Types of fish for breeding in artificial reservoirs, fish farms. Breeding and raising fish in the pond

An artificial reservoir on the site allows you to breed fish, indulge in fishing on the weekends, and in some cases also make money on it. Do you want to know how to build a do-it-yourself pond for breeding fish? You will learn how to properly equip a reservoir, what conditions to create, and what kind of fish is better to grow, from this article.

Pond dimensions: how to determine?

It is best to dig a pond in the lowest part of the summer cottage. It's great if the fish pond is in the shade for at least half of the daylight hours. However, the artificial shading effect may not be effective if you plant a lot of trees. They will fall to the surface, pollute the structure. Over time, the ichthyofauna may suffer, and the size of the reservoir can be deformed due to the roots.

Before creating your project, it is important to determine the required depth and width of the pit.

It largely depends on what kind of fish will live in it. In any case, you need to dig a pond for breeding fish at least 1 meter deep. As for the length and width, be guided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and shape them as you wish.

Small in size, but deep for breeding fish is much better than small and wide. The second option will absorb oxygen in large volumes. Even if aerators for fish ponds are installed, oxygen from the natural environment must still be supplied. Not the last role in the enrichment is played by vegetation, as well as the impact of air currents.

So that the fish can overwinter, do not forget to make holes in the winter. A perfect solution would be cane, which is frozen vertically.

Consider also the fact that a fish pond that is too small is not suitable for schooling species, especially if the number of fish is large. Due to the considerable amount of feed, the water will deteriorate quickly. When planning at least approximate volumes, proceed from the following figures: 50 liters of water for each fish 10 centimeters long.

Who will we breed?

A trout pond is a good choice, but creating it on home plot not so easy. Therefore, we advise you to reduce the breeding of fish to two main types. This is a carp with crucian carp. They are unpretentious, grow relatively quickly, eat any food. Also, when creating certain conditions, you can get tench and cute goldfish.

If we talk about carp, this species feels good even in small ponds. The secret is simple: in a small pond, carp have to spend less energy searching for food. That is why it grows at an incredible rate. And this species is omnivorous, loves water with a slightly alkaline reaction, warm sunny areas. As soon as you create all the necessary conditions, the fish will begin to grow rapidly and reach sexual maturity by the age of 4.

To breed carps, a depth of 150 cm, a length of 4 and a width of 6 meters will be enough. The number of individuals per 1 cube should not exceed 20. Maintain these parameters so that the fish can optimally grow and gain weight.

Carp are also undemanding to water bodies. They can also be grown in stagnant water with dense vegetation. In winter, feeding becomes less frequent, but 2-3 holes are required. They will provide the necessary supply of oxygen. Since the conditions for breeding carp and crucian carp are not very different, they are kept together.

Only tench will not be able to get along with crucian carp. Despite being unpretentious and adaptable to changes in acid levels, tench comes into conflict with other fish species, especially when it comes to food.

Now let's talk about goldfish. They feel great in artificial reservoirs. To grow this species, it is enough to feed them on time and regulate reproduction. The undoubted plus of a goldfish is that it looks great in any pond.

For the same reason, people keep koi, as well as Japanese carp. The color of these species is impressive in its diversity; white, black, yellow and even red species are found in nature. The most interesting thing is that no one knows exactly what the next offspring will be. What to feed and how to keep koi? The fish loves deep, rather spacious reservoirs, spends a lot of time looking for food in the muddy bottom. You can also feed carp with plant foods, but koi will never refuse even small fish.

Pond construction: first steps

How to make a fish pond at home? Determine its size and start digging a pit. As soon as it is dug out, the surface is leveled and well rammed. The bottom of the reservoir must be cemented, and covered with a sufficiently dense film made of polyethylene on top. Use it very carefully and it will serve you for many years.

Not everyone can afford this option because of its high cost. Particularly inventive gardeners manage to use rubber chambers as budget flooring, which are glued together.

You can also find on sale special mats for the bottom. They are made from synthetic or coconut fiber. Due to its structure, the fibers quickly overgrow with algae useful for fish and form the bottom.

The excavated pit is filled with water. Naturally, taking tap water is highly discouraged. If possible, try to find spring or at least water. We advise you to fill the pit gradually. First you fill in only 1/3 of the total volume of water, then the rest. This allows the film to ideally straighten out under the influence of the gravity of the water.

The bottom of the pond can be covered with river sand, having previously landed in it under aquatic plants. Only then can the rest of the water be filled.

Before the fish in the pond become its permanent inhabitants, take care of the beautiful design of the reservoir. For this, the banks are planted. To give it a finished look, we recommend planting reeds. Are you planning to start breeding crayfish? You should take care of the stones in advance, cover the bottom with broken pots, etc. During the molting period, crustaceans will be able to hide there from fish.

How to create the right microclimate in the pond?

Fish in the pond should not swim until the necessary microclimate is created. This means that launching them into the reservoir immediately after the water has been filled is the wrong move. The liquid should warm up well and settle, microflora should form. In order not to wait too long, you can speed up this process. It is enough to add 5-7 buckets of water from a natural reservoir into the country pond, and cover the bottom with withered grass.

Neutral environment is the best option. As for the acidity level, it should be 7-8 pH. Timely measure the level of acidity and make sure that it does not fall or rise. For example, if the acidity drops to 5 pH, it can negatively affect the life of carp, crucian carp and some other fish.

How to increase the acidity of water? Very simple. Chemistry for a fish pond comes down to adding limestone or soda. Measure the acidity level in 2-3 places for reliability.

One more thing important rule. Make sure that the temperature of the reservoir and the water in which the fish were kept before was approximately the same. If this is not done, the fish in the pond will experience temperature shock and die quickly.

Making a pond for breeding fish is half the battle. No less responsible issue is proper feeding. The easiest way to feed the fish is if it is tench or carp. They are omnivores and will thank you for any treats. Forage in loose or powder form is best mixed with water taken from the pond to the consistency of porridge.

For any other varieties, a mixture of cereals and beans is perfect. Even if you are planning to go into exotic species and are thinking about how to breed trout, this mixture will also not be superfluous. Just do not forget to pour boiling water over it before adding it to the water so that the grains swell.

In addition, all fish, without exception, will not refuse insects and earthworms. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the fish. They can exceed it by no more than 6%.

It is enough to replenish the feeders 1-2 times a day, but this must be done at the same time. Choose a place on the rocks, put it there small table or limit yourself to a pallet. You can feed whatever you want and then just put the uneaten food away with the tray.

Try to work out in fish conditioned reflex. To do this, you can use any external stimuli. For example, the same bell. It is enough for the fish in the pond to hear the ringing - and they will immediately swim to the feeding tray.

