you daughter for the mess! For meaning! For a life! For the thought of the main thing! For the fact that ... Let it not be like that everywhere! But… THERE IS SHE! And this is GOOD!!! Sniffles, dear ... very near ... For meaning, for life, for what is needed ... Clean up ... a mess ...))) I'm still glad ...))



I lost my happiness, I searched the whole house - not in the kitchen, under the sofa, not in the bathroom and under the table. Suddenly I look out of the suitcase a couple of heels sticking out there curled up like a ball, my daughter is sleeping sweetly. I WILL NOT GIVE MY SUITCASE WITH HAPPINESS TO ANYONE.

My mother does not give me shade,
And you can't get varnish
Puts lipstick high ...
I won't get discouraged!
I'll take six felt-tip pens,
colored pencils
And paint my whole face
From lips to ears.
On the neck - a necklace,
And on the hand - a bracelet.
Prettier than a girl
Not in the whole world!
Mom is hard to surprise
And my father cried out: “Oh!
You won't be washed until tomorrow!
Why are you, daughter, so?
Daddy, you're angry in vain,
I decorated for you!

I look at you my daughter
Blue-eyed, fair-haired.
I love you dearly,
My sunny and snub-nosed!
I will shelter you from the winds
I'll take you away from any trouble
I'll bring you all the flowers
Whatever you want.
Let the doors open for you
Kindness and love of fire.
And I believe, I desperately believe
That you will be happier than me!

My mom and I are friends!
Where my mother is, there I am!
If he cooks soup, I help:
I dismantle cups and pots.
Mom washes the floor - I'm next to her,
spilling over the floor harder.
If there is laundry in the house, I am not shy
I pour the powder and do not regret it.
Well, if mom is on the Internet
here I am needed more than anyone on the planet!
I help my mom a lot.
buttons with zeal I press!
Mom looks at me. Sighs.
All clear. Obviously approved!
This is how my mom and I are friends:
Where MOM is, of course there I am!

The day begins with happiness, happiness rose before everyone else !!!
Happiness smiles at mom, turning her smile into laughter;
Happiness slapped on the floor, barefoot and without pants,
My happiness is bare butt, it is unintelligent,
Shabutnoe and unruly, here it breaks, there it crushes,
Above the lip - kefir mustache ...
Here it is running to me! :)

I will hold you tighter.
And sing a lullaby!
You are a gentle flame of hope!
You bring meaning to my life!

I can watch for hours
How my daughter sleeps in her crib.
I can't sleep with her at night
When my daughter is sick.
Can I give my life
When your daughter needs...
I am proudly called - mother!
Thanks to the same daughter!

The daughter took the family album, studied for a long time -
Wow, how I change, I did not notice ...
Look, here I have sly eyes,
And here I am laughing merrily and loudly.
Here I frowned angrily, then I look stubbornly.
Where do you like me best? Answer mom!
I put my arm around her and quietly say:
I love you, my dear daughter!

Childhood is gone and will never return.
HAPPINESS - when your child laughs!!!
Give children love and care,
and do not betray them for someone else!!!
Not worse than that that the baby is crying.
After all, children's HAPPINESS means so much!!!

I still can't believe it, baby
That we have a daughter with you,
Slowly gaining strength,
Looks almost big.
So funny protrudes lips,
Wrinkles his nose, squints his left eye,
It seems, at times, she seems to
Look in a hurry at us.

me every minute, every hour
I want to kiss her cheeks
You, my baby, are so beautiful
What words just can not say!

Small and warm little
Smells like mother's milk
He grunts, sighs and mutters,
This sound is so familiar to me.

Every time I hear it with excitement,
The heart beats sweetly from him.
I listen to our daughter breathe
And I don't see anything around.

You grow up, daughter, strong, strong,
Bringing joy to mom and dad
Be healthy and happy, our baby,
Sweet, beautiful child!

I asked God for happiness, I asked God for love. And one warm summer night Fate gave me happiness. And now I ask so little: So that happiness always laughs, So that my happiness does not hurt, And wake up a little later)))

Of course, being a mother of boys is not something ...
Soldiers, guns, in coat puffs,
There is dirt under the nails, fighting with friends ...
So fate gave me a PRINCESS!

My house is decorated with garlands of roses,
(Not a killer cyborg that a son would bring!)
Beautiful dresses, hairpins, caprons -
Everything every girl should have!

