Disease of the larynx in chickens symptoms and treatment. How to correctly identify infectious laryngotracheitis in chickens, control and prevention measures. Characteristic signs of the chronic form

Urinary incontinence in dogs is a problem that can occur regardless of the age of the pet. Given the severity of this condition and how unpleasant it is in everyday life, every owner is strongly advised to contact a veterinarian. This will allow you to start treating the dog faster, eliminate the likelihood of complications and critical consequences.

If urinary incontinence is suspected, it is best to refrain from punishing the dog. Most likely, she really cannot cope with this problem and may even experience serious pain that a person is not aware of.

Factors that provoke pathology, veterinarians call:

  • an infectious lesion of the urinary tract in 64% of cases is the cause of incontinence. We are talking about inflammation of the bladder, urethra and urolithiasis;
  • genetic pathologies, namely a weakened sphincter of the bladder;
  • constant use of water (especially in summer);
  • stressful situations, such as fear.

In addition, the causes of urinary incontinence in dogs may be prostate diseases (including oncology), prolapsed intervertebral discs. In addition, it must be taken into account that the condition may be true, associated with uncleanliness, may be provoked by marking the territory (in unsterilized pets during sexual activity). Also, pathology occurs due to age, which is directly related to the weakening of the sphincter and the genitourinary system as a whole.

Experts point out that there is a tendency for the development of a similar problem in representatives of certain breeds. We are talking, in particular, about spaniels, Dobermans and English Shepherds.

Main symptoms

The leading sign is urination in inappropriate places (at home) or at unusual times. Another signal should be considered the absence of shame or fear. Whereas if the problem was related to anxiety or stress, the reaction would be the opposite. The next symptom veterinarians call the presence of wet spots, which usually form after going to bed in a sleeping place. This is not typical for pets and, of course, should alert the owner.

Another manifestation of this problem is hypertrophied cleanliness. Dogs in this case are sure that if you lick the genitals, urinary incontinence will stop. The consequence of this is irritation in the specified area or, for example, redness.

Is it safe for humans

The development of this condition will naturally cause the owner to ask what to do with urinary incontinence in a dog and is it safe for humans? Veterinarians reassure, paying attention to the fact that this pathology does not pose any danger to adults and children. This is true even with an infectious origin of incontinence. However, one should not forget about cleanliness and personal hygiene, thorough washing of "marked" places. In this case, the condition of the pet will be 100% safe for humans.

Problem after sterilization

Spayed, neutered dogs have a 5 to 20% chance of developing urinary incontinence, with certain breeds having rates as high as 60%. It should be understood that:

  • the pathology is not associated with an incorrectly performed intervention, infection in the genitourinary system;
  • the most common cause of the condition is hormonal changes that affect the degree of susceptibility of smooth muscles, sphincter activity;
  • such problems tend to progress, with the result that optimal sphincter closure is almost impossible.

It is noteworthy that urinary incontinence in a dog after sterilization may not develop immediately, but after months or even two to three years. Most often, the pathological condition develops at the age of three to five years due to the removal of the reproductive organs. That is why it is very important for owners to monitor any changes in the behavior of a pet, because they can be the first signal that hormonal changes have begun.


Before starting a recovery course for incontinence in a dog, it is required to take care of a diagnostic examination. Speaking of this, veterinarians pay attention to the fact that urinary incontinence is confirmed by a number of laboratory tests, x-rays and, for example, ultrasound.

The list of necessary laboratory tests includes a urine test that determines its composition, certain types of cellular structures and biochemical elements. Next, the veterinarian is required to carry out a urine culture, which will determine and check the degree of effectiveness of a particular antibiotic in treating the problem. Other mandatory diagnostic measures include:

  • a blood test showing the general condition of the body;
  • radiography, which shows the presence or absence of inflammation, neoplasms;
  • Ultrasound, which also allows you to confirm or refute the data that were obtained as a result of radiography.

Only after a full diagnosis can a decision be made about how to treat urinary incontinence in an old dog or, for example, in a young one.

Features of treatment

The recovery process is most often provided through the use of symptomatic therapy. However, in some cases, surgery is the only treatment option. Noting the features of conservative treatment, they pay attention to the introduction of hormone therapy, and specialists give preference to combined agents. They are most commonly associated with estrogenic and progestogenic characteristics.

Means called sympathomimetics can be used - these are alpha agonists. They significantly increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder neck, as well as the urethra. In the most difficult situations, veterinarians insist that symptomatic mimetics be used as part of the same course with hormonal names.

