Beach season in Nha Trang. When is the best time to go to Vietnam? Review of weather and resorts by months. Season in Vietnam: when is the best time to relax on the beach

Since you are on the page of our online guide, you are looking for an answer to the question: . And it's not just like that! So in the very near future you are going to come to Nha Trang to rest. Without undue modesty, you are, however, very lucky, because it is in our article that you can find interesting and useful information.

First of all, it should be said that there are many opportunities for recreation in Nha Trang and its environs, it all depends on your preferences. Here is, ! You can choose secluded places, away from people, hustle and bustle, or vice versa, settle closer to the benefits of civilization in the form shopping centers, bars, restaurants. You are probably more interested in culture and local attractions in general.

In search of an answer to the question, you should not plan your vacation relying on weather forecasts on websites. As a rule, rains, clouds and thunderstorms will always be drawn there, regardless of the holiday season. In fact, everything is completely different.

So when is the best time to relax in Nha Trang for months?

December January February

Winter, let's say, not the most bad time for visiting. I would say that this is the off-season. If December and the first half of January are not the best time for a beach holiday, then starting from mid-January please!

Let me explain what is meant by the word "off-season", since further you will meet this concept. This is a period of unstable weather, which is difficult to predict. Even in the morning it is difficult to predict what kind of weather will overtake the shores of the resort in the afternoon. It is a fact. There is nothing to be surprised, even more upset. Instability is the main drawback.

In fact, everything looks something like this: you wake up at 8 in the morning, the sun is outside and blue sky, while we wash, brush our teeth, have breakfast, it is already cloudy outside and it is raining. Here the majority falls into despair, parallel to the thoughts “well, how is it, what to do now, etc., etc.” the clouds are already blown away by the wind in another direction, the sun is shining again and you can go to the beach.

And these clouds-rain-sun change 10 times a day at an incredible rate. In general, if the most important thing for you is relaxing on the beach from dawn to dusk, sunbathing and a clear sea without waves, it is better not to come to Nha Trang from December to January 20 (approximately), so as not to be upset, as the weather can let you down.

If your plans do not include "rolling on the beach whole", then welcome! By the way, the water temperature in winter months the lowest is at the level of 24-25 degrees. And precipitation in December is 2 times more than in January.

March, April, May

If you think When is the best time to visit Nha Trang? Springtime is a great time to take a vacation. The sea is very beautiful and calm. By the way, you can go snorkeling and diving. The streets of the resort are hot and sunny. More and more tourists arrive every day.

June, July, august

The peak season is during the summer months. The number of guests at the resort is increasing significantly, and booking best hotels need in advance. The chance of rain during this time is minimal. The weather is hot, mostly sunny and partly cloudy. Cloudy happens after 14-15.

September, October, november

Didn't have time to relax in the summer? No problem! Hurry up to relax in Nha Trang until mid-September. You will catch a slice of the peak summer season. Well, then ... Only for the brave. The second part of September - the end of November - is not the best time. The amount of precipitation increases 4-5 times compared to summer. The sea has strong waves and wind. If you just live a month or two, change the situation, work, think about life, breathe fresh air, eat fresh fruit, fish, then fit. And so, to directly "rest-rest" I would not advise.

Now you know, when is the best time to go to nha trang. Have a nice holiday!

Vietnam is picturesque mountain landscapes, rice fields, jungles, beaches, Buddhist pagodas and cities in which traditional socialism and capitalist elements of modern times coexist peacefully. Hanoi, the capital of the country, cherishes the memory of communist leader Ho Chi Minh: a marble mausoleum was erected in honor of the politician in the city. In the southern capital of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City (the old name is Saigon), you can get acquainted with the history Vietnam War: museums invite tourists to immerse themselves in the military past of the country and visit the partisan tunnels of Kuchi.

Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh

Following the trends of the times, the locals left their traditional occupations and switched to the service sector. Shops, workshops, guest houses vying with each other offer tourists various services, sometimes without neglecting deception or the imposition of unnecessary services.

The Vietnamese carefully preserve the historical past of the country, the traditions of handicraft art. Thanks to their efforts, tourists can still admire fragments of ancient cities, ancient palaces and Buddhist temples. Traditional activities local residents reflected in the souvenirs that are usually brought from Vietnam:

  • products and clothes made of natural silk;
  • variety of coffees and teas;
  • Buddhist attributes (figurines, coins, lanterns, incense);
  • jewelry made of pearls, ivory;
  • china;
  • crocodile leather accessories.

Vietnam is often called a competitor to Thailand, which is popular with Russian tourists. They are similar in climate and culture, but Vietnam is still more traditional and strict. Here, the tourist cannot find the abundance of services and entertainment that Thailand offers: the market for sexual services, medical treatment, shopping for every taste, a huge selection of excursions.

