What to wear for a woman with a V-shaped body type (Photos and Pictures). Shoulders wider than hips or T-line

The type of figure is laid genetically, but this does not mean that there is no way to influence it. With a certain impact external factors the female figure can easily change. It is not only about random factors the type of posture you are in most time, but also about targeted body shaping.

What are there?

There are many classifications of female figures. Some of them are more famous, some less. Two systems deserve the most attention: varieties of body type according to Kibby and comparison female forms with letters of the Latin alphabet.

Kibby typology implies several main types:

  • Natural;
  • Romantic;
  • Dramatic;
  • Classic;
  • Gamin.

However, these types are not the only ones. David Kibby inside each of the listed types highlights bright and soft representatives, and also talks about mixed species. Determining the shape of the body using the Kibby test is quite difficult.

You will need not only to evaluate your body objectively, but also pay attention to the bone structure and face.

Quite another matter is the letter classification. On its basis, a comparison of women's bodies with fruits and even numbers appeared (for example, "banana" - about a rectangular body type or "eight" - about an hourglass figure).

There are five main shapes-letters:

Each type needs more details.

Rectangular figure, or "H"

Women - "rectangles" often complex due to the fact that their figure is not feminine enough. With excessive thinness, such a body may generally seem androgynous, boyish. Muscles are usually well developed, the figure is athletic, and fat under the skin practically does not accumulate. When gaining weight, the fat layer is distributed evenly, but the abdomen is a certain problem area. In women, the notorious sides and tummy appear, turning the H-shaped figure into an “apple”.

The hips and shoulders of the "rectangles" are equal to each other. There is no pronounced bend in the waist, which makes the body seem H-shaped. The chest and hips at the level of the buttocks are equal in girth, so in general the figure looks proportional and harmonious.

The disadvantage of the “H” type figure is that it seems flat. The chest is usually absent or small, the lower part of the body is also unnecessarily straight and flat. It is difficult to correct a body with a wide-boned structure: here it is necessary not only to emphasize the waist, but also to narrow the body as a whole, as if stretching it out.

Fortunately, a figure of this type has one important advantage that distinguishes it from all others - legs. Rectangle girls have long, slender, attractive legs, so if possible, you need to emphasize them as much as possible. At the same time, focusing on the waist and legs, it will be possible to bring the proportions closer to the reference ones.

Inverted triangle, or "T"

This type of figure is also called male, since the situation when the shoulders are wider than the hips is more common among the stronger sex. However, you should not despair, since adjusting the proportions in this case is quite simple. Most a prime example- the owner of an athletic figure Angelina Jolie.

The T-shaped figure is distinguished by a developed top: lush bust and straight shoulders with a relatively thin waist. However, the hips are disproportionately narrow, and the buttocks are flat.

The upper part of the body is shorter than the lower part, which makes the upper part seem even heavier.

When gaining weight, the chest and shoulders first of all become fat, in the lower part of the body fat is practically not concentrated. In this regard, there may be problems with full hands, which will need to be corrected in the future. Buttocks and legs practically do not change, despite the weight gain.

Another cause for concern is the stomach. With a slightly pronounced waist, a protruding belly makes the figure barrel-shaped, and therefore girls with an “inverted triangle” figure often think that their type is “apple”. It should also be borne in mind that the waist is slightly higher than usual. Be sure to focus on the narrowest point (usually just above the navel).

Hourglass, or "X"

The X-shaped figure is considered a reference. The classic 90-60-90 is just found in girls of this type. However, the appearance does not have to be model. Marilyn Monroe, possessing magnificent forms, just had an hourglass figure.

It is believed that almost any clothing is suitable for such a figure., so its owners can be called lucky. So, with weight gain, the fat layer is distributed evenly. Both the chest and the hips increase in proportion to each other, it is impossible to single out any one zone where fat would accumulate. Hands and feet also get fat. Despite the fact that women have a tummy, the waist does not disappear, and their figure retains its original proportions. When you lose weight, fat also disappears evenly.