Another feature of conservative treatment should be considered the admissibility of the use of drugs included in the category of antidepressants. They are able to have the following effects: simultaneous relaxation of the muscles of the bladder and contraction of the muscles of its neck. It is advisable to carry out such treatment of incontinence in a dog until the absolute disappearance of symptoms. If the problem does not disappear within a few months, you should contact your veterinarian and re-diagnose.


Indications in dogs for such an intervention should be considered:

  • pathologies and injuries in the bladder area;
  • the presence of stones in the bladder;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • the presence of neoplasms.

Usually resort to two methods - colposuspension and urogynecology of the bladder. The first type of intervention applies exclusively to female dogs. It consists in moving the neck of the bladder into the cavity inside the peritoneum. Due to this, the pressure indicators from the side of the muscular structure of the wall will act synchronously on the bladder and urethra. The consequence of this is an increase in pressure and resistance, which gives the dog the opportunity to control the process of urination much better and faster.

Urogynecology, as the name implies, is a technique similar to colposuspension, but already used for males. It allows you to achieve the same results in terms of eliminating urinary incontinence.

Prevention of urinary incontinence

The rules related to the prevention of urinary incontinence in pets are no different from the recommendations that are aimed at maintaining the dog's immune system. Thus, in order to reduce the risk of developing the presented symptom, it is strongly recommended:

  • track the diet of the animal - it must contain vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as all other components important for normal life;
  • apply vitamin components in a separate form and after consulting a veterinarian who will suggest a suitable complex depending on the age of the dog, the characteristics of its body;
  • exclude the possibility of hypothermia of the dog, which can provoke the development of inflammatory diseases, cystitis and other forms, the treatment of which may take several months;
  • do not forget about training a pet, which should know that emptying the bladder is only allowed on the street;
  • exclude a long wait in the case when the dog really asks to go outside.

If any incomprehensible or unusual symptoms appear, changes in the behavior of a pet, veterinarians recommend not to delay visiting a specialist and starting a recovery course. This will help to avoid the development of complications and critical consequences. Owners should remember that the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in a dog are most easily identified and treated at the initial stage.

You can also ask a question to our website staff veterinarian, who will answer them as soon as possible in the comments box below.

  • Hello!
    We have such a problem.
    our dog is leaking. Urine. During sleep, at least during the day, at least at night, when it is a deep sleep, in the morning a puddle on the mattress smells of urine, it sucks up all the time, the loop is not swollen, in theory, the estrus should be in mid-May, the veterinarian answered upon examination that everything is fine, most likely before estrus, but the embryologists had a smear from the funeral, she is still preovulating.
    It didn't happen before, for the first time.
    Pitbull, 1.5 years old. She gave birth once, by herself.
    What should we do?
    They advised propalin, but we can't afford it yet.

  • Marina 10:24 | 21 Feb. 2019

    Hello. A Maltese boy, one and a half years old, very shy, began to leave a trail when he moves, runs and at that time pisses, if he stops, he ponders on the spot, presumably associated with excitement, began to notice after visiting the groomer, left for 2 hours there. How to be?

  • Natalia 20:28 | 20 Feb. 2019

    Hello! I had a Doberman, my Deri died because she was already old! I took a dog from overexposure. She is a simple mongrel. they took them back to their owners for 2 months. but for some reason they gave mine back! they said that they couldn’t watch him. soon I took Billy away. over time I began to notice that he couldn’t cope with urine! cold in the street when they were thrown out. or the owner who was before me beat him. billy does not hold with joy. when he hears something like that outside the window. well, I think he is very frightened. maybe cystitis. he is 3 months old. what to do help. some home methods. medicines.

  • Svetlana 15:36 | 02 Feb. 2019

    Hello. I have a toy 5 years old, he began to write in drops, every minute he raises his paw and stands for a long time. Now I rarely take it out to the street, because. does not recognize clothes. Behavior has not changed, appetite too. At home he pees once or twice a day. How can you help him?

