Frog habitat. Ground toad. Description. What does the toad eat and where does the toad live adaptation to the habitat

>>Features external structure and movement of the frog in relation to the habitat

class amphibians

Amphibians are vertebrates associated with both water and terrestrial environments.

§ 45. Features of the external structure and movement of the frog in connection with the habitat

Frog habitat.

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The grass frog is a representative of the order of "tailless" amphibians belonging to the family of "true frogs".

As you know, in all these wonderful animals, for example, as in: - there are several stages of development.

Starting with eggs and ending with an adult, a little later we will definitely consider all three stages in more detail.

You must remember that the population of all species of these animals is steadily declining every year, there are several reasons for this phenomenon. At the end of the article, we will describe each of them in detail.


The body length of an adult amphibian does not exceed 10 cm, however, with rare exceptions, there are individuals large sizes. The female is larger than the male.

Body color is different, the traditional color of her skin is olive with black spots on the back and sides no more than 1-3 mm in diameter. Each animal has an identification marble pattern on its belly.

According to the observations of zoologists during the mating season in males of this species, the throat changes color to blue, moreover, it completely changes its body color to light gray, and the female becomes reddish brown.

Place and habitat

This type of frog is distributed throughout almost the entire European continent, including northern Scandinavia and eastern Siberia.


She tries to settle in places that are saturated with reservoirs, rivers, lakes and ponds. But this does not mean that she spends her whole life in the water, everything is just the opposite, she returns to the water only for reproduction, the rest of the time she spends on land.


Adult frogs are solitary by nature, found in groups only on water bodies during the mating season. In the summer season, they can often be found in places such as:

  • river banks;
  • green meadows;
  • forests;
  • swamps;

They are also regular guests in the territories of domestic lands, gardens, flower beds, front gardens and vegetable gardens with abundant herbal vegetation.

AT summer time they are active at night, and during the day they hide in dense and tall vegetation, but they can do the opposite, get out of their shelter and bask in the sun.

In the period from the beginning of March until the end of May, you can watch them travel to the water. Males will help us with this, they sing mating serenades to their lovers.

From November to February she tries to find a wet and safe place, usually these places are composts, or even hide under water.

Note! The pose in which she hibernates causes, at least for us, a benevolent smile. She draws her hind limbs to her stomach, and closes her head with her front ones.

natural enemies

The grass frog and its closest relatives have to survive in harsh conditions wildlife, as numerous predatory animals are ready to encroach on their lives. Let's get a little specific and give some examples of these terrible enemies:

  • Owls;

This is only a small part of the above list, in fact it is three times larger. Delicate skin and lack of chemical protection makes her easy prey for voracious and cunning opponents.

Caviar, tadpoles and small frogs are hunted by fish and many aquatic insects.


Adult amphibians eat very diversely; the daily menu includes such insects as:

  • snails;
  • beetles;
  • Crustaceans;
  • Worms;
  • Slugs;
  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;

Towards the end of the autumn season, the frogs consume as much food as possible before going to bed. hibernation. Also, do not disregard insects that, through negligence, landed in the water and drowned. Little frogs feed on algae, plankton and small drowned insects.


This type of frog has a very good eyesight, with the help of which it can observe a potential victim for a long time. She catches the lion's share of her diet on land, of which 18 percent are flying insects.

It is important

Scientists say that the intensity of nutrition directly depends on seasonality..


At the beginning of this article, we promised to describe in detail all three stages of their development, but let's do it in order. We already know that this species of frog lives away from the aquatic environment, but after three years of age, it is ready to mate. This fact will inevitably lead her to a reservoir in order to give life to a new generation.

Males, while moving to water bodies, sing mating songs for their future chosen ones, and mating calluses form on their forelimbs, with the help of which they firmly hold the female during approach.

The male climbs onto the female and firmly holds the chosen one with his paws, in this position they can stay until the female lays eggs, and the male fertilizes her. After the wedding procession, they again disperse to their habitable places.


Many people know that in order to reach the frog before adult, she needs to go through several stages before she can get out of the water.

- 1 stage

After the female lays a ball of eggs, it can contain from 654 to 1567 eggs, and the male fertilizes them, several days pass and tadpoles begin to grow in them. Their silhouette can be observed through the transparent walls of each individual egg.

- Stage 2

After 10 - 12 days, the tadpoles peck through the thin walls of the eggs and fall into aquatic environment, under water they breathe with formed gills.

