South China Sea temperature. What is the best beach in Nha Trang? Which resort to choose

Asking what kind of sea is in Vietnam, any person by no means betrays his ignorance. On the contrary, it shows interest in one of the geographical problems. At first glance, the answer is obvious - Vietnam washes the South China Sea in the east of the Pacific Ocean. And what basin does the Sinai Gulf in the southwest of the country belong to? It turns out that scientists have been deciding for a long time how to draw the border between the two parts of the oceans south of the peninsulas of Indochina and Malacca.

What is the sea in Vietnam?

In the east of the Pacific Ocean there are many ledges of land and islands that limit the water areas that have received their names. The archipelagos separate the large South China Sea from the basin. On its shores is a country with beautiful nature, ancient history and richest culture. This is Vietnam - a state whose coastline stretches for 3000 km along the shelf South China Sea. Its coast is famous for its convenient bays, azure bays and dozens of kilometers of wonderful beaches.

As you move away from the coast, the relief of the territory of Vietnam rises. Near the coast, rocks rise from the water, reminiscent of the famous mountains from James Cameron's film Avatar. Answering the question “Is there a sea or an ocean in Vietnam?”, some features of the South China Sea should be clarified. It is semi-enclosed, surrounded by large and small islands, other seas. Behind the chain of the Philippine archipelago are the sea of ​​the same name and deep sea trench, at the bottom of which Cameron visited. The renowned American-Canadian director and producer also made a solo dive aboard a deep-sea submersible into the Challenger Basin at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the eastern Philippine Sea.

Bakbo Bay (Tonkinsky)

The South China Sea in the northwest deeply protrudes into the land. The length of this water area is 330 km, the depth reaches 82 m. To the east is the Leizhou Peninsula, to the south is Hainan Island, separated from the mainland by the strait of the same name. Different maps may show such Vietnamese and Chinese names Gulf: Vinbakbo, Vinhainam, Beibuwan, Tonkin. The last hydronym on the list comes from former name Hanoi - Tonkin. The term is sometimes applied to all of North Vietnam. The largest port city in Bakbo Bay is Haiphong. It happens that the question “What is the sea in Vietnam?” there are several different answers. The thing is that each of the many peoples in this basin gave its name to the water area.

Gulf of Thailand

Between Indochina and the Malacca Peninsula lies the Gulf of Thailand, which is sometimes referred to as the Indian Ocean basin. The abundance of seas, bays, bays and islands between Asia and Australia sometimes makes it difficult to accurately draw the boundaries between the two parts of the oceans. According to the researchers, the most big problems arise during demarcation in the area of ​​the Malay Archipelago. The fact is that geographers, biologists and oceanographers had different opinions on the question of the dividing line between the Indian and Pacific oceans.

Usually, the waters of the Gulf of Thailand and further southeast to the Java Sea are considered to be the boundary. Some researchers consider the Makassar Strait, which separates the islands of Kalimantan and Sulawesi, to be the boundary. Only to the question "What is the sea in Vietnam?" scientists give an unequivocal answer: "South China!" Other water areas washing the shores of the country are bays and straits.

South China - the best sea in Vietnam

The coastline of the country is replete with beautiful beaches strewn with silky sand. The depth of the South China Sea is impressive - about 5500 meters. Swimming near the coast is safe if you do not swim far. Salinity sea ​​water- about 34 ppm, which corresponds to the average for the entire oceans. Even in winter, the sea off the coast of Vietnam is warm, its temperature is 20-22 °C. In summer, the water on the beaches heats up to 28-30 °C.

Hainan Island in the South China Sea is one of the largest resorts in the basin. But this beautiful piece of land belongs to the territory of China. To the east, the depth of the water area increases, in the west it is shallower, and numerous coral structures come to the surface. As on the entire Pacific coast, Vietnam is dominated by a monsoon type of climate. Constant winds heavy rainfall is brought from the ocean at the beginning of summer, sometimes there are typhoons. In winter, the monsoons blow in the opposite direction - from land to sea.

coral islands

South China is a calm sea in Vietnam. The water area is very beautiful, looks unusual due to the numerous islands and different shades water. Near the shore, azure and greenish colors predominate. As the depth increases, the bright emerald hue intensifies. The underwater world of coral buildings in the South China Sea surprises and amazes with its diversity. Meet predatory fish- moray eels, stone fish and others that bathers and divers should be wary of.

