What fruits are in Cuba in October. What to try: Cuban cuisine. Exotic fruits in countries

Cuba is my love! The most cheerful and sunny country. Incendiary dances, soulful love songs, fragrant cigars and delicious rum - all this accompanies the carefree life of the Island of Freedom. And what is a joyful life without delicious food?

Cuban cuisine. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrealupo/

Cuban cuisine is not the most refined, like French or Italian. The peculiarity of all Cuban dishes is quick, simple, but tasty and nutritious. However, there are some unique delicacies here that you should definitely try.

The main national dishes of Cuba

Cuban cuisine is a mixture of Spanish, Chinese, African and Latin American culinary traditions. Because of this, all dishes are very original and specific.

Cuban soup - Ajiaco (Ajiaco). Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/reindertot/

Ajiaco is a soup popular not only among tourists, but also among Cubans themselves. It is considered a national dish and a hallmark of the Cuban culinary style. It contains a lot of different ingredients - pork or beef, bananas, yucca, corn, lemon, sauce, as well as pumpkin and other vegetables.

The ancient Cubans made this fish soup. Spanish conquistadors began to add pork, African slaves - vegetables. This is how the modern ajiaco came about.

Cuban meat stew - La Caldosa (La Caldosa). Photo: http://es.paperblog.com

La Caldosa is a stew made with chicken, ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables and spices. By the way, in Cuba they love both pork and chicken meat.

Vegetables and fruits in Cuba

Cubans use rice, black beans, beans, corn, yucca, sweet potatoes, bananas for culinary purposes. A variety of dishes are prepared from black, red and white beans. For example, Potaje (black bean soup), as well as Congri (rice with red beans and smoked sausages).

Cuban dish - Congri. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/masaassassin/

Banana, as it turns out, is an amazing product. Cuban culinary fantasy works wonders. Bananas are used to prepare an original sauce for meat, a delicious filling for pies and various fruit cakes, banana puree and many other goodies. In Cuba, a banana, like bread in Russia, is the head of everything!

Meat dishes in Cuba

Vegetables and fruits are added almost everywhere. But still, they prefer meat. For example, roasted suckling pig, which is considered a special holiday treat. Oven-baked, pre-marinated pork leg (santjaguera) flavored with a spicy garlic, tomato and pepper sauce. All this will delight tourists-meat-eaters.

Fried pork leg. Photo: justapinch.com

Many connoisseurs of the exotic go to Cuba in order to taste crocodile meat. There are special farms where they are grown. Crocodile meat resembles the taste of chicken and squid. Agree, very specific. The tastiest parts of this reptile are the paws and tail.

Cuban dish of crocodile meat. Photo: http://long-island.newsday.com

Turtle meat also has a specific taste, but this animal is an endangered species. But in the distant times of seafarers, turtle meat was the main dish.

Despite the fact that the Caribbean Sea is saturated with all kinds of marine life, seafood dishes are rarely found in Cuban homes. The main reason is the high price. But you can try them in restaurants. Shrimps, lobsters, lobsters and many more delicious sea splendors.

Cuban sauces

Sauces are the highlight of Cuban cuisine. The famous salsa criolla sauce was called the dance, which is just as hot and spicy. Another popular sauce is mojo. If you are going on a date, then you should absolutely not use it, because the main ingredient is garlic.

Green and red sauce Mojo. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jesusvp/

Sauces made from mango, papaya and other fruits have an unusual taste. Thanks to the sauce, even the simplest Cuban dish becomes an exquisite dish.

Cuban rum

After tasting delicious dishes, do not forget to try the main pride of Cuba - rum. Cuban rum based on sugar cane - Havana Club, is recognized as the most delicious all over the world. Its varieties are huge - Havana Club Anejo, Havana Club Anejo Reserva, Havana Club Silver Dry.

Cuban rum Havana Club. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/baudesign/

In fact, rum was invented by the British, and the Cubans improved its taste by passing it through a carbon filter and aging in oak barrels. In general, the origin of rum, the evolution of its preparation methods, varieties and features of the composition is a separate story, so we will not be distracted.

Famous Cuban cocktails

A myriad of delicious alcoholic cocktails are prepared on the basis of rum - Cuba Libre (Free Cuba), Mojito (Mojito), Mulata (Mulatto), as well as E. Hemingway's favorite drink - Daiquiri (Daiquiri) and many, many others. These cocktails are popular all over the world. However, to try and find out the true and unique taste is possible only in their homeland.

