What does it mean when you dream of chicken eggs. Complete dream book of the New Era. Interpretation of sleep in detail

Eggs are one of the most varied symbols in dreams in terms of interpretation. In order to correctly interpret the dream with this image, it is important to remember all its details. In order to correctly interpret such a dream and understand why chicken eggs, you need to turn to the dream book.

Eggs are one of the most varied symbols in dreams in terms of interpretation.

The dream interpretation offers the following meanings for the image of eggs in dreams:

  1. If a man dreams of how he breaks raw eggs- this speaks of the problems that are present in his real life. Most likely, these problems are related to the dreamer's daily communication with other people.
  2. If a person dreamed of broken eggs, this is a bad sign, portending a worsening financial condition.
  3. Also, the image of a broken shell symbolizes the collapse of hopes. The dreamer will not be able to complete the work he has begun, since the circumstances will be completely unfavorable for him.
  4. Seeing a standard-sized egg in a dream means acquiring something valuable in reality. Perhaps the dreamer will be able to save up enough money to buy what he has long dreamed of.
  5. A new life stage will come for that person who looked at the empty shell of broken eggs. If some animal began to lick it, bad people will meet on the dreamer's path.
  6. Collecting eggs in a chicken coop in night visions means making money in reality.
  7. Buying chicken or eggs in a dream means making significant efforts to achieve your goal in real life.
  8. A successful marriage will be with the woman who had to see a large bird's egg in the nest.
  9. A broken eggshell portends the dreamer the favor of fate.
  10. Boiling chicken eggs in a dream means being the object of gossip and rumors in reality. Boiled foods in dreams are always associated with public condemnation, as well as intrigue.
  11. The dreamer can count on a promotion wages in the event that in night dreams he ate rotten eggs. And if they, moreover, smelled bad - he is waiting for a vacation abroad.

The image of cooking a dish of chicken products means in a dream a successful outcome of the work begun.

Chicken eggs in a dream book (video)

Chicken eggs in Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book gives enough a large number of interpretations of this image. Here are the most common ones:

  • If the dreamer finds eggs in the chicken coop, wealth and happiness await him. And if it was gold, then a person will make a huge fortune.
  • Anxiety and confusion will settle in a person’s house if he dropped a chicken product that crashed. The more the floor is smeared with yolk, the harder it will be for the dreamer's family to survive this difficult life period.
  • Seeing a beautiful chicken egg in a dream is a pleasant conversation with friends and the approval of relatives. People love the dreamer, admire him.
  • A person can lose all his financial savings if he saw someone begin to beat chicken products on the floor. Surely, he has secret ill-wishers who envy his well-being.
  • The dreamer will make a good deal with a nice person if in his dream he carried a basket filled with eggs.

If the dreamer finds eggs in the chicken coop, wealth and happiness await him.

A person can suddenly inherit from distant relatives if in night visions he managed to find a large bird egg in a quiet forest.

Collect, buy chicken eggs in a dream

  • If a person dreams about how he collects chicken products in a chicken coop, then his soulmate treats him with distrust. Perhaps mistrust is caused by jealousy. In general, collecting something in dreams is very good sign which portends new acquisitions and occupations.
  • Buying eggs in dreams means becoming the owner of something valuable. Perhaps someone will present an apartment as a gift to the dreamer. Also, such a dream can mean a new interesting acquaintance. If the dreamer met interesting person of the opposite sex, then the likelihood of their relationship in the future is high.

Seeing raw or boiled chicken eggs in a dream: what does this mean?

raw eggs

  1. If in a dream they were white, then soon the authorities will make a very unexpected offer to the person. Perhaps he will be asked to join new position with a higher salary. New job will require him to show responsibility.
  2. In real life, a person experiences difficulties if in a dream he observes this product on his kitchen table. The dream interpretation recommends being more self-confident and then communication will become easy.