Recreation features

The climatic features of Vietnam are associated with its length from north to south. The north of the country (Hanoi, Halong) is more suitable for excursions, since the summer season lasts no more than 3-4 months. In the central part (Danang, Hoi An, Nha Trang), despite the higher average annual temperatures, there are some peculiarities of rest associated with periods of rain and hurricanes. The southern coast (Kon Dao, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau, Phan Thiet) is the most attractive for tourists, especially from December to April, when the air warms up to + 30 ° C, and the water - up to + 25 ° C. However, here the rainy season lasts for about six months.

There are no clearly defined four seasons in Vietnam. Usually weather divided into dry and wet seasons. But due to the peculiarities of the climate in different parts of the country, hurricanes can rage and the sun shine at the same time. Therefore, you need to study the weather of each region separately. For many tourists, for example, the rainy season is not an obstacle. Moreover, precipitation usually falls at night or in the evening and is of a short duration.

According to the dynamics of prices in Vietnam, there are high and low seasons. low season falls on the period May-September, when the weather in many regions is unstable, although in the central part of the country it is quite comfortable. There are noticeably fewer tourists, which is why hotels and airlines offer good discounts. At this time, those who want to save money, relax without crowds of people and are not afraid of the vagaries of nature go to Vietnam. High season in popular resort- Nha Trang - comes in December and lasts until the end of winter. The influx of tourists continues in the spring. In general, the winter months determine the high season in almost all major resorts in Vietnam.

Main tourist destinations:

  • for a beach holiday, the islands of Phu Quoc and Kon Dao, the resorts of Nha Trang, Mui Ne (or Phan Thiet), Vung Tau, Phan Rang are suitable;
  • for sightseeing purposes they usually visit Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, the ancient cities of Hoi An, Sapa, Hue;
  • for diving, surfing, mud therapy, sea cruises, tourists go to Halong Bay and beach resorts.

Beach season by month

For Russian tourists who regularly lack heat and sun, Vietnam is perfect place to keep warm in the midst harsh winter. Just in autumn and winter time year you can have a great rest in the southern resorts of the country. But in the north it is too cold - only about + 10 ° C.

Nha Trang, located in the central part of Vietnam, is dominated by typhoons and rains from mid-autumn to mid-winter. Despite the air temperature above + 25 ° C, the sea at this time is cold and restless, but from February it comes the Velvet season and continues until the beginning of May. In the remaining months, Nha Trang is also suitable for beach holidays and diving.

One of the best sea ​​resorts Vietnam is rightfully considered the island of Phu Quoc. It's warm there all year round, although in summer and early autumn it is slightly less comfortable to rest due to rains. But in winter, perfect weather sets in Fukuoka and lasts until June.

The best time to visit Con Dao Island is late winter and spring. In other months, rains, rough seas and winds are not uncommon. Another southern resort - Vung Tau - is in captivity of the rainy season from May to October. It is especially convenient due to its close location to Ho Chi Minh City - a large metropolis and cultural center. The high season in Vung Tau is from November to April.

The resort area, located between the city of Phan Thiet and the village of Mui Ne, is usually referred to by the name of one of settlements. In fact, it does not apply to any of them. The resort is designed for a quiet family vacation. The rainy season lasts from early summer to mid-autumn, and is warmest in April-May. Average annual temperature fluctuates around +30°C. It is worth noting that the wet season is most preferable for a trip due to the lack of winds, rough seas and unpleasant neighbors - jellyfish near the coast.

Hoi An is located in the central part of the country. This city successfully combines the possibilities of sightseeing and beach recreation. To comfortably spend time on the coast, it is better to go in January-March. The period from March to August is suitable for those who tolerate heat well, and in the fall comes the rainy season and typhoons.

Da Nang is not yet the most popular city among Russian tourists, but it has long been chosen by Europeans and Asians. The resort area is located a little away from the densely populated metropolis, separated from it by the Han River. The climate of Da Nang in December-March resembles the Russian summer, not as humid and suffocating as in tropical Fukuoka or Mui Ne (Phan Thiet). In the period March-October, a real heat sets in with temperatures above + 30 ° C. Precipitation peaks in autumn and early winter.

Phan Rang is another promising developing resort in the south of Vietnam, located between Nha Trang and Mui Ne. Suitable for lovers of a quiet, measured rest, since there is little entertainment there. The sandy coast of Phan Rang forms a small bay, so the sea is usually calm. In winter, the temperature fluctuates around + 25 ° C, in summer it rises above + 30 ° C, autumn is the time of rains and winds.

Season for diving, surfing

Vietnam is famous for its interesting and affordable diving, and thanks to the division of the country into climatic zones at any time of the year you can find a suitable place to explore the underwater world. The South China Sea fascinates with the beauty of coral reefs and the diversity of its inhabitants. Here you can see moray eels, rays, octopuses, sharks, clown fish, marlin, jellyfish. By the way, off the coast, the underwater fauna is not so diverse, so divers often practice deep-sea diving. The most popular diving centers in Vietnam:

  • Nha Trang;
  • Phu Quoc;
  • Condao;
  • Hoi an.

