Flying around a flock of birds in the city. Flocks of birds. Observations of spring and summer bird migrations

Surely every girl at least once in her life experienced fear of an important event. Dating a man is one of those. Before the long-awaited meeting, beautiful ladies preen in every possible way, pick up an outfit, and conduct alleged dialogues in their heads. This inadvertently raises the question of how to behave on a first date. What to talk about, whether to lay out your "insiders" and so on. Let's go through the main details one by one.

Preparing for a first date with a man

  1. The first step is to take care of what to wear. But do not expect that the success of a date will depend only on the chosen wardrobe. A man will meet you at the dress, and spends on the mind.
  2. Do not rush to the first beauty salon to have the experts dye your hair red and grow long nails. If a potential young man liked your look on the day of dating, save it.
  3. Be yourself, highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. If you want to preen, do a French manicure, renew the paint on your hair, exfoliate to cleanse and smooth the skin.
  4. Be sure to select the appropriate wardrobe. A man will not like it if you look too vulgar and easily accessible. He will not think about the fact that this girl can be married, but about the sex scenes and the lack of prospects for the future.
  5. Choose a dress that is just above the knee length with a moderately revealing neckline. Or you can opt for trousers, accompanied by heels and a romantic shirt.
  6. Do not try on someone else's role. If you are not used to walking in high heels, your face will soon take on a pained expression. Wear comfortable flat sandals to be prepared for any change in plan.
  7. Psychologists agreed that the first date with the same person cannot be replayed. You may not agree with this, but try to do everything right from the beginning.
  8. Between adults, a spark often runs at the first solitude. Be ready for anything. Epilate the legs and bikini area, moisturize the body with lotion, get beautiful underwear, stockings and garters.

Where to go on a first date with a man

  1. Often, when a man invites a woman on a date, he himself chooses the venue for the event (or several places). But if you agree that the choice is yours, follow some simple tips.
  2. If a man invited you to sit in a cafe on a sunny day, you can protest by providing an option in return. For example, say you want to have a picnic or go boating.
  3. A great pastime can be cycling, roller skating, motorcycle, convertible, quad bikes and even hoverboards.
  4. In cases where a guy with brightly burning eyes invites you to dinner at an institution that you do not like, do not rush to refuse him. Compromise, choose a cozy table and create a romantic atmosphere.
  5. You can also have a good time on a date outside the city. Rent a gazebo in a special complex, swim on catamarans, fry kebabs, and in the evening, upon arrival, preen at home and go on a date again, but already to the movies.

What to talk about on a first date with a man

  1. During the conversation, look into the eyes of the young man, do not look away and do not run your eyes left and right. If a man is looking at you with obvious interest, this is an extremely good sign.
  2. Even if you like to chat non-stop, don't do it. Such behavior looks ridiculous. In addition, in confusion, you can say stupid things that you wish to later on.
  3. Girls are fond of soap operas and various tearful series, so they are happy to discuss them. Refuse such a topic for conversation so that the man does not take you for a fool. It is better to discuss interesting films with meaning.
  4. Never interrupt the gentleman, let him finish his speech. Learn to keep up a conversation on any topic, even if the conversation turned to politics, oil rigs or traditional medicine. Be an interesting opponent.
  5. Do not try to tell everything about yourself at once, let such little things be revealed gradually in the process of further communication. If a man finds out all your "underground", he will simply be uninterested.
  6. Ask about the successes and achievements of a man, but do not flatter him openly. Give a few veiled compliments about professional and personal qualities to make him feel like a male.
  7. Real men are interested in independent and, no less important, self-sufficient women. Be like that. It is not necessary to say that you are sitting on the neck of your parents and are having difficulty making ends meet.
  8. In no case do not whine, do not complain about life. Pessimistic women have almost no chance of winning a man on a date. He will run away from you at the first opportunity.
  9. Keep a positive vibe and try your best to make the date go smoothly. Do not arrange an interrogation, take an interest in his life in a veiled way. No need to touch on the subject of ex-girlfriends or the state of a bank account.
  10. Conquer the gentleman with your sincerity and lightness. You must be interesting to a man. Be dignified and a little mysterious, do not reveal all the cards, even if the man insists. But building a touchy is also wrong, everything should be in moderation.


  1. Remember, when going on a first date, you need to discard all negative thoughts and pressing problems.
  2. On such an important day, you need to be yourself, you should not bring negativity and workload to the meeting. Get the maximum pleasure from a date, know the joy of a meeting.
  3. Have a good time, enjoy the conversation. So a man will see lightness and cheerfulness in you. The consequences of such behavior will be the inevitable second date. The main thing is not to play, but to really be sincere.