And mother's beads are already at the daughter's
Hidden in a small red box.
And mascara, that's how the month disappeared,
But the daughter says that she has not seen her))))))

And know that there is no happier dad,
Who became the father of DAUGHTER once!
She gently kisses him when they meet
And dad is the happiest walks all evening!

He is so touched in a girl's dress!
And asks me to pierce my daughter's ears))))
Only an hour will come and we will be proud
Our beautiful and smart girl!

Then years later, as I went to my mother,
She will come running on her birthday with flowers.
And the secret will tell me quietly in my ear:
"You are the most best mom in the world!!!"


For every moment, for every breath, for the fact that God gave me a DAUGHTER, for pain, for happiness, for luck, for the fact that I laugh and cry. For what I still love. For everything I thank life !!!

Pink, baby hands
Small, wet...
... It's strange to think, you, baby,
There will also be a female hand ...
There will be stars and spring evening
Trains, stations, lighthouses.
And probably someone in the world
Can't live without your hand.
Maybe you will break up with me
You will live in distant lands.
Little let me cover you -
You are still mine!

The daughter has a sweet smile, the daughter has such a dear look,
You my angel, gold fish you are my little man!

Through tears I laugh on this bad day ...
We are so different!!! We are so similar!!!
And the harm in it is only my reflection,
stubborn in me and unhurried in movements.
And just like me, he longs for his mother's affection,
and, greedily swallowing words, believes in fairy tales.
Will always protect and will not leave in trouble,
and proudly puffed up, instantly melt.
But if you hug and press her to your heart,
she will open the door of her soul -
able to love will not ask for salvation,
drowning in her eyes, spring laughter ...
I laugh through tears, quietly comforting my daughter ...
Do not cry, my joy! I'm near, dear!
Know - your happiness, mine, is dearer to me,
and your tears and my tears too ...

Drop by drop - tears of happiness,
I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time...
You're just a doll, as if from a picture,
How glad I am to hear you cry!

Daughter, sun, earthly happiness,
We will be with you forever!
What a wonderful morning today
There is no more pain, you are next to me ...

I cry from happiness and feeling like a river
As if everything is a dream ... I'm afraid to wake up,
Everything is fine: you are with me, I am with you ...
Now I'm just praying for YOU.

my daughter
My angel
Divine mine

Children like you are not often
Now you'll see your friends
And this, my daughter, is wonderful,
That I call you mine.

Your chest is full of worries
Seedlings live in her tender feelings,
You are like a bright moon
To shine on others is your reward.

On my daughter's birthday
I'll put together a verse:
You are not diligent
And there is nothing more beautiful.

Dear man, glorious, dear,
Be always kept by God and destiny.
You are my ray of sunshine,
Golden bunny.

Don't grow up so fast
Spring after spring.
You bloom and smell like the Earth itself,
Sing a duet with spring, my daughter.

Happy birthday my happiness
Let bad weather bypass you
You are at the beginning of a long journey
Many secrets await you ahead

There will be sun and bad weather
Joy, sorrow and anxiety,
Many meetings, friends,
Bright, happy days

You are a daughter, we are all a feast for the eyes,
There is no more beautiful child in the world
And inspiring admiration
Love you give people light.

Without rudeness, you are good-natured,
The heart is filled with kindness
Gentle, refined, obedient,
Families hope and peace.

It's nice to raise such a daughter,
How are you, my love,
And you can't find anywhere else
Exceeded you.

You have a holy heart
My beloved child
I feel day and night
Care of your hands, daughter.

I look at you and think.
Himself - and can not believe:
This princess, my star,
Did I carry under my heart?

I touch you - affectionately.
I raise - carefully.
Those sky-colored eyes
Do they laugh softly at me?

Do I feed you - greedy
My chest is furiously crumpling.
This is a miracle, my joy,
Have I given birth to existence?

You, who wave your arms,
Flesh my shred
With blue eyes
Are you drooling over my shoulder?

I see and I can't believe
Only here she is, next to -
Part of my heart
Souls of love and delight.

Nobility in your actions
And tenderness is in them with kindness,
And gives it all the similarity
To you, with a parental dream.

Like a daughter, you are a tender ideal,
Simple and polite in communication.
You are an amazing crystal
With you, love is equal in comparison.

One of a kind in the universe
You, my incomparable,
And for you immensely true
There will always be a family.

Daughter! My star!
You are support and hope!
Today we will celebrate
Your birthday! Congratulate

We are very happy for you!
You are our joy!
loud, beautiful,
Everyone loves it so much!

