Message language and document style. Language and style of business documents

The type of language used in a given area human activity, is called the language style.

Style - functional language. This is the system language units, methods of their selection and use, due to social tasks verbal communication in a certain area of ​​human activity (science, technology, journalism, law, fiction, office work, etc.). In the field of official communication, we use formal business style. In the media for agitation and propaganda purposes is used journalistic style, in science - scientific style, in communication - literary colloquial speech, everyday speech, vernacular and other linguistic varieties.

Almost every style is a complex linguistic phenomenon, including substyles - varieties that have specific features and differ from each other. In formal business style stand out diplomatic, legislative, judicial, administrative documents substyle or business style.

Cultural speech is always normalized speech. Norm in the language - is a set of generally accepted language tools considered correct and exemplary. Norms are formed historically, in the process of social speech practice.

Linguists distinguish between general literary norms and stylistic norms, or functional-style norms. General literary norm- these are the rules adopted in the literary language. Style norm- rules for the use of language means in a particular functional style. Everyone functional style has its own norms, and what is appropriate in one style may be completely unacceptable in another.

Violation of the norm is perceived as language error. Naturally, culture business communication implies possession of not only general literary linguistic norms but also style.

Features of the business style, the specific features inherent in it, the style norms of this type of language were formed under the influence of the conditions in which written business communication takes place. These conditions are as follows:

  • - participants in business communication mainly legal entities- organizations, institutions, enterprises represented by managers and other officials acting on their behalf;
  • - the nature and content of information relationships of organizations are quite strictly regulated;
  • - the subject of business communication is the activity of the organization - managerial, industrial, economic, scientific, technical, etc.;
  • - management documents in the vast majority of cases are focused on a specific recipient;
  • - most of the situations that arise in the activities of organizations and require written registration are repetitive, of the same type.

The considered conditions of business communication form certain requirements for management information. To ensure effective information exchange in the field of management, information must have certain properties. She must be:

  • - official by its nature, which emphasizes the business basis of relations, their non-personal nature, and also indicates a certain distance that exists between participants in business communication;
  • - address, since a management document is always intended for a specific recipient - an official, an organization, a group of organizations;
  • - actual, since the document must contain exactly the information that is necessary at a given time for making an effective management decision or for other use in management activities;
  • - objective and reliable since an unbiased, impartial assessment of events, facts, phenomena is necessary for effective management;
  • - persuasive, reasoned since the task of business communication is to induce the addressee to take (or not to take) certain actions;

complete or sufficient to make an informed management decision; insufficient information may cause the need to request additional information, generate correspondence, lead to unjustified losses of time and money.

Business style has a set of specific features that distinguish it from other styles of language (scientific, journalistic, colloquial, the language of fiction, etc.). Business style in general is characterized by:

  • - neutral tone of presentation; ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation;
  • - accuracy and clarity of presentation; conciseness (brevity) of the text;
  • - use of language formulas;

use of terms; the use of lexical and graphic abbreviations;

  • - the predominance of passive constructions over real ones; limited combination of words;
  • - the use of constructions with consistent subordination of words in the genitive or instrumental case;
  • - the use of phrases with a verbal noun;
  • - the predominance of simple common sentences.

Neutral tone of presentation. The norm of official business communication is a neutral tone of presentation.

The information contained in the text of the document is official in nature. Participants in business communication act on behalf of organizations, institutions, enterprises, firms, i.e. on behalf of legal entities, not individuals. For this reason, the personal, subjective element in business letters should be kept to a minimum. Words that have a pronounced emotionally expressive coloring (words with diminutive and affectionate suffixes, suffixes of exaggeration and understatement, interjections, etc.) are excluded from the language of business letters.

However, one should not assume that a business letter is generally devoid of emotion. The purpose of most letters is to interest the addressee, to convince him, to induce him to act in the direction necessary for the author only with a word. A business letter will not achieve its goal if it is devoid of emotional overtones, however, the emotionality, even the expressiveness of the document, must be hidden, veiled. The emotionality of writing should not be linguistic, but meaningful, it should be hidden behind an outwardly calm, neutral tone of presentation.

Ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation. The peculiarity of the business style is that, no matter what method of presentation is used, the speech should have a stating-prescriptive character. AT literary speech There are several ways of presenting the content: narration, description, reasoning.

Narration talks about events, facts, phenomena in the chronological sequence in which they actually happened. The way of presenting the text in the form of a narrative is typical, first of all, for fiction, but also in business speech it is present in such documents as minutes of meetings, acts, reports, autobiographies, etc. The way of presentation in the form of reasoning is based on the logical form of speech, it is revealed internal connection of phenomena.

reasoning- this is a consistent series of definitions, judgments, conclusions used to substantiate any provisions and formulate conclusions. Reasoning underpins scientific speech, but also used in business.

Description - a way of presentation in which the essence of a phenomenon is revealed, its signs and distinctive features are listed. The description usually contains general characteristics object or phenomenon, its individual aspects are considered. The description is present in many documents containing the presentation and analysis of management situations. This method is most typical for business speech. If a descriptive method of presentation is used, then this description is for the purpose of stating facts, events, phenomena. Even what in business texts looks like a narrative due to the use of verbs in the present tense, is in fact the same statement that has the connotation of obligation or obligatory action, for example: "The company offers products from leading European companies."

In the example above, the present tense of the verb is in the present prescriptive form. The past tense of the verb acquires the same meaning: “The commission conducted a check and established ...”.

Regardless of the specific content and way of presenting the text, the meaning of the obligation inherent in the verbs in the examples given gives the text a stating and descriptive character.

Accuracy and clarity of presentation. The text of the document must be accurate, clear, understandable. The accuracy of the presentation of the text ensures the unambiguity of its understanding by the addressee, eliminates any kind of ambiguity. The adequacy of the perception of the text by the author and the addressee of the document is extremely important in business communication; at the same time, the speed of perception does not really matter, since the text of the document is written, designed for visual perception and, as a rule, long-term work with it. Under these conditions, the main thing is that the content be conveyed as accurately as possible.

