John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe relationship. "Happy birthday, Mr. President!”, or Marilyn Monroe's Most Scandalous Performance. Weird Housekeeper: The Doctor's Friend

Two bright women fought for the heart of American President John F. Kennedy. One busty blonde famous actress, whose sexuality drove men crazy, the other is the first of America, a talented journalist and a representative of an aristocratic family. What could them in this man? He had charisma, charm, a penetrating mind.

The budding politician met his future wife Jacqueline (Jackie was the popular name for her) in 1951. At that time, neither John nor Jacqueline were people with an impeccable reputation: on the account of both of them there were several fleeting intrigues. Jacqueline's father warned his daughter that a woman can have both intelligence and beauty, but without a reputation she is nothing. Being engaged to an American broker, Jackie realized that she loved Kennedy, so she gave the engagement to her fiancé.

John met Marilyn Monroe in 1954 at a party with actor Peter Lawford. It was then that they realized that they sympathized with each other. Outwardly, both Marilyn and John led a quite decent life: John was married to his wife Jacqueline for several years, was an exemplary family man in the eyes of the public, and Marilyn got married several times and had momentary romances. But their connection was very strong, so much so that Monroe became a member of the Kennedy family, whom she called "relatives." She became friends with John's father, and was on close terms with Kennedy's brother Robert.

Jacqueline, on the contrary, felt a sense of disgust for John's brothers and sisters, calling them "gorillas" in a narrow circle. What did it cost her to be imbued with confidence in the strict parents of the future president. She made an effort to make his family come to the conclusion that there was no better support than she for the indefatigable John.

Kennedy's wife had to deal with the incredible sexuality of her husband. Despite the fact that he loved his Jackie, he did not seek to remain faithful to her. John had many love affairs, often limited to bed. And all family members knew it. But the connection with Monroe was long and dangerous: the actress fearlessly tried on the role of the first lady.

Once Marilyn called Kennedy's wife and said that as a man he was happy only with Monroe, and that after the presidential term she would become his wife. Jacqueline's reaction was amazing. Jackie calmly replied without tantrums, conflicts and scandals that in this case Marilyn would not belong to herself, she would attend all the events that John attends and do what is required of her. Jacqueline seemed to know the weak point of the actress: Marilyn really wanted to be the wife of the president, but she could not take on the burden of responsibility.

Marilyn Monroe is an eccentric woman whose sexuality amazed all men. She had a terrible reputation: frequent nervous breakdowns, drug use and support for dubious people. The behavior of the buxom blonde became more and more unpredictable and incomprehensible. In 1962, she sang the song "Happy Birthday, Mr. President", dedicated to John, in which only a callous person could not see the passionate love between the actress and the President of America. For John, such a trick of his mistress was the last, he stopped the intrigue with her, as the power and the presidency were under threat.

Jackie, on the contrary, did not try to sort things out with her husband, but simply won the sympathy of ordinary Americans, journalists, whose interests she supported. Jacqueline conducted tours of the White House (no first lady behaved like her), combined incompatible things in her outfits, which delighted fashion magazines. Jacqueline is a woman with a sense of tact, endurance, self-control. Clever, exemplary mother and wife. If John had left such a wife, the public would not have forgiven him for this.

The connection with the Kennedy family is one of the most important touches in the biography and legend of Marilyn Monroe. She is attributed love relationship with both brothers at once: with Jack, who became president, and with Robert, who was attorney general. Moreover, it is believed that it was these relationships that could become tragic and fateful for Marilyn ...

To understand what Jack and Robert were not like politicians, but as real living people, it is necessary to tell a little about the Kennedy family.

There were nine of them: four brothers and five Kennedy sisters. Children of banker Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald, daughter of Boston Mayor Jack Fitzgerald. Their father brought them up with the idea that the Kennedys should be friends only with the Kennedys and trust only the Kennedys, and that if there was friction between any of the two of them, anyway, any of the boys and girls would find a brother or sister who was close in spirit.

“Many years ago we decided that children would be our closest friends and we would never get tired of them,” Rose told a reporter in the late 1930s. - Kennedy is an autonomous unit. Whether one of us wants to go sailing, play golf, walk or just chat, there will always be another who is willing to keep him company.

Joseph Kennedy was obsessed with political ambitions. He himself reached only the post of US ambassador to the UK: prestigious, honorable, but far from real power. However, he was sure that his sons would achieve more.

Joseph demanded of his sons that they be the best in everything. Any failure was perceived as a real disaster. Any weakness was considered a disgrace. The father's favorite was the firstborn, Joseph Patrick, who was called Joe Jr. The most beautiful, healthy, strong, brave of his children! All the hopes of the family were pinned on him. He was seen as a future politician and, perhaps, the first Catholic president...

The second son, Jack Fitzgerald, who was called Jack, was smarter than his older brother, but from childhood he was sickly and fragile, read a lot, and of all sports he excelled only in swimming. His spine was damaged at birth. However, in the family they tried not to notice his weakness. Illness for Kennedy was something shameful. And Jack tried to be the same as everyone else. Healthy and mobile. He suffered an additional spinal injury while playing football. From the first year of college, he had to leave in order to be treated. He had Addison's disease, which was considered fatal. If cortisone had not been invented at the time of his youth, he would have died before he was twenty, but he was still told that he would hardly live to be forty-five. He was also allergic and contracted malaria. He joked with friends: "If ever a book is written about me, it will be called:" Jack Kennedy. Case History "".