Good luck to you, dear!
And may always and in everything
You are lucky, my bunny!
That's what we're drinking tonight!

Daughter! Daughter! Daughter!
How else to say
To express that joy
What have I got!

Your responsiveness is known
She is always appropriate for everyone,
You must be an amazing angel
Incredible kindness.

Night creeps over the city
Seems to be looking for peace.
Baby, everything will change
I will lift you, I will grow you!

I can't call it higher
In the heat of fury
Feelings that pierced me -
First motherhood!

There is uniqueness in you too,

What eyes, what cheeks,
Lips like roses!
There is no sweeter than our daughter,
There is nothing better in the whole world!

Be healthy, our fish,
Be obedient and humble!
Rejoice us with your smile
Be beautiful and smart!

Stand in a row books, poems and fairy tales
In the closet of a cute blue-eyed girl.
Until he wants to read and listen,
While he wants to sleep, eat.

But I know for sure that everything will be necessary.
Everything will be important and not soulless,
About kingdoms, princesses, about a miracle
For now, I won't hurt her.

Let's paint with her coloring pages for now:
Flowers, mushrooms, figurines, masks.
Adversity, joy, resentment, affection,
Let him observe in a family fairy tale.

It is impossible, without knowing, to meddle in the water,
It is impossible to pass along the river without a ford,
We can not live without books at all,
And she - without dolls, strollers, bears.

Her books are early, only two years old,
But I'm waiting for the time, six months will pass,
And we will sit next to her in an embrace,
And I'll start, by roles and views.

About Kolobok, Teremok and Turnip,
About the Three Bears and grandma and grandpa,
About Uncle Styopa, about the Cockroach,
About Tsokotukha, about two sheep

So many stories, poems and songs!
Our world without knowledge is small for a child.
I will the best father in the world,
I can answer all questions.

The daughter will not swear,
Will not fidget between evil and good,
And she will become wise, wisely, a princess,
It will become emotional and interesting.

Grow up, daughter, hurry, dear!
After all, you are the only one in the world.
I love you, I fly with you
How did I live before? No way. I know

Daughter is a wonderful angel,
There is no better crumb in the world
Daughter-little flower-
A ray of sunshine in the window.

Daughter in the sky clouds
Sunny colors of life
Daughter the whole world, Bye,
Sleeping in a small bed.

Daughter is sleeping, she is tired
It's been a long day today
She played all day
Didn't give everyone peace.

Just let it jump better
What is sick with evil evil
From above I will cover it
Snow-white sheet

Let him sleep and tomorrow again
Kindergarten and kids
Daughter Bunny, be healthy
Sleep, my sweetheart.

Funny sparks in your eyes
Fidget dear, how good you are!
You get up early with the sun as a light bird
And all day long you coo and sing songs.

Girlfriends like your perky laughter,
Everyone around admires such a girl.
And wish the doll warm bright days
Mom and dad to please and have friends.

Dress elegant on you now,
We can't take our eyes off you, beautiful lady.
We will affectionately call the princess
After all, just look for such a girl!

I'm the only one in the family

soft toy or airplane

I grew wiser and found friends

But now a whole year is behind

Little girl
Braid hair.
I'll take you in my arms
I'll take you to the bed.

I'll put you in bed
I sit on the edge
Quietly in the ear gently
I'll sing a song.

I wish you sweet dreams
Kiss on the cheek.
Sleep my love
Little daughter.

You are my ray of sunshine, a spark of fire,
A ringing stream in the desert for me.

My slender poplar, with gentle foliage.
I always admire, daughter, you.

Let sorrows, sorrows bypass
You are my blood, my petal.

Peace, let it be sunny on your way,
Black paths - try to get around.

May life be bright, daughter, with you.
Give people kindness, joy from yourself.

And then there will be many friends,
You will be happy, grow up soon!

What eyes, what cheeks,
Lips like roses!
There is no sweeter than our daughters,
There is nothing better in the whole world!

Be friendly, our fish,
Together you grow, grow up
Your wonderful smiles
Don't let us grow old

I wish you the best daughter
For all dreams to come true
Always any undertakings
You have been successful!

So that success awaits you everywhere,
Good luck, happiness and luck!
May your life be beautiful
And only wonderful - the mood!

Being a mother of boys, of course, is not
Soldiers, guns, in coat puffs,
There is dirt under the nails, fighting with friends
So fate gave me a PRINCESS!

