Birthday toasts for a man are cool short. Short funny birthday toasts for a man are the best original and interesting. But not every one of us is a brilliant speaker, and for people who are experiencing some difficulties and cannot quickly

I want to raise my glass
For a real man!
You've seen a lot in your life
You have reached the pinnacle of your career!
So may God keep you
From all sorrows and hardships,
Let love beckon
And let your life beat with a key!

Dear hero of the day!
I propose to raise our glasses and drink to
so that after a certain number of years we celebrate your birthday again
and you told us, as Bernard Shaw did:
“You see, I am 68 years old.
I have two more years of youth at my disposal, so I need to hurry. ”

My toast to true friendship,
My toast to you man
My toast needs to be repeated twice,
My toast will teach you a lesson.
In it I send you joy,
And I give happiness for the holiday,
Man, congratulations
And as a person I love.

May you have as much money as your wife wishes for you, and as much health as your mother wishes for you. And if you do not come home late at night, let it be for the reason that your wife thinks, not your mother.

Dear hero of the day! With all my heart I wish
so that the "carriage of your life" rolls easily and happily,
overcoming all obstacles and difficulties,
so that the road goes through a garden strewn with fruits,
and have everyone you need by your side.
I raise a glass to your well-being and success!

The anniversary is compared with abroad. Years remain behind a person - years of happiness and bitterness, victories and defeats, success and mistakes. But I raise a glass not for the past, but for the future of our hero of the day, in which there will be everything, but only even better! For your victories!

One can surpass a man, but it is impossible to surpass the sky of his soul.
Our dear hero of the day, let me congratulate you and wish you
so that the bright spring sun always shines in the sky of your pure, bright soul!

You courageously endured congratulations,
But I want to repeat again
I wish you only happiness and fun
So that you can live life without loss.
For an anniversary, for a holiday only for adults,
For your boundless courage,
I want to support other toasts,
You drink to the bottom, today everything is possible!

It was sixty years that shook the world. I want to wish you to continue to shake it, at least another 60 years, but more! After all, for this you need only good health, excellent mood and good spirits, for which I raise my glass! For our dear hero of the day!

I want to make a wonderful anniversary toast!
May luck and love reign!
We congratulate the hero of the day together,
We all fill our glasses quickly!
And may all your dreams come true
We drink to the triumph of magical kindness!

The hero of the day today is bright, like a golden ray. Let adversity and sorrow not get to know you. Be healthy, live beautifully, let true friends walk next to you, good luck, a mischievous ray of happiness.

We have an anniversary today
For this, pour it on everyone,
Be always healthy and happy
And, of course, lucky.
Know that the main thing in life is family,
And also your reliable friends!

Now pour into a glass of wine
And we will drink it to the bottom,
Let there be more bright days
Like this anniversary
We wish you cherished dreams
Smiles on the face are only bright!

Let's drink to joy! Let this be the only thing that comes into our lives without an invitation!

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

Let's drink to ELK! To want, to be able, to get rich, to eat, - for the moose!

How good it is when everything is good! And my toast to that. Let everything be just wonderful, unusual, awesome, magnificent and incomparable!

For health in the body, for success in business, for warmth in bed and without rigmarole.

Let your youth not fade, And with it - love and kindness. May peace and happiness, peace and warmth be an eternal guest in your home.

Let's drink to
For everything to be good for you
So that dreams always come true
To laugh at problems!

Dear hero of today's celebration! I will say my toast with the words of Pythagoras: "Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends."
Let's drink to our friendship with you, to you!

I propose to drink for our friend! He is such a bright personality that you want to put a lampshade on him.

Dear birthday boy! Let me wish you good health, because it is so necessary, happiness, because it is always lacking, joy. because it is desirable, fulfillment of desires, because you live for this, friendship and love!

The building of our life consists of a hall of expectations and a hall of accomplishments. Let's wish the hero of today's celebration not to linger in the waiting room longer than it should be. Let's drink to his patience, courage, luck and health!