In general, the most favorable for diving is the spring-winter period. For beginner diving enthusiasts, Phu Quoc Island can be recommended, where they are expected from November to June. In February-September, it is most comfortable to dive in Nha Trang, it is not for nothing that it is considered the best resort to explore the underwater world in Vietnam. Advanced divers choose Con Dao Island, which is treacherous with strong currents and great depths. To this end, it is better to plan a visit to Condao for March-August. In the central part of the country, diving enthusiasts are waiting in Hoi An. From late spring to mid-autumn, you can go there for unforgettable impressions of the underwater world of Cham Island.

Surfing in Vietnam is only gaining popularity so far, although the peculiarities of the local climate create for it ideal conditions. The resorts of Nha Trang and Phan Thiet are waiting for wave lovers in autumn and until mid-winter, and from January to early spring, it is better to give preference to Vung Tau.

excursion season

In principle, any time of the year is suitable for exploring local attractions, since excursions can be carried out even in the rain. The most popular for the purpose of cultural education among tourists are:

  • Hoi An;
  • Halong bay;
  • Hanoi;
  • Ho Chi Minh City;
  • Danang;
  • Sapa;
  • Dalat.

Hoi An is a city with a long history, the only one in the country listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here you can admire the ancient streets and buildings, as if frozen in time, because there are practically no modern buildings in the city.

Halong bay

The cliffs and caves of Halong Bay fascinate with their pristine beauty, and you can only get to them during excursions around the bay. It is better to go here during a visit to the capital Hanoi. The main attractions of Hanoi: the mausoleum and museum of Ho Chi Minh City, Royal Palace, lake of the returned sword, museums of history and the Vietnamese revolution.

Hue is the former capital of the state. Most often, tourists visit here the Imperial Citadel, Tombs of Emperors, national park. The large metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is convenient for its compact location of the main attractions that can be seen in just a day. Also of interest to tourists are the Cu Chi tunnels from the Vietnam War, they are located 30 km from Ho Chi Minh City.

Waterfall in Dalat

In Da Nang, they usually visit the Marble Mountains with their cave temples, museums, hot springs. In Dalat, natural attractions deserve the most attention: waterfalls, mountains, valleys, tea and coffee plantations. In the vicinity of Sapa, tourists are offered mountain climbing, exciting trips to local villages, and exploring natural beauties.

Summing up, it is worth noting that a large selection of holidays for every taste makes Vietnam attractive for tourists at any time of the year, regardless of the season and climate.

We determine the best time for a beach holiday in Vietnam! When does the rainy season end and is the perfect time to go to the seaside? When are tropical fruits ripe? Check out our monthly weather overview and choose the best time to travel.

rainy season in vietnam

The wet season in the regions of the republic begins in different months. On the south(which includes the main resorts - Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau) it starts in May and lasts until November. At this time, very high humidity, there are short-term tropical downpours. There are cloudy cool and fresh days, gusty wind. The average temperature is around +27°C. For the shortest rainy season. Tourists usually avoid traveling to Vietnam during the rainy season, but some travelers believe that tropical rains are nothing to worry about and come to the country at this time.

AT center Vietnam's rainy season lasts from December to April. At this time, we do not recommend visiting the resorts of Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An. We just spent December 2014 and the beginning of January 2015 in these cities. Rains, although short-lived, but frequent, quite cool (not at all +25°С, as they usually write, but, according to the sensations, about +10...+15°С). There is no central heating in the hotels, so the rooms are cold and easy to catch a cold. Very humid, clothes and shoes do not dry. We advise you to have strong raincoats. It is impossible to swim, as the ocean is stormy, red flags are hung on the beaches. True, sometimes there are sunny days (or at least cloudy, but without precipitation) when you can see the sights. The resort with the most rainfall, according to our observations, is Hue.

On a note: during the wet season there may be typhoons (usually in the center of the country, less often in the south and north). From the second half of October to the second half of December, Da Nang and Hue fall under their destructive action.

On the north The country's wet season lasts from April to November. However, it also sometimes rains in winter: we were there in January 2015, and, just like in the case of the center of Vietnam, we would not recommend visiting the region without warm clothes, suitable shoes and raincoats. It is cold in Hanoi, the temperature is +10...+20°C. In Halong, the situation is better: it is almost always sunny, but it is quite cool in the mornings and evenings.

beach season

The beach holiday season in the south of Vietnam falls on the winter-spring period ( December - April) - it is at this time that it is best to fly to rest. During these months there are many visitors from Russia, China, Europe and the USA, the weather conditions are fine, but the prices are rising. In the spring, dry and warm weather all over the coast. In May - June, it is most comfortable to relax in the central part of Vietnam.