Looking at small quail testicles in a dream means sorting things out with one of the relatives in reality.

boiled eggs

  1. Soon there will be changes in the dreamer's personal life. If before this dream he was alone, then there is a high probability of meeting the second half in the near future.
  2. The dreamer's beloved person will commit treason or betrayal if in a dream the main object was chicken eggs in a white saucepan.
  3. The dreamer is psychologically unprepared for serious relationship if he had to peel this product from the shell.

Soon there will be changes in the dreamer's personal life

Why do women dream of chicken eggs?

In a woman's dream, the image of a chicken shell can have both a positive and a negative interpretation. It all depends on the emotions that she will experience looking at her. If a girl is pleased to hold an egg in her hands, cook it, or - everything in her life will turn out as well as possible. But a dream in which this product was broken or the dreamer simply does not want to have any contact with it is a very disturbing sign. What does the image of a “bad” chicken egg portend for a woman in her dreams?

  • If a dream is a dream for a young girl who is planning a pregnancy, then you should wait a little with motherhood. Raw eggs in dreams can symbolize a miscarriage.
  • A woman may have a new lover, with whom she will experience a huge number of new emotions for herself.
  • A girl may end her current relationship because of a casual relationship. The dream interpretation does not recommend the dreamer to act impulsively in resolving family issues.

If a dream is a dream for a young girl who is planning a pregnancy, then you should wait a little with motherhood.

If you dreamed of chicken eggs in a nest

If before such a dream a person was very sick, then in the coming days he will certainly recover. All human ailments will completely leave him, he will begin to feel much better and more cheerful.

If before such a dream a person was very sick, then in the coming days he will certainly recover.

A bird's nest in night dreams is a symbol of the dreamer's hidden (and maybe suppressed) feelings and experiences. If a person hides something from others, the negative gradually accumulates inside and this affects his self-esteem and mood. A person can fall into a deep depression, become more aggressive, etc. But all this may not happen if he looks into the dream book in a timely manner and finds valuable advice for himself.

Seeing a broken chicken egg in a dream

A broken chicken shell symbolizes the collapse of the dreamer's hopes. If, shortly before this vision, he planned to commit some important act, then it is worth living it out until better times. Also, such a dream can promise the arrival of old acquaintances whom a person for a long time disliked. But if the dreamer destroyed rotten eggs, breaking them on the ground, this means that he will achieve what he wants and overcome all obstacles.

Why do eggs dream (video)

Despite the importance of interpretation this dream, do not take its meaning too seriously, since any dreams are a reflection internal state person.

Attention, only TODAY!

  • 1 Interpretation in popular dream books
  • 2 Seeing a lot of eggs in a dream
  • 3 cracked, broken egg
  • 4 Collect chicken eggs
  • 5 Rotten Eggs
  • 6 Fry, boil, eat chicken eggs
  • 7 Interpretation depending on the dreamer's gender

In many dream books, eggs are considered harbingers of profit. But this applies only to fresh products. If the eggs are rotten and smell bad, they may portend a man or woman serious problems with health.

Interpretation in popular dream books

In almost every popular dream book, it will be possible to find information about what chicken eggs dream of.

Miller considers a nest to be a great sign, full of eggs any size. Such a dream always turns out to be a harbinger of wealth and family happiness.

  • If a person eats them directly from the nest, then troubles and anxieties will come to the house.
  • broken but fresh eggs in large numbers they suggest that someone admires the mind and justice of the sleeping person.
  • A rotten product portends the loss of property or a large sum of money. There is a high probability of encountering theft or fraud.

AT Erotic dream book eggs scattered around the house suggest that a person leads a promiscuous sex life. The subconscious hints to him that it is time to correct himself - to create a family, acquire offspring.

According to Esoteric dream book, eggs appear in a dream to the appearance of a new family member.

  • If there are a lot of them, then there will be serious troubles associated with children and their behavior.
  • For a woman, a broken egg, which upsets her greatly, can be a harbinger of an unsuccessful pregnancy or even indicate serious problems with conception.

