Mushrooms berries summary of the lesson preparatory group. The development of speech. lexical theme "berries". Development of creative abilities of parents

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Kid"

Synopsis of directly educational activities

in the educational field "Communication"

for preschool children

Speech therapy group with ONR

Theme "Mushrooms and berries"

Done by a speech pathologist

MBDOU combined type kindergarten "Kid"

Silantieva Natalia Nikolaevna




Correctional and educational:

To consolidate and systematize ideas about the changes taking place in the life of the forest in autumn, about forest mushrooms and berries, and their places of growth;

Enrich the active dictionary (mushroom, boletus, boletus, boletus, mushroom, volnushka, chanterelle, fly agaric, toadstool, russula, white, leg, hat, bush, berry, cranberry, lingonberry, raspberry, cloudberry, blueberry); form a verb dictionary (search, collect, cut, wash, clean, boil, dry, fry, pickle, harvest, find, pick, ...)

Develop coherent speech; improve the grammatical structure of speech (formation of relative adjectives, agreement of adjectives with nouns);

Train the skill of making sentences with spatial prepositions (in, on, from, under, from under); learn to distinguish prepositions from phrases and sentences; develop the habit of using them correctly.


Develop coherent speech, speech hearing, visual and auditory attention, general, fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational:

To cultivate activity, initiative, skills of independence, interaction and cooperation; love and respect for nature.

Material: a ball, illustrations depicting mushrooms and berries, cards depicting a diagram of prepositions on, under, in, from. Split pictures "mushrooms".

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time.

A speech therapist invites children to a lesson, organizes a greeting and offers to solve riddles:

Under the aspen by the path The girl has thin legs

Who is standing among the grass? Bright red earrings.

There is a leg, but no shoe. Look under the leaf

There is a hat, there is no head It blushes there ....

L. Excellent. You guessed the riddles and immediately guessed that today we will start a conversation with you about mushrooms and wild berries, about what the forest gives us in autumn.

The speech therapist scatters planar images of mushrooms and berries on the carpet and invites the children to sit on the carpet, imagining that it is a forest clearing.

My friends and I will go to the forest,

Find berries and mushrooms.

We will collect them in baskets

And we'll bring them home.

L. Before you are pictures of mushrooms and berries. Please answer my questions and take the right picture.

Why are you going to the forest?

What mushroom did you find?

What's in your cart?

What did you bring from the forest?

What berry did you pick?

What was hanging on the bush?

What are you making juice from?

Which mushroom is better to salt?

What berries do you like to make jam from?

What mushrooms do you cook mushroom soup from?

What mushroom would you not put in a basket?

L. Well done. You answered my questions correctly and chose the pictures and we can move on to the next game.

Ball game "What are they doing?" (enrichment of children's speech with verbs)

What can be done with mushrooms and berries? (search, collect, sort, cut, wash, clean, boil, dry, fry, pickle, harvest, find, pluck, ...)

The speech therapist invites the children to sit down at the tables. When you answered my questions, you used small but very important words. They help us to know where the object is. Look at the diagrams and answer where the circle is and guess what prepositions they represent.

on under in out

Make up sentences with these prepositions. And the diagrams and pictures will help you cope with the task. (The boletus grows under the aspen. Strawberries ripen in the sun. Cranberries grow in the swamp. The boy brought a whole basket of mushrooms from the forest. Etc.)

L. You coped with this difficult task. Let `s have some rest.

Visual exercise "Berries"

Strawberries ripen on the right

On the left - sweet blueberries,

On the right is a red lingonberry,eye movements left and right

Blueberries sing on the left

We will collect all the berriesclose the eyelids of both eyes for 3-5 seconds,

Let's rest, let's go home. repeat 6-8 times

L. I also prepared for you a short story about berries and mushrooms. Listen to what I got.

Mushrooms and berries grow from the forest. Boletus in aspen, boletus on birch. Berries - blueberries and raspberries under the bushes. I'll pick the mushrooms from the basket, and the berries under the jar and bring it home. At home, I will cook a delicious mushroom soup from cranberries, and a refreshing, healthy fruit drink from porcini mushrooms.