Optional equipment

How to breed fish in a pond if additional equipment you do not have? We warn you right away - this will be problematic. Therefore, we advise you to get at least a minimal set:

  • gravity filter. Fish "rescuer" filtering water. A hinged type device, mounted elementarily, costs no more than 5-7 thousand rubles.
  • Compressor. Additional source of oxygen.
  • UV sterilizer. Thanks to him, the fish for the pond will not suffocate due to the flowering of the water.

Fisheries as a means of income

In our country, the fish business is excellently developed, and a few decades ago, fish farms were considered the best in Europe. Many went bankrupt, simply unable to withstand competition with foreign farms. That is why pond fish can make the difference in providing your region with delicious and nutritious produce.

Grown at home, this "product" can strengthen your family budget. Many men love fishing and consider it one of the most interesting hobbies. You are given a unique opportunity to turn your favorite hobby into an additional (and in some cases, the main) means of earning.

It usually takes 1.5 - 2 years for the fish to grow to the right size. For relatively short period she manages to get good mass. Several factors influence the rate of development and weight gain at once: the amount of food, its quality, climate zone, water quality, etc. Cultivation can be carried out by an extensive or intensive method. In the first case, the fish grow naturally - you bring in a minimum of food, the investment is also small. With the intensive method, a sufficiently rich forage base is created.

Keep in mind that the fish business will only be profitable if the water is optimally suited for keeping fish, as well as spawning and subsequent incubation.

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Fish processingFish tradeCrayfish farming

Business Relevance

Today, fish products are in demand in the city markets not only for large enterprises, but also for small private farms. Breeding fish makes it possible to save precious time - you only need to spend 3-5 hours a day caring for them. Having gained knowledge in the field of fish farming and organizing a reservoir, you can have a stable and high income.

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs as a business is practically not confirmed by the risk of bad weather conditions or seasonality. If you organize your business correctly, you can quickly recoup your investment and reach a stable income.

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Tips for beginner fish farmers

Development directions

On the present stage fish farming is developing in several directions:

  • Pond breeding is the use of a separate reservoir for growing fish (suitable for a variety of different types).
  • Cage breeding of fish is important for large fish. The essence lies in the use of a part of a river, lake, reservoir, dividing the water space with cage lines.
  • The basin method consists in growing fish in artificial reservoirs. Suitable for breeding pike, salmon, bream, perch, carp, etc. Some entrepreneurs create mini-reservoirs, which are low barrels or bathtubs.

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Basin growing method

Sturgeon breeding in the basement of a multi-storey building

What kind of fish is profitable to breed

Many experts advise beginners in the fishing business to start with carp and trout, as these species are developing well and are in stable demand.

Carps quickly adapt to new conditions, are unpretentious in food, resistant to various diseases. Despite the low cost, the income after the sale of fish is quite high. For example, the profitability of the well-known enterprise JSC "Biserovsky fish processing plant" is 9-10%.

A business plan for breeding trout is laborious and complex, as this fish is demanding and whimsical to the conditions of detention. For its cultivation, you can not do without an experienced highly qualified specialist. But such advantages as an affordable breeding system, high prices for products, excellent taste of the product, low maintenance requirements (compared to other salmon) attract many businessmen.

Many farms breed silver carps. The advantages of this fish are that they can peacefully exist with their "brothers" - grass carp and carp. The silver carp quickly gains mass, can reach up to a meter in height and 30 kilograms of weight.

Related video:

Food for fry. (Excellent food for fry of different types of fish.)

Artificial breeding of fish

The technology of growing fish in pools is a modern progressive option for the intensive development of aquaculture. Fish keeping pools have been popular for decades. Another way is to find the lowest spot on the personal plot, dig a pit and build an artificial pond.

This option is beneficial, but very laborious.
The bottom of the pond in the country for breeding fish should be flat (pits can lead to waterlogging of the soil) and be isolated from groundwater.

Insulating material can be:

  • clay;
  • sand;
  • asbestos;
  • concrete;
  • expanded clay. Large farms make several types of ponds:
  • spawning for removing larvae from eggs;
  • fry;
  • wintering;
  • outgrowth;
  • foraging.

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Artificial breeding of trout

Recirculating water installations

Over the past decade, the Russian market has new technology closed water exchange - RAS. There is no need to rent large areas of land. Modern fish farms consist of a hangar-type building, which contains several pools and equipment for water purification. The modular system of containers allows you to keep fish at high density landing (from 40 to 400 kg of fish per 1 m³). The feeding process is automatic. The fish in the given proportions receives dry granulated food, which gives it the opportunity to gain weight and develop as quickly as possible. The water purification system sends it to all pools and removes pollution, saturating it with oxygen. This allows water to be used long time with small losses - up to 10%.

The advantages of RAS are obvious:

  • refusal to discharge contaminated wastewater;
  • economical use of water resources;
  • the ability to grow fish and vegetables in one system and create a waste-free technology;
  • ease of disposal of fish waste products;
  • saving time on caring for fish;
  • simple control of the dilution process - temperature, oxygen, light adjustment.

The only but significant drawback of RAS is the high cost of the system.

Related video:

Growing fish in RAS

Basic feeding rules

For rapid growth, it is important to carefully consider the acquisition of fish seed. Fry is better to choose in fish farms. Before buying feed, check the manufacturer's certification, veterinary certificate and quality certificate.
Successful fish processing plants use industrial rearing feeds containing protein. Despite the high cost, the weight gain compared to conventional feed is doubled.
When feeding, you need to observe the measure. The fish eats everything that is poured, but the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir will be violated if the proportions are violated. This will slow down development. The rate and types of feeding depend on the type of fish, temperature and conditions of detention.

Related video:

How to Breed Artemia. (Artemia is used as fish food in aquaculture and aquaculture.)

Business registration

The disadvantage of raising fish at home for sale lies in the administrative barriers. Obtaining permission to lease a reservoir or part of it from local authorities is not easy, and a large package of documents is required.
But the laws of the Russian Federation do not prohibit the breeding of fish at the rate that are located on the territory of the land, which is private property. In other words, it is much easier to dig a pond, install a RAS or pour water into a quarry than to work in a natural reservoir.
In this case, no permits are required. But stocking requires a veterinary certificate (epidemiological report and fishery invoices). It is also necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the OKVED code 05.02 "Fish farming".

Financial plan

It can be very profitable with proper planning and implementation of the idea. The cost of the project depends on its scale, development region, choice of fish species, technologies, etc.

