How to cook beets? Tips from experienced housewives. How to quickly cook beets? Easy peasy

Everyone knows about the benefits of beets, just like about its excellent taste. What wonderful dishes you can cook from it! For the family budget, this vegetable is also good - its cost is quite affordable for everyone.

Usually, beets are used as an ingredient for salads - the famous, beloved by all, herring under a fur coat, etc. However, not all housewives may know how to cook beets, how long it will take, etc. In general, this is really not easy - after all, you need to not only boil the beets so that the beets are tasty, but also do it with minimal losses. useful properties. But let's be consistent...

Choosing the Right

Knowing how to cook beets is, of course, good, but first you need to choose the right root crops. Delicious boiled beets are obtained if you select medium sized vegetables.

They should be colored as intensely as possible - the darker the color, the sweeter the beets. The skin of good fruits is dense, thin, without damage and rot, not wrinkled.

But the form does not play a role - there are good varieties and rounded flattened shape, and oblong elongated. Personally, I find it more convenient to work with long root crops that resemble carrots.

If there is an opportunity to see the beets in the context - use it. Often, in externally beautiful fruits, there are white streaks inside, which, even after prolonged cooking, remain hard, that is, such beets are not at all suitable for boiling.


How to cook beets in a pot

The most affordable and proven way of cooking is in a saucepan. It's easy to do this:

  • wash well the roots of the same size, trying not to damage the peel and leaving tails;
  • we collect a sufficient amount of water in a saucepan, boil;
  • put all the vegetables in boiling water and reduce the heat;
  • cook under a closed or slightly ajar lid;
  • we check whether the beets are cooked or not with a knife (should go in to the middle with ease);
  • if ready, then drain the broth and immediately fill it with ice water.

After 10 minutes, the root vegetables can be peeled and used for the planned recipe.

The main thing in this whole process is to correctly calculate the cooking time for beets until cooked. An average of 50 minutes is enough. If the beets are small, then you can check with a knife after 40 minutes. Large specimens should be boiled for more than an hour.

In the water while cooking in a saucepan, you can add spices for flavor, lemon juice or vinegar to preserve color and 2-3 tbsp. sugar to make the vegetable even sweeter. But experienced chefs do not recommend adding salt - the beets will turn out tough.

How to cook beets in a double boiler

If the kitchen has a double boiler, then it will not be difficult to cook beets quickly. This method is not suitable for all recipes, but only for those where the root crop must be cut into slices, cubes or sticks. Whole specimens are not prepared in this way, however, as well as those that should be grated.

We cut the washed and peeled beets as the dish requires.

We put it in a double boiler and after 20 minutes the vegetable is completely ready. It remains only to cool it and send it to the salad.

This method has a significant disadvantage. It should be understood that chopped beets will lose some of their juices during cooking.

We cook beets in a pressure cooker and a slow cooker

Such kitchen helpers as a pressure cooker or a slow cooker are also quite suitable for our purpose.

A pressure cooker is good because it reduces the cooking time of beets by almost 2 times. In all other respects, the process is the same as in the pan.

The slow cooker in this case does not differ at all from the pan - the number of minutes is the same, the ingredients are the same. Unless you are lucky and this kitchen gadget has a steam function. Then you don’t have to think about how to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette - the advice about a double boiler is described above.

How else can you cook beets?

How much you need to cook beets, we figured out - it’s problematic to do it very quickly. But if you have a microwave, you can speed up the process. You may need this method as a last resort. When, as they say, guests are on the doorstep. And you have nothing ready for the table.

Place the washed, unpeeled beets in a glass or ceramic container with a lid and add half a glass of water. At the highest power, cook for 7 minutes, then turn the root vegetables over to the other side and turn on the microwave for another 7 minutes. How to understand that the beets are cooked completely? Wait 5 minutes after switching off and check with a knife. If anything, turn on the microwave for another 2-3 minutes.