Cuban cocktail - Daiquiri. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lynnylu/

With its cheerful and free spirit, Cuba attracts tourists from all over the world. And no wonder! Hot sun, warm sea, hospitable people, delicious food... How can you resist ordering a ticket to Cuba? Enjoy the free spirit of this amazing country and remember - Cuba is near!

Or are you still in doubt about which country to visit as part of your gastronomic tour?

When we are going on a trip, any information about the country of destination is of value to us. Therefore, I fully support people who did not spare their time and described their negative or positive experience here.

Illusion one: it's not for me, because it's insanely expensive. This illusion is overused. This is evidenced by five-star hotels full of new Russians, and inexpensive cozy hotels in which you will not find Russians in the daytime with fire. Mostly those who don’t peck money go to Cuba, and people with average means often don’t even want to know the price level. And he is quite acceptable. If you can afford a vacation in a resort in Spain or Italy, then you can also pull Cuba. Of all the countries in South America, Cuba is the most accessible. There are fabulously cheap hotels here. For example, in one of the best five-star hotels in Varadero, Melia Varadero, a room costs about 80 USD per day. Of course, most of the cost of the tour is eaten up by the flight. But the cost of an air ticket to Havana is significantly lower than its cost to other Latin American countries: about 800-900 USD. We were in Cuba twice: in the winter of 1998 and in the spring of 1999. The first time we spent about 1300 USD on a tour with accommodation in a good 3+ hotel, and the second time we spent about 1200 USD, we lived in a very good 2+ hotel. We took about $400 per person with us. At the same time, we do not belong to the new Russians, or even to the middle class. We just love to travel.

Objection: far, exhausting flight. This is not a delusion, Cuba is really far away. Fly to her 13 hours. But if you are afraid to overwork, you will never see a single country in Latin America, neither the USA, nor Thailand, nor India, let alone Australia... The list goes on.

The second illusion: there is nothing to do there, because there is socialism!

Yes, socialism. So what? No one will force you to stand in line for bread or toilet paper. If you don’t want to look at poverty and queues, then I think it’s even useful - in case you are so fed up with life that you are nostalgic for the glorious Soviet past :-). And then, the queue still needs to be found. On Varadero you will not succeed, because this is a resort area for foreigners and wealthy Cubans.

Of course, you cannot avoid manifestations of socialism, even if you sit all the time on Varadero and do not travel to the cities. Perhaps, at least once, some Cuban will come up to you and, complaining about life, ask you to bring him soap or shampoo, something that you don’t feel sorry for. Or maybe you are annoyed by the fact that you can only go from Varadero to Havana by taxi or rented car - no public transport goes there. But do you feel sorry for giving a person a bar of soap? He really has nothing to wash with. And you can also go to Havana on an excursion with a group if you feel sorry for the money for a taxi or a rented car.

Illusion is the biggest. Nothing to do in Cuba!

I don’t know where this illusion came from, but it has firmly settled in the minds of many of my acquaintances. Meanwhile, there are plenty of things to do and see in Cuba.

Varadero is a resort area about 130 kilometers from Havana, the capital of Cuba. Here are the best beaches in Cuba. Without exaggeration and not afraid to take responsibility, I say: the beaches of Varadero are a fairy tale! I fell in love with them at first sight and have never seen anything like it anywhere else. The ocean there is such a bright azure color that the sky seems faded and faded in comparison. No one believed, looking at our photographs, that water could have such a color at all. When you see it with your own eyes, you don't believe it at first either. The water is warm even in winter, the sand is soft and white, and the beaches themselves stretch for many kilometers - spacious and deserted.

Unfortunately, we did not manage to relax in the Caribbean - they say the water is even warmer there, its color is green and all living creatures are found, unlike the Atlantic, where it is poorer.

True, I want to immediately warn lovers of tanning: the sun in Cuba, even in winter, is very dangerous, you can quickly and imperceptibly get badly burned. In general, it is hot in Cuba, in winter - less, in spring - already sensitive. You need to be prepared for this so as not to spoil your vacation, as well as for the time difference - minus eight hours, if we take Moscow time.

Cuba also has the islands of Cayo Coco, Cayo Largo. Rest on them is more expensive, but the ocean is even warmer there and it never storms, as I heard, and on Cayo Coco the water is emerald green and there are flamingos walking along the coast. Too bad I didn't see this one! But on Varadero on the beach you will definitely see pelicans. Real. They fly over the waves and catch fish, and on the pier, from which yachts leave for the islands, they generally walk around without fear of people.

