T-shaped body type. A set of exercises. Exercises by body type

Many of you, approaching the mirror, noticed that the silhouette of the figure resembles some geometric figure or a popular fruit. This article will help all beautiful people to learn about such a concept as the type of figure and get acquainted with all the nuances of each of the types. So let's get started detailed analysis question, how to determine the type of figure of a woman ?!

Popular classifications of female silhouette types

Following a long-standing classification of all types of female figure, 5 bright varieties can be distinguished that are similar to geometric shapes. But in our world, some associate these classifications with the names of fruits or sometimes with letters of the Latin alphabet. All types of figures have certain parameters, such as height, weight, posture, shape and volume of the chest, neck length, waist width and height.

Hourglass or X figure

figure type hourglass can safely be called ideal. Marilyn Monroe and the beautiful actress Sophia Loren have such a luxurious silhouette. The clock figure type has proportions of 90-60-90, these numbers reflect the volume of the hips, waist and shoulders. Even if the owners of the X-shaped body gain a little weight, then it will be deposited proportionally, adding more attractiveness and piquancy. But the type of hourglass silhouette still has one minus - beauties with such shapes may appear “ears” or “riding breeches” on the hips.

If you want to keep your hourglass in perfect condition, do not forget to strengthen the muscles and maintain correct mode nutrition. Attend fitness training, run or pay attention to dance aerobics and you will not have problems with an X-shaped figure.

Silhouette "Pear" or figure A

Pear girls with a triangle silhouette have very narrow shoulders, but the hips are wide enough, there is no fat at the waist, slim stomach. Bright representatives of the pear-shaped figure Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek, Tyra Banks, Shakira and singer Christina Aguilera. The pear or A body type accumulates fat on the buttocks and thighs, so the butt seems heavy, and the legs are somewhat plump. Another minus is that beauties with such a body may have a cellulite problem. Many men consider the owners of a triangular silhouette to be feminine and very attractive.

Girls "pears" should fight with fullness, so carefully count the calories consumed, take the time to exercise, helping to lose weight in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks.

Silhouette "apple" or figure O

The type of apple or circle figure is not so common. Girls with an O-silhouette have very thin hips, a small bust (there may be exceptions), but a very voluminous belly, which in girth exceeds all other parts of the body. Apple ladies include Kate Winslet and Mariah Carey. A few years ago, the apple figure type was considered purely masculine, but the excessive consumption of beer by ladies led to a small “apple epidemic”. Fat quickly affects the abdomen and the figure becomes very disproportionate like a ball.

Girls “apples” need to pay attention to cardio, do not forget about functional trainings and go to Pilates.

Inverted triangle, broccoli or T

An inverted triangle figure type or a broccoli silhouette can be safely attributed to a problem type. The ballerina Anastasia Volochkova has such a silhouette and american star Angelina Jolie. These beauties have a very athletic physique, they have broad shoulders, narrow hips and not too pronounced waist. Sometimes it happens that the torso is a bit short, unlike the lower part of the body, this is visible in most athletes. ladies with T-shaped figure look massive, and sometimes even masculine. Beauties with this type of body during weight gain accumulate fat mainly in the upper body, that is, shoulders, arms, waist and stomach become fat.

The inverted triangle body type requires an inclusion diet complex carbohydrates enough vegetables and fruits. Broccoli girls should pay attention to aerobics, where large muscle groups are involved. An example of useful aerobics will be an exercise bike, a stair simulator, Treadmill and crossrobix.

Butternut squash silhouette

Buttercup girls are sometimes confused with an hourglass. These two silhouettes are very similar - full bust and hips, but the waist is slightly wider than the standard 90-60-90. Bright representatives of the genus of butternut squash are such stellar persons as Kim Kardashian, Scarlett Johansson and Eva Mendes.

The “nutmeg pumpkin” figure type requires the same workouts from the ladies that the “hourglass” beauties have included in their lives. Also, do not forget about a balanced diet.