Monthly weather in Vietnam


It is cool in the north, warm and rainy in the center, clear and dry in the south. In the south +30°С during the day, +22°С at night, water +27°С. In Da Nang + 24 ° С, the sea is also + 24 ° С. It is stormy in Nha Trang, especially in the first half of December, during the day +28°С, at night +21°С, water temperature +24°С. In Mui Ne and Ho Chi Minh it is warm and sunny +31°С during the day, +22...+24°С at night, the sea in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet and Fukuoka is +26...+28°С. It is better to meet at these southern resorts.

January February

In the north of the country it is cool +19°С during the day, +14°С at night. It is moderately warm in the center: in Da Nang and Hoi An during the day it is +23...+25°C, the precipitation is already less intense, the sea is pleasant +23°C. The season is coming in the south of Vietnam, the best: dry and clear +32...+34°С during the day, sea +28°С. An excellent beach holiday in Fukuoka, where during the day it is + 30 ° С, the sea is + 28 ° С. In February, dry sunny weather is set throughout the country.

March, April

March and April are the months when it is better to go on vacation to Vietnam. In March, tropical heat comes to the southern and central regions. This is a great time for a beach and sports holiday. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet + 34 ° C during the day, + 24 ° C at night, water + 28 ° C. In Nha Trang, the air temperature is a couple of degrees lower. In Fukuoka, it is hotter at nights + 27 ° С, + 32 ° С during the day, the sea is + 29 ° С. The northern coast is traditionally colder, but at the end of April you can already swim there: during the day +23 ... + 25 ° С, the sea + 23 ° С.


The rainy season begins in the south and north of Vietnam. At the beginning of the month, they fall mainly at night, so some opportunities for beach holidays and excursions remain. In Hanoi during the day + 31 ° С, at night + 25 ° С. In Nha Trang during the day + 32 ° С, at night + 24 ° С, water + 28 ° С. In Fukuoka during the day + 35 ° С, at night + 25 ° С, water + 29 ° С.

June August

The rainy season is in full swing in the south and north of the country, daily temperatures+32...+34°С, hot, humid and stuffy. The summer months are the time when it is better to relax in the center of Vietnam: Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hue and Hoi An, where it is relatively dry. At the end of August, the rains reach the central regions of the country.

September October

In the north of the country, the rainy season is coming to an end, in the south there are intermittent rains, in the center - heavy rains, there may be hurricanes and floods. The water in the sea is +27°С. In Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and Nha Trang +32...+33°C during the day, +24°C at night, +30°C in Fukuoka during the day and +25°C at night. In October, weather conditions noticeably worsen, it becomes colder by several degrees, it rains every day, the sea is stormy, and hurricanes rage in the center of the country. In Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An, this is the wettest month, when the humidity reaches 80%, floods often occur.


In November, it is best to relax in the north of Vietnam: dry and clear weather sets in there, during the day it is about +15 ... + 20 ° С. There is still a high probability of typhoons in the central regions. In Nha Trang it is often cloudy, + 26 ° C during the day, + 22 ° C at night, the sea is muddy and warm + 24 ° C, in Da Nang + 22 ... + 24 ° C. In Fukuoka, clear and calm water is + 27 ° С, during the day it is clear + 32 ° С, at night + 23 ° С.

Fruit season in Vietnam

The fruit abundance of Vietnam can even be envied. The mango and jackfruit season starts in March and lasts until summer. Avocados, rambutans and lychees appear in April, and mangosteen in early summer. Citrons and cherimoya ripen in June, tropical plums in July, persimmons appear in August. The season of these fruits is not very long - only 3-4 months, and they can be found on sale until the end of the calendar autumn.

In November, the first winter fruits appear - local tangerines, in December - star apples (starapple). Durians also appear in January, but the season of these exotic fruits is much longer and lasts until October. The most delicious longan ripens from May to July, but you can buy it at any time of the year.

From our own experience, we can say that Vietnam is the most fruity country South-East Asia. It seems that the fruit season in Vietnam is all year round: oranges, pineapples, pomelo, watermelons, melons, bananas, grapes, papaya, sapodilla, guava, pomelo, coconut, dragonfruit - there is no shortage of fruits here, we found them always and everywhere, moreover at low prices (except that in the north of the country, prices are higher, and the cheapest fruits are in the south). We have special article dedicated - we have described them, collected their names in Vietnamese and Thai, and provided prices and harvest seasons.