"Hourglass" is easy to identify by the roundness of the silhouette. All curves will be smooth, shoulders will be sloping, buttocks and chest will also have rounded outlines. The upper and lower parts of the body are approximately the same length. Interestingly, if you divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference, you get 0.7 - the optimal indicator from the point of view of scientists. According to statistics, girls with this ratio are subconsciously chosen by men, since it is believed that the X-shaped body is literally created for bearing a child.

"Apple", or "O"

To imagine an O-shaped figure, you just need to look at the canvases of Italian painters of the 15th-18th centuries. Such girls look plump even with a small weight due to the roundness inherent in the "apple" figure.

The apple-shaped figure is distinguished by a rounded belly, voluminous chest and full boobs, while the legs and arms can remain thin. This dissonance makes the body appear barrel-shaped. The buttocks are usually flat, and it is quite difficult to change this.

Girls with O-shaped figure will appear full regardless of their actual weight, since they always have a small belly and sides.

It is interesting to note that this type is the only one in which the lower torso is noticeably longer than the upper. The advantage of the “apple” figure is long and slender legs, growing, as they say, "from the ears." With the right selection of clothes, “apple” women look much sexier than everyone else, thanks to their appetizing and pompous forms.

Unfortunately, the hips of the "apple" girls are a bit narrow compared to the bust and shoulders, which makes the figure seem disproportionate. Thus, the primary task is not only the visual narrowing of the waist, but also the addition of volume to the hips. You can also make the body more slender if you stretch the figure using the right techniques.

"Pear", or "A"

The pear-shaped figure is the most feminine. Lush hips with narrow shoulders and a small chest are not so rare. According to some studies, the number of women with a similar body type is 30%. If you meet "pears" infrequently, then this can only be attributed to the fact that with the help of some tricks they skillfully turn their shortcomings to their advantage.

"Pears" often complex about the volumetric "fifth point" and slightly short legs. The hips are also quite massive, which is why the bottom as a whole looks heavy. However, this is more than offset by a fragile top. So, the owners of the A-shaped figure have a thin waist, graceful neck, shoulders, arms, and a small bust. Thin ankles are another integral advantage of the "pears".

Women with a pear-shaped figure can be called lucky, because they have more advantages than disadvantages. You need to cover up quite a bit. Another thing is to correctly emphasize what is given by nature. No need to go to extremes and try to make a fashionable boyish figure out of your feminine figure. No matter what diets the “pear” girl sits on, she will not be able to significantly change the proportions. By the way, when you gain weight, fat is first deposited on the hips and legs. "Ears" or "riding breeches" appear. As a rule, the waist and arms remain relatively thin.

Interestingly, there are special GOST standards that regulate certain parameters when sewing clothes.

Typical figures are not common, so if you know for sure that your figure is far from the standard, find a good dressmaker to fit things.

How to recognize yours?

If you cannot clearly determine your body type, then you will have to take some measurements.

First you need to get ready:

  • All measurements are taken from the girl wearing panties and a non-push-up bra.
  • The volume of the chest is determined by the most protruding part. In this case, the centimeter tape must be placed parallel to the floor surface.
  • The waist is measured at the narrowest part (usually just above the navel).
  • The hips, like the chest, are measured at the most protruding point of both the hips themselves and the buttocks. The centimeter must be placed parallel to the floor.

Keep in mind that dimensional signs have nothing to do with the type of figure. You only need to know the ratio of the volumes to each other. After all, the definition of the type of figure is made not by parameters, but by which of the volumes are more pronounced.

In addition to volumes, you will need to evaluate the figure visually. After all, measurements do not always give necessary information. If possible, take a picture in full height or use a large mirror.

The figures are characterized as follows:

  • "Hourglass": The bust is about the same as the hips, and the waist is much smaller. The difference may be 20-30 cm.
  • "Rectangle": The chest girth is approximately equal to the girth of the hips, the waist does not stand out much. It may already be 10-15 cm.
  • "Pear": the bust girth is noticeably smaller than the hips girth, while the waist is thin (20-30 cm less in volume than the hips).
  • "Inverted Triangle": the bust is greater than or equal to the hips, the waist is relatively thin. At the same time, visually, the shoulders are noticeably wider than the hips, the buttocks are flat.
  • "Apple": the bust is much wider than the hips, while the waist and hips do not differ much. Visually, the waist and stomach stand out. At the same time, the legs are thin and long.

