Animals of the tundra: musk ox, lemmig, ground squirrel, mink, arctic fox, ermine, polar wolf, husky. Tundra animals - mammals, birds, insects, predators and other fauna Tundra flora and fauna

The flora of the tundra natural zone is not rich. First of all, this is due to the harsh climatic conditions. Tundra landscapes can be swampy, peaty and rocky. There is no fertile soil ideal for the development of plants. Grows in swampy areas various kind moss. Among the mosses there are whole fields of lingonberries, cloudberries and blueberries. By autumn, many fruits ripen in these berry fields. Plants similar to moss grow on peaty and stony soils of the tundra. One of these yagel. This plant covers vast areas of the tundra. Moss is so abundant that entire herds of wild deer feed on it all year round.

In the tundra there are not only mosses and reindeer mosses. Here, in places well protected from the strong and, in the valleys of rivers or lakes, you can find large meadows where various grasses reach a height of half a meter.

The tundra is also characterized by the complete absence forest areas. Of the trees, only polar willow and dwarf birch are found. These trees are more like shrubs. The dwarf birch is so small that its thin twisted trunk practically lies and hides in moss or reindeer moss. Only small branches with miniature leaves are raised up. The polar willow is even smaller than the birch. In times of snowfall, all its branches are covered with snow.

Tundra animals

The most numerous inhabitants of the tundra belong to the class of birds. Comes here especially in the summer a large number of geese, ducks and. In lakes and rivers, they look for their food, mainly insects, plants and small fish. There are so many birds in the tundra that some of its reservoirs either turn white from geese or turn black from ducks. Everywhere you can hear the cries and cackling of birds.

In summer, the tundra is teeming with midges and mosquitoes. They rush through the air like clouds, attack animals and people, and do not give them rest either at night or during the day. To get rid of annoying insects, people light fires or dress in special suits.

During harsh winters most of birds fly to the south. Not so rarely numerous herds of reindeer rush through here. With the help of their hooves, they dig moss from under the ground. Sometimes you can see Arctic foxes, musk oxen, lemmings and stoats here. Occasionally in the tundra catches the eye snowy owl. Its color is white, and therefore the partridges and lemmings, on which it hunts, simply do not notice it against the backdrop of snow.

Most of the animals of the tundra are covered with dense plumage or wool. Their winter color tends to turn white, which helps them hide from enemies or sneak up on their prey.

The flora of the tundra is less rich and diverse than the flora of other climatic zones. At the same time, it is he who is of great interest. How can plants grow in such harsh natural conditions, and not only lower plants: mosses and lichens, but also higher ones: grasses and shrubs.

Natural tundra zone

The tundra is located in the northern hemisphere on the mainland of the Arctic and on some islands (Volguev island, Novaya (southern) island, Vaigach island, etc.) of the subpolar climate zone. From she borders the zone Arctic deserts, on the south side - the forest-tundra zone. The name "tundra" in translation from Finnish tunturi means " treeless, naked".

The tundra is characterized by a cold and humid subarctic climate. There is practically no seasonal summer. Summer is cold: it lasts only a few weeks, with an average monthly temperature of no more than +15°C. Winters, on the other hand, are long. Temperatures can drop to 50°C below zero. Features of the tundra eternal Frost.

Due to the influence of the Arctic, the climate is excessively humid, but low temperatures do not allow moisture to soak into the soil or evaporate, so wetlands are formed. The soil is supersaturated with moisture, but contains very little humus. Strong, cold winds blow throughout the year. The most difficult natural conditions cause a poor and animal world. Few representatives of the flora are adapted to the harsh climate.

tundra flora

The tundra is a treeless expanse with low vegetation cover. Mostly mosses and are found here. Both of them tolerate the harsh climatic conditions of the tundra well. They can winter even under the protection of a thin snow cover or without it at all.
Many mosses and lichens of the tundra can be found in other climatic zones ah: chylocomium, pleurocium, cuckoo flax. But some, such as reindeer moss, grow exclusively in the alpine tundra.

These plants also receive water from the atmosphere, so there is no need to extract them from the soil. There are no real roots, and the purpose of the threadlike processes is to attach the plant to the surface. These features explain the abundance of mosses and lichens in the tundra.

Perennial low-growing plants also grow in the tundra: shrubs and herbs. The most common shrubs are blueberries and cloudberries. Among herbal plants, it should be noted: alpine meadow, squat fescue, arctic bluegrass.

Only occasionally in places protected from the wind are lonely dwarf trees found: polar willows, dwarf birches, northern alder. The height of these trees is not more than half a meter. tall trees not in the tundra. They cannot take root, because even at the very warm time year thaws no more than 30-50 cm. Because of this, the roots cannot absorb the necessary moisture.