I want to drink for you
I was happy on my birthday
To make any dreams come true
So that success does not forget about you,
So that the beloved is near
Respected, endured and cherished.
May the support of friends be strong -
Let's drink to this soon!

There is a legend in one mountain village: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and a magnificent orator will grow up. Kiss in the hands, the master of all trades will grow. So let's drink to the birthday boy, because even God himself does not know where he kissed him.

It would be better to celebrate a birthday more than once a year, but every day, in order to list all the advantages of the birthday man during this long time! So let's drink to at least two of his main virtues - for the fact that he is, and for the fact that he is with us!

In the East they say:
If a person has skillful hands, then Allah kissed his hands,
If a person has a smart head, then Allah kissed him on the head,
If a person dances well, then Allah kissed him on the feet.
So let's drink to the birthday boy whom Allah kissed from head to toe!

May they always be with you
Stay close!
Never be sad
And you don't have to freak out!

Raise this toast
For career growth!
And peace in the family
I wish you with him!

With this toast I wish
All dreams come true
And fulfill all desires
Hidden ones!

Drain the glass to the drop -
May problems and sorrows
Just evaporate themselves
Never coming back!

Appreciate everything you've been given
Know how to multiply.
And this is delicious wine.
Drink until a drop!

I'll make a toast now
Putting all your soul into
“Let, after drinking wine in a glass,
You will be doubly happy!”

Let life build a bridge
For you from bright stars!
And under this modest toast
Sing and drink for peace without tears!

I wish with this glass modest
Wonderful on your birthday
Only great joy
And life is mega-interesting!

I wish you a birthday
Life is sweeter than candy.
Let her not be overshadowed
No excitement, no trouble!

May you have your own fairy tale in life, but that it must be happy and last forever!

For your birthday, it's a sin not to use one hundred grams. For this, I wish you a kilogram of smiles, a ton of luck and an incalculable amount of love and joy!

Let's drink to the fact that late at night we were walking down the street and we were attacked by money! But we couldn't fight them off!

Let's drink to those beautiful ideas that have nothing to do with fraud.

I propose to drink for the most gentle, the most charming, the most affectionate, the most patient! For us men!

Let's drink to the fact that everyone can do at least something, but better than others.

A shooting star is said to bring happiness. So let our life be an eternal starfall!

The name of the child is given by the parents. God appoints a guardian angel for everyone. From that moment on, the name of a person largely determines his fate.
It is important to keep your name in spiritual purity. And then the guardian angel will favor and support the person.
Happiness to you, our dear birthday man!

As you know, women without male attention fade, and men without female attention become stupid. Buddy, let's drink to you never being stupid!

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, we sincerely wish that the green Mercedes of your life will easily and happily take you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that the road goes through a flowering garden and that all those you need are nearby. For your well-being and success!

I raise my glass to express my hot feeling, warmed up by drinks, to the hero of the evening and wish him a happy birthday. I wish you to be like the light, to live for two hundred years, to sing songs and to die of love.
Let's shout a loud "Hurrah!" in his honor.

Dear birthday boy! We wish you not to know irreparable losses and smartly adjust your outlook on life so that you are always happy. Cheers!

Life is too short to be insignificant. Let's raise our glasses to the top!

We haven't drunk yet.
To have money in the house.
And not just lying around,
And to reproduce themselves.

Cognac expands not only blood vessels, but also connections!
Well, for the expansion of ties!

For the strong, life is a game without rules,
for the weak - watching the game.
For us gamblers!

The well-fed does not understand the hungry The drunk does not understand the sober Hence the conclusion: drink, eat - and you will be understood!

I propose to drink for nature! Rather, for the love of nature, love in nature and the nature of love!

There are days when, as they say, mine doesn't understand yours and yours doesn't understand mine. For mutual understanding!

You can wish everything, but will the wish come true, eh?
And I wish the main thing: Happiness, Joy and Love.

Let's drink to the fact that we live better and better, no matter how disgusting it is to others!

Big money corrupts, little money angers. So let's drink to the fact that we have a lot, a lot of average money!

