Description of natural zones. Presentation on geography on the topic "geographical position of the Russian Federation" Flora of the tundra

With a set of contour maps


Suprychev A.V.


March 18, 2014 President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed an interstate Treaty on the admission of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, according to which two new subjects appeared in Russia - the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance - Sevastopol. The treaty entered into force from the date of its ratification - March 21. This event is of great importance in the recent Russian history and further socio-economic development of the Crimea.

"Crimea Studies" is, in essence, regional studies an academic discipline engaged in a comprehensive study of the unique region of the Russian Federation of the Crimean Peninsula. "Crimea Studies" systematizes heterogeneous data on the nature, history, characteristics of the population, economy, culture and socio-political organization of the Crimea. Wherein main feature"Crimean studies" is based on a comprehensive study of the territory on a rich local history basis.

Subject of study"Crimean studies" in the 8th grade are natural conditions and resources Crimean peninsula, as well as aspects of their rational use. This implies a comprehensive study of the individual components of nature, their direct relationship and close interaction.

Exercise 1.


Lesson topic: Features of the physical and geographical position of the Crimean Peninsula. Coastline.

Exercise 1.

Remember what is included "physical and geographical position"? From the proposed characteristics, select those that directly characterize the FGP of a certain territory and arrange them in a logical sequence:

1. Extreme points and their geographical coordinates.

2. Position in thermal zones and natural zones.

3. Distance to the center of the Earth.

4. Land borders.

5. Length in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east.

6. Maritime borders.

7. Depth of groundwater.

8. Position on the mainland in relation to the equator, zero meridian and other elements of the degree grid.


Physical location- __________________________________




Task 2. Working with the map

Using the map of the hemispheres, answer the questions:

1) On what continent and in what part of the world is the Crimean peninsula located?


2) How is the Crimean peninsula located in relation to the equator, the prime meridian?


3) On the map, determine which parallel crosses the Crimean peninsula and what follows from this?


4) What seas wash the Crimean peninsula?



! The geographical position of the Crimean peninsula is distinguished by a very interesting feature - the so-called contact position. This is manifested in the fact that on the territory of a relatively small peninsula, two climatic zones directly contact, an active folded, stable platform area and a developing sea basin, land and sea, mountains and plains, arid steppes and more humid forests.

The heating of the soil and the illumination of any territory are directly dependent on the thermal zone in which it is located. This, in turn, is affected by geographic latitude.

What are thermal belts?

Solar heat arrives at high and low latitudes differently. This is due to the fact that the angles of inclination of the rays of our star to the surface of the Earth differ. This is where the concept of climate comes from. The further north a territory is located, the less heat it receives per unit of surface. This is due to the lower rise of the sun at noon.

The very word "climate" in Greek means "slope". It depends on the geographical location of a particular area and is determined by atmospheric pressure, humidity and average air temperature throughout the year.
There are three thermal zones on Earth. It is temperate, hot and cold. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

Cold climate zone

It is located in the region of the Arctic Circle, located both in the North and South Poles of our planet, as far as possible from the equator, and in connection with this, the sun sends only oblique rays to them. That is why in these areas the earth heats up very weakly.

Winters in these areas are long and harsh, while summers are short and cool. There are several months of the year when the sun's rays do not reach the Arctic Circle at all. This period is the polar night. The temperature at this time here can drop to eighty-nine degrees.

Temperate zone

These thermal zones are also located in two hemispheres. In their territories, oblique sun rays slightly warm the earth in winter. In summer, the sun illuminates them more intensively. There are moderate thermal zones between the Arctic Circle and the two parallels. To the north is Cancer and to the south is the Tropics of Capricorn.

The sun in these belts is never at its zenith. Therefore, it does not heat the soil and air very much. Temperate thermal zones are characterized by a clear delineation of seasons. Winter, summer, autumn and spring are observed here. At the same time, the temperature character of these seasons is not the same. The closer an area is to the Arctic Circle, the colder the winter on its territory. Conversely, summers are warmer and longer as the territory approaches the tropics.

hot belt

Above this zone, the sun always rises high and sends direct rays to it. That is why there is always a high temperature here. The dominance of this belt is observed in the tropics. The winter period in this area is the rainy season, and the summer is characterized by drought.

The hot thermal belt of the Earth is located between the South and along the equator. Twice during the year, namely at noon on June 22 and December 22, the sun's rays fall in this zone almost vertically, that is, at an angle of ninety degrees. The air warms up from the surface of the soil. That is why this area is hot all year round. Palm trees grow only within this belt.

Thus, the thermal belts of the world are represented by five zones. They include two cold, two moderate and one hot. Sometimes in cold thermal zones a region of eternal frost is isolated. It is located directly near the poles, and the average annual temperature here does not rise above zero.