  • Hello, my Shar-Pei, already an adult, not long ago began to notice that he began to urinate once, and after that he only crouches, but there is no urine, only a drop of blood. what is it and how can i tell

  • Hello, tell me please, the dog has been peeing for the last week and is afraid to pee himself, peeing all shaking with fear and then hiding after a while he comes asking for forgiveness (climbs to kiss) we thought maybe this could be due to the fact that he is sitting on the window, and now cold

  • Good afternoon, we took a Labrador practically from the street, a girl, up to a year old, approximately 7-9 months old. Before that, she changed several houses and owners (
    Has an incontinence problem, not spayed.
    On the street, he goes to the toilet well. But at the same time, both during the day and at night, a constant wet place under it, the hair on the legs and tail began to turn yellow (
    Were at several veterinarians: by ultrasound, examination - healthy.
    They prescribed injections of prozerin and furomag in tablets - there was no effect, the urination of the dube increased. There is no admixture of blood, pus or something else. She doesn’t sit down, but just sleeps, sits - and drips from her ((
    We wipe, we constantly change the bed so that it is dry.
    The reasons are unclear (the veterinarian advised me to buy propalin to try, but without an accurate diagnosis, somehow I don’t want to put the dog on this medicine
    Could this be due to the stress of moving? What herbal-based advice would you recommend for a dog to drink to suppress stress?

As pets get older, they often begin to lose control of certain bodily functions. If the bladder or urinary tract weakens, the dog may develop urinary incontinence. Many pet owners do not recognize this condition as a medical problem, but refer to it as a behavioral problem. However, everything is much more serious. Urinary incontinence occurs when a domestically trained dog loses control of its bladder. This phenomenon can vary in severity from occasional small urine leaks to spontaneous urination of large amounts of urine.

Reasons why a dog pees a lot

Bladder control problems in a dog are annoying, especially when the owner doesn't understand why this is happening. However, urinary incontinence can be a symptom of some medical conditions that can be treated.

Urination depends on concerted action between the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic nervous systems and the control center. Urinary incontinence is an involuntary action that results in leakage of urine. And if there are instances of urinary incontinence in the behavior of a dog, then a variety of clinical causes of health problems can contribute to this. And before jumping to conclusions, first make sure that the dog really suffers from incontinence.

Behavioral features

A dog that is frightened or feels threatened may urinate. This is called submissive urination and affects mostly young dogs. They outgrow the problem on their own. Neutered cables mark their territory, as well as dogs that are not accustomed to home conditions. Sometimes age does play a role in an older dog who may be suffering from canine cognitive dysfunction and simply forgets about his housekeeping skills.

Causes of health

Urinary incontinence is nothing but a disease that requires diagnosis and treatment. Consulting your dog with a veterinarian is the smartest thing to do. Examination and analysis of urine for the presence of bacteria is enough to find the cause of urinary incontinence because 62% of cases of incontinence are due to bladder infections.

If your dog is experiencing incontinence, do not punish him in any way. This disease is curable if diagnosed.

Causes of urinary incontinence in dogs include:

  • Hormonal imbalance

    Dogs accumulate urine in the bladder until it is full and only then does it pass out through the urethra. The dog is able to control the emptying of the bladder with muscles located at the base of the bladder. However, these muscles can weaken and the dog will begin to urinate in the wrong places. The muscles that control the release of urine are affected by the presence of hormones (testosterone in men and estrogen in women). A normal amount of hormones prevents urinary incontinence, while a low amount or lack of testosterone causes urinary incontinence. Lack of testosterone can be caused by the castration procedure.

  • Weak bladder sphincter

    It can be due to aging, excess weight, and spinal cord disease (injury to a dog's spinal cord can lead to urinary incontinence due to lack of sensation and injury to the nerves that run from the spinal cord to the sphincter muscles and control urination.

  • Bladder stones and urinary tract infections

    In most cases (up to 64%), urinary incontinence is inflammation in the bladder and urethra as a result of infection from the presence of solid urine sediment (sand, stones)

  • Presence of other diseases that cause excessive water intake

    (diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, hyperadrenocorticism)

  • Stress

    Stress can lead to sudden urinary incontinence. In the case when dogs have weak bladder muscles and suddenly and abruptly begin to move, it is customary to talk about physical stress. Stress can also be psychological, for example as a result of major changes in a dog's life or environment.

    Submissive urination as a form of urinary incontinence is often seen in puppies. It is characterized by urination when a young dog interacts with a human or dominant adult dog.

  • Injuries to the urethra and bladder

  • neurogenic urinary incontinence

    It is usually the result of a tumor, infection, or spinal cord injury that destroys the nerves that control the bladder.

  • Prolapsed intervertebral disc

  • Other reasons

    Prostate disease and/or prostate cancer,

    congenital anomalies

    Anatomical disorders

    Some medicines

Diagnosis and symptoms

The dog often suffers from urinary incontinence due to various diseases. Early diagnosis of the disease is facilitated by recognizable symptoms and it is very important for every owner of his dog to be able to identify them.