H-shaped silhouette, rectangle, pepper or banana

The rectangle body type is far from ideal, a characteristic feature is that the shoulders, hips and waist are almost the same width. Banana or pepper girls do not have a waist, so the silhouette is a little masculine. H-shaped girls tend to be overweight, fat overcomes the waist, back and sides, thereby bringing the beauties closer to the “apple” silhouette. Actress, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Milla Jovovich, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz have a banana figure type.

The abdominal muscles of the ladies-rectangles are strong from birth, so ladies can safely go to training in the press and achieve results in a short time. It is better to choose a low-calorie diet.

Eggplant silhouette

The silhouette of an eggplant can be confused with a pear-shaped one. They have similar features - this is a small width of the shoulders and the hips are lush in volume, but there is one significant difference - the ladies of the "eggplant" have the upper thigh area very plump, and the waist is wider than that of the pear. The bright owners of the eggplant body are the singer Adele and TV presenter Oprah Winfrey.

Eggplant beauties need to go in for sports at least 2 times a week and give preference strength training, well working out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs and priests.

Carrot silhouette, V-shaped body or triangle

The type of figure carrot can be called masculine, but there are still notes of femininity in it. In girls with a V-body build, the shoulders are quite wide, the hips and waist are narrow and there is no buttocks. As for the chest, it can be any size. Carrot girls include singer Madonna, Cher, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman and Sigourney Weaver. Fat affects "carrots" on the back and sides.

Beauties with a triangular silhouette need to exclude saturated fats and carbohydrates from their diet. Carrot body type prefers tennis, walking or skiing.

So, let's consolidate the information on how to determine the type of figure by parameters. Stand in front of a mirror and start carefully examining:

  1. Rectangular figure type, pepper, banana or H-body. You have a small chest, a wide waist, broad but not overly massive shoulders, legs may be shorter than your torso;
  2. X-shaped body or hourglass. You have lush hips, the width of the shoulders coincides with the width of the hips and a thin underlined waist, a massive buttocks and plump legs. Some young ladies may have a little full hands;
  3. Broccoli, inverted triangle, T-body. The shoulders are wider than the hips, the waist is not too pronounced, slender long legs, not too lush chest, but the chest is wide;
  4. O-body, apple or oval. You are a young lady with a small booty, thin legs, a non-fluffy bust (there may be exceptions) and a voluminous belly. The width of the shoulders and hips can be the same;
  5. Pear, A-body. You have steep rounded hips, a slender pronounced waist, fragile delicate shoulders, hips are very wider than shoulders and the butt looks heavier;
  6. Eggplant. You are a young lady with lush hips, your breasts do not have splendor, your problem area is overly plump legs, you can be satisfied with your waist;
  7. Carrot, triangle and V-body. Triangle girls can note an inexpressive waist, narrow hips and slender legs, most often carrots have small breasts;
  8. Butternut squash. In order not to confuse yourself with an hourglass, pay attention to your waist, because it is a little wider than that of the owners of parameters 90-60-90. You have a large bust and big hips.

Video: master class on determining the type of figure

In nature, there are several types of female figures, which nutritionists call somatotypes. According to the latest data, harmony depends not only on a competent regimen of sports and nutrition, but also on how correctly this “formula” is applied to a specific physique.

A-shaped (female figure "pear")

The classic type of female figure with an A-shaped silhouette, popularly referred to as a "pear". It is characterized by narrow shoulders and rather wide hips. Most often, women with such a physique gain excess weight right in the hip area.

Experts call the A-shaped figure the most “safe” for a woman: fat accumulates in the thigh area, the risk of developing cardiovascular and hormonal disorders is minimal. However, there is a great predisposition to cellulite - just in the thighs and buttocks.

X-shaped (female hourglass figure)

The hourglass figure is considered the most feminine. Narrow shoulders, rounded hips, lush chest, narrow waist. Excess weight is distributed proportionally - most often in the chest and hips. The most a big problem women with such a figure - cellulite, "breeches" and "ears" at the waist.


