Mars Chocolate Factory. mars - bar with nougat and caramel

The Mars CompanyMars) is one of the most mysterious companies in the American market. She still remains privately owned, despite a whole list of world-famous brands that bring her billions of dollars. To date, the owners of Mars are the grandchildren of its founder.

Closed company

The status of a private company, or perhaps the location near the headquarters of the CIA, led to the fact that Mars has always been a closed company. Its founders never aspired to fame and glory, which did not prevent them from entering 100 richest people in america.

The closeness of the company gave rise to many rumors around herself and her owners. It is believed that the current leader, Forrest Mars, personally makes daily rounds of production and takes samples from finished products. It is not only about sweets, but also about animal feed.

Let's look behind the veil of mystery together and learn more about the history of Mars.

Foundation of the company

The history of Mars goes back to the 19th century. In 1883, the future founder of the chocolate giant was born Franklin Clarence (Frank) Mars.

Frank Mars' family did not live well, so he matured early and began to work. At the age of 19, he was already selling sweets with might and main. It was at this moment that he chose the industry that determined his entire future life.

Career success helped Frank start earning enough. He was not rich, but he could afford to buy a house and married a girl named Ethel. She subsequently became his business partner.

Own business

At 28, Frank Mars leaves his job and starts his own business. He and his wife sell sweets in a store that is located right in their house.

All trade was conducted through the kitchen window of the Mars family.

Their little business began to grow, and in 1911 the couple founded the companyMar-O-bar. Frank's dream to leave his job forever and become the owner of his own business has become a reality.

First major successes

At that time, the main assortment of the Mars confectionery family was sweets of various fillings. The idea that changed Frank's whole life came to him quite by accident.

Birth of Milky Way

One day he went to the store with his son Forrest. The son asked his father to buy chocolate. In those days, chocolate could only be bought by weight, which was not very convenient. The customers were constantly getting dirty.

It was at that moment that Frank thought, why not start selling small pieces of chocolate wrapped in foil?

The idea seemed promising to Frank, and after advice from his wife, they decided to try it. The result of this trial was the birth of the now world-famous candy bar. milkyway. By 1925, Milky Way would be the recognized market leader.

Company growth

In the 20s, Mars will have its own factory in the suburbs of Chicago. The staff of the company will begin to grow. All this will result in the emergence of new products, among which will be the legendary chocolate bar Snickers, which is still one of the flagships of the Mars product line.

Forrest Mars

Having received an excellent education at Yale University, Forrest Mars prepare to become an entrepreneur. In this part of the history of the Mars family, there are some gaps and differences in the opinions of historians.

It is known that after university, Forrest went to England, where he started a business that was not related to his family's business. One of the versions claims that he did this on the instructions of his father in order to try to organize his own business.

According to another version- the reason for such actions was a conflict with the father and a break in their relationship. But it is known for sure that Forrest started a new business with Frank's money.

Chocolate bar Mars

In 1932, Forrest Mars buys a production facility in Slow. It is this factory that will become the parent of another brand - chocolate barMars, which is in no way inferior in popularity to its fellow - Snickers.

However, the first success was not easy for Forrest. He did not even produce his own chocolate at first, but bought it from Cadbury.

New area - new brands

Forrest Mars, unlike his father, had a more global mindset. He was a supporter of the idea of ​​differentiation. That is why the company has developed products such as pet food - Whiskas and Pedigree.

"Melts in your mouth, not in your hands"

If the founder-Mars owns the birth of the Milky Way brand, then his son can be credited with an equally famous product - candiesM&M's.

The idea of ​​creating these sweets came to Mars Jr. when he was in Spain. The problem with chocolates was that they melted in the hands. Especially on hot days.

Mars solved this problem by coating the candies with a special shell. And overnight, M&M's received wide recognition from the consumer. The success was so great that Forrest decides to rename the company "M&M Ltd".

Expansion and merger

The next step to success for Mars was the purchase Uncle Ben's- one of the leaders in the market of instant rice. Forrest began to come to the United States more often, and in 1964 his company and the brainchild of his father merged - a giant was born M&M/Mars.