  • Involuntary urination.

    During the day, your pet may urinate in the most inappropriate places, such as indoors or at unusual times. And if such an accident was provoked by excitement and stress (behavioral reasons), but the pet at the same time recognizes the incident and shows signs of fear or shame for what they have done. If involuntary urination is a medical problem, then he will not do this.

  • Wet spots

    Healthy dogs have urine control while they sleep. They may wake up at night and expect to be allowed to go outside, they may even urinate on the floor if there is no way to get outside and get to a suitable place. But they never perform the act of urination during sleep or in the place that serves them as a bed. And if you suspect that the dog has impaired bladder control, then inspect the space where he slept for the presence of wet spots. A wet coat with urine smell in the morning indicates nocturnal incontinence problems.

  • Noticeable cleanliness

    Dogs with urinary incontinence tend to believe that the problem is in their genitals. And, not knowing their mission, they spend a lot of time caring for them - they lick them. As a result, redness or irritation appears in this area. This is an indirect sign indicating that the pet does not understand - what is happening in the body and why does he not have control over his urine?

It is important to be able to distinguish behavioral causes from medical ones.

Write down the features of the diet and regimen of the dog. How do you walk her? What is your pet facing? How much water does he drink? All of this matters to the veterinarian you most likely want to call home. The more information he has, the faster and better the help.

But even in the case when the preliminary diagnosis made by the veterinarian after examining your dog sounds like “urinary incontinence”, it is necessarily confirmed by laboratory tests.

  • Urinalysis (determines the composition of urine, detects certain types of cells and biochemical elements)

If a dog has urinary incontinence, it greatly worries the owner and makes him suspect the worst.

There is an opinion that urinary incontinence is associated with age-related changes or with extreme old age. For this reason, owners belatedly seek help from a veterinarian, transfer the dog to the street, or even insist on euthanasia, regarding it as the only way to solve the problem.

It is important to remember that with timely assistance, urinary incontinence can be easily cured.

Causes of Urinary Incontinence

  • true urinary incontinence - spontaneous excretion, constant leakage
  • stress urinary incontinence, such as from joy or fear
  • uncleanliness resulting from improper training and training of the dog
  • territory marking by unsterilized males and females during sexual activity
  • senile incontinence associated with a weakening of reflex activity

Thus, it happens that dogs deliberately defecate indoors and this cannot be called urinary incontinence. To draw a correct conclusion, one must carefully observe the animal. And of course, you should contact a veterinarian in order to timely exclude or identify the disease, make a diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

There are several groups of diseases accompanied by urinary incontinence:

  • Urinary tract infections (usually cystitis)
  • Diseases associated with thirst and excessive fluid intake (polydipsia)
  • Conditions that cause bladder sphincter weakness (more common in females)
  • Ectopic ureters (the ureter originates in the kidneys and flows into the vagina or rectum, bypassing the bladder) - occurs in puppies, the treatment is surgical.
  • Injuries to the spine and spinal cord, especially in the lower lumbar region. In most cases, a surgical operation is required, which consists in decompressing the pinched area responsible for the innervation of the bladder and its sphincter.

Bladder inflammation (cystitis)

Cystitis is a common cause of urinary incontinence in females of all ages. The main methods for diagnosing cystitis are:

  • general clinical analysis of urine, examination of the physical and chemical properties of urine, microscopy of its sediment
  • bacteriological examination of urine - sowing a urine sample on nutrient media, isolating microorganisms and determining their sensitivity to antibiotics.

In the general clinical analysis of urine, signs of inflammation are revealed: an increased content of leukocytes and / or the presence of bacteria. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of bacteriological examination of urine. Antibiotic therapy is the basis for the treatment of cystitis. Antibiotics are selected taking into account the degree of sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms, the cost of the course of treatment, the presence of concomitant diseases in the dog, side effects, the frequency of use and the route of administration of the drug. The course of antibiotic therapy is usually 1-3 weeks. At the end of treatment, a second control urine test is recommended. In most patients with cystitis, urinary incontinence resolves within a few days of starting antibiotics. But this should not be a reason to stop treatment. To avoid a relapse, it is necessary to bring it to the end.