Another 13 - 15 days will pass and their front and hind legs begin to grow, the tail disappears. Their gills turn into lungs and they can get out of the water for further development. Their sizes do not exceed three centimeters.

- 3 stage

After the above stages, it turns into an adult formed individual. Total time development from a tadpole to a small frog will take from 50 to 90 days. The development of tadpoles is strongly influenced by water temperature.

Red Book

At the beginning of this story, we casually mentioned that the population of this species is declining every year, and promised to analyze in detail the main causes of this disease.

The first and probably the main reason is pollution. environment pesticides and all kinds of chemical regents.

The reason for this is the production zones, which squeeze out all life from the territories inhabited by these animals for a long time. It is worth mentioning the fact that every year several thousand amphibians are used by scientists as experimental animals..

The second reason affecting the abundance of this taxon is the fact that in some countries, for example: in France, this species is commercial and is regularly exterminated as a favorite delicacy for local residents and tourists.


AT wild nature the grass frog can live no more than 7 years, in captivity lives up to 9 years.

Frogs are amphibians or amphibians. They are poikilothermic (cold-blooded) animals with an unstable internal body temperature that varies depending on the environment. The family of frogs is numerous. It includes over 500 species. It is believed that the homeland of frogs is the Eastern Hemisphere, and more specifically, Africa. Most species of frogs are found there. Members of this family can be found almost anywhere. the globe, excluding arctic snows, Australia and some areas South America. The sizes of frogs vary greatly - from 1 to 32 cm. Their color can also be different - from brown, inconspicuous to extremely bright.
frogs feed small insects, but sometimes they can eat their relative. For hunting, they have a long sticky tongue, with which they knock down dragonflies, midges and other flying animals in the air.
Frogs are close relatives of toads and toads. All of them form a detachment of tailless amphibians, which is opposed by a second extensive detachment - tailed amphibians (newts and salamanders).

Frogs have a lot interesting features. So, back in the 18th century. scientists have found that they absorb oxygen through the skin. Moreover, this process can equally well occur both on land and under water. On land, frogs breathe with lungs. However, they take oxygen through the skin. All amphibians have bare skin, which contains various glands that secrete mucus and moisturize the skin. But nevertheless, amphibians are tied to a humid environment, although they can be seen not only in or near water. For example, the widespread European common frog - like common toad- appears near the water only for laying eggs.
Many species of frogs have special poisonous glands in their skin that produce poisonous mucus. It causes respiratory paralysis in those who try to attack the frog. In other cases, not even a large number of mucus that gets on the skin leads to ulcers and burns.
Frogs have cells in their skin that allow them to change their skin color to blend in with the surrounding vegetation. This helps them to escape from enemies. The skin of a frog is very sensitive to sunlight, but it is not an essential organ for this amphibian. This is evidenced by the fact that the skinless frog continues to live. Periodically, the frog molts, shedding old skin, which it immediately eats.
The lungs of a frog, unlike other living creatures, do not at all serve to extract oxygen from the air, but to make sounds that we call croaking, obtained with the help of sound bubbles in the throat. For better "singing" the frogs also have a pair of resonators. They look like a pair of pouches that swell up on the sides of the head. Only males "sing" to attract a female.
Frogs lay eggs. Its quantity is amazing! Some species can lay up to 20 thousand eggs at a time. Her frogs lay in the water. They often do this in large groups. Frog eggs form large clumps, in which grass and pond frogs contain several hundred eggs. Developing from an egg to an adult, frogs go through a transformation stage: tailed tadpoles breathing with gills emerge from the eggs. Gradually, their hind limbs grow first, then the front ones. Finally, the tail-rudder disappears, and the little frog is ready for life on the shore. Tadpoles hatch after 7-10 days. After 4 months, small frogs are obtained from them. At 3 years they become sexually mature.
If European frogs are rarely larger than 10 cm, then in North America a bullfrog lives, reaching a length of 20 cm. And the record holder among frogs is the goliath frog living in Africa - its total length is 90 cm, and it can weigh up to 6 kg!