By the way, in a microwave oven you can cook beets in a bag - also one of quick ways. We just put the clean beets in a bag, tie it up, pierce it in several places to let the steam out. Cooking time - 10 minutes, then let the vegetables stand for another 5 minutes. I advise you to replace the bag with a baking sleeve - it's safer.

There are many ways to cook beets, as well as modern gadgets. But everyone can learn it. It remains only to try all the ways and choose your favorite. For a snack, recipes are different - choose and cook.

Video - cooking beets in a bag

In this tricky method, beets are placed in a bag and boiled in a pot. Thus, the vegetable does not lose juices, as when baking in the oven.

Beetroot is one of the most favorite root crops of most families, because how much can be cooked from it delicious dishes? Vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, and one beetroot is worth something. But that's not a task, this vegetable is cooked for quite a long time, and sometimes there is no such time left.

Few people know, but the usual microwave is one of the main assistants in solving the quick cooking of beets. There are several ways to cook beets in the microwave. Here are two of the most popular.

The first way is using the package

For him, a medium-sized root crop or several small ones are best suited.

  1. We thoroughly wash the beets from dirt, while the tail and skin do not need to be cut.
  2. We take a dense plastic bag. If you take a regular one, it can burst and then the vegetable will not cook.
  3. Put the prepared beets in a bag and tie with a tight knot.
  4. We put our bag in the microwave, turn on the latter at full power, and set the timer for 20 minutes.
  5. After the beep, we take out the beets, and leave it to cool. Important! With this preparation, the package may swell like a ball, but there is nothing terrible or dangerous in this.
  6. We clean the cooled vegetable and use it in food.

Second way

For this method, a root crop of any size is suitable. His whole secret lies in cutting the beets into pieces.

So what needs to be done:

  1. Wash the beets, remove the tops and tail, peel.
  2. Cut into roughly equal pieces
  3. Put the chopped beets in a bag and make a few punctures with something sharp to release steam.
  4. We select full power, and set the timer for 15 minutes.
  5. We cool the finished beets and use according to the recipe.

Important! Cooking time depends on the variety, degree of maturity and size of the root crop. The power of your microwave oven also plays an important role.

Boil the whole beetroot in a saucepan

How can you imagine festive table without a herring under a fur coat? Is it possible to imagine this salad without delicious beets? So let's quickly figure out how to properly cook a delicious whole beetroot.

To do this, the root crop must be well cleaned and washed.

We are waiting for the water to boil, and carefully put the beets there.

We cover the pan with a lid, make medium heat and leave for 50 minutes, periodically checking the water level.

At the end of the cooking time, we check the readiness of the vegetable with any sharp object - a knife, fork, toothpick.

We shift the cooked beets into cold water until completely cooled.

We clean and apply according to the recipe.

A quick way to cook beets in pieces

When time is running out, and your beets are not yet ready, you can use this express cooking method.

For this you will need:

  1. Washed, peeled and cut into equal parts beets.
  2. A pot of water, the level of which should exceed the vegetable by 2 cm.
  3. Put the beets on a small fire and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Check readiness.
  5. Cool the finished root crop under running water.
  6. Drain the water.
  7. Further actions depend on the specific dish. But the beets are already completely ready for use.

The nuances of cooking beets in a slow cooker

What is the beauty of a multicooker for cooking beets? In this miracle device, our root crop can not only be boiled, but also baked. This is done quite simply, it only takes a little effort and time.

Cooking mode

If you want to cook beets in a slow cooker, then this is done like this:

  1. A medium-sized vegetable or several small ones are selected, but always the same size. If your vegetables are different, then they can be leveled with a knife. Cut the root vegetables into equal parts.
  2. Wash vegetables well before cooking.
  3. Pour about 2 liters of water into the multicooker.
  4. We put the beets in a special bowl for steaming.
  5. We select the "Steam" mode and set the cooking time - 40 minutes.
  6. After the beep, we check how ready our vegetable is. If the beets are difficult to pierce, then the time can be extended by another 15-20 minutes, depending on the degree of readiness after the first boil.
  7. We put the finished vegetable in cold water.
  8. We use it at our own discretion.

