Ekaterina Safronova last. "God took me away from him." Ekaterina Safronova said she was not surprised by Kerzhakov's divorce: she knew about the problems in the football player's family. Drug addiction Kerzhakova

Marina Evgenievna, tell us how the parents behaved with the children, Alexander Kerzhakov and Ekaterina Safronova?

In general, I took care of the children, Igor and Sonya. She took Sonya to the kindergarten, and met her from the kindergarten. I was with Igor both at night and during the day. But when Alexander returned home after the games, he was always interested in how the children were doing. How Igor develops, how he feels, how he behaves. He even made me sometimes remarks, if it seemed to him that I was doing something wrong. In general, he showed real fatherly care.

How did Alexander feel about Catherine?

Katya always seemed to be sick all the time, then in some kind of depression. Sasha constantly told her to dress warmer. He was afraid she might get sick. He cared about her because he loved her.

What happened in the house when Kerzhakov left for the training camp?

Companies gathered at home. They drank wine, beer, something used. I noticed this because I got up at night to warm up food for the month-old Igor, because I was doing it, not my mother. When Sasha returned, of course, all this stopped, the apartment was cleaned, put in order. And everything was perfect.

How has their relationship developed lately?

In November, Sasha persuaded Katya to leave for treatment. She did just that. Then she came home a couple of times for a short time, she didn’t pay attention to Igor at all. Sonya was with her father all this time. And before the new year, Sasha said that they would celebrate New Year and Christmas with the whole family. Then the house was idyllic. Friends arrived for Christmas. Sasha said that now Katya would be treated at home and take care of the children, and I would just help her. Then he left for work, and everything started anew: girlfriends, companies, some friends, wine, fun. Sasha found out about this, and again Katya went for treatment. I didn't see her again.

Have you ever noticed signs of unusual behavior in Catherine?

I noticed her inappropriate behavior, yes. The difference in her behavior when Sasha was at home and when he was not was huge.

What was it?

When Katya was relaxing with friends, she was cheerful and sociable. When Sasha came, she was irritable. She was constantly in bed, did not leave the bedroom. And I believe that it was Katya who initiated the scandals. Sasha wanted a house, a family, so that his wife would be waiting for him and met him. Once he arrived, and it was not Katya who met him, but her friend. Sasha was outraged by this, and there was a strife.

Often Alexander and Catherine quarreled?

Happened, of course. But I cannot say that they were regular.

The media are actively discussing the new relationship between the striker of the Russian football team and Zenit Alexander Kerzhakov and ex-wife Petersburg SKA hockey player Kirill Safronov Ekaterina Safronova.

Journalists learned about the new passion of the football player back in 2010. However, this topic was discussed much less actively than the divorce of another Russian football player Andrey Arshavin.

Like many other girlfriends and wives of Russian football stars, little is known about Kerzhakov's passion.

As it is written on the page of Ekaterina "VKontakte", she was born on July 20, 1987. It is known that the girl has a daughter from her marriage with Safronov.

According to the media, the hockey player met an attractive brunette in 2006 at a beauty contest for fans of his hockey team. Then, along with the rest, Katerina Safronova - nee Lobanova - fought for victory.

According to rumors, the young and promising hockey player immediately liked the girl, but he decided to meet her a few months later at a chance meeting.

Express Gazeta reports that at that time Safronov began to actively court Catherine, literally flooding her with gifts and flowers. Soon the girl became pregnant and in 2007 gave birth to Sonya.

According to media reports, the wedding was played after the birth in the Wedding Palace on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg.

For several years the family lived happily, but gradually Safronov's career began to decline. Unable to withstand the competition, in 2010 the young man left SKA and signed a contract with the Neftekhimik club from Nizhnekamsk.

The athlete had to move, but the wife did not plan to leave St. Petersburg, saying that in her hometown her mother helps her with raising her daughter, which is much easier than raising a child alone.

Several times the girl came to her husband in Nizhnekamsk, but even then, according to rumors, she began an affair with Alexander Kerzhakov.

How and under what circumstances the football player met Safronova, there is no information. A number of Internet portals report that, most likely, the football player's romance with the hockey player's wife began before Safronov left St. Petersburg. In what year is also not reported, however, the media note that Safronova and Kerzhakov managed to hide their relationship for quite a long time.