Robert Francis Kennedy, Bobby, the third of Kennedy's sons and the seventh of nine Kennedy children, gave his parents no trouble at all. All familiar families considered Bobby to be just the same exemplary child and set an example for their children. True, his father was not pleased with him. Bobby grew up too religious and dreamed of becoming a priest. He studied well, was an excellent athlete - but he kept all the fasts, read only religious literature, prayed earnestly, did not part with the rosary. In fact, it is not bad for a Catholic family to have its own priest ... However, excessive zeal for virtue confused and saddened Joseph. He was afraid that with such an idealistic outlook on life, Bobby would not be able in the future to be a worthy assistant to his brothers, whom Joseph had been preparing for a political career since childhood.

When did the second World War. Joseph, who served as ambassador to the UK, actively opposed the entry of the United States into hostilities. But when his own son Jack was awarded the Purple Heart after a battle with a Japanese destroyer, Joseph was proudest of all: he liked being the father of a hero! True, in this battle, Jack hurt his back a second time. From now on, pain became his constant companion.

Joe decided to prove that he can fight no worse than Jack. He asked for a transfer to England, where there were more opportunities for real heroism. He died in the battle over the English Channel, burned down in the plane. It was a terrible blow for the family - all Kennedy's hopes were pinned on Joe! But Joseph reluctantly said to Jack, “Now it's your turn. You will be in place of Joe." It meant - you will make a political career.

Bobby was nineteen years old that year. He attended the University of Virginia School of Law and still hoped to become a priest. AT student years Bobby Kennedy led a frighteningly virtuous life, not participating in traditional youth entertainment. He seriously prepared for a spiritual career. But after Joe's death, his father had a serious talk with Bobby, explaining that now he certainly shouldn't leave the world: the family needs him, he should become Jack's first assistant. And Bobby agreed to part with the dream of serving God.

Bobby dreamed about real family where he will be comfortable, calm and warm. Now he wanted more than anything to find good girl who will build a cozy nest for him. True, Bobby imagined his future wife as a modest and meek girl, and in his youth he paid attention mainly to ugly girls who no one else noticed. It seemed to him that such girls become the best wives.

Ethel Skeykel became his chosen one. The Skakel family resembled the Kennedy family: very wealthy Catholics with many children, descendants of Irish emigrants. Ethel attended the Dominican primary school, where the lessons were taught by nuns, later her mother transferred her to the very prestigious Greenwich Academy, and there she became friends with Jean Kennedy. In 1945, Jean introduced Ethel to her brothers: the charming Jack, who was presented as a war hero and everyone's favorite, and the quiet, shy Bobby.

Both Bobby and Ethel were puritanical, and passionate embraces before marriage were not for them. In the end, he almost became a priest, and Ethel almost took the tonsure. Only thanks to the persuasion of her parents, Ethel nevertheless decided to unite life with Robert Kennedy, and not with God. However, everyone who knew Ethel and Bobby throughout their living together, noted that she literally idolized him, considering him an absolute ideal - the perfect man, the perfect person. His classmate Barett Prettyman said: “She looked at Bobby as if she were God. God did inexplicable things, but he was always right.”

Usually mothers-in-law are not too fond of daughters-in-law, but Rose Kennedy immediately fell in love with Ethel: she saw that this girl - perfect wife for Bobby. Rose was also pleased with Ethel's promise to give birth to even more children than her mother-in-law. This is a real Catholic, a real Kennedy!

Every morning, the couple went hand in hand to the local church for Mass and prayed. While Bobby worked, Ethel did charity work and prepared parties that helped him strengthen his political ties. After all, nothing is more conducive to conversation than a glass of good wine and delicious dinner. And soon she had to take part in her husband's political campaigns and travel with him around the country, and in most cases pregnant ... Because she was almost always pregnant. Petite Ethel Kennedy gave birth to 11 children during the 18 years she lived with Robert.

It should be noted that acquaintances and even relatives did not know how to relate to her endless pregnancies. Detractors called her a "cow" and a "peasant", some gossiped that with the help of constant pregnancies she avoids sex with her husband, who is not very experienced in the science of love. The couple really avoided passionate hugs, at least in public, but they often teased each other and generally behaved like loving brother and sister. However, Ethel told her relatives that she set out to make as many copies of her beloved Bobby as possible. Such beautiful person there must be a lot of children!

One family friend recalled: “They enjoyed each other's company. Even if they had dinner at home, Ethel came down to the table dressed up and perfumed, as if on a first date.

In 1953, Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier. It was to a greater extent the choice of his father: Joseph considered that such a girl - from the cream of American society, elegant, able to keep up small talk, but not being too bright personality - would be an ideal match for a talented young politician.

The relationship of the two Mrs. Kennedys did not work out. Jacqueline allowed herself rather rude jokes about Ethel, in particular, she called her "a machine for the production of children - as soon as she starts it, she immediately puts them on." Ethel, too, did not hold back hostility: she scoffed at Jacqueline's claims to aristocracy.

Immediately after the honeymoon, Jack became actively involved in political life: he had a premonition of the imminent overthrow of Senator McCarthy, and he needed to remove Bobby from the "commission to investigate un-American activities" before it was too late. It was not easy to do this: Bobby, whom his friends called the "crusader", was devoted to the ideas of McCarthy and fought the communists not for fear, but for conscience. Even with age, he did not grow out of idealism, sincerely believed in the sacred principles of American democracy, saw a tyrannical regime in communism and believed that all communists want to impose the same regime in America. After his visit to the USSR, Robert Kennedy strengthened his opinion that communism is an absolute evil... However, more and more dissidents appeared among the American intelligentsia, and McCarthyism became more and more unfashionable. And the prudent Jack nevertheless persuaded his ardent brother to switch to a more noble struggle. Although with a more dangerous enemy: the mafia. Having familiarized himself with the documents provided to him, Bobby clung to the new case tightly - like a fox terrier. And he did not stop this struggle until his death.