My house is decorated with garlands of roses,
Not a killer cyborg that a son would bring!
Beautiful dresses, hairpins, caprons -
Everything every girl should have!

And mother's beads are already at the daughter's
Hidden in a small red box.
And mascara, that's how the month disappeared,
But the daughter says she has not seen her

And know that there is no happier dad,
Who became the father of DAUGHTER once!
She gently kisses him when they meet
And dad is the happiest walks all evening!

He is so touched in a girl's dress!
And asks me to pierce my daughter's ears
Only an hour will come and we will be proud
Our beautiful and smart girl!

Then years later, as I went to my mother,
She will come running on her birthday with flowers.
And the secret will tell me quietly in my ear:
“You are the best mom in the world. »

Frozen with happiness
I am tonight
I just thought:
"I have daughter"

I wonder every day
Again as if:
I have a girl
How and from where?

Many or few,
Little or a lot
It's just happiness
Given to me by God.

Kiss the hands
I'll stroke my heels.
The rest is like
It's not all that important.

long eyelashes,
Not mine but still
My baby's look
I value everything.

How are these eyes
You can't see her tears.
How not to quarrel with her,
no matter how offended.

How can I help
She smile more often
How to tell her
What is happiness.

I'll try, honey
I'll try, honestly
Be your keeper
heavenly angel,

To be a dad and a grandfather
a magician too
Cinderella from a fairy tale
though not similar.

As long as you believe
And look open
I'll be at least from "Rybka"
An old trough

Kiss your nose
Kiss the eye.
Happiness to you dear
For God's sake.

Frozen with happiness
I am tonight
I just thought
"I have daughter".

I look at you my daughter
Blue-eyed, fair-haired.
I love you dearly,
My sunny and snub-nosed!

I will shelter you from the winds
I'll take you away from any trouble
I'll bring you all the flowers
Whatever you want.

Let the doors open for you
Kindness and love of fire.
And I believe, I desperately believe
That you will be happier than me!

You've become quite an adult
And in your eyes there is a trace of wisdom,
But childishly remained stubborn,
My dear daughter, my portrait

I wish you much happiness
Life is hard, you know
Let adversity bypass, bad weather,
You're an adult, you understand everything

My dear daughter, mother herself,
May your life be easy
Let the children surround with joy
And let love warm your house!

"A year behind"
Baby girl, it will be a year soon
But already a citizen, a small nation
Days run after days, the first step is taken
The path to the heights is difficult, I'm not a magician yet

I'm still a baby, I'm only a year old
I'm the only one in the family
Here comes the first birthday
Show me what you bought me

soft toy or airplane
I have a date, a whole year of life
I have grown a lot during this time.
I grew wiser and found friends

Still, of course, only ahead
But now a whole year is behind

I look at you and think.
Himself - and can not believe:
This princess, my star,
Did I carry under my heart?

I touch you - affectionately.
I raise - carefully.
Those sky-colored eyes
Do they laugh softly at me?

Do I feed you - greedy
My chest is furiously crumpling.
This is a miracle, my joy,
Have I given birth to existence?

You, who wave your arms,
Flesh my shred
With blue eyes
Are you drooling over my shoulder?

I see and I can't believe
Only here she is, next to -
Part of my heart
Souls of love and delight.

I rumble through thunderstorms
London angry, stubborn,
It seems like a squeak-chirp -
Mommy, my mom

Night creeps over the city
Seems to be looking for peace
Baby, everything will change
I will lift you, I will grow you!

I can't call it higher
In the heat of fury
Feelings that pierced me -
First motherhood!

The sun is golden in the sky
My shining star.
You are my dear heart
And on the branch is a singing bird.

You are my sweet little pinkie
The closest, the dearest,
You are my delicate scarlet flower
The kindest, smartest and dearest.

You are my love, my hope
Swallow heavenly in the distance.
You are my soul and my tenderness,
God bless you!

Each flower is good in its own way,
You won't find two alike
Lily, rose, narcissus and tulip,
Each has its own beauty and charm.

The same can be said for girls.
You can call anyone a princess
There is uniqueness in you too,
Such as you will not find on earth,

Dear daughter, my baby,
The sun is three times clearer,
If you throw it to any edge,
You come back.

It's just that without a daughter it's triple boring,
Just sadness came
Well, as a woman, there is no one for me
Throw out what I've got.

The daughter has a feminine essence,
Women's logic too
It's just a little bit difficult without a daughter,
We can't live without each other!