Women of the A-shaped and X-shaped types most often do not have breakfast, but at dinner they can afford too much. It is precisely this feature common cause excess weight gain.

There are dietary recommendations for these two types of female physique. They are pretty standard: emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, cereals, lean fish, poultry. Minimize the use of red meat, spicy cheeses, seasonings, high-calorie desserts.


Concerning physical activity, then here the main attention should be paid to the lower body - the hips and buttocks. The most suitable options: swimming, dancing, aerobics, shaping, cycling, running, capoeira, rollerblading.


The I-shaped figure of a woman had not previously been particularly prominent. However, in recent decades, with the development modeling business, this body type has become especially in demand. He is characterized by high growth, harmony and special proportionality. Women of this somatotype can stay slim for a long time without exposing themselves to diets and strong physical exertion. I-type is common among models and athletes.

However, there are also disadvantages here. The most significant of them is the tendency to edema. For this reason, the scale needle may show weight gain after a festive dinner with an abundance of smoked meats and alcohol. But that “loose weight” usually goes away just as quickly.


Healthy fractional nutrition with a predominance of vegetables, lean meat, fish. In general, the main condition is moderation. You can eat everything, but in small portions.


Sports for women with such a figure are necessary not so much for muscle tone, but as a way to maintain nervous system. Yoga or swimming classes will help you relax and eliminate stress.

V-shaped figure (female figure "inverted triangle")

This type of figure is also called athletic or athletic. It is characterized by a wide torso and narrow hips. For women of the T-shaped somatotype, excess weight is especially contraindicated. The whole point is that overweight are deposited most often in the abdomen, encircling internal organs. Significantly increases the risk of diabetes Type II, hypertension and atherosclerosis. However, fullness is a consequence of the abuse of high-calorie, fatty and sweet foods. And it may well be avoided.


Experts recommend that women with a T-shaped figure, if possible, exclude the consumption of animal fats and strong alcohol. The exception is dry white and red wines in moderation. Low-fat fish and meat - no more than 1-2 times a week.

It is very important to observe the sleep regimen - it is during sleep that the splitting of "harmful" fats occurs. It is for this reason that dinner should be light, mainly protein and vegetable.


Doctors say that "you can only run away from diabetes." And this is a very true remark - during anaerobic exercise, excess glucose is broken down and excreted, and the processes of lipolysis (fat breakdown) are accelerated. For this reason, it is important to focus on running, jumping, and aerobics. It is equally important to pump the press and oblique abdominal muscles.

H-shaped (female figure "rectangle")

One of the most unfavorable body types for women. Characterized by broad shoulders and hips. The waist is not clearly defined. Most often, such a physique has to be masked with the right clothes or changed in an operative way.

Fullness manifests itself already in childhood - a clear weight gain on the arms, back, and waist is characteristic. Perhaps the appearance of a second chin, "hanging belly". At the same time, the hips and legs can remain relatively slender.


To avoid weight gain and negative consequences It's important to get your meal plan right. The bulk of the food should be in the first half of the day. Non-starchy vegetables, proteins, slow carbohydrates are allowed. Minimize sweet, fatty, spicy foods, coffee, strong tea.


Women with H-shaped figure not very athletic. And for them, movement is not only a way to stay in shape, but also an opportunity to avoid many chronic diseases. For this reason, all types of physical activity will be useful - both anaerobic and power.

O-shaped (female figure "apple")

The main difference between the O-shaped female figure is the complete absence of a waist. At the same time, there is a voluminous belly, narrow shoulders and wide hips. Fat can also be deposited on the back. The tendency to be overweight has been observed since childhood. The tendency to edema provokes a set of "loose weight". There may be problems with digestion and veins.

Experts note that this type is most often found among natural blondes with blue eyes and thin white skin.

Women with an apple shape have a slow metabolism, which can only be stimulated with the help of sports.


