Service on Mars. There are already secret bases of earthlings on Mars. Indigenous people of Mars

Published on 25.06.14 10:05

According to the military, he guarded the bases of people from aliens.

In the United States, a retired Marine said in an interview that he had served on Mars for the past 17 years. The military man, who introduced himself as Captain Kay, said that he was engaged in the protection of alien bases of earthlings from the unfriendly Martian population.

According to the Marine, he was one of the commanders of a secret space fleet, subordinate to a multinational organization called the Earth Defense Service. During the 17 years he served on Mars, he had to work with citizens of the United States, China and Russia. The captain defended five intcbatch research bases that people have built on the Red Planet, from the aggressive "indigenous peoples" of Mars, transmit "Vesti".

The Marine trained for alien service for more than three years. He learned to fly several types of space fighters and bombers, designed specifically for combat operations in a vacuum.

The training was conducted at a secret lunar base called Lunar Operations Command. At the same time, Kay did not talk about how many colleagues he had.

“In less than 20 years of service in the Martian forces, I was incredibly tired,” the man said, noting that the leadership was sympathetic to his request for resignation and even arranged a magnificent farewell ceremony in his honor. The event, according to the military, was attended by many high-ranking officials. Among them was former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Despite the fact that Captain Kay's story is more like pseudo-science fiction, he is far from the only one who claims that secret military bases are located on Mars. A corresponding half-hour film on this topic was recently shot by representatives of the UFO TV channel.

I cite the information in full, which is not the first day that has been circulating the Runet. Very funny, highly recommended reading. According to legend, a retired US Marine gave an interview in which he stated that for the last 17 years he served not just anywhere, but on Mars. According to the former military man, who introduces himself as Captain Kay, his duties included protecting alien human bases from the unfriendly local population, reports the Mirror.

In the photo: Frame from the movie "The Martian"

Captain Kay (Randy Kramer) revealed that he was one of the commanders of a secret space fleet that was subordinate to a multinational organization called the Earth Defense Force ("Earth Defense Service"). During the 17 years he spent on Mars, the man had to work with citizens of the United States, China and Russia. The main mission of Captain Kay was to protect the five research bases built by people on the Red Planet from the aggressive "indigenous peoples" inhabiting Mars.

For more than three years, the authorities of several countries have been preparing Captain Kay for a difficult alien service. During this time, he learned to fly three types of space fighters and the same number of bombers, specially designed for combat operations in a vacuum. The training was conducted at a secret lunar base called Lunar Operations Command. About how many colleagues he had, Captain Kay did not tell.

“In less than 20 years of service in the Martian troops, I was incredibly tired,” the man admitted. The leadership reacted to the military's request for resignation with understanding and arranged a magnificent farewell ceremony in his honor. As the American said, it was attended by many high-ranking officials, including former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Representatives of the UFO TV channel filmed a half-hour film about this (though in English).

Captain Kay's story sounds strange, to put it mildly, but he is far from the only one who claims that there are secret military bases on Mars. Among others, this is the great-granddaughter of US President Eisenhower, who reports that "An independent Martian colony already exists." Andrei Dmitrievich Basiago and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower told about this. They confirmed the existence of a secret colony located on Mars in a joint appearance on Exopolitics Radio with Alfred Lambremont Webre.Andrey Dmitrievich Basiago, a Cambridge lawyer who lives in Washington state, said he was a member of the DARPA time travel program. Participating in the Pegasus project (1968-72), he successfully teleported to the US base on Mars twice in 1981.Ms. Eisenhower, great granddaughter of US President Dwight Eisenhower, was recruited into the project in 2006.They told how the secret Martian colony is financed, that the money comes from the black budget, military and intelligence sources. The base is designed as a survival mechanism for the human genome in the event that solar flares, nuclear war, or some other cataclysm ends human life on Earth.