What eyes, what cheeks,
Lips like roses!
There is no sweeter than our daughter,
There is nothing better in the whole world!


Alexandra Dmitrieva-Kostina

Light, delicate like a flower
It's like she just gave birth.
Tiny bundle, it contains a soft lump
And endless waves of heat.

Oh, how quickly the years go by
My baby has grown up.
These eyes are two stars from the sky -
They look at you, beckoning with their secret.

And behind the hair waterfalls.
Thin, slender, like a vine.
Greater reward, believe me, do not -
To see those happy eyes.

After all, it all happened with a little daughter:
nice kids and loving husband.
And for her my tender lines -
Symbol of love, unity of souls.

adult daughter

Angelica Bivol

An adult daughter is the pride of every mother,
How difficult it was, only she knows
In excitement, the soul ached more than once,
If suddenly something happened to the princess.

An adult daughter is our reward
For long nights without sleep and rest.
In the past - notebooks, grades, outfits,
Exams, her prom dress.

Adult daughter - endless anxiety,
She has to learn life now.
May the road be smooth and bright,
So that my daughter does not stumble along the way.

An adult daughter is happiness and joy,
Birds in the shower and tulips in bloom!
Let everything that was dreamed come true
My adult daughter on her birthday!

Daughter grew up

Valeria Chaika

The daughter grew up, leaving toys.
In an empty house, do-re-mi does not sound.
Friends haven't been visiting for a long time.
Our girl, you call us.

Your doll sadly looks out the window.
Silently stands the piano in the corner.
Daughter, you stay at least a little

The daughter grew up, spread her wings,
To the stars, striving to make your flight.
May her dreams come true in her life.
A girl in the city will find happiness.

The daughter has grown up, the bell is not heard
In a native house on the river bank.
Here comes spring. Buds open.
The first flower has already blossomed in the snow.
We will celebrate your birthday soon.
The house will be filled with joy again.
You knock on open doors
Along with the spring May rain.

All in the past

Vera Donskaya


All in the past! First, baby talk
And games, and bows in braids.
The carefree wind ruffles the curl,
Love, like the sun, on the eyelashes!

You are all different! But the light of the eyes
It remains the same, the same!
Without makeup and embellishment
Trusting, childishly gentle!

And let someone tell me
That having matured, you will roll away a pretty penny.
But my heart tells me one thing.
She's yours, still the same girl!

Dedicated to my eldest daughter

Galina Veter

Daughter, - gentle, glorious palm ...
Life is fleeting ... and you are already a grandmother.
May God give you health and joy.
May you not see rudeness and filth ...

Light road, good luck, luck!
Let there be only revelations in love!
Happiness, beloved, gentle, strict.
I am very proud of you - touchy.

Daughter - a woman, a glorious darling!
You are my baby ... And you are already a grandmother!

Daughter, hello daughter, bye

Drozhzhina Olga

Daughter, hello ... daughter, bye,
You know the clouds are floating in the sky
And the rainbow shines and the sun laughs
And somewhere in the distance, it will soon rain.

Daughter, dear, how are you?
You're so far away... are you flying away again?
And how would I see you, daughter, with you?
I missed you so much that you can't put it into words.

How is your granddaughter? Studies? Does everyone draw the same?
How about the older one? Is she dancing?
I understand everything ... you are very busy,
I ran ... my heart is bubbling.

Without you I'm so sad and long nights.
I'm sorry, I missed you, my daughter, very much.
And you are so tired ... I understand everything ...
Kiss, miss, love, hug...

adult daughter

Irina Kogolnitskaya

I would like to sing
More often you nightingales
And kisses warmed
Thin hands are yours!

To have a fun summer
Sewed a colored sundress,
In light frills of light
To a dazzling state!

In merry and ringing laughter
I would go to my native light,
Straws would creep into the legs
Every good day!

To fall without knowing
Life walked lovingly
I'm happy, dear,
In pain gave birth to you ...


Lyubov Dubkova

My daughter can't understand
Who does she look like!

Nose, face shape
You look like your father.

Article and perseverance too
You look like your mother.

Humor and talent of the singer
Passed down from father.

The brush of the creator and resilience to troubles
You got it from your grandfather.

Forever standing on the edge
You repeat your mother.

For the family readiness for battle -
From both parents.

Don't waste your life,
Remember your father and mother!

On your non-circular anniversary
Pour love to the brim!

I will say to the sound of a glass:
- You, daughter, are unique!