Who noticed the mistakes in my story? Correct them and repeat my story correctly.

Physical education "For mushrooms"

We will go to the forest

We'll find a mushroom

Ay, ay! Nobody responds.

Only an echo responds.

L. Our forests are rich in mushrooms and berries. I wonder why mushrooms and berries have such interesting names?

Exercise "Why is it called that?"

Why do you think they called it that: boletus, boletus, russula, camelina, white, blueberries, strawberries, blueberries.

L. You correctly explained why these mushrooms and berries were called that. And now I suggest you collect images of mushrooms from split pictures.

Split pictures "Mushrooms".

End of class. (Assessment of children's work.)

The speech therapist offers to remember what they did, what they were interested in doing, and then evaluates their work.

Plan - summary of directly - educational activities with children of the older group on the topic "Berries. This summary presents:

Goals and objectives of the lesson;

organizational moments;

Physical education minutes;

Reflection, generalization of the material.




The abstract offers material for introducing children to garden and wild berries.

Theme: "Berries"

Goals and objectives: Acquaintance with the names of berries, the difference between garden and forest berries, the importance of berries in people's lives.

Description of directly educational activities

  1. Hello guys! An amazing adventure awaits us today! We will go in search of very tasty, healthy and vitamin-rich foods. These products will be the topic of our lesson. While we were away from our group, a wizard came and left tasks and clues for us to help us in our search. Let's try to find something interesting.

(Children look for clues in the group).

Find in the group a piece of paper with a picture of a car. Next, they need to look for a toy car and a clue in it. In the cockpit of the car, they find another piece of paper that says the word with upside-down letters - kitchen. They need to figure out how to read it. With the help of a teacher, they find the right way out of the situation and bring the sheet to the mirror. They read the word and go to look for the kitchen (children's kitchen furniture in the group).

Educator: Guys, before we continue the search, let's warm up a little.

  1. Fizkultminutka.

Sunny fine day

My friends and I are going to the forest.

We carry baskets with us…

Here's a good trail!(Walking in place)

Collecting strawberries(forward bends)

Looking for delicious blueberries

blueberry, bone berry,

Sour cranberries.

And around full of raspberries -

We couldn't get past

Collecting bushes ...(Turns left - right)

There are great places here!

Again we go through the forest,(Walking in place)

And around - so interesting!

Time to rest, my friend.

We will sit down on a stump!(Sipping, arms to sides).

  1. Educator: And now we can continue our journey.

Educator: I will now read the riddle to you. Guessing it, you will know what we were looking for.

These forest berries

Brown bears love it.

Not mountain ash, not viburnum,

And with thorns ... (raspberries).

Children: Raspberry.

Educator: Right. We found raspberries. This is a berry that grows in the forest. And what other berries that grow in the forest, do you know?

Children: Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.

Educator: Right. And what are the berries that grow in the garden called?

Children: Garden berries.

Educator: Well done! What garden berries do you know?

Children: Currants, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, etc.

  1. Educator: I have prepared an interesting game for you. And I need to divide you into two teams. (Divides the children into two teams).

There are pictures of berries and two baskets on two tables. At the command of the teacher, the children go to their table. One team to one, the other to another, and they begin to sort the berries. In one basket they collect forest berries, in the other - garden berries. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.

Teacher: Well done guys! You did a great job with the assignment.

And tell me, please, how do forest berries differ from garden berries, what do you think? (show illustrations of forest and garden berries)

If the children find it difficult to answer, tell them about the differences.

Wild berries are smaller than garden berries; bushes and leaves of garden berries are larger than those of forest ones; a person takes care of garden berries, and forest ones grow by themselves.

  1. Educator: Guys, what are the benefits of berries for a person?

Children: You can eat them, they are healthy, there are a lot of vitamins.

Educator: Right. Berries are a very useful product rich in vitamins and nutrients. And some of them we use as a medicine for colds (raspberries).

  1. Reflection.

What did we do today?