In 1957, the Kennedys began a political campaign to nominate Jack for the Democratic Party. Robert led the election campaign. Ethel, despite another pregnancy, tried to help as much as she could, meeting with constituents and hosting endless tea parties for the wives of Kennedy's most important supporters. While Jacqueline was bored, she did not try to hide her indifference to all this fuss. In addition, she had a difficult pregnancy. Her first daughter was stillborn. When Jacqueline managed to get pregnant again, she tried to protect herself from any worries as much as possible. The pregnancy ended successfully, she gave birth to a daughter, Caroline.

In 1960, Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy became the first Catholic president in US history. Jack also became the youngest president in history: he was forty-three years old when he won the election. His elegant wife was pregnant when they moved to the White House with their baby daughter, and it was there that their son, Jack Jr., was born. The family looked exemplary, like from a poster. The public adored them only because they are so pretty, young, peppy and both embody two types of the American elite: Jack - "new money" and hot Irish blood, Jacqueline - "white bone" and " blue blood”, naturally, in the American sense of these phenomena, that is, without true aristocracy in origin.

Jack convened a new cabinet of ministers, and appointed his brother Robert as attorney general. It was just what Bobby wanted to do and what he was perfect for. Many condemned Jack: after all, for the first time in American history, a president and his adviser were so closely related. However, Bobby proved the correctness of this choice: when the problems with Cuba resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis, his determination, combined with an unexpected display of political prudence, helped to avoid a third world war. And then, surrounded by Kennedy, they started talking about the fact that the educated, well-read, strong-willed and purposeful Robert would have made a politician and even a much better president than the charming and frivolous Jack. However, in American history there has already been a case when, one after another, the post of president was occupied by the father and son of Adams. So why, after the elder brother Kennedy, the younger brother could not take the same post?

Kennedy's "reign" in Washington was short, bright, but by no means easy. The Vietnam War, in which President Kennedy actively opposed intervention. The fight against segregation in the southern states. The fight against the omnipotence and arbitrariness of the FBI. With corruption in the highest echelons of power. Mafia fight. Many, many struggles.

Of course, the problems in the president's family were carefully concealed from the public.

First of all - Jack's illnesses. The injured back caused him monstrous torment. He underwent two surgeries, almost became paralyzed, and each day began for him with painkillers on both sides of his spine.

And then there was Addison's disease and hormonal treatment, because of which he began to gain weight. To overcome the fullness, Jack swam obsessively: the only form of active physical activity. True, he could swim only in a warm pool: cold water caused exacerbation of pain.

The second problem was the debauchery of the young president. Jack Kennedy was very fond of women. He seduced every pretty person who came across his life path and agreed to a quick, easy connection. It was said that in Hollywood he had almost a harem. An exaggeration: a harem is what a man constantly keeps, constancy was not among Jack's virtues. He liked equally both the slender stewardesses in their strict uniforms and the elegant ladies from high society. Jack treated all the victims of his temperament equally benevolently. And he never took offense at rejections. There are so many more in the world beautiful women, and sex is something that should happen by mutual desire ... However, unlike the kings of the past, who spent solid funds from the treasury on their favorites, Jack Kennedy did not positive impact on the fate of his mistresses did not render. Sex was his favorite pastime, but nothing more.

The father, Joseph Kennedy, was delighted with the adventures of his son, and laughed at the FBI agents, who were supposed to track each of the mistresses of the young congressman, then the senator, then the president ... He said: “If the FBI decided to turn on each of the girls Jack dossier, we should buy shares in the company that sells them filing cabinets!”

Because of his dashing adventures in the FBI archives, Jack Kennedy was listed under the pseudonym "Ulan". Robert was called "The Crusader". Marilyn Monroe was listed under the pseudonym "Strawhead" - this derisive nickname had to do with both the color of her hair and the supposed stupidity of the blonde actress.

The novel of Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy in the perception of the public is something romantic, almost like a fairy tale. The golden goddess of Hollywood in the arms of the modern young king of America, the romantic master of New Camelot (Jack Kennedy loved the musical "Camelot" and the legends of the Arthurian cycle, and he liked it when his reign was called New Camelot). There are an incredible number of books on the theme of their love affair, both novels and studies, and lyrical songs, and even the John & Marylin perfume by Parfumerie Generale, delicate and sensual ... The legend is too beautiful to be discarded.

However, facts are harsh and cold things. The president and the actress met four times between October 1961 and August 1962. Four proven encounters. You can speculate anything, which people do. And if at first they said that the movie star gave herself to the president after celebrating his birthday, then - that for the first time Marilyn was in Jack's bed after the inauguration party, then - that their relationship began when he was still running for president ... And now some the authors claim that they knew each other in their youth, when Marilyn took her first steps in the acting field and once got to the “golden youth” party. The most skeptical biographers of Marilyn laugh at the dreamers: they will soon say that the president lost his virginity in the arms of an actress! Maybe they'll say...

The first proven meeting took place at the home of Patricia and Peter Lawford in Santa Monica, in October 1961. Marilyn came to dinner with friends, met Patricia's famous brother there. But one of the Lawford servants drove her home.

The second meeting was in February 1962. Marilyn was invited to Fifi Fell's home in Manhattan. A wealthy widow and society lady, Mrs. Fell hosted a reception in honor of the President. Marilyn came and left accompanied by Milton Ebbins.

The third meeting is on Saturday, March 24, 1962. The President and the actress were guests at the home of popular singer Bing Crosby in Palm Springs. And that's when they spent the night in the same bedroom. Where did Marilyn call Ralph Roberts?

“She asked me about one muscle she knew from Mabel Ellsworth Todd's The Thinking Body, and it was clear she was talking on the subject with a president who was known for experiencing different kind ailments and problems with the muscles and spine, ”said Ralph. Moreover, the president did not even think to hide the fact that he was in the middle of the night in the company of an actress who was going to give him a massage. He took the phone from Marilyn and personally thanked Roberts for his advice.