The vegetation in Cuba is impressive. I had no idea there were so many types of palms. There are also small, completely dwarf, and tall, with thin, like matches, trunks. Sometimes you come across a whole forest of such palms: they climb the hills or grow down in the valley ... And for some, you can’t distinguish the trunks from a concrete pillar. In spring, Cuba is full of flowers. Everything blooms. The flowers are red, white, yellow, pink, orange, purple... You can just walk around Cuba and admire it. Or rent a scooter for $9 for an hour (and for two - $12) and ride - so you will see more.

If you are not a contemplative, but a lover of outdoor activities, you will also find something to do. I don't even know where to start... Cuba has an amazing underwater world. Fish of all colors and shapes, moray eels, rays, corals. There is a sunken ship. You can arrange scuba diving, and if you do not have a certificate, you can get it on the spot, and it will not cost that much. If you don’t dare to dive with scuba gear, you can just go snorkeling. There is also a cave here - near the city of Matanzas, about forty minutes by car from Varadero. This, of course, is not original - there are caves not only in Cuba, but it is worth going there. There, in addition to stalactites and stalagmites, there are also elliptites - something resembling rock crystal, and growing not vertically, but horizontally, on the ceiling and floor. By the way, Matanzas itself is also interesting to see - such a typical Cuban town, with narrow streets, faded walls of houses, looking inside which you can see an unexpectedly magnificent interior ... One of our acquaintances went to Cuba for the sixth time - a stern man, distant, in general something, from sentiment. He admired everything, as for the first time. There is always something in Cuba that you haven't seen yet.

You should definitely visit Havana. This city was once considered the most beautiful city in the world. Now, despite the neglect and decline, a special flavor is felt in Havana. It is created by dilapidated houses, narrow streets, balconies twined with greenery, from which smiling Cubans look at tourists. A sensual melody is pouring from somewhere, a mulatto is walking, shaking her lush hips, covered in incredible shorts...

Here you need to sit in the famous Hemingway bar “La Bodeguita del Medio”, enjoy the peculiar taste of the “Mojito” cocktail with rum and mint, you need to wander through the streets of Old Havana, soak up their mood and atmosphere, see the Capitolium Nacional, Catedral de la Habana - but all You can't do it in one day anyway. In the evening, you need to go to the famous Tropicana cabaret in Havana, where beautiful Cubans in luxurious outfits will drive you crazy (especially men ;-).

There is another place that should not be missed - this is the Guama crocodile farm. Book this tour and you won't regret it. In the morning you will be picked up by a bus and you will go towards the Caribbean Sea, crossing Cuba. In an hour and a half you will arrive at an amazingly beautiful place. The wind there sways tall palm trees with smooth gray trunks, ruffles the bushes with pale scarlet flower buds. Between the huts, flamingos walk along the green lawns, a fish resembling a crocodile swims in a small pond, and turtles bask on the stones. You will go along the paths deep into this wonderful garden and you will surely see a performance with small crocodiles and take pictures with them, there will also be a reservoir where large crocodiles live. A local band will play incendiary melodies for you, and perhaps in a small restaurant with wooden tables you will be offered to try crocodile meat. Then you will board a boat and travel along narrow canals of brown water to an Indian village, where there are palm-leaf-roofed huts and wooden sculptures of Indians, and live "Indians" in loincloths depict ancient customs. For example, since we are an unmarried couple, so to speak, we were married according to Indian custom. We haven't had this much fun in a long time!

In addition to Havana, the crocodile farm, the Bellamar caves, there are many other excursions. Varadero has its own cabaret "Continental", a smaller version of "Tropicana". You can fly on an old airplane "AN" (if you're not afraid :-) to Cayo Largo or to the city of Trinidad. You can sail on a yacht to the islands of Cayo Blanco - a place of amazing beauty. You can ... No, you can’t list everything!

It seems that I broke into a frank campaign :-). Meanwhile, I tried to be objective. Of course, Cuba also has flaws. For example, going here, you should be patient for relations with Cubans. Despite the fact that people are mostly friendly and cheerful, they are extremely slow and lethargic. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will be waiting all the time: before the tour, in a restaurant, in a hotel. There is only one way out of the situation - in no case do not get annoyed, but simply relax, forget about the bustle of the city and the race, and you yourself will not notice how the unhurried rhythm of Cuban life will take possession of you. The main thing is not to relax too much, otherwise in a couple of days you will not want to get out of the room!