If you open a mini-farm without hiring workers and saving on all aspects, the cost level will be distributed as follows:

1. purchase of fry - 300-500 rubles / kg. (when calculating, do not forget that 10% of them will not survive, and only 30-40% will be able to gain optimal weight);

2.equipment with an artificial pool - from 6 thousand rubles. per piece;

3. purchase of feed - from 15 thousand rubles. per ton;

4. purchase of equipment for fish farming - from 50 thousand rubles.

The information provided in this article is only brief introduction to the core of the business.

If you decide to go ahead with the implementation, then you need to download a professional fish farming business plan with detailed calculations:

Starting investments range from 150 thousand rubles. To this figure, add unforeseen costs, for example, for medical treatment. In general, fish farming is a profitable business, the main thing is to find distribution channels. It can be a restaurant, cafe, and other catering establishments, as well as sales at small or wholesale outlets.

Commercial offers

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By approaching the formation of the pond correctly, studying the parameters of the water and preparing everything for the launch of the fry, the owner will be able to grow the fish to the optimal size. Careful maintenance and cleaning of the artificial reservoir will increase the number of fish for sale, which means increasing the amount of profit.

  • Home fish farming from scratch
  • Farming fish at home as a business
  • Pond equipment

At the moment, many experts in the field of fish farming, consider the fish business quite promising direction. Therefore, by creating conditions for its development, it is possible to solve the problem of providing the state with fish and help fish farms in such a difficult task as growing various fish species.

Previously, it was popular to breed fish in artificial reservoirs, but in this case, poachers interfered with the growth and development of young and grown-up individuals, it is for this reason that fish farmers began to engage in organized reproduction and rearing of fish on mini-farms and at home. But in order for fish breeding to be successful, a novice fish farmer needs to study the breeding instructions and adhere to all prescribed rules. Without what home fish farming will not bring the desired results?

Home fish farming from scratch

The most important resource for growing any breed of fish is water. The growth, development and health of young animals will depend on its quality.

Step one. Creation of an artificial reservoir.

Before you start creating a pond, you need to take the time to fully analyze the water, having studied all the indicators and quality standards necessary to populate the reservoir with new residents.

For this purpose, it is best to contact the Epidemiological Surveillance and ask specialists to conduct necessary tests water environment and give advice on its improvement, if necessary. If the quality of the water does not meet the standards, do not fall into despair. It is enough to aerate and clean the pond and everything will return to normal.

Step two. Determination of the quality of water resources.

Water in a fish pond without fail must have the following characteristics:

  • The optimal ratio of salts;
  • Regular and irregular temperature conditions;
  • The total number of microorganisms living in it and PH;
  • General transparency;
  • The presence of minerals necessary for future fish;
  • color qualities;
  • The ratio of gases dissolved in water;

If all these characteristics correspond to the declared standards, then it will be possible to grow fish without any problems.

Step three. Baby launch.

Before you start the fry into the pond, you need to know what temperature regime is suitable for the breed of fish you have chosen. There are fish that are more suitable for cold water, and there are fish species that will only feel comfortable in warm water.

Cold-loving breeds include grass carp, carp, catfish, crucian carp, sterlet, silver carp, trout, peled and salmon. Heat-loving fish need to provide a water temperature of at least twenty degrees, and for those who prefer cool waters from ten to twenty degrees. Wintering in the reservoir will also be determined by fish species.

Step four. Stages of growing fish.

In order to properly build your own mini fish farm, you need to know that when growing fish, breeding stages are taken into account. First, the fish spawn, then fry appear, then the wintering stage follows, the next growth stage, and experienced fish farmers consider the feeding stage to be the last step.

Taking them into account, it is possible to clearly distinguish between these periods and create the necessary scheme for the growth and development of young and reared individuals. For each of these stages, it is best to equip your own pond or use plastic pools.

In a pool or reservoir for spawning, fish farmers are engaged in breeding fry from eggs. The hatched fry are transplanted into a pond where they will grow. Upon reaching a certain age, they are placed in a nursery pond, where they will gain weight. When the generation gets stronger and it will no longer be possible to worry about its health, it is transferred to a feeding pond, but for wintering a special wintering pond with appropriate conditions for fish is used.

In order for the fish to grow and develop well, the water in the reservoir must be clean and enriched with oxygen. Also, it should not contain hydrogen sulfide and methane. To avoid their appearance, the pond must be created in the appropriate area, which can be determined using a geodetic map. Also in the pond there should be appropriate vegetation that will saturate the water with substances useful for fish.

Step five. Feeding.

Not only water plays an important role in fish farming, but also the use of appropriate feed additives. In order to grow healthy fish, it is necessary to use feed mixtures appropriate for each breed. They are made up of fats, fiber, legumes, grains, proteins, minerals and vitamins needed by fish. The secret of success is simple: in order for the fish to grow well, fish farmers fertilize the reservoirs and mineralize them.

For each age of the fish, it is necessary to use their own feed additives, as well as to increase immunity, they use therapeutic stress food that helps the fish cope with the disease and gain immunity to it. That, in principle, is all that fish farmers who decide to grow fish at home need to know.

Farming fish at home as a business

For growing fish, water is the most important thing; without it, it is simply impossible to breed any of the fish species. It is for this reason that before deciding to grow fish at home, it is necessary to build an artificial reservoir suitable for it.

For this purpose, you can rent a state reservoir, but this idea is better left. Because it will take you a lot of time to obtain various permits and approvals, and in addition to all this, your “fishing place” will also be threatened by poachers trying to catch as much as possible in your reservoir. more fish. For this reason, it is best to forget about renting a pond from government agencies. Moreover, the cost of a business on the basis of state lease will be very expensive for you.

Another option is to create an artificial pond in your suburban or summer cottage. The creation of an artificial reservoir will also be expensive, but it will still require much less material and nervous costs from you, and you will also be 100% sure of the reliability of your business.

If you want to breed fish for which fresh water is suitable, then you can use a polycarbonate greenhouse with a plastic pool installed in it. It also needs to purchase compressor and filtering equipment, which will cost a lack of three thousand dollars. If you can create such equipment yourself, you will significantly reduce the cost of equipping the reservoir. But before proceeding with its creation or purchase, you need to find out: what kind of equipment and materials you will need.

Pond equipment

Purification of water in the reservoir should be carried out using a gravity filter. Installing it is quite simple and it won't take you much time. It costs about five thousand rubles. It is used not only to purify water, but allows you to remove microorganisms that cause water blooms and the appearance of mud.

In order to saturate the water with oxygen, compressor equipment is used. Its cost can reach ten thousand rubles. In order to prevent the water in the reservoir from blooming, sterilizers with ultraviolet diodes are used. To pump water from a reservoir, you need to purchase a hydraulic pump (about five thousand rubles). You can also make it yourself by assembling it from tubes. In this case, the reservoir will be filled with water from underground sources and springs. Feeders can be purchased at stores that sell fishing tackle. Also, do not forget about the drain equipment.