Than yearning and blues, life to waste in vain,
We'll put the bubble on the table, we'll hit the neighbor.

Let's drink to your best in the past becoming your worst in the future!

Let's raise our glasses and put them on the floor. Now let's raise it again and drink to sex life!

It is common knowledge that a person can look at three things forever:
how fire burns, how water flows, and how another person works.
So let's not look at our full glasses forever and drink

Bottles on the table, herring on the table. Why don't we wave a stack for a snack?

Earthly passions are like sea water: the more you drink, the more thirsty you feel.
Let's drink to moderation in everything!

I'm not in a hurry to judge, because we are all sinners! Let's drink to the fact that a person lives not only on earth, but also in someone's grateful hearts!

Oddly enough, composing a birthday greeting for a man is more difficult than for a woman. It is not customary to praise the stronger sex for an attractive appearance or to wish to remain always beautiful. When inventing toasts for a man’s birthday, it is important to emphasize his main virtues and wish various blessings.

Congratulations and wishes expressed with humor will cheer up the birthday man and his guests. Cool short birthday toasts are very popular.

Cool toasts will amuse both the birthday man and his guests.

When the turn comes to congratulate the hero of the occasion, you can say the following:

“What is the difference between a man and a boy? Only at the cost of their toys. Let's drink so that our birthday boy always has the opportunity to buy a new car or a private jet, and there is a beautiful and loving doll nearby!

“They say that life is like a zebra, it is the same black and white and rushes without taking apart the road. I want to wish the birthday boy to tame and saddle this zebra, paint it in bright colors and make it follow only in the right direction!”

“Good for women! To be considered successful, it is enough for them to be beautiful and successfully marry. Life is more difficult for men, they are evaluated according to other criteria: as diligent students, talented students, good workers and successful people. Our hero of the occasion succeeded in every sense! Keep it up!"

Original male congratulations

When making a toast in honor of the birthday man, each congratulator wants his speech to be remembered more than others. To achieve this, you should not use banal phrases, like Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon: “Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life!”.

An original congratulation will be remembered better than banal words.

You need to try and come up with something beautiful and original, for example, say a toast-congratulation:

“Today I want to wish you health, like a Titan, boundless, like the expanses of heaven, love, and money and life's blessings, like water in the ocean. Let life be filled with useful deeds, and not slip through your fingers like sand. I wish you to appreciate every moment, believe in fate and meet only good people on your way!”

“I want to wish that everything breaks for you: a table from treats, a purse from money, and a bed from pleasure!”

“One man was driving in his brand new car and saw a beautiful girl voting on the road. He stopped and picked up a fellow traveler to ride with the breeze and continue a pleasant acquaintance. But as soon as he stepped on the gas, he was awakened by a phone call. I wish that no one ever interrupts you from pleasant activities!

Caucasian toasts for men

Caucasian toasts are a whole art, not only their content is important here, but also how they are pronounced. Congratulatory speeches are funny or instructive, they always contain a certain morality.

Caucasian toasts are beautiful, eloquent and praise courage, bravery, family and friendship.

So, the best Georgian toasts for a man on his birthday:

“Two horsemen lived in the same village, and they were completely different. One was clear and bright, like the sun, warming everyone around with its rays, and the other was silent and cold, like the moon. They were born on the same day, and each was rich and had a beautiful wife.

The joyful and bright one lived merrily, but the silent and cold one was always dissatisfied. They had children, and then grandchildren, the optimist enjoyed life, and the pessimist only grumbled. When they grew old, the first was satisfied with what he lived, and the other could not understand why he came into this world, and before his death said that he had not lived at all. I wish the birthday man that he always enjoy life and know that for this he was born!

“At the top of the highest mountain lived a lonely aksakal. From all the nearby auls, people came to him for advice, but not everyone managed to get on the rocks. Only the strongest, purposeful and hardy people who were not afraid of difficulties and dangers on their way could talk with the wise elder. I propose to drink for our birthday man and wish him health, strength and perseverance, because without them even the advice of a wise aksakal will not help him!”