Manners and courtesy

  1. The fair sex tends to be late for dates. In this case, you should understand that you should not linger for more than a quarter of an hour. If you are really late for a meeting for any reason, be sure to warn the chosen one.
  2. Just make a call or write a message. In this way, you will show the man that you care about him and you are worried. The gentleman, in turn, will treat you more respectfully. Upon arrival at the meeting, it is recommended to turn off the phone so that the gadget does not interrupt your date.
  3. If you have turned off the sound, do not rush to the phone to see who is texting or calling you. Notice if the man did the same. If his phone is ruining the date, consider whether it's worth continuing. A well-bred gentleman would never allow such a thing.
  4. You can do it in a different way, immediately agree and put the phones aside. Answer calls only as needed. Always thank the man for the attention and courtesy shown to you. If the gentleman took off your coat or opened the door, ordered coffee, thank him.
  5. In this case, the man will understand that it is not in vain that he shows his upbringing and respect for the woman. As a result, signs of attention will become more frequent. In particular, you need to learn how to properly respond to the compliments of the boyfriend. You can say something nice in return.

Talk about exes

  1. It should be noted right away that such topics are unacceptable not only on the first date, but also in the future. In the first meeting, you should already have a lot of topics for getting to know each other. If a man asks a question about a past personal life, answer simply and briefly. Do not pile on him about unhappy relationships and love.
  2. Try to move the conversation to a new topic, do not ask counter questions. If the man insists on talking, say that this is personal information that should not concern him in any way. Otherwise, end the date without any follow up. You have a new life.
  3. Do not make yourself a victim and do not say that all your ex-men are bad. Such information should not come from your mouth at all. Also pay attention to the conversations of the gentleman. He shouldn't talk about himself like that. A self-respecting man will not ask you such a question and will not tell you about himself.


  1. On the first date, there should be no hint that you are sexually available. A man will take advantage of you, there will definitely not be a second date. Don't act like a courtesan, have dignity. There are enough girls of easy virtue. If a man came on a date, then he is looking for a serious relationship.
  2. Do not be of the opinion that if a man took you to an expensive restaurant and the evening was just great, you owe him something. Explain that this was not asked, and it was more important for you to know him as a person. If a guy spent a lot of money to impress you, he can afford it.
  3. Respect yourself and the choice of a man, be a worthy woman whom he called on a date. You have no price, you are not a commodity. If you gave up intimate relationships on the first evening, and the man did not call you on the next date, rejoice. You definitely do not need such a gentleman. It is important to understand that normal relations cannot be built with such boyfriends.
  4. Educated men give preference to women with dignity and honor. First of all, learn to respect yourself. Thus, you will check the man for endurance, whether he really wants a serious relationship with you.

Restaurant payment

  1. When a man and a woman go to a restaurant, the person who invited them to the restaurant pays the check. However, if you offer to divide the amount by two, the man will take such a statement responsibly.
  2. In the first case, he will consider you a serious lady who does not want to be a freeloader. In the second, he will become indignant, because it doesn’t fit in his head how a woman will pay on a date that he arranged.
  3. If the gentleman is a gentleman, he will brush off your offer, and he will do the right thing. A real man won't let a lady pay for herself. Moreover, such a proposal would offend him.

Get ready for your first date. Visit the hairdresser in advance and renew the hair color, do a neat manicure, put your body in order. Choose a place to spend time together or let a man do it. Learn the recommendations of what not to talk about on a date. Be yourself!

Video: first date - how to behave and what to talk about?

The first date is a wonderful and exciting event at the same time. But, let's be honest, it's more exciting than beautiful. This is the hassle in the preparation process, and the fear of being late (or maybe coming much earlier), accompanied by the fear that the other person will not come at all, and awkwardness, too long pauses in the conversation, and the inability to completely relax, and much more.

Will there be a second date after the first? The question is rhetorical. It all depends on how you fit each other. And besides, according to psychologists, on how skillfully you will use your capabilities. This material contains recommendations that will help make a second date more likely, even if not everything or almost everything did not go as you planned on the first one.

The School of Life experts explain that seduction in the broadest sense is the awakening of a reciprocal interest in a person who is interesting to you. In order to master, you need to do only two things: establish a relationship with yourself and show your sincere interest in the internal qualities of the interlocutor.

So, you should start from the first. A person who, as they say, is at odds with himself, knows his strengths and weaknesses very well. That is why he does not see anything terrible in weaknesses, and therefore does not consider it necessary to hide them. Polls by The School of Life have shown that it is "extremely seductive" when a person confesses: "You know, I'm a little nervous, but it's only because I really like you." Sincerely? Oh yeah. But, in addition to this, it is also witty.