In the Wanderer's dream book, eggs turn out to be symbols of unrealized creative potential and a desire to show their reality in reality. Creative skills. If a chicken hatches from an egg in front of the dreamer, it means that soon a good idea will arise in the head of a man or woman. It is worth trying to implement.

According to Shereminskaya's dream book, boil eggs - to a quick successful resolution of problems.

  • The Easter egg in the same source symbolizes a declaration of love. The sleeper will receive it in reality quite unexpectedly.
  • Giving an egg to a stranger in a dream - to the appearance of a faithful devoted friend.

Seeing a lot of eggs in a dream

It’s great if a representative of the fair sex managed to see a lot of eggs in a dream, who is soon preparing to become a mother. This plot promises her a quick, easy and safe birth.

If a lonely person dreams of a huge number of raw eggs, in reality an important acquaintance awaits him. The case may end with a wedding and the birth of children.

It happens that a woman looks at her eggs for a long time in her dream and watches how chicks hatch from them. This is a hint that in reality the sleeping woman will have to help in the birth of a new person. Perhaps even take birth in extreme conditions. Such events will be a real stress in a woman's life, but she will remember it for a long time.

A man dreams of a large number of large eggs, as a rule, for profit. As a result, there will be a significant change in better side his general financial situation. For a businessman, such a dream promises a profitable big deal.

To paint a lot of Easter eggs in a dream on your own - to problems in intimate life. The partner is not happy with the sleeper. It is time to diversify this life sphere and decide on even the most daring experiments.

For maximum accurate interpretation sleep with large quantity eggs, you need to try to take into account their color.

  • If the product was snow-white, then in reality you can expect a large cash gift or wish fulfillment. Eggs of this color in a basket portend the arrival of guests whom the sleeper will be glad to see.
  • The red ones suggest that the dreamer has a dangerous ill-wisher. This character can do a lot of damage.
  • Black warns about possible problems with health.

Cracked, broken egg

Cracked or completely broken eggs from sleep are an equally negative sign. An object with small cracks is a symbol long separation with your loved ones. It will be inevitable.

A lot of broken eggs dream of a serious disaster. These will be troubles that the sleeper himself cannot influence in any way.

Collect chicken eggs

Collecting eggs in a dream and throwing them in the trash is a bad sign. He suggests that in reality a person is too wasteful. A clear spending plan and reasonable savings will help him make at least some savings. The dreamer unjustifiably spends not only money, but also his own strength.

It is easy to interpret and unsuccessful egg collection from sleep. If the sleeper constantly comes across only broken shells or rotten foods, then he needs to be more attentive in reality. You will need to be vigilant so as not to bring serious problems on your head.

Sometimes in a dream, in addition to eggs, the chicken itself is also seen:

  • If a person had to first watch how the hen incubates the eggs, and then collect them, then he will definitely be able to complete the work he has begun. It will be profitable, and, in addition, will bring moral satisfaction.
  • If, in the process, the sleeper breaks the shell of the eggs, it is better to move away from the new business. Do not invest time and effort into it.
  • It happens that in a dream a person collects a full basket of large fresh eggs and suddenly drops them on the floor. This is a hint that various obstacles will constantly arise on his way to his goals. You will have to fight them on your own.

rotten eggs

Rotten eggs are a bad omen. If they appeared in a dream, it means that chronic diseases will worsen in the sleeper. Perhaps the development of a new disease.

Did you happen to break rotten eggs and at the same time clearly smell their nasty smell? This is a hint for a man or woman that in real life you need to behave with more restraint. A person's impulsiveness can lead to serious problems.

With an appetite to eat rotten eggs in a dream - to the moral fall of the sleeping person in real life. Even in the most difficult situations, you need to remember your beliefs and moral principles.

Fry, boil, eat chicken eggs

If you dreamed of frying eggs and trying the resulting dish, this is a good omen for a sleeping person of either sex. Soon, a period of unconditional luck will begin in a person’s life in all spheres of life at once. True, success in everything can turn the sleeping head and make him forget about spiritual self-improvement.