“Then, when everything was shaking with gossip, Marilyn told me that her “romance” with JFK was only those minutes that she spent with him that March night. Of course, everything that happened was a very pleasant tickle to her ambition: after all, the President, through Lawford, sought a meeting with her for a whole year. Many people believed that the matter was not limited to that Sabbath. But from a conversation with Marilyn, I got the impression that neither for her nor for him it was some kind of particularly important event: they met, and that was the end, ”said Roberts.

That night, Jack invited Marilyn to his birthday party at Madison Square Garden. And she promised him to sing " happy birthday to you".

Their fourth meeting took place on May 19, 1962. To wish the president a happy birthday, Marilyn arrived (belatedly) for a concert that was attended by more than fifteen thousand people, each of whom paid from a hundred to a thousand dollars for a ticket (the income from the concert went to the fund of the Democratic National Committee).

And, although there was nothing intimate between Marilyn and the president that evening, many of those present noted that her congratulatory speech was more sensual than a love confession, and resembled some kind of sophisticated sexual act at a distance, between a woman standing on the stage and a man seated in the presidential box.

This evening was generally special for Marilyn. It was the evening of her absolute female triumph. It is female, not acting. She diligently prepared herself to literally seduce the whole room.

Marilyn turned to the very popular fashion designer Jean Louis and asked him to create for her "a truly historic, extraordinary dress, such as no one else has ever had." “In a word, it should be something that only I can wear,” the actress told the fashion designer.

Jean Louis looked at some of the most famous movies with the participation of Monroe ... And I realized what was needed to create a unique dress: “Marilyn was able to amazingly control her charming body, it was in constant motion, but it was done naturally, elegantly. And it dawned on me - I grabbed it, I realized what I should do - beat her gift to provoke ... In general, I drew a sketch of a dress that creates the full effect that she is naked.

He sewed a dress of thin, almost like a cobweb, skin-colored Lyon silk, cutting it exactly to the figure of Marilyn. It was impossible to wear underwear under this dress. And in general: to put on this dress was a difficult matter. The dress was fastened with microscopic hooks, it was difficult to move in it and required considerable care. Six thousand sparkles, sparkling like diamonds, covered the dress, not allowing you to see Marilyn's body, hiding everything and distracting with their sparkle ... But at the same time, the sparkles did not hide the very fact that the body was completely naked under the transparent fabric!

When she slowly, in small steps, walked across the stage to the microphone, the audience held its breath. Most of those who left memories of her performance compared her to Aphrodite, emerging from the foam of the sea, with a naked goddess splashed with sparkling drops of water. She sang in a thin, half-childish, languid voice, at first - as if uncertainly, but then more and more passionately “Happy birthday to you”, somewhat modified:

Thank you Mr President
For everything you've done
For all the battles you've won
For the way you deal with the USA
And with our problems...

During his twenty-minute speech, John F. Kennedy thanked everyone who congratulated him, and in particular said: amazingly congratulated me on my birthday.”

After the concert, Marilyn was at a banquet at the home of Arthur Krim and his wife Matilda, who enthusiastically recalled: “Marilyn arrived in a tight dress, trimmed with sequins, which looked like they were attached directly to the skin, since the mesh was flesh-colored ... Well, say here? She just looked incredibly beautiful."

George Masters, the actress's hairdresser, who helped her maintain her famous platinum hair color, recalled: “Marilyn walked in a dress designed by fashion designer Jean Louis. It shone with all kinds of decorations, but at the same time it was elegant and subtle, even refined, in this nakedness - as if the absence of underwear was the most familiar thing under the sun.

“In some ways, this evening was unusually significant for Marilyn Monroe,” writes Donald Spoto. - The lost girl not only found, at least for a short time, her place in the king's castle, located in Camelot, - after all, a dream came true in reality, which returned to her more than once in childhood. Just now, Marilyn stood almost naked in front of her fans, completely without shame and for some reason being innocent, like a dove.

During the entire evening, only Marilyn once found herself in the company of the president and his brother, which was captured by the photographer.

And actually, that's all...

She was later credited with wanting to marry the president. Allegedly, Marilyn wanted to force Jack to part with Jacqueline and marry her, considering such a union impossible. After all, she was able to become the wife of a great athlete and a great writer, so why shouldn't she become the wife of a great politician? But there is no evidence of this. And there is evidence to the contrary. Susan Strasberg said, "Even in worst dreams She didn't want to be with JFK all the time. Once she could sleep with the charismatic president, she enjoyed this tense situation that required her to be discreet and keep a secret. But the president was definitely not the kind of person she wanted to spend her life with, and she openly told us about it.

Marilyn's romance with Robert Kennedy in the imagination of yellow press journalists and the American public is painted in less romantic tones. If with Jack there was sublime love, then with Bobby - lust, lust and nothing but lust.

Robert was known for his chastity and devotion to his wife. They even laughed at his severity and seriousness. In addition, Robert was a devout Catholic, and many of those who knew him believed that in his life there was only one woman with whom he entered into an intimate relationship - his wife Ethel. But if popular gossip is to be believed, Marilyn Monroe seduced Bobby Kennedy and pulled him into a string of orgies, indulging in all sorts of sins, including group sex and nighttime nude swimming on the beach. These juicy details were invented former actress, published under the pseudonym Jeanne Carmen and claimed that she and Marilyn were renting an apartment on Douheny Drive at the time when the actress was having an affair with Bobby. A real neighbor who lived opposite Marilyn at that time and knew her, pop singer Betsy Duncan Hammes, stated: “I have never heard of any Jeanne Carmen. I don't think she ever lived there, because otherwise we'd probably know about her, just as we'd know that Marilyn had a sub-tenant."