In the three-hour interview, Basiago and Eisenhower call on the US Congress to investigate the American presence on Mars with a focus on military occupation rather than human society's diplomatic involvement with the indigenous peoples of Mars living in underground cities below the surface of Mars. Ms. Eisenhower stated that "Alternative 3" - the notion that trillions of dollars of resources must be spent to protect human life by preserving it on Mars - must give way to "Alternative 4," a new public awakening to achieve the sustainability of life of human civilization on Earth .

Their historical interactive exposure of the Martian Stargate on Exopolitics Radio was based on direct personal experience. Basiago made 2 trips to Mars in 1981 when he was 19 years old. He walked on the surface of Mars. He got there by teleportation from a CIA military facility in El Segundo, California.

Mrs. Eisenhower was recruited by the CIA in 2006 when she was 33. In order to take part in the project and become a secret settler of Mars, she had to forgo her personal life, actually starting from scratch. During the interview, they announced that they did not agree with many factors of the Martian colony. They said that when recruiting conscripts for a flight to Mars, the CIA resorted to various methods, including psychological manipulation.Basiago claims that there are individuals currently working on Mars who have Aryan blood, which does not represent the genetic diversity of the entire human race on Earth. Mrs. Eisenhower agreed with Andrei Dmitrievich's arguments.They suggested that this policy might be revised. Following the interview, Mr. Basiago and Mrs. Eisenhower issued a joint statement on human survival colonies on other planets. You can listen to the interview on the Exopolitic Radio website at the link. There are other facts of the presence of the US military on Mars. Among them is a book by military Michael Relph, who served in the US Army from 1976 to 1996. So was the scientist Arthur Neumann, who publicly stated that he teleported to a secret colony on Mars for meetings on the project.

Michael Relph is an eyewitness to the Mars colony and is an informant and former member of the US military who was recruited in 1976 as a permanent member of the secret Mars colony. During his service, he not only flew to Mars, but traveled through time for up to 20 years, after which he successfully returned to the point of departure. Michael Relf wrote a book in two volumes where he describes two types of faces on a secret Martian colony. Michael Relph also mentions the presence and function of reptilians and Gray aliens on a secret Martian colony.As for the Curiosity projects and others, they are just a red herring to hide the true state of affairs.

1957 Gunstville, Alabama. The research team studying chlorine-fluorine-containing compounds, as a result of the research, came to the conclusion that due to the greenhouse effect in the foreseeable future (year 2100), the Earth will become uninhabitable. Three options have been proposed to solve this problem.

1. With the help of nuclear bombs, make holes in the atmosphere in order to divert excess heat into outer space. Presumably, such an experiment was carried out in 1957/58. over the South Atlantic when several nuclear warheads were detonated in the atmosphere.

2. Move the most valuable people underground in a timely manner and thereby ensure the survival of mankind (Gray bases?).

3. Selected people to move to other planets (Mars represented the most realistic possibility). As measures to gain time, all three options included birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly disease-causing microbes to control or slow the growth of the world's population. AIDS is likely to be one of the consequences of these plans. Since the reduction in the number of people seemed to be an effective means to slow down the process of the greenhouse effect, it was decided, based on the highest interests of mankind, to free our society from undesirable elements. The joint US-Soviet leadership rejected Alternative 1 and ordered that work begin immediately on Alternatives 2 and 3.

According to the authors of Alternative 3, since the second half of the 1950s, secret meetings have been held between Americans and Russians within the framework of the "Policy Comittee" ("Directive Committee"). Representatives of these states meet on special submarines under the Arctic. This Directive Committee is a secret department of the so-called Bilderberg Group, which will be discussed below. During these meetings, in particular, it was decided to eliminate common enemies that could interfere with the implementation of the project.

Note: The book "Alternative 3" is based on the following facts.

1. Scientists disappeared without a trace.

2. People disappeared. Some of them soon reappeared, but could not remember what had happened to them.

3. Psychiatric experiments were carried out on people in order to change their personality and neutralize them sexually.

4. The English scientist Ballentine left a film with a filmed documentary about how on May 22, 1962 he observed through a telescope the joint landing on Mars of Americans and Russians.