Holidays on the coast of Vietnam

The most important and most popular Vietnamese resorts: Halong Bay, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet. The coastline in the south-east of the country enjoys the favorable attention of tourists. Nha Trang is one of the most famous resorts where the sea is better in Vietnam - clean, gentle and warm. Here you can swim and sunbathe on well-maintained beaches with white and golden sand, improve your health. It is one of the tourist centers of the country, with large quantity historical sights, beautiful nature, colorful national traditions.

The first thing that excites every traveler going on vacation to the sea is the beach. I will describe our impressions of the weather and sea conditions on the beaches of Nha Trang from 2013 to 2017.

1. General information

The beaches of Nha Trang are washed by the South China Sea. The water is more or less transparent, the sand is yellow, the entrance is gentle, there are almost no jellyfish and other living creatures, there are no stones and large shells either. Due to the long and wide coastline, there is no such density of tourists as in Sihanoukville (Cambodia) or in Pattaya. Sun loungers are evenly distributed, do not want to take a paid sun lounger with an umbrella - you can sit on a towel and sunbathe for your pleasure. There are few cafes here, closer to the road there are stalls where you can buy juices and ice cream. Vendors go back and forth offering fruit boiled corn and seafood. Strongly do not stick.

2. Weather by months

From October to mid-February, the sea is often restless and gray, windy. By the way, prices rise slightly during this period.

Who likes to jump in the waves - wellcome. Who loves a pleasant warm sea of ​​bright blue color - come to Nha Trang from March to September.


In August 2013, the sea was magical - calm, warm, moderately clean. The weather was clear, sunny, hot, no rain.

In August 2014, the situation repeated itself. During the day +30 + 35, at night + 23, water + 28. We really like being in Nha Trang in August: it's hot and beautiful.

In August 2016, it rains every 3 days, which does not interfere with rest. The rest of the time it is mostly clear and sunny. Sometimes it’s cloudy, on such days it’s convenient to go on excursions: I looked at the sights and didn’t burn out in the sun.


In September, in Nha Trang, the weather is in order. Hot, sunny. During the day +30 + 32, at night + 23, water + 27. Rains about every 5 days in the evenings, but do not interfere with rest.

The weather in September 2015 was comfortable: throughout the month it was quite sunny weather, rare cloudy days with short "places" of rain (for 15-30 minutes). During the day it is hot, but not suffocating as in summer. But the sea is very warm, sometimes you had to look for cool currents :) There were no waves on the sea, the water is clean and clear. Windy days 1 or 2.

In September 2013 and 2014 I was also in Nha Trang Nice weather. There were no waves, the sea was calm and gentle.

October 2014-2016

October 2014

Since the beginning of October 2014, the sea began to worry, throwing garbage. It was sunny, hot, with little rain. In mid-October it was most often cloudy, when the sun appeared, it became very hot. During the day +28 +30, at night + 21, water + 26. During the day, sometimes light rains (which did not interfere with movement around the city at all), in the late evenings (almost at night) torrential rains every two days, everything dried up by morning.

City beach (mid-October 2014)

When it's not windy big waves did not interfere with swimming at all.

City beach (second half of October 2014)

October 2015

In the first days of October the weather was excellent - there was no heat, but the sun was shining, the sea was quite clean and calm. We even managed to dive in the coral reserve of Hon Mun Island.

In the middle and end of October the sea was stormy, strong wind and after brief downpours, the sea turned dirty yellow(mainly on city beaches due to the Kai River, which flows into the sea from the north).

From mid-November 2014, it was mostly cloudy during the day, sometimes overcast, light rain lasted for several minutes. In cloudy weather, it was comfortable to be in the city, because there is no stuffiness, you can safely walk around the city and not be afraid to burn out. But light rains can spoil the rest, so figure out in advance what you will do in the rain. Sometimes at night heavy rains By morning everything was dry. During the day +28 +31, after sunset +25.

Strong waves on the city beach, swimming is almost impossible. Swimming is possible on all islands, as well as Bai Dai and Paragon beaches. We also talked about them, see the table of contents at the beginning of the post.

City beach of Nha Trang (mid-November).