(Photo © John Loo / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

We determine the best time for a beach holiday in Vietnam! When does the rainy season end and is the perfect time to go to the seaside? When are tropical fruits ripe? Check out our monthly weather overview and choose the best time to travel.

rainy season in vietnam

The wet season in the regions of the republic comes in different months. On the south(which includes the main resorts - Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau) it starts in May and lasts until November. At this time, very high humidity, there are short-term tropical downpours. There are cloudy cool and fresh days, gusty wind. The average temperature is around +27°C. For the shortest rainy season. Tourists usually avoid traveling to Vietnam during the rainy season, but some travelers believe that tropical rains are nothing to worry about and come to the country at this time.

AT center Vietnam's rainy season lasts from December to April. At this time, we do not recommend visiting the resorts of Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An. We just spent December 2014 and the beginning of January 2015 in these cities. Rains, although short-lived, but frequent, quite cool (not at all +25°С, as they usually write, but, according to the sensations, about +10...+15°С). There is no central heating in the hotels, so the rooms are cold and easy to catch a cold. Very humid, clothes and shoes do not dry. We advise you to have strong raincoats. It is impossible to swim, as the ocean is stormy, red flags are hung on the beaches. True, sometimes there are sunny days (or at least cloudy, but without precipitation) when you can see the sights. The resort with the most rainfall, according to our observations, is Hue.

On a note: during the wet season there may be typhoons (usually in the center of the country, less often in the south and north). From the second half of October to the second half of December, Da Nang and Hue fall under their destructive action.

On the north The country's wet season lasts from April to November. However, it also sometimes rains in winter: we were there in January 2015, and, just like in the case of the center of Vietnam, we would not recommend visiting the region without warm clothes, suitable shoes and raincoats. It is cold in Hanoi, the temperature is +10...+20°C. In Halong, the situation is better: it is almost always sunny, but it is quite cool in the mornings and evenings.

beach season

The beach holiday season in the south of Vietnam falls on the winter-spring period ( December - April) - it is at this time that it is best to fly to rest. During these months there are many visitors from Russia, China, Europe and the USA, the weather conditions are fine, but the prices are rising. In spring, dry and warm weather sets in all along the coast. In May - June, it is most comfortable to relax in the central part of Vietnam.

Monthly weather in Vietnam


It is cool in the north, warm and rainy in the center, clear and dry in the south. In the south +30°С during the day, +22°С at night, water +27°С. In Da Nang + 24 ° С, the sea is also + 24 ° С. It is stormy in Nha Trang, especially in the first half of December, during the day +28°С, at night +21°С, water temperature +24°С. In Mui Ne and Ho Chi Minh it is warm and sunny +31°С during the day, +22...+24°С at night, the sea in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet and Fukuoka is +26...+28°С. It is better to meet at these southern resorts.

January February

In the north of the country it is cool +19°С during the day, +14°С at night. It is moderately warm in the center: in Da Nang and Hoi An during the day it is +23...+25°C, the precipitation is already less intense, the sea is pleasant +23°C. The season is in the south of Vietnam, best of all: dry and clear +32...+34°С during the day, sea +28°С. An excellent beach holiday in Fukuoka, where during the day it is + 30 ° С, the sea is + 28 ° С. In February, dry sunny weather is set throughout the country.

March, April

March and April are the months when it is better to go on vacation to Vietnam. In March, tropical heat comes to the southern and central regions. This is a great time for a beach and sports holiday. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet + 34 ° C during the day, + 24 ° C at night, water + 28 ° C. In Nha Trang, the air temperature is a couple of degrees lower. In Fukuoka, it is hotter at nights + 27 ° С, + 32 ° С during the day, the sea is + 29 ° С. The northern coast is traditionally colder, but at the end of April you can already swim there: during the day +23 ... + 25 ° С, the sea + 23 ° С.


The rainy season begins in the south and north of Vietnam. At the beginning of the month, they fall mainly at night, so some opportunities for beach holidays and excursions remain. In Hanoi during the day + 31 ° С, at night + 25 ° С. In Nha Trang during the day + 32 ° С, at night + 24 ° С, water + 28 ° С. In Fukuoka during the day + 35 ° С, at night + 25 ° С, water + 29 ° С.

June August

The rainy season is in full swing in the south and north of the country, daytime temperatures are +32...+34°С, hot, humid and stuffy. The summer months are the time when it is better to relax in the center of Vietnam: Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hue and Hoi An, where it is relatively dry. At the end of August, the rains reach the central regions of the country.

September October

In the north of the country, the rainy season is coming to an end, in the south there are intermittent rains, in the center - heavy rains, there may be hurricanes and floods. The water in the sea is +27°С. In Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and Nha Trang +32...+33°C during the day, +24°C at night, +30°C in Fukuoka during the day and +25°C at night. In October, weather conditions noticeably worsen, it becomes colder by several degrees, it rains every day, the sea is stormy, and hurricanes rage in the center of the country. In Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An, this is the wettest month, when the humidity reaches 80%, floods often occur.