Excessive fluid intake (polydipsia)

As a rule, increased fluid intake is accompanied by an increased volume of urination. Persistent thirst can be a sign of serious diseases, including deadly ones. For example:

  • Pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus)
  • Diabetes
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • diabetes insipidus
  • chronic renal failure

And this is not a complete list. Therefore, if a dog becomes thirsty against the background of urinary incontinence or an increased volume of urination, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible and do a clinical and biochemical blood test and a general clinical urinalysis in order to determine the general condition of the dog’s body and the work of internal organs. diagnosis may require specific functional tests.

Bladder sphincter weakness

Age, obesity, sphincter receptor desensitization, and possibly other factors lead to urinary incontinence, especially in females. Bladder sphincter weakness is treated symptomatically:

  • Hormone therapy: preference is given to combined preparations with estrogenic and progestogenic properties.
    Estrogen and progesterone are female sex hormones. In combination, they balance the opposite direction of their action, helping to maintain contractile activity and elasticity of the muscles of the wall and sphincter of the bladder and urethra.
  • Sympathomimetics (alpha agonists). These substances increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder neck and urethra. In the most difficult cases, sympathomimetics are used in combination with hormone therapy.
  • Drugs from the group of antidepressants that simultaneously relax the bladder muscle and contract the muscles of the bladder neck.

Medical treatment is effective in most cases. Please consult with your veterinarian if you have any questions.

Involuntary or inappropriate urination or defecation in dogs should not always be viewed as a behavioral problem resulting from poor training. In this article, you will find information about the main causes of this problem.

Did you know?

Urinary incontinence is especially common in female dogs after. About 10-20% of dogs suffer from urinary incontinence after surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries.

The terms urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence refer to the involuntary loss of bladder and bowel control. Although 30% of dogs have a behavioral basis for indoor defecation, owners should understand that disease can also be the cause. When the loss of bladder or bowel control is caused by an illness, these symptoms can only be corrected with proper treatment.

Urinary incontinence in dogs

There are certain medical conditions that can increase the risk of incontinence in dogs. Here are some of the factors that contribute to loss of bladder control.

infections: Loss of bladder control, may be a sign of a bladder infection. Bladder infections, medically referred to as cystitis, are characterized by inflammation of the lining of the bladder. Bacterial infections can enrich the urine with alkalis. This can lead to the formation of struvite stones. These stones irritate the bladder, increasing the risk of incontinence.

Treatment: Treatment options depend on the nature of the infection. Before collecting a urine sample through cystosynthesis, broad-spectrum antibiotics may be recommended. To diagnose stones, an X-ray examination or ultrasound is required. If bladder stones are found, surgery may be required to remove them.

prostate problems: Prostatitis means inflammation of the prostate gland in male dogs. The development of a prostate abscess can also make the dog susceptible to loss of bladder control. Sometimes, surgical removal of the prostate gland is recommended to treat prostate problems. This operation can lead to urinary or fecal incontinence.

Treatment: Treatment of infections and inflammations may require a course of pharmacotherapy. In some cases, sterilization is recommended to relieve the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Hormonal incontinence: It is also called sphincter incontinence. This condition is characterized by weakness of the muscles of the sphincter or valva located at the neck of the bladder. This valva controls the outflow of urine. The excretion of urine occurs due to the fact that the muscle stops contracting while the dog is resting or sleeping. Because estrogen helps maintain sphincter muscle tone, surgical removal of a dog's ovaries and uterus can increase the risk of incontinence. In addition, the older the dog, the higher the chance of developing this disease.

Treatment: The drug phenylpropanolamine can effectively increase the muscle tone of the urethra. In particularly severe cases, a combination of estrogens and alpha-adrenergic agonists may be prescribed. Small doses of diethylstilbestrol are recommended for sterilized female dogs.

Ectopia of the ureters: A congenital anomaly in which the ureter instead of the bladder opens into the uterine cavity, urethra, or vagina. Dogs belonging to breeds such as the Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, and Wheaten Terrier are more susceptible to this. More than half of dogs suffering from ectopic ureters have a weak bladder sphincter. This disease is characterized by constant or intermittent leakage of urine.

Treatment: This disease requires surgical intervention. During the operation, a new hole is made through which urine will enter the bladder and then be excreted from the body.

Dog owners need to understand that incontinence is a disease. Punishment or training will not help here. Of course, the problem of indoor defecation can be solved with diapers, but to find out the real cause of incontinence, you need to consult a veterinarian.

P.S.: All information provided in this article is intended solely to broaden the reader's horizons. It is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

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