Does the type depend on the date of birth?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to find out your body type by date of birth. Neither the month nor the year in which you were born affects the formation of your figure. The only thing that can significantly affect her is heredity.

Lifestyle is also important. It can exacerbate inherent physique flaws. For example, sedentary work will make already flat buttocks even flatter, but with age they will become flabby and sag.

sedentary image life has an extremely negative effect on the figure, so try to exercise regularly or at least do exercises in the morning.

We eat right

Proper nutrition is what the process of losing weight and maintaining health largely depends on. No wonder all professional athletes say that training is only part of the job. The real work begins when it's time to fill the refrigerator.

Each body type has a specific diet. The ratios of the main nutrients - fats, proteins and carbohydrates - differ. Many girls hate the word "fat" and try to negate its content in their diet, but this is fundamentally wrong. It is thanks to fats that hair and skin remain smooth and silky, and all metabolic processes flow the best way. Naturally, we are talking about healthy fats, which are many in red fish, olive oil, nuts.

A completely different matter is carcinogenic fats, which make up a large mass fraction of “bad” foods: buns, sweet yogurts, hamburgers, chocolate bars. Such fats are not processed by the body and in an unsplit form are immediately sent to fat layer resulting in the formation of cellulite. Fighting him is not as easy and safe as it might seem at first glance. After all, when these harmful fats are released, the body takes a hit, because of which the general condition worsens.

They gain weight not from fats, but from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted to glucose faster than other substances. As a result of this, a large supply of energy is released, and if not all of it is used up, then the excess will also be deposited in the form of fat. Carbohydrates are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, nervous and digestive systems. After all, fiber is also a carbohydrate.

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. They are not processed into fat, but are only used to build muscle. However, do not give up all other nutrients in favor of proteins alone, as this will inevitably lead to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

For each type of figure, a certain ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is suitable. You should consider in more detail how you need to eat for each type, and also understand how you can calculate the calorie rate.


Rectangular bodies look best with minimal body fat. High-quality muscle frame inherent in this species by nature, makes the figure beautiful and toned.

The skin does not sag even with a sufficiently large mass.

« Weakness"In this case, the stomach and sides. Unfortunately, losing weight locally will not work, so the only possible variant- high protein diet. It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of fat and carbohydrates. So, proteins should account for 45% of the total daily diet, carbohydrates - 40%, and fats - 15%.

Pay Special attention on the quality of food. Protein should be easily digestible: white meat, eggs, seafood. Avoid heavy foods, red meat.

Be careful when choosing carbohydrates. Use only healthy foods: whole grain bread, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. If you find it difficult to immediately give up your favorite chocolate snacks, then arrange for yourself one day a week when you can eat everything.

Try to choose vegetable fats, not animal fats. Oils (except sunflower) are ideal. Keep in mind that during heat treatment, almost all oils lose their beneficial features but not calories. If you are cooking with oil, then avoid other products with high content fats (nuts, seeds).

inverted triangle

In this case, the diet does not play a fundamental role, since the proportions are adjusted mainly exercise. However, to build gluteal muscles, you need a lot of protein. Nutritionists do not advise girls with an inverted triangle figure to go on a protein diet, as in this case they may lose their beautiful bust, as a result, the figure will become more masculine.

An excellent way out is protein shakes. If you drink one of these 15 minutes before training, you will be able to give the body a sufficient amount. building material.

There are two ways to make a protein shake:

  • based on protein powder;
  • from curd.

It is worth mentioning that the first option is preferable, since eminent manufacturers use only high-quality natural ingredients. You can immediately calculate how much protein you have consumed. In the case of cottage cheese, this will not be possible. In addition, it will require much more than protein powder. You need to prepare a cocktail not on water, but on milk (or on vegetable milk with lactose intolerance). This will improve the digestibility of the protein, and the result will be noticeable faster.