In addition, during a short summer, the cover tissue does not have time to form on the shoots, and when the temperature drops, the trees freeze.

In the tundra, all plants have xeromorphic characteristics, that is, they are adapted to a lack of moisture: many have a wax coating or hairy coat, the leaves of plants are small and often curled. Thus, representatives of the flora are somehow adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the tundra.

The natural zone of the tundra is located mainly beyond the Arctic Circle and is bounded from the north by arctic (polar) deserts, and from the south by forests. It is located in the subarctic zone between 68 and 55 degrees north latitude. In those small areas where it is cold air masses from the North Arctic Ocean in summer, mountains block the path - these are the valleys of the Yana, Kolyma, Yukon rivers - taiga rises into the subarctic. It is necessary to distinguish separately the mountain tundra, which is characterized by a change in nature with the height of the mountains.

The word "tundra" comes from the Finnish tunturi, which means "treeless, bare upland". In Russia, the tundra occupies the coast of the seas of the Arctic Ocean and the territories adjacent to it. Its area is about 1/8 of the entire area of ​​Russia. In Canada natural area tundra belongs to a significant part of the northern territories, which are practically uninhabited. In the United States, the tundra occupies most of the state of Alaska.

a brief description of

  • The natural zone tundra occupies about 8-10% of the entire territory of Russia;
  • The tundra has a very short summer average temperature in the warmest month, July, from +4 degrees in the north to +11 degrees in the south;
  • Winter in the tundra is long and very severe, accompanied by strong winds and snowstorms;
  • Cold winds blow throughout the year: in summer - from the Arctic Ocean, and in winter - from the chilled continental part of Eurasia;
  • The tundra is characterized by permafrost, that is, the upper level of the earth frozen through, part of which thaws only a few tens of centimeters in summer.
  • Very little precipitation falls in the tundra zone - only 200-300 mm per year. However, soils in the tundra are waterlogged everywhere due to impermeable permafrost on shallow depth surface cover and low evaporation due to low temperatures even with strong winds;
  • Soils in the tundra are usually infertile (due to humus being blown out by the winds) and heavily swamped due to freezing in harsh winters and only partial warming in the warm season.

Tundra is a natural zone of Russia

As everyone knows from school lessons, the nature and climate on the territory of Russia has a clearly defined zonality of processes and phenomena. This is due to the fact that the territory of the country has a large extent from north to south, and it is dominated by a flat relief. Each natural zone is characterized by a certain ratio of heat and moisture. Natural areas are sometimes called landscape or geographic areas.

The tundra occupies the territory adjacent to the coast of the Arctic Ocean and is the most severe inhabited natural zone in Russia. To the north of the natural tundra zone there are only arctic deserts, and to the south the forest zone begins.

The following are presented on the plains of Russia natural areas, starting from the north:

  • Arctic deserts;
  • Forest-steppe
  • steppes
  • semi-deserts
  • desert
  • Subtropics.

And in the mountainous regions of Russia, altitudinal zonation is clearly expressed.

Natural areas of Russia on the map

The tundra is characterized by harsh climatic conditions, relatively low rainfall and the fact that its territory is located mainly behind polar circle. Let's list the facts about the tundra:

  • The tundra natural zone is located to the north of the taiga zone;
  • In the mountains of Scandinavia, the Urals, Siberia, Alaska and Northern Canada, mountain tundras are found;
  • Tundra zones stretch in a strip 300-500 km wide along the northern coasts of Eurasia and North America;
  • The climate of the tundra is subarctic, it is quite severe and is characterized by long winters with polar nights (when the sun practically does not rise above the horizon) and short summer. A particularly harsh climate is observed in the continental regions of the tundra;
  • Winter in the tundra lasts 6-9 months a year, it is accompanied by strong winds and low air temperatures;
  • Frosts in the tundra sometimes reach minus 50 degrees Celsius;
  • The polar night in the tundra lasts 60-80 days;
  • Snow in the tundra lies from October to June, its height in the European part is 50-70 centimeters, and in Eastern Siberia and in Canada 20-40 cm. Snowstorms are frequent in the tundra in winter;
  • Summer in the tundra is short, with a long polar day;
  • August in the tundra is considered the warmest month of the year: positive average daily temperatures up to + 10-15 degrees are noted, but frosts are possible on any day of the summer;
  • Summer is characterized by high air humidity, frequent fogs and drizzling rains;
  • The tundra vegetation includes 200-300 species of flowering plants and about 800 species of mosses and lichens.

The main occupations of the population in the tundra:

  • Reindeer herding;
  • Fishing;
  • Hunting for fur and sea animals.

