Boris Novikov - biography, information, personal life. The curse of the famous skyscraper The film "white dew"

Boris Novikov is a Soviet theater and film actor, who in the mid-90s earned the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In his filmography, there are a number of leading roles in such films as "Shadows disappear at noon", "Seven old men and one girl" and the show "Zucchini" 13 chairs ".

Also, Novikov's voice is known to small viewers, because he voiced many cartoon characters, including those from Prostokvashino. But at the same time, Boris Kuzmich remained in the annals of Soviet cinema, primarily as the King of episodes.

Childhood and youth

He was born in the Ryazan region, at the Ryazhsk station, in a family of ordinary working people. Boris was an obedient, but at the same time very active and inquisitive boy. He studied well at school, spent a lot of time in various circles at the House of Pioneers. But the fate of many of his peers was changed by the war. Novikov was lucky to return home alive, after which the guy thought about his education.

Boris leaves his parental home and leaves for the capital. There he manages to interest the director Yuri Zavadsky with his artistic abilities, who accepts a talented young man in his Studio School.


After completing an acting course, Novikov became a member of the troupe of the Mossovet Theater in 1948. For a long time, the novice actor was on the sidelines, but then he was entrusted with a responsible role in the production of the famous poem. Novikov made a splash. Many people thanked him for the fact that he was able not only to convey the image of the character, but also to realistically show the feelings of the recent war. Even the author of the poem himself was stunned and enthusiastic.

But, as is often the case, success is accompanied by envy. Other theater employees began to "poison" the talented performer, and Boris Novikov decides to change his job. He is gladly invited to the troupe of the Maly Theater, but ill-wishers call there and discredit the actor in front of the new leadership. Of course, the transition did not take place.

But Valentin Pluchek from the Satire Theater decided not to pay attention to idle talk. Novikov approached him as a professional, and for almost 10 years Boris Kuzmich proved with gratitude almost daily that the great director was not mistaken. But in 1972 he still had to end his theatrical career due to serious health problems. Since then, Novikov has focused on cinematography.


During his long creative life, Boris Novikov took part in more than 150 projects. It is interesting that at first he was offered negative roles of drunkards, truants and bandits, but then the directors began to understand that, firstly, the type of the actor does not correspond to these characters, and secondly, Novikov himself is capable of much more.

Boris himself considered the painting Quiet Flows the Don to be his real debut. He got the small role of Mitka Korshunov, but the actor played this image beyond praise. And after playing the roles of the hairdresser Matvey Yakovlevich in the comedy "Girl with a Guitar", the secretary of the Komsomol organization in the social drama "My Friend Kolka" and especially the jeweler Isaac Liberzon in the action-packed television series "His Excellency's Adjutant" Novikov began to be called the "King of episodes."

But do not assume that Boris Kuzmich did not get the leading characters. He starred in the film adaptation of Pushkin's "Shot", in the comedy "Seven Old Men and One Girl", the historical film "Shadows Disappear at Noon", the drama "Father and Son", the grotesque comedy "The Talking Monkey".

The last film in which Boris Novikov starred was the adventure film The Return of the Battleship, released in the year of his death. The actor appeared in the detective story "Transit for the Devil", but his "role" was edited from frames shot for the film "Your will, Lord!", And the image was voiced by another performer,.

Personal life

Boris Novikov met his only wife Nadezhda Klimovich in his student years. The girl also studied as an actress, their relationship developed very rapidly. Soon the young people got married. By the way, the husband and wife did not work in the same theater, although this practice is quite common in acting families: Nadezhda Antonovna performed at the Moscow Youth Theater.

In 1949 their son Sergei was born. But instead of the expected joy of the spouses, an additional test of strength awaited. The boy was born very painful, and over the years it became clear that he was lagging behind his peers in development. Nevertheless, Sergey managed to finish school and even studied at the institute, but then a mental disorder made itself felt.