Baking mode

Do you want to experiment a little with the flavors of your favorite salads or just love healthy and delicious food. Then try not just to cook, but to bake beets in a slow cooker. It's not difficult at all.


  1. We take 1 medium beetroot or several small ones.
  2. Wash and clean vegetables under running water.
  3. Put the vegetables in a bowl.
  4. Select the "Baking" mode and set the timer to around 40 minutes.
  5. We are waiting for the sound signal and cool our root crop.
  6. Enjoy the pleasant taste of beets.

Roasting whole beets in foil in the oven

Want to make your borscht even tastier? To do this, you absolutely do not need to run to the store for overseas products. It is enough just to play with the already existing set of vegetables. Simple try roasting vegetables instead of regular frying. And you can start by roasting beets in the oven.

Choose 1 medium or large beetroot. Even if you usually throw in a little beetroot, it should be borne in mind that after baking, the vegetable will lose about 1/3 of its mass.

Wash and clean your root crop, wrap it in foil.

We leave our vegetable in the oven for 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 200 C.

We take out the beets, cool and enjoy the new taste and aroma.

Secrets and tricks when cooking beets

  1. It is better to put the prepared vegetable in water that is already boiling.
  2. You do not need to throw salt, replace it with half a tablespoon of sugar.
  3. Add the juice of one lemon to keep the color vibrant.
  4. Water for cooking can be added in stages, pouring in a portion of cold water every 15 minutes.
  5. After cooking, the root crop can be cooled under running water or put on a short time into the freezer.

Experiment and you may find your own. the best recipe cooking such a wonderful vegetable as beets. Delicious meals for you.


In order for boiled beets to be sweet and juicy, you need to choose the right root crops when buying. A quality vegetable has a small size and a beautiful uniform color.

The skin is thin and tender, without black spots and signs of wilting. The low price, ease of preparation and the possibility of storage make beets a popular product among housewives.

Despite the sweetish taste, beets are low in calories and have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. It contains fiber and organic acids that promote the absorption of food, as well as:

  • contains potassium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, iron and various vitamins;
  • strengthens blood vessels and reduces pressure, supports hematopoiesis;
  • renders positive influence on the work of muscles, including the heart.

In general, it has a rejuvenating and firming effect, with minimal contraindications. Fresh green tops are very useful. AT summer time it is added to beetroot soup or botvinia soup.

How long to cook fresh beets

Cooking time is determined not only by the size of the root crop. It is also important whether he is young or old, and how long ago the crop was harvested. The use of modern kitchen appliances makes its own adjustments.

Until ready

Since beets can cook from 20 minutes to 3 hours, it is problematic to determine their readiness by a timer.

It is better to do this by hand, piercing the vegetable with a knife or fork and judging its softness.

Even with long cooking times most of vitamins will be preserved.


Young beets are a seasonal commodity. It appears on the shelves in the middle of summer and is distinguished by the presence of green tops. These vegetables are very tender and delicate in taste. After boiling, it is enough to cook them for about 20 minutes. Then the hot tubers are poured with ice water and left to cool.


Freshly plucked beets from the garden cook faster than old ones. During storage, the peel becomes thicker, and the core hardens and slightly dehydrates. The specific cooking time is determined in this case by the size of the vegetable.


Beet big size practically does not differ in taste from smaller ones. But it takes a long time to cook it, and for this the housewives do not like such specimens. Putting the vegetable in the pan, you need to tune in for at least a two-hour wait. Especially hard root crops can be cooked for a full three hours.

Without peel

Sometimes beets are pre-cleaned, although this is generally not recommended. Peeled beets cook a little faster. Medium-sized copies will be ready in 30-40 minutes. After prolonged boiling, a vegetable without a peel will acquire a brown hue. To avoid this, vinegar is added to the water or lemon juice.