5. Testimony of an informant associated with people close to the Directive Committee, working under the pseudonym "Trojan". He is the only source of information about the operation on Mars. He also obtained the minutes of the meetings of the Directive Committee.

Based on the above facts, it is possible to put forward a hypothesis that a colony has been created on Mars for the resettlement of a selected part of humanity there, for the service of which a group of slaves will be sent there. However, given the latest information and the relatively vague time frame, it is theoretically possible that this entire scenario is being played out not on Mars, but in the underground bases of the Grays.

From the minutes of the meeting of the Directive Committee on August 27, 1958

“For each “chosen” migrant (by which scientists are understood) there should be approximately five “working units” (in other words, slaves). This workforce will be programmed to unconditionally carry out reasonable orders, and its main task is to carry out construction work. Priority, of course, is given to the construction of premises for the elite... The average life expectancy of one "working unit" is estimated at about fifteen years. Given the high transport costs, one should strive to increase this useful life ... The task of selecting the labor force before it is sent is entrusted to the deputy senior officials of the states concerned, who will be familiar with the details regarding the qualitative and quantitative composition of the specified contingent.

As already mentioned, the book "Alternative 3" was also based on the events described in the documentary, which was filmed in 1962 by the English radio astronomer Sir William Ballentine. This tape could be deciphered much later, in the seventies, using a special NASA decoder. Ballentine himself died on February 6, 1977 in a car accident under very strange circumstances. His body seemed to be burned from the inside, as if he had been irradiated with microwaves. The order to eliminate the scientist was given by the Soviet-American Directive Committee, which called such actions "hot jobs" ("hot work").

11/04/1957 Two sentries, standing at a post in Fort Itaipu (USA), suddenly saw a UFO. Suddenly they were engulfed in intense heat. The temperature was so high that the exposed areas of their skin instantly blistered. The heat hit them suddenly and with incredible force, with no visible fire or radiation.

03/14/1968 A man in Ohio was shot at by a light beam from a UFO hovering over the trees. The man's clothes immediately caught fire. Relatives managed to save him literally at the last minute.

Directive Committee instructions issued on 09/07/1965 explain the need for sexual neutralization of all "working units" that were planned to be sent to serve the "chosen ones".

1. To exclude for them any opportunity to enter into traditional sexual relations, and to direct all their working capacity to the most effective performance of the only function predetermined for them.

2. In order to prevent in principle the continuation of the kind of "working units" and, thus, to prevent their development as a population ... "

In this connection, it was noted that in the early 1960s significant progress was made in the field of parapsychology at the universities of Kharkov and Leningrad. This concerns, first of all, telepathy, or rather, the manipulation of the human mind over long distances. Techniques were developed by which people could be treated like puppets controlled from a distance.

One of the documents of the Directive Committee, dated 10/01/1971, states: “Experiments on “working units” give 96 percent success. This is considered unsatisfactory." It goes on to talk about the difficulties associated with eradicating from these slaves any manifestation of their own will. Research in this area is being carried out in America, England, Japan and Russia, and has already brought a significant reduction in the percentage of errors. “Defective people” have their memories erased and set free. This process has been perfected in Dnepropetrovsk, and the corresponding methodologies have been transferred to all A3 laboratories. In the future, gender neutralization will be carried out only after the "identity adjustment" procedure, so that those who may then get home after that will not have traces of laboratory experiments carried out on them.

10/06/1975 Article in the Daily Telegraph. Twenty people disappeared without a trace from the villages of Oregon after they were promised a better life on one of the UFOs. But they could only be taken there on the condition that they give everything they have, including children. The investigation led the police to one of the Inn Bay hotels in Waldport, Oregon. There, on September 14, 1975, a meeting was held at which these people were told that they could save their souls only with the help of UFOs. They were prepared for life on another planet, presumably, in one of the special camps in Colorado.