The ideal rule for an O-typical figure is tight carbohydrate breakfast(cereals, grain bread), protein-fat lunch (low-fat fish, vegetable salad With vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream) and a low-calorie light dinner (low-fat dairy products, vegetables).

Food bans are pretty standard - sweet, fatty, spicy, smoked, salty.


Sports activities are extremely important. Emphasis on dynamic anaerobic loads - aerobics, shaping, swimming, cycling, rollerblading). No less relevant are stretching classes - yoga, Pilates.

In conclusion, I would like to note that no matter what type of figure nature has awarded you, each of them is beautiful in its own way. Minor imperfections can be corrected with clothing.

And one more important point: in dietetics there is special rule, applicable to all types of figures without exception.

So, to maintain the weight, it is important to know how many calories per day you are allowed to consume. Finding out this number is easy. Simply multiply your stable desired weight (measured in the morning, on an empty stomach, without clothes) by 22. For example, if your ideal weight(stable) 65 kg, then when multiplied by 22 it turns out 1430 kcal (65x22=1430).

Received number of calories will be normal for your body at rest. If you lead an active lifestyle, you can increase the number of calories by 20-30%.

T-shaped figure

This figure is one of the most problematic for girls, as it is considered unfeminine, and in order to adjust the shape, you will have to seriously try!

Girls with this type of figure are usually very athletic, have small breasts, have rather broad shoulders, a not very pronounced waist, have narrow hips, and have an average metabolism.

Excess weight is deposited mainly in the upper body - these are the arms, waist, shoulders and stomach. We can say that slender legs and the absence of pronounced cellulite are a plus, although all cases are considered individually. In order to remove body imbalances, training should be aimed at developing the lower body, if there is excess weight, then cardio training cannot be written off either.

Useful exercises for this type of figure

1. Shoulder squat

For the entry level, this can be squats without weight, and eventually with a bodybar and a barbell.


2. Lunges with dumbbells

Lunges can be in one place or lunges back and forth. The first option is great for beginners.

The weight of the dumbbells is determined based on your feelings.

? 3-4 sets on each leg, 15 reps in each set.

3. Bending the legs lying or sitting in the simulator

Such a simulator is available in almost all fitness clubs. Sitting or lying down - choose for yourself, you can also change them every few weeks.

? 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

4. Wide stance squats

Unlike regular squats, the legs are placed wider than the shoulders. Just like with regular squats, you can first perform exercises without weight, and over time with a bodybar and a barbell.

? 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps each.

5. Leg abduction in the block or on the simulator

? 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps each.

6. Traction on the block to the bottom of the back

An excellent exercise for the back muscles, which also require regular exercise.

? 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

7. Lifting the dumbbell in front of you

This exercise puts a load on the front parts of the delta. The weight of dumbbells is determined individually.

? 3 sets of 12-15 reps (optional).

8. Incline Dumbbell Press

Use a bench with a 30° incline.

? 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

9. Cardio

Should be pretty hard, like walking uphill or running.

? Allowed cardio training after work on top body or a separate day for 40 minutes (1-2-3 times a week).

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Physical Education and Figure Lose weight directly from exercise is destined for a few of us, because burning a significant amount of fat requires much more intense exercise. Professional athletes burn 4-6 thousand kilocalories daily,

The desire of women with a T-shaped body type usually boils down to one thing: to add roundness in the lower body. The top seems to be a little heavy and with the addition of weight, excess fat is deposited on the shoulders, arms, neck and chest. Here, too narrow a pelvis immediately begins to catch the eye.

" Harmoniously developed muscles will never spoil the figure and prolong its youth. This set of exercises is designed to increase the volume of the muscles of the legs and strengthen, give a slight relief to the upper shoulder girdle. "

We will also pay special attention to the spine. You will not interfere with exercises that stretch the spine, and exercises aimed at developing the strength of the muscles that support the correct posture.

A normal metabolism has saved you from the problem of losing weight. You're lucky! Worth wanting and ideal figure secured!