The African tree frog is a champion jumper. With the help of long and strong hind legs, it can jump 5 m in length.
The African burrowing frog lives in Africa. It can grow up to 25 cm long and weigh up to 2 kg. She lives for a long time - up to 25 years. Its large mouth is equipped with sharp and large teeth, with which it grabs its prey - other frogs, small rodents, snakes, lizards, etc. When trying to grab it, it can bite. The hind limbs of this frog are very strong. She needs them in order to dig deep holes in which she spends time during a drought.
Lives in Borneo interesting view frogs. She has membranes stretched between her fingers. With the help of them, she can plan in the air in the manner of a flying squirrel.
All these species belong to the family of true frogs. In addition to them, there are frogs with such exotic names as long-toed, banana, grasping, Congolese five-line, hairy, horned. Most of them live in Africa.
The edible frog (Rana kl. Esculenta) belongs to the family Real frogs, order Tailless amphibians. Coloring - top part green, gray-green or green-yellow with an indistinct dark spotted pattern; the belly is light, usually with dark spots. Male up to 9 cm long, female up to 11 cm.
The edible frog appeared in Central Europe after the last ice age as a result of crossing a lake frog with a pond frog. offspring of two edible frogs not viable, so the only way for them to continue their race is to mate with a pond frog. Edible frogs are often found together with their parent species in their habitats - in forests, swamps, parks and gardens rich in vegetation.
The pond frog (Rana lessonae) belongs to the family Real frogs, order Tailless amphibians. Coloration - the upper part is grassy-green or yellow-green, sometimes blue-green, with dark spots. Body length 5-10 cm; the muzzle is sharper than that of the lake frog. The male differs from the female in the presence of paired resonators behind the corners of the mouth and dark nuptial calluses on the first toe of the forelegs; the inner calcaneal tubercle is large. It feeds on insects, small crustaceans, worms, tadpoles, frogs and young lizards.
Pond frogs hibernate in water, less often on land in earthen burrows that they dig themselves. They appear on reservoirs from the end of March. During the mating season from late April to early June, males often gather in groups in shallow water, where they emit a loud choral croak - "arr-arr-arr-kva-kva". Males at this time are colored in yellow, their iris is also golden yellow. Females lay about 4,000 eggs in shallow water. Tadpoles appear after 7 days; development into a frog after 3-4 months.
Active day and night, pond frogs become sexually mature in most cases after the second wintering. pond frogs live an average of 10 years, although not many manage to live to this age because of their enemies - snakes, water birds and predatory fish.
The lake frog (Rana ridibunda) belongs to the family Real frogs, order Tailless amphibians. This is the largest domestic frog with a body length of up to 12 cm (males) or up to 17 cm (females). Coloring - from above olive-brown, grass-green or dark brown, in most cases with rather large, unevenly shaped, black or dark brown spots; belly with marble pattern; the first toe is very long; the inner calcaneal tuberosity is small and flat. Habitat - from the Rhine to the Baltic in the north, upstream the Ural River in the east, to Mesopotamia and Iran in the south.

Lake frogs are always in or near water bodies, inhabiting a wide variety of types of water bodies, including large, deep, fast-flowing rivers. Lake frogs are active mainly during the day, but also at night. Rhythm daily activity changes with age and during the season, stopping when the water temperature drops to +6-9 °C. They spend the winter in bottom silt. Calls made during the mating season by males, which from the end of April gather in large groups, sound like a loud staccato yelp. Large balls with caviar, formed by gluing the mucous membranes of the eggs, are fixed on aquatic plants. During the peak of metamorphosis, large tadpoles, with a lack of food, partially switch to feeding on juveniles of their own species - they eat eggs and larvae.
The grass frog (Rana temporaria) belongs to the family Real frogs, order Tailless amphibians. Body length 7-9 cm, maximum 11 cm; it is a clumsy brown frog with a short, blunt muzzle. The coloration of the upper body is dark brown to reddish with dark stripes; the belly is white or grayish with a dark marble-like pattern. The hind limbs are shorter in relation to the body than in the frog (if the hind leg is extended forward along the body, the ankle joint usually reaches the level of the eye).
Along with the gray toad, the most common amphibian in Europe, they are found in the mountains up to a height of 2500 m. It is absent only in a number of areas of the Iberian and Apennine peninsulas, as well as in the Balkans and the islands mediterranean sea. Feeds mainly on insects, snails and earthworms.
Reproduction in March-early June. Like amphibians that spawn early, grass frogs often leave for their spawning grounds from the end of February, and many females carry smaller males on their backs. Mating begins on the way to spawning waters. For spawning, animals look for small ponds, ditches and puddles. In grass frogs, large balls with caviar consist of 700-4500 eggs, which, with sufficient water depth, sink to the bottom; older balls of caviar often float on the surface of the water.