The second point - the interest is not external, but internal. Experts in the field of relationship psychology do not advise "getting into the soul" of the interlocutor, especially if you do not know each other well enough yet. Some people may like it, but most people will be put off by this behavior, forcing them to close in their shell, so effective communication is out of the question.

Another thing is when, after talking about a traumatic experience that a person had to face, you say: “I can’t imagine how hard it was for you at that moment. But it's great that you were able to handle it." Thus, the interlocutor will understand that you are really interested in everything that happened to him and is happening. And this is a step on the way.

In closing, keep these tips in mind, but don't follow them strictly. Why? A 2006 study cited by Medical Daily found that people who studied “successful scenarios” before their first date and tried to stick to them were less likely to. Because the main principle of a successful date is simple, like everything ingenious - be yourself.

Each romantic story is unique and beautiful in its own way. There are no and cannot be recommendations that would suit all couples without exception. But! It will never be superfluous to listen to the advice of experienced people and learn something useful for yourself from someone else's experience. And even more so when it comes to such a quivering thing as the first date with a girl.

How to ask a girl out on a date

Before thinking about what to do with a girl, you need to organize it first. And this is sometimes the most difficult - after all, if a girl really likes, then such “sworn enemies” as constraint, stiffness and fear can interfere with a guy. What if he refuses? Offended... Ridiculed... This and other questions can weaken the most advanced macho, whose heart is struck by Cupid's arrow.

You can't give in to them. You need to get more air into your chest and decide to jump. True, jumping into the pool with your head is not at all necessary and not even desirable. It is better to act carefully and thoughtfully.

If the girl has already managed to sink into the soul, then, most likely, the fact of meeting her has already taken place. Perhaps they communicated in a company or on social networks, or even a subject of sighing is a neighbor on a desk at school. And this is a big plus. It would be much more difficult to invite a stranger on a date. And so it will only be necessary to transfer the already existing relations to a new level.

When inviting a girl on a date, it is advisable to avoid officialdom. Questions: "Will you agree to a date with me?" or "Will you be my bride?" better left to the heroes of cheap films and old-fashioned novels. A modern young man, during a familiar conversation on the Internet or on the phone, simply invites a girl he knows to take a walk together. You can do it right now, but you can do it tomorrow - when it is more convenient for her.

Well, when there is some reason. For example: “I have two tickets for a concert or a movie”; “I want to visit a veteran - will you come with me?”; "A new attraction has been opened in the park - let's try it together." And so on and so forth - there are a lot of options!

Such a soft offer will not embarrass the girl. And if the guy does not cause negative feelings in her, she will most likely agree.

Preparing for a date mentally

When consent is received, it's time to seriously think about what to do with the girl on the 1st date. Where to go (unless, of course, it was agreed in advance), what to wear, what to talk about, what to surprise ... It goes without saying that planning a date completely will not work - it's not like writing a math test. But it is desirable to have certain "bastings".

The only thing that should not be done is to idealize the upcoming meeting and place too high hopes on it. Iridescent expectations are rarely justified. Therefore, the advice of the experienced: "In order not to be disappointed, it is better not to be fascinated in advance." It would be wiser to set yourself the maximum task - to study at least a little the little man you like and try to please him.

Where to go?

The date place largely depends on personal preference and where they live. It is advisable to discuss options in advance. What can they be?

  • A park.

Many people think that there is absolutely nothing to do with a girl on a first date in the park. That the park is old-fashioned and uninteresting. And they are delusional. After all, the purpose of the first date is to get to know each other, which means that there should be conditions for calm communication. A bench in the park is ideal. And beautiful alleys, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds will create, allow you to abstract from everyday problems and tune in to each other. In addition, modern parks are usually equipped with cafes, rides and other entertainment facilities. Therefore, if desired and if there are opportunities, the date program can be diversified.

  • City streets.

It is much easier for guys from big cities to figure out what to do on a first date with a girl than their provincial “colleagues”. After all, there are so many interesting things in the metropolis! You can just walk along the main streets, visit souvenir shops, have a bite to eat in a cafe, take part in some kind of street action, look into a museum, etc. Such a pastime, of course, leaves few opportunities for intimate conversations, but it guarantees a lot of memories that will warm the soul and make you dream of a new meeting.

  • Date in a cafe.

Some guys don't want to bother too much with the question of what to do with a girl on a first date, and just invite her to a cafe. The option is certainly interesting. There is an opportunity to impress. Plus ready-made romantic atmosphere (music, interior, a glass of wine, etc.). You can lightly hug a girl during a slow dance ... But there are also disadvantages. The same music will not give the opportunity to communicate normally. There may be misunderstandings about who will pay for the "banquet", etc. In addition, going to a cafe requires a certain dress code, and this alone can cause stiffness - especially among the fair sex.