Costs and fish farming technology

The benefits of fish farming are obvious. In the market, let's take, for example, sturgeon, a kilogram costs about two hundred rubles. Buying fry or breeding them yourself, you can get up to a ton of fish per year, which is about one and a half thousand kilograms, which means three hundred thousand rubles.

By spending one hundred and fifty thousand on your fish business, you can work off the costs for the year and still make a profit. The main thing is to find sales points and then you don’t have to worry about profits.

Of course, only those people who understand all the risks and are ready to take them can engage in fish breeding, because this type of business is quite competitive. And if you are not ready to fight and breed really high-quality and selected fish, it is better not to start it.

And finally you accepted firm decision about setting up a fish farm. What documents will you need? Since you will start entrepreneurial activity, you will need to register your business. This will also incur additional costs. You will also need a license to grow fish, which will need to be issued. And when you get the first "harvest", you will still have to go through product quality control and obtain special permission from the relevant structures.

What is the best fish to breed?

If the cost of creating an artificial reservoir is easy to calculate, then the cost of acquiring and growing fish is very difficult. It is for this reason that a clear business plan is essential.

The most unpretentious fish in food and maintenance is carp. It is also available at a cost. When buying a ton of carp fry, you will need to spend about a thousand dollars. Moreover, this fish breed will not begin to multiply immediately, but only after three years. In addition, in the cold season, carps grow twice as slowly.

In industrial terms, all varieties of sturgeon are considered the most profitable fish species. An adult sturgeon weighs an average of five hundred grams. A kilogram of sturgeon in wholesale will cost about ten dollars. In your artificial pond, you can grow about a ton of such fish in six months. And this means that this business can really be called profitable.

Growing fish at home on a mini-farm: how to organize it correctly?

If you follow all the above tips, then growing fish in your pond or pool is not a problem. This is exactly what farmer Mikhail Atamanov does, growing sterlet and trout on his farm in Yaroslavl. For a year he grows and sells up to ten tons of fish and is not going to stop there. According to him, such a business brings him not only tangible profits, but also pleasure.

The business associated with the sale of food products has always been considered extremely profitable. Eco-friendly products made at home are always valued especially. One of the options for such a business is fish farming.

Fish is a universal product suitable for almost everyone, so the demand for it is very high. On the shelves of stores, in addition to the products of farm reservoirs, you can often find home-grown fish. This type of business is suitable for both residents of small settlements and entrepreneurs from large cities.

Breeding fish requires preliminary preparation and obtaining the necessary knowledge. It is not enough just to find a place to grow fish, buy fry for breeding and wait for them to gain mass.

In order for the business to be truly profitable, it is advisable at the very beginning to study the experience of colleagues, visit fish farms, and familiarize yourself with the conditions for breeding fish of different species.

Valuable advice and experience of colleagues can greatly help in initial stage.

In addition to knowledge, at the initial stage, financial investments will be required to equip the reservoir, purchase the necessary equipment, and cover operating and other costs.

What is the best fish to breed

A feature of fish farming is the relatively quick payback of the business, since the fish is growing rapidly and gaining weight, which means that the return on investment is not long in coming. Many species of fish are fast-growing, and they are the most popular.

Most often, the following types of fish are grown at home:

  • carps;
  • fish of the salmon family;
  • sturgeon fish;
  • catfish;
  • tilapia, trout.

Carp breeding is widespread throughout the post-Soviet space. Carp are omnivorous, but they tend to consume aquatic insects, worms, mollusks and zooplankton. With the right diet, they grow quite quickly.

Catfish are famous for the fact that they easily get along in reservoirs with other types of fish. Tilapia is different large sizes and rapid growth.

Salmon and sturgeon feed mainly on other fish. Their breeding can be a risky business, given the high cost of feed and little consumer demand associated with the high cost of these species of fish.

What is required to organize a business

To organize a fish farming business, you will need:

  • organized space for growing fish (artificial reservoir, pool or natural reservoir);
  • cleaning equipment, pumps and other devices (for example, used for automated feeding of fish);
  • feed and feed additives;
  • fry directly.

At the initial stage, there may be costs associated with the purchase or lease of land, premises, the arrangement of water bodies, the purchase or lease Vehicle, water supply devices and oxygen sensors.

In addition, funds will be needed to pay for electricity, fuel and chemical components. Among the items of expenditure may also be taxes, payment of wages to involved employees, mobile communications services and much more.

All these costs should be accounted for in the business plan. In addition to costs, the document should contain indicative terms for reaching cost recovery and making a profit. Even before organizing all the work, it is necessary to clearly understand what will be the marketing channels for farmed fish or fish products.

Features of growing fish

Fish farming is a specific industry requiring knowledge in topics such as water quality control, disease control, organization proper nutrition and others.

For fish farming, a prerequisite is the availability of a constant source of high-quality water.

The water temperature can be adjusted depending on what kind of fish is bred in the reservoir.

It is important to equip convenient shores of the reservoir so that there are no difficulties with feeding and catching fish. Artificial tanks for fish should be of a comfortable size. Most often, rounded plastic pools with a diameter of about two meters and a depth of more than a meter are used for breeding fish.

You can start with the arrangement of one or two containers, with the successful promotion of the case, their number can be increased.

Separate requirements are imposed on the premises in which artificial reservoirs are located. As a rule, they maintain a constant temperature in the range of 18-22 degrees. The room itself should also be comfortable - its area should be at least 30 square meters.

With self-breeding of fish, all work takes no more than three to four hours a day. Workers should be hired with an increase in the number of pools and with the expansion of production activities.

Sales and income

When organizing a business, it is important to think through everything possible options product sales. The sales market can be quite wide: you can sell fish in shops or markets. In addition, you can negotiate its sale with cafes, restaurants and enterprises specializing in conservation.

Cafes and restaurants are most often interested in fish weighing 500-600 grams. Such indicators can be achieved with good hands in just six months. You can also sell caviar, which is always highly appreciated by buyers. To do this, it is necessary to grow a more adult stock of fish (up to 4 years).

When breeding fish in natural reservoirs (ponds), you can offer clients paid fishing as an additional income.

It must be remembered that the field of fish farming is not rare, and competition among entrepreneurs can be high. In order to attract buyers, it is necessary to set prices a few percent lower than those of other sellers. This will allow you to acquire regular customers and establish the necessary business relationships.

Considering that the cost of fish starts from 100-120 rubles per kilogram, it is possible to recoup investments in one year, and sometimes in a shorter period. Business profitability can reach 50%.