common frog

Value Body length up to 10 cm
signs Brown top with dark spots; dark spots on the edges of the head
Nutrition Mainly insects, snails and earthworms
reproduction Lays eggs from late February to April; the female lays 2000-4000 eggs in the form of large lumps in ditches, large puddles and ponds; about 2-4 months after that, the formed little frogs come ashore
habitats Only in winter and spring do frogs live in small ponds and puddles; in the rest of the year - in swampy places, in wet meadows, fields and parks, sometimes at a great distance from the water; in the mountains are found up to a height of 2500 m; distributed throughout northern middle lane Europe and Asia

The moor frog (Rana arvalis) belongs to the family Real frogs, order Tailless amphibians. Body length 5-6 cm. Coloration - brown or olive-gray on top with dark spots and dots; belly white or yellowish; unlike the common frog, the anterior part of the head is sharp. AT mating season males are light blue or bluish-violet, often with a wide light stripe on the back.
It lives in large areas of Central, Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as in the western part of Asia; absent from Great Britain, Ireland, most of France, the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Switzerland and the Balkans.
Frogs are moored, prefer river valleys, swamps, floodplain forests and ponds on the plains, but are also found in the mountains. They arrive at the spawning pond early (from the beginning of March to the beginning of May). Females, having spawned, immediately go to land, males remain in the water (up to several weeks). Males gathered for breeding in a reservoir form large clusters in small areas of the reservoir and make sounds reminiscent of the gurgling of water from a bottle.
A multi-voiced choir sounds in the evenings in tropical forest. These are thousands of tiny poison dart frogs serenading the rising moon. Their multi-colored little bodies seem to be carved by a skilled craftsman from precious stones. Arrow frogs spend their whole lives among branches and foliage. When it comes time to spawn, they choose plants that accumulate rainwater in the axils of the leaves. Most often these are various bromeliads. Above such a “pond”, the frog hangs several eggs, wrapping them in a plentiful foamy cocoon. Soon the tadpoles will break through the soft shell and fall straight into the water.
But such a reservoir may not be a safe cradle at all. If a predator is hiding at the very bottom of it, newborn tadpoles will not have a chance to stay alive. However, even without such "neighbors" there are still many dangers. A strong storm can knock down a tree - and a small "pond" with all its inhabitants will die.

pond frog

Value Body length 7-10 cm; in rare cases up to 12 cm
signs The color of the body is bright green, along the back there is a light stripe, some black spots; on the upper part of the hind legs yellow and dark spots; at the temples is never typical for common frog dark spot
Nutrition Insects, small crustaceans, worms, tadpoles, frogs and young lizards
reproduction Mating in May; lays caviar lumps in water; the female lays 5-10 thousand eggs; tadpoles - after 7 days; development into a frog after 3-4 months
habitats Almost all small and large reservoirs with an abundance of aquatic and coastal plants; from lowlands to mountains of medium height; from Europe to the Volga

The pond, lake frog belongs to the class of amphibians. It has a body length of 7-10 centimeters. Her skin is bright green brown tint. On the back there are dark spots and a white longitudinal stripe, the abdomen is white.

The eyes of the frogs are bright golden. In the spring, near ponds and swamps, their loud mating concerts are heard. These animals overwinter in the forest, digging into soft ground or in warm ponds. Already in the second half of April, when the air warms up to 8-10 degrees, the frogs begin mating games. The female lays eggs on the bottom of the swamp or on the stems of aquatic plants. One frog can lay 400-1800 eggs. Of these, tadpoles of light olive or green color soon appear. Frogs live up to 12 years.

The pond frog feeds on insects. Her regular menu consists of dragonfly larvae, mosquitoes, water beetles and shellfish. If there is not enough food, then the frogs eat fish fry and even tadpoles. Large frogs of this species sometimes attack small animals (voles, shrews). Their prey can also be small birds, chicks and snakes. The frogs themselves also become prey for predatory fish, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Frogs of this breed live in the South and central Europe, in Central Asia and in North Africa. They are found in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan. This species of amphibians lives in many regions of Russia.

Pond, lake frogs are often used in medicine, for experiments. They are edible, such a delicacy as frog legs is made from this type of frog. Also, these animals play a significant role in the natural food chain. Their caviar, tadpoles and they themselves serve as food for many animals and fish.

Video - pond frog breeding.

Video: lake frog fight or toad fight.

And one more video - pond frog tadpoles.

ground toad refers to tailless amphibians. This is a squad. The class is simply called amphibians. The detachment has a family of toads. It includes over 40 genera. They have 579 species. They are called earthen, because with the onset of cold weather and during the day during the hot period, they hide in minks, dig in between roots and stones.