When you need grated beets, it is better to cook them whole, and then grate them. If you grind it raw, and then stew, it will disappear like bright color and most of the vitamins. But this method has one indisputable advantage - the grated vegetable will quickly become soft and ready to eat.

in the soup

Beets for borscht are boiled separately, and then added to the pan before the end of cooking. But sometimes finely chopped cubes are added directly to vegetable soup, where they will be ready in 10 minutes. So that the initially bright vegetable does not become completely pale, the soup is acidified with lemon juice.

How to cook beets quickly

Before you start cooking root crops, they are thoroughly washed from the ground. It is not necessary to cut off the top and bottom of the tubers, you can only shorten the tail. It is also not recommended to trim damaged areas. This can be done later by peeling the boiled vegetable.

Classic way

The usual and familiar way of cooking beets is in a saucepan on the stove. Vegetables are placed in a bowl and filled with water so that it generously covers them. During long cooking, some of the water will boil away.

To reduce the evaporation of the liquid, cover the pan with a lid.

  • At maximum temperature water is brought to a boil.
  • Then the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  • At a slow boil, vegetables are cooked for an hour or two, depending on the size.
  • When the tubers are easily pierced with a knife, the pan is removed from the stove and placed under an ice stream.

AT cold water beets remain until completely cooled. Now it can be peeled and used in a salad or as a side dish.

How to speed up cooking

To make the beets cook faster, you can throw them into already boiling water and cook at a rapid boil without lowering the heat. An easy way to further increase the temperature of the water is to pour a couple of spoons into the pan vegetable oil which will form a film on the surface. This preparation will take approximately one hour.

If time is very short, vegetables can be pre-peeled and cut into pieces. It will make it worse taste qualities and appearance, but will reduce the cooking time to 20 minutes.

Young beets are prepared by a quick shock method: they are boiled for about half an hour and immediately poured with ice water. sharp drop temperature brings the root crop to readiness. The whole process takes 40-50 minutes.

Different cooking methods

In an effort to diversify the taste of vegetables and quickly cook dinner, housewives use modern kitchen appliances. For example, roasting will give the beets a firmer texture and a sweeter taste.

in a saucepan

The traditional and easiest way to cook beetroot is to boil it in a saucepan. It is only necessary not to forget about the boiling for a long time on the plate root crops. This process is always finished by immersing the vegetables in cold water. So they will not only reach perfect condition, but will also be better cleaned.

in the microwave

Salad recipes often feature baked beets. You can cook it in the microwave, it will take about 30 minutes. If the microwave does not have a lot of power and you want to speed up the process, put the beets in a plastic sleeve for baking. It will taste like boiled, but sweeter.

In a slow cooker

Cooking beets in a slow cooker is very simple. It must be washed cleanly, put in a bowl and turn on the “Extinguishing” or “Cooking” mode for one hour.

Readiness can be checked by piercing the vegetable with a fork, and if necessary, start the slow cooker in the same mode for another half hour.

Some wrap each root vegetable in foil and cook in the "Baking" mode.

In a double boiler

To steam beets, you will need a double boiler or slow cooker with a steam function. Whole vegetables are laid out on a wire rack, a glass of water is poured into the bottom of the bowl. After 40-50 minutes, check if the dish is ready. In this way, juicy beets work well.

If the roots are wilted, they can be soaked in cold water in advance or cooked on the stove in the usual way.

In a pressure cooker

It takes about 35 minutes to cook whole beets in a pressure cooker. You can pre-peel the vegetables and cut into strips. So they will cook faster, in 20 minutes.

The video provides instructions and some tips for cooking beets in the microwave.

Storage rules

If raw beetroot perfectly tolerates long-term storage, then when boiled, it loses this useful quality to a large extent.

  • At room temperature, the cooked vegetable should be consumed within a few hours.
  • Peeled beets will lie in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
  • A whole vegetable in the skin and without cuts can be stored in the cold for a little longer, but usually after three days of storage it begins to lose its taste and health benefits.

At the same time, both fresh and boiled beets can be frozen in sliced ​​form. The shelf life in the freezer is much longer. Once defrosted, vegetables must be used; they cannot be re-frozen.