In general, Cubans are amazing people. It would seem that socialism, poverty, a shortage of the most necessary goods. It will piss off anyone - but not them. It seems that for a Cuban it is only important that there is a roof over your head - no matter what is full of holes - and to eat so that you can eat deliciously. And to have fun. At the same time, no respect for money :-). One day my boyfriend went out for a walk and met guys who offered him a $3 coconut. He said, they say, what, stunned, and went on. Interestingly, these guys behaved further. They said: “Well, then take it like that, and come in the evening, we will cut down five more pieces for you for free.” And the promise was kept. And here it is forbidden to cut coconuts, and they were terribly afraid of being noticed :-). Knowing this trait of the Cuban character, you won’t be surprised why on Varadero, where there are a hundred coconuts on each palm tree, you can’t buy them anywhere, and you won’t find fruit during the day with fire in the season. We specially went to the market for fruit in the neighboring town, and we learned about its existence quite by accident.

It is a pity that I cannot tell everything I know about Cuba and convey all the impressions. But if my admiration did not tire you too much and if you suddenly become interested, you are welcome - write letters, I will try to be useful. And in the end, I can't help but thank those who organized all this miracle for us (both times) and who took care of us in Cuba. This is the Blue Marlin travel agency, the manager in Moscow is Yumatova Anna, in Cuba - Nadya Tsoi. Anya, Nadia, muchas gracias!

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    All these are lies. If you don't believe me, go and see.

    The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. Come and see everything with your own eyes.

    About the climate and not only...
    I spent a vacation with my family in the winter of 2002, in January from 03 to 15. I lived in Varadero, a 5 * all-inclusive hotel. The weather did not indulge: sometimes wind, sometimes clouds and even rain. In general, good days are no more than 1/3. Tour guides say - cold front - local taxi drivers, as far as you can understand their English, that it is typical and best in May - June. The hotel got "socialism", including the theft of beach towels.

    About Cuba
    I don’t know what kind of socialism the hotel is talking about, but the service in Varadero, as in other resort places in Cuba, is at the highest level. I regret that Alexander faced theft. Have you encountered the same things in Egypt or, say, in Turkey, where it happens all the time? And then, Varadero is not real Cuba. Would you live in some town among ordinary Cubans - I have never met more cheerful, open and simple-hearted people. P.S. I was in Cuba 2 times a month: we lived with relatives in Pinar del Rio, we spent a week in Varadero, a week in Cayo Guillermo. I have never had a more amazing holiday. You need to go to Cuba!

    Supplement to "About Cuba"
    And about the weather. As well as before traveling to other countries, and before traveling to Cuba, you need to be interested in what kind of weather is typical for a particular season. For Cuba, a great time to relax is the period from the end of February to June (time of warmth, sun, fruit, everything is in bloom, no rain) and September-October. June-August - unbearable heat, November-January - rainy time.

    November January is just the most sunny period - And the unbearable heat -- at 35--? Well, firstly, tolerable, and secondly, the average temperature during the day is about 26. Who has not been to Cuba, please do not write

    We traveled together in early March 2012, there was also a cold front for 4 days - for this time we took a car and drove to Havana, Trinidad. By the way, from Santa Clara to Trinidad there is an amazing (but dangerous) road through the hills (or small mountains). They are overgrown with palm trees and other vegetation, a narrow road up, then down, then to the side, and each time because of the turn - new breathtaking views. We did not expect such a landscape, but we did not regret that we went. True, the road itself is typically Cuban: in some places the surface is good, in some places it is a dirt road, there are a minimum of signs and fences (even on dangerous turns). So an experienced driver should be behind the wheel. We drove back from Trinidad through Cien Fuegos, where the road is on the plain. In 2013 we plan to go there with the child, I want to show him the Real Ocean :)

    Hi all. We were in Cuba from 11/01/2015 to 11/07/2015. It rained only once, but after an hour we forgot about it. I want back.

    Yes, Cuba is an amazing country. I've been there three times now and I always find something new. Wonderful people, very warm sea, beautiful beaches, beautiful houses. All this is Cuba. There is a mood there. Definitely a must go if possible. And be sure to go there at least once to feel it all. Relax so that you want to come back later.

In May, when there is absolutely nothing left until the summer, you live in anticipation of its arrival. But sometimes patience is not enough, and you want to speed up the passage of time. Such an amazing opportunity gives the "Island of Eternal Freedom". Tour-Calendar brings to your attention an article that tells about all the nuances of a holiday in Cuba in the last month of spring and the principles of pricing for tours by Russian travel agencies.

