The love story of Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy brothers. Marilyn Monroe's dress, in which she sang the song "Happy Birthday to You" to John F. Kennedy, is sold Strange Doctor: a lullaby for neuroses


The connection with the Kennedy family is one of the most important touches in the biography and legend of Marilyn Monroe. She is attributed love relationship with both brothers at once: with Jack, who became president, and with Robert, who was attorney general. Moreover, it is believed that it was these relationships that could become tragic and fateful for Marilyn ...

To understand what Jack and Robert were like not as politicians, but as real living people, it is necessary to tell a little about the Kennedy family.

There were nine of them: four brothers and five Kennedy sisters. Children of banker Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald, daughter of Boston Mayor Jack Fitzgerald. Their father brought them up with the idea that the Kennedys should only be friends with the Kennedys and trust only the Kennedys, and that if there was friction between any of the two of them, anyway, any of the boys and girls would find a brother or sister who was close in spirit.

“Many years ago we decided that children would be our closest friends and we would never get tired of them,” Rose told a reporter in the late 1930s. “Kennedy is an autonomous unit. If any of us want to commit sailing, golfing, walking or just chatting, there is always someone else willing to keep him company."

Joseph Kennedy was obsessed with political ambitions. He himself reached only the post of US ambassador to the UK: prestigious, honorable, but far from real power. However, he was sure that his sons would achieve more.

Joseph demanded of his sons that they be the best in everything. Any failure was perceived as a real disaster. Any weakness was considered a disgrace. The father's favorite was the firstborn, Joseph Patrick, who was called Joe Jr. The most beautiful, healthy, strong, brave of his children! All the hopes of the family were pinned on him. He was seen as a future politician and, perhaps, the first Catholic president ...

The second son, Jack Fitzgerald, who was called Jack, was smarter than his older brother, but from childhood he was sickly and fragile, read a lot, and of all sports he excelled only in swimming. His spine was damaged at birth. However, in the family they tried not to notice his weakness. Illness for Kennedy was something shameful. And Jack tried to be the same as everyone else. Healthy and mobile. He suffered an additional spinal injury while playing football. From the first year of college, he had to leave in order to be treated. He had Addison's disease, which was considered fatal. If cortisone had not been invented at the time of his youth, he would have died before he was twenty, but he was still told that he would hardly live to be forty-five. He was also allergic and contracted malaria. He joked with friends: "If ever a book is written about me, it will be called:" Jack Kennedy. Disease history"".

Robert Francis Kennedy, Bobby, the third of Kennedy's sons and the seventh of nine Kennedy children, gave his parents no trouble at all. All familiar families considered Bobby to be just the same exemplary child and set an example for their children. True, his father was not pleased with him. Bobby grew up too religious and dreamed of becoming a priest. He studied well, was an excellent athlete - but he kept all the fasts, read only religious literature, prayed earnestly, did not part with the rosary. In fact, it’s not bad for a Catholic family to have its own priest ... However, excessive zeal for virtue embarrassed and saddened Joseph. He was afraid that with such an idealistic outlook on life, Bobby would not be able to be a worthy assistant to his brothers in the future, whom Joseph prepared for a political career as a child.

J.-F. Kennedy

J.-F. Kennedy

When World War II started. Joseph, who served as ambassador to the UK, actively opposed the entry of the United States into hostilities. But when his own son Jack was awarded the Purple Heart after the battle with the Japanese destroyer, Joseph was proudest of all: he liked being the father of a hero! True, in this battle, Jack hurt his back a second time. From now on, pain became his constant companion.

Joe decided to prove that he can fight no worse than Jack. He asked for a transfer to England, where there were more opportunities for real heroism. He died in the battle over the English Channel, burned down in the plane. It was a terrible blow for the family - all Kennedy's hopes were pinned on Joe! But Joseph, reluctantly, said to Jack: "Now it's your turn. You will be in place of Joe." It meant - you will make a political career.

Bobby was nineteen years old that year. He attended the University of Virginia School of Law and still hoped to become a priest. AT student years Bobby Kennedy led a frighteningly virtuous life, not participating in traditional youth entertainment. He seriously prepared for a spiritual career. But after Joe's death, his father had a serious talk with Bobby, explaining that now he certainly shouldn't leave the world: the family needs him, he should become Jack's first assistant. And Bobby agreed to part with the dream of serving God.

Bobby dreamed about real family where he will be comfortable, calm and warm. Now he wanted more than anything to find good girl who will build a cozy nest for him. True, Bobby represented his future wife a modest and meek girl, and in his youth he paid attention mainly to ugly girls, whom no one else noticed. It seemed to him that such girls become the best wives.

Ethel Skeykel became his chosen one. The Skakel family resembled the Kennedy family: very wealthy Catholics with many children, descendants of Irish emigrants. Ethel attended the Dominican primary school, where the lessons were taught by nuns, later her mother transferred her to the very prestigious Greenwich Academy, and there she became friends with Jean Kennedy. In 1945, Jean introduced Ethel to her brothers: the charming Jack, who was presented as a war hero and everyone's favorite, and the quiet, shy Bobby.

Both Bobby and Ethel were puritanical, and passionate embraces before marriage were not for them. In the end, he almost became a priest, and Ethel almost took the tonsure. Only thanks to the persuasion of her parents, Ethel nevertheless decided to unite life with Robert Kennedy, and not with God. However, everyone who knew Ethel and Bobby throughout their life together noted that she literally idolized him, considering him an absolute ideal - the perfect man, perfect person. His classmate Barett Prettyman said: "She looked at Bobby as God. God did inexplicable things, but he was always right."

Usually mothers-in-law are not too fond of daughters-in-law, but Rose Kennedy immediately fell in love with Ethel: she saw that this girl - perfect wife for Bobby. Rose was also pleased with Ethel's promise to give birth to even more children than her mother-in-law. This is a real Catholic, a real Kennedy!

Every morning, the couple went hand in hand to the local church for Mass and prayed. In the meantime, Bobby worked, Ethel did charity work and prepared parties that helped him strengthen political ties. After all, nothing is more conducive to conversation than a glass of good wine and a delicious dinner. And soon she had to take part in her husband's political campaigns and travel with him around the country, and in most cases pregnant ... Because she was almost always pregnant. Petite Ethel Kennedy gave birth to 11 children during the 18 years she lived with Robert.

It should be noted that acquaintances and even relatives did not know how to relate to her endless pregnancies. Detractors called her a "cow" and a "peasant", some gossiped that with the help of constant pregnancies she avoids sex with her husband, who is not very experienced in the science of love. The couple really avoided passionate hugs, at least in public, but they often teased each other and generally behaved like loving brother and sister. However, Ethel told her relatives that she set out to make as many copies of her beloved Bobby as possible. Such beautiful person there must be a lot of children!

One family friend recalled: "They enjoyed each other's company. Even if they had dinner at home, Ethel came down to the table dressed up and perfumed, like on a first date."

In 1953, Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier. It was largely his father's choice: Joseph felt that just such a girl - from the cream of American society, elegant, able to keep up small talk, but not being too bright personality - would perfect couple for a talented young politician.

The relationship of the two Mrs. Kennedys did not work out. Jacqueline allowed herself rather rude jokes about Ethel, in particular, she called her "a machine for the production of children - as soon as she starts it, she will immediately make them." Ethel, too, did not hold back hostility: she scoffed at Jacqueline's claims to aristocracy.