Party "Gazpromneft"

It is known that for the first time both appeared publicly at a Gazpromneft party. Kerzhakov openly hugged and kissed Katerina. Immediately after that, the first articles about the footballer's romance with Safronov's wife appeared in the press (in December 2010).

Literally the next day after the party, the hockey player himself found out about everything. There is unverified information that Safronov even fought with Kerzhakov because of his wife, but Katerina eventually preferred the Zenit striker.

At the same time, Kerzhakov at that time was also married to Maria, with whom they have joint daughter Daria. The wife of a football player also found out about her husband's romance on the side by accident. According to the media, the girl saw them kissing in a room under the stands. Later (when specifically also unknown) Maria Kerzhakova filed for divorce.

According to the press, the divorce proceedings between the football player and his wife have not yet been completed. What is to blame remains unknown. According to some reports, the reason for the protracted divorce was the division of property.

Katerina now freely uploads joint photos graphics with Kerzhakov to the social network. The first such picture, despite the already long relationship of the couple, appeared in Safronova's album only in November 2012.

In January 2013, one of the pictures with Kerzhakov posted by Ekaterina shows that the girl is pregnant. In April she gave birth to a son.

“I am a happy mom! I have a daughter, and now also a son, ”the girl wrote on her page.

The press suggests that the child is from Kerzhakov, despite the fact that the football player himself does not confirm this information. Nevertheless, judging by the photographs, it was he who became the father of the child. In any case, the footballer calmly holds the baby in his arms.

The meeting itself was also closed - Kerzhakov insisted on this, although Safronova was not against an open process. Safronova's representatives claim that there were threats against Catherine from Kerzhakov's people? At the very beginning of the war for the child, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky undertook to defend Ekaterina Safronova.

As it is written on the page of Ekaterina "VKontakte", she was born on July 20, 1987. It is known that the girl has a daughter from her marriage with Safronov. Express newspaper" reports that then Safronov began to actively care for Catherine, literally flooding her with gifts and flowers.

There is unverified information that Safronov even fought with Kerzhakov because of his wife, but Katerina eventually preferred the Zenit striker. It is not surprising that Kerzhakov nevertheless abandoned her. I saw this Safronova more than once, during her lifetime with Cyril. In early October, the Kalininsky District Court of St. Petersburg seemed to put an end to the conflict between the Kerzhakov-Safronov couple. Safronova's side denied the accusations. Kerzhakov triumphed. Safronova had to come to terms with her fate - there was neither strength nor means left to compete with representatives of Kerzhakov.

And a couple of days later, Gordon posted information on her page on the social network that a lawsuit from Ekaterina Safronova against Alexander Kerzhakov was filed with the court of St. Petersburg. Dobrovinsky has never been Safronova's lawyer, he himself openly declares this.

Dobrovinsky then arranged a press conference for Safronova and that was it. Katya came to me herself. She knew that we were defending Grachevsky's ex-wife. The court recognized Safronova as a drug addict, in fact, on the basis of these facts, a decision was made.

Although I know for sure that Kerzhakov did not have a single medical examination indicating that Safronova was a drug addict. She turned out to be not as "toothy" as Arshavin's wife at one time. Now we recommended Safronova not to communicate with these people under any pretext. What is the state of Safronova now? Kerzhakov? Moreover, it sounds absurd. Perhaps what happened is retribution for my sin. When we met, I was married to hockey player Kirill Safronov.

Ekaterina Safronova. Biography of the new woman Alexander Kerzhakov

During this period, Kerzhakov appeared. Kerzhakov, for his part, assured: "I am a man, I will do everything." Kerzhakov did everything that Savchenko said. A month later, Kerzhakov said: “You must leave rented apartment!" Left on the street, I turned to Kirill Safronov for help. Safronov who), Katya turned to him for help.

Like many other girlfriends and wives of Russian football stars, little is known about Kerzhakov's passion. Then, along with the rest, Katerina Safronova - nee Lobanova - fought for victory. Several times the girl came to her husband in Nizhnekamsk, but even then, according to rumors, she began an affair with Alexander Kerzhakov. Kerzhakov openly hugged and kissed Katerina. At the same time, Kerzhakov at that time was also married to Maria, with whom they have a joint daughter, Daria. The wife of a football player also found out about her husband's romance on the side by accident.

