What is fog? What is fog and how fog is formed Very heavy fog

    Fog is formed due to the condensation of water vapor in the air. In winter, this phenomenon can be observed when there is a change atmospheric front. When the temperature rises or falls sharply at night, condensation forms in the morning.

    In general, fog is a natural phenomenon that tends to appear due to the temperature difference between the words of air: the lower and upper layers. Fog can also occur in winter, especially this phenomenon is characteristic of sudden changes in temperatures from high to low. There is a process of evaporation of moisture (snow also evaporates, oddly enough) and a combination of heat, which this moisture gives to cold air. This is where the fog comes from.

    Fog arises from differences temperature regime earth and sky, in winter it does not happen often, or rather not as often as in autumn or spring, but sometimes you can see fog in winter, especially in the early morning when the night temperature is still low, but it is already starting to warm up because a new day begins.

    Usually, fogs are formed at a sufficiently high humidity, due to the condensation of water vapor. However, it often happens that in severe frost, with an anticyclone and low air humidity, quite dense fogs can form. As a rule, this phenomenon is typical for large cities, especially industrial centers. In severe frost, moisture from industrial emissions (from pipes) and automobile exhausts begins to condense. Stove heating also contributes - people heat their homes more in the private sector precisely in very coldy. And in ordinary stove smoke there is quite a lot of water vapor.

    The question is difficult for the average person to understand.

    I'll try to explain it better:

    It is cold in winter, but the earth maintains a normal temperature to some extent.

    Normal temperature radiates heat.

    When this very warm and cold winter air combine, fog is formed.

    Severe frosts always mean the corresponding temperature anomaly. In the southern regions, severe frost can be called temperature 10 degrees. In more northern 30 degrees and below. But in any case, it is once quickly supercooled air. However, fog during such frosts is generated not by air as such, but by water, moisture. During fogs of this kind, it does not descend from the sky, but rises from the earth (including breaking off from the surface of reservoirs, coming out of thousands of hot pipes). Natural (natural) fog becomes mixed with smog. Frost, as it were, transforms e (moisture) in its own way. More precisely, this can always happen, but during the drops, this phenomenon becomes the most obvious. During calm hours, the formed ground cloud becomes very noticeable, which we call frosty fog. Very often, such fog descends on tree branches and any other surfaces in the form of frost.

    Look at your eyelashes during a hard frost. They often become a model for what I have described above. 🙂

    Fog always appears due to the temperature difference between the top, that is, the air that descends from heaven, and the bottom, that is, the earth. So, on the difference in these temperatures, cold side turns due to exposure to warm vapor into droplets that create these low clouds.

    Fog is just a consequence of evaporating moisture. In severe frost, this evaporation quickly cools and turns into fog. In this way damp heat and cold meet. Cold air just touched the warmth of the still warm earth and turned into fog. The structure of the fog is different and depends on the temperature. The lower the temperature, the more ice particles. At not very low temperatures, the foggy cloud consists of water droplets.

    In Irkutsk, in severe frosts, fog occurs due to the fact that the surface of the non-freezing (after the hydroelectric power station the river is warmed up and flows for several kilometers without freezing) soars. Perhaps you have non-freezing reservoirs.

    Even in winter there is moisture in the air, way and in smaller quantities. And when severe frosts come, especially after relative heat, this moisture turns into ice floes, and we see precisely the icy fog. Moisture is also added by snow, which evaporates, giving off its heat. And with strong drops towards minus, this process is more intense, which adds moisture to the air and thickens fog. The fact that snow and ice also evaporate is proved by washed linen hung out in the cold. Even though the temperature is below zero, the laundry still dries out, although not completely.

Summer fog near the river is unusually beautiful. Only in such moments you understand how good it is to live! And the distant shores, covered with misty haze, evoke lyrical memories and dreams.

However, even the most inveterate aesthete does not always have an answer to the question of what fog is and what is the mechanism of its formation. If you also do not know this, we invite you to read our article.

You should start with the fact that this natural phenomenon is formed if the air heated during the day comes into contact with the cold surface of water or soil.

So what is fog? This is condensate in the form of tiny droplets (aerosol), which, having gathered in one place, sometimes reduce visibility to zero.