What to do on a first date with a girl in winter? Some Tips

This point smoothly follows from the previous one and is its continuation. After all, in fact, the options for places for a romantic meeting are very dependent on the season. And the problem of what to do on the first (1) date with a girl gets worse during the cold season. And it's true - you can't really walk around the streets, you can't sit on a bench in the park ... So where to go?

Today, even small towns have acquired entertainment centers where you can sit in a cafe, play bowling, and generally have an interesting time, not particularly tormented by the question of what to do with a girl on a first date.

And in the regional centers, the soul will definitely find where to roam. An excellent option for active people is an ice rink or an artificial ski resort, which is no longer a rarity in many modern cities. If there are no such objects within reach, you can just go skiing outside the city. And it’s quite affordable, but at the same time a very romantic and fun pastime - sledding, playing snowballs, making a snowman together ... It won’t be boring for sure, and touching memories of childhood bring people together perfectly.

In addition to such exclusively winter options, universal options are also suitable in the cold season: visiting a cinema or theater, a museum or an exhibition, a restaurant or a nightclub.

You can simply invite a girl to spend time in your company. But only if other ladies are present there. In a purely male team with beer, fish and football, a beautiful lady is likely to get bored.

What to do on a first date with a teenage girl? Recommendations

As you know, all ages are submissive to love. And not only in Shakespeare's time, she overtook teenagers. If the chosen one is not even 16 yet, when inviting her on a first date, you need to take into account some nuances.

First of all, it should be remembered that we are talking about still actually a child. And children love everything bright and unusual. Therefore, when organizing a date, creativity should be a priority. This applies to the place of the meeting, and its circumstances, and the "outfit", and everything else.

Most likely, neither a walk in the park, nor an evening in a cafe will make a special impression on a teenage girl who, although she wants to look like an adult, wants to have fun and entertainment deep down even more.

As a place for a first date, various events are perfect - a sensational exhibition, a presentation of a fashionable film, a concert of your favorite band, and the like.

In general, on a first date with a very young girl, it is better not to create conditions under which the couple would remain alone. This can cause embarrassment, timidity and fear in a teenager. But crowded places are one hundred percent good.

As for other nuances, then, most likely, the girl will appreciate the gift in the form of a home-made toy or a bouquet of wild flowers, because youth is the time for romance. A funny “outfit”, a creative hairstyle, etc. will also come in handy.

For those who want to know what to do on a first date with a girl, and what to avoid, the advice of experienced gentlemen will help:

  • It is not necessary to think about whether actions look stupid or not in the eyes of a companion. Maximum looseness and naturalness.
  • Good humor is welcome.
  • Sincere attention to the person of a girl is the right way to her heart.
  • Do not think about former passions. Especially in a negative light.
  • Politeness is a trait of kings. Will be appreciated.
  • Everyone loves to be called by their first name. The more often the name of the girl comes from the lips of the guy on the first date, the more pleasant it will be for her.
  • Compliments "porridge" will not spoil. Do not save on this "seasoning". It is only desirable that compliments are not hackneyed, and praise is far-fetched. In general, the sincere behavior, the better.
  • If a girl does not belong to the “detachment” of inveterate feminists, she will appreciate the hand given to her when descending from some hill, and the door opened in advance, and the gallantly pushed back chair in the cafe.

The worst mistakes

A lot depends on the first date, because it is not in vain that they say that they are met by clothes. Therefore, the guy needs to beware of gross mistakes in his behavior, which can make an extremely unfavorable impression on his companion and ingloriously complete what started so well.

  • Guys are not made of iron. They also tend to worry and worry. And there are often situations when a young man, completely exhausted by the question of what to do on a date with a girl, loses control over himself, over the date itself, and over the situation in general. By attracting alcohol as an ally, he hopes to get rid of timidity, but in fact he acquires a reputation as a drunkard in the eyes of the object of dreams. Therefore, you need to be careful with alcohol.
  • Another misconception: "It's better to chew than to talk." Yes, in some cases it is indeed better. But not on the first date. If you just sit and look at the girl, she might think that something is wrong with her. And if you remain silent and turn away ... She, too, will think that not everything is fine with her. Get offended and leave. So it's better to talk about trifles than to be painfully silent.
  • Well, and, perhaps, the most common mistake of macho beginners. Wanting to make a good impression, they incessantly talk only about their loved ones. Listing all the achievements, starting with the "potty" age. This unacceptably can earn a reputation as a narcissist. And secondly, every person loves, first of all, himself. This is the law of psychology. The girl also wants to talk about her life. It is necessary not only to give her such an opportunity, but to stimulate in every possible way. So, in a pleasant conversation, consisting of the memories of two people, the meeting will easily pass. And the problem of what to do on a first date with a girl will disappear by itself.