In the second half, from November 18 to November 22, there were prolonged light rains during the day, there was almost no sun. The sky is gloomy. There were big waves on the sea, I repeat once again that it is very difficult to swim on the city beach and this situation will last until January-February. Don't go to Nha Trang in November if you want sun, heat and clear weather every day blue sky. During this period, it may be like this:

At the end of November 2014 it was sunny, clear and hot in Nha Trang. At times it was cloudy, sometimes it was raining (could last a day). The sea is more or less warm, although the giant waves still did not allow swimming. Tourists squealed, jumping in the water, someone got injured, and most preferred to stay on the shore.

November 2015

November started out rainy. For the first 4 days in a row it rained almost non-stop (sometimes it was replaced by a heavy downpour, a couple of times even the sun came out). However, this did not greatly affect the temperature: it dropped by a couple of degrees from +28 to +26. Sunny hot days came to replace it, the temperature rose again to +30+31. It is useless to look at forecasts, because. because of the mountains and the sea, the weather is very changeable (it can change several times a day).


The weather in Nha Trang in early December 2014 is good: sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy, warm.

The sea is very restless. Swimming in December on the city beach is very difficult. vacationers, for the most part just light up.

If you look into the past, then in mid-December 2013 it was like this: the sea was muddy, green-yellow in color, very worried, often stormy. Denis didn't even let me swim. Not a fountain. We thought that there was nothing to do in Nha Trang in December. But the birds were singing, the sun was shining, so we were not upset. In contrast to the tourists, who were clearly unhappy with the weather. During the day +26, after sunset + 21, water + 24.

In mid-December, the rain in Nha Trang almost did not stop. This weather was explained by strong tropical cyclone that came from the Philippines. At the end of December it was cloudy, only occasionally the sun peeped out, several times a day there were light rains. The sea is restless, big waves. At the very end of December, the weather “got better”, the sun began to peek out more and more often. During the day +26 +29, in the evening +22. People on the beach tried to swim and sunbathe.

It seems to me that if there is an opportunity NOT to go here in December, then it is better not to go. Well, or hope that you are lucky and the weather will be merciful.


In January 2014 there were waves, we never swam. The locals tried to overcome the elements)) The color of the sea has changed, it has become a rich blue color. Beautiful. I'm wondering if those guys who intentionally go on vacation in the winter are generally aware of what the weather is like here? Or they simply rejoice at cheap tickets (tickets are more expensive in summer). I became interested in who these daredevils were, read the forums. It turned out that some of the people who were sold tickets in travel agencies, after reading the forums and asking eyewitnesses about the weather in Nha Trang in winter, were very upset. Some consoled themselves with the fact that it was still warmer and better here than in Russia. Only here, according to our observations, most foreigners did not swim.

In January 2014, it was not hot in Nha Trang, +25 + 27 during the day, you can visit the sights and not die from the heat, so if you like a calm sea, come in winter. At night + 19, water + 23.

About 2015.

At the beginning of January 2015 in the afternoon around +27 +30, strong wind and big waves. The sky is overcast, there is not much sun, it rained at night and sometimes during the day.


In early February, the sea in Nha Trang is rough. There are cloudy days, but most of the time the sun is shining. In general, the weather is good, but swimming because of the waves can be very problematic.

According to our feelings, for a beach holiday it is worth going to Nha Trang from mid-February, not earlier. During the day +27, at night +19 +22, water +24.


In early March, Nha Trang becomes the best holiday destination in all of Vietnam. The wind disappears, the sun every day, no clouds, almost no rain. At noon + 29 +32, after sunset + 19 +23, water + 26.


In May 2016, the weather whispers: “Come to Nha Trang, I will arrange paradise for you!”. Seriously, it whispers, I heard it myself. Want to take a vacation? May is the time! Of course, it will be hot and very sunny, but these are the tropics, you don’t want cloudy weather :) And now, in essence: during the day +34 +37, at night +28, a pleasant breeze blows by the sea, it feels hot, but not stuffy. The water is warm, pleasant, calm. The weather is the best, but try to be in the shade from 11 to 14 to feel comfortable, otherwise you can get sunstroke. In the photo below, we are not under sunstroke, but simply in shock, in such weather the mood is always 100% :)


June 2016 was not very good. Frequent rains and the sea throwing garbage on the beach spoiled the mood. The weather is changeable: sometimes bright and very sunny, sometimes cloudy, gloomy and rainy. But in any case, summer in Nha Trang is hot. During the day, the temperature does not fall below +33, and in the sun all +38 are felt.

June is the wet season in Nha Trang (do not confuse it with the rainy season, there is simply no such thing here), when you should expect strong warm short-term showers, when everything dries up 10 minutes after they end.