The thermal zones of Russia are cold and temperate. The north of the country is characterized by a harsh climate. At the same time, a change of polar winter and polar summer is observed. The more southern territories have a mild climate and pronounced seasonality.

The nature of the cold thermal zone

The polar zones of our planet are constantly covered with snow and ice. These are the coldest places on earth. The Arctic, which belongs to the polar zone, passes through Alaska. It includes the island of Greenland. Located in the polar zone north of Canada and Russia.

Antarctica, located in the Southern Hemisphere, is the southern polar zone. The continent of Antarctica is located there.

The cold thermal zone, which is characterized by a lack of heat, does not have forests. The soil in these areas is swampy. In some places you can find areas of permafrost. The most severe climate is observed at the poles. There are sea or continental ice. Vegetation is usually absent or represented by lichens and moss.

Mostly migratory birds live in the cold zone. Especially a lot of them on the islands of the Arctic Ocean. There are also animals in this area. They migrate from more southerly areas during the summer season. The fauna is represented by owls and arctic foxes, polar mice and polar bears, walruses, seals and penguins.

The nature of the temperate thermal zone

The territories of these climatic zones receive more light and heat. It's not such a harsh winter here. Summer in the temperate zone is not very hot. The sun is never at its zenith over these areas. Therefore, the climate of the temperate zones is mild, and its changes from warm to cold occur gradually. There are four seasons in these zones: summer, spring, winter and autumn.

The temperate thermal zone passes through the territory of Great Britain, Europe. It contains North Asia and North America. In the Southern Hemisphere, the temperate zone is located on the waters of three oceans. Thus, 98% of its area is occupied by water. The temperate zone in the Southern Hemisphere runs through Australia and New Zealand. It covers southern South Africa and South America.

The nature of this thermal zone is very diverse. These are taiga, semi-deserts and deserts, as well as steppes.

The animal world is quite homogeneous. It is mainly represented by forest animals that lead a sedentary lifestyle. To a lesser extent, representatives of the fauna of open areas - steppes and deserts.

The nature of the hot thermal zone

Most of Africa is located in this zone. In the hot zone is the south of India and Asia. This zone includes Central America, New Guinea, northern Australia and northern South America.

There is no seasonality near the equator. Throughout the year, these areas are very warm and humid.

The hot thermal zone is characterized by savannahs, evergreens and light forests. Some areas are semi-deserts and deserts.
The animal world is remarkable for its extraordinary diversity. These are birds of prey and running, hippos and antelopes, elephants and zebras, buffaloes, etc.

The climate of Russia has a special differentiation, incomparable with any other country in the world. This is due to the wide extent of the country across Eurasia, the heterogeneity of the location of reservoirs and the great variety of relief: from high mountain peaks to plains lying below sea level.

Russia is predominantly located in middle and high latitudes. Due to this, the weather conditions in most of the country are severe, the change of seasons is clear, and the winters are long and frosty. The Atlantic Ocean has a significant influence on the climate of Russia. Despite the fact that its waters do not come into contact with the territory of the country, it controls the transfer of air masses in temperate latitudes, where most of the country is located. Since there are no high mountains in the western part, the air masses pass unhindered up to the Verkhoyansk Range. In winter, they help to mitigate frosts, and in summer they provoke cooling and precipitation.

Climatic zones and regions of Russia

(Map-scheme of climatic zones of Russia)

On the territory of Russia there are 4 climatic zones:

arctic climate

(Islands of the Arctic Ocean, coastal regions of Siberia)

Arctic air masses prevailing year-round, combined with extremely low solar exposure, are the cause of severe weather conditions. In winter, during the polar night, the average daily temperature does not exceed -30°C. In summer, most of the sun's rays are reflected off the surface of the snow. Therefore, the atmosphere does not warm up above 0 ° C ...

subarctic climate

(Region along the Arctic Circle)

In winter, weather conditions are close to arctic, but summers are warmer (in the southern parts, the air temperature can rise up to +10°C). Precipitation exceeds evaporation...

Temperate climate

  • Continental(West Siberian Plain in the south and in the central part). The climate is characterized by low rainfall and a wide range of temperatures in winter and summer.
  • temperate continental(European part). The western transport of air masses brings air from the Atlantic Ocean. In this regard, winter temperatures rarely drop to -25 ° C, thaws occur. Summer is warm: in the south up to +25°С, in the northern part up to +18°С. Precipitation falls unevenly from 800 mm per year in the northwest to 250 mm in the south.
  • sharply continental(Eastern Siberia). The inland position and the absence of the influence of the oceans explain the strong heating of the air during the short summer (up to +20°C) and the sharp cooling in winter (reaches -48°C). The annual rainfall does not exceed 520 mm.
  • Monsoon continental(Southern part of the Far East). With the onset of winter, dry and cold continental air arrives, due to which the air temperature drops to -30 ° C, but there is little precipitation. In summer, under the influence of air masses from the Pacific Ocean, the temperature cannot rise above +20°C.

subtropical climate

(Black Sea coast, Caucasus)

A narrow strip of subtropical climate is protected by the mountains of the Caucasus from the passage of cold air masses. This is the only corner of the country where the air temperature is positive during the winter months, and the duration of the summer is much longer than in the rest of the country. Marine humid air produces up to 1000 mm of precipitation per year ...