The population of the tundra is limited in the choice of activities due to the peculiarities natural conditions and relative isolation from large cities, as well as the population on, isolated on small islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the following types of tundra are distinguished, which have characteristic vegetation:

  • arctic tundra(marshy soils and moss-lichen plants predominate);
  • Sat arctic tundra or typical middle tundra(moss, lichen and shrub plants, berries);
  • or the southern tundra (shrub plants - dwarf birch, bushy alder, various types of willows, as well as berries and mushrooms).

arctic tundra

In the Arctic, on the northern edge of the European and Asian parts of Russia, as well as on far north North America is the Arctic tundra. It occupies the coastal territory of the northern seas and is a flat swampy area. Summer brings only a short thaw there, and plants are not found due to the too cold climate. The permafrost is covered melt lakes from melted snow and ice. Perennial plants in such conditions are able to grow only for a short time - at the end of July and August, grouping in places that are lowered and protected from the winds, and annual plants do not take root here, because due to harsh natural conditions, a very short growing season. The predominant species are mosses and lichens, and shrubs do not grow at all in the arctic tundra.

More southern types of tundra up to the forest-tundra zone are called Subarctic. Here the cold arctic air in summer period on the a short time inferior to more warm air temperate zone. The day there is long, and under the influence of the penetration of a warmer climate, tundra plants have time to develop. Basically, these are dwarf plants that nestle against the earth that radiates a little heat. So they hide from the winds and from freezing, trying to spend the winter under the snow cover as if in a fur coat.

AT middle tundra there are mosses, lichens and small shrubs. Small rodents are found here - lemmings (pied), which feed on arctic foxes and polar owls. Most animals in the tundra are covered with snow-white fur or plumage in winter, and turn brown or gray in summer. Of the large animals in the middle tundra, reindeer (wild and domestic), wolves, and tundra partridge live. Due to the abundance of swamps in the tundra, there is simply a gigantic amount of all kinds of midges, which attract wild geese, ducks, swans, waders and loons in the summer to breed chicks in the tundra.

Agriculture in the subarctic tundra is impossible in any form due to the low temperature of the soil and its poverty in nutrients. The territory of the middle tundra is used by reindeer herders as summer reindeer pastures.

On the border of the tundra and forest zones is located forest-tundra. It is much warmer in it than in the tundra: in some areas, the average daily temperature exceeds +15 degrees for 20 days a year. During the year, up to 400 mm of precipitation falls in the forest-tundra, and this is much more than the evaporated moisture. Therefore, the soils of the forest-tundra, as well as the subarctic tundra, are strongly waterlogged and waterlogged.

Found in the forest-tundra rare trees growing in sparse groves or singly. The forests consist of low-growing curved birches, spruces and larches. Usually the trees are far apart from each other, since their root system is located in the upper part of the soil, above the permafrost. There are both tundra and forest species plants.

In the eastern part of the forest-tundra are tundra forest characterized by thickets of stunted trees. In the subarctic mountainous regions, mountain tundra and barren rocky surfaces dominate, on which only mosses, lichens, and small rock flowers grow. The moss reindeer in the forest-tundra grows much faster than in the subarctic tundra, so there is expanse for deer here. In addition to deer, moose live in the forest-tundra, brown bears, arctic foxes, white hares, capercaillie and hazel grouse.

Agriculture in the tundra

In the forest tundra it is possible vegetable growing in open field , here you can grow potatoes, cabbage, turnips, radishes, lettuce, green onion. And also developed methods for creating high-yielding meadows on the territory of the forest-tundra.

And do you know what…

In Iceland, which is located entirely in the natural zone of the tundra, potatoes were bred in the past and even barley was cultivated. It turned out a good harvest, because the Icelanders are a stubborn and hardworking people. But now, open farming has been replaced by a more profitable occupation - growing plants in greenhouses heated by the heat of hot springs. And today, various tropical crops grow beautifully in the tundra of Iceland, especially bananas. Iceland even exports them to Europe.

There are also mountain tundras that form altitude zone in the mountains of the temperate and subarctic zones. They are above the border. mountain forests and are characterized by the dominance of lichens, mosses and some cold-resistant herbs, shrubs and shrubs. There are three belts in the mountain tundra:

  • shrub belt- formed on stony soils, like the flat tundra.
  • Moss-lichen belt located above the shrub, its characteristic vegetation is represented by semi-shrubs and some herbs.
  • Upper belt mountain tundra is the poorest in vegetation. Here, among the stony soils and on the rocky formations, only lichens and mosses grow, as well as squat shrubs.

Mountain tundra (highlighted in purple)

Antarctic tundra

On the Antarctic Peninsula and islands at high latitudes southern hemisphere there is a natural zone similar to the tundra. It is called the Antarctic Tundra.