Note that the formation of fogs is impossible without solid or liquid particles, called condensation nuclei. It is on them that water begins to settle, forming drops. It goes without saying that classic water fogs are formed only when the ambient temperature is not lower than -20 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, their ice form is formed.

By the way, what is ice fog? In fact, their formation begins with the condensation of the same water on particles in the air, but due to the low temperature, these droplets instantly turn into a solid fraction. Given that the coefficient of light refraction of ice is higher, visibility in this case drops even more.

This will be confirmed to you by all drivers who have ever worked in conditions Far North. In such conditions, it is extremely difficult to drive a car, since even almost nothing helps. Yes, and the glass freezes over in a couple of minutes, so it’s simply unrealistic to see the road.

Most often, fog (the nature of which we have considered) forms in autumn, since the air during this period cools more slowly than water or water. earth's surface. At the place of occurrence of this natural phenomenon, humidity atmospheric air strives for 100%.

As we have already said, the structure of the fog can be very different. The formation can be represented only by water droplets, water and ice, and also exclusively by ice crystals.

As you can see, fog is a multifaceted phenomenon of nature, and therefore it is not surprising that several of its types are distinguished:

  • Solid type. Visibility is limited to almost zero, the movement of road transport and aircraft flights are suspended.
  • Smoky variety. Visibility falls moderately, the danger at a low speed is small.
  • "Land" - fog spreads at the level of the soil.

On the shores of Canadian Newfoundland, everyone is familiar with this natural phenomenon. locals. The fact is that in these parts the Gulf Stream connects with the Labrador Current, which causes big difference temperatures. For six months everything here is shrouded in a gloomy haze, and therefore pilots and sailors really do not like this area.

But there are places on our planet where fogs have never been seen. For example, this is the Indian city of Bombay. Well, the Chilean one has not even seen rain in the last few hundred (or even thousands) years, so this natural phenomenon has nowhere to come from.

So you learned what fog is and where it comes from.

Natural phenomena are often more admired than man-made ones. No matter what a person does, everyone will look with admiration at the mountains, hurricanes and tsunamis. Admiration, horror and awe. All this is natural, in relation to such majestic and hazards. Interest can also be caused by more ordinary moments, many would not refuse to know how fog is formed and whether it is worth fearing this. natural phenomenon.

Fight with nature

Man fights with nature throughout his existence. Civilization opposes itself to chaotic primordial power:

  • People tend to love orderliness and constancy.
  • Since primitive times, it was nature, in all its manifestations, that most of all “spoiled life” for a person.
  • Struggling with the environment, the first settlers colonized new lands and asserted their power.
  • Every year, farmers entered into a deadly race with nature. Its meaning was to get as much harvest as possible in a short time and feed everyone who needs it.
  • Physicians in ancient times faced the problems of mass epidemics. Their sources were microorganisms, the same elements of wildlife.

Today, although people have moved far enough away from nature, having conquered it in many areas of their activity, humanity still depends on it in many ways. And yet it cannot be said that no “sudden turn” in the performance of Mother Nature will be able to erase our civilization and any memories of it.

Where does fog come from?

Fog, oddly enough, mist is taken from the air. To do this, depending on the area, you will need:

Fog caused by exposure to exhaust gases and emissions from factories is called smog, and it is typical for industrial centers. If 150 years ago he most often met in England, today the "palm tree" has moved to South America and China. It just so happened that Europe and the United States are trying to move their production as far as possible so as not to “enjoy” the smog and other possible consequences.

Weather changes and the presence of water bodies affect the amount of evaporated moisture, which leads to the formation of fog. This variety is less dangerous for people, it practically does not cause exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and new attacks. bronchial asthma. But the visibility is still reduced.

Such a fog spreads over the surface, disappears within a few hours. But there are exceptions, strict rules nature doesn't have much.

How does fog appear?

To deal with the formation of fog, it is necessary to remember about movement of air masses:

  1. Air moves not only horizontally, but also vertically.
  2. There are two types of masses - cold and heated air.
  3. Obeying the laws of physics, warm air rises higher, while cold air, on the contrary, descends closer to the surface.
  4. During such a movement, condensation occurs - evaporation and fixation of microscopic water droplets in the air.
  5. Best of all, they are fixed on dust particles, so even ordinary fog occurs earlier in industrial areas. What can we say about the smog.