In January 2013, one of the pictures with Kerzhakov posted by Ekaterina shows that the girl is pregnant. The press suggests that the child is from Kerzhakov, despite the fact that the footballer himself does not confirm this information.

Safronov is very pleasant, apparently as a husband - a worthy child did not take away! A pure adaptation is Katya, and she will walk around the peasants! Forward "Zenith" sought to ex-lover Catherine was forbidden to raise their common son. The requirement was substantiated very harshly - the baby's mother is a drug addict. At a closed session, the judge ruled: "Satisfy the claim of Alexander Kerzhakov in full." The initiator of the struggle was Catherine Gordon.

We offer you a human, personal meeting with our client Ekaterina Safronova and an end to the violence that a child and mother are subjected to when separated from each other. We hope that you are a Man and a Decent Person, and also that you are not a coward - and are ready to meet the woman who was with you and gave birth to a child. It should be noted that the court decision by which Ekaterina, who does not pose a danger to the child, was even forbidden to see her son, who is not even two years old, is unprecedented.

Kerzhakov and Safronova met again in the battle for their son

Perhaps he was asked about this by Arshavin's ex-wife, with whom he has a friendly relationship. Therefore, we have every reason to resume the fight for the rights of Catherine as a mother. There were no drugs there. Nevertheless, an unprecedented decision was concocted at the trial that the mother had no right to communicate with the child. Why didn’t Catherine then shout at every corner that she was slandered?

Only then could she possibly meet her son. Katya agreed to such conditions. No. For more than six months, Katya did not see her son. Although she repeatedly made attempts to reach Kerzhakov. When I heard her whole story, I decided to take up this case, I wanted to help this unfortunate woman who powerful people deprived of a child. But people gathered around Kerzhakov who did not give him a chance to even talk with Catherine.

Interview with Ekaterina Safronova about life with Kerzhakov

Perhaps the point is big money, which the footballer does not want to pay if the son stays with his mother. And yet, the court ruled on the basis of some information about Safronova's drug addiction. The fact that Katya is a drug addict was announced by Kerzhakov's press secretary, Elena Bolotova.

Kerzhakov, Alexander Anatolievich

I will demand that all of them be deprived of the right to advocate. If one day Katya has serious health problems, it will be Kerzhakov's fault. But the victim of this whole story will be a child who has lost his mother. Katya is a fighter. Now she decided to direct all her strength to win back the child from Kerzhakov. Here is how the lawyer of the football player Igor Reshetnikov commented on Safronova's claim.

Kerzhakov Reshetnikov. We often talked to her when she had love with Kerzhakov. Katya decided to speak frankly about life with Kerzhakov. In front of me, Kerzhakov said that he wanted to plant drugs in Masha's car in order to deprive her of her child. I did not immediately understand that Kerzhakov wanted to hide the money from Masha, so that in the event of a divorce she would not get it.

The media are actively discussing the new relationship between the striker of the Russian football team and Zenit Alexander Kerzhakov and the ex-wife of St. Petersburg SKA hockey player Kirill Safronov Ekaterina Safronova. Yes, I signed the documents - an agreement that the child will live with his father, - Ekaterina Safronova admitted.

The former common-law wife of the Zenit football player and the Russian national team, Ekaterina Safronova, said that her husband's friends promised to kill her

The former common-law wife of Zenit footballer Alexander Kerzhakov, Ekaterina Safronova, accused the athlete of threatening her. As MK already wrote, the woman, according to her lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, even had to move from St. Petersburg to Moscow along with her seven-year-old daughter from her first marriage. Once celebrity couple decided to leave, the footballer took from his mother one year old son Igor on the grounds that the woman is allegedly a drug addict. Meanwhile, lawyer Igor Zapolsky, who represents the interests of the famous athlete, is sure that Ekaterina's tantrum is a way to put pressure on her husband.

By a court decision, Ekaterina Safronova must soon undergo a medical examination in order to prove to her former civil husband that she is pure and capable of raising her son. Friends of the star couple react to the scandal ambiguously. Some swear by MK that the footballer took the baby away so as not to pay huge alimony to his mother, others claim that Catherine really had an affair with drugs.