Presentation Accuracy is achieved by the use of terminological vocabulary, the use of stable phrases, the absence of figurative words and expressions, limited compatibility of words, the use of clarifications, additions, reservations in the form introductory words, participial and participle turnovers, etc. Clarity the text is determined, first of all, by the clarity, transparency of its compositional structure, the absence logical errors, thoughtfulness and clarity of wording.

The desire for accuracy and clarity of presentation has developed special type sentences in business speech.

Conciseness (brevity) of the text. The conciseness of the text of the letter is achieved by the economical use of linguistic means, with the exception of speech redundancy- words and expressions that do not carry additional meaning.

The requirement of conciseness, or brevity, of the text is directly related to the reduction of its volume and, consequently, the reduction of time for the processing of documentary information and its perception. The requirement of brevity forces one to formulate the subject of the letter more clearly, to use language means sparingly, to exclude unnecessary words that do not carry the necessary information, unjustified repetitions and unnecessary details.

The use of language formulas. One of the features of business speech is the widespread use of language formulas - stable (template) language turns used unchanged. Their presence in business speech is a consequence of regulation service relations, repeatability of managerial situations and thematic limitations of business speech:

  • - “We inform you that as of...”;
  • - “We are sending for consideration and approval ...”;
  • - "In accordance with the agreement reached...";
  • - “We ask you to consider the issue ...”;
  • - "Considering that..., please...".

Language formulas - it is the result of the unification of language means used in repetitive situations. In addition to expressing the typical content, language formulas often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the letter does not have sufficient legal force, or are elements that determine its species affiliation:

  • - We guarantee payment. Our bank details...”;
  • - “Claims under the warranty should be presented ...”;
  • - "...otherwise you will be charged with penalties."

Proficiency in business style is largely the knowledge of language formulas and the ability to use them. Expressing typical content, language formulas ensure the accuracy and unambiguity of understanding the text by the addressee, reduce the time for preparing the text and its perception.

Language and style various kinds documents.

Business professionals identify different types and types of documents.

By addressing factorinternal and external business correspondence. The documents exchanged between the parties are called official letters.

According to the field of human activity: managerial, scientific, technical, industrial, financial, etc.

In terms of availability: open use, limited access and confidential nature.

By due date: urgent, secondary, final, periodic.

According to the criterion of primacy: original and copy.

According to the form of sending: for postal correspondence, electronic correspondence, fax sending.

For all documents there is single rule: compliance with the design rules in accordance with existing GOSTs and standards.

We will consider those documents that you may need now.

Reference- a document containing the requested information or confirmation of any facts and events. The name of the document is written in the center of the sheet in capital letters. The main text is stated using standard models: “Dana (full name) in that ...”, the interval below indicates the organization for which a certificate is issued or the phrase “Certificate is given at the place of requirement”. Below is the signature, including the position, personal signature of the person who issued the certificate. The signature is certified by the seal of the organization.

Statement- an internal official document designed to bring to the attention of an official information of a narrow focus.

Dean of SPF

prof. Spirina V.I.

1st year students full name,

residing at:…,


I ask you to release me from classes from April 1 to April 10 for a trip home for family reasons.

Date ____________Signature

A power of attorney is a document authorizing its bearer to perform any actions on behalf of the principal.

Power of attorney

I, full name, passport details: _______, residing at: ________, trust full name, passport details: _______, residing at: ________, to receive a scholarship for October 2006

Date ____________Signature

AT recent times information and advertising documents were widely used: a product offer, messages to potential consumers about the types of goods produced, summaries.

The requirements for these documents are different from those for regulated business papers. They should be memorable, arouse commercial interest, therefore they use language expressive means.

pay attention to summarythe word came from French and meant "brief conclusion", for example, on documents: “I agree”, “I do not mind”. Recently, the term began to be used in the sense: "A brief written summary of biographical data characterizing the educational background, profession, personal qualities of a person applying for a particular job, position."

A resume resembles a questionnaire, but you can be creative in its preparation, because. there are no hard and fast rules. The main task is to present yourself as advantageously as possible, exactly the information that is important to attribute to the chosen job: education, work experience, personal qualities, and characteristics of additional skills. For example, if you want to become an advertising agent, then their professional qualities are the ability to communicate with people, resourcefulness, knowledge of the basics of the psyche; if the vacancy is a teacher primary school- then necessary qualities are love for children, responsiveness, kindness, patience ...

Typical resumes include:

personal data (name, date and place of birth, marital status);

address and telephone number for contact;

the name of the vacancy;

main text: list of places of study, work in chronological order indicating the official name of the organization, the time of study or work, the name of the position held;

additional information: freelance work experience, social activities, professional retraining;

Other information: related knowledge and skills: foreign language, overseas trips, computer skills, driving a car…;

Interests, inclinations related to the intended professional activity;

Other supporting information (at the discretion of the applicant);

date and signature.

When designing, the following is taken into account: the word "resume" is not written. The surname should be written in capital letters for better legibility. This is where paperwork begins. Further in the middle - full name, at the left border of the sheet: home address, phone number; at the right address and the name of the organization in which the applicant studied or worked, office phone. Under these data, the name of the vacancy is given exactly with the one given in the source, then information about the applicant.

ANTONOVA Bella Mikhailovna

was born in Armavir on July 30, 1980.

House. address: Institute address:

Tel.: Work. tel.:

Primary school teacher.

Information about education and work experience - ASPU, 3rd year, socio-pedagogical faculty, student of the OZO.

She graduated from the cutting and sewing courses at the Polet studio in 2003.

From 2003-2006, she led the "Skilled Hands" circle at MSOSh No. 23.

Add. intelligence:

· Participated in the conference "Children are our future" (Armavir, 2005)

· Completed an internship at...

· Completed professional development courses.

Other information:

I read and translate with a dictionary from English.

· I am computer literate.

· I have a driver's license to drive a motor vehicle of category C (I do not have a personal car).

Interests: I am fond of the theater, I sew for puppet theater

Auxiliary information: by nature open, sociable, I love children ...

Date ______________ Signature

Question 5: The concept of "speech etiquette"

Speech etiquette call a system of requirements (rules, norms) that explain to us how to establish, maintain and break contact with another person in a certain situation. Norms speech etiquette very diverse, each country has its own characteristics of the culture of communication.

Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette will help you correctly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor, quickly reach mutual understanding with him.

Mastering the etiquette of speech communication requires gaining knowledge in the field of various humanitarian disciplines: linguistics, psychology, cultural history and many others. For a more successful mastering of the skills of a culture of communication, they use such a concept as the formulas of speech etiquette.

Basic Formulas speech etiquette are acquired at an early age, when parents teach the child to say hello, say thank you, ask for forgiveness for tricks. With age, a person learns more and more subtleties in communication, masters various styles of speech and behavior. The ability to correctly assess the situation, start and maintain a conversation with a stranger, competently express their thoughts, distinguishes a person of high culture, educated and intelligent.

Speech etiquette formulas - these are certain words, phrases and set expressions used for the three stages of conversation:

start a conversation (greeting/introduction)

main part

final part of the conversation

Drafting official documents- a difficult and complex process that takes a lot of time employees.

It should be borne in mind that documents are an integral part of the image of the enterprise, its original calling card. A document on an unsightly, "poorly" made form, printed in illegible type, gives an undesirable impression of the enterprise. For the same reason, the rubber stamp with the name of the enterprise, the imprint of which is affixed to a sheet of paper, has gone out of business practice in the West and is being used less and less in Russia.

The information contained in the documents is necessary for the stable operation of any organization. Based on it, appropriate management decisions are made. Documents are in many cases the main argument in controversial situations, thereby confirming the primary definition of the term “document” as “method of evidence”.

Here is what one of the modern recommendations looks like Russian entrepreneur: “In business life, business often coexists with deceit. Don't trust promises. Only a well-written, legally binding document is the guarantor of a successful transaction!”.

How many meetings of the arbitration court take place, how many losses are incurred by enterprises due to accidentally or deliberately incorrectly drawn up documents!

Disorder in the storage of documents can result in the risk of losing valuable information, which can adversely affect the activities of the enterprise.

Heads of enterprises are personally responsible for the composition, safety and correct execution of documents.

To draw up documents, including business letters, a certain level of culture and special skills are required. But this skill business person needs to be developed.

In addition, business letters, like other documents, must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of state standards, which apply not only to state and executive authorities of the Russian Federation, but also to all organizations, regardless of their legal form and type of activity.

1. Registration of forms of administrative documents.

When working with documents, it is necessary to be guided by the regulations of the Russian Federation, which provide for the preparation of documents according to certain rules, maintaining a nomenclature (list) of cases.

A form in which a lot of space is reserved for the logo and name of the enterprise and little for text is inconvenient to use. Therefore, it is recommended to allocate 1.5-2 cm from the border of the upper field under the emblem.

Modern design of the letterhead, “own” corporate identity, high-quality paper, a complete set of information about the company. Their correct location on the sheet is especially important for a favorable impact on a business partner.

Forms of the enterprise are made in a typographical way or using a personal computer and have an established set of details and a certain order of their location.

Form for internal documents (orders, protocols, decisions);

Form for external documents (letters, faxes).

The form for internal documents contains the emblem of the enterprise and the name of the enterprise.

Enterprises working with foreign partners need special forms with duplication of details in the language of the partner or English language. With the angular location of the details in the upper left part, the details are printed in Russian, on the right - in a foreign language. With a longitudinal arrangement of the details of the form, the details are printed first in Russian, and below - in a foreign language.

All forms, like documents, must have margins.

left - 20 mm (8 typewritten characters or strokes),

top - not less than 10 mm,

right and bottom - not less than 8 mm.

In order to save space on the sheet, a number of firms indicate only the logo and name of the enterprise in the upper part of the form, and the address, phone numbers, fax numbers and bank details are placed directly on the bottom margin of the sheet.

The boundaries of individual details (for example, “title to the text”, “addressee”) are conveniently marked with corners in order to avoid errors in their location when printing.

Forms of frequently used documents, such as certificates, acts of acceptance of work under a contract, and others, may also contain parts of a permanent text, which, when compiling documents, are supplemented with variable information.

2. Language of the management document.

In the work of documenting, the verbal design of decisions, actions, and connections plays an important role. When preparing documents, it should be taken into account that the language is not a passive fixer of the decisions made, but plays an active stimulating role in management activities. Thus, the effectiveness of directive and administrative documentation is largely ensured by the imperative - the imperative construction of the language of orders, orders, resolutions. Appropriate speech constructions require documents setting out a request, demand, gratitude, etc. business speech, business language, business official letter - certain concepts. Business language is the language of official relationships, it is a literary language.

Traditions and customs in documenting proved to be very tenacious. And now there are still obsolete terms, archaisms, phrases, speech clichés, clericalisms (“which images”, “please do not refuse”, “at the same time we direct”, “given the real one”, etc.). When drafting documents, you must use the official business style.

The literary language has many styles, artistic and fiction, social and journalistic, scientific, industrial and technical, historical, official and business, etc., which are constantly developing and are in constant interaction.

“Under the style ... of a language,” says the famous philologist A.N. Efimov, “it is customary to understand a historically developed variety of a language that differs both in terms of the composition and nature of the speech means, and in the sense of the patterns of their use. For every style, there is a characteristic, a typical, and a forbidden one.

Each group of styles has its own varieties. So, the artistic and fiction style includes prose and poetry; social and journalistic - newspaper-magazine and literary-critical styles. The documentary business style incorporates the style of legislative and administrative documents (decrees, orders, orders, resolutions), business correspondence, telegraph style, etc.

Each group of styles has its own varieties. The documentary business style incorporates the style of legislative and administrative documents (decrees, orders, orders, resolutions), business correspondence, telegraphic style, etc.

The texts of complex documents (reports, reviews, references, etc.) are divided into parts, sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals in accordance with the requirements of GOST 1. 5-85 (Rules for the design of machine-readable documents and typescripts). The number of each part includes the numbers of the corresponding component parts, higher ones, for example: 1. 1, 2. 1. 3. 2. 1, etc. d.

2.1. Deviations from literary norms in the texts of documents.

Often in the texts of documents due to ignorance, inattention or negligence, various deviations are allowed. As a result, the text becomes obscure, saturated with verbal excesses, archaisms and clericalisms. Little-known words of foreign origin, professionalism, neologisms complicate the understanding of the text. Do not decorate the documents of vernacular, dialectisms. The most typical shortcomings in the text will be discussed further.