Lucky women with a reference figure do not need a diet. They can pamper themselves with anything. However, one should take into account the fact that with age, the metabolism slows down greatly. Therefore, girls after 23 years of age need to reconsider their diet.

This applies not only to industrial delicacies, but also to natural ones. Dried fruits contain almost the same amount of sugar, and it is absorbed very quickly. It is much wiser to choose something from fruit as the end of the meal.

  • apples;
  • kiwi;
  • oranges.

The main meals also need to be reviewed. Better to eat in the morning complex carbohydrates, at lunch - fiber, and in the evening - protein. This redistribution will help the body naturally maintain a fast metabolism due to the timely supply of "building material".

Even gaining a few extra pounds, a girl with an hourglass figure will retain attractive curves. Diet here is more important for maintaining good health and maintaining health than for the body. Though not proper nutrition adversely affect the condition of the skin and hair.

A circle

The figure - "apple" is difficult to correct. Even with a low weight, girls with this type of physique look plump due to the sides and a small belly, which cannot be removed. Diet doesn't help much either. Correction is made only in the complex: training, proper nutrition and selection of clothes.

There are two approaches. On the one hand, you can try to make the figure slim. To do this, it is recommended to follow a diet low in carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat in small portions, 5-7 times a day, and the interval between meals should be no more than 3 hours.

On the other hand, it is much easier to emphasize the appetizing forms of the "apple" figure. However, it is also recommended to follow fractional nutrition while increasing the carbohydrate content. You also need to give up desserts, with the exception of dried fruits and fruits. Refined foods lead to the formation of cellulite.

At intense training You need to increase your protein intake. To do this, it is recommended to include protein shakes in the diet, and they should contain practically no carbohydrates. As a basis, it is better to choose water. When making a cocktail from cottage cheese, skim milk can be dispensed with.


It is unrealistic for a girl - a "pear" to lose weight in a problem area. Even with a low body fat content, the hips will still remain wide. The emphasis must be on a diet that allows you to get rid of cellulite, because girls with a triangular body type are prone to its appearance.

So, be sure to include in the diet foods with great content fiber.

By and large, girls with a triangular figure need to monitor only the number of calories consumed. The only thing that they get fat is the “fifth point”. The waist always remains thin, and the stomach is flat, and even after childbirth, it is easy for such women to get in shape.

If a girl with an A-shaped figure is actively involved in sports, then you need to carefully monitor the amount of protein in the diet. It shouldn't be much. As in the case of weight gain, the hips and buttocks will grow first, but I must say that they are appetizingly rounded. The form becomes Brazilian.

In order to choose the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as calculate the number of calories, you should use a special calculator or application. In the absence of such, rely on the following: a woman with moderate physical activity with a height of 170 cm, it is required to consume 1500-1600 kcal per day. Increase or decrease this figure according to your activity level.

Correcting problem areas

Each figure is individual, but depending on the type of physique, probable problem areas are determined. For each such zone, you need to select your own set of exercises. Much depends on whether you want to add volume or, conversely, reduce the girth. After all, in the first case, the muscles will build up, and in the second, fat will be burned.

Keep in mind that the exercises themselves will not bring the desired result if the proper diet. However, this is not a guarantee either. We strongly recommend that you adhere to correct technique execution. At best, you will not see any changes at all, and at worst, you will get injured.

Before training, be sure to warm up well. You can run for 15 minutes or jump rope. Do a small set of articular gymnastics: stretch your neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, spine, knees, ankles. Make a couple of bridges.

Such training will speed up the metabolism, as well as reduce the risk of injury.


Any girl dreams of a wasp waist, but sometimes it is not so easy to achieve it. Many in the pursuit of beautiful forms make the same classic mistake. It would seem that in order to narrow the waist, you need to work out its lateral surfaces. Then the fat will burn, and the muscles will tighten.