“A herd of sheep grazed on the mountain slopes, and among them there was one curious lamb who wanted to soar into the sky like a bird to see from a height all the beauty of this world. The elders told him that this was impossible, the idea was crazy, it was better to do what he was capable of. But the lamb continued to wish for the impossible, and one day, when he looked into the sky, an eagle grabbed him and lifted him into the air. The lamb was delighted and began to joyfully turn its head, looking at everything around, but at that moment a strong bird squeezed its clawed paws and mortally wounded him. I want to wish our birthday man that desires never make him risk what he has!

Congratulations in your own words

As children, we were told that the most valuable gift is the one made by oneself. So with congratulations, it is best to remember not texts retold from other people's words, but wishes uttered from the bottom of the heart.

Congratulations in your own words are words always spoken from the heart.

But not every one of us is a brilliant speaker, and for people who are experiencing some difficulties and cannot quickly come up with a beautiful congratulation, here are a few tips:

“On this holiday, I want to wish that from today great, boundless happiness enters your life and stays with you forever. May every moment give you joy and pleasure, and all blessings increase over the years!

“I wish the birthday man to learn to enjoy the little things, because our life consists of them. I wish you to meet every new day with a smile, enjoy the sun, rain and warm wind, appreciate what you have, and then the Almighty will give much more than you could dream of! Happy birthday!"

“I wish you to live a full life so that in old age there is something to tell your grandchildren about!”

Wise toasts-parables for a man's birthday

A parable is a short story in an allegorical form that contains teaching or wisdom.

Parable toasts will be very appropriate for a man's birthday.

Parable toasts are quite popular at feasts on various occasions, and one of the following can be said in honor of the birthday man:

“In one village in the neighborhood stood the houses of the poor and the rich. The poor man lived happily and cheerfully, he had nothing to fear and nothing to lose. He rejoiced in the little he had.

The rich man was constantly afraid of losing his treasures. He never allowed guests into the house, fearing thieves, and guarded wealth all the time. And then one day he got tired, and he decided to give everything he had to a poor neighbor. From that moment on, everything changed. The former rich man began to have fun and enjoy life, and the poor man only shook over his newfound wealth.

I wish you to find everything that you want, but so that these benefits do not prevent you from remaining cheerful and cheerful!

“Once upon a time there lived a man who was very unhappy. All undertakings were given to him with great difficulty, and there was no one next to him who could help or support him. But one day a miracle happened, and Fate itself appeared at his doorstep. She invited him to choose one of three gifts: health, love, or success. I wish that you never had such a choice, and that these gifts were in abundance for you!

How to congratulate a husband, brother, dad, boss

In some cases, you want to make not just an abstract toast, but come up with a congratulation for a specific person.

It is important to understand that a congratulation for a husband or father is absolutely not suitable for congratulating the boss.

Birthday wishes for husband:

“They say that a man without a woman is like a tree without a caterpillar, when everything is there, but something is missing. I want to drink that you always remember this when it seems to you that your caterpillar is gnawing you hard!

Congratulations brother:

Congratulations to father:

“Children are the flowers of life, and today I want to congratulate my beloved gardener, our dad! Your flowers have already grown and do not require so much care, they themselves can take care of you! But not to disappear, is the gardener's talent in vain? I want you to use this gift on your grandchildren!”

Congratulations to the boss:

“The good mood of the boss is the key to the success of the entire team. I want to congratulate our leader and drink for his inexhaustible optimism. And we will help disperse the clouds in your sky! Happy Birthday!"

Anniversary toasts for a man

If people can celebrate annual birthdays with their families or not celebrate at all, then, as a rule, they arrange a magnificent celebration for the anniversary.

Anniversaries are a special occasion for congratulations.

On this day, one of these toasts can be said in honor of a man:

“Men don't need to hide their age, they shouldn't be ashamed of round dates! I want to wish the past years to be a real decoration of the hero of the day, and he could be proud of every day!