3. Business letter etiquette.

Business correspondence is an integral means of communication between an enterprise and external organizations. In most firms, letters take precedence over other documents. There are two main types of documents in correspondence: letters and faxes.

A letter is one of the main types of documents.

A letter is a generalized name for documents of various contents sent by mail.

Letters of instructions (directives) come from state or municipal authorities and management and contain, as a rule, recommendations, instructions, clarifications on reporting, environmental taxes, etc.

Letters of guarantee contain guarantees of payment, delivery time or product quality.

Information letters conditionally include letters containing messages, requests, reminders, suggestions.

Commercial letters are drawn up at the conclusion and execution of contracts. “They represent buyers' appeals to sellers with a request to give detailed information about goods, services and / or send an offer (offer) for the supply of goods, responses from sellers, complaints, responses to complaints, letters of credit "

In reclamation (claim) letters, enterprises demand compensation for losses caused due to non-fulfillment or violation of the terms of the contract by the other party (counterparty). The complaint must have copies of documents confirming such facts. Such copies are made in the form of an annex to the main document (complaint).

When concluding contracts with foreign partners, letters of credit (L / C - Letter of credit) are used, in which the seller asks for a letter of guarantee from the buyer's bank with the number of the currency account and bank guarantees for payment by the buyer of goods or services.

3.1. Characteristics of the text of the letter.

The text of the letter should be concise, consistent, convincing and correct. Facts and events should be presented objectively, and all aspects of the issue should be covered with sufficient completeness, briefly and clearly.

The text of the letter most often consists of an introductory part and the main part.

The introductory part indicates the reasons that caused the writing of the letter, accompanied by links to facts, dates, documents.

The second part of the letter formulates its main purpose (offer, refusal, request, guarantee, etc.), for example:

“Based on the above, we ask you to transfer the specified amount to our current account within 10 banking days.”

Depending on the purpose of the letter and on what its author wants to focus the attention of the recipient, a different order of the logical parts of the text may be used.

Most business letters are characterized by the repetition of the same turns, having mastered which you can compose the texts of various letters.

The beginning of a letter (fax) may have the following options appeals:

“Dear Igor Leonidovich!”;

“Mr. Zorin!”;

Then words of gratitude would be appropriate:

“We were glad to receive your letter”;

“Many thanks for the fax dated 04.06.95”;

Depending on the subject of the letter, the following turns are used:


We remind you that...

At the end of... the term, the offer of our company is no longer valid.

Please inform...

Please pay within... banking days...

Meet, as you know, on clothes. Therefore, the "clothing" of your letter, i.e. envelope and paper must be impeccable. Otherwise, your letter runs the risk of being unread in the waste paper basket, even if it contains the most valuable information for the recipient. This is especially true for letters such as introducing a company, offering products, goods, services, and applying for a job. The envelope must be thick, opaque, standard size white paper. The address on the envelope must be printed in a block or visible through a transparent window. There are no restrictions and strict rules. Some countries sometimes require a cover letter or resume to be handwritten when applying for a job. In this case, it is useful to write the envelope in neat and clear handwriting. If you are going to request information, order goods, services, then both the envelope and paper may not be the most expensive, but still of good quality.

Paper, if you do not use the standard form of your company, must also meet the most stringent requirements: A4 format, white, thick, sheet without defects and stains. Especially if you offer cooperation, represent your company or are hired. The signature must be made in such a way that the recipient has no doubt that you do not have a decent fountain pen or that you are not confident enough to reproduce your signature. It is better to take a fountain pen with ink.

Golden Rule

Your letter should make a solid impression at first sight.

3.2. Archaisms and clericalisms

Archaisms are obsolete words, expressions and grammatical forms that have fallen into disuse.

These include: prohibited (instead of prohibited), the above (mentioned above), henceforth (hereinafter), on the subject (for), therefore (therefore), according to belonging (as intended), with this we present (send, attach), transmitting (accompanying).

The following words also belong to archaisms: grateful, kindly inform, hang, trusting, inscribe, taste, guard and others.

Chanceryisms are complex, cumbersome words and phrases with a stable archaic structure and characteristic clerical unions and allied words, as well as dry, pompous official words, for example: an increasing discrepancy between the growth of labor productivity and the available equipment ..., there are violations of technology safety of mining production; for joining to work; fulfill the planned target for all indicators; it is necessary to develop measures to eliminate the existing shortcomings ...; we have to date in professional development; greetings to Petrov (instead of Petrov), etc.

A lot of clericalism is found in official correspondence.

4. Official business style.

The language of business communication is the official business style - a functional kind of language designed for communication in the field of management. A functional variety of a language is understood as a system of language units, methods of their selection and use, due to the social tasks of speech communication.

Speech communication in the field of management has a number of specific features, explained by the conditions of business communication. Of particular importance in this regard is the fact that the participants in business communication, in essence, are legal entities - organizations, institutions, enterprises, officials, employees. The nature and content of the information links that they can enter into depend on the place of the organization in the hierarchy of management bodies, its competence, the functional content of activities and other factors. Relations between organizations are stable and regulated by legal norms, as a result of which the organization's information flows are "programmed" in nature, meeting the needs of the organization and corresponding to its place in the system of management bodies and organizations.

The specificity of business communication is also expressed in the fact that the author and addressee of the document is almost always the organization as a whole - a "collective entity", despite the fact that in most cases the document is signed by one person - the head of the organization. The same can be said about the addressee of the document.

Another important characteristic of documentary communication is the targeting of information. Management information cannot be information "in general" (as, say, television, radio, newspaper information and some other types). The management document always has the exact address. Moreover, a management document is almost always “narrowly directed”, that is, addressed to a specific organization or circle of organizations, officials and employees.

An essential factor in business communication is the repetition of managerial actions and situations, since managerial activity is always a “play by the rules”, which leads to the use of the same language means in similar situations.

Other salient feature business communication - thematic limitation of the range of tasks solved by the organization. The functions of an institution are amenable to description, classification, and regulation. As a result, the range of issues regarding which management documents are created is fairly stable.