Boris Novikov and Nadezhda Klimovich took care of their sick son until the end of their days, took care of him and took care of him. Later, after the death of his parents, unknown scammers sent the man to a psychiatric clinic and took away his living space. And only thanks to the intervention of neighbors and the Screen Actors Guild, Novikov's apartment was returned to his son, where he still lives under the supervision of a nurse.


Back in the early 70s, Boris Novikov began to develop diabetes. Because of this illness, the actor was forced to say goodbye to the theater stage and focus on cinema. Recently, the family has lived very poorly. Not only was there practically no work for actors of the older generation in the 90s, but the illness of Boris Kuzmich required large financial costs. But the old people had to take care of their disabled son.

But Novikov was a very modest and secretive person. He did not seek help from any of his past acquaintances. Help for an elderly family was provided only by the one who sent them a certain amount every month.

Just as quietly and imperceptibly as he lived in recent years, Boris Novikov left for another world. He died of diabetes causing cardiac arrest on July 25, 1997, less than two weeks after his 72nd birthday.

The death of the actor was not reported either in the press or on television. Much later, the journalists of one of the printed publications, having learned about the tragedy, printed a note. Fans of the artist collected money, for which a tombstone was erected.


  • 1958 - Quiet Don
  • 1958 - The Captain's Daughter
  • 1963 - "Extraordinary City"
  • 1964 - "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin"
  • 1966 - "Shot"
  • 1968 - "Seven old men and one girl"
  • 1969-1981 - Zucchini "13 chairs"
  • 1971 - "Shadows disappear at noon"
  • 1974 - "These are the stories"
  • 1979 - "Father and Son"
  • 1987 - "Autumn Dreams"
  • 1990 - Far, Far Away
  • 1991 - Talking Monkey

The famous Soviet actor Boris Novikov, who voiced the beloved character of the postman Pechkin from the cartoon Prostokvashino, died in 1997. The wife of the artist Nadezhda Novikova and son Sergei, after the death of Boris, continued to live in the famous high-rise building, which is located on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. After 11 years, Nadezhda Antonovna also died. How did it happen that now the son of artists, Sergei Novikov, who suffers from a mental illness, lives in a dilapidated house 100 km from Moscow? See Let them talk - The curse of the famous skyscraper 08/08/2016

few people knew that the only son of Boris and Nadezhda Novikov, Sergei, was suffering from a severe mental disorder. For many years the family lived in the famous skyscraper. After the death of Boris Kuzmich and Nadezhda Antonovna, Sergei Novikov became the sole heir to the apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. But after a short time, without his knowledge, the man was registered in a wooden wreck, 100 km from Moscow - in the Tver region. Another person became the owner of the apartment in the elite building. It remains to be seen why Sergei was deceived by apartment swindlers (The curse of the famous high-rise, broadcast replay of June 9, 2009). In 2016, this episode was broadcast twice at different times in different regions: on July 26 and August 8.

Let them talk - The curse of the famous skyscraper

It is known that Sergei (born in 1949) was initially mentally healthy, but at the age of 20, a mental disorder suddenly overtook him. According to family friend Nikolai Denisov, young Seryozha fell ill with the flu before entering the institute, which led to a complication - an incurable mental illness. For many years, his mother, the famous actress of the Moscow Youth Theater Nadezhda Novikova, took care of Sergei, leaving her acting career, and after her death, Novikov's mental illness turned into a real hell and a curse for him. Another person became the owner of the apartment in the famous high-rise building ...

Sergei Novikov is the son of actors Boris and Nadezhda Novikov

Some time after the program Let them Speak (The Curse of the Famous Skyscraper), Boris Novikov's friends managed to win back an apartment on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, which by that time was in an extremely terrible state. Sergei Novikov, after staying in an old house in the Tver region, was sent to a psychiatric hospital named after. Alekseev (Kashchenko), where he received the necessary treatment. Currently lives in his apartment, where he lived for many years. Now a nurse is looking after him. Watch the online edition Let them talk - The curse of the famous skyscraper, aired on 08/08/2016.

The heir of the famous actor was seduced by an insidious doctor

The heir of the famous actor was seduced by an insidious doctor.