Unfortunately, everything is exactly the opposite. Muscles swell, which makes the waist seem even wider. So the main advice: leave the lateral muscles alone, work better on the front. For this, ordinary twisting, hanging leg raises and the like are suitable.

Don't forget cardio. It is impossible to lose weight locally. The weight will have to drop completely. Choose something to your liking. It doesn't have to be running. Skiing, biking, jump rope, race walking - whatever you see fit will do. Someone even practices running up the stairs.

Practice the "vacuum" exercise. It involves the internal muscles, due to which the stomach is tightened, it becomes flatter and more embossed. It is easier for girls who practice this exercise to get in shape after childbirth. The rehabilitation process is less painful and transient.


Beautiful legs- a matter of pride. But sometimes it happens that the “initial data” leaves much to be desired.

There can be two cases here:

  • too massive hips;
  • unnecessarily thin legs, not very different in thickness around the hips and calves.

And in the first, and in the second case, sport will come to the rescue.

With a large mass, it is recommended to connect cardio exercises that give a load on the legs. However, be careful about which muscles you train. Do not get carried away with exercises that involve the front of the thigh. These include classic jogging, for example.

It is much better to choose exercises that pump the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks. It can be interval speed running, elliptical training, cycling. So you kill two birds with one stone: your legs will become slimmer, and your buttocks will tighten up.

In the case when the thighs are too thin, you will have to build muscle mass. This is done through weight-bearing exercises. Flexion and extension of the legs, lunges, squats are well suited.

Choose a weight so that you can do 6-8 exercises with the correct technique, while the last two repetitions should be given with difficulty.

Hips and buttocks

Regarding the correction of the shape and volume of the hips and buttocks, you can find a lot of material in the public domain. Every girl wants to have an attractive lower part, but not all naturally have Brazilian forms. This is where sports can help.

Habitual lunges and squats are not suitable for girls with flat buttocks, since most of the load will be taken by the hips. As a result, the legs will grow, but the buttocks will not. Perfect fit isolated exercises for buttocks. Can perform them on the simulator, working in the range of 8-10 repetitions. Speed ​​running also pumps the buttocks well.

If the task is to slightly reduce the girths, then regularly do cardio exercises. Also suitable are exercises without weights with a high number of repetitions, such as stepping onto a bench, reverse lunges, static squats. As a result, the buttocks will tighten, and the volumes will go away.

If your problem is “ears” or “riding breeches”, then cardio exercises, coupled with lymphatic drainage massage, will help. It can be done at home, driving the lymph with a stiff brush from top to bottom - to the area under the knees.

Shoulder girdle

Many girls think little about training for the upper body, but in vain. Without a harmoniously developed top, a pumped relief bottom will not look so impressive.

With narrow shoulders, it is recommended to work on adding mass. To do this, you need to pump the deltoid muscles, performing dumbbell breeding to the side from a standing or sitting position, lifting the barbell to the chin. The weight should be selected so that you can technically perform 15-18 repetitions correctly. If you feel that you are able to perform 20 repetitions, then increase the weight of the dumbbells.

The chest press will help lift the chest and improve its shape. The weight should be such that you can complete 15-20 repetitions. But do not rush to increase the weight. Ask someone to watch your technique, and be sure to ask a partner to insure you during this exercise.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, then you can perform ordinary push-ups from the floor. Gradually master new exercises based on push-ups: vary the setting of the arms, legs, try push-ups with cotton.

Narrow hips, thin legs and developed shoulders and pectoral muscles? Congratulations - you have a classic T-shaped figure! It's not bad at all. I just would like to make the figure more harmonious and balanced, slightly lightening the top and adding volume to the bottom. In order to make the upper body less massive, we can recommend special equipment work with weighting agents "supersets". What is a superset? These are any two exercises for one muscle group that are performed sequentially one after the other in a bundle. You can advise you to build your workout in this way - on Monday and Thursday, build classes to work out the upper body, and on Tuesday and Friday to work out the lower body - legs and hips, which will need to be increased in volume.