  • If in a dream you had to boil very large eggs yourself, it means that soon the dreamer's old dream will come true.
  • If you dreamed of boiled eggs cooked by someone else, a person too often worries about trifles.
  • There are fried chicken eggs - to the alarm. The same plot can predict the meeting of unexpected guests or unnecessary gifts.
  • Eating raw eggs portends replenishment in the family.
  • And boiled - to rivalry with close friends or relatives.

Interpretation depending on the dreamer's gender

The meaning of sleep also depends on the gender of the sleeper. If a woman falls out of her hands large egg and breaks, which means she will contact a mean man. For a representative of the stronger sex, such a plot suggests that he is too risky in business and work. You have to be careful not to lose everything.

Sometimes eggs covered with mold appear in a dream. For a woman, they portend a loss of dignity, and for a man, work. Loss of property is also possible due to the deception of a new acquaintance.

Dreams in which eggs were seen are interpreted quite simply. A good product dreams of positive changes, bad - to problems and illnesses. Try not to frighten off luck, but from dark dream learn a useful lesson and look for a hint in it how to survive the coming difficulties.

Why do chicken eggs dream

Miller's dream book

Chicken eggs? If a man dreams of eggs, this is a dream foreshadowing wealth, happiness in personal and family life, promotion. If a woman dreamed of eggs, she will be too often carried away by someone. There are chicken eggs in a dream - worries in reality. Dreamed of broken eggs - to respect and honor. To see rotten chicken eggs in a dream - to failures, problems, loss of property and material values. Seeing a basket of chicken eggs in a dream is a profitable investment, successful project. Find chicken eggs in a dream - to receive an inheritance.

Why do chicken eggs dream

Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed of chicken eggs, she will meet a man who has a great manhood. To see a dream in which broken chicken eggs are present - you can accidentally hurt a man’s feelings by inadvertently speaking out to him and, thereby, aggravating his complexes. Be more restrained and reasonable so that this does not happen. Paint chicken eggs in a dream different colors- you need to diversify your sex life.

Why do chicken eggs dream

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Chicken eggs in a dream are a symbol of the planet and all living things. The dream in which you see a rotten egg is an omen of the death of all living things due to a worsening environmental situation and an increasing number of unkind people seeking to destroy everything. Seeing a broken egg in a dream - our planet will have to withstand a blow from space. There is a chicken egg in a dream - a sign that a person should thank God for the food sent to him and the opportunity to exist. Boil a chicken egg in a dream - to hard times global warming and drought, when most of all living things will die, and the remaining organisms will have to adapt to new conditions of existence.

Why do chicken eggs dream

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Chicken eggs meaning of sleep. Seeing one or more chicken eggs in a dream - you will meet guests. I dreamed of a lot of eggs - success in business and good luck await you. If you dreamed that you broke chicken eggs or saw already broken eggs in a dream - to inevitable losses.

Why do chicken eggs dream

Dream Interpretation Nancy Wagaiman

Chicken eggs in a dream interesting object. This dream book considers them as a significant symbol in life. If the eggs are fresh, then this is a sign of a good energy mood. To cut such eggs means to be understood in the business sphere. Eat fresh eggs with appetite - a declaration of love from dear to my heart person. Collect eggs from nests - to a good, stable, both physical and spiritual well-being. Keeping chicken eggs in a basket means the stability of financial affairs, and possibly receiving a bonus. Feel bad smell- for the upcoming vacation. When in a dream you see broken rotten eggs in your house, this is a rapid rise up the career ladder. But if you are trying to throw them away, in real life you should definitely wait for a new, high-ranking patron.

Why do chicken eggs dream

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

If you dream of raw chicken eggs, such a dream speaks of your unwillingness to change your world for the better. To break such an egg in your dream has a negative connotation - a break in friendly relations with a person close to you. When chicken eggs appear before you in a dream boiled in troubled water - to betrayal by a loved one. AT clean water to disputes and disagreements. If in a dream you do not eat such eggs, but throw them away - to a quick settlement. Conflict. But if, on the contrary, you enjoyed the taste of an egg, you will have to make a lot of efforts in real life in order to return the relationship to its previous course. Cooking a dish from eggs is usually a dream of disagreement in a relationship. Peel them from the shell - to an early quarrel in the family. If in your dream you collect eggs in a chicken coop, you are very lucky. Your financial situation will definitely get better.