An article in the Sunday Telegraph of 28/08/1979 reported that the British Department of Health keeps statistics on operations carried out in psychiatric hospitals to change the personality. The authors of Alternative 3 interviewed psychiatrist Dr. Randolph Crapson-White on this subject. By order of his superiors, Crapson performed similar operations on 4 men and 1 woman, and, according to him, they were absolutely normal people. They were made completely asexual, and their individuality erased. Now they have turned into living robots, and will unquestioningly carry out any order.

06/13/1977 New Zealand. 200 people, including service personnel, disappeared overnight from one of the campsites. No signs of violence were found. None of them have been found.

06/14/1977 USA, Wyoming. 76 young people, average age 19, disappeared during the tour. Their cars were found empty on the side of a secluded road. There were random footprints in the sand around the cars, but they didn't lead anywhere. These guys have never been seen anywhere else. On the same day, an entire passenger ship with 165 passengers on board disappeared, making a voyage from Barcelona to Tunisia. No trace could be found.

At a meeting of the Directive Committee on 08/04/1977, it was said that during transportation, as a result of a collision with a meteorite, a whole consignment of cargo in the amount of 300 individuals died. In the following months, there were many reports in the press that Australia was experiencing a mass disappearance of people. At the end of September, many of them were discovered in a kind of labor camps for slaves.

August 1977 In Germany, France, Italy and Canada, a large number of people appeared who appeared to be quite healthy and normal on the outside, except that they could not remember where they came from and where they were. The authors of "Alternative 3" believe that these are victims of unsuccessful experiments in personality re-profiling.

1976/77 colony on Mars. With the deployment of a new colony on Mars, local bacteria became more active there and began to infect plants cultivated by people. The Martian committee concluded that the fight could be lost. They urgently needed a well-known biologist from Germany, who, however, could not be obtained for this project. Then it was decided to send one of the first assistants of this biologist to Earth so that he would convince his former teacher. However, this plan failed for the simple reason that this assistant was not a “symbiosis” of a scientist and a slave, and on the way to Earth, being at the Archimedes base, he initiated 28 “chosen ones” into the essence of the project, which was still a secret for them.

The Archimedes Base is a structure built on the Moon, serving as an intermediate springboard for the transfer of "chosen ones" and "slaves" from Earth to Mars as part of the Alternative 3 project and subsequently destroyed as a result of sabotage. The construction of the base lasted two years. It was located under a hermetic transparent dome. The base had three separate compartments: for the base staff, for the settlers to Mars and for the slaves. One of the scientists tried to free 155 slaves, and while trying to escape on one of the space transports, he crashed into a protective dome. As a result, the base was completely destroyed. Only a few of the settlers - seven "chosen ones", five employees and two "working units" - managed to escape, since they were at that time in a sealed air chamber.

Hamilton (a former Secret Service officer) tells that in 1978 there was something like a war or mutiny between the humans and the Grays at the Dyuls base. The reason for the rebellion was that people found out what research was being done at the base and discovered the results of these experiments. Both sides were killed. In total, 66 people were killed - mainly from among the guards belonging to the so-called Delta group. As a weapon, pulse stun guns (Flash-Gun) were used, which were available on both sides. The Dyuls base was blocked for some time. Later, negotiations took place at the government level, and it was decided to continue the business as it had gone before. In 1989, at one of the UFO conferences, Hamilton said that in total "about 6,000 scientists were involved in the work in the field of mind control and genetic engineering."

04/25/1990 Assassination attempt on Adelheid Streidl of Oscar-La Fontaine. Streidl's words: “I would like to tell you about entire factories and underground laboratories where people are made spiritually and physically inferior ...

Mars, the study of which we wrote in the first part of our article, remains one of the most promising places to create the first human colony outside the Earth. The need for people to settle on other planets of the solar system is a topic for a completely different article, we only note that colonization can solve the problems of overpopulation of the Earth and its limited resources. In addition, the creation of stable human settlements on other worlds guarantees the survival of our race in case something happens to the Earth. But manned flights to the Red Planet are regularly delayed, and the founding of the first colony looks like something out of science fiction. Scientists say that a man will fly to Mars "in ten years" - and they have been repeating this for almost half a century.