Weather in Cuba in May and May holidays

If we refer to the climatic characteristics, it is worth noting the fact that May marks the beginning of the rainy season. The weather here is dictated by the northeast trade winds. It depends on them whether it will be dry or humid, unbearably hot or warm in a given period of time. In late spring, their type of circulation changes, as a result of which the amount of precipitation begins to slowly but surely increase. At the same time, daily temperature extremes also increase - on average up to +30 °C. But, despite all the changes that have taken place, according to the Cubans themselves, May is one of the best periods to visit their country. We don’t know about the best, but you definitely can’t call it the worst. In fact, the wet season has not yet entered into its legal rights, and the showers do not bring much inconvenience, being distributed evenly over 7-9 days (the exception is Santiago de Cuba with 11 days). They are very intense, but transient - as a rule, from 15 to 30 minutes, less often up to 1-1.5 hours. After their end, the clouds quickly disperse, the sky clears up, and the bright sun reappears. Most often, rains pass in the dark, sometimes accompanied by thunder. But sometimes they happen after dinner, falling exactly at the siesta.

Havana Santiago de Cuba Trinidad Varadero

Even if you do not indulge, like the locals, sweet sleep, it does not matter. Getting under a refreshing tropical downpour on a hot day is a great pleasure. In just a couple of hours, under the sun, there is no trace of the former puddles. By the way, the level of insolation is one of the highest in the year. And in fact, not precipitation, but insidious ultraviolet - the sworn enemy of all guests of the island. Limit outdoor exposure to avoid burns. Even on a cloudy day, sunbathe exclusively under a canopy, do not forget to first apply a special protective cream to your skin. And if you go on excursions, cover your shoulders with a pareo or wear a light jacket with long sleeves. Despite the fact that Cuba lies in a single climatic zone, the weather conditions on its territory are somewhat different from each other. The reason lies in its "decent" elongation in the latitudinal direction. In summer, the daytime temperature difference is weakly expressed, but the evening temperature difference is clearly visible. So, in the eastern regions of the night, a couple of degrees warmer than in the western, blown by the cold wind "nortes". For example, the daily fluctuation of the mercury column in Santiago de Cuba is +23..+31 °C, in Varadero - +22..+30 °C, and in Havana - +21..+30 °C.

What to do in Cuba in May?

What do tourists do here in late spring? Beach holidays come to the fore. And this is quite obvious. Endless kilometers of coasts, strewn with the smallest white sand, like flour, are the main pride of the Cubans. Active personalities, who perfectly endure the heat, are not limited to just one pastime by the ocean. They "dilute" it with rich sightseeing trips. Gastronomic travelers will taste various dishes of national cuisine, and those who have a weakness for tobacco smoke will roam the plantations with inspiration.

beach holiday

Rains are rains, but they do not have a special effect on a beach holiday in May. And here he is, I must say, noble. Surprisingly, being a socialist country, the beaches of Cuba can easily compete with the best beaches in the world. Their arrangement, cleanliness, as well as the variety and quality of the services provided deserve the highest praise. And this opinion is far from subjective. So, Varadero, washed by the Atlantic Ocean, is officially one of the five best beaches in the world. It is he who is depicted on all tourist prospectuses and in all glossy magazines when it comes to the "Island of Freedom".

No less beautiful are Playa Esmeralda in the city of Guardalavaca, the metropolitan sandy possessions and the nearby islets of Cayo Coco, Cayo Guillermo and Cayo Largo. On average, the water in both areas warms up to +27 °C, however, in some Caribbean resorts, weather forecasters record +28 °C. As for the excitement of the water surface, it is mostly insignificant, with the exception of a dozen spots designed for surfing. This is due to the protection of Cuba from the north and west by long coral reefs that hold back the roll of large waves and protect against storms. This feature, combined with the richness of marine ecosystems, has created ideal conditions for diving. It is best to practice scuba diving, arrange dates with outlandish inhabitants of the underwater depths, and show talents in photography at the dive sites of the Caribbean Sea. In the ranking of the most popular are the Bay of Pigs, the island of Youth and the island of Youth. Swimming in May is very comfortable even during the rains.

The only thing is that the sun is hidden for a while. Do not lose vigilance, refusing special sunscreen. Ultraviolet perfectly penetrates through the dense veil of clouds. First of all, this applies to children and owners of "porcelain" skin. In other matters, with a careless attitude to one's own health, the dark-skinned people get it well.