Consequently, the conditions of business communication form the following properties of management information:

information targeting;

repeatability of information;

The conditions of business communication, in addition, impose certain requirements on management information, on compliance with which the effectiveness of business communication depends.

One of the most important requirements for management information is due to the very essence of management activity, which consists in making management decisions in order to influence the governing body on managed objects. Decision-making is based on the receipt, processing and use of information. Consequently, the effectiveness of management activity is only high enough when decision-making uses up-to-date information, new information, necessary, important for the organization's activities. Only by receiving up-to-date information, the management body can make optimal management decisions. The relevance of information is ensured both by the content of the document itself and by the timeliness of its transmission, processing, and communication to the interested departments and officials.

The relevance of information is associated with a number of other properties of management information, in particular:

Reliability (objectivity);

persuasiveness (argumentation);

completeness (sufficiency of information), etc.

The requirement of reliability (objectivity) means that a business message should reflect the actual state of affairs, give an unbiased, dispassionate assessment of events.

The persuasiveness (argumentation) of information is caused by the need to induce the addressee to take (or not to take) certain actions; how justified the document will depend on its execution.

The requirement for completeness implies that the document must contain all necessary information for acceptance informed decision. The depth of the presentation of the question depends on the goals of the document: in an information letter it is enough to name facts or events, in a letter of request the subject of the letter must be clearly indicated and exhaustively substantiated. Insufficiency of information may cause the need to request additional information, giving rise to unjustified correspondence.

The body of the document should use certain language and document style. As a result of centuries-old development in the official business style, such language means and ways of expressing content have been developed that allow the most effective recording of management information, meeting all the requirements that apply to it.

Main features formal business style are:

Neutral tone of presentation

accuracy and clarity of presentation;

Conciseness, brevity of the text.

The neutral tone of the presentation is the norm of official business communication, which indicates the business basis of the relationship between the author and the addressee of the document, their impersonal nature, and the presence of a certain distance between them. In addition, since the participants in business communication act on behalf of institutions, organizations, enterprises, firms, that is, on behalf of legal entities, and not individuals, the subjective moment in the texts of documents is minimized. Words with emotionally expressive coloring (words with diminutive and affectionate suffixes, with suffixes of exaggeration and understatement, interjections, etc.) are excluded from the language of documents.

The accuracy of the presentation is necessary to ensure unambiguous understanding of the text of the document and the elimination of ambiguities. The adequacy of the perception of the text by the author of the document and its addressee is extremely important in business communication at all stages of managerial activity. At the same time, the speed of perception of the text does not really matter, since the text of the document is a written text designed for visual, not auditory perception, and, if necessary, it can be reread. The main thing is that the content is conveyed as accurately as possible.

The accuracy of presentation is achieved by the use of terminological vocabulary, the use of stable phrases - linguistic formulas, the absence of figurative words and expressions, limited word compatibility, the use of clarifications, additions, reservations in the form of introductory words and phrases, participial and adverbial phrases, etc.

The clarity of the text is determined, first of all, by the correctness of its compositional structure, the absence of logical errors, the thoughtfulness and clarity of the wording.

The conciseness of the presentation of the text is the economical use of language means, the exclusion of speech redundancy.

The considered features of the official business style play a major role in the formation of a system of language units and methods of their use in the texts of documents.


Drawing up a management document is a time-consuming process that requires certain knowledge and skills from the compiler. Documents are a kind of visiting card of the enterprise. The text of the document should be consistent, concise, persuasive and correct. The information contained in the document must be compiled in accordance with all state standards. Official documents must certainly contain all the necessary details.

The language of the document performs a stimulating function in management activities, therefore, when compiling business documents, it is necessary to use an official business style, which includes the style of legislative and administrative documents, business correspondence, etc.

The texts of complex documents should be divided into paragraphs, chapters, subsections, subparagraphs, etc.

Letters and faxes are the main types of management documents.

Letters can be instructional, warranty, informational, advertising, commercial, reclamation, letters of inquiry, letters of notice, letters of invitation, letters of response. They differ in holding and purpose. The text of the letter usually consists of an introductory part, which indicates the reasons that caused the writing of the letter, accompanied by references to facts, dates, documents, and an introductory part, in which its main purpose is formulated.

The conditions of business communication form the following properties of management information:

the official nature of the information;

information targeting;

repeatability of information;

thematic limitation.

The correct execution of management documents in compliance with the features of the official business style considered in the work, the requirements for the content and design of business letters can contribute to the achievement of the desired results of the organization's activities, the formation of a worthy image of the organization.


1. Documentation of management activities: a course of lectures / O. I. Bondyreva .- M .: Higher school, INFRA-M, 2006. - 474 p.

2. Bykova T.A., Emysheva E.M., Mosyagina O.V. Preparation of documents for subsequent storage and use. Educational method. allowance. M., 1996. 68 p.

3. Drawing up and execution of service documents: Prakt. Benefit / Under. ed. T.V. Kuznetsova. M.: CJSC Business School “Intel-Sintez”, 1999. 224 p.

4. Dictionary Russian language / ed. S. I. Ozhegova, N. Yu. Shvedova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 944 p.

6. Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2003 N 65-st "On the adoption and entry into force state standard Russian Federation" (together with the "Unified Documentation System. Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation. Documentation Requirements. GOST R 6.30-2003")

Drafting and execution of official documents: Prakt. Benefit / Under. ed. T.V. Kuznetsova. M.: CJSC Business School “Intel-Sintez”, 1999. 224 p.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / ed. S. I. Ozhegova, N. Yu. Shvedova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 398s

Language and style of business documentation: general characteristics, basic requirements, typical mistakes.

The following standard requirements are imposed on the language means and style of presentation of information in a business letter:

  1. the accuracy of the presentation of information,
  2. standardization and unification of language and text tools,
  3. neutral tone of presentation
  4. formality and severity of the language and style of a business letter (the most strict and restrained presentation of information, which in turn excludes the possibility of using expressive and emotionally colored language means in business speech texts),
  5. conciseness (the letter should not exceed the volume of one or two pages, otherwise the perception of information will be difficult),
  6. completeness of information (the document must contain sufficient information to make an informed decision),
  7. clarity,
  8. the unambiguity of the words and terms used,
  9. logic,
  10. objectivity,
  11. The text must be written correctly in accordance with current rules spelling and punctuation, in a formal business style.