In November, it is best to relax in the north of Vietnam: dry and clear weather sets in there, during the day it is about +15 ... + 20 ° С. There is still a high probability of typhoons in the central regions. In Nha Trang it is often cloudy, + 26 ° C during the day, + 22 ° C at night, the sea is muddy and warm + 24 ° C, in Da Nang + 22 ... + 24 ° C. In Fukuoka, clear and calm water is + 27 ° С, during the day it is clear + 32 ° С, at night + 23 ° С.

Fruit season in Vietnam

The fruit abundance of Vietnam can even be envied. The mango and jackfruit season starts in March and lasts until summer. Avocados, rambutans and lychees appear in April, and mangosteen in early summer. Citrons and cherimoya ripen in June, tropical plums in July, persimmons appear in August. The season of these fruits is not very long - only 3-4 months, and they can be found on sale until the end of the calendar autumn.

In November, the first winter fruits appear - local tangerines, in December - star apples (starapple). Durians also appear in January, but the season of these exotic fruits is much longer and lasts until October. The most delicious longan ripens from May to July, but you can buy it at any time of the year.

From our own experience, we can say that Vietnam is the most fruity country in Southeast Asia. It seems that the fruit season in Vietnam is all year round: oranges, pineapples, pomelo, watermelons, melons, bananas, grapes, papaya, sapodilla, guava, pomelo, coconut, dragonfruit - there is no shortage of fruits here, we found them always and everywhere, moreover at low prices (except that in the north of the country, prices are higher, and the cheapest fruits are in the south). We have a special article dedicated to - we described them, collected their names in Vietnamese and Thai, and gave prices and harvest seasons.

(Photo © John Loo / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

When going on vacation to Vietnam, from the very beginning it will not be superfluous to find out the features of the weather, and only then choose a time for rest and a suitable resort. You can relax here at any time of the year, you just need to set your priorities right and choose for yourself what would be most interesting from the variety of offers from domestic and local tour operators. In this article, you will find out when it is better to go to Vietnam, we will tell you about the high season in Vietnam, when it is better to go to Vietnam with a child, and of course, when it is better to buy tickets to Vietnam.

When is the best time to visit Vietnam

Vietnam is a charming and mysterious country, with rich history, interesting and unique culture.

As a serious player in the tourism market, Vietnam declared itself relatively recently, when the two parts of the country - North and South were reunited into one state and peace came to this land. Although the resort traditions here can be said to be ancient: Nha Trang, for example, was known as a place to relax not even in colonial “French” times, but since the time of emperors.

The country attracts tourists with snow-white and golden beaches, picturesque bays with a scattering of islands and islets of the most bizarre forms, Asian exoticism and interesting original holidays and customs.

Vietnamese resorts receive almost 8 million tourists (2016) from different countries. Most of them come from China, USA, Japan, South Korea and France.

High season in Vietnam

Most tourists who ask themselves the question - When is the best time to go to Vietnam, try to choose the high season. However, even this high season in Vietnam may differ according to the region or the type of holiday you prefer.

Beach season in Vietnam

In principle, the entire Vietnamese coast is almost a continuous resort area. But three places are most suitable for tourists from Europe, tours to which our compatriots choose. The best time to visit these resorts:

Nha Trang: February - August

Phu Quoc Island: November - June

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne: November - April

The high season in Vietnam at most of the named resorts: a gap in the segment December-April. And as always and everywhere, one of the minuses high season at any resort - its high cost.

But you should not be upset, because in addition to the high "beach" season on Vietnamese resorts there are others, no less interesting, which allow tourists to visit the country all year round.

Diving season in Vietnam

Adherents of this occupation know that the cheapest diving in the world is in Vietnam, and here it is not worse at all than in European resorts. Undersea world South China Sea amazes with corals, mysterious grottoes, colorful fish and exotic inhabitants.

Here you will see huge green turtles, sea cows and stingrays, trepangs and other curiosities of the seabed.

Popular "diving spots" on the Vietnamese coast

Nha Trang: February-October (Russian diving center and wonderful bay)

Con Dao Archipelago: March-December (place of sunken ships)

Well Island: February-October (turtle farm)

Phu Quoc Island: November-May ("plantations" of pearls)

Surf season in Vietnam

As a sport on the Vietnamese coast, it is still less developed than diving, but competitions are already being held between resorts even on professional level.
The Vietnamese coast is designed for experienced and trained surfers. Fans of windsurfing and kite surfers are most comfortable in the resort of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

fishing season

Do you want to catch angelfish or armored pike with your own hands? What about swordfish or swordfish? They are found here, but rather, it is a dream and luck, but tuna, sardine, mackerel, sea ​​eel quite possible to catch. This country is a paradise for fans of fishing, here you can catch fish in the sea, in lakes, and in mountain rivers - they are literally teeming with it.

But our calendar summer, when winds blow and rains fall in some parts of Vietnam, is not suitable for this activity.