Immediately after the honeymoon, Jack was actively involved in political life: he foresaw the imminent overthrow of Senator McCarthy, and he needed to remove Bobby from the "commission to investigate un-American activities" before it was too late. It was not easy to do this: Bobby, whom his friends called a "crusader", was devoted to the ideas of McCarthy and fought the communists not for fear, but for conscience. Even with age, he did not grow out of idealism, sincerely believed in the sacred principles of American democracy, saw a tyrannical regime in communism and believed that all communists want to impose the same regime in America. After his visit to the USSR, Robert Kennedy strengthened his opinion that communism is an absolute evil ... However, more and more dissidents appeared among the American intelligentsia, and McCarthyism became more and more unfashionable. And the prudent Jack nevertheless persuaded his ardent brother to switch to a more noble struggle. Although with a more dangerous enemy: the mafia. Having familiarized himself with the documents provided to him, Bobby clung to the new case tightly - like a fox terrier. And he did not stop this struggle until his death.

In 1957, the Kennedys began a political campaign to nominate Jack for the Democratic Party. Robert led the election campaign. Ethel, despite another pregnancy, tried to help as much as she could, meeting with constituents and hosting endless tea parties for the wives of Kennedy's most important supporters. While Jacqueline was bored, she did not try to hide her indifference to all this fuss. In addition, she had a difficult pregnancy. Her first daughter was stillborn. When Jacqueline managed to get pregnant again, she tried to protect herself from any worries as much as possible. The pregnancy ended successfully, she gave birth to a daughter, Caroline.

In 1960, Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy became the first Catholic president in US history. Jack also became the youngest president in history: he was forty-three years old when he won the election. His elegant wife was pregnant when they and their baby daughter moved to White House and it was there that their son, Jack Jr., was born. The family looked exemplary, like from a poster. The public adored them only because they are so pretty, young, peppy and both embody two types of the American elite: Jack - "new money" and hot Irish blood, Jacqueline - "white bone" and "blue blood", of course, in American meaning of these phenomena, that is, without true aristocracy in origin.

Jack convened a new cabinet of ministers, and appointed his brother Robert as attorney general. It was just what Bobby wanted to do and what he was perfect for. Many condemned Jack: after all, for the first time in American history the president and his adviser were connected by such a close relationship. However, Bobby proved the correctness of this choice: when the problems with Cuba resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis, his determination, combined with an unexpected display of political prudence, helped to avoid a third world war. And then, surrounded by Kennedy, they started talking about the fact that the educated, well-read, strong-willed and purposeful Robert would have made a politician and even a much better president than the charming and frivolous Jack. However, in American history there has already been a case when, one after another, the post of president was occupied by the father and son of Adams. So why, after the elder brother Kennedy, the younger brother could not take the same post?

Kennedy's "reign" in Washington was brief, bright, but by no means easy. The Vietnam War, in which President Kennedy actively opposed intervention. The fight against segregation in the southern states. The fight against the omnipotence and arbitrariness of the FBI. With corruption in the highest echelons of power. Mafia fight. Many, many struggles.

Of course, the problems in the president's family were carefully concealed from the public.

First of all - Jack's illnesses. The injured back caused him monstrous torment. He underwent two surgeries, almost became paralyzed, and each day began for him with pain injections on both sides of the spine.

And then there was Addison's disease and hormonal treatment, because of which he began to gain weight. To overcome the fullness, Jack swam obsessively: the only form of active physical activity. True, he could swim only in a warm pool: cold water caused exacerbation of pain.

The second problem was the debauchery of the young president. Jack Kennedy was very fond of women. He seduced every pretty person who came across his life path and agreed to a quick, easy connection. It was said that in Hollywood he had almost a harem. An exaggeration: a harem is what a man constantly keeps, constancy was not among Jack's virtues. He liked equally both the slender stewardesses in their strict uniforms and the elegant ladies from high society. Jack treated all the victims of his temperament equally benevolently. And he never took offense at rejections. There are still so many beautiful women in the world, and sex is something that should happen by mutual desire ... However, unlike the kings of the past, who spent solid funds from the treasury on their favorites, Jack Kennedy did not positive impact on the fate of his mistresses did not render. Sex was his favorite pastime, but nothing more.

Father, Joseph Kennedy, was delighted with his son's adventures, and laughed at the FBI agents who were supposed to track each of the young congressman's mistresses, then the senator, then the president ... He said: "If the FBI decided to start a dossier on each of Jack's girls we should buy shares in the company that sells them filing cabinets!"

Because of his dashing adventures in the FBI archives, Jack Kennedy was listed under the pseudonym "Ulan". Robert was called "The Crusader". Marilyn Monroe was listed under the pseudonym "Strawhead" - this derisive nickname had to do with both the color of her hair and the supposed stupidity of the blonde actress.

The novel of Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy in the perception of the public is something romantic, almost like a fairy tale. The golden goddess of Hollywood in the arms of the modern young king of America, the romantic master of New Camelot (Jack Kennedy loved the musical "Camelot" and the legends of the Arthurian cycle, and he liked it when his reign was called New Camelot). There are an incredible number of books on the subject of their love affair, both novels and studies, and lyrical songs, and even the perfume "John & Marylin" by Parfumerie Generale, delicate and sensual ... The legend is too beautiful to be discarded.

However, facts are harsh and cold things. The president and the actress met four times between October 1961 and August 1962. Four proven encounters. You can speculate anything, which people do. And if at first they said that the movie star gave herself to the president after celebrating his birthday, then - that for the first time Marilyn was in Jack's bed after the inauguration party, then - that their relationship began when he was still running for president ... And now some authors claim , as if they had known each other in their youth, when Marilyn took her first steps in the acting field and once got to the "golden youth" party. The most skeptical biographers of Marilyn laugh at the dreamers: they will soon say that the president lost his virginity in the arms of an actress! Perhaps they will say...

The first proven meeting took place at the home of Patricia and Peter Lawford in Santa Monica, in October 1961. Marilyn came to dinner with friends, met Patricia's famous brother there. But one of the Lawford servants drove her home.

The second meeting was in February 1962. Marilyn was invited to Fifi Fell's home in Manhattan. A wealthy widow and society lady, Mrs. Fell hosted a reception in honor of the President. Marilyn came and left accompanied by Milton Ebbins.

The third meeting is on Saturday, March 24, 1962. The President and the actress were guests at the home of popular singer Bing Crosby in Palm Springs. And that's when they spent the night in the same bedroom. Where did Marilyn call Ralph Roberts?

"She asked me about a muscle she knew from Mabel Ellsworth Todd's The Thinking Body, and it was clear she was talking about it with a president who was known for experiencing different kind ailments and problems with the muscles and spine," Ralph said. Moreover, the president did not even think to hide that he was in the middle of the night in the company of an actress who was going to give him a massage. He took the phone from Marilyn and personally thanked Roberts for the consultation.

“Then, when everything was shaking with gossip, Marilyn told me that her “romance” with JFK was only those minutes that she spent with him that March night. Of course, everything that happened was a very pleasant tickle to her ambition: after all, the president, through Lawford, sought a meeting with her for a whole year. Many people believed that the matter was not limited to that Sabbath. But from a conversation with Marilyn, I got the impression that neither for her nor for him it was some kind of particularly important event: they met, and that was the end, "said Roberts.