When positive results are achieved, it will be possible to expand production and bring it to new stage and, accordingly, to a new level of income.

Fishing in our country is exactly the niche that makes sense to occupy, because this direction is not yet actively developed..

Meanwhile, more and more more people prefer fish over the meat of birds and mammals. Partly because fish meat is dietary, partly because of moral reasons - the number of vegetarians in the world is increasing every year.

The cost of fish in our country, in comparison with other countries, is quite expensive - this is due to the cold climate and the corresponding difficulties in breeding.

Some people don't want to accept live fish, someone pays for the goods only after the sale - these the nuances must be reflected in the resume when drawing up a business plan for growing fish.

How to organize a home fish farm?

It is worth noting that breeding fish is not at all as easy as it seems at first glance. Some breeders admit that this is even more troublesome than raising pigs or poultry.

Unpretentious, at first glance, creatures, in fact, require constant care and attention, control of water temperature, proper feeding and monitoring the ecosystem of the reservoir as a whole. It is necessary to regularly check the health status of individual fish, because a viral disease can quickly spread to the entire pond.

First of all, it is preferable for this business to have established points of sale. Practice shows that problems with buyers in the fishing business occur very often, especially when it comes to chain stores.

If you decide to seriously plunge into this area, you should be prepared for a large investment of time and effort. Neglect in relation to these small factors will lead to sad consequences.

Perhaps it makes sense to hire an assistant or run a business with the whole family.

Arrangement of a reservoir

  • To create a fish farm, many prefer rent a pond.
    This is really advantageous, since, in addition to direct breeding, it can be used as a paid fishing space. But at home, this is not always possible.
  • As a less costly alternative frequently used swimming pools.
    They are good because they are equipped with devices for adjusting water temperature, oxygen levels and other indicators. And in general, it is much more convenient to watch fish in them: you can track emerging diseases, protect the “baby” from attacks by predators.
  • The third option is creating your own small ponds in the garden.
    This path is attractive because it is easy to plant plants in such a reservoir, which will later serve as food for fish. In this case, there is no need to constantly take care of the feed and calculate its quantity. The arrangement of the pond, moreover, is more economical - after all, the cost of pools is quite noticeable.

The issue of feeding is of fundamental importance, since overfeeding fish is harmful not only for their development - the remains of rotting food in the reservoir do not contribute to a favorable microclimate of the entire ecosystem.

To equip a reservoir on the site, it is necessary to dig a pit and provide a bottom layer. To do this, alternate clay, asbestos, expanded clay and sand. You can also use concrete as a coating, and pour the soil on top.

The only inconvenience of an artificial pond: it is advisable to plant plants at least three months before the appearance of fish in it to form the desired ecosystem. Otherwise, with an earlier launch of the inhabitants, for some time you will have to feed them yourself. In winter, it is better to clear the pond of vegetation.

The disadvantage of natural reservoirs is that the water there often does not warm up enough, and when the fish is cold, it stops gaining weight, and the food is wasted. Swimming pools can solve this problem almost completely.

Choice of direction

It depends on many factors: the region, climatic features, the interests of buyers, etc.

What kind of fish to choose for business is up to you:

  • Carp is considered one of the most profitable breeds for breeding - it is not too whimsical, and the meat of this fish has an unusual taste.
  • Trout on the market is valued three times higher, however, more effort will be required from you: this fish is unusually fastidious in care.
  • Other species are also bred - tench, sturgeon, pike, etc.

The demand is mainly for the first two varieties of fish. When choosing, you also need to remember - how bigger fish the more it is in demand in the market, and the higher your future profit.

However, it is worth remembering that it is not always possible to keep fish of different colors in the same reservoir: these creatures have their own hierarchy, and it is better to avoid collisions if possible.

Is it profitable to engage in this branch of animal husbandry?

While ensuring normal growth, well-established sales and active sales, fish farming business can be very profitable.

But to achieve such a result in the current conditions is not too easy for several reasons:

  • Compared to the 90s, the demand for fish in Russia has fallen markedly, many people cannot afford to buy it.
  • Another a significant minus - a fairly long payback.
    Fish grow extremely slowly, and some species even throughout their lives. In order to reach your maximum weight, carp takes three years, trout - two and a half. Not every breeder is willing to wait that long, so some buy "young animals", although this is much more expensive than buying fry, but here you have to choose.
  • The “capriciousness” of the fish is also important.
    For example, carp can be fed very well on special ready-made mixtures, but the taste of meat will leave much to be desired.

To make the fish tasty, it needs a lot of attention and a special diet.

Fish may lose its taste, including due to improper maintenance during transportation. In this case, the buyer has the right to return the entire batch, declaring it a "marriage".

On the other hand, the high fecundity of fish and excellent profitability with well-established channels can compensate for all shortcomings.

Farm equipment

If you decide to breed fish in pools, for this you will need a room with an area of ​​​​50 sq.m. It should be well heated, be equipped with electricity and running water.

You can use containers of different depths: many small pools (about 1 m deep) or several deep ones. But it should be borne in mind that the larger the volume of "dwelling" for fish, the more power you need to operate the equipment.

To equip the pools you need the following:

  • Pumps for pumping water;
  • Filters that purify water from microbes and contaminants;
  • oxygen generators;
  • Thermometers and other devices for monitoring temperature, water level, etc.;
  • Incubator. If it is available, you will be able to buy not fry, but caviar, and breed offspring on your own, so you can save a lot.

At the very beginning of the activity, it is better to try to save on technology - for example, use not inflatable pools, but plastic containers, or even self-made ones.

Already in the future, after the project pays off, you can think about more expensive equipment: special pools, automatic feeding systems, etc.

According to experienced entrepreneurs, significantly increases business profitability using fish breeding modules. In this case, fry are grown in special containers equipped with tap systems for collecting and draining water, aeration, filtration and UV sterilization.

See the video about the experience of using production fish breeding modules for organizing a sturgeon breeding business:

Sample financial plan

Provided that you organize a small home farm that does not use a third-party labor force and keep costs to a minimum, you might end up with the following business plan:

  • Fry - 300-500 rubles per kg.
    When deciding on the number of fry, keep in mind that approximately 10% will die, and only 30% will be able to gain full weight. Accordingly, if conditions permit, it is better to buy as much as possible.
  • Pool for growing fish - from 4 thousand rubles per piece;
  • Equipment for swimming pools - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Compound feed for fish - from 10 thousand rubles per ton.

With maximum savings at the initial stage, you can meet 100 thousand rubles.

It is important to remember that trying to save on fry and, for example, catching them in a pond is not the most best idea. There is a high risk that the fish will be sick.