Lightening the top

In order to reduce volumes, we suggest doing dumbbell presses and dumbbell flyes on an incline bench; dilution of arms with dumbbells to the side and lifting dumbbells to the side. Dumbbell rows with one hand, bending the arms on the block, push-ups from the bench and extension from behind the head will also be effective.

The beginning of the workout should begin with a small five-minute warm-up. Next, we perform exercises in the form of sets. The weight should be moderate, and there should be as many approaches as possible - up to 12-15.

Supersets can be dumbbell press plus dilutions; lifting dumbbells through the side plus breeding in the slope; dumbbell row with one hand plus pull of the upper block to the chest;

Bending the arms on the blocks plus lifting the dumbbells.

With each new set, it is worth increasing the weight a little.

Next, do a series of aerobic exercises. Work out on a rowing machine, exercise bike, walk with weights. But this is on condition that you are ready to donate part of the inflated muscle mass. Aerobics can be given 20-30 minutes.

Lower body workout

Here you do not need harmony - on the contrary, you need to add roundness and volume. For the formation of feminine forms, exercises must be performed with a lot of weight. But there should be few repetitions. The half-squat forms are pumped up very well, while the legs should be placed as close to each other as possible; leg presses, leg curls, floor crunches, reverse crunches, calf raises.

The workout also begins with a five-minute warm-up. Next, we proceed to strength exercises. Reps should be 10-12.

Increase the weight with each new set.

If, in addition, there is a need to get rid of fat, then pay attention to aerobics 4-5 times a week. Suitable for almost any type of exercise 0 ideal for you rowing machine, exercise bike, ski machine, Treadmill, crossrobics, walking with weights.

Do a fat burning workout on Saturday if needed. It should last 45-60 minutes. Again, this can be training on simulators - a rowing machine, an exercise bike, a ski machine, a treadmill, crossrobics.

Set aside two days a week for rest.

Nutrition for owners T-shaped figures should be varied. Preference should be given to low-fat foods, vegetables, fruits. The diet should be more protein and less carbohydrates. Meat is welcome. Vegetarians will simply find it difficult to form muscle volumes due to the lack of building material. Therefore, there should be meat, fish, liver, cheeses, sour cream on the table. Of course, you should not lean on fatty foods.

If you follow this program consistently, then after a few weeks you can noticeably correct the figure. Six months later, the figure will already become harmonious (visually) and it will be possible to celebrate the victory.

The figure of type "T" is divided into two subtypes:

(Common characteristic for type “T” on page Types of figures)

    "T1" - the shoulders are clearly wider than the hips, strong shoulders, the muscles are well developed, the figure looks athletic, this is the so-called "android" type.

    "T2" - a more slender figure, reminiscent of the figure of a teenage girl.

What to look for in training and what to achieve:

All subtypes of "T" - The same problem - a well-developed top and visually narrow bottom. As a rule, representatives of this type of figure have an average or big breasts but weak buttocks.

Women "T" are not inclined to be overweight. Fat deposits accumulate mainly in the upper body and on the sides, often suffer from hypertension.

The main task is to remove the excess from above and add volume to the bottom (hips and buttocks). Top - intensive aerobics, and most the best option for the bottom there will be a “pumping up” of the muscle mass on the hips and buttocks in order to increase them in volume. You need to get rid of fat deposits in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back, chest and abdomen (primarily the abdomen).

How to do it:

Everything is clear with the upper part of your figure - you need to lose excess fat. And this means that you have a direct road to the world of aerobics, where you have to "sweat".

Natural endurance, which is inherent in women with types of "T" figures, requires intense aerobic exercise. The complex should be focused on the upper large muscle groups (chest, back, abdomen).

Aerobic exercise on the legs and especially on the hips and buttocks should be less intense, but heavy, with an emphasis on the thigh and gluteal muscles. it various exercises, where your own weight is used as the weighting agent. For example, various squats, pelvic lifts, etc.

Get ready for your top to “lose weight” slowly, so 4-5 aerobic sessions per week if you want fast results.