That night, Jack invited Marilyn to his birthday party at Madison Square Garden. And she promised him to sing "Happy birthday to you".

Their fourth meeting took place on May 19, 1962. To wish the president a happy birthday, Marilyn arrived (belatedly) for a concert that was attended by more than fifteen thousand people, each of whom paid from a hundred to a thousand dollars for a ticket (the income from the concert went to the fund of the Democratic National Committee).

And, although there was nothing intimate between Marilyn and the president that evening, many of those present noted that her congratulatory speech was more sensual than a love confession, and resembled some kind of sophisticated sexual act at a distance, between a woman standing on the stage and a man seated in the presidential box.

This evening was generally special for Marilyn. It was the evening of her absolute female triumph. It is female, not acting. She diligently prepared herself for literally seduce the whole room.

Marilyn turned to the very popular fashion designer Jean Louis and asked him to create for her "a truly historic, extraordinary dress, such as no one else has ever had." “In a word, it should be something that only I can wear,” the actress told the fashion designer.

Jean Louis watched some of the most famous films with Monroe for inspiration ... And he realized what was needed to create a unique dress: "Marilyn knew how to amazingly control her charming body, it was in constant motion, but it was done naturally, elegantly. And it dawned on me - I I grabbed it, I realized what I had to do - to beat this gift of provoking her ... In general, I drew a sketch of a dress that creates the full effect that she is naked.

He sewed a dress of thin, almost like a cobweb, skin-colored Lyon silk, cutting it exactly to the figure of Marilyn. It was impossible to wear underwear under this dress. And in general: to put on this dress was a difficult matter. The dress was fastened with microscopic hooks, it was difficult to move in it and required considerable care. Six thousand sparkles, sparkling like diamonds, covered the dress, not allowing you to see Marilyn's body, hiding everything and distracting with their sparkle ... But at the same time, the sparkles did not hide the very fact that the body was completely naked under the transparent fabric!

When she slowly, in small steps, walked across the stage to the microphone, the audience held its breath. Most of those who left memories of her performance compared her to Aphrodite, emerging from the foam of the sea, with a naked goddess splashed with sparkling drops of water. She sang in a thin, half-childish, languid voice, at first - as if hesitantly, but then more and more passionately "Happy birthday to you", somewhat modified:

Thank you Mr President

For everything you've done

For all the battles you've won

For the way you deal with the USA

And with our problems...

During his twenty-minute speech, John F. Kennedy thanked everyone who congratulated him, and in particular said: "Miss Monroe interrupted the filming of the picture to fly here from the West Coast, and therefore I can now safely retire - after she has been so Wishing me a wonderful birthday."

After the concert, Marilyn was at a banquet at the home of Arthur Krim and his wife Matilda, who enthusiastically recalled: "Marilyn arrived in a tight dress, trimmed with sequins, which looked like they were attached directly to the skin, since the mesh was flesh-colored ... Well, what can I say "She just looked incredibly beautiful."

George Masters, the actress's hairdresser, who helped her maintain her famous platinum hair color, recalled: "Marilyn walked in a dress designed by fashion designer Jean Louis. It shone with all kinds of jewelry, but at the same time it was elegant and subtle, even refined, in this nakedness - as if not wearing underwear was the most common thing under the sun."

“In a sense, this evening was unusually significant for Marilyn Monroe,” writes Donald Spoto. “The lost girl not only found, at least for a short time, her place in the king’s castle, located in Camelot, because a dream came true, more than once returned to Marilyn just stood almost naked in front of her fans, completely without shame and somehow innocent as a dove.

During the entire evening, only Marilyn once found herself in the company of the president and his brother, which was captured by the photographer.

And actually, that's all...

She was later credited with wanting to marry the president. Allegedly, Marilyn wanted to force Jack to part with Jacqueline and marry her, considering such a union impossible. After all, she was able to become the wife of a great athlete and a great writer, so why shouldn't she become the wife of a great politician? But there is no evidence of this. And there is evidence to the contrary. Susan Strasberg said: "Even in worst dreams She didn't want to be with JFK all the time. Once she could sleep with the charismatic president, she enjoyed this tense situation that required her to be discreet and keep a secret. But the President was certainly not the kind of person she wanted to spend her life with, and she openly told us about it."

Marilyn's romance with Robert Kennedy in the imagination of yellow press journalists and the American public is painted in less romantic tones. If with Jack there was sublime love, then with Bobby - lust, lust and nothing but lust.

Robert was known for his chastity and devotion to his wife. They even laughed at his severity and seriousness. In addition, Robert was a devout Catholic, and many of those who knew him believed that in his life there was only one woman with whom he entered into intimate relationship- his wife Ethel. But if popular gossip is to be believed, Marilyn Monroe seduced Bobby Kennedy and pulled him into a string of orgies, indulging in all sorts of sins, including group sex and nighttime nude swimming on the beach. These juicy details were invented former actress, published under the pseudonym Jeanne Carmen and claimed that she and Marilyn were renting an apartment on Douheny Drive at the time when the actress was having an affair with Bobby. A real neighbor who lived opposite Marilyn at that time and knew her, pop singer Betsy Duncan Hammes, stated: “I have never heard of any Jeanne Carmen. I think she never lived there, because otherwise we would probably know about her , just like you would know that Marilyn has a sub-tenant."

Donald Spoto writes: "Gossip about the affair with Robert Kennedy is based on the simple fact that he did see Marilyn Monroe, and four times; this follows from their calendar of meetings for 1961 and 1962, as well as from the testimony of one of the next Robert Kennedy's collaborators at the time, Edwin Gutman. However, it is certain that Robert Kennedy never shared a bed with Marilyn Monroe. Gutman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning, inquisitive and persuasive reporter and journalist, was on Robert Kennedy's staff a special assistant for public information The Attorney General's travel schedule spanning 1961-1962 (and preserved in the Jack F. Kennedy Library and the public records) corroborates Gutman's details. proves only one thing: Robert Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe maintained only social and social contacts, which over the course of almost ten months were reduced to four meetings and several telephone conversations. Even if they both had a desire to flirt - which is a purely theoretical assumption - then nothing could have come of this readiness, taking into account the places of their stay during the indicated period.

Bobby Kennedy was not the type of man that Marilyn could have liked, everyone who knew the actress recognized this. And she was absolutely not in the taste of Bobby, who adored his miniature energetic wife. But the main thing - if you rely on the facts, it turns out that they did not even have the opportunity to spend the night together. It is enough to study and compare the travel schedule of the prosecutor and the actress.

However, when discussing the topic "Marilyn and Kennedy", most authors still prefer to rely not on facts, but on fiction. Romantic or pornographic - whatever you like.

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Life, and especially death, Marilyn Monroe remains a mystery for many generations. The bright blonde, who managed to get both Kennedy brothers, forever changed the history of not only America, but the whole world. Film director " Only girls in jazz once said: "There are books about the life of Marilyn Monroe, and there are about the Second World War. They are united by two words "hell" and "necessity".

Seven years would elapse between JFK's first meeting with Marilyn Monroe and her mysterious suicide. Seven years of intrigue, scandals, secret meetings and phone calls. But before the love affair turns into a farce, Monroe will experience her happiest moments of hope and faith that she managed to meet a Real Man.