This explains the discord that occurred in May 2013 between Alexander and Catherine, who were passionately in love at first. Although their first child was born on April 30, Kerzhakov for some reason changed his mind about marrying the one whom he had just recently carried in his arms. He started a lawsuit and, in fact, has already taken the child from his mother (Igor lives in his father’s apartment with a nanny), and now the footballer demands to limit his wife to parental rights.

As evidence of his innocence, he presented to the court extracts from the medical history given by the Military Medical Academy, where Ekaterina Safronova was undergoing rehabilitation. The case also includes some certificates from the City Narcological Hospital, but so far the lawyers have not commented on them. The wife stubbornly denies everything, calling the documents fake. Nevertheless, rumors that the chosen one of the football player “dabbled” in something strong circulated in the near-sports get-together for a long time, when she had not yet left her first husband, SKA hockey player Kirill Safronov.

Few people know that in May of this year, Catherine unexpectedly recognized Kerzhakov's claim (in fact, agreeing with all the charges against her), signing the corresponding paper. But after a couple of months it backfired. As MK told her former defender Andrey Kharitonov (the other day the girl changed her lawyer for the third time, choosing the Moscow star Dobrovinsky, who specializes in "star" divorces), Katya was then simply intimidated by the "authorities". In fact, throughout 2013, the girl was not under the influence of cocaine, but in the usual postpartum depression, which is characterized by mood changes, general exhaustion of the body, hysterical seizures, and indifference to others, including her own child.

But the lawyer of Alexander Kerzhakov, Igor Zapolsky, thinks otherwise. In his opinion, Catherine raised hysteria in order to put pressure on ex-husband:

“I do not rule out that the defendant's side will resort to pressure in the future,” Zapolsky explained to MK, “but if they try to slander my defense attorney, we will take tough legal measures.

According to the footballer's lawyer, he does not know anything about the threats against his ex-wife. And, quite possibly, this is a well-thought-out move by Catherine to arouse the sympathy of the judges. The football player himself refuses to comment on the situation, he does not answer calls not only from the media, but also from acquaintances, and does not communicate with the “former”. True, until recently there was hope for reaching an agreement on a peaceful resolution of the conflict, but, literally, last week everything collapsed.

Ekaterina herself is already transparently hinting that the financial problems of the football player became the cause of her conflict with Kerzhakov. Discord in the family came immediately after Kerzhakov lost 330 million rubles, giving them to swindlers who promised to invest them in an oil factory. The girl was a witness to how it happened. However, she is in no hurry to publicize the details of the missing money, apparently holding it as a "trump card in the sleeve" in case things turn against her.

Irina Nikolaeva, Natalia Chernykh


27-year-old Ekaterina Safronova, former civil wife famous football player, last day turned to lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky so that he could sort out her relationship with her former loved one. According to the girl, she, an absolutely healthy woman, was forcibly placed several times in a psychiatric clinic for examination and deprived of the opportunity to see her one and a half year old son Igor.

The loud statement stirred the public. Opinions are divided: someone considers Catherine an unfortunate woman, and someone does not consider her a victim.

SUPER got in touch with a close friend of 31-year-old Russian striker Alexander Kerzhakov and found out the details.

The fact is that Alexander, as a noble man and a caring father, does not want to give any comments and deal with this ugly story in all respects. Catherine, being in a relationship, allowed herself ambiguous antics: it was not known with whom she spent nights in clubs, used drugs. Her allegations of involuntary detention in psychiatric clinic- nonsense. They tried to treat her for drug addiction, they looked for all kinds of medicines for her. She didn't care. And she voluntarily abandoned her child and signed the documents. She did not visit him: after all, according to the law, it is necessary to take tests before each meeting. If it were not for Arshavin's ex-wife, who herself found Katya and offered her her help and lawyer Dobrovinsky, Catherine would have lived like that, not remembering anyone, for her own pleasure.