Why do chicken eggs dream

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Broken chicken eggs, what do they mean in a dream? Seeing an egg in a dream - to the birth of life, rebirth. Breaking an egg in a dream is a negative dream warning you that in reality you will commit a crime before the law. To see in a dream how someone breaks a chicken egg - in reality you can become a witness to a murder.

Dream Interpretation Raw chicken eggs

Highly deep meaning if in a dream I had to see raw chicken eggs. This symbol is ancient and sacred. This is the birth of life, the embodiment of a new idea, the successful completion of the project. Since chicken eggs are the most common, they are the ones that most often appear in dreams. Although the interpretation can apply to almost all bird eggs.

If you dreamed of raw chicken eggs, you can expect unexpected profits. For a young girl to see them in a nest means an early marriage that will be happy.

Eating them means becoming a darling of fate. And if you dreamed of their full basket, this means profitable trading operations.

If you dreamed of chicken eggs

It’s easy to understand what white chicken eggs dream of. They mean profitable deals and profit from those projects that have already been mentally buried. Brown or dark - reflect the scope of the relationship. To dream that raw eggs are on the table - to coziness and comfort in the house. But the broken and rotten dream of financial losses and relationship problems.

There are them in any form - successful transactions that will not require any effort on your part. This is one of those dreams that shows that fate not only favors you, but can make you your favorite.

The difference is only in the details - the interpretation of the primary sources

Almost every dream book says that seeing fresh raw chicken eggs in a dream is good. This nutritious and useful product is available to almost every consumer, therefore, it is not worth giving a deep meaning to an everyday dream, as, for example, Vanga's dream book explains. But going too deep into the intimate sphere, as Freud's dream book does, is not rational. It is important to choose the golden mean, while not forgetting to analyze your own feelings.

Eating them cooked or eating them raw is a very good sign. New beginnings will start to bear fruit very quickly. To break and see the yolk is to try to understand the very essence of the matter.

Pouring an egg and seeing that there is more than one yolk is double luck.

If the dreamer is passionate, he can try his hand - he will definitely be lucky.

A blurry yolk in a dream means uncertainty. The dreamer himself is not yet sure what he is striving for in this life, therefore it is simply unreasonable to demand a decision from him. He is still hanging between heaven and earth and is not able to act adequately.

Wealth - small Velesov dream book

To replenishment in the family

The dream book of the ancient Slavs revered such a symbol. On the one hand, it is too simple, and on the other hand, it is the embodiment of the universe under a thin shell. How easy it is to get this product is how difficult it is to unravel all the mysteries of the world. But the egg, like the macrocosm, sustains life and ensures the continuation of the species.

  • Collecting in a chicken coop - daily worries will bring unexpected profits, which you will be incredibly happy about.
  • They dream on the table - to the guests.
  • There are chicken ones - the arrival of old acquaintances whom they have not seen for a long time. There will be a celebration on this occasion.
  • Dreaming in a nest - for young people, marriage and the imminent birth of children.
  • Broken, especially if the yolk has spread - a quarrel.
  • Rotten - sadness.
  • For pregnant women, dreams of a successful birth and good health of the child.
  • If you dream of Easter, red - unexpected luck, joy, honor and respect.
  • If you dream that there is more than one yolk - extraordinary luck, you will definitely get what you were striving for.
  • Drop from hands and break - miss your chance.

Successful undertakings - says Miller's dream book

To prosperity and success

Miller's rather traditional dream book says that seeing raw chicken eggs in a dream is a sign of successful projects. You can take on almost any business, and it will be successful. For unmarried girls such a dream can mean marriage, and for spouses - replenishment of the family.