In the summer of 1954, a party was held in Hollywood in honor of an ambitious young senator from Massachusetts.John Fitzgerald Kennedyand his wife Jackie. ActorPeter Lawford, the organizer of the fun, was aware of Kennedy's interest in the beauty actress Marilyn Monroe. To please his friend, Lawford did his best and a sexy blonde appeared at the reception.

Despite the fact that the star was married to a modest baseball player Joe DiMaggio, who was against the rowdy fun, Monroe loved Hollywood and local entertainment. Knowing that the appearance at the party portends another scandal with her husband, Marilyn nevertheless went to have fun. And she was rewarded. Subsequently, Marilyn will say: "Kennedy didn't take his eyes off me for a second, and at some point I even felt embarrassed."

A few days later, the phone rang at DiMaggio's house. Joe picked up the phone. "I'm listening to". There was silence on the other end of the line, and he hung up in a rage. Later, during one of their first secret meetings, John will tell her: "You must warn me so I can call without risking your husband.".

Thus began the most dangerous and exciting story in the life of Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. Still not realizing with whom and with what she contacted, the star wrote poems about her lover and admitted to her assistant that from the age of 15 she had dreamed of such a companion. The blonde had no doubts that John would divorce his wife and introduce Marilyn to the whole world as the first lady of the United States. Can a woman in love be blamed for shortsightedness?

"A smart girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe and leaves before she's left" - the beauty thought philosophically in her interviews, but in life she was far from prudence.

A secret romantic relationship under palm trees, on the shores of the azure sea, with a millionaire and a famous politician inspired the actress. They both had to work hard to secret relationship did not become the property of journalists. Marilyn had to dodge and lie. But she couldn't stop. The future president of the United States beckoned her. She dreamed of them. It was her ideal. She believed that it was he, like no one else, who suited her for the role of husband.

The connection with the world-famous blonde inspired John, inspired self-confidence and helped to achieve heights. Marilyn supported her man in everything and was ready to listen to him. The happy actress took part in the election campaign of her lover and in many respects he owes her popularity among the people.

After becoming president, John still did not break ties with Marilyn. They met already in the apartments of the presidential plane. Now Marilyn had to put on a wig, dark glasses, and in this form climb the ladder, posing as a secretary. Peter Lawford, who organized these meetings, had photographs in which John and Marilyn showed off their naked charms. A tough politician in public, in the company of a sexy actress, Kennedy relaxed and rested.

But over time, even the blonde Marilyn, who chose the image of a naive ugly girl in the cinema, began to understand that John F. Kennedy's intentions were not as serious as in her dreams. The Kennedy family of millionaires and politicians was too clannish to let a girl of unknown origin in. No one there could seriously think about marriage with Monroe. Millionaires do not like scandals with divorces and revelations that are characteristic of movie stars.

At the same time, Jeannette Carmen, a relative of the actress, claims that "Marilyn never stopped believing that she could rise to the level of John F. Kennedy, both physically and intellectually. She hoped to become a real lady, whom he could not be ashamed of" . About what to do next, the star did not think for a long time: to fight for your happiness!

We women only have two weapons... Mascara and tears, but we can't use both at the same time..."- said the actress.

When it became clear that the most desirable woman in the world was not enough for the president, Marilyn Monroe began to roll scandals. John did not immediately understand this change. He was satisfied only with a closed game. And Marilyn became more insistent. She abused direct dial telephone numbers given only to her. She constantly called John at the White House, demanded meetings that were not scheduled in advance, wrote letters. Receiving no answer, she began to threaten with exposure. In the end, out of spite, she called the president's wife, telling her what young mistresses usually say to the wives of their partners.

This made the situation critical. The President got nervous. He held emergency meetings with his brother, Attorney General Robert. Then he invited FBI Director Hoover. From him, he learned the shocking news - the mafia has a film with a video of his love games with Marilyn. They were filmed naked in Palm Springs. This was the beginning of the end. The president didn't want to take any more risks. But he understood that Marilyn was in such an excited state that she would stop at nothing. She has nothing to lose.

At John's 45th birthday celebration, Marilyn had to sing Happy birthday to you, Mr. President! (Happy birthday, Mr. President!). Peter Lawford, who played the role of master of ceremonies, called Marilyn on stage. Once... the second time. Nobody. He tried again, this time with annoyance: "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the departed Marilyn Monroe". This terrible joke (built on double meaning the English word late, which can mean "late" or "left us, dead") forced Marilyn to leave her dressing room ...

Then Lawford sent to her Robert Kennedy. The young Minister of Justice and father of seven children stayed with her for about a quarter of an hour. He encouraged the actress, saying that the president was pleased, but perhaps he had other reasons to linger with her ...

Watch online video of Marilyn Monroe's speech at John F. Kennedy's birthday party:

"Robert Kennedy seemed to go crazy, running around her with goggle eyes, as if mesmerized by her provocative dress."- said one of those present. And Marilyn fell into an increasing dependence on alcohol and pills. And finally, she noticed that John was avoiding her. Robert Kennedy began to appear more and more often in her house. From that time on, Marilyn became the mistress of another Kennedy. But after a while, when the heat of the first passion cooled down, with Robert, Marilyn began the same difficulties as with John: he was not at all going to marry her.

Losing the last remnants of common sense, the film star began to pursue Robert. Marilyn had already publicly announced that she was head over heels in love with Bobby and that he had promised to marry her. This was becoming unbearable and very dangerous for the entire Kennedy clan.

In the early days of August 1962, Marilyn learned that Robert and his family were vacationing in the Palm Springs villa she knew so well. She called there and demanded that he immediately come to her. She wanted to explain. On the phone, Marilyn, already with a threat, told him that she had been keeping a diary for a long time, where she wrote down everything that both high-ranking brothers told her in moments of relaxation.

All further happened, as in the climactic scenes of Hollywood melodramas. A stormy showdown began, tears, accusations, threats. She shouted that on Monday, August 6, she would call a press conference in the morning and tell the journalists the whole truth. How vilely both Kennedy brothers treated her and how they used her, and what state secrets they blurted out to her. All this is allegedly recorded in her diary, which she will give to the press.

marilyn monroe actress

Marilyn and John met at a party in 1954. She was then married to Joe DiMaggio, and John came with Jacqueline Bouvier - the future Mrs. Kennedy. According to biographers, they became lovers in 1955. Their romance lasted seven years, even Marilyn's wedding to Arthur Miller in 1956 had little effect on her relationship with John.

According to other sources, John and Marilyn introduced each other only in 1957, and the acquaintance turned into a romance a year and a half later. Marilyn had just finished filming Some Like It Hot presidential elections.

The candidate's advisers and aides were seriously alarmed when they learned that John had invited Monroe to attend the Democratic Party convention in Los Angeles. In the elections, many (especially women) could refuse to vote for a person who was seen in "tricks". However, Kennedy took the risk. And the connection with Monroe did not hurt him - at forty-four years old he became the thirty-fifth president of the United States.

Marilyn admitted to close friends that for the first time in her life she fell in love for real, "lost her head." In addition to constant phone calls to the White House, she began to write love letters to John, and in poetic form. In early 1962, the film actress “informed” Jacqueline Kennedy that she dreamed of marrying John and, in this regard, apologizes sincerely for “our love.” Jacqueline calmly replied that she did not mind giving up her place next to the president. But she warned that in this case, the movie star would have to move to the White House and take on all the duties and concerns that usually fall on the shoulders of the first lady. And if Miss Monroe is not ready for this, then it will probably be better for her to postpone her intentions for a while. And, as if by the way, she noted that the president himself must give consent to the “changing of the guard”. This series of "good advice" embarrassed Marilyn so much that she immediately hung up the phone and burst into tears.