We were the first to write about a mysterious story related to the son of the famous actor Boris NOVIKOV. After the death of his parents, the mentally ill Sergei became the only heir to the "kopeck piece" in the legendary house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. People who called themselves the guardians of Novikov Jr. took over his elite apartment. The man himself, who, without his knowledge, was registered in a wreck in the Tver region, is now in the mental hospital. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Family friends are desperately trying to get him back to his home.

Recall Sergey Novikov disappeared from his high-rise apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment in mid-April. Neighbors and friends could not find him for a month and a half. Finally, hungry and helpless, they found him in the village of Cherkizovo near Moscow. And the living space of Novikov Jr., which is estimated by realtors at $ 500 thousand, has already, as it turned out, been taken over by rogues.

New mistress

Knocked out an apartment in a Stalinist skyscraper to Novikov Alexander Tvardovsky. The poet was shocked by how penetratingly Boris Kuzmich played at the Theater. Moscow City Council the role of Vasily Terkin. Films with the participation of the actor - "Shadows disappear at noon", "Quiet Flows the Don", "Seven old men and one girl" - are loved by the audience to this day. The postman Pechkin speaks in his voice. Despite this, the actor died in poverty and forgotten by almost everyone.

The elderly wife of Novikov is a former actress of the Youth Theater Nadezhda Klimovich- understood that sooner or later their mentally ill son Seryozha would be left alone, and began to look for guardians. After her death, the ministers of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki took care of Sergei - priest Alexy Yushchenko and headman Alexander Brodsky. They hired a nurse, brought groceries. But when Novikov Jr. became the full owner of the apartment, he suddenly disappeared. After an intensive search, it turned out that Brodsky took the unfortunate man to Cherkizovo near Moscow. And settled in a hut belonging to a certain Nadezhda Bondarenko, which became the owner of the prestigious apartment of the Novikovs.

Investigators of the Tagansky district police department began checking, but formally everything was according to the law. According to the documents, it turned out that Bondarenko bought a living space for $180,000 from an unknown citizen. Sergunov, who had previously allegedly acquired a "kopeck piece" from Sergei Novikov.

The son of the actor, alas, was never officially recognized as incompetent. And, of course, he did not see any money in his eyes.

mysterious death

Having snatched Novikov Jr. from the hands of Bondarenko, his friends placed him in a psychiatric hospital named after Alekseev.

Serezha was kept in terrible conditions in the Moscow region, says a family friend of the actor Nikolai Denisov. - Therefore, the doctors had to work hard to at least bring him back to normal. Sergey now feels better, but he has nowhere to go from the hospital. In order to return the apartment, it is necessary to cancel the sale and purchase agreement through the court, this is now being handled by a lawyer from the Screen Actors Guild. Bondarenko does not appear in court... The worst thing is that in the Tagansky District Department of Internal Affairs they told me that they would not open a criminal case on the fact of fraud. They are not embarrassed that Novikov was discharged from Moscow without his knowledge and on the same day was registered in a hut in the Tver region, where several alcoholics are still registered. By the way, the first buyer of Serezha's apartment Sergunov, in fact, a figurehead, recently died under mysterious circumstances. I was told that he had a criminal record, had drug problems. Maybe his death has something to do with our case? It was possible to find out that Nadezhda Bondarenko also has a dark past.

In her homeland in the Novonikolaevsky district of the Volgograd region, several people drink too much in rustic wrecks, where she moved them from Moscow and the Moscow region.

Didn't recognize my son

Friends of the Novikov family handed over the diary of Serezha's mother to Express Gazeta. Shortly before her death, Nadezhda Antonovna revealed the secret of why her son became handicapped. It turns out that in childhood, Sergei was a healthy boy with a creative streak. Mental illness was discovered after graduation.

In 1975, my son was diagnosed with cerebral vasospasm, explains Nadezhda Antonovna. - On simple sedatives, he felt great for a month and a half. And once he deceived me, saying that he needed to go to see a doctor. From there he called home and said that he still needed to undergo a course of treatment. It turns out that he fell in love with a doctor who was 11 years older than him.