Love is not just a pretty word

Marina Boykova

Dedicated to my daughter...

You have eyes like the waves of the sea
Braids smell of honey with flower infusion...
Stop being sad! All! Enough
Next to be with those who are not worthy!

Tears, insults, losses are forgotten,
You are reborn again and again...
You live... You smile... You learn to believe
That love is not just a pretty word...

adult daughter

Marina Volnorezova

Adult daughter, amazing even!
Good adviser, friend, judge...
Something will help, something will tell,
A gentle smile will warm you completely.

Just comfortable, childishly calm,
Happiness is immeasurable, I'm not alone.
There are those moments when it hurts too much
And from under the feet the earth runs away.

Adult daughter, you will feel, I know
Give me your hand, give me a shoulder.
Native voice: I understand you
What more do I need in this life?

But true in this is my happiness.
Infinite connection and willingness to help...
And something is wrong, I'm torn to pieces,
So that my adult daughter lives in happiness.


Marina Volnorezova

I'll dial your number and hear
Short, fun - hello!
Or on the net you will write with tenderness,
Telling your secret secret...

I'll understand everything. I am mentally with you
Small grievances or joys flight,
I feel you in my soul
Yours hurts, mine is coming to you!

I'm happy when your world laughs!
When a smile is on your lips!
Everything turns out, it happens, it succeeds ...
And grandiose plans in dreams!

Uneasy when a tear steals away
Leaves a trace on the tender cheek ...
And how extraordinarily sweet
Your short, fun- hello!

Big little daughter

Mikhail Vladimirovich Gusev

If the truth is drowning in falsehood,
If it's hard, it hurts, it's bad,
Come to me like you used to.
You are the same baby for dad.

Slowly open the doors.
Slippers toil, suffering ...
You can believe or not believe
I'm always waiting for you...

Come to me like before
Hide your face in my hands
Drink a cup of hope
Forever little Donya.

Saddle my knees
And press your cheek against me
In the light twilight of autumn,
In winter blizzard restlessness.

I am you, my fluff,
I rock like a sleepyhead
Looking for a relax machine
Under the name "dudon" ...

We dive to the bottom of the sea
And wave to distant stars
We will paint the world with peace
No questionable questions.

Do you want me to be a sea star
Shall I put it in your hand?
Well, if you're sad,
Shall I laugh not for fun?

And I will bring you back from the bottom
To a world that is joyful and bright.
We are with you, my dear,
Let's talk about everything in the world...

adult daughter

Svetlana Loseva

Adult daughter - adult games -
Adult life on fragile shoulders.
Games without rules - sharp needles.
Fear and despair in children's eyes!

Everything is not so simple: in a huge world
You can easily get lost in the crowd.
Troubles and misses are carried by thunder
You need to have time to dodge.

Yes, it's hard, but isn't it easier for mom?
How many tears shed for life!
Time will heal any wounds
If only the daughter lived in happiness.

You are her joy, faith and strength.
You are her warm rainbow day.
With her, you can overcome any grief.
You will be happy! Girl, believe.


Svetlana Fenapetova

How quickly you, my dear, became an adult.
I look at you, I do not recognize:
Familiar cut braids
This is how my daughter was changed.

I really didn't have time to notice
As the days fled, bowing his head.
From my hands fluttered like a white bird
My bright-eyed girl.

Live a hundred years, not knowing sadness,
Let the paths be easy
Let the fresh wind blow over your shoulders.
Fly, my love, fly...


Tatiana Davidenko

Life rushes like a river in the fairway to unknown lands.
I play mother and daughter. Chur, today my daughter is me.

"Wipe my tears with a dressing gown, it is blue like the sky.
Pick me up from kindergarten! May I sleep with you?"

On the eighth of March, I bake a huge cake for my mom ...
"Yes, mommy, I'm here on the bench! At ten? I'll be there! The floor is worn out!"

Mascara secretly lies in a pocket without much prospect.
"Mom, what are you? What boys? It was an elective"

Institute with the distribution - I'm choking on jelly.
"Boy? Mom, no doubt - he's good! I love!"

Life-river does not let up, carrying me into the distance again,
Plays mother-daughter. Today I am the only mother.

Again dolls, blood on the finger, mascara and lipstick deep into the table.
And the exciting "boys?", - my daughter quickly grew up.

Now, we have already met with the Prince - should I not know this!
Granddaughters-grandmothers have been outlined. Why not play?