However, there was not even any talk of entering the stock exchange. Forrest believed that the company should remain family property. At least until his death, talking about selling any part of the company was pointless.

Management at Mars

It is known about some of the innovations that Forrest Mars used in his company:

  1. Very strict quality control. Of course, it was still not Japanese quality, but the level of control was high.
  2. The leader was not afraid of open criticism of subordinates. Forrest always got personal when problems arose. This does not mean that he did not appreciate the employees. He was well aware that the fate of his company depended on them, and tried to organize the best conditions for them.
  3. ATMars abandoned private offices and partitions. This contributed to the improvement of the team spirit in the company's staff.
  4. Mars has its own employee training center. For the middle of the 20th century, this was a revolutionary innovation!

Mars today

Today, Mars is owned by the third generation of the family - Jacqueline, Forrest Jr. and John. They are not in direct control. This function is performed by a hired person - the CEO of Mars, Paul Michaels.

Mars owns world famous brands in three industries: confectionery, animal food, rice.

Surely you know such brands as Milky Way, M&M's, Twix, Skittles, Snickers, Whiskas, Chappy, Pedigree, Uncle Ben's, Dove Chocolate, Bounty, Royal Canin and many others.

Fourth direction

Finally, Mars was the first to introduce drinks dispensers that could accept paper money.. This is another area of ​​the company's activities that few people know about.

Mars chocolate of my childhood, for me it is the most delicious. I decided to cook myself. I like to make chocolates, my hand is already full. But the mars chocolate bar turned out to be much more difficult to prepare than truffles or marmalade. The video is clear, everything is also written clearly and clearly, but the recipe is long and heavy. I suffered with nougat. But for the result - respect to you! The real Mars, the same taste.

It always seemed that sweets can only be made in a factory: technologies, temperature conditions, proportions - all this is not for home cooking. And then I came across a video on how to make a Mars chocolate bar. Indeed, everything is necessary: ​​both the temperature and the grams must be observed. But how simply grandmother and granddaughter showed it! Three days later, my family said in chorus: “And we will eat as many Mars as we want!”

I never thought that I would make my own mars bar. I never liked them, but now I generally try not to eat sweets. But my son tried it once and now he asks all the time. I love your site and am glad that I was able to find here the recipe for Mars chocolate bar. Because I don’t feel like buying foreign-made sweets for a child, it’s not clear from what. And I trust you.

I am a skinny, and for a figure I need to swing the bar in the sweat of my muzzle. If after that you don’t throw a couple of bars into yourself - tin, cadaverous life. And that evening, I remember, the mars bar remained in the window, because there was not a spear of money. Give, I think, I’ll wrap it in a granny, I’ll intercept a hundred. And here the pretzel, my nephews, peep out, smeared with chocolate: “Grandma Mals bathed in chocolate!”. Wow! Complete meal! Took a bite: a real chocolate bar Mars - and better than the store - IMHO.

I think many people are interested in how to make a chocolate bar Mars. Still, mars chocolate is one of the most popular in the world. It's interesting to try to do it yourself. I felt like a laboratory employee while I was cooking according to your recipe. And everything turned out perfect, thanks for the recipe.

What a miracle, these recipes from Grandma Emma! At a time when we are in a hurry to eat food purchased and stuffed with chemicals, she calmly shares invaluable experience on how to cook this food ourselves. Mars bar: it seemed easier than ever to buy it in a store and use it on the go. But, made at home for your loved ones, it will become an island of happiness in the world of fast food.

The process of making chocolate bars at home has long interested me. I read a lot of recipes, but I didn’t come across one that, as they say, set me on fire. I really liked your chocolate bar mars recipe. Nougat has to endure for a long time, but it's worth it.

Many times I tried to please my children with homemade sweets, but they stubbornly insisted: the store is better. I saw the recipe for the Mars chocolate bar from my grandmother Emma when my hands completely dropped. It turns out that sugar is sugar, but caramel needs confectionery glucose. For the Mars bar, chocolate must not be overheated, and when tempering, you need a cooking thermometer. Armed with everything I needed, I secretly conjured in the kitchen. And then she wrapped her product in a store wrapper. Yet! my twins screamed. And when they saw a mountain of ready-made sweets, their delight knew no bounds.