Tundra in Canada and the USA

In the northern part of Canada and in the US state of Alaska, very significant areas are located in the tundra natural zone. It is located in the Arctic in the northern regions of the Western Cordillera. There are 12 types of tundra in Canada and the USA:

  • Tundra of the Alaska Range and Saint Elias Mountains (USA and Canada)
  • Coastal tundra of Baffin Island
  • Tundra of the Brooks and British Mountains
  • Davis Strait Tundra
  • Tundra of the Torngat Mountains
  • High mountain tundra of the hinterland
  • Ogilvy and Mackenzie high tundra
  • polar tundra
  • subpolar tundra
  • polar tundra
  • Tundra and ice fields of the mountains of the Pacific coast
  • arctic tundra

Flora and fauna of the tundra

Since the entire territory of the tundra is characterized by permafrost and strong winds, plants and animals have to adapt to life in difficult cold conditions, clinging to the ground or stones.

Plants in the tundra have characteristic forms and properties reflecting their adaptation to severe continental climate . There are many mosses and lichens in the tundra. Due to the short and cold summers and long winters, most of the tundra plants are perennials and evergreens. Lingonberries and cranberries are examples of such perennials. shrub plants. They begin their growth as soon as the snow melts (often only in early July).

But the bushy lichen moss ("deer moss") grows very slowly, only 3-5 mm per year. It becomes clear why reindeer herders constantly wander from one pasture to another. They are forced to do this not at all because of a good life, but because the restoration of reindeer pastures is very slow, it takes 15-20 years. Among the plants in the tundra, there are also many blueberries, cloudberries, princesses and blueberries, as well as thickets of bushy willow. And in wetlands, sedges and grasses predominate, some of which have evergreen leaves covered with a bluish wax coating, giving dull colors.

1 Blueberry
2 Cowberry
3 Crowberry black
4 Cloudberry
5 Loydia late
6 Onion skoroda
7 princess
8 Cotton grass vaginal
9 sword sedge
10 dwarf birch
11 wedge-leaved willow

A distinctive feature of the tundra is large numbers but small species composition of animals. This is also due to the fact that the tundra is located literally on the very edge of the earth, where very few people live. Only a few species have adapted to the harsh conditions of the tundra, such as lemmings, arctic fox, reindeer, white partridge, snowy owl, hare, wolf, musk ox.

In summer, a mass of migratory birds appears in the tundra, attracted by a variety of insects that are found in abundance in the swampy area and are especially active in summer. They breed and feed their chicks here to soon fly to warmer climes.

Numerous rivers and lakes of the tundra are rich in various fish. Omul, vendace, whitefish and white salmon are found here. But cold-blooded reptiles and amphibians are practically not found in the tundra because of the low temperatures that limit their vital activity.

1 white-billed loon29 arctic fox
2 small swan30 Belyak hare
3 goose bean goose31 Varakusha
4 white-fronted goose32 Lapland plantain
5 Canadian goose33 Bunting
6 black goose34 red-throated pipit
7 red-throated goose35 horned lark
8 pink seagull36 Long-tailed ground squirrel
9 Long-tailed Skua37 Black-capped marmot
10 Fork-tailed gull38 Siberian lemming
11 american swan39 ungulate lemming
12 white goose40 norwegian lemming
13 blue goose41 Middendorf's vole
14 small white goose42 Siberian Crane
15 Moryanka43
16 spectacled eider44 ptarmigan
17 eider comb45 Kulik turukhtan
18 Crested Duck, male and female46 sandpiper
19 Merlin47 golden plover
20 peregrine falcon48 sandpiper dunlin
21 Rough-footed buzzard49 phalarope
22 weasel50 Little Godwit
23 Ermine51 snipe godwit
24 shrew52 snow sheep
25 Wolf53 salamander
26 White Owl54 Malma
27 musk ox55 arctic char
28 Reindeer 56 Dalliya

The tundra partridge is one of the most famous birds tundra

Watch an interesting video about the tundra natural zone:

The world around in 4th grade

Theme: Vulnerable tundra

Goals:- To form knowledge about climatic conditions, characteristic plants and animals, occupations of people in the tundra;

Consider ecological problems arising through the fault of a person;

Cultivate love for native nature, cognitive interest.

Equipment: map "Natural zones of Russia", presentation on the topic.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

What is geographical position the Arctic? Show on the map.

What unusual phenomena can be observed in the Arctic desert zone?

(Northern lights, ice movement)

What are climatic features in this natural area? (Polar night and polar day)

What is polar night? (Since mid-October, the sun is not visible, only the stars and the moon)

What is a polar day? ( light all day long)

What animals live in the Arctic? (Polar bear, seals, musk ox, bowhead whale, guillemots, puffins, eiders, walrus, gull, cod, haddock, halibut, pollock)

What animals are listed in the Red Book? (Polar bear, musk ox, bowhead whale, walrus, pink gull)

What does indigenous people the Arctic? ( Hunting, fishing)

What do polar explorers study? (They explore the aurora, monitor the weather, observe where the ocean ice drifts, study how the life of plants and animals changes with the arrival of the polar night and the polar day, from where birds fly in for the summer)

And now we will conduct a graphic dictation. If the statement is true put +, if the statement is false -.