  • If you dream of chicken eggs - to profit, new projects, financial prospects.
  • In the basket - well-being, prosperity.
  • When dreaming in a nest - family comfort.
  • To see that the egg is not the yolk, but the chickens - the business will pay off very soon.
  • Broken, spreading ugly yolk is an annoyance, which is to blame for your suddenly arisen pride.
  • She dreams that she had to eat them - making a significant profit without investing any work for this.
  • If you dream of rotten ones - an unpleasant society, gossip.

A purely masculine symbol - Freud's dream book

if you dreamed broken

Sexual symbolic interpretations, on the basis of which Freud's dream book was created, are unambiguous if we are talking about eggs. This is male sexual power and the ability to conceive. For a woman, seeing eggs in a dream can mean a string of different sexual partners.

  • Dreaming in the refrigerator - a stable relationship.
  • Buying - for a woman - is too hectic sex life.
  • Dreaming in the hands - a new acquaintance. For men, it can mean visiting public places with a locker room (bathhouse, swimming pool).
  • Broken - doubt about their sexual viability.
  • There is - success for a man. For a woman - a new relationship.
  • Drinking raw is a conflict with your superiors, which was caused by your incompetence.
  • If a woman dreams that she was broken by a quarrel and a break in relations.
  • Choosing only the yolk is a craving for experiments in bed, what this will lead to is not yet clear, because not every partner can put a creative impulse into this physiological process.

The general meaning of the symbol and feelings from sleep

General character value- birth, new beginnings. Deeper - the universe, an attempt to embrace the secrets of the universe and the meaning of existence. Some dream books draw attention to the deep sacred meaning of the egg - these symbols were inscribed in many ancient sources and could mean life as such.

Seeing eggs in a dream means being a favorite of fate and getting additional profit from almost nowhere.

This is a good symbol that prophesies success to almost any undertaking. You can not be afraid of any obstacles - even an impossible task will bring profit and moral satisfaction.

A broken egg symbolizes the collapse of hopes and aspirations. If you dream that the dreamer himself broke it by accident, it is important to remember if he offended any of his loved ones. It is possible that the person did not even give a look when careless words touched him to the core. Therefore, you just need to carefully look at whether the attitude of any of your friends has changed for the worse. And if so, be sure to ask for forgiveness.

Rotten - means insincerity and rotten feelings. Seeing spoiled food in the hands of a loved one can symbolize the routine of a relationship that will lead to their break. Here it is worth using the proverb “what will be, it cannot be avoided” - it is not worth reviving past feelings.

There are them - means good health and excellent physical shape. There is too much, beyond measure - chores and troubles. Choose only the yolk - a tendency to logical thinking and the exact sciences. These are attempts to get to the bottom of the essence, understanding the importance of any business started.

Deserves separate interpretation. Easter eggs. It is a symbol of the rebirth of life and the eternal existence of the soul. To paint them yourself for the holiday - to be the creator of your own destiny.

Your mark.

The dream book considers chicken eggs as a philosophical category of the beginning of beginnings, as well as an element of well-being, while all deviations from normal look, a way to use in a dream. At the critical stages of life, it is especially valuable to find out why they dreamed of in order to meet the changes fully armed.

Dream Interpretation Enigma: see the very essence

A chicken egg is a sacred image, it deserves careful consideration. A person who in a dream broke it and carefully separated the components is prone to analytical activities. He is concerned with finding the meaning of life.

Some moments of a dream will help to see not only global, but also momentary problems. Why dream of what is inside and outside?

The meaning of existence

A whole shell symbolizes isolation, self-sufficiency, invulnerability. Enigma interprets the crushed dream book in two ways: as an exit to the public and as an intensification of creative activity.

An empty shell is a symbol of the meaninglessness of existence. Such an image embodies the result of deep reflection, an unsatisfied need for creativity and impressions. To start somewhere, you can go on a trip.

Origins of life

Protein is life itself, in a dream it personifies fertilization and predicts pregnancy. The interpretation is true for future fathers and mothers.