Oh daughter, daughter

Tamara Shumeiko

Ah, daughter, daughter ... How quickly time
The clock weaves into years-pigtails.
Other plans, deeds, habits -
You have become an adult. And I'm getting old.

Ah, daughter, daughter. So quiet at home...
Lying, bored, an old cat.
And I'm still in a hurry to the window,
When the kids scream familiar.

Oh, daughter, daughter ... They pull with a magnet
Other countries, other people...
There will be no end to the knowledge of the world.
And I still live by the news.

I won't be sad about the past anymore
And enough, daughter, to look sternly -
Give me a granddaughter. To be again
Whims, dolls, and a bow for a cat ...

Daughters. Prayer for women's happiness

Tatyana Kalyuzhnaya

Take an umbrella with you in any bad weather.
So that any worries are within the power.
And to skip running from work!

And to be desirable until old age,
Do not forget yourself how to dream and love,
Never grow old with your soul
And, peeling potatoes, sing with happiness!
To live without malice and jealousy of torment,
So that a loving husband is both a lover and a friend.
So that the day was bright, the night was a holiday.
So that the son was smart, was a good daughter,
And in old age, so that, as a cure for boredom,
Cheerful grandchildren frolicked with laughter.

And let all diseases - not soon and past,
And if so, then let it be tolerable.
Let there be prosperity. Wealth is not needed!
And so that relatives are sincerely happy!
To not see wrinkles in the mirror for a long time,
So that the envy of her friends could not offend.
To have friends. And you don't have to call them
After all, they themselves will come to chat, to be silent!

So I want complete female happiness!
What it is - everything is so simple and clear.
I ask the Lord with sincere faith:
Not for me! My daughter! By full measure!

Tips for daughter

Eduard Skorokhodov

To be cold for the time being -
Same rule of the game
Though love is not a toy
For older kids.

How to know a loved one
Can the heart tell
But while it is calm -
It's better to play with dolls.

And one more piece of advice:
Your husband is your slave and master.
And the only man
Down to the gray hairs.
The daughter has grown - Joy.
And my heart hurts.
Like a leaf from a tree
She will fly into life.
How will her fate turn out?
Where will she sit?
What will you learn in life?
Who will be faithful?

Oh fate! I am begging you -
Be good to her.
Save her from adversity
How to leave the yard.
Somewhere in a noisy city
You warm her up.
Save and save her
From bad people.

From unfaithful deeds.
From trouble and from evil.
Give her truth and courage
To be strong.
Give her love high
Until the end of days.
Give her reliable friends.
Give healthy children!

Oh fate! - I conjure!
Spare no kindness.
Whatever I could, I gave it to her.
The rest - give it to you!

The birth of a daughter is a special moment for parents. Mothers, carrying babies under their hearts, are already dreaming how they will dress up their beauties in beautiful dresses and sing lullabies to them. Strict dads they freeze near the maternity hospital at the sight of an envelope decorated with pink ribbons, and then they carry this enthusiastic tender love through their whole lives.

The most touching poems are dedicated to daughters. They combine joy and tenderness with anxiety and fear for the fate of fragile princesses.

Poems about a daughter: dreams of future parents

And there will be a day.
And there will be night.
And I will have a daughter.
I will give her a name
And I'll tell her everything I know.
I'll tell her that the world is not bad,
Although maybe not "oh!"
But what God intended
Like the best.
And I'll teach you how to stand as a wall
And be a tight string
And feel the views with your back -
Just in case,
Don't trust good dreams,
Bad poetry, wonderful words ...
And no matter how many you are there -
Egor Kuzmich, Demyan Fomich, Ivan Petrovich -
For every tear she
I'll cut your throat
And God help me!
(Ekaterina Gorbovskaya).

Give me a little daughter...
Well do it for me!
Let my daughter be born
On a rainy September evening.
All my life I dreamed of a daughter!
I dreamed of a daughter from you!
When she wakes up in you
I will be happy forever!
She will look like you
And the hair and the look and the pits on the cheeks.
So tender and velvet skin,
And a drop of madness in the eyes.
She will laugh so much
And I'm ready to grow old, but only next to her!
I will do everything for her,
After all, I have thousands of ideas for this occasion.
She learns what the stars are
Inhale the alluring warmth.
She will open spaces for me,
That this life did not give me.
Give me a daughter, I beg you!
Let her be born!
And then he will become more beautiful
There will be no troubles in our world
Rody... She will open her eyes
And that's how he looks at me...
How I will be very happy
On a rainy September evening!
Give me a little daughter...