1. The natural zone of the Arctic deserts is located on the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

2. The territory of the Arctic has no indigenous population.

3. Severe conditions have developed for plants and animals in the Arctic.

4.B ice zone grow cedars, firs, spruces.

5. Seals, walruses, polar bears live in the Arctic.

6. The Arctic Reserve is located on Wrangel Island.

7. A large accumulation of birds on the rocks is called "bird markets".

Answers: -; -; +; -; +; +; -. (mutual check)

3. Message new topic lesson.

Let's solve the crossword and find out the topic of today's lesson.

1. Short name of the Arctic desert zone.

2. A bird with an unusual beak.

3. The name of the island on which the Arctic reserve is located.

4.Arctic - the realm of snow and ice.

5. Plant living in the water column.

6. Type of fish that lives in the northern seas.

Keyword: tundra.

Find and show on the map the geographical position of the tundra.

4. Working with the presentation.

5. Generalization of the topic. Reflection.

6. Homework.


1 slide. South of the ice zone of the Arctic is the zone tundracold treeless plain. The tundra zone is much warmer than the ice zone, and therefore the nature of the Tundra is much more diverse.

2 slide. The climate in the tundra is harsh, the summer is very short (2-3 months) and cool. In the summer in the Tundra, as well as in the Arctic, polar day, but it is much warmer, although the temperature even in July does not exceed +14 C. And although the polar day comes, there may be frosts, and sometimes even snow falls. Winter in the Tundra is long, about 8 months and very severe. When winter comes in the Tundra Polar night, frost reaches 50 degrees. Small rivers freeze to the bottom. In winter there is permafrost, and in summer this permafrost thaws only half a meter deep.

All year round cold winds blow in the tundra. The tundra zone has a very large extent from west to east. The vegetation cover of this zone is not the same in the western and eastern regions.

The soil in the tundra is always cold. Even in summer, at a shallow depth, its temperature does not rise above 10 °. Permafrost slows down soil formation. In the upper layers of the soil, water accumulates, supported by the permafrost layer, and this leads to waterlogging of the surface.

3 slide. Harsh conditions affect the plants and animals of the tundra.
Mosses and lichens play a very important role in the vegetation cover of the tundra. There are many types of them here, and they often form a continuous carpet over large spaces.

4 slide. Both mosses and lichens perfectly tolerate the harsh conditions of the tundra. Among them, reindeer moss is the most common. This lichen is one of the largest, it can reach 10-15 cm in height. It resembles a miniature tree - it has a thicker "trunk" growing from the ground, and small thin winding "branches".

5 slide. Together with mosses and lichens, small shrubs grow here: crowberry, arctic bearberry, etc. Their underground organs and buds are hidden in the moss cover, where they find good protection from adverse conditions in winter. A moss carpet, like a loose sponge, absorbs moisture and further contributes to the swamping of the tundra.

6slide.For the more southern regions of the tundra zone, shrub tundra. These are thickets of shrubs, mainly dwarf birch. The height of the dwarf birch is small - rarely more than 70 centimeters. It grows not like a tree, but like a tree-like shrub. Its branches do not rise high, and in most cases they simply spread out on the ground. The width of its sheet is often greater than the length, and the shape of the sheet is rounded.

7 slide. In some places there are thickets of low-growing willows: polar, reticulate, grassy. Larger (up to 1 m and above) willows grow in river valleys and along the outskirts of swamps: woolly, Lapland, etc.

Plants in the tundra generally cling to the ground. A typical tundra is a treeless area with undersized and not always continuous flora. Mosses and lichens underlie it; against their background, stunted flowering plants- shrubs, shrubs, grasses Due to this, they are less exposed to the drying effect of the wind and receive more heat, since the soil here warms up more than the air. Many tundra plants have very large flowers. . 8, 9, 10, 11 slides.

Trees are also found in the tundra, but only along river valleys, where they form peculiar green tongues among dull and monotonous treeless spaces. In the valleys, the trees find shelter from the wind. In addition, in rivers flowing from south to north, more warm water, and this increases the temperature of the slopes surrounding the river. In addition, rivers dry up the soil. The soil along the rivers warms up well, and the level of the permafrost layer is greatly reduced.

13 slide. The fauna of the tundra is very peculiar.

The reindeer has an excellent sense of smell, it distinguishes smells at a distance of 500 meters and easily recognizes where there is reindeer moss under the snow - its favorite food. The sight and hearing of a deer are sharp, which allows it to defend itself from enemies.