The rest of the time is quite favorable. And it’s not necessary to book a special “fish tour”: each local fisherman will help you organize fishing for a small fee, share equipment and show you the best places.

Excursion season

If you don’t really need beaches and the sea and you decide when is the best time to go to Vietnam to see the maximum interesting places, then the next infa is for you.

ancient temple complexes, waterfalls, bays, picturesque islands, mountain rivers, carpets from green rice fields, outlandish and exotic flora and fauna, Asian markets with local delicacies - Vietnam excursion surprises the European resident with things unusual for us.

The "dry season" is the best time for excursions around the coast and the islands, then they will give you maximum pleasure.

When is the best time to go to Vietnam. Climate, overview of the seasons

The territory of the country is stretched in a narrow strip along the meridian along east coast Indochinese peninsula. The length of the coastline (South China Sea) is almost 3.5 thousand km. On the geographical map Vietnam twists like latin letter S.

Due to this peculiar geography, the climate in different parts The country is significantly different, although the whole of Vietnam is in the tropics. Briefly about when it is better to go to Vietnam, depending on the region.

South: close to the equator, tropical climate savannah

There is no obvious difference between the seasons here, from northern winds mountains protect, year-round water in the sea from +26 to 29 ⁰C.

There are two seasons: the dry season (November-April) and the rainy season from May to October.

North: tropical monsoon climate

The seasons are a little sharper, the summer is hot (+31⁰С), with heavy rains, and the winter is cool, but also rainy.

In winter, they don’t swim in the northern resorts, and in the mountains there are frosts and even snow (Sapa)

Center: climate characteristics are average between tropical in the South and monsoonal tropical in the North.

Winters are warmer than in the north, and summers are not as hot as in the south. The peak of the rainy season is October-November, and the rains begin to fall as early as the end of July.
In January, the temperature can be below +20⁰С.

The heat in Vietnam is hard to endure almost everywhere, the average annual humidity throughout the territory is almost 80%. This unpleasant fact is greatly alleviated by the air conditioning in the hotel.

Vietnam in winter

In winter, the monsoon to the south "inflates" the dry and sunny weather, air t + 30⁰С, water t + 26⁰С, rains are rare.

It is humid on the northern coast, air + 10-15⁰С (sometimes rises higher), water + 8-15⁰С

In the center at this time, the change of season is from wet to dry, the temperature of water and air is almost the same: about + 24-25⁰С.

Vietnam in December
An excellent month for a holiday in all resorts. It may still rain a little in the Center, but it's already good there.

Vietnam in January
A good time for a beach holiday is in the resorts of the South and the Center, it is uncomfortable in the North, here the temperature can drop to 10⁰С, a cold wind blows, but there is almost no rain.

Vietnam in February
The weather is excellent everywhere except the North, beach season in full swing.

Vietnam in spring

Spring is perfect for a beach holiday, travel and excursions: it is warm and not very humid, the heat has not yet set in, t usually does not rise above +30, but it is too early to swim in the northern resorts, although in April it is already possible there. In May in the North at night or in the morning heavy rains during the day the sun shines.

Vietnam in March
This month, you can have a great rest at all resorts, the heat is not “heavy”, because there is little rainfall. In the North during the day you can also walk undressed, at night it is still cool.

Vietnam in April
An ideal month for excursions throughout the country. Warm, little rain.

Vietnam in May
You can go to any resort, the weather is great everywhere. In Dalat, on the island of Con Dao and in Hanoi, the rainy season begins, but they are short and bathing season do not interfere.

Vietnam in summer

At the very beginning, it is humid at all resorts, dry only in the Center. Air +30, water a little cooler, +28.

In the North and South, in the middle of summer, the peak of the "wet" season, heavy showers go every day, about one and a half to two hours. And in the Center it's still hot and dry.

Last summer month the weather is hot and humid. The air is heated up to +32, and sea ​​water it becomes even warmer, +29⁰С.

Vietnam in June
This month it is best to relax in the Center. In the southern and northern resorts in June, rains alternately and terrible heat begin, in Halong Bay it often storms. In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, even healthy people do not tolerate heat well - it is very humid.

Vietnam in July
Even hotter, the rainy season (North-South) intensifies, rest, as in July, is most comfortable in the Center. In the North, heavy rains and storms and excursions are cancelled.

Vietnam in August
beach holiday only in the Center, heavy rains in the North, prolonged downpours in the South, heavy clouds in the sky in the absence of rains.

Vietnam in autumn

At the beginning of autumn in the North, the rains gradually subside, and in the Center and South, the showers are in full swing. But throughout Vietnam it is very hot, +30⁰ C.

Autumn is notable for rains, winds, storms and even typhoons. Having stormed, nature calms down and after a month the heat subsides, and the elements also subside. It is rainy every day in October in the North and South.
AT last month in autumn it becomes much colder, the temperature is + 15-16⁰С, and you can relax on the beaches only in the South.