Forty-fifth birthday of John F. Kennedy was an unforgettable date for Marilyn. On the occasion of this event, on May 19, 1962, a grand reception was held in New York, which was completed by Marilyn Monroe with the song “Happy Birthday”. And she performed it with such a genuine feeling that the guests were shocked: the traditional musical greeting sounded like a public and at the same time intimate confession.

On the eve of the holiday, an episode happened to Monroe, which was later described by the star's former hairdresser, Mickey Song. He was in the process of combing her hair when Robert Kennedy walked into the dressing room and asked to be left alone. Fifteen minutes later he came out, and the hairdresser saw that the actress was sitting on the table naked and completely disheveled. "Do you mind brushing my hair again?" Marilyn asked innocently. Thus began her romance with Bob - Robert.

After the banquet, actor Lawford accompanied Marilyn to the Carlyle Hotel, where she spent several hours with John. It was assumed that this was their last meeting - perhaps because of the scenes that Jacqueline arranged for the president, but most likely, John decided to break up with his mistress at the insistence of his mother.

In desperation, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Marilyn tried to blackmail the president, threatening that she would tell reporters "everything". Enraged and alarmed, John sent his brother to her to try to reason with her. But everything turned out differently. Almost without hiding, the minister and the actress met in the most luxurious restaurants, in nightclubs and at parties. What was it? New passion? Or revenge? Or maybe she did not see a big difference between the brothers? ..

One morning, Marilyn called her friend Lawford: “Peter, I don’t know what it could be, but for some time now I have been hearing some strange clicks on my phone, I must have a faulty line ...”

It turned out that Marilyn's phone was tapped by someone. Apparently, this was the work of someone from the environment of the famous mafia Sam Giancan, who had a grudge against the Kennedy family. The brothers often put sticks in his wheels, closing nightclubs and casinos. Lawford warned Bob, and he decided to break off all relations with the actress.

So Marilyn was rejected for the second time by another representative of the Kennedy clan and could not come to terms with such impudence. The personal assistant of the Minister of Justice conducted long negotiations with her, explaining how busy the patron's day is, that he is constantly absent, holding meetings, and so on. Marilyn had only one argument in response: Bob promised to marry her. That is how she explained her annoying calls to Robert's secretary.

What Robert actually promised her and whether he promised anything at all - was forever left behind the scenes. In any case, the Kennedy clan of millionaires would never have agreed to accept an actress with a dubious reputation into their midst ...

According to Lawford, the tendency to such fantasies was the result of the abuse of potent drugs and alcohol. These predilections became the reason that the film studio “XX century. Fox” refused the actress to participate in a new film that had already begun to be filmed. On the set, Monroe was in such a state that she completely forgot her text and could not connect the two phrases. “I persuaded her to stop drinking this muck if she doesn’t want to say goodbye to her career forever!” Lawford recalls. But it doesn't seem to matter to her...

Lawford and his wife, seriously concerned about the state of the actress, decided to spend a few days with her on the shores of Lake Tahoe, California. But on the first night, Marilyn fell asleep completely drunk, forgetting to hang up the phone. This saved her life: the hotel attendant, dialing into the room and hearing some suspicious wheezing in the receiver, warned Lawford. Peter found her unconscious on the floor. At that time, she swallowed half a pack of sleeping pills. This happened in early August 1962. A few days later, everything happened again, but only - with a fatal outcome.

Her fortune was estimated at 1.6 million. According to the will, 75% went to her acting teacher Lee Strasberg and 25% to her psychoanalyst. Mother got an annual annuity of 5 thousand dollars.

After Marilyn's death, there have been many films, documentaries and feature films, in which attempts are made to unravel her mystery - the mystery of life, the mystery of charm and the mystery of death. Many books have been written about it, and the further, the more conjectures and misinterpreted facts appear in them. Marilyn remains an unsolved film myth. Andy Warhol immortalized her as a goddess of mass culture.

What happened anyway? Why did the incomparable decide to die? Or was the decision not hers?

Naked Marilyn Monroe lies face down on a mattress. Her hand is still on the phone after a conversation we'll never know.

This is how Sergeant Jack Clemmons of the West Los Angeles Police Department saw what was left of the 20th century myth. He was summoned by Eunice Murray, housekeeper at Brentwood, Ralph Greenson, Signorina Monroe's psychiatrist, and Hymen Engelberg, her physician.

They claimed that she had committed suicide and showed her Nembutal sedative bottles, which she had emptied to die. Clemmons had seen corpses, and he did not like this story: suicides die, curled up, and then, bruises on the body indicated that the body was moved after death. Not to mention the housekeeper, who, when he came, was washing the sheets in the machine at 4 in the morning. Yes, and Dr. Thomas Noguchi, who did the autopsy, wrote in his conclusion that suicide is " possible cause because he found no trace of barbiturates in Marilyn's intestines.

There are several versions of the death of Marilyn Monroe:

  • An assassination commissioned by the Kennedy brothers;
  • A murder committed by the mafia;
  • · accident;
  • Suicide
  • a murder committed by the KGB;
  • doctor's error

An assassination commissioned by the Kennedy brothers

In late 1954, Marilyn purchased a leather-bound diary. There she entered excerpts from conversations with John F. Kennedy. During conversations with friends, John discussed political problems or explained this or that decision taken by the government, naturally, these conversations were not intended for the general public, but were an integral part of the life of the president. Marilyn could not remember what John F. Kennedy was talking about, and one day it pissed him off. This is how the famous diary of Marilyn appeared, which could contain compromising information both on the president and on the policy of the country as a whole. It was a tidbit for political competitors, and for the mafia, and for the president himself.

And in 1960, Marilyn already had serious problems with alcohol, and sometimes, in a state of intoxication, Marilyn let slip about the intrigue with John F. Kennedy, which, of course, could negatively affect the president's career. She was a failure in love: men rejected her when they got what they wanted. Her affair with John F. Kennedy began before he became president. But when rumors about their connection leaked to the FBI, John abruptly broke off relations. Marilyn was beside herself. She called the White House endlessly, wrote pleading and threatening letters.

When Marilyn finally realized that John was not going to marry her, she turned her energies to the younger Kennedy, Robert. She called Robert at the Department of Justice, which discredited his impeccable reputation. As a result, he simply stopped answering the phone. Taking alcohol and drugs, often falling into depression, Marilyn became a serious hindrance to the Kennedy brothers: if their relationship was made public, she could become a bomb that exploded everything they devoted their lives to.

After Marilyn's death, someone ransacked her entire house, the leather-bound diary was never found. Whether they were intelligence officers or someone else, and what they have to do with the death of the star, is unknown. The handset was picked up. Whom Marilyn called before her death also remains unknown - a record of this conversation has disappeared from the telephone exchange.

Mafia murder

Marilyn Monroe had affairs with both Robert Kennedy, the Minister of Justice, who launched a real war against the mafia, and Frank Sinatra, a famous singer and right-hand man of the mafia leader Sam Giancana. Marilyn moved in such circles and was so famous that she was the perfect option for blackmailing and compromising the Kennedy brothers. Whether the people of Giancana knew about the existence of Marilyn's diary is unknown, but in the event of her death, the truth about the uncleanliness of the president and his brother could emerge, which, of course, would play into the hands of the mafia.