Entertainment and excursions

As we have already found out, Cuba is quite safe in May. Do not believe those who intimidate with destructive typhoons, storms, tsunamis and other manifestations of the raging elements. These people have never been here. Natural disasters of this kind mostly bypass the archipelago, but if something like this happens occasionally, it is mainly in September-October. What distinguishes Cuba from other beach destinations is that almost every resort has a bunch of fascinating attractions. So if you don’t want to rent a car or pay the host (or local companies) for excursion support, but you still want unforgettable impressions, it’s enough to get to the city center, replete with architectural and historical buildings. Take at least Havana, the capital of the Republic and the province of the same name. Its colonial splendor is both charm and history in stone.

This is a city of great contrasts, where poverty and devastation coexist side by side with ostentatious luxury. It is impossible not to mention Trinidad - an open-air museum, which, according to the decision of UNESCO, is the heritage of mankind thanks to a myriad of priceless monuments. Curious tourists will find a lot of interesting things in the resort province of Holguin, boasting beautiful natural parks and many museums, as well as in Santiago de Cuba with narrow authentic streets. Separately, it should be said about programs that include visits to tobacco plantations, the main of which are concentrated in the central provinces of Partido and Remedios.

Cigars are the national pride of Cuba, but in fact there are not so many smokers in the country. When buying, be sure to keep the receipt, and do not forget that according to the law you have the right to import no more than 50 pieces into Russia. Any vacation in a new country involves getting to know its cuisine. The highlight of Cuban dishes is the presence of fruits, whether in a meat, fish or vegetable dish. Be sure to try the fried banana "platanes", the baked pork leg "santjagueru" and the ocean fish cooked on coals.

Holidays and festivals

Workers' Solidarity Day is celebrated in Cuba on a grand scale. Spectacular May Day demonstrations are held in all cities, gathering unprecedented crowds of people. It is noteworthy that they participate in the people's processions solely of their own free will, and you will not find such enthusiasm anywhere.

Thanks to warm ocean currents and mild winds blowing on the coast, the weather in Cuba in December does not present unpleasant surprises to locals and tourists. The first month of winter is one of the coolest months of the year, but the sun still does not skimp on warmth, so beach holidays are in full swing.

What is the weather like in December in Cuba?

December on Liberty Island is considered a month high season, which opens in and ends in April.

Air and water temperature

Average December temperatures are 26-28 degrees Celsius (+17-18 degrees at night). In the first and last days of December, it is a little colder - from +25 to +26 degrees. The sea water temperature is close to summer, averaging +25 degrees.

At the beginning of the month it is slightly warmer - from +25 to +26 degrees, and at the end - colder, up to +24 degrees.

Air and water temperature in resorts Cuba in December is as follows:

  • Varadero- +26.9 (air) and +26.2 (sea);
  • Cayo Coco– +27.0 and +26.0;
  • Baracoa– +27.7 and +27.2;
  • Manzanillo– +29.6 and +26.5;
  • Mantansas– +26.9 and +26.5;
  • Holguin– +28.4 and +26.8;
  • Playa Esmeralda– +27.8 and +26.8;
  • Santiago de Cuba- +29.3 and +28.0;
  • Trinidad- +27.9 and +27.4.

Features of weather conditions

The first month of winter marks the end of the rainy season in Cuba and is one of the the driest- it has an average of 2 to 5 rainy days. In recent years, this figure has been shifting upwards, because, according to experts, the climate is changing slightly, its seasonality is no longer as pronounced as before.

In general, it falls out 58 mm precipitation and air humidity is 74%.

Strong winds this month are almost not visible, including at sea: there are almost no tornadoes and storms here, which means that there are no obstacles for swimming and fishing trips. If a storm does happen, then it does not last long, and the sea does not get colder after it.

The exception is the resort of Cayo Largo: in December there are more winds here than in any other month of the year, their speed is 6.5 m/s.

Vacation on Liberty Island

At the beginning of winter, Cuban nature seems to have a second wind, and the tourism business understands this very well, so you can’t count on the fact that a December vacation will cost less than a summer one.

Where is the best place to relax?

In search of the perfect vacation spot, tourists come to - there in December more sunny, average temperatures are 2 degrees higher than in other regions of the country.

Beautiful weather in Santiago de Cuba (the city is protected by mountains from the winds), it is very comfortable to relax in Holguin (there is picturesque nature, and there are many interesting places for diving in the sea).

hottest in December on the islands of Cayo Coco and Cayo Largo (strong winds do not interfere with this). Cayo Largo is also a kind of reserved place where there are no permanent residents (they only come here to work), the nature is unique, the charm of the 19th century is preserved.

What fruits are ripe?