“I raise this glass for a real man, for our hero of the day! He is smart, attractive, and has achieved a lot. It remains only to wish him a little thrill, so that life does not seem insipid!

“Today I want to wish the hero of the day that only the most precious things surround him in life. These are not material goods, but good friends, reliable associates and loving hearts. The main thing is a strong rear, and everything else will follow!”

You can say your wishes like a toast, with a glass in your hand, or sign a beautiful postcard for the hero of the day.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the demise of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article on the prohibition of the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On the administrative responsibility of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , item 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol for the purpose of marketing."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production for the purpose of selling moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage without the purpose of sale of apparatus * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. “Production or purchase of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Paragraph No. 1 states: “Manufacturing by individuals of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entails a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the indicated drinks, semi-finished products and devices.

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

It's hard to be a man
But you always manage
And you know, I'll say today
Years are coming your way!

I wish you joy, health,
And never lose heart
I want you to be rich
And don't put your hands down!

And I want to drink now
To be good every hour
So that you do not know sadness, evil,
And always be a man!

May you be lucky in business
The soul is not tormented by fear,
Let dreams come true
And with success be on "you"!

And you don't get sick
Don't get older, but younger
You are solid, yes
Let trouble not happen!

I drink for you today
I hasten to congratulate you
I wish you well
Be rich always!

As we all know, a man is like wine - years only make him better. I want to wish that all subsequent years make you not only better, but also richer, healthier, happier and more successful. Happy Birthday!

You won't believe it, but I don't even know what to wish you. You have everything: a big and warm house, a fast car, a loving and strong family, a stable job. So I wish you, perhaps, to keep the same course and not pay attention to the obstacles that you meet on the way. Be the same courageous, brave and hardworking.

If you want to become beautiful, you need to look at the beautiful. If you want to become smart, you need to listen to the smart. If you want to be cheerful - you need to sit at the same table with the cheerful. Let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to which each of us will come home more beautiful, smarter and more fun than before!

Since ancient times, a great responsibility has been assigned to a man. He was responsible for the lives of the people of his tribe. He was a leader in the hunt, an example for other tribesmen, a thunderstorm for other tribes. He was feared and respected at the same time. Primitive times are gone. But the role and importance of men has not changed. Our birthday boy is equally good in many roles. He is a faithful husband and an exemplary family man, a strict but fair boss, an example for his friends and a headache for his enemies. Women admire him, men envy his success. Keep playing your part in this world. And the way you are always accompanied by luck, health and financial independence!

On this day, I wish you strong support - this is your wife; true friends - not behind your back, but next to you; joy in life - in their children. And, of course, health, like a healthy bull. Everything else good will follow.

Solid, beautiful, wise and prominent,
I'll raise a glass to your health
I congratulate you on your birthday
I want to wish you happiness.

More money, success, patience,
Let it be smooth and smooth in business,
And don't lose, look for inspiration
Keep good luck in your hands!

The well-known quatrain reads:
“If the wind is in your face, don’t rot!
If suddenly hard - be strong!
If your heart is happy - sing!
But always be yourself!
So let's drink on this man's birthday to the fact that he always, under any circumstances, remains himself!

Let there be wealth in the house
May you always be lucky
Let the bad recede
There will be friends for you!

There will be joy in your home
There will be happiness, life without troubles,
It didn't happen that bad
Long and happy years!

I will drink for your prosperity,
Always be with money
Be healthy and successful
Let the years be in joy!

Youth is a state of delightful anticipation and the feeling that anything is possible. Let's drink to the fact that the hero of tonight always retains spiritual youth, good health and always succeeds in achieving goals.


Dear (Name)! On your birthday, I am very happy to express our best wishes to you. May you always be well, may you be appreciated at home and at work, may you have iron health, may you be surrounded by the kindness of neighbors and colleagues!


I want to drink for you
I was happy on my birthday
To make any dreams come true
So that success does not forget about you,
So that the beloved is near
Respected, endured and cherished.
May the support of friends be strong -
Let's drink to this soon!