14 slide. Color polar wolf very suited to his habitat: his skin merges with the whiteness of the snow. This allows the wolf pack to unexpectedly approach its prey: mainly large herbivores such as musk ox and elk become it. The wolf will also attack small animals - beavers, rabbits, rabbits and rats. Chasing herds of caribou and deer, wolves sometimes travel more than 100 kilometers a day. Each female gives birth to 5 - 6 cubs. Which is taken care of for two months. One wolf can eat up to 10 kilograms of meat per day.

15 slide. Arctic foxes do not live in packs, they are solitary animals. The burrow is dug in dry mud. The red fox, the closest relative of the arctic fox, is found almost all over the world. The fox belongs to the wolf family. He is very picky about food and easily diversifies his diet. It usually feeds on lemmings and other small rodents, bird eggs, does not shun animal corpses and fish that the waves throw ashore. In winter, Arctic foxes follow the bear, picking up leftovers after him.

16 slide. In the extreme north of the American continent, in Canada, Greenland and Alaska is found muskox with strong horns and long hair, suitable for the harsh climate of these areas. Musk oxen live in small herds, feeding on meager arctic vegetation: moss, reindeer moss and shrubs. These are very aggressive animals, and fierce battles are often tied between them. The enemies of the musk ox are wolf packs and bears. Musk oxen when attacked wolf pack they stand in a circle, tightly closing it, and thus not only repel the attack of the enemy, but also protect their young relatives, located inside the living ring. Usually, a female musk ox gives birth to one calf every two years. They are also bred in the Taimyr Reserve.

17 slide. In winter, the ermine's fur turns from brown to white, like the snow in which it hides, but the tip of the tail always remains black.

18 slide. Representative of a detachment of small rodents. There is an opinion that lemmings commit mass suicides: when their numbers increase sharply, they rush into the water to keep the number of individuals unchanged. This opinion is based on the fact that during spring migrations lemmings do meet wide rivers on their way and many die when trying to cross them, but those that remain quickly restore their original population: lemmings are extremely prolific. Lemming- This is a small mammal, lives mainly in the north. It feeds on seeds, leaves and young shoots. A lemming never hibernates. He digs a hole for himself and fills it with food. Rodent incisors continue to grow throughout life.

19, 20 slides. In the tundra there are polar owl and polar partridge.

21.22 slides. In the spring, a huge number of birds fly into the tundra. Among them are Siberian Cranes and Pink Gulls. Both of these birds are listed in the Red Book.

23, 24 slides. In summer, there are a huge number of insects in the tundra: mosquitoes, midges, horseflies. They float in clouds in the air. Insects climb into the mouth, nose, eyes. This is a real disaster for people and large animals. It is impossible to work without mosquito nets - special nets worn on the face to protect against mosquitoes and midges.

25 slide. The Nenets, Chukchi and other peoples have long lived in the tundra.

26 slide. In the cold polar regions, people use sled dogs. The Siberian and Eskimo huskies are most adapted to such work. They are hardy and tireless, tolerate cold well and are content with a small amount of food. Even today, these animals are indispensable, despite the increasing use of autosleds. Even in snow storms, sled dogs keep amazing ability to navigate, which allows them to find their way home. Siberian and Eskimo huskies are descended from wolves, therefore they are cruel and quarrelsome, but very faithful to their owner.

27 slide. With the development of industry in the tundra, cities and workers' settlements arose.

I would like to stop here and on the reverse side of the development of the tundra. Due to human activities (and primarily due to prey , construction and operation ) over many parts Russian tundra danger looming . Fuel leaks from oil pipelines cause pollution surrounding area, often there are burning oil lakes and completely burnt out areas, once covered with vegetation.

Despite the fact that during the construction of new oil pipelines, special passages are made to could move freely, animals cannot always find and use them.

Moving across the tundra leaving behind and destroy vegetation. The soil layer of the tundra damaged by caterpillar transport is being restored for more than a dozen years.

All this leads to an increase in soil, water and vegetation pollution, a reduction in the number of deer and other inhabitants of the tundra. It is believed that of all climatic zones, the tundra is the most vulnerable. Naturally, it takes longer to recover. And it certainly will not reach its original state. How would people understand it? living there?

The tundra occupies a vast area of ​​northern Russia. Although there is no forest at all and the climate is very harsh, many animals find their food and feel at home. Due to low temperatures, no trees can grow in the tundra, even conifers can't stand the cold. However, about 1300 species of animals live in this area, which have managed to adapt to the extreme conditions of the north. What animals live in the tundra? What do these animals eat?