Should there be a first kiss on a first date?

This question worries the vast majority of newcomers to amorous male affairs. After all, the initiative in such cases should traditionally come from the guy. Is it worth showing it?

Of course, if the purpose of meeting a girl is only sex (which is a frequent phenomenon in the modern world), then it’s better to tell her directly. Maybe she doesn't want a serious relationship either. Then the question becomes irrelevant. Well, what if you want "seriously and for a long time?" Then it is better not to hurry with kisses.

Here's what you need to do on a first date with a girl, so this is to establish sensual contact. Take your hand when crossing the road, lightly hug your waist, get as close as possible to enjoy the aroma of perfume ... Particularly advanced Casanovas say that it will not be superfluous to slap on the pope. You can, of course, but be careful. If you create a playful situation around this action and beat everything well, most likely the girl will not be offended, but will smile.

In general, the more jokes, the better. A woman's heart is almost defenseless before humor. You can end the first date with an innocent kiss on the cheek.

date without money

This world is so arranged that money plays an important role in it ... Important, but not decisive! And that guy who considers an empty wallet a sentence to loneliness is wrong.

What to do on a first date with a girl if there is no money or there is very little of it? There are many answers to this question:

  • You can walk around the city and enjoy its beauties.
  • If there is a river or other body of water within reach, you can start launching paper boats.
  • You can launch balloons into the sky.
  • A wonderful activity is the joint feeding of pigeons or other birds.
  • Swinging in a randomly “open” yard for yourself is also an option.
  • Traveling to the roof will appeal to romantic people.
  • A hitchhiking trip to some locality will impress lovers of extreme entertainment.
  • Hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries is an exciting experience. In the same place, in the forest, you can get a bouquet for your chosen one. Or even weave a wreath.
  • If you have a camera, you can arrange a photo shoot for the girl. And thus kill two birds with one stone. And get out of a difficult situation, and create a reason for new meetings - after all, the pictures need to be processed, printed and given on the next date.

Will there be a next one?

Whether the “banquet” will continue depends on whether the young people liked each other. But not only. The perseverance and determination of the guy also play a role. You should not expect that immediately after the first meeting, the lady will take everything into her own hands and organize the second one herself.

The gentleman will have to deal with the organization again. And if he figured out what to do with the girl on the first date, and achieved her location, most likely, he can count on further success. The key is to strike while the iron is hot. And saying goodbye, agree on the next meeting. And in between - call and write to your chosen one. Not too often, but not rare either.

Well, if the girl did not like it, it is advisable to let her know that there will be no more dates, right away. Politely say goodbye and wish you success in finding your betrothed. There is no need to be afraid: the bitter truth is better than false hopes.

The organization of accounting now at any enterprise is carried out with the help of special programs. One of the most popular is "1C", which has many specialized versions.

Learning the Basics

Accounting with the help of specialized software is not a rather complicated procedure and greatly facilitates the work of an accountant. Today, almost every individual organization has its own modified version of 1C, which is adapted to the specific goals of the enterprise.

Get started with this software:

  • learning basic accounting and other specialized concepts;
  • determining the main functions of a particular program. To do this, you should study the main interface and the meaning of specific buttons, forms and other functional features.

The complexity of accounting in these types of systems is the quantity and movement of certain goods, money, materials, etc. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how to add, delete, carry out any movement of goods in the warehouse, how to edit and conduct basic financial transactions.

We keep inventory records

Consider how 1C is used to control the movement of goods in a warehouse. There are several features that should be considered when studying the program:

  1. The application allows you to control the availability of goods in stock. At the same time, there are several functions that allow you to carry out a complete inventory, as well as control of balances according to a certain nomenclature. It is necessary to study this gradually in order to understand which function is responsible for what.
  2. The next step in the study is to control the receipt or shipment of goods. Be sure to learn how to add or remove specific fields that either arrived at the warehouse or left. Most of the time, the program does this on its own, but you have to follow these procedures correctly and enter data into certain forms.
  3. Returns of goods are one of the frequent procedures for large enterprises. The study of the design of this procedure should take place after you have mastered the basic skills of working with this program.

When keeping records in 1C, you should first study the basic procedures that are carried out at the enterprise. You should also definitely get acquainted with it in the course of consultations with experienced employees or certain specialists.

Read more about warehouse accounting in the 1C program in this video:

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