Mars bar - the most famous chocolate bar! It's cool that now I can cook it! I didn't even expect this to be possible. Products are all completely affordable, inexpensive. It's not that hard to cook. And with your video so no problem at all. And the taste is exactly what Mars should be. Thanks for the recipe!

Oh, well, how many strange things can be found on the Internet! Here is a mars bar that someone is preparing, since you are posting the recipe. Strange even. Nov is not here for this, I wanted to thank you for the Culinary Tricks section. Very helpful section!

At the dawn of a distant youth, I loved my current husband very much, and he loved a chocolate bar called Mars: they say that they fill a man with energy and positive. At that time it was rare when I got a fashionable chocolate miracle, we both felt good. And now the children and I were thinking how to surprise dad for his birthday, the thought dawned on me: Mars candy bar of our youth! We will make it ourselves. Alas, the caramel got a little burnt, and the nougat turned out not so tender, but dad was moved to tears, and everyone was fine.

4 bars of chocolate, half a liter of sivok and half a kilo of sugar, among other little things, it took me to intrigue and treat the entire department. The birthday boy is trying to bring some kind of chip to the tea party, and I decided to make a Mars chocolate bar. The recipe was shown by Grandma Emma on the cooking video. It turned out awesome, but they didn’t immediately guess the name. Suddenly, one of our men, eating the third bar, exclaimed: “Yes, this is chocolate Mars!”. And that's what we call Grandma Emma - sweet grandma.

Familiar from childhood, a bar with an amazing delicate taste "Mars" was invented in America in 1911. A married couple has been developing his recipe for a long time. Frank Mars - that was the name of the founder of the chocolate dynasty - wanted to provide for his family. His wife helped him in everything. So, in 1911, this delicacy first appeared on the shelves of American stores. The small candy bar company was called Mars Candy Factory. Initially, only 12 people worked at the factory. It is difficult to compare this figure with today's - the best equipment is used in production, which is served by numerous highly qualified personnel.

In 1930, Frank and his family moved to England, where he opened a larger production of the same bar. Its name was changed to "Couverture". Later chocolate will be named after its author. Then it was produced in the form of another product, which was already very popular among the population of many countries. This is the famous Milky Way bar. Manufacturing flourished. New production points were opened, sales volumes expanded, export offers began to arrive. The chocolate bar has become a life's work for American Frank Mars. For this he is grateful for several generations.

What is special about Mars chocolate?

The composition of sweets can be called natural. It uses a minimum amount of preservatives. Initially, its slogan sounded like "Pleasure that you cannot measure." The main feature and reason for its great popularity is its unique delicate taste and soft viscous texture. The effect of a delicacy of nougat and caramel drenched in milk chocolate that melts in your mouth leaves neither children nor adults indifferent.


For the manufacture of "Mars" milk powder and cocoa powder are used only in skimmed form. Other Ingredients:

  • dry protein;
  • lecithin;
  • serum;
  • vanillin;
  • lactose;
  • glucose syrup;
  • sugar;
  • malt extract.

The product is rich in carbohydrates, their content is 68 g per 100 grams. Proteins - 4.4 g. The fat content is also quite high - 18.2 g. Like any chocolate bar, Mars contains a lot of calories. For 100 grams of product, this figure is 455 kcal.

Benefit and harm

In one of the countries where it was in great demand, there was an unofficial slogan that said: "Eat every day and die young and contented." No, the bar does not contain life-threatening substances, but its calorie content is very high, and frequent eating can cause obesity. This disease has long been considered the plague of the American population, as obesity causes many comorbidities. One of the first to suffer from it is the heart - due to the large weight, the load on it increases, cardiovascular diseases develop. They lead the list of deadly diseases. Only the death rate in traffic accidents is ahead of this disease. It turns out that the use of any sweets in excessive quantities is dangerous to health. Mars chocolates are no exception. They should not be eaten very often. For diseases such as diabetes mellitus, obesity and stomach ulcers, use should be agreed with your doctor.