No doubt, everyone can cook beets. But in any case, questions arise that only experience can answer.

  1. Cool down.

In all cases, without exception, immediately after cooking, it is recommended to put the beets under a stream of ice water. A cold shower not only cools the root crops, but brings them to the best degree of readiness and makes it easy to peel.

  1. Do not salt.

The water in which the beets are boiled does not need to be salted. Salt makes vegetables firmer and longer cooking times. Ready beets will be tough and less juicy. Its specific sweetish taste does not require additives during cooking.

  1. Do not clean.

Before cooking, beets are not cleaned and the top and tail are not cut off. Natural intact peel perfectly preserves inside the root crop healthy juice and rich burgundy color. Trimmed or peeled beets will turn whitish and watery and also lose some of their sweetness.

  1. How to get rid of the smell.

When the beets are cooked for a long time, a not very pleasant smell arises in the kitchen. To neutralize it, it is advised to put a crust of bread in a pan with vegetables. And some housewives put beets in a plastic bag, and then in a pot of water.

  1. How to check readiness.

Since one beet boils quickly, and the other much longer, readiness is checked by piercing the root crop with something. For this purpose, a knife, fork or even a toothpick is suitable. If the tip of the object easily and smoothly enters the pulp, the vegetable is ready. If not, wait another half an hour.

Do not poke the beets too often, they will leak out a large number of juice.

Boiled beetroot not only decorates the table due to its wonderful color. It brings great benefits to the body, supplying it with the necessary vitamins and minerals. With very little effort, we get a great product that is suitable for salad, soup or a healthy snack. From the broth left after cooking, you can make a delicious healing drink by adding lemon juice, cinnamon and ginger to it.

Boiled beets, as a component, are part of many different dishes (, salads,), so many are interested in how to cook beets properly. If you don’t finish cooking, it will be uncomfortable to chew, digest - some of the nutrients will collapse, the taste will worsen, and, again, chewing overcooked root crops is not very pleasant.

In order for dishes that include boiled beets to turn out tasty and healthy, we choose fruits that are not too large and preferably not fodder varieties (that is, dark in color), young root crops are best. In principle, fodder varieties are quite edible, but with they don't taste as good. In addition, standards for the application of chemical fertilizers for forage crops are somewhat different from the standards used for feeding food crops. That is, fodder beet may contain large quantity useless substances.

How to cook beetroot?

Consider ways to properly and quickly cook beets. Some advise boiling beets for up to 2 or even up to 3 hours. Of course, about the usefulness of the product after heat treatment for such a long time you can not even think about it. How much to cook beets in time depends on the variety and the size of the root crops. Professional cooks cook medium-sized beets for 20-40 minutes, without cutting the tail, in a peel, then pour cold water and after 15 minutes, the beets are ready, thanks to the temperature contrast of the procedures. It remains only to clean it and cut or grate. Let it not seem to you that the beets will turn out to be too tough - our teeth are just for chewing, moreover, more vitamins will be preserved.


We select fruits of approximately the same size and rinse thoroughly. Pour the beets in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the fire. When cooking, the water should completely cover the fruit. Cooking is best on low or medium-low heat. This method of heat treatment is optimal. If the root crops are large, of course, they can be peeled and cut into pieces, but it’s better to just cook a little longer, I think 40-60 minutes will be enough.

To improve the taste when boiling beets, you can add a little fennel and dill seeds (about 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water). This technique not only improves the taste of the finished product, but also promotes the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

How much to cook peeled beets, again depends on the variety and size of the fruit. Peeled medium-sized beets are cooked for 20-30 minutes, no more, this is quite enough, especially if the beets are young. So that when cooking, the peeled beets do not lose their characteristic bright burgundy color, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to 1 liter of water.

To determine how much to cook beets for a salad, you need to decide whether you boil the whole fruit or pre-cut it. In general, beets for salad are boiled for the same amount of time as for cooking other dishes.

How much to cook young beets?