If she dreamed about how a girl mixes protein and cooks, she thinks about an abortion. Look at already cooked - there is a threat of miscarriage for a pregnant dreamer, she needs to be observed by a doctor.

Questions and answers

That the most valuable component of the product symbolizes the benefit is quite obvious. But he also talks about the murky impression left by a person or a certain idea. Critical Thinking Required new information. If the yolk turned out to be rotten, then it will not be possible to find answers to questions.

In family terms, everything is simple. In a dream, the yolk was separated, which means that there is a divorce ahead with the division of property. For a lady, the loss of family and material stability will be the result of her own frivolity.

What does it mean to see a plot according to Miller

Classic brief interpretations the dream was given by Gustav Miller. In his dream book, he covered a wide range of subjects, accompanied them with comments. Followers have expanded the list, added details, some view the topic from a different perspective, find important clues in the images, but no one disputes Miller's conclusions. So, why do chicken eggs dream:

  • For a man - family idyll, career, wealth.
  • For woman - interesting men, temptations, adultery.
  • Find them - sudden income, inheritance, bonus.
  • Seeing in the basket means a successful investment.
  • There is in a dream - unrest, uncertainty.
  • Broken - good glory, honor.
  • Rotten - material losses, unprofitable financial schemes.

Big Chicken Egg: Spicy Versions

If large chicken eggs evoke immodest thoughts, it's time to turn to Freud's dream book. Everything is extremely realistic with him - the dreamer will have to survive the shock caused by the incredible size of the male genitalia.

No, the guy will not be persuaded to dangerous connection- most likely, a rare-sized dignity will be exposed in front of him in the shower of a fitness club. But it is difficult for ladies who find themselves in a piquant situation to guarantee immunity.

Why dream of breaking them into an omelet? The dreamer is confused by the prospect of limiting sexual activity during pregnancy, which casts doubt on the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving a child.

Dreamed of brightly colored large Easter eggs? They reflect immodest fantasies. It's time to diversify sexual experience, experience new experiences.

I dreamed of large, but dirty

Was the shell dirty in a dream? In this case, the interpretation abruptly leaves intimate topics for everyday life. Main question to the dream book: what were dirty chicken eggs stained with? Just don’t say that you don’t remember - disgusting details are remembered the first time - this is how our psyche works.

  • Seeing a litter is wealth.
  • Dirty hands in litter - the path from wealth to poverty.
  • Pooh - grief from frivolity.
  • There is an egg with sticky fluff - gossip.
  • Feathers are annoying domestic troubles.
  • Sawdust - futile efforts, mistakes, quarrels with a partner.
  • Sand is a shaky financial support, fragile relationships.

Fried eggs in a dream and what does it mean for ladies

We will talk not only about scrambled eggs, but in general about the egg theme in the dreams of the beautiful half of the readers of the dream book.

Since the chicken egg represents childbearing functions, Freud reassures girls who are preoccupied with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmotherhood: yes, a large raw portends long-awaited pregnancy. The same, but boiled, dreamed of by a frivolous young lady, prophesies a discouraging test with three pink stripes: wow, never before, and here again!

Why dream of rotten contents expectant mother- it denotes some difficulties in bearing the fetus. Consultations and supervision at the expert are extremely necessary.

Why dream of cooking and eating?

For a man, frying scrambled eggs in a dream is not a good sign, it portends impotence. For a girl, dream books prophesy unfulfilled hopes. If you satisfy your hunger with fried chicken eggs, you can hope for a discovery or a lucky guess.

Getting out of the refrigerator means that you need to be reasonable. If you happen to clean them, dream books advise you to be on your guard so that no one deceives or robs.

Why dream of breaking the shell, and then seeing a chicken embryo inside? The work on the project is moving towards completion, and its results will soon become apparent. To find two yolks - you can get into an ambiguous situation.

Selling eggs promises wasteful deeds, but if this happened on the collective farm market, with the corresponding bargaining, then the dream books consider the upcoming expenses to be reasonable.

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