The conquest of Mars is one of NASA's top priorities. So far, these plans are hampered by the fact that the United States does not have its own manned spacecraft, which should replace decommissioned shuttles. But developments are underway, and the Orion program looks like the most promising. The ship passed its first unmanned tests in December 2014. If the current pace of work continues, Orion will make its first flight to Mars in 2035. At the same time, in December 2015, the selection of volunteers will begin, who will be trained for an expedition to the Red Planet.

Before sending astronauts to Mars, NASA plans to implement another long-cherished idea - to deliver a sample of Martian soil to Earth. Several similar projects are currently being prepared, including the use of another rover, which will have to go to the Red Planet in 2020. Roskosmos is also working on this task.

Private traders are stepping on the heels of NASA. SpaceX founder Elon Musk has repeatedly said that the main and ultimate goal of his company is to create colonies on Mars. However, Musk plans to start with less. First, he wants to look for evidence of life on Mars. For these purposes, they plan to use the Falcon Heavy heavy rocket under development and the modified Red Dragon capsule. Initially, the launch date was called 2018, but now these dates seem unrealistic.

Unfortunately, this whole undertaking looks like an elegant scam aimed at extorting money from naive citizens applying for participation in the project. The company still has neither sponsorship contracts with television companies, nor agreements with contractors for the production of equipment. The announced number of applications for participation looks very high, and the ongoing selection of participants has nothing to do with the real training of astronauts. The creators of the company do not care about either the flight experience of the candidates or their state of health, and the rating of the participants mainly depends on how much money they are willing to invest in the existence and promotion of the project.

Beautiful concept art of the future colony is perhaps the only real achievement of the Mars One project. In 1990, Robert Zhubrin proposed a project called Mars Direct. Zhubrin understood that due to the large distance between the Earth and Mars and the long duration of the flight, the astronauts would have to take a decent supply of fuel and food with them. At the same time, every extra kilogram would further increase the cost of launching. Zhubrin proposed to reduce the mass of the ship, giving up fuel supplies for the return trip. Instead of carrying fuel all the way from Earth, Zhubrin proposed to produce fuel on the spot, getting all the necessary ingredients from the Martian atmosphere.

The peaceful idyll of the Mars Direct project is a ship to send home, a residential dome, a rover, a plantation. Potatoes, I suppose, are grown ... Another enthusiast of traveling to Mars is the first space tourist Dennis Tito. The Inspiration Mars fund he created (“Martian inspiration”) involves the launch of a small ship that will have to fly around the Red Planet and return back. It is planned that the launch should take place in 2018, and there should be two people on board (preferably a married couple), but they will be just passengers - they may not be allowed to steer the ship.

But this mission is also unlikely to ever be realized. Tito was unable to fully fund the project out of his own pocket, and when he turned to NASA for additional funding, he was refused. The space agency now lacks a budget even for its own projects, to say nothing of third-party adventures.

This is what Dennis Tito's spaceship should look like, if he finds funding. Even billionaires have money problems

Mars Exploration Program

To understand whether Mars is suitable for colonization, you first need to find out how the planet is generally habitable and whether life existed on it in principle. It is for these purposes that the Mars Exploration Program was created - a long-term NASA program launched in 1993.

Life requires water and energy sources to exist. So far, it has been established that there is a lot of ice on Mars, but in liquid form, water is practically not found there. Since life on the surface of the planet is almost impossible, the only living forms that can now exist on Mars are microorganisms living under the surface. It is assumed that they extract energy from chemical and geothermal sources.Both NASA and Elon Musk plan to bring local soil samples back to Earth using rovers and robots before sending astronauts to Mars.

A retired US Marine gave an interview in which he stated that for the past 17 years he has served not just anywhere, but on Mars. According to the former military man, who introduces himself as Captain Kay, his duties included protecting alien human bases from the unfriendly local population, reports the Mirror.