An interesting fact: in 2002, the weight of the bar was reduced, and the chocolate layer became much thinner. Manufacturers issued a statement that this measure was taken to help fight obesity. Later it turned out that in addition to this noble goal, the company's financial crisis influenced the reduction in the size of the bar without reducing its value.

The useful properties of the bar include the fact that after its use:

  • fatigue disappears;
  • cheerfulness appears;
  • mental strength is restored;
  • the mood rises.

The condition of schoolchildren who have a bite of "Mars" is significantly improved. After a long mental load, their strength and energy return to normal, allowing them to better absorb information. It is good to use this product before tests and exams. It is recommended to monitor only the quantity: one small chocolate bar two to three times a week is more than enough for a teenager, given other sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods consumed.

How much does a Mars bar weigh?

For all the years of production, the bar has always been produced in black packaging with a red inscription. As an experiment, a white wrapper with the same red letters was used. Such chocolate was released in England, New Zealand and Australia.

According to weight standards, reforms were also made. In addition to the standard delicacy, weighing 58 grams, they produce a mini version weighing 19.7 grams, and a maxi version weighing 36.5 grams. These varieties can be found on the shelves today. The 84 gram Mars King Size variant was discontinued shortly after release. Manufacturers considered it appropriate to release a large bar divided into two sticks. To the three standard sweets, one more was added - "Mars Duo", consisting of two chocolates of 42.5 grams.


In 2005, the manufacturers of the chocolate brand received an anonymous letter claiming that 7 bars from the entire new batch were poisoned. Manufacturers considered this the intrigues of competitors. But the first victims of sweets began to arrive at the hospitals. There were two of them. Another 17 people complained of feeling unwell. Manufacturers of the company fully admitted their guilt in what happened. The entire consignment was recalled, including the exported goods. Increased safety measures at work. The company's management personally monitored the condition of all the victims until their full recovery.

Russia was not affected by the incident. This did not have a strong negative impact on the company's reputation - Mars is very popular to this day. No other similar incidents were recorded. "Mars" remains our favorite among chocolate bars.

In contact with

How are billion-dollar corporations born? Where does their procession begin and how much labor and effort has been invested in their creation and development?

It is difficult to answer these questions. And for each such company there was a way. But no matter how the circumstances developed, this path was always difficult, and only the perseverance and faith of the creators led them further to the goal and success.

Today I want to tell you the story of the creation of such a famous brand as Mars.

As in many similar cases, it all started with a small family business, when Frank Mars and his wife in their own kitchen in a modest house in the city of Tacoma (USA, Washington) made small sweets with butter filling at night. No matter how simple these sweets were, they were loved by the locals.

That's why in 1911 The Mars family registered their first company, the Mars Candy Factory. But fame and first big success Mars brings creation to the family chocolate bar Milky Way. This unusual bar not only allowed Mars to expand production, but also to move to Chicago (USA, Illinois).

In 1930 in the markets of America there is a new chocolate Snickers bar, which costs only 5 cents apiece. The turnover and profit of the company grew by leaps and bounds.

Frank Mars quite satisfied with this course of life, and he never aspired to create a large world-famous corporation. He already wanted a quiet life in abundance, which he managed to provide for himself. But here his grown son Forrest Mars wanted almost world domination and therefore in 1932, having received 50 thousand dollars from his father and a recipe for a Milky Way bar, he left for England.

forrest creates a new bar that calls its name Mars, and unlike Milky Way and Snickers, it uses the finest quality milk chocolate and caramel filling. To draw the attention of Europeans to his products, he positions the new Mars bar not just as a sweet treat, but as a wholesome treat. In commercials, the slogan appears that Mars is a charge of energy and strength and he helps relieve fatigue.

But the main discovery of Forrest and the main product of his company was the appearance candy M&M's. Thanks to a special protective shell, such sweets did not melt in the hands, moreover, their multi-colored coating attracted the attention of children.