In addition, you are advised to do serial exercises "two" for the same muscle groups. Let's say Monday is a workout for the large muscle groups of the upper body and the exact same workout the next day on Tuesday.

As for the lower part (buttocks and thighs), you cannot do without a gym.

Endurance and performance of the muscles of your lower torso requires a good load to achieve results.

Training in the gym should be carried out with weights - big weight and low reps. And given that you can’t “pump up” the upper part - the loads on the muscles of the lower part must be isolated - to comply with this condition, “machines” gym virtually no alternative.

How to eat:

Simple fasting will most likely not bring you results, keep this in mind. The first thing you need to do is set a strict eating schedule. At the same time with a fixed break of no more than 5 hours.

You need to try, if not completely give up fats, then at least drastically reduce their amount. Your main foods will be fresh fruits and vegetables containing fiber. They should make up to half of your diet. Avoid carbonated drinks. The consumption of meat pickles, smoked sausages, other types of meat and meat products with a high fat content will have to be significantly limited.

You need protein for more than women with other body types. Protein reserves can be replenished with fish (only lean), beans, milk. Foods containing sugar should be avoided altogether. You also need to consume plenty of fluids - up to 2 liters per day.

Unlike type "A", the advantage in the direction of carbohydrate intake should be in the evening, but protein foods should be consumed during the day. Dinner - at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Clothes for a "T" figure

Your task: increase visually narrow hips

Basic Rules

In every possible way emphasize the hips and buttocks, drawing the main attention to them. Visually reduce the width of the shoulders, avoid piling up and a large number shoulder details. Choose clothes with a straight and clear cut, so that the silhouette is clearly visible, emphasizing the slimness of the legs. For the upper part of the clothes, use dark colors, for the bottom - light. You can balance the top and bottom with the help of drawings - transverse in the hips and longitudinal in the shoulders and upper torso. Smooth curves absolutely do not suit you, so focus on the “angle” in all the details of clothing and accessories.

Types of clothing


Straight and simple cut, shirt dresses can be used. The neckline can help to visually reduce the shoulders, narrowing in the lower part will visually expand and emphasize the harmony of the hips. Dresses with a low waist will look good on your figure. The sun skirt also suits you. Strapless clothes and tunics are perfect for you.

You are perhaps the only body type that can wear horizontal stripes without looking fat.


Very well visually reduces the shoulders of a deep V-shaped neckline. In the same way, it will hide and visually reduce the width of the shoulders of a lowered sleeve. If the length is below the waist, then this will visually expand the hips. Raglan sleeves will also suit you. Try to keep the top darker than the skirt or pants, this way you will visually narrow your upper part.


The cut should be simple and the colors discreet.


A V neckline, as well as in any top of clothing for your body type, can visually reduce the width of the shoulders. Jackets choose slightly fitted. Pockets will give the impression of wider hips.

Avoid things that are overloaded with details at the top. Keep the emphasis on the waist. No big sleeves, collars or boat necklines. If you wear a belt, then only a wide one.


Accentuate your waist gently with a belt. Create volume with your skirts. A pencil skirt is contraindicated for you. Your style is a-line, sun, pleated skirts. The tones are light, the lines are oblique, in general, everything that visually expands your hips and buttocks. The optimal length of the skirt is to the knee.


Theoretically, any loose-fitting trousers will suit you. If you want to wear something tight, then let it be either lighter than the upper part of the clothes or well “stuffed” with details - embroidery, many pockets, rivets, a heavy belt hanging freely on the hips. With the same principle, you can wear shorts and capri pants, but flared trousers are best for you.


Slightly fitted straight cut.


Bodices with straps connecting at the back of the neck or with a square neckline, as well as models with details on the hips, will do. Avoid floral pattern. Give preference to models where the top and bottom are sold separately. Choose those swimsuits that have a plain top and a patterned bottom (check, oblique lines, flowers, etc.). You can buy one-piece swimsuits, but make sure that the neckline is square and the straps are wide. In no case do not buy a swimsuit consisting of a T-shirt and shorts.