Captain Kay (Randy Kramer) revealed that he was one of the commanders of a secret space fleet that was under the command of a multinational organization called the Earth Defense Force. For the 17 years he spent on Mars, man I had to work with citizens of the USA, China and Russia. The main mission of Captain Kay was to protect the five research bases built by people on the Red Planet from the aggressive "indigenous peoples" inhabiting Mars.

Over three years authorities of several countries prepared Captain Kay for a difficult alien service.

During this time, he learned to fly three types of space fighters and the same number of bombers, specially designed for combat operations in a vacuum. The training was conducted on a secret lunar base called Lunar Operations Command. About how many colleagues he had, Captain Kay did not tell.

“In less than 20 years of service in the Martian forces, I am incredibly tired”, the man admitted.

The leadership reacted to the military's request for resignation with understanding and arranged a magnificent farewell ceremony in his honor. As the American said, it was attended by many high-ranking officials, including Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Representatives of the UFO TV channel filmed a half-hour film about this.

The story of Captain Kay sounds, to put it mildly, strange, however he is far from the only one, who claims that there are secret military bases on Mars.

Among others, She is the great granddaughter of US President Eisenhower., which says that:

"An independent Mars colony already exists"

Andrei Dmitrievich Basiago and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower told about this. They confirmed the existence of a secret colony located on Mars in a joint appearance on Exopolitics Radio with Alfred Lambremont Webre.

Andrey Dmitrievich Basiago, a Cambridge lawyer who lives in Washington State, said that he was a member of the DARPA time travel program. Participating in the Pegasus project (1968-72), he successfully teleported to the US base on Mars twice in 1981.

Ms. Eisenhower, great granddaughter of US President Dwight Eisenhower, was recruited into the project in 2006.

They told how the secret Martian colony is financed, that the money comes from the black budget, military and intelligence sources. The base is designed as a survival mechanism for the human genome in the event that solar flares, nuclear war, or some other cataclysm ends human life on Earth.

In a Three Hour Interview Basiago and Eisenhower urge US Congress to investigate US presence on Mars with an emphasis on military occupation, not by the diplomatic engagement of human society with the indigenous peoples of Mars living in underground cities under the surface of Mars.

Ms. Eisenhower said that "Alternative 3" - the notion that trillions of dollars of resources must be spent to protect human life by keeping it on Mars - must give way to "Alternative 4," a new public awakening. to achieve the sustainability of the life of human civilization on Earth.

Their historical interactive exposure of the Martian Stargate on Exopolitics Radio was based on direct personal experience. Basiago made 2 trips to Mars in 1981 when he was 19 years old. He walked on the surface of Mars. He got there by teleportation from a CIA military facility in El Segundo, California.

Mrs. Eisenhower was recruited by the CIA in 2006 when she was 33. In order to take part in the project and become a secret settler of Mars, she had to leave her personal life, in fact, start from scratch.

During the interview, they announced that they did not agree with many factors of the Martian colony. They said that when recruiting conscripts for a flight to Mars, the CIA resorted to various methods, including psychological manipulation.

Basiago claims that there are individuals currently working on Mars who have Aryan blood, which does not represent the genetic diversity of the entire human race on Earth. Mrs. Eisenhower agreed with Andrei Dmitrievich's arguments.

They suggested that this policy might be revised.

Following the interview, Mr. Basiago and Mrs. Eisenhower issued a joint statement on human survival colonies on other planets. You can listen to the interview on the Exopolitic Radio website at link.

There are other facts of the presence of the US military on Mars. Among them is a book by military Michael Relph, who served in the US Army from 1976 to 1996. So was the scientist Arthur Neumann, who publicly stated that he teleported to a secret colony on Mars for meetings on the project.

Michael Relf is an eyewitness to a Mars colony and is an informant and former member of the US military who was recruited as a permanent member of the secret Mars colony in 1976. During his service, he not only flew to Mars, but traveled through time for up to 20 years, after which he successfully returned to the point of departure.