Donald Spoto writes: “Gossip about an affair with Robert Kennedy is based on the simple fact that he did see Marilyn Monroe, and four times; this follows from their calendar of meetings for 1961 and 1962, as well as from the testimony of one of Robert Kennedy's closest collaborators during that period, Edwin Gutman. However, it is safe to say that Robert Kennedy never shared a bed with Marilyn Monroe. Gutman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning, inquisitive and persuasive reporter and journalist, was on Robert Kennedy's staff a Special Assistant for Public Information and the Justice Department's top press officer. The Attorney General's travel schedule covering 1961-1962 (and preserved in the Jack F. Kennedy Library and state archives), confirms the details presented by Gutman. All this together proves only one thing: Robert Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe maintained only secular social contacts, which for almost ten months were reduced to four meetings and several telephone conversations. Even if they both had a desire to flirt - which is a purely theoretical assumption - then nothing could have come of this readiness, taking into account the places of their stay during the specified period.

Bobby Kennedy was not the type of man that Marilyn could have liked, everyone who knew the actress recognized this. And she was absolutely not in the taste of Bobby, who adored his miniature energetic wife. But the main thing - if you rely on the facts, it turns out that they did not even have the opportunity to spend the night together. It is enough to study and compare the travel schedule of the prosecutor and the actress.

However, when discussing the topic "Marilyn and Kennedy", most authors still prefer to rely not on facts, but on fiction. Romantic or pornographic - whatever you like.

On the night of August 4-5, 1962, America was shocked by sensational and at the same time tragic news: the most magnificent woman and actress in the country was found dead in her mansion. But what really happened? Everyone asked this question in those days. It was officially announced that what had happened was an unintentional suicide as a result of improper use of anti-anxiety drugs prescribed by a doctor. However, a week later, articles began to appear in the press, the authors of which tried to talk about different versions of the death of the blond star.


The first and official version of Monroe's death is drugs. It is known that Marilyn was subject to the deepest depressions. She visited a psychoanalyst every day, who recommended that she take strong sleeping pills and antidepressants. However, dependence on medicines developed in her youth - about 18 years. She constantly experimented with them, as if playing with death. In the morning - stimulants, at night - sleeping pills, and in huge doses and often along with your favorite champagne. Medication intake was chaotic and was, in fact, drug addiction. One of the star's many lovers - the famous actor Ted Jordan - recalled that she considered the pills "her own". best friends and could not sleep or work without them.

The blond goddess was terrified of repeating the fate of her mother and grandmother, who ended their lives in a "psychiatric hospital". In 1958, a psychiatrist found signs of schizophrenia in Marilyn. In this regard, she was forced to undergo a more serious examination in a psychiatric clinic, and spend some time there. Sometimes she "disconnected" from life, was late for shooting for ... a whole week, each time she forgot the text of the role. And, of course, she could make a mistake in taking the medicine, "overshooting" the dose by accident.


The second version is suicide. Many people of art, vulnerable and unbalanced, tried more than once to "make it". Marilyn was no exception, who tried to commit suicide in her younger years. Once, being just a girl, she deliberately turned on the gas, another time she swallowed sleeping pills. Another suicide attempt was made after the death of Johnny Hyde, one of the first lovers and producers of the star. There is evidence that Marilyn repeatedly brought herself to the brink of life and death, but each time she was saved.


Mafia-ordered murder is another version of Monroe's death. The day before her death, Marilyn dated one of her famous ex-lovers, Frank Sinatra. This is evidenced by the records of the CIA, under whose vigilant supervision was Monroe's villa. By that time Sinatra was right hand the leader of the American mafia - Sam Giancana, which gave rise to rumors about the possible involvement of organized crime in the death of a movie star.

Assassination ordered by Kennedy

Many also believe that the assassination was commissioned by Kennedy. Frank Capell, writer, in 1964 said that Robert Kennedy was to blame for the death of the actress. James Haspiel even said that he heard wiretapping tapes that proved that Robert Kennedy strangled Marilyn with a pillow.

The relationship between US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe was the apogee in the unfortunate fate of the actress. It seemed that they were made for each other - the first beauty and the first man of the country. But the publicity stormy romance could irreversibly destroy his political career. The lovers broke up in May 1962, but Monroe did not want to put up with the break. Having plunged into despair, drowning out the pain with drugs, she wrote pathetic letters to John, annoyed him with phone calls and threatened with exposure in the press. The main trump card was the diary, where Marilyn wrote down everything about their meetings and conversations.

Robert Kennedy, the president's younger brother and part-time Attorney General, was delegated by the family to console his abandoned mistress, but he himself fell into her arms. This relationship developed rapidly. The actress claimed that she loved Robert and that he promised to marry her. Robert tried to quit the game to stop Monroe from self-destructing, but it was too late. The unspoken version, according to which John and Robert Kennedy were the main culprits in the death of the actress, appeared almost immediately after the news of this sad event. However, strong arguments in its favor surfaced only in 1986 from the archives of the FBI and the CIA.

A large number of testimonies indicate that on August 4, R. Kennedy flew to Los Angeles for a final showdown with Monroe, in whose house a terrible scene played out. An eyewitness to this scene said the following: Marilyn promised to call a press conference and tell the whole world how the Kennedy brothers treated her. Robert was angry and demanded to leave him and John alone. The quarrel ended in Monroe's hysterical fit, and the next morning she was found dead.

Psychoanalyst's mistake

Ralph Greenson, Monroe's personal psychoanalyst, became very close person for an actress. He was convinced that the treatment of Marilyn should be widely used medications while correcting emotional sphere female patients.

One of the most prominent biographers of the star, Donald Spoto, wrote in his book "Marilyn Monroe": "His technique was disastrous for the patient. Instead of stimulating the patient to gain independence, he did just the opposite - and as a result completely subordinated actions to his will and Monroe's wishes ... he was sure that he could make her do whatever he wanted."