Cuba is often called a fruit paradise. In December they ripen here citrus: grapefruits, oranges, tangerines and an amazing fruit called "mamoncillo" - a Spanish lime, sweeter than the usual one that Russians buy in supermarkets.

In addition to citrus fruits, December pleases with honey bananas of five varieties, papaya and coconuts.

How to dress?

For this trip you need:

  1. lungs sundresses, dresses;
  2. trousers cotton or linen;
  3. shorts;
  4. t-shirts and T-shirts;
  5. swimwear and swimming trunks;
  6. comfortable shoes for the beach and walks;
  7. panama and baseball caps.

Because the evenings are chilly, you will need a jumper, cardigan, light windbreaker. And for the restaurant and parties - appropriate elegant clothes.

What to do this month?

Tourists in December Cuba are waiting for beaches, the opportunity to do water sports, interesting excursions and trips, as well as New Year's Eve and festive events.

beach holiday

December in Cuba perfect time for a beach holiday. The water temperature is around +24-25 degrees and not as exhausting as in summer, the sun's rays make it possible to spend a lot of time at sea and get a beautiful bronze tan. Short-lived storms occur very rarely (mainly on the south coast).

The most popular among tourists at this time are beaches:

  • Varadero;
  • Pilar;
  • Los Cocos.

By the way, it also attracts those who are engaged in deep sea swimming.

There are sunken ships, underwater caves, and coral reefs amaze with the diversity and beauty of marine fauna and flora.

What to see and do?

In the list of places where worth visiting for tourists, includes:

  1. the capital of Cuba Havana with interesting revolutionary monuments and the famous Tropicana cabaret, which hosts incendiary shows;
  2. Trinidad rich in - historical, architectural, natural;
  3. a memorial complex in honor of Che Guevara and an unusual cathedral built of coral limestone in the city Santa Clara;
  4. national park Guanaacabibes;
  5. Santa Cruz del Norte- the place where the famous Havana Club rum is born.

Holidays and festivals

In the first month of winter in Havana, Latin Film Festival, guests from all over the world come here.

On the eve of Christmas, Cubans also organize various fairs, shows, competitions(dance, song).

On December 25, the inhabitants of the island celebrate Christmas as one of the main family holidays (this tradition returned 15 years ago after a long oblivion), however, fun, as a rule, spills out onto the streets and squares of cities, and any tourist can become a participant in festive festivities, shows.

The country celebrates the New Year even more actively, one of the most spectacular events is the New Year's carnival.

Instead of champagne, traditional for Russians, the participants of the holiday raise glasses with a cocktail in honor of the arrival of the New Year "Cuba Libre".

Look in this video What are the weather conditions on the coast of Cuba in December:

The beach season in Cuba is always. This is an axiom. And the main argument in favor of a trip to Cuba is that you need to get there before the Americans. Diplomatic relations with the United States have been restored, and if so, the flow of American tourists will soon rush to Havana and Varadero. It is believed that Cuba with the Americans will no longer be the same. From an original lady with an open heart and a smile on her face, she will turn into a pretty lady, but too similar to her neighbors - Mexico and the Dominican Republic. For those who want to get to Cuba in time, we offer useful information about the best time to go there in terms of weather.

Climatic and seasonal conditions in Cuba are almost the same as in the neighboring Dominican Republic. The "low" season and the rainy season coincide in time: from May to October. At this time, it is hot and humid, with occasional short but heavy showers. Winter in Cuba is warm and dry, this is the "high" tourist season, it lasts from November to April.

Monthly weather and water temperature at popular resorts in Cuba


Average daily t (°C) 24 26 27 29 30 30 30 31 30 28 26 25
Average night t (°C) 16 17 17 18 21 22 22 22 22 21 19 18
Sea water t (°C) 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 24

Holguin Province Resorts

Average daily t (°C) 27 27 27 28 30 31 31 31 31 30 29 28
Average night t (°C) 21 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 24 23 22 21
Sea water t (°C) 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 25


Average daily t (°C) 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 31 31 28 27
Average night t (°C) 17 16 17 19 20 21 22 22 21 21 19 17
Sea water t (°C) 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 28 27 27 26 25

The current weather forecast for Cuban resorts can be found on the government website .

Where in Cuba is warmer in winter?

When choosing dates for a trip to Cuba, it is important not only to take into account the rainy or hurricane season, but also to choose the right resort. Depending on the geographical location, the weather conditions in a particular resort can vary markedly. It is especially important not to make a mistake in January: according to the results of long-term meteorological observations, this is the coldest month. About once every 10 years in the west of the country (Havana, Varadero, Pinar del Rio) there is a sharp cooling. During the day, the air cools down to 15–17 °C, at night it is even colder, the wind rises, and the sea is stormy. True, sea water usually does not fail, colder than 24 ° C is very rare.