In July 2014 and 2016 Nha Trang had excellent weather. The sea is more or less calm, at 7 am cool, by noon it becomes warmer. There is almost no wind. At noon + 32, after sunset + 23, water + 25 + 28.

In mid-July 2014 it was sunny at times, not at times. It rained only once in 14 days.

By mid-July 2016, it rained 3 times in 14 days. It's hot outside. Be sure to wear hats so you don't get sunstroke out of habit.

City beach of Nha Trang.

Monthly temperature and precipitation chart

Below is the temperature chart. As you can see, in May, June, July and August it is quite hot in Nha Trang, but not critical. If you walk in a headdress, cover your shoulders from the sun, smear with creams, then neither the heat is terrible and sunburn will not. In general, we burned down only 1 time, and then quite a bit, but we lived even with more heat than +33 (as here in May and June).

3. Nha Trang city beach

Map of Nha Trang with marks of all the beaches in question.

Click on the Menu icon in the upper left corner of the map.

Most travelers and tourists rest on the city beach, since it is located in the very center, it can be reached from any hotel in 10 minutes. Its length is about 7 km, which means that there are both very popular places and completely deserted areas.

Contrary to popular belief that central beach- means dirty, Nha Trang beach is quite clean. Not a perfect cleaner, of course. Visitors love to leave trash behind, and the authorities don't always clean up. But I can say this - I did not disdain to swim there. I disdained to swim on another beach - on about. Hong Tam. I will talk about him a little later. Sellers of tour packages, fruits, fresh seafood go back and forth, but they don’t particularly bother.

Area "Lotus" and "Nha Trang Center"

There are markers on the map above.

Popular places, there are sun loungers, as well as a lot of free space in order to lay a towel and sunbathe on it for free. The cost of 1 sunbed is from 50,000 VND, you can relax all day. There are paid toilets (green cabins). In the "Russian season" (from late October to February) there are many vacationers. Sochi, what else to say.

In spring, summer and early autumn, there are much fewer people. And the weather during these months is much more stable and hot. So choose when to come to Nha Trang.

Gorky Park area

This part of the beach is called "Dream Beach", open from 8:00 to 17:00. It is also a very popular place in the "Russian Season". The sand here is cleaner than at the Lotos, the workers of Gorky Park are cleaning it up. There are free pools, a Russian restaurant, the Crazy Frog pub, where chanson O_O is sung in karaoke in the evenings, as well as a free shower and toilet.

The beach is divided into several zones, each differing in the colors of the mattresses and their comfort.

  • "Economy", the cost of a sunbed is 30,000 dong for the whole day. Mattresses in orange and blue.
  • "Standard" - 60,000. Mattresses are white.
  • "VIP" sunbed with a towel - 100,000 .
  • Pool area: "VIP" sunbed with a towel - 120,000 and "Standard" sunbed with an orange mattress.

Resting, it is possible to order dishes and drinks from a Russian restaurant and pub.

Old airport area

What is good about this place is that in the "Russian season" there are smaller waves here. Not much less, but still quite noticeable.

There are no sun loungers and other benefits of civilization.

Southern part of the city beach

The most unpopular and unknown part of the 7 km city beach. Tourists don't come here. Here, the waves in bad weather are even smaller than at the old airport. Again, I would not say that it is much less, but still. Look at the mark on our map of Nha Trang and find out where this place is located. If you drive from the center, you will see a monument on the left, drive up to it.

There are no sunbeds. There are hardly any people either.

And on the right is the Maritime Academy.

If you go to the second monument, you will also find an excellent location.

The location is diluted with a bunch of sun loungers belonging to the three-star Maritime Hotel Nha Trang.

For guests of the Maritime Hotel Nha Trang, sunbeds are free.

4. What to do on the beach?

Banana, scooter, catamaran, kitesurfing, windsurfing, parasailing and other entertainments are available here, just go up to the people who are standing by the sunbeds (they sell seats). The main rule is to bargain, bargain and bargain again. The first prices that you will be told will be overpriced by 20-30%. For example, when we parasailed (flyed on a parachute behind a boat), we were told 1,000,000 dong, and the real price was 800,000 dong.

If you want to learn how to kitesurf or windsurf, there are small training centers here. Thanks to the wide beach line, it is very easy to get active here. sports games: Football and volleyball are very common here. Almost always only locals play.