To prepare young root crops, it is enough to boil them for 20 minutes. Then we cool the beets in cold water for 10 minutes, peel them, and you can use them: chop, grate, punch with a blender.

Many are interested in how to cook beets in a bag. Some cook beets in cellophane and even plastic bags. It seems that this method is not very healthy, but using cellophane is somehow still acceptable, but polyethylene, when heated, will definitely add unhealthy substances to the beets. We put the beets in a bag, make a few holes with a toothpick, put it in a pot of boiling water and cook as usual. It is better, however, to build a foil bag, place the beets in it and bake in the oven at average temperature within minutes 40-60. This method is a great alternative to boiling.

The calorie content of boiled beets is approximately 44 calories per 100 g of product.

Beets are part of many dishes, without which it is difficult to imagine a daily and festive table. What is lunch without borscht and New Year no vinaigrette? Beets are useful for salads, and for herring under a fur coat. It would seem that cooking it, like other vegetables, is a simple task. But only experienced chefs know how to cook beets deliciously. At the same time, so that the root crop does not lose its attractive appearance and dietary benefits. After all, beets contain many vitamins, minerals and trace elements, including vitamin C.

1. Best result will be with small root crops - no more than 10 cm in diameter, large ones are often loose inside and tasteless. The vegetable should be without damage, traces of mold and rot, thoroughly washed. Be careful not to damage the skin useful material not destroyed during cooking.

2. Do not cut off the tails and do not peel the beets, so as not to lose the juice. Do not add salt to the water, because the vegetable contains a lot of sodium on its own, excess salt will ruin its sweetish taste. If necessary, the beets can be salted after cooking.

4. Try to cook root crops of the same size so that they reach readiness at the same time.

How and how much

To cook beets, choose a pan that is slightly larger than vegetables - about 1 cm should remain between them and the walls. Traditionally, root vegetables are boiled in cold water, so more vitamins are preserved, but the cooking time also increases. You can speed up the process by placing the vegetables in boiling water. The water level should be about a finger above the level of the beets. Cover the pot with a lid and place over high heat.

After the water in the pan boils, continue cooking the beets over low heat, adding water as needed. Cooking time can vary from one to three hours, depending on the size, number of vegetables.

Root vegetables are ready when a fork, toothpick or thin knife they are easily pierced.

Cooking beets in a slow cooker

The slow cooker provides ample opportunities for cooking beets. Built-in programs will allow you to cook vegetables without losing taste and aesthetic qualities and will enable the hostess to do other things. There is different ways how to cook beets in a slow cooker.

The most common and most useful is steaming. Everything is extremely simple: wash small root crops thoroughly and put on a plastic steamer grill. Or cut large beets into pieces. Pour water into the bowl of the multicooker to the bottom mark, put the vegetables. Close the appliance and select the Steamer mode for 40 minutes. As a rule, vegetables are perfectly cooked at the end of the timer.

There is one little trick on how to cook beets in a slow cooker for salad. For slicing, vegetables that have had time to cool and lie down for 10-12 hours are best suited. Therefore, you can put the slow cooker to cook the beets at night, and cut the vegetables beautifully in the morning.

Cooking in the "Soup / Cooking" mode is not much different from the traditional one. We put the washed vegetables in the bowl, fill it with water and select this mode for 60 minutes. Then we check the readiness, if necessary, cook for 20 minutes.

In a multicooker in the "Extinguishing" mode? Pour water into the bowl, lay the washed vegetables. Here it is better to take more beets, because the larger the vegetables, the less vitamins they will lose during cooking. Water should cover the roots by 2-3 cm. Set the timer for 3 hours. The cooking time is long, but the taste of the beets is very tender and juicy.

Baked beets

Another interesting way, which is best suited for young vegetables at the beginning of the season, when they are juicier and more tender. To prepare the vegetables, wash, dry with a paper towel, wrap each in foil, after dropping vegetable oil inside. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with it and put the beets in it. Turn on the "Baking" program for one hour.

in a pressure cooker?