Thanks to numerous talk shows on the country's TV channels, viewers know the name of Ekaterina Safronova. Kerzhakov's wife, who has a famous football player common child, was not in a registered marriage with him. After parting, their conflict concerned the place of residence of their son Igor, born in 2013. Despite the participation of influential lawyers - Alexander Dobrovinsky and Ekaterina Gordon - in the fate of the woman, the woman lost the process and is deprived of the opportunity to see her child. Why did it happen? What is known about the beautiful blonde?

Biography pages before meeting with Kerzhakov

A native of St. Petersburg, she was born in 1987, her date of birth is July 20. It is known that she was among the fans of the SKA hockey club and once took part in a beauty contest held by the administration for fans. Maiden name Ekaterina - Lobanov. She was lucky to please a young promising hockey player - Kirill Safronov, who showered her with gifts and other signs of attention. Their meeting took place in 2006, and a year later the couple had a joint daughter named Sonya. After the birth of the child, the lovers registered their relationship. Since then, the girl has been named Safronova. Catherine was a good wife and mother until the career of a star hockey player began to decline.

In 2010, Kirill signed a contract with Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk and left to play in Tatarstan. The wife did not follow her husband, explaining that she needed her mother's help in raising her daughter. There is a version that even before the departure of the hockey player, the woman met Alexander Kerzhakov, who was married at that time to Maria Golova.

Relations with Kerzhakov

none of former spouses long time did not comment on where and when their first meeting took place, because both at that time were not free. Today it is known that this acquaintance was random character and took place in a nightclub. For the first time Kerzhakov and his new passion appeared together in front of the cameras in December 2010, on the day of the Gazpromneft party. Safronova Ekaterina continued to visit her husband in Nizhnekamsk for some time, until the secret became clear. Eyewitnesses claim that in one of the bars of St. Petersburg, a fight even broke out between a hockey player and a football player. Be that as it may, the Safronovs divorced, and Kerzhakov began a long divorce process, as a result of which he had to pay serious compensation.

Until 2012 in social networks Ekaterina did not exhibit joint photos with the legendary Zenit. Apparently, this was due to litigation. But then the public no longer doubted that Safronova and Kerzhakov had an affair. When a young woman gave birth to a son in 2013, no one had even a shadow of doubt about the paternity of the legendary football player. A surprise was the fact that after some time Alexander put his common-law spouse out of a country house, and in May 2014 he filed a lawsuit to limit his mother's parental rights.

Drug problem

The man won the process, and in the fall of 2015, the St. Petersburg Court of the Kalininsky District limited the mother's parental rights. Son Igor was transferred to the upbringing of his father. A photo of Ekaterina Safronova spread all over the media, and she began to appear on the air, talking about the unfortunate fate of her mother, from whom her father took the child, using his influence and money. The famous Zenit member did not publicize the main reason for this decision for a long time, but after the intervention of the media, he was forced to make public the fact that for a number of years the woman was addicted to cocaine. A video appeared on the Internet, where it is obvious to everyone how his wife spent time in the absence of her husband. This fact was confirmed by the nanny of the child. All the measures taken to treat the woman did not give any result, after which the common-law spouse decided to disperse and take responsibility for raising his son.

By decision of the court Safronova, Ekaterina can communicate with the child after passing the test for the absence of drugs in the blood in the presence of persons emotionally significant to the baby. But instead of complying with the decision, she preferred, accompanied by human rights activist Ekaterina Gordon, to run around on TV channels in order to arouse the sympathy of those around her. AT " Live» she was asked to voluntarily take a drug test to confirm her non-use. But the woman refused. In December 2016, with a nine-month-old daughter in her arms, she was detained while buying a dose of cocaine by law enforcement agencies.


In total, the woman has three children. The eldest, Sonya, is brought up by her first husband, Kirill Safronov. He is happily married. His second wife Anastasia already had a daughter named Stefania. For some reason, this is exactly what Ekaterina Safronova called her third child. Photos of her with a new man, presumably her father, appeared on the Web youngest daughter. She posts touching pictures with the elder Sonya and little Stephanie, but Igor, a joint child with Kerzhakov, has not been seen by her mother for a long time. The departure of the football player to Switzerland and his marriage to Milan Tyulpanova, who devotes herself to raising the baby, made Safronova's participation in the fate of her son very problematic. And the detention with white powder confirms that even the birth of a third child did not force the woman to give up her addiction.

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