Accident - death from drug overdose

In 1953, Marilyn begins to take drugs. Already in 1955, he used sleeping pills at night, and stimulants in the morning, while combining drugs with alcohol. He gets depressed and starts calling everyone at night. During the filming of the film "Bus Stop" I had to call a psychiatrist, because. Marilyn Monroe's breakdowns became very frequent. And while working on the painting "The Prince and the Chorus Girl" reception medicines is chaotic. After a miscarriage in 1957, Marilyn again becomes depressed, drinks heavily and continues to use drugs. Due to an overdose, he falls into a coma. In 1961, Marilyn's health deteriorated. It is no longer a secret that she uses drugs. So death from an accidental drug overdose seems very real.


All her life, despite the crowds of admirers, Marilyn was very lonely and subject to depression. Apparently, Marilyn's fears that she, too, could become insane, like her mother, were not far from the truth. Until the age of nineteen, Marilyn tried to commit suicide twice. Once she turned on the gas, the second time she swallowed sleeping pills. Shortly after Johnny's death, Hyde made another suicide attempt. In 1958, a psychiatrist finds signs of schizophrenia in Marilyn. After negative reviews from critics on The Misfits, she has a nervous breakdown and Marilyn is placed in psychiatric clinic"Payne Whiteney". To the "moderately restless" ward. It turns out that suicide could have taken place.

Murder committed by the KGB

A sensation was the discovery made at the end of the 20th century by the American journalist Joseph Raymond, who managed to obtain copies of secret documents through his connections in the CIA. Judging by these papers, Monroe was ... a Soviet spy. The famous actress allegedly came to the attention of our native intelligence during a difficult period of her life. The KGB began helping her and recruited her in 1953. According to this version, Marilyn worked successfully for the USSR until her death, and she was considered "a brilliant agent with unlimited possibilities." She had a sharp mind and a developed memory, she easily made contacts with the right people. It is easy to imagine how valuable for the KGB were its connections with representatives of the Kennedy clan, financiers and US politicians!

Judging by this version, it is possible that Marilyn could have been removed by KGB special agents ... By the way, soon, within a year and a half to two years, under various, quite mysterious circumstances about 100 people died inner circle deceased actress.

And after her death, Marilyn continued to attract attention. Both in America and in Europe, many books were published where an attempt was made to understand her phenomenon, and several films dedicated to her work were released on the screens: "Marilyn" (1963), "Goodbye, Norma Jean!" (1976), Marilyn: The Untold Story (1980), The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe (1985), Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend (1987). The authors of these tapes sought to penetrate the soul of a woman who passed away misunderstood... And the fact that more than forty years after her death, the memory of her is alive, proves that in the history of world cinema, Marilyn Monroe was a much greater phenomenon than just a sexy blonde.

John Kennedy. blonde for president

Back in early January 1961, Marilyn told one of her friends that she had recently had an intimate date with the future president of the United States. The confession came weeks before the president was sworn in.

Information about Kennedy's inauguration and Marilyn's divorce from Arthur Miller were published simultaneously.

Was this the first date between the sexy blonde and the politician? Apparently not. Was this a one-time meeting between Monroe and representatives of the Kennedy sea otter? Also no.

Real estate agent Arthur James, who has known Marilyn since the 50s, claimed that Marilyn's relationship with John F. Kennedy, then a senator, began in 1954, in the last months of her marriage to DiMaggio. The actress herself told James that she and John secretly, under assumed names, rented a room at the Holiday House Motel in Malibu or at another hotel. Later, these dates began to take place in the house of Peter Lawford.

There is evidence that in July 1960, John F. Kennedy spent the night in the arms of Marilyn. He had just been officially nominated for the Democratic presidential nomination, and on this occasion, a noisy party was held in the house of actor Peter Lawford, who is married to Patricia Kennedy Lawford, the sister of the presidential candidate. Los Angeles District Attorney Bureau of Investigation officer Frank Chronek said he personally saw cheerful company gathered by the pool. Among the guests, he noticed a handful of women, among whom were call girls he knew from their line of work. And some of them walked "in what the mother gave birth." Among those present at the party was John F. Kennedy.

Officer F. Chronek himself monitored Lawford's house to find out if there were any persons associated with the mafia among the guests. He also testified that the future president quickly left. Later, officers from the district attorney's office learned that the candidate was vacationing in the company of actress Marilyn Monroe.

“It is quite obvious that the Kennedys, protected by the stronghold of their family clan, possessing royal wealth and power, as well as the arrogance associated with all of the above, could lead a sexual life that, according to the concepts of mere mortals, went beyond the bounds of decency,” the researchers usually reasonably emphasize .

All the Kennedys loved movies. Joe, the father of the family, moved to California in the twenties of the twentieth century to make films in Hollywood and make a fortune. Many Hollywood beauties have passed through his bed. For many years, stories about his endless love affairs still circulated. He also advised his sons to keep up with him, having fun.

They say that John F. Kennedy surpassed his father in red tape for Hollywood divas. Among his girlfriends were all the big and small movie stars of the forties and fifties. His brother Robert Kennedy was also "nothing human is alien", although he was known as a decent father of the family.

Among the most famous representatives of the fair sex who were familiar with this family, one can name the unforgettable beauty Greta Garbo, who was the guest of honor at dinners at the White House, which was attended only by the president, his wife and Kennedy's friend Lem Billings.

In 1960, the home of actor Peter Lawford, who became a member of the Kennedy family, became the California residence for Kennedy business meetings and entertainment. At the same time, it is worth pointing out that Lawford was not at all a handsome man from the street who won the heart of a girl from a wealthy family. He himself - British by birth - was the son of a general during the First World War. He is said to have "indiscriminately taken drugs" and enjoyed eccentric sex. It seems that the mansion on the coast in Santa Monica still keeps many secrets of an obscene nature.

presidential family

Many years later, the wife of the once popular singer Dean Martin admitted that she and her husband were frequent guests at the Lawford house and saw the brothers John and Robert Kennedy there more than once. Jean Martin claimed that Marilyn Monroe had sexual relations with both Kennedy brothers. Peter Lawford also persistently molested the actress. According to a man who knew Loyford very well, he said that "Marilyn passed from him to Jack, and from Jack to Bobby."

By the way, in full accordance with the position of the all-powerful political clan, Lawford always flatly denied rumors about Marilyn's intimate relationship with both brothers. However, being in a drug dope, he told his third young wife in detail about how he arranged the meetings between Kennedy and Monroe.

We agree with the researchers: if Marilyn actually actively met with Kennedy, then it was at the height of her passion for Yves Montand and at the time of the collapse of her marriage with Miller. And at the same time, Monroe did not hesitate to have a love affair with singer Frank Sinatra. By the way, the same Gene Martina said that in August 1961, Marilyn spent the weekend with Sinatra on his yacht. Dean Martin's wife and Gloria Romanova claimed that the singer and actress lived in the same cabin. Subsequently, it turns out that Sinatra was friends with the mafia, and the guests of his gaming establishments were representatives of the Kennedy clan. “Sinatra was quite close to the president. A man with Catholic political views (later he acted as a staunch supporter of Ronald Reagan), he and his "clan" provided significant support to Kennedy during the election campaign. Sinatra's songs "All the Way" and "High Hopes" became the campaign's sonic icon. He contributed to Kennedy's rise to the presidency, he helped organize his inauguration party, and was considered in the public eye a friend of the president."