Description and features of the ground toad

Ground toad in the photo and in reality is larger than a frog, has drier, rougher skin. It is covered with a semblance of warts, outgrowths. Frogs do not have this, as well as the ability to catch insects at lightning speed.

The toad picks them up with its tongue. On the other hand, frogs have elongated hind legs. This allows the animals to jump. Toads lack this ability. Additional differences from frogs are:

  • loose body without clear contours
  • head down to the ground
  • an abundance of glands on the back, which often produce poison
  • dark skin with an earthy tone
  • missing teeth in the upper jaw

Ground toads have developed sexual dimorphism. Males are much smaller than females and have calloused first toes on their front paws. It helps determine the sex of the ground toad.

Calluses on the paws of male ground toads are overgrown skin glands. They help to stay on the partner's back during mating. Hence the embracing and grasping reflexes developed in males.

The ear glands are also enlarged in earthen toads. This applies to both genders. The ear glands are called parotids.

The sizes of toads reach 30 centimeters in length. In this case, the weight of an individual can be 2.3 kilograms. There are also miniature representatives of the detachment about 3 centimeters long.

Lifestyle and habitat

Short-legged and heavy-bodied toads slowly roll over. In moments of danger, amphibians arch their backs. This visually makes the toads bigger, scaring off offenders. The frogs just jump away from the latter.

Toads are sometimes capable of a single jump, but they make it if the “trick” with arching the back has not worked.

Having a rougher, keratinized skin than that of frogs, toads can stay away from water bodies for a long time. There is no need for constant moistening of the covers. More precisely, parotids take over this function. They produce a moisturizing secret.

The life of the ground toad is divided into phases of rest and activity, not only day and night. The last one is wake time. Life is also divided into a period of heat and cold. By winter, toads burrow into the ground to a depth of about 10 centimeters. There, animals fall into anabiosis, slowing down vital processes.

Toads can burrow in deserts, meadows, forests. The main condition is the presence of a nearby reservoir. It's not about moistening the integuments of toads. They need water to reproduce. Caviar is laid in swamps and lakes.

During the mating season earth toad sound it is similar to quacking. Frightened amphibians can squeak piercingly. The croaking of frogs, typical of frogs, is rare and in a lower, throaty tone. The croaking of frogs, typical of frogs, is rare and in a lower, throaty tone.

Types of ground toads

Of the almost 600 species of ground toads, 6 live in Russia. The list opens with an ordinary one. It is also called gray. The abdomen of an amphibian is highlighted. The back of the toad is dark grey.

Length common toad does not exceed 7 centimeters. Body width reaches 12. You can see the animal in Central Asia and on Far East.

In addition to the common ground toad in the list Russian species:

1. Far East. She has orange eyes, just like the grey. However, the color of the Far Eastern toad is variegated. On a whitish background there are spots of brick tone and black marks. inhabit Far Eastern toads water meadows and moist, shady forests.

There are many of them on Sakhalin, along east coast Russia. Outside its borders, the species is distributed in China, Korea.

2. Green. She is also spotted, but the markings are green and smaller than those of the Far East. The drawing looks delicate. The background is light grey. Orange dots are also scattered along the back. The coloring is like a camouflage print.

There is a green toad in central Russia in flood meadows and marshy areas.

3. Mongolian. This toad is grey-olive. Greenish spots. They are multi-sized. The abdomen is light. Male warts are spiny. Skin outgrowths of females are smooth. Representatives of the species live in the western part of the country.

4. Caucasian. It is brown and larger than other Russian ground toads, reaching a length of 13 centimeters. From the name, the habitat of amphibians is clear. In the mountains of the Caucasus, toads gravitate towards damp caves.

5. Reed. Similar to green, but smaller. The color of the toad's spots is brighter. Instead of orange dots on the back - brown. Rock toads are on the verge of extinction. With luck, representatives of the species can be found in Kaliningrad region.

Some frogs are added to the true ground toads. In about half of the languages, no distinction is made between concepts. So, the African black rain frog is both black ground toad. The corners of her mouth are turned down. Because of this, the animal seems sad. The body of an amphibian is always swollen.

True toads outside of Russia include, for example, American cone-headed and cricket. The last yellow-green. This is the main tone. The pattern is brown-black. The belly of the cricket toad is cream and the neck is white in females and black in males.