But since 1950, Forrest begins to buy up and absorb many companies, and not only those that were engaged in the production of sweets. Mars began to produce pet food, beverages, fast food, chewing gums and more.

And in 1970, the Forrest Mars Corporation developed and introduced vending machines throughout America for the sale of chocolates and bars, and later it became possible to charge these vending machines with tea, coffee, and even ice cream. Forrest begins to open production facilities around the world.


Mars was founded in 1911 by Frank Mars. Today it is a family company with more than a century of history and world famous brands.

Mars in Russia is represented by 10 factories in the Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Ulyanovsk regions and in St. Petersburg. More than 6,000 employees work in four business segments of the company: Petcare, Mars Wrigley Confectionery, Royal Canin, Food.

Mars in Russia

Mars entered the Russian market in 1991 and opened its first factory in 1995, a chocolate factory in the town of Stupino, near Moscow. In the same year, we launched the first production of pet food at a plant in the village of Luzhniki, Stupino district.

In 2002 Royal Canin became part of Mars. The influence of a large corporation gave an understanding of the principles by which successful global brands are built. This has enabled Royal Canin not only to have a clear global development plan, but also to successfully uphold the company's founding values.

In 2003, a food production plant was opened in the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow Region. In 2008, as part of Mars in

In 2003, a food production plant was opened in the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow Region. In 2008, Wrigley became part of Mars as a chewing gum and confectionery business segment. As a result, the Russian chocolate company Odintsovo Confectionery Factory, which owns the A.Korkunov® brand, joined the company. In 2016, the company celebrated the 25th anniversary of successful operation in Russia. In 2018, we completed the creation of a single segment of Mars Wrigley Confectionery on the Russian market, which included the divisions of Mars Chocolate and Wrigley. During its work in Russia, Mars has invested more than 2 billion US dollars in the Russian market.

For professionals

For students and graduates

By choosing Mars, you find yourself in a company where every employee is perceived as a full-fledged partner. We strive to create comfortable working conditions, a friendly atmosphere, opportunities for growth and career development, adequately reward employees and recognize those who achieve high results.

At Mars, you can choose a variety of career paths. The company has four independent segments in Russia: Petcare, Mars Wrigley Confectionery, Royal Canin, Food - you can continue your career in each of them. We support those who want to change direction and try themselves in a fundamentally new role or function.

Mars is a family company. As is customary in the family, we address each other as “you”, we resolve any issues

collectively, we share common values. Mars is one of the first companies to introduce the principle of open space. And you can bring your pet to our Moscow and Novosibirsk petfriendly offices.

We bring together people who strive to make the world a better place, and we support such employees. As part of the Mars Volunteer Program initiative, each employee can make a difference in the life of the local community by taking part in the company's volunteer projects or by getting support for their own idea. Another program - Mars Ambassador Program - provides an opportunity to participate in international volunteer projects.

You are a unique person - so why should you build a career like everyone else? Our programs take into account your ambitions. At Mars, you can grow professionally and personally. Choose your career path! For students, there is a paid internship Internship Experience Program, and for graduates - Leadership Experience Program, a program for the development of company managers.

Internship Experience Program

The Internship Experience Program is a program that helps talented students gain experience working on real projects. Thanks to the internship, you will be able to decide on your future profession and start developing already at the university. From the first day you will immerse yourself in business and start your professional path. Throughout the program, you will receive support and training from senior colleagues. Based on the results of the internship, you will be able to pass an accelerated selection for the Leadership Experience Program or one of the starting positions.

You can participate in the program if you are a 4th year student or older and have a good command of English. Selection for the program takes place in spring and autumn, follow the news.

Leadership Experience Program

The Leadership Experience Program is a program that helps ambitious graduates become business and manufacturing leaders. Aiming at a career in leadership and dreaming of managing billion-dollar brands? In three years, you will gain experience in different departments of the company, develop a comprehensive business vision and improve your managerial skills. You will lead large-scale projects in various departments from production to sales. Throughout the program, you will receive support and training from top managers.

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