Poems about a daughter: congratulations to the newborn

From lace, ribbons and bonnets
In the hands of reliable mothers
Looks at the world with confidence
Heavenly creature.
Father glowing with joy
She calls her daughter with charm,
He kisses in gratitude
Wife with love, tenderness.
But the daughter does not know yet
Dreams of their parents
Calmly falls asleep
In the parental home.
Baby be happy
Beloved, kind, gentle!
And quiveringly beautiful
Like a March snowdrop!

Dull, moonless
The night has come.
I was thinking about my son
And they said: "Daughter."
good dreaming
In the whiteness of the chambers...
blue light bulbs
The doors are on fire.
The wind banged the window,
Kisei jet.
Hello, dear little one,
My daughter!
Everything is so blue
There are flowers on the table.
I thought about my son
And you were born.
Forgive me, uninvited
My sleepy hedgehog.
I love you, good
I'll take you home.
For you on the rug
embroidered goat,
You probably have
Blue eyes...
Well ... and if they are gray,
Mom doesn't care.
your first morning
Looks out the window.
(Veronika Tushnova)

Daughter - these are ribbons, polka dot dresses
And trying on mom's new earrings.
Daughter is heels, handbags, coquetry,
The eye of cheerful lights and colorful childhood.
Let the daughter be both smart and beautiful,
Let her happy laugh wake you up in the morning.
Let the sun caress the rosy cheeks,
Gentle, sincere love - to you and your daughter!
(Tatiana Dementieva)

Poems about a daughter: we read before going to bed

Sleep, my baby
Night all around.
night leafing through a book
Under the name "Sleep".
Pages flutter,
The leaves rustle
Let you dream
Protected garden.
Let you dream
brook in the garden,
And on the branch - a bird,
white cockatoo,
He is the eternal keeper
Silence all around
Because chick
Under his wing.
Sensitively chick
Black-eyed is sleeping.
brook bell
Whispers ringing,
The wind stops
The moon is hiding
So that nothing in the world
Didn't disturb sleep.
(Vera Dvoryaninova)

The night was covered with a black blanket,
Warming in the light of the stars
And weaves reality and fiction
From the land of magical dreams.
The night shows fairy tales
And legends of old:
Naughty - in gray colors,
Sweet - pink dreams.
Close your eyes princess
Bye-bye, my angel.
Believe someday from a fairy tale
The prince will come for you too.
Gilded carriage
Will take you to your dream
To meet the morning dawn
To the clear morning star.
Come alive in old books
Troubadours, kings,
Always something boys
Looking for the ends of the earth.
And princes roam the world
Through villages and forests,
And find their love
Because they believe in miracles.

Little lady
Sleeping in your bed
With teddy bear
Hugging sweetly.
Her dreams are like spots
Pleasant voice
Singing in silence.
Little lady,
silk bangs,
Sleeping in a fluffy blanket
Doll and bee.
The safest
Her sleep is restless.
Sleeping to the sound of mom
Miracle man.
little fairy,
precious ray,
Still has time
Still get it.
Cams squeezing
Brings eyebrows into the house.
Lady, bye-bye
Sleep well.

Beautiful poems about daughter

I am surprised every day anew.
I have a girl, how and where?
A lot or a little, a little or a lot...
It's just happiness given to me by God.
Kiss the hands, stroke the heels
The rest doesn't seem to matter all that much.
Long eyelashes, not mine...but still
The look of my baby is the most precious thing to me.
How can you not see her tears in those eyes?
How not to quarrel with her, how not to offend?
How can I help her smile more often?
How to tell her what happiness is?
I'll try my dear, I'll try honestly
Be your guardian, an angel in heaven.
Kiss your nose, kiss your eyes.
Happiness to you dear, happiness for God's sake!
I froze with happiness tonight ...
I just thought: “I have a daughter!”

Fresh strawberries and viscous honey,
Light vanilla and the wind of the fields
Hair, cheeks and hands smell
Little girl, my daughter.
In the smell of warm, rich childhood -
Only peace, serenity and peace.
This smell keeps me warm
In the most terrible terrible days.
The smell of a daughter ... Fragrant and light
The smell of raspberries in the July garden.
The scent of a daughter...
I breathe in and ... with this,
I live this breath again.

There are many interesting poems about a daughter that express love, warmth, tenderness and care for a little princess. Try to tell your baby as often as possible about how you love her, and the child will definitely answer you in the same way.

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