The cone-headed toad is 3 times larger than the cricket toad, reaching a length of 11 centimeters. The name of the species is due to the prominent furrows near the eyes. Outgrowths are located longitudinally. Representatives of the species are colored differently, but the warts on the body are always lighter or darker than the main tone.

Outside of Russia lives the most big toad in the world - Bloomberg. Representatives of the species are found in Colombia, on the territory of Ecuador. There toads reach 30 centimeters in length. The underside of the body of the animal is pinkish-white, and the top is painted in grassy green.

Blomberg's antipode is the kihansi archer. The body length of this toad does not exceed 2 centimeters. This is the male limit. Saki is an inch bigger. However, there are few toads themselves. Animals live within Tanzania. There is a Kihansi waterfall. Amphibians are named after him. They historically live on 2 hectares at the foot of the waterfall.

At the end of the chapter, let's mention the toad aha. She is the most poisonous representative families. In terms of size, large agi are only 2-4 centimeters inferior to blombergs. Toad venom is produced by glands throughout the body. The largest are on the head.

Poison shoots towards the offender. The toxin seeps through the skin. Therefore, it is dangerous to hold an agu in your hands. Predators that bite an amphibian die within a few minutes. The poison blocks the heart.

Outwardly, yeah, it is distinguished by the presence of prickly warts on the back, limbs. The animal also has more keratinized skin than other toads. Upper eyelid agi borders a special semicircular ledge. The color of the toad is gray-brown with dark spots on top. The markings are larger on the back and smaller on the underside of the body.

Animal nutrition

What does the ground toad eat partly depends on where it lives. Summarizes the diet 100 percent protein base. Toads do not eat plant foods. Predation is limited to eating and insects.

The exception is the aga diet. Due to the poison, the amphibian also manages to infect small birds, rodents, and reptiles.

In the vastness of Russia, toads eat mainly fillies, ants, earwigs, slugs, caterpillars, click beetles,. Most on the list are pests. So ground toad in the garden or in farmland is useful.

However, "with open arms" amphibians are rarely met there. The thing is folk beliefs. Some believe that they adopt her warts at the moment of touching the animal. Others believe that frogs represent the forces of darkness. Still others associate the heroine of the article with death.

In fairness, we note that there are positive interpretations of the image of the earthen toad. In it, for example, is a symbol of wealth. The Celtic peoples call the toad the lord of the earth.

Reproduction and lifespan

The answer to the question how do earth toads reproduce in Russia, unambiguously, - by external fertilization. The egg is released outside the body. There the male fertilizes. Toad eggs are their eggs. Her females lay in a pond. The males fertilize the eggs there.

Toads choose puddles, ponds, ditches, and river backwaters as reservoirs for spawning. Outside of Russia there are species that lay their eggs in rapids. Tadpoles in this case are equipped with suckers. They are located on the abdomen. With the help of suckers, tadpoles are fixed on algae, bottom stones, snags.

Abroad, there are also ground toads that lay their eggs outside water bodies. Representatives Philippine species The eggs are located in the axils of tree leaves. Toads choose greenery at a height of several meters.

Exceptions among toads are also those using the cycle of internal fertilization. These are viviparous species. Their eggs develop in dilated oviducts. Interestingly, all viviparous toads are miniature, not exceeding 3 centimeters in length.

How long do ground toads live also depends on the type. The majority limit is 25 years, with a minimum of 5 years. However, representatives large species lived up to 36 years of age.

How to get rid of ground toad

Feeding on insects, toads do not disdain sharp-smelling ones and are not afraid of contrastingly colored ones. Predator birds these are ignored. Therefore, there are ground toad benefit. Harm or Amphibians do not cause damage to the garden. But for the sake of the benefits, many types of toads were settled around the planet.

So yeah, for example, I ended up in and on the Hawaiian Islands. At the last settlers, they were released into the fields with reeds. The toads quickly destroyed the pests, preserving the crop crop.

Despite the benefits of the heroine of the article, many people think how to get rid of ground toad. It's about beliefs, stereotypes and just disgust for amphibians. Among the methods of exterminating toads are:

  • content poultry that will eat amphibians
  • cleaning the area from fallen leaves, boards, bark and other places where toads can hide
  • periodic mowing of grass needed by toads for shading and shelter

The only thing that, in fact, toads harm gardens is burrows. Making them for shelter, amphibians can touch the roots of plants. Some gardeners complain that their cucumbers and tomatoes literally fall through. However, for such a total, there should be a lot of toads. Often, only a few individuals live in one area.

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