He forbade her to meet with her ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio, limited communication with friends who cared about the actress. Spoto cites evidence that Ralph Greenson in 1962 spread false rumors that Monroe had schizophrenia, and even beat him. The proof of the latter fact is the conclusion of the therapist a few months before Marilyn's death about a broken nose and bruises under the eyes.

At the end of July Hollywood star already clearly saw that Greenson was alienating her from her friends. "By the end of July 1962, Marilyn realized that if she wanted to have any kind of personal life, she needed to break up with Greenson," Spoto writes.

But on August 4, 1962, the six hours spent with the psychoanalyst were the last in her life.

Life, and especially death, Marilyn Monroe remains a mystery for many generations. The bright blonde, who managed to get both Kennedy brothers, forever changed the history of not only America, but the whole world. Film director " Only girls in jazz once said: "There are books about the life of Marilyn Monroe, and there are about the Second World War. They are united by two words "hell" and "necessity".

Seven years would elapse between JFK's first meeting with Marilyn Monroe and her mysterious suicide. Seven years of intrigue, scandals, secret meetings and phone calls. But before the love affair turns into a farce, Monroe will experience her happiest moments of hope and faith that she managed to meet a Real Man.

In the summer of 1954, a party was held in Hollywood in honor of an ambitious young senator from Massachusetts.John Fitzgerald Kennedyand his wife Jackie. ActorPeter Lawford, the organizer of the fun, was aware of Kennedy's interest in the beauty actress Marilyn Monroe. To please his friend, Lawford did his best and a sexy blonde appeared at the reception.

Despite the fact that the star was married to a modest baseball player Joe DiMaggio, who was against the rowdy fun, Monroe loved Hollywood and local entertainment. Knowing that the appearance at the party portends another scandal with her husband, Marilyn nevertheless went to have fun. And she was rewarded. Subsequently, Marilyn will say: "Kennedy didn't take his eyes off me for a second, and at some point I even felt embarrassed."

A few days later, the phone rang at DiMaggio's house. Joe picked up the phone. "I'm listening to". There was silence on the other end of the line, and he hung up in a rage. Later, during one of their first secret meetings, John will tell her: "You must warn me so I can call without risking your husband.".

Thus began the most dangerous and exciting story in the life of Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. Still not realizing with whom and with what she contacted, the star wrote poems about her lover and admitted to her assistant that from the age of 15 she had dreamed of such a companion. The blonde had no doubts that John would divorce his wife and introduce Marilyn to the whole world as the first lady of the United States. Can a woman in love be blamed for shortsightedness?

"A smart girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe and leaves before she's left" - the beauty thought philosophically in her interviews, but in life she was far from prudence.

A secret romantic connection under the palm trees, on the shores of the azure sea, with a millionaire and famous politician covered the actress. Both of them had to make considerable efforts to ensure that secret relationships did not become the property of journalists. Marilyn had to dodge and lie. But she couldn't stop. The future president of the United States beckoned her. She dreamed of them. It was her ideal. She believed that it was he, like no one else, who suited her for the role of husband.

The connection with the world-famous blonde inspired John, inspired self-confidence and helped to achieve heights. Marilyn supported her man in everything and was ready to listen to him. The happy actress took part in the election campaign of her lover and in many respects he owes her popularity among the people.

After becoming president, John still did not break ties with Marilyn. They met already in the apartments of the presidential plane. Now Marilyn had to put on a wig, dark glasses, and in this form climb the ladder, posing as a secretary. Peter Lawford, who organized these meetings, had photographs in which John and Marilyn showed off their naked charms. A tough politician in public, in the company of a sexy actress, Kennedy relaxed and rested.

But over time, even the blonde Marilyn, who chose the image of a naive ugly girl in the cinema, began to understand that John F. Kennedy's intentions were not as serious as in her dreams. The Kennedy family of millionaires and politicians was too clannish to let a girl of unknown origin in. No one there could seriously think about marriage with Monroe. Millionaires do not like scandals with divorces and revelations that are characteristic of movie stars.

At the same time, Jeannette Carmen, a relative of the actress, claims that "Marilyn never stopped believing that she could rise to the level of John F. Kennedy, both physically and intellectually. She hoped to become a real lady, whom he could not be ashamed of" . About what to do next, the star did not think for a long time: to fight for your happiness!

We women only have two weapons... Mascara and tears, but we can't use both at the same time..."- said the actress.

When it became clear that the most desirable woman in the world was not enough for the president, Marilyn Monroe began to roll scandals. John did not immediately understand this change. He was satisfied only with a closed game. And Marilyn became more insistent. She abused direct dial telephone numbers given only to her. She constantly called John at the White House, demanded meetings that were not scheduled in advance, wrote letters. Receiving no answer, she began to threaten with exposure. In the end, out of spite, she called the president's wife, telling her what young mistresses usually say to the wives of their partners.

This made the situation critical. The President got nervous. He held emergency meetings with his brother, Attorney General Robert. Then he invited FBI Director Hoover. From him, he learned the shocking news - the mafia has a film with a video of his love games with Marilyn. They were filmed naked in Palm Springs. This was the beginning of the end. The president didn't want to take any more risks. But he understood that Marilyn was in such an excited state that she would stop at nothing. She has nothing to lose.

At John's 45th birthday celebration, Marilyn had to sing Happy birthday to you, Mr. President! (Happy birthday, Mr. President!). Peter Lawford, who played the role of master of ceremonies, called Marilyn on stage. Once... the second time. Nobody. He tried again, this time with annoyance: "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the departed Marilyn Monroe". This terrible joke (built on double meaning English word late, which can mean "late" or "left us, dead") made Marilyn leave her bathroom ...