Despite the cold, mosses and lichens grow in the tundra, and in the south of the region you can find polar willow and dwarf birch. The development of this vegetation contributes humid climate. There is little precipitation in the tundra, but thanks to low temperatures and insignificant evaporation there are many swamps and lakes. What do animals eat in the tundra?

The most common plant in this northern zone is reindeer moss (moss). For its growth, there is enough moisture here, but it does not require heat. Moss moss grows very slowly and is the main source of food for reindeer.

There are also many shrubs in the tundra. They are not afraid of frost and at the first manifestations of heat begin to be covered with juicy fruits. These are blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and cranberries.

The vegetation of the tundra has a creeping or cushion shape. Even birches and willows grow here dwarf species, miniature, about 30 cm. Close proximity to the ground allows vegetation to retain the heat coming from the ground and escape from strong winds capable of breaking their stems.

There is permafrost in the tundra, and juicy grass is simply not to be found here. However, the animals of this region have adapted to its inhospitable conditions and have learned to get food from under layers of snow, find leaves and eat moss. What animals live in the tundra?

arctic fox

This beautiful animal belongs to the canine family. Depending on the species, the fur of the arctic fox is white or blue, and changes its shade slightly with the season. The light fox in the summer season becomes dirty brown, and in winter its fur coat shines with noble whiteness and merges with the snow. Blue fox in the cold season becomes darker: brown or blue-gray.

This northern beast famous for its thick and incredibly beautiful fur. In spring and autumn, he has a molt, which lasts about 4 months. The finest and thickest fur of Arctic foxes grows during the winter months.

Animals in the tundra survive under severe frosts and harsh winds. The polar fox carefully prepares for the winter: it digs a hole near the water, surrounded by stones. This allows him to reliably hide from the cold and hide from larger predators.

The Arctic fox feeds on small rodents, birds, fish and berries. During lean periods, this animal follows polar bears in search of the remains of the meat of dead seals. The life expectancy of a fox is about 10 years.


This animal is one of the most common and numerous inhabitants of the tundra. Lemmings feed on fruits, plant roots, and seeds. When rodents reach the age of only 2-3 months, they are ready to breed and reproduce. For a year, one female brings about 60 cubs.

Animals living in the tundra often migrate. Basically, lemmings move to other places to search for food. These small rodents are of no value to humans. But the fauna of the tundra simply will not survive without lemmings, since they are the main food for foxes and arctic foxes.


This noble animal has excellent endurance, and thick fur protects it from frost and winds of the tundra. Reindeer migrate annually to the northern parts of the region. With sharp hooves, they scrape the remains of lichens from the frozen soil, but there are very few of them for proper nutrition. Therefore, deer change their habitat and head north.

When moving, a deer can reach speeds of up to 80 km / h. And very often this saves him from the attack of predators such as a wolf or a bear. The reindeer has the ability to see in the ultraviolet spectrum, so the fur of any animal in the snow appears to him as a dark spot.

polar Wolf

These are incredibly smart and strong animals. In the tundra of Russia there are white wolves, whose thick wool saves them from the severe frosts of the north. They mostly live near their birthplace. However, they often have to travel enormous distances in order to feed and survive.

An adult animal needs about 5 kg of meat per day to feed. Therefore, wolves are picky in food and use any living creature. In summer, they catch birds, frogs, and in winter they hunt polar hares and lemmings.

However, deer are the main source of food for these predators. At the time of migration, wolves pursue them, divide the herd and skillfully hunt, resorting to tricks in the form of ambushes or a long pursuit of a weak prey.

white hare

Mostly representatives of this class are small animals. Larger hares live in the tundra, sometimes reaching a weight of 5 kg. Belyaks live in burrows near the slopes of rivers, where there is more vegetation. Since there is little grass in the tundra, hares have adapted to eat branches and roots of shrubs, tree bark.

Mostly white hare are active at night, but in the tundra they have to go out in search of food during the day. Hares have a very well-developed hearing, and in the event of the slightest rustle, they take to their heels, skillfully hiding and confusing their tracks. The burrows of these animals reach a length of up to 8 meters. Sensing danger, hares hide deep in their shelters, and no noise can make them leave.

Animal protection

Most of the inhabitants of this northern region are endangered animals. It is very rare to see polar bears in the tundra. Basically, these large animals live in the Arctic. Polar bears are listed in the Red Book, and any kind of hunting for them is completely prohibited in Russia.

Several reserves have been created to protect the tundra fauna. Information about animals in the tundra is constantly updated, and their numbers are counted annually. It is difficult for animals to survive in the difficult conditions of this cold region, and rare species may disappear completely.

The tundra occupies a vast area of ​​northern Russia. Although there is no forest at all and the climate is very harsh, many animals find their food and feel at home. Due to low temperatures, no trees can grow in the tundra, even conifers cannot withstand its frosts. However, about 1300 species of animals live in this area, which have managed to adapt to the extreme conditions of the north. What animals live in the tundra? What do these animals eat?