Climatic zones of Russia

(Map of climatic zones of Russia)

Zoning takes place on 4 conditional areas:

  • First- tropical ( Southern parts of Russia);
  • Second- subtropical ( Primorye, western and northwestern regions);
  • Third- moderate ( Siberia, Far East);
  • 4th- polar ( Yakutia, more northern regions of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East).

In addition to the four main zones, there is the so-called "special" zone, which includes areas beyond the Arctic Circle, as well as Chukotka. The division into areas with approximately similar climate occurs due to uneven heating of the earth's surface by the Sun. In Russia, this division coincides with meridians that are multiples of 20: 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th.

The climate of the regions of Russia

Each region of the country is characterized by special climatic conditions. In the northern regions of Siberia and Yakutia, negative average annual temperatures and a short summer are observed.

A distinctive feature of the Far Eastern climate is its contrast. Traveling towards the ocean, one notices a change from continental to monsoonal climate.

In Central Russia, the division into seasons is distinct: a hot summer gives way to a short autumn, and after a cool winter, spring comes with an increased level of precipitation.

The climate of the South of Russia is ideal for recreation: the sea does not have time to cool much during the warm winter, and the tourist season begins at the end of April.

Climate and seasons of the regions of Russia:

The diversity of the climate of Russia is due to the vastness of the territory and openness to the Arctic Ocean. The large length explains the significant difference in average annual temperatures, the uneven effects of solar radiation and heating of the country. For the most part, severe weather conditions are noted with a pronounced continental character and a clear change in temperature regimes and precipitation according to the seasons.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Where does the Motherland begin?... Is the Russian Federation really the largest state in terms of area?

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Geographical position of Russia. What is a geographic location? What are the points of the plan for characterizing the GP of a geographical object. On what continent and in what part of it is the Russian Federation located? What hemispheres is Russia in? What oceans are washed by the Russian Federation? List the seas washing the coast of the Russian Federation. And who knows what states our country borders on?

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Geographical position of Russia. How to prove that Russia is the largest state in terms of area? It is necessary to characterize the GP of Russia according to the plan. Position on the mainland in relation to the equator and prime meridian. Determine the extreme northern and southern points and their coordinates, as well as the extent from north to south. Determine the extreme eastern and western points and their coordinates, as well as the extent from west to east. Find out the area of ​​the Russian Federation and compare with the areas of other states known to you. Position in thermal zones and natural zones. Land borders. neighboring states. Maritime borders. neighboring states. Influence of the characteristics of the GP of Russia on the natural conditions and life of the population.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Task for group No. 1. Find out if the equator crosses Russia and in which hemisphere Russia is located in relation to the equator. Find out if the zero meridian crosses Russia and in which hemispheres Russia is located in relation to the zero meridian. Find out on which mainland Russia is located and in what part of it. Determine the territories that are located in the Western Hemisphere. Task for group number 2. Determine the extreme northern and southern points of Russia and their coordinates. Determine the extreme western and eastern points and their coordinates. Determine the length of Rossi from north to south at 100 °E. Determine the length of Russia from west to east at 60°N. Identify the area of ​​Russia with the help of reference books and compare with the areas of other states and continents.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Task group number 3. Determine in which thermal zones Russia is located. Determine in which natural zones Russia is located. Find out how the location in these belts and zones will affect the nature of Russia. Building group number 4. Find out what a state border is and its types. Find out the length of the state border of Russia. Define land borders and neighboring states. Define maritime boundaries and neighboring states. Plot borders and states on contour maps.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Practical work No. 1. Drawing the studied geographical objects on the contour map Draw the state border of the Russian Federation on the contour map (in red). Sign the extreme points of the Russian Federation (both mainland and island). Sign the oceans and seas washing our country. Shade the territory located in the western hemisphere. Sign neighboring states.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

So, having studied the text of the textbook and examined the physical maps of the world and Russia, we came to the conclusion that Russia is the largest state in terms of area. Naturally, the natural conditions in such a vast area are very diverse. Many features of Russia's nature are associated with its northern position. More than half of the country's territory (64.3%) is located north of the sixtieth parallel, so Russia is characterized by a harsh climate. With the exception of Ciscaucasia and the North Caucasus, all of Russia is a cold northern country. The large extent from north to south and west to east leads to a variety of climatic zones and regions, as well as natural zones. Russia is a state that washes the largest number of seas.

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