What did we talk about?

What new did you learn today?

What did you like the most?

The final lesson in the preparatory group of children on the topic "Mushrooms, berries"

Purpose: Generalization of children's knowledge about mushrooms and berries of our forests.

To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe concepts of "mushrooms", "berries";

To consolidate children's knowledge about the gifts of the forest, mushrooms and berries growing in our forest;

Form a respect for nature;

Learn to be careful with unknown objects, with inedible mushrooms and berries;

Awaken interest in wildlife;

To develop children's skills in productive and playful activities in the types of children's activities;

Raise the emotional mood in children.

Event progress:

Hello guys! I suggest going to visit Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. I want to bring her mushrooms and berries. Can you help me collect them? One, two, three turn around and find yourself in the forest. Hear riddles.

1. Riddles.

I'm under a colored hat

I stand alone on my feet.

I have my habits.

I always play hide and seek.

Who has a hat without a head, and a leg without a boot?

He was hidden deep

One-two-three - and went out,

And he is in plain sight.

White, I will find you (boletus)

There are no mushrooms friendlier than these, -

Adults and children know

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Don't forget these commandments:

Don't destroy the nest

Do not harm animals

Don't leave trash in the forest

Don't break trees

Do not deprive the earth of beauty!

Everyone dances together to the song of Little Red Riding Hood (show dance)

Business game "Readiness of parents to teach their children at school"

1. Speech by the educator on the topic "The role of fairy tales in the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers."

A fairy tale enjoys great love among children.

The fairy tale is the oldest genre of oral folk art. It teaches a person to live, instills in him optimism, faith in the triumph of goodness and justice. Real human relationships are hidden behind fantasy and fiction. This is where the great educational value of the tale comes from.

The fairy tale has an advantage over other educational methods. This is a kind of moral code of the people, their heroism is, although imaginary, but examples of the true behavior of an honest person who knows how to stand up for his dignity.

A fairy tale plays an important role in the development of the imagination - an ability without which neither the mental activity of a child during preschool and school education, nor any creative activity of an adult is possible. Fairy tales instill an interest in reading fiction.

2. Business game "The readiness of parents to teach their children at school."

1) Warm up.

The morning starts with gymnastics. See what our kids can do.

2) Educator and parents

Carrying out with parents (with mirrors) respiratory, articulatory and finger gymnastics.

Conducting activities with parents.

1. Sound-letter analysis of words

Upbringing. Child - 13 letters, 12 sounds.

2. The game "Letters crumbled." Compose words.

Yames is family. Deriloti - parents.

3. Make word schemes. (Divide words into syllables)

4. Draw up proposal schemes. Dima has a ball. We go for a walk?


1. Make an example.

2. Solve the problem.

3. More, less, how much, equal.

Development of creative abilities of parents.

Work with musical accompaniment: "Depict what you heard."

Team 1 draws, Team 2 does the appliqué.

Physical development

Russian folk outdoor games.


Presentation of certificates on completion of advanced training courses on the topic "Readiness of parents to teach their child at school."

Direct educational activities for children of senior preschool age on the topic "Berries"

Program tasks:
1. To form knowledge about berries, their variety and appearance;
2. Refine and consolidate the idea of ​​their growth;
3. Develop the ability to form nouns in the forms of the nominative and genitive plural;
4. Develop fine motor skills, graphomotor skills;
5. Cultivate respect for nature.

Required material:
- Demonstration material "Berries";
- Coloring pages "Berries";
- The pencils;
- markers;
- Pictures "Berry jam";
- Pictures "Forest", "Garden";
- Split pictures.

Educator: Guys solve riddles
I'm black, red, white
I'm good to everyone when I'm ripe.
And leaves with an elegant pattern
I am equal to the grape leaf.

Thorns with nettles - neighbors,
And I'm overwhelmed with joy
And people are in a hurry, and bears

To enjoy my sweetness.

Low, but prickly
Sweet and smelly
Pick berries -
Take your whole hand.