So, the guy had an affair with the attending physician. What happened next is hard to understand. Either the doctor sincerely wanted to improve the health of the young lover and began to stuff him with strong psychotropic drugs, or in such a barbaric way she decided to get rid of the annoying admirer. In any case, the result was terrible.

Literally a week later I didn’t recognize him, ”recalls Novikova. - There was increased salivation, lethargy, the legs could hardly move ... When I met with the doctor and asked what happened, she said that "the process went so quickly." Discharging home, I asked to issue a disability for my son, to which the doctor replied that it was impossible ...

So Sergei Novikov is still considered an absolutely healthy person. To the delight of swindlers who shamelessly robbed a helpless person.

Our today's hero is the famous Soviet actor Boris Novikov, who has several dozen bright roles in big films. Do you want to know the details of his biography, creative and personal life? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Biography: childhood and youth

Novikov Boris Kuzmich was born on July 13, 1925 at the Ryazhsk-1 station in the Ryazan province. His parents are ordinary people who earned money by hard physical labor.

He grew up as an active and obedient boy. Boris studied well at school, attended various circles. Teachers praised him for his efforts, craving for knowledge and responsible approach to any business.

Boris's youth fell on the war years. The guy was accepted into the ranks of the Red Army. He returned from the war and took up education. Our hero went to Moscow. There he managed to enter the Studio School the first time.

Theatrical work

In 1948, Boris was awarded a diploma of graduation from the university. He had no problems finding work. A young and talented actor was accepted into the troupe of the Theater. Moscow City Council. For a long time he was on the sidelines. And only in 1961 he was able to fully demonstrate his creative abilities and talent. Novikov played Vasily Terkin in the production of the same name. He accurately conveyed the character and emotional mood of his character.

In 1963, the actor had to leave the Theater. Moscow City Council. And all because of the terrible persecution that his colleagues in the troupe arranged for him. Novikov got a job at the Theater of Satire. On the stage of this institution, he performed until 1972. During this time, Boris played many prominent roles. For example, in "Intervention" Novikov was a pharmacist. And in the production of "The Old Maid" he tried on the image of Churin.

Few people know that actor Boris Novikov suffered a heart attack in 1971. He also battled diabetes for over 20 years. Due to deteriorating health, the artist was forced to say goodbye to the stage. Since 1972, he was no longer a member of the troupe of the Theater of Satire.

Boris Novikov: films

When did our hero first appear on the screens? It happened way back in 1954. He was approved for a small role in the film “Birthmarks. The auditors willy-nilly." The young actor saw the filming process from the inside. Boris liked everything. He made every effort to develop a film career.

At first, Novikov had to play negative characters: bandits, spies, drunkards and others. Boris received his first significant role in 1958. He successfully got used to the image of Mitka Korshunov in the film Quiet Flows the Don.

The actor learned about what all-Union fame is after filming the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon”. His character was Taras "Kupiproday".

Boris Novikov starred in more than 150 films. The films in which he starred are listed below:

  • "An Extraordinary City" (1962) - Evgeny Oblaposhkin;
  • "Shot" (1966) - Kuzma;
  • "Seven old men and one girl" (1968) - Stepan Bubnov;
  • “These are the stories” (1974) - Gavrilych;
  • "Father and Son" (1979) - Porfiry Isaev;
  • "Autumn Dreams" (1987) - Mikita;
  • "Far, far away" (1990) - Stepan;
  • "The Talking Monkey" (1991) - Vasilich.

Last years

In the early 1990s, the national cinematography experienced a severe crisis. Few films were made. Actors have been out of work for months. Boris Kuzmich was no exception. He hoped that some director would offer him an interesting role. But there were no calls.

Actor Boris Novikov continued acting. He got small roles. However, he was happy with any work. And in 1997, luck smiled at the artist. Boris Kuzmich starred in the film "The Return of the Battleship". Director Gennady Poloka was satisfied with the collaboration with him. After all, our hero 100% coped with the tasks assigned to him. The Russian-Belarusian film "The Return of the Battleship" was watched by millions of viewers. Many of them liked the image created by Boris Kuzmich.