In the future, also possible unforeseen costs should be taken into account e.g. for treatment.

The average market value of a kilogram of fish is 200 rubles.

By purchasing fry for 15 thousand rubles, you can get a ton of meat from one cubic meter of water per year, thus reaching annual profit of 200 thousand rubles.

The business is profitable, but we should not forget about its long payback period. However, the wait is worth it in order to subsequently regularly receive stable profits.

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Fish growth continues throughout life. But the increase in body weight occurs unevenly. Juveniles grow faster than adults. In addition, the intensity of growth depends on the season, food supply and characteristics of the reservoir. For example, carp does not grow at all in winter, because when low temperatures he stops eating.

When breeding fish in a pond, these features must be taken into account. Only in this case, the cultivation of fowl will be successful. You will find relevant recommendations in this article.

Growing fish in the country: what types to choose

Each variety of fish requires not only certain feeds and conditions, but also breeding technology.

The easiest way is to populate the yearlings in the pond in the spring and catch them in the fall. But if there is no opportunity to buy grown young animals, the pond is populated with fry and grown according to the method of breeding marketable underyearlings.

When self-breeding carp from fry, it is necessary to equip several types of ponds for spawning, rearing young animals and winter maintenance. Breeding young animals is a great way to save money on the purchase of ready-made planting material.

Note: The most suitable carp breeds are those that are common in the region of your homestead. For example, in the south it is better to grow the Stavropol and Krasnodar varieties, in temperate climate- Parsky and Central Russian, and in the north - Sarboyan and Altai.

Since carp females are highly prolific, only a few males and females are needed for full breeding. As a rule, fish are used for spawning no more than seven years. Producers are kept separately from other fish. In addition, during the spawning period, they need to be intensively fed. Only high-quality males and females without defects are suitable for breeding.

Note: It is difficult to determine the sex of carps. This can be done only in sexually mature individuals and only during the spawning period. At this time, in females, the genital opening increases and turns red, and the abdominal cavity becomes soft. During the spawning period, males develop warts on their gills and head.

Spawning productivity depends not only on the quality of males and females, but also on the preparation of the reservoir. Since carp lay their eggs in the substrate, the bottom should be covered with soft vegetation, turf or needles. Sometimes artificial spawning grounds are equipped. The water temperature should be no higher than 18 degrees. Females lay eggs, and males fertilize them. Caviar matures in 3-5 days, depending on the water temperature. An indicator of 18-26 degrees is considered optimal.

For normal growth young animals need to be provided with good protein food: small crustaceans, insect larvae, etc. Since a lot of larvae are hatched from one nest, after growing up they need to be seated, since the natural food supply of the pond will not be enough.

  • When buying fry, you must first hold them a little in the water for transportation, and only then transplant them into a new pond. This is necessary to equalize the temperature. If this is not done, the fry will experience temperature shock and die.
  • It is necessary to bring into the pond slaked lime to normalize acidity and prevent diseases.
  • Regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers contributes to the formation of a natural forage base. However, when too much manure is applied, the hydrochemical composition of water deteriorates, so organic matter must be supplemented with mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus). They must first be dissolved in water. But if the pond is intensively overgrown with algae, fertilizers are not applied.
  • Special ponds should be prepared for wintering. If the reservoir is covered with a thick crust of ice, its depth should be about two meters. Water must be further aerated by making holes or connecting compressors. If possible, you can bring into the pond clean water. In winter, carps are not fed, because at low temperatures they stop eating. In the spring, carp begin to be fed, and the amount of food brought in in the summer reaches two times a day. In addition, the fish must be gradually caught. Reducing the number of individuals will help grow higher quality products.

Young carp need additional feeding. Food is brought in once or twice a day. The number of feedings increases as the water temperature rises.

Note: You can use the white disc to determine if fertilizer needs to be applied. It is immersed in water to a depth at which it will be visible. If the visibility limit is at a depth of 25-30 cm, fertilizers can not be applied, and if more than 50, the pond is fertilized.

During the cultivation of carp, it is necessary to control the size of the fish by conducting control catches. The fish are measured, weighed and released back into the water. If individuals begin to lag behind in growth, water quality, food supply and oxygen content should be checked.

  • Goldfish

This fish is unpretentious to the quality of water, which can be bred in a wide variety of water bodies. Usually crucian carp feeds on small crustaceans, but the natural food supply can be quickly depleted, so additional mineral and organic fertilizers should be applied. This stimulates the formation of feed, since crucian carp consumes artificial nutrition poorly.

In winter, crucian carp do not eat, and feed consumption begins only after the air temperature rises to 6-8 degrees. Of particular value is the hybrid of silver carp and carp, which is not only resistant to living conditions, but also undemanding to feed.

  • White amur

It can be grown both separately and together with other fish that feed on vegetation. Planting density depends on the amount of aquatic vegetation. If the pond is moderately overgrown, you can grow 1-2 fish per 10 square meters. With a lack of vegetation, artificial feed is introduced, but grass carp eats them much worse.

  • white carp

It can be grown at high density. This is due to the fact that the silver carp eats mainly aquatic vegetation. For full growth, individuals need not only a good food base, but also a favorable regime. The water temperature should be 25-27 degrees, and the oxygen level should be at least 5 mg / l.

It is characteristic that ponds for silver carp should not be deep. The penetration of sunlight into the water column not only contributes to warming, but also stimulates the growth of algae.

  • bighead carp

Unlike the white carp, the bighead carp feeds on zooplankton rather than algae, although the growing regime for these varieties is the same. Considering that there are usually more algae in ponds than plankton, the stocking density of bighead carp should be less than that of white carp. However, it can be grown together with carp without the risk of forage competition.

  • Rainbow trout

It grows and develops rapidly in cool water saturated with oxygen. The optimum temperature is 14-18 degrees. The fish feel good even at lower rates, but if it exceeds +22 Celsius, the trout stops eating and growing.

Trout ponds should be flowing, but they can also be grown in cages or pools. Spawning is artificially stimulated by collecting eggs and sperm. In the future, dry or semi-dry insemination is carried out (Figure 1):

  • When dry, caviar and sperm are mixed, poured with water (so that the liquid covers the caviar), mixed again and washed after 5-10 minutes. After that, the caviar should be left in water for 3 hours to swell.
  • When semi-dry, the sperm is diluted with water and added to the eggs just before insemination. The products are immediately mixed, and when the caviar swells, it is transferred to a special incubation apparatus. It is constantly supplied with water. Hatching occurs in about 5-7 days.

Figure 1. The order of insemination of trout eggs

The incubation apparatus must be covered, as the larvae do not tolerate light well. Fry are transplanted into pools after the gallbladder is completely dissolved. Examples of incubators for breeding trout fry are shown in Figure 2.