Michael Relf wrote a book in two volumes where he describes two types of faces on a secret Martian colony. Michael Relph also mentions the presence and function of reptilians and Gray aliens on a secret Martian colony.

As for the Curiosity projects and others, they are just a red herring to hide the true state of affairs.

PS: One of the very first insiders of the secret space programs of the World Government of the Earth was Corey Good. And surprisingly, back in 2014-2015, he gave largely the same information about secret bases on Mars and the Moon and about the space fleet "Solar Guardian" mentioned in the film. A lot of coincidences. Corey writes that the Kabbalah (Secret Government) under external pressure is forced to begin a gradual disclosure of its activities.

While experts are only discussing the possibility of a manned flight to Mars, information appears in the media that expeditions to the Red Planet have allegedly already taken place. Moreover, they not only built scientific bases there, but also found Martians ... Captain of the American Marine Corps, retired Jeremy Kay, recently told foreign journalists about this.

According to Kay, for the past 17 years he has been serving ... on Mars, commanding one of the units of a secret space fleet, which is under the supervision of an international organization called Earth Defense

Force ("Earth Defense Service"), which included representatives of the United States, China and Russia. Their task was to protect the earthly colonists from the "unfriendly local population."

Kei's unit guarded five research bases built by Earthlings. Before serving, Jeremy had to undergo special three-year training at a secret base located on the moon. It was called Lunar Operations Command. As a result, the captain learned to fly three types of space fighters and three types of bombers, designed to conduct combat operations in a vacuum.

The service was not easy. The fact is that the indigenous population of Mars was hostile and aggressive towards aliens from Earth, and the earthly guards constantly had to be on the alert. In the end, Kei got so tired guarding the earth bases that he asked to retire. The command even arranged a pompous farewell ceremony in his honor.

It is clear that this story, told by the Exonews portal, most of all looks like an ordinary "duck". But the fact is that there is other information related to the Martian bases. So, about twelve years ago, the Western press published a picture called a frame from a video film shot in 1962 and telling about the landing on Mars of some kind of expedition - either American, or Russian, or joint ... In a fuzzy photo, you can distinguish a small figure in a space suit, which is engaged in drilling the soil. The date was also indicated - May 22, 1962.

But how could a flight to Mars take place in 1962? After all, then none of the largest space powers - neither the United States nor the USSR - had a launch vehicle that had the power necessary for such missions. True, in the Korolev Design Bureau a project was being developed for the landing of Soviet cosmonauts on Mars, scheduled for 1985. But, according to official data, by this time humanity was not yet ready for such travels.

In June 2011, American amateur astronomer David Martinez discovered on satellite images of the Red Planet in the Google Earth program a strange object over 210 meters long and about 45 meters wide, which he took for a research station. Assumptions were put forward about its origin: either it is a station of an extraterrestrial civilization, or earthlings have long settled on Mars ... Martinez even came up with his own name for the object - "Alpha Biostation". He repeatedly contacted NASA with requests to comment on the find, but only one comment was received from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, an extremely skeptical one ...

According to the official chronicle of modern history, all space achievements of mankind come down to visiting the moon. Not a single person in modern history has visited Mars or any of the other planets in the solar system. However, the mysterious Captain Kay appears and says suspicious things: I lived on Mars for 15 years, protecting human colonies from Martian life forms.

In the history known to us, people never walked on the Martian surface and, accordingly, did not create settlements there. There is still a lot of work to be done in this promising aspiration. And although in the next 10 years, existing technologies still severely limit us.

Another story is the exact opposite of the first, and this crazy version, which claims a group of people who came to Mars and built functioning settlements there, finds its adherents. As always with improbable stories, the issue is not only the dubiousness of the story, but conspiracy theories as well.

Of course, it's ridiculous for us to blindly trust the story that people flew to Mars and organized settlements there as part of a super-secret project, right? But what if there are a couple of versions of events carefully filtered for the international community when it comes to space exploration and Martian exploration?