5. What is remarkable about the city beach of Nha Trang?

His business card- unusually trimmed trees of the pedestrian zone that separates the beach from the road. The pedestrian zone is quite wide, forming something like a park.

We sometimes came here to work at the computers or just lie on the grass. This mini-park is perhaps one of the the best places. Clean, comfortable, beautiful, if you want to sunbathe and swim - there is a beach nearby, if you want to sit in the shade - palm trees will save you from the heat.

And on the square opposite the beach, performances of various groups, parades, holidays are held, or the locals just let kites. The beauty.

6. Is the beach accessible only during the day?

Fortunately, no, you can get here at any time. After 16:00 there are few tourists here, but the locals have picnics, play with children, and relax. We should learn from the Vietnamese how to have fun.

In the evening it is not empty here. Several of the most expensive restaurants bring chairs and tables here, live music entertains guests.

At night there is lighting, so you can have a picnic even at 21:00. It is only worth remembering that crabs begin to crawl out of their minks and run very actively under their feet. It doesn't really bother me, but I always look carefully at my feet. I don't like crabs, even very small ones :)

Part of the park is illuminated. I like. After sunset, it is quite safe in the center, you can safely walk, no one bothers you (except for motorbikers who tirelessly offer their services). No unpleasant incidents happened to us: we were not deceived, we were not robbed, we were not robbed. However, we have heard that sometimes robbers on bikes rip bags off the shoulders of passers-by, steal things when tourists swim in the evenings.

The Vietnamese are quite modest people, they do not show their feelings in public, but in the evening in the park, couples are having a good time.

And this is the beach line from the 28th floor of the five-star Sheraton hotel. There is an open cafe-bar without a roof. This is an unspoken observation deck in Nha Trang.

7. Other beaches of the city

Zoklet (Doc Let)

Zoklet (or Doklet) is located 45 km north of Nha Trang. It is clean, not crowded, the sand is white. Although, in 2015 they began to say that the beach had deteriorated, there was garbage.

There is 1 restaurant on Zoklet and it belongs to one single hotel. The prices in the restaurant are quite reasonable. There is also a cafe. Details on how to get there by city bus, motorbike or taxi, also a photo of the beach:

Hon Tam Island

It's dirty there, we even disdained to swim. Garbage floats some distance from the beach. We visited Hon Tam only once (at the end of February 2014), perhaps now there have been positive changes. I really want to believe it. But this place definitely cannot be called paradise, although there are many interesting things there.

Best time to visit: late February to September. But if you came to Nha Trang in October, November, December or January, that is, in bad time year, then you can escape from the strong waves of the city beach on the islands, including the island of Hon Tam. Here the wons will be smaller.

The problem is that if you arrive, you will plunge into the entertainment: water rides, roller coasters, a huge room slot machines, swings, carousels…. and you just forget about the beach.

So come early in the morning. Winpearl is a magical place.

Best time to visit: late February to September. But if you came to Nha Trang in October, November, December or January, that is, at a bad time of the year, then you can escape from the strong waves of the city beach on the islands, including Winpearl Island. Here the wons will be smaller.

Monkey Island

Nice, clean, cozy place.

Best time to visit: late February to September. But if you came to Nha Trang in October, November, December or January, that is, at a bad time of the year, then you can escape from the strong waves of the city beach on the islands, including Monkey Island. Here the wons will be smaller.

Bai Dai

Long white beach. Often very dirty. However, the water is always quite clean. Getting from the city about 35 minutes.

Wild beaches of Đại Lãnh and Bãi Môn

Excellent places to stay at 80 and 102 km from Nha Trang.

Paragon (Paragon)

A tiny beach in the south of Nha Trang, in the village of An Vien. You can get there by bus number 4 (terminal Vinperl). Entrance to the beach itself - 20,000, sunbed - 60,000. How I feel sorry for the people who come to Nha Trang during the "Russian season", i.e. at the most unstable time of the year and huddled in this tiny Paragon. They huddle here because there can be huge waves on the city beach, but there are no waves here because of the artificial spit. There is always a calm sea and a lot of tourists.

What are the conclusions?