Then Lawford sent to her Robert Kennedy. The young Minister of Justice and father of seven children stayed with her for about a quarter of an hour. He encouraged the actress, saying that the president was pleased, but perhaps he had other reasons to linger with her ...

Watch online video of Marilyn Monroe's speech at John F. Kennedy's birthday party:

"Robert Kennedy seemed to go crazy, running around her with goggle eyes, as if mesmerized by her provocative dress."- said one of those present. And Marilyn fell into an increasing dependence on alcohol and pills. And finally, she noticed that John was avoiding her. Robert Kennedy began to appear more and more often in her house. From that time on, Marilyn became the mistress of another Kennedy. But after a while, when the heat of the first passion cooled down, with Robert, Marilyn began the same difficulties as with John: he was not at all going to marry her.

Losing the last remnants of common sense, the film star began to pursue Robert. Marilyn had already publicly announced that she was head over heels in love with Bobby and that he had promised to marry her. This was becoming unbearable and very dangerous for the entire Kennedy clan.

In the early days of August 1962, Marilyn learned that Robert and his family were vacationing in the Palm Springs villa she knew so well. She called there and demanded that he immediately come to her. She wanted to explain. On the phone, Marilyn, already with a threat, told him that she had been keeping a diary for a long time, where she wrote down everything that both high-ranking brothers told her in moments of relaxation.

All further happened, as in the climactic scenes of Hollywood melodramas. A stormy showdown began, tears, accusations, threats. She shouted that on Monday, August 6, she would call a press conference in the morning and tell the journalists the whole truth. How vilely both Kennedy brothers treated her and how they used her, and what state secrets they blurted out to her. All this is allegedly recorded in her diary, which she will give to the press.

September 10, 2012, 12:25

Society will never know the full truth about the relationship between the 35th President of the United States and the sex symbol of the last century, Marilyn Monroe; Is it safe to call the connection between John and Marilyn a novel, because Kennedy was never interested in anyone for such a long time and seriously that numerous connections could be attributed to novels ... Despite the huge number of love affairs, John always tried to avoid close emotional contact with women and kept them at a certain distance from him. He himself admitted that he never lost his head in a fit of passion: "I am by no means a tragic lover." The tragic death of Marilyn Monroe in August 1962, and the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963 forever put an ellipsis in this mysterious story, the truth will never be known ... Let's try to lift the veil of secrecy based on the memoirs of Marilyn herself, John F. Kennedy's entourage and the statements of biographers. .. (The post does not contain assumptions about the participation of the Kennedy brothers in the death of Marilyn Monroe) Here is how Marilyn recalled the first (which took place long before the presidency of Kennedy) meeting with John. From oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "The Feldmans lived almost opposite us and often held various parties to which they invited guests far from the world of cinema. That time we came with Joe DiMaggio. Among the guests was a couple who attracted my Special attention, - young senator John F.K. with wife Jackie. They were also newlyweds, but it was not too conspicuous.
John and Jacqueline Kennedy
Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio You know, there are people, at one glance at whom you feel their unusual fate and strength. Here in DiMaggio, physical strength and willpower are instantly felt, there is reliability, perseverance and simplicity in him. John K. was immediately conquered by a completely different strength, not physical or even moral, he was the Lord, looking at him I understood that this man had a great future, so great that it was even scary to think.

John Kennedy and Grace Kelly (not related to the topic of the post, I wanted to publish this picture) If the most famous athlete in America was sitting next to me, then the most famous politician was staring at me. No, he was not somehow particularly handsome or courageous, rather the opposite, quite ordinary in appearance, and yet. And he just stared, forgetting about his Jackie. Not good, ugly, messy, but I did the same, I just couldn’t take my eyes off John K. Now I can say that I was not mistaken, he became what he was supposed to be, and I put a lot of effort into his popularity. Do you understand what I mean? Of course we understood. But then it was still far away ... "Given John's love for Hollywood beauties, a closer acquaintance with Marilyn Monroe, the greatest sex symbol of the era, was only a matter of time. Marilyn, who survived a divorce from her first husband, DiMaggio, and parting with her second , Arthur Miller, often attended parties hosted by Sinatra and Peter Lawford.It was thanks to Sinatra that Marilyn frequented the Lawfords' house in Santa Monica.
Patricia and Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra and Tony Curtis The meeting that marked the beginning of an intimate relationship took place at Lawford's home in Santa Monica on November 19, 1961. John had already delivered his speech, and now, having changed into jeans, he was relaxing, immersed in the familiar atmosphere. According to Lawford's second wife (Pat Lawford), Marilyn then literally settled with the Lawfords. “Sometimes John had sex with Marilyn, and behind the wall the Loufrods slept, who not only tolerated, but even indulged such relationships. The room had a very beautiful bathroom, finished with marble and onyx. John liked to fetch water, and Marilyn jumped on him, and they had sex in the water, and sometimes invited Peter to photograph their games. After John's death, almost all the photographs were destroyed ... ”According to Peter Lawford:“ The fact that Kennedy became the head of state, in the eyes of Marilyn, gave their novel a special symbolism. She was now truly in love with him. At the same time, she experienced a deep depression: she took strong sleeping pills, drank, she even had to go to a psychiatric clinic ... "
Jackie at the moment when John somersaulted with Marilyn at his sister's house on West coast, was in Glen Or, but on December 5, when Peter secretly brought Monroe to meet with the president at Carlisle, she was in the White House. Pat Lawford wrote: "Peter said he dressed Marilyn in nondescript clothes, forced her to wear a wig, gave a pen and notepad in his hand, and pretended to be his secretary." The report, which was sent to FBI Director Hoover, claimed that orgies were held at the Carlisle Hotel, which included John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (two names blacked out) and Marilyn Monroe. According to Judith Campbell, “John was well aware that Hoover was watching his every move, but he didn't really care. The Kennedys wanted to get rid of Hoover, but they could not, because he had collected a bunch of dirt on the whole family, not just on John.
F. Sinatra, Peter Lawford and Bobby Kennedy After his divorce from Patricia Kennedy, Peter Lawward became persona non grata in the homes of former relatives. He especially hated Bobby, whom he blamed for breaking off his friendship with Frank Sinatra in 1962. After John's death, when Bobby and Jackie became close, Peter met them sitting together in a bar and publicly declared: "That son of a bitch is sleeping with her!" ... Monroe, meanwhile, dreamed that her relationship with John would continue. She did not consider herself a temporary lover at all, but sincerely believed that John would leave Jackie and marry her. In the spring of 1962, her ex-husband Arthur Miller remarried, which greatly offended Marilyn, and she again began to abuse pills and alcohol and brought herself to a terrible state. She showed up drunk at the Golden Globes, with difficulty moving her legs and hanging on to her Mexican lover. When she was presented with a golden statuette, Monroe perched on the stage and made a speech with a slurred tongue. Many then predicted the end of her career. The same month that Jackie arrived in London on her way from India and Pakistan on March 25, 1962, Lawford brought Marilyn to Palm Springs for the weekend.
It is unlikely that Jackie could not know about the connection between Monroe and her husband. Monroe even had her own room in the White House, and one day, apparently under the influence of alcohol or drugs, she told Jackie that she intended to marry the president. No wonder Jackie didn't go to her husband's 45th birthday performance, where guest star Marilyn Monroe performed "Happy Birthday, Mr. President." Jackie was visiting a horse show with her daughter Caroline at this moment in Glen Ora.
From the oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "D.K. became the most important person America, I had no doubt that this would happen, he definitely had to become one! I will fly to congratulate D.K. Happy birthday. I'll do it and I don't care if they kick me out of the studio again! ...At DK's birthday party, it will be remembered for a long time. ...You can't help but know that I congratulated D.K. on his birthday. It was an unheard of scandal ... "
Marilyn's speech was so provocative that journalists described it like this: "Monroe made love to the president in front of 40 million Americans." Kennedy smiled and said that after such a sweet congratulations, you can resign, but in fact it became a fat point in their relationship with Monroe, and so everyone started talking about the romance between the president and the movie star, and the appearance of rumors in the press is only a matter of time.