Failure to comply with these requirements, on the one hand, makes it difficult to work with documents, and on the other hand, deprives or reduces their legal and practical significance.

The language of official documents is a set of clichés, stamps, and standards. Standardized phrases facilitate the perception of the text, speed up the preparation of an official letter.

The first sets out the motives that gave rise to drafting a letter,

in the second part - proposals, requests, decisions, orders.

Common Mistakes in the language and style of business correspondence

Unfortunately, business letter writers often make a lot of mistakes. They can be divided into the following types: structural, syntactic, morphological, lexical, stylistic, technical.

Structural errors.

The source of structural errors is the incorrect construction of a business letter, the disproportionate position of its parts. It is important that every aspect of the content is certain place in the logical structure of a business letter and did not coincide with another aspect. Failure to comply with this condition leads to long introductions and complex systems of motivations.

Syntax errors.

Mistakes related to incorrect word order in a sentence.

Violation of the specifics of the use of adverbial phrases.

The adverbial turnover serves as a means of conveying an action that occurs simultaneously or in connection with another action. Errors in the use of adverbial phrases are easy to correct by replacing sentences with participle turns sentences with circumstances expressed by combinations of words.

Errors resulting from not knowing the structure complex sentence. Often, the compilers of business letters unnecessarily complicate the text. Although the specifics of a business letter require close attention to the details of the presentation, however, not always and not all the details are appropriate in the text.

Therefore, unnecessarily complicated syntactic constructions should be simplified. This can be done both by direct reduction of the text, and by its processing, for example, by breaking up a complex text into separate phrases that are simple in composition and construction.

Morphological errors.

Mistakes in the use of full and short forms of adjectives.

It should be borne in mind that short forms of adjectives are more common in official business speech. The full names of adjectives in such texts turn out to be inappropriate, they are felt as colloquial and even vernacular.

Lexical errors.

Incorrect use of words and terms.

Inappropriate or unjustified use of foreign words.

Borrowing foreign words is a natural way of enriching any language. Often, foreign words denoting concepts that have already been assigned a Russian equivalent get into the business language. However, it makes no sense to use a foreign word if there is a Russian term for this concept. The use of foreign vocabulary should be due to three circumstances: necessity, relevance and accuracy of word usage.

Tautology. Semantic repetitions that occur when cognate words coexist in a sentence. Tautological repetitions make the phrase dissonant. In addition, they make it difficult to perceive it, because they attract attention to themselves.

Errors in the use of synonyms. Mistakes in the use of synonymous words often come from the fact that a polysemantic word can be synonymous with another in only one of its meanings.

Stylistic interference.

Artificial lengthening of speech. Experts advise: "Do not state in a letter what you would not say orally." However, in our modern official correspondence, examples of artificial lengthening of speech are very often encountered. In the language of business correspondence, too long turns are unacceptable.

Technical interference.

These interferences include typos, errors, mechanical damage to the integrity of the text (tears, sticking to the envelope, etc.). the main reason for the occurrence of technical interference is negligence in the preparation of a business letter.


Src="" alt="(!LANG:>event HOW TO TRANSMIT a holiday?"> событие КАК праздник ПЕРЕДАТЬ? ЗАФИКСИРОВАТЬ? открытие Прогноз погоды ВОСПРИНЯТЬ? ЛЮБАЯ средством ИНФОРМАЦИЯ взаимодействия Дата прибытия является встреча теплохода ЯЗЫК!!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Style is a feature of the language, manifested in the selection, combination and organization"> Стиль – это особенность языка, проявляющаяся в отборе, сочетании и организации языковых средств связи с задачами общения. В соответствиями с функциями языка можно выделить следующие виды стилей: q Публицистический; q Научный; q Художественно-литературный; q Разговорно-обиходный; q Официально-деловой.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Journalistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in the genres of the article,"> Публицистический стиль - функциональный стиль речи, который используется в жанрах статья, очерк, репортаж, фельетон, интервью, памфлет, ораторская речь. Служит для воздействия на людей через СМИ (газеты, журналы, телевидение, афиши, буклеты). От слова ПУБЛИЧНЫЙ В нём широко используется, помимо нейтральной, высокая, торжественная лексика и фразеология.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Scientific style is a style that serves the scientific field of social activity. He"> Научный стиль - это стиль, который обслуживает научную сферу общественной деятельности. Он предназначен для передачи научной информации в подготовленной и заинтересованной аудитории.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Artistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in fiction."> Художественный стиль - функциональный стиль речи, который применяется в художественной литературе. В этом стиле воздействует на воображение и чувства читателя, передаёт мысли и чувства автора, использует всё богатство лексики, возможности разных стилей, характеризуется образностью, эмоциональностью речи.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Conversational style is a style that serves the realm of oral communication or oral communications."> Разговорный стиль – это стиль, который обслуживает сферу устного общения или устной коммуникации. Разговорный стиль (разговорная речь) используется в широкой сфере личных, т. е. неофициальных, внеслужебных отношений. Этот стиль чаще называют разговорно-обиходным.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Formal business style would be wrong and unfair, inaccurately called clerical .This is a whole"> Официально-деловой стиль было бы неверно и несправедливо, неточно называть канцелярским. Это целая разновидность русского литературного языка. И это стиль целесообразный, имеющий свои средства выражения, способы называния предметов и явлений, и даже по-своему выразительный.!}

Src="" alt="> "> "I am on vacation from today" statement Please consider me on vacation from 15. 06. 2013. The meaning is the same, but the style of presentation?