The main advantage of these beaches (all except Paragon) is that they are very wide and long. BUT a large number of entertainment will make your holiday active and varied. The beaches of Nha Trang are not perfectly clean, but we must remember that this is Vietnam - a poor country with a not very educated population. Over time, locals will learn to treat their sights more reverently. Yes, and foreigners, unfortunately, are very littering (I personally made comments, to which I received the answer “Yes, the Vietnamese will clean up after me”). So for perfect cleanliness we go to Europe, and in Vietnam we are happy with what we have. And, fortunately, there is something to rejoice. I hope we were able to prove it.

Useful for travelers

If you are planning a trip (to Nha Trang or wherever).

Nor the sometimes unsafe surfs of Thailand. And yet, it is better to spend a vacation or vacation in comfort: swim in the warm sea, sunbathe under a moderately bright sun and not worry about the consequences. What is the sea in Vietnam and what time is best to plan a trip - let's try to figure it out.

What is the sea in Vietnam?

Vietnam, unlike Thailand, is a country that has firmly "grown" into the mainland; its shores are washed only by the South China Sea, including the Tonkin (new name - Bakbo) and the Gulf of Thailand. There are no others here - the traveler simply will not be able to confuse the names, which means that he will have more time for a good rest.

What is the ocean in Vietnam?

Directly Vietnam is not washed by any ocean; The South China Sea, which has already been mentioned, refers to Pacific Ocean- warm, less salty and in this region much cleaner than the nearby Indian.

What are the sea conditions in Vietnam?

Along the entire coastline of Vietnam, the South China Sea is calm, not distinguished by unexpected ebbs and flows, always warm: even in winter period its temperature does not fall below +20°С, and in summer it reaches +30…+32°С. The water in it does not contain excess salt and most year, excluding the tidal season, is exceptionally clear.

The tourist will not have to worry about the winds either: on the coast of Vietnam it is almost always calm or a light, skin-friendly breeze blows. Once under it, it is impossible to catch a cold, even leaving the water that has cooled down over the winter to the shore. The marine fauna, like the flora, is extremely diverse, but almost 100% safe: the traveler is guaranteed not to meet sharks here, poisonous jellyfish and other nasty creatures.

A little about the most popular beaches in Vietnam:

  • Nha Trang- has a beautiful, well-groomed coast, always clear water ideal for windsurfing, diving and beach views sports;
  • Phan Thiet- great place to relax family vacation on pure white sand and under the shade of luxurious sprawling palm trees; it will be even more convenient to enjoy the view of the sea and the beach from a separate bungalow, which can be rented for little money;
  • Phu Quoc- the cleanest in Vietnam, regularly cleaned beaches, plenty of sun and transparent, except for the spring months, water; the sea is suitable for swimming and swimming, as well as for extreme entertainment;
  • Hoi an- a remote, as yet little known resort that will fully meet the expectations of a tourist who does not want to participate in any lively activities; here you can swim all day, bask in the sun and lie in a hammock, not in a hurry and worrying about nothing;
  • Condao- in coastal waters there are many unique species animals from sea ​​turtles to dolphins; the sea is ideal for swimming, diving, sailing and other activities, or for a relaxing holiday on the beach.

Going to Vietnam, the tourist must lay out travel routes and instructions in advance: this will help him not to rush on the spot, devoting the time freed from the rush to his favorite activities.

Summing up

And coastal waters Vietnam, and warm, filled with life and practically safe. A tourist vacationing here can swim, dive or surf, or just sunbathe on the shore - any option has the right to exist. The sea temperature near Vietnam (from +20°C to +30°C), dropping slightly in winter, quickly warms up with the advent of spring.

The shores of the country are washed by one sea - the South China Sea, which belongs to the Pacific Ocean. A tourist may not worry about the choice: a holiday in Vietnam with proper organization will only bring positive emotions. And not to fall into unpleasant situation, he should familiarize himself with and prepare documents in advance - it is better to strain yourself before the trip than to worry about the little things at the airport.