Leg muscle exercises

You just need heavy anklets. Only exercises with weighting and the number of repetitions up to 8-10 times in 1 approach will provide the necessary speed of muscle growth.

1. Leg raise

Lie on a bench on your stomach (it can be a low bench 25-30 cm). Weighted bracelets are worn on the legs. Bend your legs at the knees, lower them down and join them together. Grasp the bench firmly with your hands to keep your back stationary. Slowly raise your legs up and just as slowly lower them to the floor. Don't arch your back and move very smoothly.

Inhale - legs down, up - leg lift.

2. Squats and leg abductions

For this exercise, it is better to use a gymnastic stick as a support.

Stand up straight. Weight bracelets on the legs. Stand in front of you with a gymnastic stick so that your back remains straight. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows and lie on a gymnastic stick "(you can also use the high back of the chair as a support). Feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down so that in the lower position the angle between the lower leg and thigh is at least 90 °. Start to rise and retract at the same time right leg back diagonally. Don't arch your back. Slowly put your right foot in and again go into a squat and, rising, take your left foot back. Inhale - down, exhale - up.

3. Rise on the toe

Stand up straight. Lean on a gymnastic stick. Left leg bent at the knee. Slowly rise up on the toe of the right foot and go down, put the heel on the floor. The supporting knee is slightly bent all the time. Don't lean on the support. The entire weight of the body falls on the supporting leg.

Inhale - heel on the floor, exhale - rise on the toe.

4. Exercise for the lateral muscles of the thighs

Lie on the floor, hips and body should be in line. Bend your bottom leg. Do not fall back, move your pelvis slightly forward. The top foot should be parallel to the floor. Raise your leg up to the end, and slowly lower it down. Repeat as many times as needed and switch legs. In this exercise, it is recommended to use a weighting agent. Put the ankle bracelet on your ankle.

Inhale - leg down, exhale - raise the leg up.

5.Exercises for the gluteal muscles

Lie on your side, hips and body should be on the same line. Bend your bottom leg. Rotate your pelvis at a 45° angle to the floor, lean forward and lean on your arm. Take your top leg back a little. Raise your leg up to the end, and slowly lower it down. Repeat as many times as needed and switch legs.

Inhale - leg to the floor, exhale - raise the leg.

6. Forward lunges with dumbbells

Stand straight, arms with dumbbells (2.5-7.0 kg) lower down along the body. Keeping your back straight, step forward with your right foot so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to starting position. Do several times on the right leg, go to the left.

There are several types of female figures and none of them can be said to be ugly or wrong. One type is the "inverted triangle" type, also sometimes referred to as the "carrot" or V-type.

Athletes often have such a figure, but it is also found in ladies who are far from sports. Often, girls are complex, believing that their physique resembles that of a man. But you should not be upset, properly selected clothes will help to emphasize the advantages, which representatives of this type of figure have a lot of, and successfully hide the flaws.

Body features

The main features of the inverted triangle physique:

  • narrow, devoid of feminine roundness of the hip;
  • flat buttocks;
  • slender legs;
  • wide line of shoulders;
  • fairly wide back;
  • the bust with this type of figure can be both small and magnificent;
  • the waistline is slightly pronounced.

The main advantages of the physique are Beautiful legs and narrow hips. The disadvantages include too massive top.

Girls with a physique resembling an inverted triangle can also get better. Wherein body fat accumulate on the back, upper arms and abdomen. The legs stay slim for a long time, and the hips stay flat.

Girls lose weight quite simply. But the proportions of the figure are preserved. That is, at first the slightly outlined roundness on the hips will disappear, and only then the body will begin to “part” with the fat deposits located in the upper part.

How to choose clothes?

When choosing clothes, you must try to eliminate the imbalance between the top and bottom, as well as highlight the winning parts of the figure.