The last role of Novikov took place after he left this mortal world. How can that be? Shortly before his death, the actor starred in the detective series Transit for the Devil. And the picture was released only in 1999. Frames with the participation of Boris Kuzmich were included in the film. However, the role was voiced for him

Personal life of Boris Novikov

A handsome guy with a radiant smile has always attracted the attention of girls. However, our hero could not be called a ladies' man and a womanizer. He dreamed of marrying once and for life. In the end, it did.

Our hero met his wife Nadezhda Klimovich as a student. She also chose acting. Their romance developed rapidly. Soon the lovers got married. The celebration turned out to be modest. But the eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness. In this marriage, a son, Sergei, was born. The boy was constantly ill and lagged behind in development. In 1975, he was diagnosed with cerebral vasospasm. In order to avoid complications and seizures, Sergei had to take special drugs.


Acting is not the only area in which Boris Kuzmich worked. He was an excellent vocalist. The song performed by him sounded in the film "On the Count's Ruins" (1957). Surely many of you remember the next line - "Because of a pair of loose braids ...".

Boris Novikov, whose biography we are considering, voiced many animated films. At one time, such characters as from Prostokvashino, the black-moustached crook from The Adventures of Vasya Kurochkin and so on spoke in his voice.

In May 1961, B. Novikov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. But that is not all. In August 1994, he became a national


In recent years, our hero almost did not leave the house and communicated with few people. Before his death, he was chained to a bed. The only person who looked after him and provided moral support was his wife Nadezhda. The family was in dire need of money. After all, the sick actor needed good food and expensive medicines. Every month I sent him $200 from the L-Club. However, more money was needed for treatment.

July 25, 1997 Boris Novikov left this world. The sad thing is that no one noticed his departure. Then the International Film Festival was held in the capital. All eminent artists and directors participated in this event. Boris Novikov's funeral was attended by several people - his wife and elderly relatives. The famous actor found his last refuge at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. A few years ago, a black marble monument was erected on his grave. The money was collected by ordinary citizens.

Another tragedy

His wife Nadezhda Antonovna experienced the death of the actor the hardest. The woman withdrew into herself, stopped communicating with friends and relatives. The Film Actors Guild began to patronize Nadezhda Novikova and her seriously ill son. They were provided with medical and material assistance.

Year by year, Nadezhda Antonovna's health deteriorated noticeably. One day she fell in her apartment and broke her hip. This event proved fatal. The widow of a famous actor has fallen ill. She passed away on September 18, 2008.

An unpleasant story with the son of Boris Novikov

The only heir of Nadezhda Antonovna was her son. It was he who got a kopeck piece for At that time, the living space was estimated at $ 1 million. After the death of his mother, Sergei was left completely alone. The fraudster Nadezhda Bondarenko took advantage of this.

She worked as a nurse and received a penny salary. And then the son of Boris Novikov appeared on her life path. The woman won over a mentally unhealthy man, promised him help and protection.

Soon Nadezhda Bondarenko developed a cunning plan. She found guardians for Sergey. These were figureheads who agreed to play a certain role for a fee.

In April 2009, the son of Boris and Nadezhda Novikov suddenly disappeared. Neighbors and family friends began to worry about him. Later they managed to find out that the apartment he owned was sold. Now housing belongs to Nadezhda Bondarenko. And what happened to Sergei? Firstly, he was prescribed in a dilapidated house located on the territory of the Tver region. Secondly, a mentally ill man was placed in a mental hospital. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Family friends have repeatedly tried to help Sergei return housing. And not so long ago they managed to do it through the court.


Now you know where he was born, studied, with whom he was married and when the actor Boris Novikov died. In the life of this wonderful person there were ups and downs, sad and joyful moments. He made a significant contribution to the development of Soviet cinema. Blessed memory to him...

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