Peter Lawford's house. During the presidency of John F. Kennedy, it was nicknamed the "White House of the West"

But let's get back to the mysterious connection of a woman, causing universal passion, with the first person of the state.

“Every time Kennedy came to New York, both before and after the election, he chose the Carlyle Hotel as his residence. There he rented a suite with an impressive view of Manhattan. There his slightest whim was satisfied and absolute respect for his private life was guaranteed. Journalists could unsuccessfully besiege the lobby of the building, and the president, when necessary, accompanied by people from the security service, found himself in a neighboring residential building or hotel, which were connected to Carlyle by secret tunnels. Eighteen buildings separated this hotel from the house where Marilyn lived. There is evidence that Marilyn visited Kennedy at the Carlyle,” Anthony Summers details.

And here's some more evidence.

James Bacon knew Monroe for many years:

She drank a lot at the time. Somewhere less than a year before her death, she let slip that she was sleeping with Jack Kennedy. She said that he had no time to indulge in a preliminary love game, because he was always in a hurry.

Senator Staters recalled:

“I never believed that before Bobby, Jack Kennedy often saw Marilyn. Jack took her from Bobby, yes, that's right - he always took girls from his brothers or friends for a short-term connection.

McGuire, a friend of a mobster who knew Sinatra and Monroe, elaborated:

“At first she had an affair with John. There was definitely an affair with Bob too ... They were seen together in secluded corners. And, you know, it's very typical for Kennedy to pass girlfriends from one to another: from Joe to John, from Jack to Bobby, from Bobby to Ted. That is exactly what they did.

Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy. rare photo

Deborah Gould, last wife Lawford, testified in the words of her husband:

- Robert Kennedy's affair with Marilyn Monroe began after he came to the actress in the role of "messenger boy" from his brother to say that their relationship with the president could no longer continue. “Marilyn took the news very hard,” Gould says, “and Bobby left with the thought that he should have gotten to know the actress better. At first, he just wanted to comfort her, but soon the acquaintance between Marilyn and Bobby grew into a love affair. From what Peter said, we can conclude that he fell head over heels in love.

Gloria Romanova, who attended the dinner parties, recalls:

“Robert Kennedy called his father long distance to say that he was sitting next to Marilyn Monroe and ask his father if he would like to say hello to her.

Sydney Skolsky, journalist and friend of Monroe:

She complained about the difficulties she had to face in meetings with the president. Even if you were alone with him at Peter Lawford's home in Santa Monica, you couldn't turn off the lights. If something happened and the lights went out, the secret service would tear down the doors and break into the room. In fact, I don't think it ever happened!

Even Henry Rosenfeld commented:

“In New York, I think they sometimes met in a building on Fifty-third Street near Third Avenue. Once or twice Marilyn visited him in Washington, but she never went to the White House.

Former press secretary of Robert Kennedy Edwin Gutman recalled that Marilyn was at two or three receptions at the Lawford house, which were also attended by Robert Kennedy.

So, it turns out that almost all members of the male half of the Kennedy clan were close to Marilyn.

Great view of New York

Former FBI Assistant Director Courtney Evans, "who served as the liaison between J. Edgar Hoover and Robert Kennedy", in 1984, when discussing the topic of President John F. Kennedy's sensitivity to sexual blackmail, noted among other things that "the opportunity to put pressure on the president was associated with Marilyn Monroe." Surely he meant her close acquaintance with Frank Sinatra, who was friends with mafia clans, among whom they knew many details from the personal life of the US president and his family. But it is precisely these nuances that perfectly fit into the blackmail scheme.

There is evidence that members of the criminal family, using television equipment, took intimate photographs. “We have received information that the mafia is going to blackmail the Attorney General of the United States with these pictures,” former FBI inspector William Kane once admitted, and therefore Robert Kennedy should have been warned. By all indications, the girl in the intimate photos was Marilyn Monroe.

So it is not surprising that data relating to Marilyn and the Kennedy brothers are still stored in secret FBI folders to this day.

In the light of subsequent events, information regarding the huge movable and immovable state of Marilyn is curious. When all the bills were paid after the death of the actress, it turned out that "she was so rich that she could live fifty years without accepting offers to act in an indecent form, doing nothing, but only breathing, swimming and sunbathing in the sun."

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US President John F. Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Kennedy), the future 35th President of the United States, was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. His father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, a banker and businessman, was the American ambassador to Great Britain from 1937-1940. Before the beginning

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KENNEDY JOHN FITZGERALD (b. 1917 - d. 1963) 35th President of the United States (1961-1963) from the Democratic Party. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Biography for the bestseller Traits of Courage (1954). Killed in Dallas. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is one of the most

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Blonde Marilyn did not want to become a blonde for a long time, believing that this way she would lose her individuality. But Miss Snively insisted. Actually, she immediately, even when she first accepted Norma Jean into her agency, said that she needed to lighten her hair. She explained to her that

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John Kennedy shortly after honeymoon trip Marilyn Monroe met the young Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy. They were in many ways similar - both beautiful, both stubborn and ambitious, both surrounded by a scandalous halo of sexuality, more created intentionally,

An icon of cinema and a recognized sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe suffered from depression and anxiety, and also abused alcohol and heavy sleeping pills. Her personal life was unsuccessful, and when on August 5, 1962, Marilyn was found dead in a room full of empty medicine bottles, no one was surprised by her suicide. However, to this day there are many hypotheses and conspiracy theories that otherwise explain the untimely death of the actress.

According to the official version, Monroe's death was due to an overdose of sleeping pills and it was suicide. However, the researchers of her life claim that just at that moment the actress had no reason to take such a step. She was about to reunite with her first husband, baseball player Joe DiMaggio (on August 1, he proposed to her). Moreover, she just renewed her contract with 20th Century Fox, gave interviews for magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Life, and posed in a photo shoot for Vogue. Monroe was also going to star in a biographical film about the fate of the movie star of the 30s, Jean Harlow. And against this background, she suddenly commits suicide ... Somehow one does not fit with the other.

During the investigation, negligent death was immediately ruled out due to the huge concentration of sleeping pills in Monroe's blood - it was twice the lethal dose. Interestingly, no traces of pills were found in the stomach. Later, this fact was explained by the fact that Monroe took sleeping pills regularly and in large quantities, and her stomach adapted to their faster dissolution and absorption. Of course, some researchers claim that there were no pills in the stomach for another reason: because the actress was deliberately killed by someone. Moreover, the doctor who performed the autopsy stated that the samples taken were accidentally spoiled and it was impossible to double-check the conclusion.

Those who believe in the deliberate murder of the actress claim that the picture of the suicide was clearly staged. Even police officer Sergeant Jack Clemmons, who was called to the Monroe villa that day, said that he had never seen a more obviously orchestrated picture of suicide. The body of the actress lay very neatly on the bed, and vials of pills were placed on the bedside table nearby. It is also known that Monroe's diaries have disappeared and even - for some reason - the bedding was washed by her housekeeper.