It is believed that this gold Rolex Day-Date watch, commonly known as the Rolex President, was a gift from Marilyn for John's 45th birthday. Allegedly, Marilyn gave the gift to the president after the famous performance with the song "Happy birthday, mister President", and John gave the watch to his assistant Kenneth Donnell with a note "Get rid of them." The following poem came with the watch: “Let lovers breathe their sighs/And roses bloom and music sound/Let passion burn on lips and eyes/And pleasures merry world go round/Let golden sunshine flood the sky/ and let me love/ or let me die!" The veracity of this story remains a mystery, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. The date of the inscription on the clock coincides with Kennedy's birthday. The serial number of the watch and the engraving also correspond to that time, the 60s of the last century. Assistant to the 35th President of the United States, Kenneth Donnell, died in 1977, his family declined to comment on the authenticity of the gold Rolex "a. In October 2005, the watch was sold at an auction in Greenwich, Connecticut for a fabulous sum of $ 120,000 (original price from 40,000 to 60,000) , breaking the auction house record.
At the thought of being abandoned, Monroe flew into a rage and began pestering Kennedy with calls, but John did not speak to her. Marilyn was desperate to save the relationship and called Bobby. Marilyn and John did not meet again, but she saw Bobby several times. Another broken-hearted Hollywood star, Judy Garland, was also crying into Bobby's vest.
The top photo shows Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. The photo was taken at a private party at the home of Arthur and Mathilde Krim after the president's 45th birthday celebration at Madison Square Garden ~ May 1962. This photo is believed to be the only joint photo of the president and the actress. However, the bottom shot is also circulating on foreign blogs, in which you can see John and Bobby (circled) in the visuals watching Marilyn perform. All other archives were destroyed, and other photographs are From the oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "Doc, don't be afraid, I have friends everywhere. True, true! Frankie and Bobby will protect us from any trouble, they said so. But only if I'm a good girl. What does it mean to be a good girl? Sleep with everyone and keep my mouth shut? I don’t want to be an obedient girl, I just want to live. Doc, I’ll give you all the tapes, just don’t tell anyone about them, it’s dangerous ... "On the night of August 5, Monroe took too much sleeping pills. The last person she spoke to was Peter Lawford. It seemed to him that Marilyn had a sleepy voice, but since the star abused alcohol, this did not alert him. At parting, she said: “Say goodbye to Pat. And John. Goodbye to you too, you're a good fellow." He got excited and called back, but heard short beeps in the receiver. Around 3:00 a.m., Monroe's housekeeper discovered the hostess's body. The star was lying prone on the bed, naked, and clutching a telephone receiver in her hand. She died at the age of 36. The autopsy showed it was suicide. Since this is not the first time Marilyn has taken too much sleeping pills, it remains a mystery whether it was a cry for help, or really an attempt to end a hateful life ...
Marilyn was John F. Kennedy's most stellar mistress, but within 48 hours of her death, when the actress's name was on the front pages of all publications, Kennedy found solace in the arms of another woman. Jackie at this point stopped in New York on her way to Italy. John was in the midst of an affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer, an artist and ex-wife a prominent CIA officer ... In October 1964, Meyer was found murdered, and her detailed diary disappeared without a trace.
Mary Pinchot Meyer
When creating this post, the following sources were used: "The American Queen. The Life Story of Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis", Sarah Bradford. "The Great Kennedy" A. Vladimirsky. "One for All" Edward M. Kennedy. Foreign blogs about John and Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe. Updated on 10/09/12 12:44: Post about Jacqueline Kennedy

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