  • Peled, pelchir

These are demanding fish, preferring cool waters with oxygen-enriched water. The advantage should be given to flowing ponds, but fish can also be grown in stagnant ponds, however, care must be taken to ensure that the water contains a sufficient amount of oxygen (6-7 mg / l).

  • Sturgeons

They can be grown in small ponds, pools and cages. They must be flowing, and the slopes must be strengthened. Beluga, bester and paddlefish are distinguished by the fastest growth, therefore they are mainly bred in household plots.

Economically profitable is the cultivation of channel catfish. He adapts well to different conditions cultivation, undemanding to feed and growing rapidly. When introducing artificial feed, preference should be given to products rich in protein. In addition to ponds, catfish can be grown in pools and cages, but a more intensive feeding regimen should be provided.

This is a predatory fish that increases the productivity of water bodies. In the presence of a sufficient amount of feed, pike can be grown together with crucian carp or carp. As a rule, the stocking density is 2 individuals per 100 square meters, but if there is a lack of feed, the stocking density should be reduced.

  • buffalo

Heat-loving fish, reservoirs for rearing which must meet the standard requirements for ponds for herbivorous species. Buffalo feeds on aquatic vegetation, and to achieve good weight individuals need to provide a complete food base.

  • Acne

One of the most valuable species due to its high palatability. In addition, eels are quite easy to breed. The larvae are caught in coastal waters natural reservoirs and transplanted into ponds. Planting density can reach 2 thousand individuals per square meter. Here the larvae stay for about a month, after which they are sorted by size and seated in different water bodies.

Figure 2. Examples of fry incubators

When grown in pools, the fish will be ready for sale in 3-4 months, but for this it is necessary to ensure high water flow and good aeration.

  • Tilapia

In temperate climates, tilapia can only be grown in artificial reservoirs with a controlled temperature regime. Under this condition, further breeding of tilapia is not difficult. They reproduce quickly and easily, tolerate transportation well and are not very demanding on feed.

In addition, tilapia can be bred together with other fish that feed on aquatic vegetation.

From the video you will learn how to properly incubate eggs and keep fry.

Do-it-yourself pond construction

If your site already has a small pond, you can successfully use it for breeding fish. But, if there is no pond, you will have to build it yourself. First of all, you need to choose the right place for the reservoir: it should be in partial shade, in the lowest area (Figure 3).

Note: Pond shading can be made artificial, as closely spaced trees will contaminate the water with leaves, and roots can disturb the shoreline.

To build a pond with your own hands, follow these instructions:

  1. The depth of the reservoir should be at least a meter, and the length and width is determined by the personal preferences of the owner.
  2. The soil at the bottom of the pit is carefully compacted and covered with a layer of cement.
  3. After the solution has solidified, a special polyethylene film for artificial reservoirs is laid on the bottom of the pit. It will help to quickly and easily clear the pond of debris.
  4. Next, you can start filling the pond with water. First you need to pour out a third of the planned liquid so that the film at the bottom straightens out. After that, soil and river sand are laid out at the bottom, and aquatic plants are planted. Only after that you can run the remaining water.

Figure 3. The main stages of the construction of the pond

At the final stage, you can decorate the banks of the reservoir with ornamental shrubs, trees and grass. It is not recommended to launch fish immediately after construction: the water should stand for a while so that it has its own environment of microorganisms and temperature. To speed up this process, you can leave some withered grass at the bottom or pour two or three buckets of water from a natural reservoir into the pond.

Breeding fish at home

There are several methods of breeding fish at home. they depend on the type of fish and the way it is fed. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Extensive system

Special feeds are not brought into the reservoir, and the fish feeds only on the food base existing in the pond. In fact, this is pasture fish farming. Its main advantage is the minimum financial costs for obtaining finished products.

This method can be successfully applied in the southern regions and in large reservoirs, where the natural food base allows you to grow carp along with other herbivorous fish.

Semi-intensive method

The basis of this method is that the need for protein in fish is provided by natural feed, while the energy requirement is provided by special carbohydrate supplements (for example, corn, wheat or barley).

The use of such a breeding system allows for a more thoughtful use of the natural food base and accelerates growth. aquatic life for further implementation.

Intensive breeding system

The forage base is created artificially, by melioration, fertilization and fodder. For this method, it is necessary to equip special reservoirs (examples are shown in Figure 4).

Figure 4. Ponds and tanks for intensive fish farming

The intensive method of fish breeding includes several technologies that are successfully used in modern enterprises:

  1. Traditional: it is mainly used for growing herbivorous fish (for example, carp). The technology involves the use of several types of ponds for each growing cycle: spawning, nursery, fry, wintering and feeding. If fry are purchased from another farm, nursery ponds may not be equipped. Also, the technology implies a different level of intensification. If it is high, the fish are fed repeatedly, and several varieties can be in the same reservoir at the same time. In such conditions, up to 5 tons of fish can be obtained from one hectare of a reservoir. However, the effectiveness of traditional technology depends on the quality of running water, aeration and liming of the pond.
  2. Continuous: young animals are grown up to a certain weight (1-2 grams), and then brought to marketable weight, without transplanting to other reservoirs. This method is simpler as it only requires the use of two types of ponds: fry and nursery.
  3. Method of rearing marketable underyearlings: with this method, they practice earlier obtaining larvae and their further rearing in warm water. After that, the fish are grown in a sparse landing. During the season, you can get underyearlings weighing up to 500 grams.
  4. high intensity(figure 5): refers to cultivation in tanks and cages. The cages are placed in natural reservoirs or coolers of industrial enterprises. With a high-intensity method, fish farming can be done all year round, breeding heat-loving species in summer and cold-loving species in winter.

Figure 5. Artificial reservoirs for high-intensity fish farming

When choosing a technology, one should focus not only on feeding conditions and water quality, but also on the type of fish. Below are the main features of breeding certain varieties.

Any of the selected methods involves stocking the reservoir with fish. How this process is carried out correctly is shown in the video.

What to feed the fish in the pond

The quality of feed and water directly affects the growth rate of fish. In addition, development slows down after puberty, so young individuals are of particular interest for household plots. As a rule, the rearing period lasts no more than two years, since during this time the fish reach the desired size, but the puberty period has not yet begun.

Figure 6. Requirements for the arrangement of a reservoir for fish farming

In addition, you need to properly equip the reservoirs for breeding. Examples are shown in Figure 6.

Note: When choosing a species for breeding in a homestead, you need to focus not only on the intensity of growth, but also on other indicators: water quality, availability of suitable feed and climate zone in which the farm is located.