Vetnam Nha Trang
Nha Trang is the capital of Khanh Hoa province and is rightfully considered one of the best sea ​​resorts in Vietnam. Seven kilometers of magnificent white sand beaches, deserted bays, many lost islands and coral reefs - this is all Nha Trang. In the north of the city is Mount Chong, and far out to sea is the island of Yen.
The coastline of Khanh Hoa province is 200 km long, the coastal waters are dotted with hundreds of islands.
Nha Trang's 7 kilometers of sandy beach is often called the "Vietnamese Mediterranean", and indeed, it is considered the most magnificent pearl in the necklace of beautiful beaches in Vietnam. The sun shines throughout the year in Nha Trang, average temperature air + 26.
Precipitation here is less than in other regions of the country, since Nha Trang is reliably protected by the Truong Son Mountains and the Ka Pass.
Having visited Nha Trang at least once, tourists will no longer be able to forget its perfectly transparent sea, clean sandy beaches and romantic landscapes. Since ancient times, Nha Trang has been considered the best tourist center, and its beaches are the best beaches in Vietnam.
The name "Nha Trang" is of Cham origin, in translation it means "Mangrove River" (or "Reed River").
The coastal city of Nha Trang (Nha Trang province in Vietnam, Central Vietnam) is located 1300 km from the city of Hanoi and 450 km from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). The most convenient way to get there is by plane from Ho Chi Minh City, the travel time is just over an hour.
The sun is shining in Nha Trang all year round, and the average annual temperature equal to 23°C. Precipitation here is less than in other regions of the country, and neither hurricanes nor storms threaten this region, since it is reliably protected by the Truong Son mountains and the Ka pass.
The western part of Nha Trang is surrounded by endless mountain ranges, home to a variety of exotic animals and birds.
Well, one cannot fail to say that in Nyachang there is a clinic for mud therapy and treatment. mineral water diseases of the joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, it does not hurt anyone to take therapeutic mud baths or lie in a pool with hot mineral waters.
Attractions in Nha Trang:
Ponagar Cham Towers - A group of Cham temples built on a low hill. The construction of the complex began in the 8th, and ended only in the 12th century. Currently, only 4 towers have survived.
The city's sandy beach is approximately 7 kilometers long. The sand is fine-grained, mostly gray color. Although the color of the sand varies from quite white to yellow-brown. In some places, the coastal strip is represented by boulders.
Airport [edit | edit original text ]
international Airport Cam Ranh International Airport is not located in the provincial capital of Khanh Hoa. and in the city of Cam Ranh. which is 50 kilometers from Nha Trang.
Cam Ranh Airport received international status on December 12, 2009 and today is the fourth in the country in terms of passenger traffic after Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi and Da Nang. The first international flight operated from Cam Ranh Airport headed for Moscow. Directly on the opening day of Cam Ranh Airport, the first international flight was seen off - a charter flight Moscow-Cam Ranh
Its history began almost half a century ago at the time Vietnam War when there was a major United States naval base in Cam Ranh, part of South Vietnam. In those years, American engineers built a modern port and airfield, where US aviation units were located for several years. In 1972, the Americans handed over all the military facilities of the city to the South Vietnamese army, and three years later they were taken over by North Vietnamese forces.
In the late 1970s, after the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War, military base Cam Ranh has new owners. In those years Soviet Union signed an agreement with Vietnam on its gratuitous lease for a period of 25 years. Until 2000, the airfield and port were at the disposal of the Soviet and later Russian armed forces. However, in 2001, the Russian side refused to renew the contract and vacated the territory ahead of schedule.
In 2004, after reconstruction, the Cam Ranh airfield turned into a civil airport, which today receives both domestic and international flights, mainly from Far East and Siberia. Direct seasonal flights are operated by charter flights of Nordwind Airlines and Orenair. You can also get to the shores of the South China Sea with transfers - via Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City or Da Nang on the wings of Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific or VietJet Air. Not so long ago, Vietnam Airlines announced the launch of a new direct flight from Moscow to Nha Trang (Cam Ranh), which will undoubtedly simplify and reduce the cost of visiting this popular Vietnamese resort.
Interesting facts about Nha Trang Airport
In the city itself, there is an old airport, but today it is not used for commercial flights. Many tourists are misled when they see an airport and a hotel on a city map, which they may have nearby. Today, the city airport is exclusively a training ground.
Tourism [edit | edit source ]
Buddha statue at Long Son Pagoda
Nha Trang became a resort back in the time of the emperors and at a time when Vietnam was a French colony. Now the most frequent guests are here: both residents of Saigon and tourists from all over the world.
The city's beach is municipal, and only small sections of the coast are privately owned. There are also healing springs and mud: a mud bath operates in the city.
Landmark of Nha Trang and the symbol of the city - Ponagar cham towers. built in the late 13th century by a Champa lord named Jaya Simhavarmana III.
Another attraction of Nha Trang is the Long Son Pagoda. Behind the pagoda, on top of a hill, is a huge stone Buddha statue. sitting on a lotus flower.
The city is an hour flight from Ho Chi Minh City. The city has a lot of entertainment: restaurants, bars, cafes, nightclubs, discos, massage parlors and beauty salons. Highly wide range hotels: from one-star to five-star. There are several PADI dive centers. The most unfavorable season for a holiday in Nha Trang is from mid-October to mid-December (it is highly likely that small waves will interfere with swimming).
Above the bay of Nha Trang from the city to the island of Khonche stretched the world's longest sea cable car. Cabins for 8 people move at a height of 50 m above the sea. The island is home to the five-star Vinpearl Resort & Spa and its water park, marine aquarium and lunopark. The island is the largest of all the islands in the Nha Trang region.
Panorama from the roof of the hotel to the south of the city. View from the city center