Jewelry and accessories

Chains and beads you have to be long, also applies to scarves and shawls. Hip chain belts will look advantageous on you. Choose big bags.


Boots or boots are very suitable for you, and spectacular ones, with all sorts of “bells and whistles”.


Fabrics choose dense and hard: cotton, crinkled linen, fine wool, crinkled silk, satin, gabardine, corrugated fabrics. Drawings should be geometric in order to visually align the proportions of your torso.

What not to wear

Patch chest pockets and ruffles and frills at chest level. A gathered waist and large details at the top of the garment are not for you. Also try to avoid horizontal lines at the top and longitudinal lines at the bottom. No epaulettes, wide collars and shoulder pads. Do not use soft loose and fluffy fabrics, and do not wear trousers tapering to the bottom. All patterns, edges, cutouts of jewelry should have corners, boat cutouts, as well as curved lines are contraindicated for you.

The desire of women with a T-shaped body type usually boils down to one thing: to add roundness in the lower body. The top seems to be a little heavy and with the addition of weight, excess fat is deposited on the shoulders, arms, neck and chest. Here, too narrow a pelvis immediately begins to catch the eye.

" Harmoniously developed muscles will never spoil the figure and prolong its youth. This set of exercises is designed to increase the volume of the muscles of the legs and strengthen, give a slight relief to the upper shoulder girdle. "

We will also pay special attention to the spine. You will not interfere with exercises that stretch the spine, and exercises aimed at developing the strength of the muscles that support the correct posture.

A normal metabolism has saved you from the problem of losing weight. You're lucky! Worth wanting and ideal figure secured!

Leg muscle exercises

You just need heavy anklets. Only exercises with weighting and the number of repetitions up to 8-10 times in 1 approach will provide the necessary speed of muscle growth.

1. Leg raise

Lie on a bench on your stomach (it can be a low bench 25-30 cm). Weighted bracelets are worn on the legs. Bend your legs at the knees, lower them down and join them together. Grasp the bench firmly with your hands to keep your back stationary. Slowly raise your legs up and just as slowly lower them to the floor. Don't arch your back and move very smoothly.

Inhale - legs down, up - leg lift.

2. Squats and leg abductions

For this exercise, it is better to use a gymnastic stick as a support.

Stand up straight. Weight bracelets on the legs. Stand in front of you with a gymnastic stick so that your back remains straight. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows and lie on a gymnastic stick "(you can also use the high back of the chair as a support). Feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down so that in the lower position the angle between the lower leg and thigh is at least 90 °. Start to rise and retract at the same time right leg back diagonally. Don't arch your back. Slowly put your right foot in and again go into a squat and, rising, take your left foot back. Inhale - down, exhale - up.

3. Rise on the toe

Stand up straight. Lean on a gymnastic stick. Left leg bent at the knee. Slowly rise up on the toe of the right foot and go down, put the heel on the floor. The supporting knee is slightly bent all the time. Don't lean on the support. The entire weight of the body falls on the supporting leg.

Inhale - heel on the floor, exhale - rise on the toe.

4. Exercise for the lateral muscles of the thighs

Lie on the floor, hips and body should be in line. Bend your bottom leg. Do not fall back, move your pelvis slightly forward. The top foot should be parallel to the floor. Raise your leg up to the end, and slowly lower it down. Repeat as many times as needed and switch legs. In this exercise, it is recommended to use a weighting agent. Put the ankle bracelet on your ankle.

Inhale - leg down, exhale - raise the leg up.

5.Exercises for the gluteal muscles

Lie on your side, hips and body should be on the same line. Bend your bottom leg. Rotate your pelvis at a 45° angle to the floor, lean forward and lean on your arm. Take your top leg back a little. Raise your leg up to the end, and slowly lower it down. Repeat as many times as needed and switch legs.

Inhale - leg to the floor, exhale - raise the leg.

6. Forward lunges with dumbbells

Stand straight, arms with dumbbells (2.5-7.0 kg) lower down along the body. Keeping your back straight, step forward with your right foot so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to starting position. Do several times on the right leg, go to the left.

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