All types of fish are divided into heat-loving and cold-loving (Figure 7). The first group includes most popular varieties (for example, crucian carp, carp, etc.). The second is much smaller in number. It includes species such as trout, whitefish, whitefish and peled. For example, cold-loving varieties are demanding on the level of oxygen in the water (the indicator must be at least 9).

Figure 7. Common types of fish to grow in a pond. Heat-loving: 1 - crucian carp, 2 - carp; cold-loving: 3 - trout, 4 - peled

In addition, they require lower levels of nitrogen and organic matter. For example, in a pond for growing carp, the nitrogen content can reach one and a half units, while in ponds for trout this figure should be zero.

Better own pond in the country there can only be its own stocked pond in the country! Fishing at any convenient time and in any weather, caught fattened and ecological fish - what could be better for an avid fisherman?

The correct dimensions of the fish pond

Of course, first of all, you may need a home pond for breeding fish. Therefore, you first need to decide on its location. The best option would be a low, semi-shaded place. It is not worth planting trees specially, their roots can deform the reservoir, and the leaves, having attacked and started to rot, will ruin it in the end.

Now about the dimensions. A depth of at least one meter is required, but ideally it all depends on the species of fish that are planned to be bred in it. Smaller is better. but deeper than the wide and shallow version, the second will absorb too much oxygen, and in fact it is necessary for fish to breathe.

In winter, to provide fish with oxygen, it will be convenient to freeze a bundle of straw right in it, through its hollow tubes oxygen will perfectly reach the depths of the pond. Small holes drilled in the ice will also enrich the water with oxygen.

Also, take into account not only the size of the fish, but also their number, so that they do not become crowded in a small pond, because one fish 10 cm long needs 50 liters of water. A large amount of food, some of which is likely to remain uneaten, can contribute to water spoilage.

In a deep reservoir, it is easier for fish to winter without fear of freezing through. BUT! sultry summer days layers of water will warm up unevenly, which will slow down the reproduction of microorganisms that are also needed as food for fish. Consider also the clean area of ​​​​the water surface without vegetation, and the way the water is filtered.

Popular fish breeds for an artificial reservoir

Here it is also worth talking about what kind of fish is best to breed in a small pond. Carp and crucian carp are the most popular for breeding in artificial ponds. Further behind them are tench, goldfish and cold water trout.

Carp will not be cramped at all in small reservoirs, oddly enough, he gets fat even better there. In a small space, you don’t walk around much, but they feed regularly and well. This contributes to active weight gain. This is an unpretentious and omnivorous fish, especially it is satisfied with the sun with slightly alkaline water. Then it will grow rapidly and mature to sexual maturity by the fourth year of life.

So, for carp, you need a reservoir from one and a half meters deep, four meters long, and six meters wide. No more than twenty individuals per cube of water. Then an excellent biting of fat carps will be provided to you!

Now about carp. For them, just grace is stagnant water with an abundance of different vegetation. The size of a favorable pond for them is the same as for carp, so they will be easy to keep in the same pond. In this case, do not forget to take care of holes in the ice in winter to supply oxygen to so many fish.

But tench carp can not stand. And in a shallow pond it will fight with carps for food. Although they are also unpretentious and omnivorous breed.

Goldfish, despite the noble name, are actually unpretentious both in terms of food and living conditions. From just one pair of these individuals, the pond will be populated by many goldfish very, very quickly. Imagine a pond teeming with shiny goldfish. You just run out of desires, but you won't run out of fish!

They are just as shiny japanese carps koi, and the color of the offspring by parents cannot be predicted. Another greedy breed. Therefore, spacious and deep reservoirs are respected, the muddy bottom of which can be searched for a long time, looking for food. By the way, they also eat small fish.

So, we take up the construction of the pond

Here we are talking about how to breed fish in a home pond. But first it is worth building the pond itself. After you have decided on the desired dimensions, we proceed to dig the pit. Its bottom must be properly tamped. Then it is advisable to cement it and close it with plastic wrap on top. With proper care, it will last for several years. If this is an expensive option for your wallet, then just cover the bottom of the future pond with a film. Also, as a budget option, consider leaving a lot of unusable tires glued together at the bottom.

If funds allow you, you can buy special coconut or synthetic mats. Algae grow very quickly on their surface and the coastal edge will become reliably masked.

Now that the pit is completed and processed, you can fill it with water. And not immediately to the brim, but first by one third, and better than well or spring water. And the film with such a gradual filling will have time to level off. At the bottom we pour a layer of river sand, where we plant various algae. And now we add water to the end.

In conclusion, we are engaged in landscaping the coast. We add cattail, reeds and willow to the pond landscape. If the reservoir was also planned for breeding crayfish, then it is simply necessary to have stones, broken pots and so on as shelters for them at its bottom.

The microclimate of your pond

So the water is full. But you can’t immediately launch fish there in any case! First you need to let it settle and warm up. You can pour a bucket of water from a natural reservoir to populate the microflora.

A neutral environment with an acidity level of 7 - 8 ph is considered best conditions. If the acidity drops to 5, then it is urgent to acidify the water with soda or limestone. Therefore, do not forget about measuring acidity in different places of the pond, because it depends on the rate of interaction of substances with the sun.

And before releasing fish into the pond, it is necessary to balance the temperatures in the pond and in the tank where the fish were kept all the time in order to exclude temperature shock for them, which even adults cannot endure.

The best fish food

You were able to learn about what kind of fish to breed in a pond in the country. Now it is worth figuring out what kind of food to use in order for your fish to eat and grow well in the pond. For carp and tench, the question is unprincipled, they will gratefully absorb everything that the owner has given them. Usually they are fed simple compound feed for birds or pigs. If it is presented as a powder, then it will be necessary to mix it with pond water before the formation of porridge.

The rest of the fish respect the mixture of cereals and legumes. It must be scalded before feeding for better swelling. Well, no fish will ever deny itself the pleasure of eating earthworms or some kind of insects. In terms of quantity, the feed may exceed the mass of the fish, but not more than 6 percent.

Usually the fish are fed twice a day, always in the same place. The best place for this is a shallow place where you can put a tray of treats directly into the water and then remove it. This will eliminate the presence of possible food residues in the water, which will quickly spoil the water.

Summing up

Now you know how to breed fish in a dug pond. Who's to say that fish can't be trained? Try feeding them in the same place at the same time and see what happens! And if you also accustom them to the sound of a bell before feeding, then your fish will become like obedient students going to a lesson with a bell.

Such a pond can be used not only for your pleasure, but also as a source of income. After all, you can not only sell surplus farmed fish, but also rent out a fishing pond on an hourly basis. Or maybe you can come up with something else!

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