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The origin of Russian official business speech begins in the 10th century, from era of Kievan Rus,"> Зарождение русской официально-деловой речи начинается с Х в. , с эпохи Киевской Руси, и связано оформлением договоров между Киевской Русью и Византией.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The most important monument of ancient Russian law -"> Важнейший памятник древнерусского права - " Русская правда ", сборник законодательных установлений древнерусского государства. Язык договоров и других документов был именно тем языком, из которого позднее выработался литературный язык.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>There were two parallel book languages ​​in Moscow Rus: Church Slavonic and business language orders"> В Московской Руси было два параллельных книжных языка: церковнославянский и деловой язык приказов т. е. учреждений, ведавших !} separate industry management or a separate territory. During the XV-XVI centuries. Muscovite Rus used these two languages ​​depending on the genre of speech.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> As a result of a long process of their interaction, by the end of the XVII - the beginning"> В результате длительного процесса их взаимодействия к концу XVII - началу XVIII в. общегосударственный приказный язык становится !} common language writing of Muscovite Russia, from which the modern Russian literary language was subsequently formed.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Official style serves purely official and extremely important areas of human relationships .Two Features"> Официально-деловой стиль обслуживает сугубо официальные и чрезвычайно важные сферы человеческих взаимоотношений. Две особенности официально-делового стиля: q Выражаемое официально-деловым стилем содержание, учитывая его огромную важность, должно исключать всякую двусмысленность, всякие разночтения. q Официально-деловой стиль характеризуется определенным более или менее ограниченным кругом тем. Фактически от рождения и до смерти человек находится в сфере действия официально-деловой речи.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>These features contributed to the consolidation of traditional, well-established means of linguistic expression in it and the development certain"> Эти особенности способствовали закреплению в нем традиционных устоявшихся средств языкового выражения и выработке определенных форм и приемов построения речи. Официально-деловой стиль характеризуется: q высокой регламентированностью речи (определенный запас средств выражения и способов их построения); q официальностью (строгость изложения; слова употребляются обычно в своих прямых значениях, образность, как правило, отсутствует, тропы очень редки); q безличностью (официально-деловая речь избегает конкретного и личного).!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>A special form of etiquette is typical for ODS (Dear Igor Sergeevich!). For example, instead of the name"> Для ОДС характерна специальная форма этикета (Уважаемый Игорь Сергеевич!). Например, вместоимения Я принято применять пассивную конструкцию: я сделал - мною проделана. Основными особенностями ОДС являются: Ø Доказательность (достоверные факты) Ø Объективность Ø Информативность Ø Логичность Ø Стандартное размещение материала Ø Отсутствие эмоций!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> If we talk about speech genres, about the structure of the official business style, then he"> Если говорить о речевых жанрах, о структуре официально-делового стиля, то он подразделяется на две разновидности, два подстиля: q официально-документальный; q обиходно-деловой.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The language of diplomacy has its own system of terms (international terms). The rules of diplomatic courtesy"> Язык дипломатии имеет свою систему терминов (международные термины). Правила дипломатической вежливости выработали определенные формы начала и особенно концовок различного рода дипломатических приемов. Язык законов - это !} official language, the language of state power in which it speaks to the population. The language of laws requires, above all, precision. No ambiguity or misinterpretation is allowed here. The main thing is the concreteness of the expression of thought.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Office correspondence, or industrial correspondence, refers to the everyday business variety"> Служебная переписка, или промышленная корреспонденция, относится к обиходно-деловой разновидности официально-делового стиля. Язык деловых писем, вообще служебных документов специфичен. Норма делового письма - краткость и точность. Многословие, языковые излишества - самый большой стилистический недостаток языка деловой переписки.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Business papers, which include: application, CV, receipt, power of attorney,"> Деловые бумаги, к которым относятся: заявление, автобиография, расписка, доверенность, счет, почтовый перевод, справка, удостоверение, докладная записка, протокол, резолюция, письменный отчет о работе и т. д. , следует писать коротко и ясно.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Official business speech is one of the most important styles of the Russian literary language, playing a big role"> Официально-деловая речь - один из важнейших стилей русского литературного языка, играющего большую роль в жизни общества. Он строг, официален и по-своему выразителен.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Logical sentence construction is a characteristic feature of syntax official document Rules for the arrangement of words in "> Logical construction of a sentence is a characteristic feature of the syntax of an official document Rules for the arrangement of words in a sentence: 1. Direct word order, BUT when semantic load falls on action, reverse word order is used. The transition to cost accounting helped to improve discipline.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>2. Arrangement of words by informative significance - informational role of the word"> 2. Расположение слов по информативной значимости - информационная роль слова или словосочетаний возрастает к концу предложения Студенты колледжа помогали взрослым во время каникул в работе по благоустройству парка. Во время каникул студенты колледжа помогали взрослым в работе по благоустройству парка.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Based on the customer's letter, the work in progress on the production of a prototype is transferred to second"> На основании письма заказчика незавершенный объем работ по изготовлению опытного образца переносится на второй квартал 2016 года (указание срока изготовления опытного образца) На второй квартал 2016 года незавершенный объем работ по изготовлению опытного образца переносится на основании письма заказчика (обоснование причины переноса срока сдачи заказа)!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>3. Location of definitions inconsistent - after"> 3. Расположение определений Ø Согласованные определения ставятся перед определяемым словом, а несогласованные - после него. соглас. опред. определяющее слово служебная командировка, основное внимание, несоглас опред. вопрос важного значения!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>4. Location of circumstances - degree circumstances are placed before the adjective, and additions after"> 4. Расположение обстоятельств - обстоятельства степени ставят перед прилагательным, а дополнения после него Исключительно !} interesting project, highly undesirable effect 5. Arrangement of numerals - the noun follows the numeral ten days, five people, two brigades. But in the table: the number of staff units is 75.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The style of office documents is characterized by the use of set phrases Ø Archive - process, hand over"> Для стиля служебных документов характерно употребление устойчивых словосочетаний Ø Архив - обрабатывать, сдавать в, создавать; Ø Вакансия – замещать, иметь; Ø Совещание – готовить, вести, закрывать, открывать, переносить, приглашать на, проводить, устраивать. Ø приказ – издавать, Ø контроль - возлагается на какое-либо лицо или осуществляется, Ø должностные оклады – устанавливаются, выговор – объявляется, Ø порицание – выносится и т. д.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Using split predicates: Business Speech Colloquial Speech to help"> Использование расщепленных сказуемых: Деловая речь Разговорная речь оказать помощь помочь осуществить ремонт отремонтировать провести расследование расследовать обеспечить контроль проконтролировать допустить ошибку ошибиться оказать содействие содействовать!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing the motives for creating the document Ø To confirm our agreement."> Языковые формулы выражающие мотивы создания документа Ø В подтверждение нашей договоренности. . . Ø В соответствии с ранее достигнутой договоренностью (направляем, сообщаем). . . Ø В соответствии с письмом заказчика. . . Ø В порядке оказания помощи прошу Вас. . . Ø В ответ на Ваш запрос сообщаем. . . Ø Ссылаясь на Ваш запрос от. . . Ø Согласно постановлению правительства. . . Ø На основании нашего телефонного разговора. . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing reasons for document creation Ø Due to delay"> Языковые формулы, выражающие причины создания документа Ø Ввиду задержки получения груза. . . Ø По причине задержки оплаты. . . Ø В связи с чрезвычайными финансовыми трудностями. . . Ø В связи с нарушением срока поставки. . . Ø Учитывая, что цены на энергоносители увеличились на. . . Ø Учитывая увеличение спроса на продукцию. . . Ø Ввиду особых обстоятельств. . . Ø В связи с завершением работ по. . . Ø В связи с проведением совместных работ. . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing the purpose of document creation Ø For exchange purposes"> Языковые формулы, выражающие цель создания документа Ø В целях обмена опытом направляем в Ваш адрес. . . Ø В целях увеличения товарооборота. . . Ø В целях упорядочения работы !} structural divisions Institute Ø In order to expand the range of educational activities of the university. . . Ø In pursuance of the decision of the Academic Council of the University. . . Ø To avoid conflict situationsØ To agree on controversial issues