A few rules:

  • in order not to focus on broad shoulders, you should avoid the use of shoulder pads, large turn-down collars, sleeves with gathers around the collar;
  • to eliminate the imbalance, you need to emphasize the bottom in every possible way, for this they use clothes with frills, decorative details on the hip line, light colors;
  • even if the bust is small, you should not try to highlight it by using clothes with flounces, pockets at chest level, ruched and other decorative elements. These decor options will focus on the upper part of the figure, making the silhouette inharmonious.

But there is also clothes that should not be in the wardrobe ladies with an inverted triangle shape:

  • hoodie dresses, in such an outfit it is impossible to highlight the winning parts of the figure, and the silhouette as a whole will be massive;
  • mermaid dress. Such a style will not only highlight slender hips, but also open a massive top, so the figure will look disproportionate;
  • wide cutouts, in the form of a square or semicircle.

Let's figure out which styles are suitable for girls with such a physique. Using these recommendations, it will be possible to choose a complete wardrobe for yourself.


The figure in the form of an inverted triangle is not feminine, so the selection of suitable dresses should be given more attention.

  • An excellent choice will be models with an asymmetric neckline and a shoulder strap. Dresses look great in the form of a loose tunic, with assemblies on one shoulder. Diagonal neckline will remove the impression of wide shoulders. To create an additional effect, you can use asymmetric jewelry: a flower, a large buckle with rhinestones on one shoulder. But, of course, this decor option is only suitable for cocktail and evening dresses.

  • For everyday wear it is worth buying dresses with a V-shaped neckline and narrow raglan sleeves. The neckline will create a vertical line that visually narrows the torso. The skirt of such a dress can be both straight and flared. Such dresses will look especially good if they are sewn from companion fabrics. The upper part is sewn from a dark or plain fabric, and it is better to make the lower part a few tones lighter or use fabrics with patterns.

  • For evening dress you can choose a dress with a deep V-neck, reaching almost to the waist and a loose skirt. Such models look beautiful on girls with an athletic build.

Another good detail that girls with an inverted triangle figure should take into service is the peplum. Moreover, this detail must be made magnificent and not too short. This will give additional volume to the lower part of the figure.

For visual narrowing of the shoulders, clothing with an American armhole is well suited. A narrow neckline and diagonally cut armholes will make the silhouette thinner and more elegant.

Many people think that a dress with bare shoulders is not the best choice for inverted triangle shapes. This is not true. A bustier without straps will make the figure more fragile. But you need to make sure that there are no frills, embroidery, rhinestones and other noticeable decor along the top line of the cutout. The skirt of such a dress can be of any length, but it should be light and fluffy.

Blouses, sweaters, jackets

Blouses for an inverted triangle figure, you should buy with a narrow vertical neckline or a bow at the neck. Only this bow should not be too lush. The bow can be replaced with a tie in a contrasting color. For sewing blouses, it is recommended to use light thin fabrics, such as chiffon, such a fabric gives the image tenderness and femininity.

Tops it is better to purchase with a strap loop or an American armhole, give preference to strict models without rich decor.

Choosing jackets, pay attention to single-breasted fitted models without a collar. The clasp can be one or more buttons. The best length is to the middle of the buttocks. Patch pockets, contrast trim along the bottom edge of the jacket are welcome.

Sweaters fit from dense knitwear, tight-fitting. A good option- sweater-noodles. Avoid sweaters with a large collar, oversized sweaters, especially large knits.

Skirt styles

Choosing skirts for a figure resembling an inverted triangle is as easy as shelling pears, since almost any model suits girls with such a physique.

The length of the skirts can also be any. Since “inverted triangles” often have beautiful legs, you can safely put on a mini, but do not ignore the models middle length. You can choose and bouffant skirts, giving additional volume in the hips, and narrow models. The latter is important to combine with the right top.

Looks great on these girls sun and half sun skirts, they can be worn all year round. Summer models sewn from light fabrics, and winter ones from denser ones. Skirts with a high belt are especially recommended, they give the figure a more feminine outline.