The pressure cooker allows you to reduce the cooking time by 3-5 times. After all, this miracle pan does not lose heat during evaporation, and the food in it is cooked under steam pressure. If you have such an assistant in the kitchen, you do not need to think long about how to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette.

Before you start cooking, make sure the pressure relief valve is not clogged, the o-ring is properly inserted and the pot lid is tight. Pour at least 250 ml of water, be guided by the size of the pan - it should not be more than 2/3 full.

Lay the washed vegetables and start cooking them. At the end of cooking, be sure to release the steam, otherwise the root crops can become very soft.

So in a pressure cooker? The answer depends on seasonality, a young vegetable is cooked for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size, an old one - 25-30 minutes.

Many modern multicookers also have this pressure cooker function. For cooking, pour one multi-cooker glass of water into the bowl for 1-2 root crops, if there is a metal stand for vegetables in the kit, it is better to use it so that the vegetable does not stain the appliance. We put the beets on the stand and close the lid. If you want to reach the desired pressure faster, fill hot water. We set the "Soup / Cooking" mode for 30 minutes. When the timer goes off, release the steam carefully, being careful not to burn yourself. In order not to spoil the wallpaper and the ceiling in the kitchen, do it under the hood or in front of an open window.

Beets in the microwave

Another new way how to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette will require the use of course, this option is very different from the usual gas saucepan, but in terms of speed it is significantly ahead of it.

Contrary to popular belief, beets do not need to be pierced before microwaving, and they do not burst during the process. You need to cook either in a glass dish with a lid, or under a conventional microwave lid. Plastic containers with a valve to release steam are also suitable. There is no need for water.

The cooking time depends on many factors: the size of the vegetables, their moisture content, the power of the appliance, the material of the dishes, the volume of food. Approximately, a small amount of beets with a microwave power of 1000 W is cooked for 10-15 minutes. It should be borne in mind that beets are among those vegetables that are cooked on their own, so they do not need to be overcooked. It's best to take them out when they seem slightly undercooked.

If a lot of vegetables are being cooked at the same time, then put the smallest root crop in the center, since microwaves will affect it worse.

Please note that if the beets were cooked in glassware, you can not fill it with cold water, the glass may burst.

An unusual way to cook beets in the microwave

But modern housewives and these innovations are not enough. They know how to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette and not even dirty the dishes. can be cooked in plastic bag. To do this, the washed vegetables are placed in a sufficiently large bag and tightly tied to ensure the tightness of the package. The method is not for the timid, but it works, and you don’t need to wash anything after cooking.

How to save time when preparing salads?

Many dishes, vinaigrette for example, contain different vegetables that need to be boiled before cooking. Of course, many housewives want to save time and decide to cook them together. and carrots so that both vegetables have a marketable appearance? The main thing is not to forget that they have different cooking times. While the beets are still firm, the carrots will boil for a long time and will be unsuitable for cutting into a salad. There are two ways to solve this problem:

1. Start cooking carrots when the beets are already cooked, that is, a maximum of half an hour before you plan to get them. Both vegetables will cook at the same time.

2. Start cooking everything at the same time, but do not forget to check the carrots with a fork and a toothpick so as not to overdo it. It is better to put beets on the bottom of the pan, and carrots on top.

Speed ​​cooking beets

In the New Year's Eve commotion, and not only, the question arises of how to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette. Vegetables will be ready the fastest if they are peeled and chopped.

Cooking time - both in a regular saucepan and in a slow cooker (both when cooking and steaming) - is halved. But in this way, almost all vitamins and nutrients will be lost, the color and taste will be poorer, so it is better to resort to this method only in extreme cases. And chopped beets will color the saucepan or the steamer grate.

And if you need to speed up traditional cooking a particularly large instance of a vegetable, then do this: boil it for an hour, then remove it and pour it over with cold water. After that, cook for another 20 minutes and “bathe” again. The beets will be ready for cutting.

In general, the smaller the root vegetables, the faster they cook.

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