Turned sideways to the bed,
Full of red juice.
Her sister is a strawberry.
What is a berry?

caregiver Q: What do you think our lesson today will be about?
Children: About berries
Educator: Correctly. What other berries do you know?
Children's answers.
Educator: Berries are forest and garden. Tell me how they differ?
Children: Forest grow in the forest, and garden - in the garden.
Educator: Right. Divide into groups pictures with berries ( pictures of berries and pictures of "forest" and "garden" are offered).

Educator: Well done! You coped with this task, but will you be able to make jam from berries?

Game "Berry Jam"
The teacher shows the picture, inviting the children to take turns calling which jam.
For example:
Raspberry jam - raspberry jam.

Fizminutka "Picking berries"

Educator: Okay, now let's look at the pictures and describe the berries.

Game "Describe the berry"
for example: Strawberries - large, ripe, sweet, red, etc.

Educator: Guys, a lot of berries grow in the garden and in the forest. What berries grow a lot?

Game "One - many"
Children are offered a picture, and they call:
for example
: One currant - a lot of currants "

Educator: Amazing. Look, you have split pictures on your tables. You need to collect them.

Game "Fold the picture"
Children need to fold a split picture and name the resulting berry. The work is carried out in subgroups.

Educator: Well, now that we have remembered the names of all the berries, clarified their appearance, choose any coloring berry and color it. (During the selection process, the children say which berry they chose).

At the end of the lesson, the children, together with the teacher, draw up an exhibition.

Consider natural berries with your child and explain that all this can be called in one word “berries”. At the same time, attention should be paid to the characteristic features: color, shape, taste, if possible, show and tell the child how and where the berries grow (in the garden, in the forest, on a tree, on a bush, on the ground, in clusters, one at a time);

Tell, show and give the child a taste of what is prepared from berries;

Didactic game "Taste the berry"; as an excursion, you can visit the market with your child and see what vegetables, fruits and berries they sell there.

Exercise 2. Guess the riddle and learn by choice.

It was green, small, then I became scarlet. I turned black in the sun, and now I'm ripe. (Berry)

In haymaking - bitter, and in frost - sweet. What is a berry? (Kalina)

Two sisters are green in summer. By autumn, one turns red, the other turns black. (Red and black currant)

The stumps have many thin stalks on the baking sheet. Each thin stem holds a scarlet light. We unbend the stems - we collect the lights. (Strawberry)

Task 3. Write a descriptive story about the berry according to the following plan:

What is it?

Where does it grow?

What is the appearance (color, shape, size)?

What does it taste like?

What is prepared from it?

Task 4. Didactic game "Name the juice, name the jam" (formation of relative adjectives): raspberry juice - raspberry; cherry juice - ...; raspberry jam - raspberry, cherry jam - ....

Exercise 5. Didactic game “Which berry is superfluous? Why?" (according to pictures).

Strawberries, currants, blueberries, cherries. (Blueberry- grows in the forest.

Cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries. (Raspberry - grows on a bush.)

Task 6. Recall riddles about vegetables, fruits and berries.

Task 7. Didactic game "The fourth extra" (according to pictures).

Vegetables: potatoes, onions, apples, tomatoes.

fruits: lemon, cucumber, banana, peach.

Berries: raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries.

Task 8. Didactic game "What grows in the garden, and what in the garden?" The child lists vegetables, fruits, berries known to him and tells where they grow.

Task 9. Didactic game "Fix the mistake."

Beets grow on an apple tree; pear grows in the garden; strawberries grow on a tree; cranberries grow on a bush: potatoes grow in a swamp.

Task 10. Answer the questions.

What vegetable can be said to be "hard"?

What kind of fruit can be called "juicy"?

About what berry can you say "sour"?

Task 11. Didactic game "Pick up a sign": lemon (what?) ...; strawberries (what?) ...; tomato (what?) - ....

Task 12. Count vegetables, fruits, berries (coordination of nouns with ordinal numbers, counting up to five): the first apple, the second apple ...; first tomato, second tomato...; first potato, second potato... .

Task 13. Cut out pictures of berries and paste them into the album.

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