Below is an entertaining story from a military man who wrote about his life on Mars as part of the military space program. An amazing excerpt from the life of Captain Kay for a period of 15 years tells about where he underwent initial training and training. Only after that did he go to defend the Martian colonies from the attacks of the autochthonous races.

According to the startling claims of a retired officer who now goes by the pseudonym Captain Kay, the military built habitable bases on Mars in the last century, which is kept secret from the public.

Moreover, using serious technical support from aliens, a large formation of spaceships was formed - a real fleet capable of combat operations in space.

In his past, Captain Kay is an American Marine who volunteered and then went to serve in the Martian desert. The Space Ranger's job was to protect the five human settlement bases from native species.

For ten years, the captain lived on Mars, having previously served for three years on a large spacecraft, traveling through the solar system.

"... all the cases from the 80s of the so-called UFO activity by ufologists are nothing more than the rapid development of a secret space project ... objects masquerading as UFOs are actually terrestrial vehicles ..."

Captain Kay served in the Mars Defense Force, owned by the Mars Colony organization. In general, the corporation represents a powerful alliance of large financial structures, governments of several countries and leading technology companies.

The captain's detachment formed part of a large military security formation.

The Earth Defense Forces represent another secret branch of the military space program, recruiting military personnel from the United States, China and Russia. But due to the secrecy of ongoing projects, I am poorly aware of this, interest in such things was immediately suppressed, a retired space marine explains.


Training and training in life in space took place on a special lunar base, under the control of the Lunar Operations Command. Space Rangers have been present on Saturn's moon, and have even patrolled around the edges of the solar system.

Based on the incredible adventures of Captain Kay, the obvious conclusion is that a group of people have long mastered important technologies that make it possible to reach the limits of the system and build settlements on neighboring planets.

What's more: Mars is a planet that supports alien life, according to a retired Marine. By the way, having served for almost two decades, having visited Mars and the Moon, he left with honors for a really well-deserved rest.

According to the story of Captain Kay, the space group has unique technologies that are far ahead of those on Earth. The Space Flotilla has advanced propulsion technology that enables ships to reach the limits of the home system: propulsion facilities operate on the basis of thermonuclear fusion, and anti-gravity equipment is widely used.

There was even discussion of the transfer of jump drives - for passage to neighboring star systems.

All the achievements were donated to a dedicated group of people by friendly aliens. True, the "friends" adhered to their own interests - they entrusted the protection of the system to mankind, ripe for space. However, aliens considered access to their own system a premature step.


According to Captain Kay, there are two types of creatures that live on Mars: reptiles and insectoids. Both forms of local life are quite reasonable, although the reptiles look like a more warlike culture, protecting their territory with all their might from aliens. Insectoids are also developed and intelligent, but rather passive creatures that avoid direct attack.

The astonishing claims that intelligent life forms on Mars have been welcomed by several researchers, including physics professor Brandenburg, who said that alien cultures have waged a nuclear war on Mars, and we are watching.

The ancient Martians, known as the Sidonians and Utopians, evidence of genocide can still be seen today, Brandenburg said. According to the results of the study, there is an excessive abundance of traces of Xenon-129 on Mars, and the only process known to us for its formation is a nuclear explosion.

In a television interview, Dr. Brandenburg clarified his position: “There have been two big disasters on Mars,” he said, pointing to Utopia on a map. “There was an asteroid impact here and there, and Sidonia was right in between. This is puzzling. Why do so many bad things happen in one region of Mars?

While Captain Kay is unable to produce certificates of authenticity to back up his shocking claims, he assures the story he tells is true. On the other hand, the Marine's Martian saga is consistent with the testimony of Michael Rilf, another person making a claim of 20 years of service on Mars.

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Eisenhower, once said: Humans were recruited to replenish the Martian settlements, led by Dr. Hal Putoff. These are more than strange words, but satisfying statements of former Martian soldiers.

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