Fortunately, such weather anomalies are indeed rare and usually short-lived, a week maximum. Still, we advise you to make sure. The rule is simple: the further south and west, the warmer. The most unstable and windy weather in winter is more likely to occur in the most popular resort of Varadero. This should be taken into account by those who are going to go to Cuba in January with children. Waves and strong bottom currents in winter definitely do not contribute to a relaxed holiday. This is not written on the websites of hotels and in tourist booklets, no one wants to scare away tourists. Only uninterested people, such as Cuban fishermen or local old-timers, will talk about the true state of things. But back to the resorts. In addition to Varadero, Cuba has many heavenly places where it is warmer in January and the season for a beach holiday is almost always. Let's explain "on the fingers": if you look at the map of the island, then the temperature in January to the east (to the right) is gradually increasing. On the resort islands of Cayo Coco, Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Santa Maria, Cayo Ensenaches, the air is usually a couple of degrees warmer, and the sea is calm. Even further east, in the provinces of Holguin and Santiago de Cuba, add another 1-2 ° C to the island ones. The explanation is simple: in these places the terrain is more mountainous, or rather, hilly. High hills protect from the wind and create a warmer microclimate, much like in Sochi. The coast near the resorts of Playa Esmeralda, Playa Guardelavaca and Pesquero Playa is a natural fjord. The sea is shallow, so the water warms up better. With the Atlantic coast, we will assume that we have figured it out. On the Caribbean side, the resort island of Cayo Largo and the resort area of ​​Trinidad are popular. It is also 1-2 °C warmer here than in Varadero. And the conditions for swimming and relaxing with children are ideal in any holiday season.

Tourist season

Climatic seasonality determines the prices at the resorts. And, of course, the prices for holidays depend on the input flows that determine the load of the hotels. The main suppliers of tourists to Cuba are Canada and the European Union. Most visitors from these countries prefer to spend their winter holidays on Cuban beaches. During the winter "high" season, prices for accommodation and services are higher than in summer, and the peak period of arrivals falls on Christmas and New Year.

hurricane season

In summer and autumn, the probability of hurricanes increases. And the “highest” hurricane season is in October and November. Surprisingly, Cuba, being almost in the very heart of the formation of the Atlantic hurricane depressions, experiences a serious blow of the elements much less often than its neighbors - the Dominican Republic, the USA and Mexico, about once every 10 years. Once, touching upon the topic of hurricanes in his speech, Fidel said that "God loves Cuba and protects its people from natural disasters." And it is true. The most destructive hurricane "Matthew" of the fourth category of power on the Saffir-Simpson scale Cuba experienced on October 5 this year. Nothing like this has happened in the last 11 years. Wind gusts reached 300 km / h, about 500 mm of rain fell in the province of Guantanamo, the authorities evacuated over 200 thousand people. But even this hurricane monster passed through the sparsely populated areas of the island. So we believe the statistics and Fidel and rest in Cuba quietly in the foreseeable future.

fruit season

There are many fruits in Cuba. Not this way. There are a LOT of fruits in Cuba! If you are staying at a good chain "five", then at the morning "buffet" you will be amazed at the abundance of fruit. Pineapples, mangoes, papaya, oranges, bananas, guava, avocados, grapes and many others with hard-to-pronounce exotic names. With pleasure and a smile, they will prepare fresh juice from one or more fruits and suggest the most delicious and healthy combinations. It is believed that pineapple promotes fat burning and speeds up the metabolism, papaya "lifts" the male mood, and mango ... It's just delicious!

In the "fours" and even more so in the "three" the situation with the choice of fruit is more modest. Usually this is a fruit salad from a common pan plus some kind of fruit cutting. By the way, watermelons and melons are not very good here, our Central Asian ones are much tastier. Buying fruits in the city markets of Varadero and Havana is simple and inexpensive. True, you, as foreigners, will be required to convert pesos (CUC), but if during an excursion or an independent trip you see a peasant with a basket of fruits on the road or in the village, then they will cost several times cheaper, and you can even pay with local pesos. Most fruits are still seasonal. From June to August, it's mango season, and spring is the time for papaya, pineapple, coconut, bananas. Citrus fruits ripen at the end of January. Apples and strawberries are less common.

So the conclusion is simple. In Cuba, you can relax all year round. Don't hesitate and go. CUBA SI!

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