Over the years, the last day of Monroe's life has been attempted to be restored in great detail many times. According to some rumors, right before her death, the actress called her friend, Hollywood stylist Sydney Gilarov, twice. She screamed in hysterics that Bobby Kennedy (John F. Kennedy's younger brother, who replaced him as Monroe's lover) and Peter Lawford (John F. Kennedy's son-in-law) had recently come to her house and threatened her in every possible way. The reason was: Monroe threatened to tell the whole world about her relationship with Robert. It is unlikely that he was delighted with this prospect ... Also, presumably, last call, committed that night by Monroe, was a call to the White House. But who did she call and why? Maybe she tried to get through to John F. Kennedy and ask him for protection "out of old friendship"? They even say that she managed to get through, but spoke with Kennedy's wife.

It is known that John F. Kennedy was the first to succumb to the spell of Monroe. Their romance lasted several years, but John did not attach as much importance to this connection as Marilyn did. He was loving and had affairs with many women, so Monroe was just one of them. But she fell in love with him to a stupor, became literally obsessed with him. Monroe believed and waited for a very long time that Kennedy would leave his wife and marry her, but he was absolutely not going to do this. On the contrary, when the actress began to tire him, he gradually distanced himself from her. Marilyn did not give up, continuing to call the White House. Then John sent his brother Robert to her to convince Monroe to abandon these fruitless attempts to become the first lady. It ended up that Robert fell under the spell of the actress and fell in love with her.

Yes, it's a fact - Monroe changed one Kennedy brother for another. When she began a stormy romance with Robert, they saw each other almost every day. But nothing lasts forever - and just like his older brother, Robert at some point got tired of this connection. But the matter was complicated by the fact that Monroe did not give up just like that: she began to blackmail Robert Kennedy, declaring that she was keeping a diary. And as if this diary contains all the political secrets that both Kennedy brothers blurted out to her in a love frenzy. Supporters of the hypothesis that accuses Robert Kennedy of Monroe's assassination say that this diary was the main reason.

According to Lawford, Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe spent their first night in his guest bedroom. Lawford was aware of what was happening from the very beginning and served as a front for lovers. He said that Bobby and Marilyn quickly rushed into the abyss of passion, but then Kennedy quickly cooled down - and she began to hysteria and threaten him with publicity. They even had a quarrel, during which she threw a knife at him - after which Kennedy returned to her house with his bodyguard and Lawford. They were looking for a small red notebook known as the "diary of secrets". Whether they found it or not is unknown, but the actress had to be killed, and Peter Lawford was present at the same time. This is one of the hypotheses.

But enough about romance novels. Here is an equally interesting hypothesis: the actress was killed because she was a secret communist. And not even very secretly, but very publicly admired what was happening, for example, in China. And she expressed disapproval of McCarthy's policies and the "witch hunt" against Hollywood figures who sympathized with the communists. The FBI had a dossier on everyone, including Monroe, and the federal bureau was really unhappy with her political statements. In addition, she supported Cornelius Vanderbilt, a man with extremely leftist views, and tried to get a visa to the USSR. That is why some believe that there is a political background to the death of the actress.

Some believe that Monroe's housekeeper, Eunice Murray, had something to do with Monroe's death. She definitely knew more than she told the police. Arrived at the scene, police sergeant Jack Clemmons said that Murray behaved strangely and answered his questions very evasively. What's more, when the cop arrived, Murray was already washing the sheets off Monroe's bed. Detective Robert Byron, who came a little later, also noted the suspicious behavior of the woman. He stated that Murray's words could not be relied upon, which he wrote about in his report. Sergeants Clemmons and Byron were soon removed from this case: other police officers, of a higher rank, took care of them.

Dr. Ralph Greenson, Monroe's psychiatrist, is also often blamed for her death. Obviously, Greenson believed that traditional psychoanalysis was not helping his patient, so he began to experiment with new approaches: he replaced conventional therapy with attending dinner parties and public events. Greenson recommended that the actress cut off ties with old friends and convinced her to buy a villa near him. Even new house Monroe was decorated to resemble Greenson's house. That's not all! Greenson asked his relative to take care of Monroe's financial and legal affairs, and it was he who brought his girlfriend Eunice Murray to her as a housekeeper. Some biographers of Monroe call Greenson a "possessive control freak". They say that he only worsened the condition of the actress by prescribing too large doses of drugs to her. Someone believes that Greenson accidentally made a mistake in the dosage, and someone - that Robert Kennedy insistently asked him about it.

This is a relatively recent hypothesis and it is rather strange, of course. The idea was presented in documentary about UFO "Unacknowledged". Like, based on the fact that Monroe had affairs with the Kennedy brothers, she knew too much - including secrets about aliens! As if John F. Kennedy told her that he visited a secret air base to inspect the found objects of extraterrestrial origin. And when the Kennedy brothers broke the heart of the actress, she could tell all this to the public. According to ufologist Steven Greer, "It's a tragedy: she was an actress and didn't understand anything about national security and the determination of those who want to keep their secrets to themselves."

It was a 'fake' suicide attempt, but something didn't go according to plan.

Another rather strange theory says that Monroe wanted to fake suicide in order to attract everyone's attention to herself and so that the Kennedy brothers would realize their guilt and want to return it (well, at least one of them). Peter Lawford learned from a mutual acquaintance that she had already made such an attempt once, and told Bobby Kennedy about it. And they came up with a plan! The essence of a sophisticated conspiracy theory is that Lawford persuaded psychiatrist Monroe Greenson and her housekeeper Murray to take part in an assassination plot. Greenson prescribed Monroe an overdose of drugs, and she, unaware of this, followed his instructions exactly. After the actress took the pills, the housekeeper called Greenson and they waited for Monroe's death, and then called the police.

According to another hypothesis, Monroe ordered the assassination of the boss of the Chicago syndicate, mafia Sam Giancana. Monroe is said to have had an affair with one of Giancan's men, Johnny Roselli. Giancana used his influence to get the actress her first Hollywood contract. To repay the debt, Monroe allegedly seduced powerful men whom the mafia wanted to blackmail. And when unsuccessful romances with the Kennedy brothers broke the heart of the actress and she promised to lay everything out to the public, one must understand that much more would have been revealed - which the mafia could not allow. There is also speculation that Bobby Kennedy hired mob hitmen to eliminate Monroe. The killers broke into her house, sedated her with chloform, and then injected her with a huge amount of sleeping pills with an enema.

In 2015, an article was published in the World News Daily Report claiming that before his death, a former CIA agent named Normand Hodges confessed to the murder of Marilyn Monroe. Hodges stated that during his career at this institution, he committed 37 murders of people who posed a threat to US national security. Hodges literally said the following: “We had evidence that Marilyn Monroe slept not only with Kennedy, but also with Fidel Castro. My boss Jimmy Hayworth told me that she should die and it should look like a suicide or an overdose. However, later it turned out that the whole story is fiction.

Around midnight on August 5, 1962, housekeeper Eunice Murray saw a light in Monroe's room. Murray knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Hours later, a worried Murray called Monroe's psychiatrist Dr. Greenson. He arrived and knocked out the door to the bedroom of the actress. They saw that Monroe was lying on the bed with no signs of life. Greenson then allegedly called Monroe's family doctor, who pronounced him dead at 3:50 a.m. But, for some strange reason, the police were not called until 4.25 am. They even say that at the same time when the doctor was called, an ambulance arrived, and that at that time Monroe was still alive. And when the police arrived, they immediately felt that something was amiss in the whole affair. For example, there was no water glass in the room. How did Monroe swallow all those pills without drinking water? In addition, the body was definitely moved from its place. Perhaps the police have not been called for so long for a reason.

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