There is a legend in one mountain village: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and a magnificent orator will grow up. Kiss in the hands, the master of all trades will grow. So let's drink to the birthday boy, because even God himself does not know where he kissed him.


God sends someone into the world to suffer, someone to boredom, someone to a gray existence, and someone to the joy of everyone. The latter includes our dear birthday man (Name)! Charm and talent always sparkle around him. With him, it becomes clear that life is much more interesting than you usually think about it. So let's drink to you, dear (Name). May you always shine with joy!


The old man died. But before going to heaven, he saw his whole life in the form of a sandy seashore, and footprints on the shore. He took a closer look and sees that the traces are either from one pair of legs, or as if two people are walking side by side. And he asked God: “Whose footprints are next to mine?” And God answered: “It is I who walk beside you.” Then the old man took a closer look and saw that in the happy moments of his life he walked next to God, and in difficult moments God left him. And the old man asked God: “Why did you leave me in difficult moments of life?” And God answered him: “You misunderstood everything, old man. When you felt good, I really walked by your side, and in difficult moments of your life, I took you in my arms. Let's drink to our birthday boy, and if he has difficult moments in his life, then let God take him in his arms.


Once a friend of mine says to me:
- I won 10,000 bucks in the lottery, but I don’t know whether to buy a car or get married ...
Let's think together:
- If you buy a car, then you have two options: either everything will be fine - that's all, or you will get into an accident. If you get into an accident, then you will have two options: either you stay alive, that's all, or you die. If you die, then you will have two options: either you will be buried in a zinc coffin, or in an oak coffin. If you are buried in an oak coffin, then you will have two options: either the oak will not grow out of you at all, or it will grow. If an oak tree grows out of you, then you will have two options: either you will not be cut down at all, or you will be cut down. If you are cut down, then you will have two options: either you will be sent to a furniture factory, in general, or to a pulp and paper factory. If you are sent to a pulp and paper mill, then you will have two options: either they will make notebooks out of you, or toilet paper. If they make toilet paper out of you, then you will have two options: either you will be hanged in the men's toilet, in general, or in the women's. If you are hanged in the women's toilet, then you will see so many naked women that why do you want to get married, you better buy a car!
So let's drink to ensure that our birthday boy never has to face a difficult choice! And when he is so lucky in life - he did not forget his friends and did not do stupid things!


It would be better to celebrate a birthday more than once a year, but every day, in order to list all the advantages of the birthday man during this long time! So let's drink to at least two of his main virtues - for the fact that he is, and for the fact that he is with us!


Today, a man was born who has a lot to learn. You are smart, worthy and very beautiful, God forbid everyone is born like that. We are in a hurry to congratulate you without fail, good luck, love and excellent health, so that everyone envy your strength, and so that there is a high paper equivalent at work. Good luck boundless and luck in life we ​​wish you today. And congratulations on your birthday, be free, successful, free.


One day the queen summoned a warrior, an alchemist and Ivan the Fool. And she said: “If you can hold out with me three times, then I will reward you royally, and if not, then your head will be off your shoulders.”
The warrior went first, held out once and lost his head. The second was the alchemist. He drank various drugs and lasted twice. The alchemist also lost his head. Then Ivan the Fool was very much frightened for his life and, out of fright, put on socks in one place, which he had not washed for three weeks. And Ivan the Fool held out three times and half a time more, and was rewarded royally.
So let's drink to real men who may not always wash their socks, but they can last three and a half times.


There is this quatrain:
If the wind is in your face - do not rot!
If suddenly hard - be strong!
If your heart is happy - sing!
But always be yourself!
So let's drink on this man's birthday to the fact that he always remains himself under any circumstances!


You are our good, unique, the only, wonderful host, excellent father, attentive son, faithful spouse, celebrating your birthday today, relatives, old friends, colleagues came to congratulate you. And nothing that white frost has silvered your hair, that your grandchildren are already adults and great-grandchildren are growing, because your heart is young as before, and your hands will never find peace. Please accept our congratulations and wishes for good, fun, health, youthful enthusiasm and an eternally young soul!

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