Vietnam in September
It rains everywhere, dry only on the island of Cat Ba. At the resorts of the Center, heavy short rains alternate during the day with sunny weather.

Vietnam in October
A very unfortunate month for those who hoped to relax on the beach. It is especially bad in the Center, there are typhoons, you can go to the South, but sudden changes in the weather during the day cannot be avoided.
The weather in the North is good, but the beach is only on one island of Cat Ba. Here now is the best time for excursions: Halong Bay, hiking in the mountains in Sapa and getting to know Hanoi.

Vietnam in November
Everything has changed. Now Nice weather in the North and South, and in the central part, the beaches are almost unsuitable for recreation, the probability of typhoons is high. Keep this in mind if you are still deciding when is the best time to go to Vietnam!

When and where is it better to go to Vietnam with a child

In any Vietnamese resort during the season, you can comfortably relax with children, but Phu Quoc and all its infrastructure are most adapted to this.

There is no big waves, most of the hotels are a stone's throw from the sea, and some are arranged as if specifically for tourists with kids: for example, at the pool at the Famiana hotel, one employee on duty watches only the children, and if you need to leave, you can always leave the child in his care. On the sea beach, children's areas are fenced, there are trampolines, slides, and various playgrounds.

Near Nha Trang, the sea bathing area on Paragon Beach looks like a large natural pool, breakwaters reliably protect it from the sea.

White sand and several hotels for family vacation there is also near the Doklet beach.

The resorts of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne can also boast of having loyal zones for children. You won’t see surfers near the City Links hotel - there are powerful breakwaters nearby, so there are very few waves here. In the area of ​​the beaches, it is not a problem to rent excellent apartments with separate bedrooms and a fully equipped kitchen. This will allow you to quickly cook familiar food for the family and children, or eat Vietnamese dishes cooked with them from products bought at the local market with them.

A good solution for a family with children would be to book apartments for the season in inexpensive but high-quality Vietnamese family hotels on the coast near An Bang beach, near the city of Hoi An. There are no tourists who arrived on package tours here, there are few people, but the beaches are all with soft white sand, and the sea is clean and azure.

If you have already decided when it is better to go to Vietnam with a child, then here is some more useful information for you. While relaxing with children, it is worth visiting at least one of the three amusement parks in Ho Chi Minh City: Suoi Tien, Dai Nam or Dam Sen. Their territories are huge, in the parks themselves you will travel by train or monorail, buses, an electric car or an old train, a four-wheeled bicycle, sail a boat on a large lake or just walk.

There are zoos, water parks and amusement parks in all, but each also has its own zest: a huge Ferris wheel or an icy city, cute dragon sculptures in full height or live crocodiles lying lazily at the bottom of the pool, waiting for food; an orchid garden or exotic birds that roam importantly throughout the park.

When is the best time to buy tickets to Vietnam

Despite such a long distance, it is not difficult for our compatriots to get to Vietnamese resorts, there are regular flights from the airports of many cities, and in the midst of the season, many large companies organize their own charters.

As a rule, air tickets are more expensive for travelers during the high season at each of the resorts, and the cheapest during the low or off-season.

Near Na Trang (30 km, Cam Ranh) and on Phu Quoc Island (10 km from Duongdong) there international airports, and upon arrival, tourists can get to their hotel in about half an hour. But you will get to the single resort area of ​​​​Phanyet and Mui Ne from Ho Chi Minh Airport only after a few hours.

Direct and charter flights are operated by Vietnam Airlines and Aeroflot.

Use the calendar low prices, it will help you determine in which month, depending on the resort you choose, the airlines offer the most cheap tickets to Vietnam in this direction.

Helpful Use this form to find the cheapest tickets to Vietnam

Select dates

From May to September, all resorts in Vietnam experience a significant drop in prices. This is the best time for economical travel, you can see many sights, get to know ordinary life Vietnamese.

There are very few tourists at this time, and the price of rooms in hotels and private mini-hotels can drop from 30% or even up to 50%.

Here is a good example. The same room in the 5***** Sheraton Nha Trang hotel in February costs 12,425 rubles, and in June it is half the price:

In May and all summer in the Vietnamese resorts of the central part, you can find not only high-class comfortable accommodation, but also quite decent rooms in small hotels from $15-30.

The weather conditions at this time in places like Hue, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hoi An are quite comfortable and almost without surprises. Surprises can only begin in September - winds, rains and downpours, and sometimes typhoons. You need to be aware of this if you are going to make a trip to Vietnam during the price drop season.

It is easy and convenient to compare prices and choose a hotel for any season in the resorts of Vietnam here:

We hope that we have helped you decide when is the best time to go to Vietnam. Have a nice trip!

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