Looks great on narrow hips pencil skirt, narrowed to the bottom. In combination with a fitted shirt or chiffon blouse, this model looks great.

Another suitable option is tulip skirt, she will emphasize beautiful slender legs and give volume to flat buttocks.


Girls go with trousers of almost all styles, classic, narrowed, flared. Trousers cut with breeches or bananas, as well as chinos with folds at the waist, look spectacular.

The inverted triangle is probably the only body type that low-rise jeans really suit. Choose models with bright decor on the hip line - patch pockets, embroidery, appliqué.

Slender girls with narrow hips can and should wear shorts. Brave fashionistas can choose mini shorts. If there is a slight excess weight, then there is no need to refuse this piece of clothing, but the model needs to be chosen elongated. Since with such a physique, fatty deviations accumulate on top, the shorts will allow you to demonstrate slender legs.


Owners of the “inverted triangle” figure fit short fur coats of the “autolady” style. Fur can be chosen with a long pile, and sheared.

If you need to choose fur coat longer, you can stay on the style of "balloon" up to the middle of the thighs. It is necessary to refuse large collars and hoods with an edge.

An absolute favorite among styles coat is a single-breasted flared model with a jacket collar and a wide belt. Double-breasted models visually add volume, so you should not try them on.

A loose silhouette coat can be purchased if the model has a raglan sleeve and a tapered bottom.

Classic trench coats ladies with an inverted triangle figure should be left unattended. But models of raincoats with a flared bottom must be tried on, especially if the top of the model has a jacket collar or a collar in the form of a small stand.

When choosing jackets It is worth giving preference to classic models with narrow sleeves. When creating a sporty look, a leather jacket or an aviator model is suitable.


When choosing swimwear, you should immediately put aside models consisting of a T-shirt and swimming trunks. It is better to look at separate swimsuits, moreover, the top can be plain, and the bottom can be with patterns. It is worth paying attention to monokini - strapless models or with a strap-loop.

The bottom of the swimsuit should be chosen in the form of shorts, but swimming trunks with deep cutouts on the sides will only emphasize the disproportion of the figure.


Visually adjusting the figure helps not only the right styles, but also the color of the clothes. Choose sets so that the top is darker than the bottom, such a contrast will make the silhouette more proportional.

You can also use fabrics with patterns, prints in the form of narrow stripes, cells, polka dots are suitable. Stripes can be arranged vertically or diagonally. But wavy lines and radial patterns on the fabric are a bad choice.

Accessories and shoes

Accessories should be selected depending on the intended image. Slim long legs allow you to choose shoes, both with heels and without it. High stilettos are the least suitable, but stable heel or a wedge heel is a great solution for such a figure. You will also have to refuse to buy massive high boots, against the background of such shoes, the hips will be completely “lost”.

It is not necessary to overload the figure with accessories on the neck and shoulders; the neck should be designed as concisely as possible. So stoles, long scarves put aside. But long beads and chains will look beautiful on clothes with a neckline or a stand-up collar.

fit bags, which are worn at the hip line. It can be a model on a long shoulder strap or a rectangular clutch that is worn in the hand.

fashion images

Having the type of figure in the form of an inverted triangle, you can create both feminine and sports bows.

Feminine image

An original summer dress with a flared skirt and an American armhole attracts attention with an unusual coloring with an ombre effect. The bodice of the dress is dark blue, towards the bottom of the dress the color gradually turns into light blue. Complement the look with Roman high sandals made of leather straps. Brown color and a beige bag with short handles.


We complement the beige chinos with a white shirt and a fitted black jacket with a one-button fastener with a narrow three-quarter sleeve. We select red for the set classic shoes medium heels and a maroon rectangular clutch. Complete your look with stylish sunglasses.

Celebrities with this body type

Many recognized beauties have an inverted triangle physique. Among them are Angelina Jolie, Claudia Schiffer, Charlize Theron. All of them look charming, including because they know how to choose the right outfits that favorably emphasize the dignity of their magnificent figures.

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