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing requests, demands, orders Ø Please consider the possibility . ."> Языковые формулы, выражающие просьбы, требования, распоряжения Ø Прошу рассмотреть возможность. . . Ø Прошу изыскать для нужд организации. . . Ø Обращаемся к Вам с просьбой. . . Ø Прошу Вас направить в мой адрес. . . Ø Убедительно прошу решить вопрос о. . . Ø Настаиваем на соблюдении всех условий настоящего договора. . . Ø Приказываю создать комиссию в составе. . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing reminder, warning Ø We remind you that the deadline"> Языковые формулы, выражающие напоминание, предупреждение Ø Напоминаем Вам, что срок соглашения истекает. . . Ø Напоминаем, что по плану совместных работ Вы должны. . . Ø Организация уведомляет Вас о том, что. . . Ø Считаем необходимым еще раз напомнить Вам о том, что. . . Ø Организация сохраняет за собой право в одностороннем порядке приостановить действие договора о. . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing an offer or rejection of an offer: Ø"> Языковые формулы, выражающие предложение или отказ от предложения: Ø По Вашей просьбе предоставляем Вам обзор рынка товаров нашей фирмы. . . Ø В ответ на Ваш запрос на. . . мы предлагаем Вам. . . Ø Наша компания рассматривает возможность сотрудничества с Вами и продвижения продукции Вашей фирмы на рынок. . . региона. . . Ø Благодарим Вас за просьбу дать предложение на отгрузку товара в Ваш адрес. . Ø Просим Вас принять заказ на 20 -футовый контейнер из. . . на условиях. . . Ø Подтверждая получение Вашего запроса, мы можем поставить Вам. . . Ø К сожалению, удовлетворить Вашу просьбу не представляется возможным, поскольку. . . Ø Мы не можем предоставить интересующую Вас информацию, так как!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing an order, order Ø Appoint a supervisor"> Языковые формулы, выражающие распоряжение, приказ Ø Назначить на должность начальника отдела легкой промышленности. . . Ø Обязать руководителей всех подразделений… Ø Контроль за исполнением настоящей директивы возложить на. . . Ø Назначить расследование по факту. . . Ø Изыскать дополнительные возможности для. . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing message, notification Ø We inform you that."> Языковые формулы, выражающие сообщение, уведомление Ø Сообщаем, что. . . Ø Извещаем Вас о том, что. . . Ø Ставим Вас в известность о том, что. . . Ø Считаем необходимым поставить Вас в известность о. . . Ø Докладываю о. . . Ø Довожу до Вашего сведения, что. . . Ø Организация извещает о. . . Ø Нам приятно сообщить (Вам), что. . . Ø Сообщаем к Вашему сведению, что. . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Language formulas expressing promise, guarantee Ø We guarantee that."> Языковые формулы, выражающие обещание, гарантии Ø Гарантируем, что. . . Ø Безопасность гарантируется. . . Ø Конфиденциальность информации обеспечена. . . Ø Выявленные недостатки будут устранены в кратчайшие сроки. . . Ø Просим выслать в наш адрес наложенным платежом (вид гарантии). . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Common mistakes Ø Tautology Ø Pleonasms Ø Paronyms"> Распространенные ошибки Ø Тавтология Ø Плеоназмы Ø Слова-паронимы Ø Разговорные и устаревшие слова, архаизмы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Tautology is a semantic repetition that occurs when offer"> Тавтология - смысловой повтор, который возникает в тех случаях, когда в предложении соседствуют однокоренные слова Ø адресовать в адрес Ø следует отметить следующее Ø май месяц Ø пять человек детей Ø польза от использования навесных агрегатов Ø следует учитывать следующие факторы Ø данное явление полностью проявляется в условиях!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Pleonasms - partial coincidence of the meaning of the words that form the phrase Ø memorable souvenir"> Плеоназмы – частичное совпадение значения слов, образующих словосочетание Ø памятный сувенир (сувенир - подарок на память) Ø передовой авангард (авангард - те, кто идет впереди) Ø совместное сотрудничество (сотрудничество - совместная работа, совместное решение проблем) Ø «промышленная индустрия» (в слове «индустрия» уже заключено понятие «промышленная»); Ø «форсировать строительство ускоренными темпами» (форсировать - вести ускоренными темпами); Ø «потерпеть полное фиаско» (фиаско и есть полное поражение).!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Paronyms are similar in sound related wordsØ guarantee "> Words-paronyms - close-sounding related words Ø guarantee - guaranteed; Ø place - place Ø pay - pay

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Colloquial and obsolete words, archaisms Chancellor, founder">!}

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