Despite the cold, mosses and lichens grow in the tundra, and in the south of the region you can find polar willow and dwarf birch. The development of this vegetation is favored by a humid climate. There is little precipitation in the tundra, but due to low temperatures and low evaporation, there are many swamps and lakes. What do animals eat in the tundra?

The most common plant in this northern zone is reindeer moss (moss). For its growth, there is enough moisture here, but it does not require heat. Moss moss grows very slowly and is the main source of food for reindeer.

There are also many shrubs in the tundra. They are not afraid of frost and at the first manifestations of heat begin to be covered with juicy fruits. These are blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and cranberries.

The vegetation of the tundra has a creeping or cushion shape. Even birches and willows grow here of dwarf species, miniature, about 30 cm. Close proximity to the ground allows the vegetation to retain the heat coming from the ground and escape from strong winds that can break their stems.

There is permafrost in the tundra, and juicy grass is simply not to be found here. However, the animals of this region have adapted to its inhospitable conditions and have learned to get food from under layers of snow, find leaves and eat moss. What animals live in the tundra?

arctic fox

This beautiful animal belongs to the canine family. Depending on the species, the fur of the arctic fox is white or blue, and changes its shade slightly with the season. The light fox in the summer season becomes dirty brown, and in winter its fur coat shines with noble whiteness and merges with the snow. Blue fox in the cold season becomes darker: brown or blue-gray.

This northern beast is famous for its thick and incredibly beautiful fur. In spring and autumn, he has a molt, which lasts about 4 months. The finest and thickest fur of Arctic foxes grows during the winter months.

Animals in the tundra survive in severe frosts and harsh winds. The polar fox carefully prepares for the winter: it digs a hole near the water, surrounded by stones. This allows him to reliably hide from the cold and hide from larger predators.

The Arctic fox feeds on small rodents, birds, fish and berries. During lean periods, this animal follows polar bears in search of the remains of the meat of dead seals. The life expectancy of a fox is about 10 years.


This animal is one of the most common and numerous inhabitants of the tundra. Lemmings feed on fruits, plant roots, and seeds. When rodents reach the age of only 2-3 months, they are ready to breed and reproduce. For a year, one female brings about 60 cubs.

Animals living in the tundra often migrate. Basically, lemmings move to other places to search for food. These small rodents are of no value to humans. But the fauna of the tundra simply will not survive without lemmings, since they are the main food for foxes and arctic foxes.


This noble animal has excellent endurance, and thick fur protects it from frost and winds of the tundra. Reindeer migrate annually to the northern parts of the region. With sharp hooves, they scrape the remains of lichens from the frozen soil, but there are very few of them for proper nutrition. Therefore, deer change their habitat and head north.

When moving, a deer can reach speeds of up to 80 km / h. And very often this saves him from the attack of predators such as a wolf or a bear. The reindeer has the ability to see in the ultraviolet spectrum, so the fur of any animal in the snow appears to him as a dark spot.

polar Wolf

These are incredibly smart and strong animals. In the tundra of Russia there are white wolves, whose thick wool saves them from the severe frosts of the north. They mostly live near their birthplace. However, they often have to travel enormous distances in order to feed and survive.

An adult animal needs about 5 kg of meat per day to feed. Therefore, wolves are picky in food and use any living creature. In summer, they catch birds, frogs, and in winter they hunt polar hares and lemmings.

However, deer are the main source of food for these predators. At the time of migration, wolves pursue them, divide the herd and skillfully hunt, resorting to tricks in the form of ambushes or a long pursuit of a weak prey.

white hare

Mostly representatives of this class are small animals. Larger hares live in the tundra, sometimes reaching a weight of 5 kg. Belyaks live in burrows near the slopes of rivers, where there is more vegetation. Since there is little grass in the tundra, hares have adapted to eat branches and roots of shrubs, tree bark.

Mostly white hare are active at night, but in the tundra they have to go out in search of food during the day. Hares have a very well-developed hearing, and in the event of the slightest rustle, they take to their heels, skillfully hiding and confusing their tracks. The burrows of these animals reach a length of up to 8 meters. Sensing danger, hares hide deep in their shelters, and no noise can make them leave.

Animal protection

Most of the inhabitants of this northern region are endangered animals. It is very rare to see polar bears in the tundra. Basically, these large animals live in the Arctic. Polar bears are listed in the Red Book, and any kind of hunting for them is completely prohibited in Russia.

Several reserves have been created to protect the tundra fauna. Information about animals in the tundra is constantly updated, and their numbers are counted annually. It is difficult for animals to survive in the difficult conditions of this cold region, and rare species may disappear completely.

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