Nha Trang is the recognized beach capital of Vietnam and one of the most popular resorts this Asian state.

Once the city was only a small fishing village, which was completely dependent on seafood. In part, this dependence has survived today: almost the entire population of Nha Trang - and this is a little more than 400 thousand people - is involved in the tourism industry, and is also actively engaged in fishing and processing of fish and seafood.

If you ask yourself which sea is washed by Vietnam and Nha Trang in particular, then the answer will be the South China Sea of ​​​​the Pacific Ocean.

In many ways, it is known for its monsoons and diverse fauna, but no less for its attractive conditions for beach holidays and aquatic species sports.

For those who are really interested in what kind of sea is in Vietnam in Nha Trang, the name itself can clarify little. The South China Sea washes the country from the south and east and forms the famous Gulf of Thailand, which, in addition to Vietnam, has access to Thailand and Malaysia.

South China Sea - real treasure World Ocean. It is inhabited by tuna, halibut, mackerel, octopus, squid, eel - the list is almost endless. There are also "curiosities": triggerfish, puffer fish, sticky fish, for example. Almost all variety marine fauna you can see it in local markets, and try it in numerous restaurants on the coast. The climatic features of the South China Sea are closely related to its characteristic monsoons - they bring with them the rainy season, which lasts in Vietnam from late September to early January.

This period is characterized overcast weather(in January, for example, an average of only 11 sunny days) and a large amount of precipitation, however, they fall for the most part in the afternoon or at night. Also, an unpleasant surprise can be presented by high and strong waves that make it dangerous to swim in the sea.

November and December are especially bad weather in Nha Trang - tourists can only admire seascape and devote time to sightseeing or shopping.

The rainiest month in Nha Trang is December, the coldest month is January, when the air temperature drops to +26°С, and the water temperature drops to +24°С. As spring approaches, temperatures go up, and from May to October the sea is consistently hot (+28…+29°С). Lovers of "fresh milk" should come to Nha Trang in May, August or September - it is during these three months that the water here is as warm as possible.

There are many beautiful beaches on the coast of the South China Sea in Nha Trang, but three of them collected the most rave reviews.

Nha Trang Beach

The sandy strip - the visiting card of the resort - stretches along the coast for several kilometers. The entrance to the sea is deep almost everywhere, the sand is beautiful, coarse, with an admixture of small shells and pebbles. The beach is well cleaned, vacationers are provided with umbrellas and sun loungers, there is a choice of entertainment.


It seems that this beach has literally left the advertising picture, it is so perfect and beautiful. Here I immediately recall a video about "heavenly pleasure": white fine sand, turquoise water, palm trees along the coast. The tourist infrastructure is well thought out: restaurants, shops - in a word, there is everything that a tourist may need.

Dream Beach

This is literally an island of Russian life in Nha Trang, a small section of the city beach with cafes, attractions, swimming pools. In the city, it is considered the most well-groomed and comfortable. Admission is free, you can go to VIP- an area with soft sunbeds, luggage storage and other familiar amenities.

People come to the coast of the South China Sea, of course, not just to sunbathe and admire the scenery. The very first thing that comes to mind is boat trips on a yacht and riding a water scooter, towed by a parachute or water skiing. But, of course, the first place in the rating and entertainment always remains with diving.

Knowing what kind of sea is in Nha Trang and how much beauty it contains, it would be wrong to miss the opportunity to see undersea world with my own eyes. There are several diving centers in the city, including those with Russian-speaking instructors. Dives are conducted during the day and at night, individually and in groups.

The South China Sea off the coast of Nha Trang will give you unforgettable memories of wonderful holiday– and you will want to come back here again and again.

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