Colossal volumes of air are constantly moving, the laws of physics also operate without change. But fog is a rare phenomenon, sometimes people forget about it for months. And the secret is simple for maximum effect maximum humidity level is also required. In a dry climate, such phenomena occur only at very low temperatures, extremely low.

So that fog is based on the movement of warm and cold air , contact and a kind of "conflict" of these two environments, ending with the evaporation of moisture in environment.

How to make fog at home?

Fog can also be created artificially. The only question is the scale and purpose:

At home you will need:

  • An empty bottle, preferably a liter. One third filled with hot water.
  • A drop of vodka to be added to water.
  • Ice tongs and, in fact, a piece of ice. It will need to be kept at the very neck.

That's the whole simple scheme. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve a thick and long fog, but even such a result will surprise the guests. For the same purposes, it is possible to acquire a special machine that, based on the same principles, will produce fog on an industrial scale. But this is an expensive option and bulky equipment. For those who are not looking for easy ways.

Fog formation by stages

There is nothing secret about the formation of fog; physicists uncovered the secret of this natural phenomenon centuries ago. How does fog form in the atmosphere?:

  1. There is a constant circulation of air in the atmosphere.
  2. Warm and cold masses move, replacing each other.
  3. During movement, condensation and evaporation of moisture occurs.
  4. Water can also evaporate from the surface of water sources if the ambient temperature is slightly lower than the water temperature.
  5. Droplets are fixed on any surface and linger in the air for a while.
  6. The delay is observed for several hours, as a rule. At this time, the surface is covered with a light haze and visibility is significantly reduced.

The fog can be a challenge for those suffering from chronic lung diseases. Most often, problems arise with smog. Reduced visibility increases the risk of accidents, so motorists need to either be extremely careful or limit their driving for a couple of hours.

Fog is an accumulation of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the surface layer of air, deteriorating horizontal visibility to 1000 m or less. In fact, it is a cloud lying on the surface of the earth or water.

Based on the main physical causes, which cause the formation of fogs, they can be divided into two main classes: cooling fogs and evaporation fogs. The first of these classes absolutely predominates.

Cooling fogs are formed by condensation or water vapor as air cools off the ground or water surface. They are divided into two types: radiative and advective.

Radiation fogs appear in conditions of stagnation of air due to its cooling at night from the cooling underlying surface. They are observed on clear, quiet nights and in the morning before sunrise. Once Sun rays begin to warm up, these fogs quickly disappear.

Advective fogs are associated with cooling warm air when moving it to a cold surface (the formation of low stratus clouds is associated with the same process, which can turn into fog when descending). These are the most powerful and long fogs. They are observed at any time of the day and can be transported over long distances.

Fog of evaporation (soaring) is formed due to the evaporation of water vapor from the underlying surface, which is warmer than the air. Such fogs are most intense in winter over non-freezing bays and polynyas; over rivers and lakes, they often appear in autumn, and on land - after heavy rains in the evening and at night in the summer-autumn period.

Most common feature distribution of fogs over the earth's surface is an increase in their frequency to high latitudes. Depending on the formation conditions, fogs on the territory of Russia have a different continuous duration. In continental regions, short-term fogs prevail, lasting no more than 2-4 hours, and on the coasts northern seas they may not stop for several days.

In the European part of Russia, the largest number of days with fogs is observed on the coast of the Arctic seas, in high mountainous regions, on the slopes of hills facing moisture-bearing streams. Of particular note is (), where the frequency of fogs is extremely high throughout the year. In some places, the average annual number of days with fog can reach 230–280, and their duration per year is 2050 hours. One fog lasts an average of 9 hours.

In conditions monsoon circulation in the Far East, a large number of fogs are observed during the warm period of the year. On , and Kuril Islands in some years, the number of days with fogs can exceed 160–180 per year with a duration of 1000–1400 hours.

The annual cycle depends on geographical conditions: over the continents, fogs form most often in autumn, over the seas and oceans - in the spring, when the water surface is the coldest.

Fogs with a visibility of 500–200 meters are already seriously impeding traffic. Fogs with a visibility of less than 50 m and a duration of 12 hours or more are classified as especially dangerous weather phenomena and can completely paralyze the work of air and sea ports, land transport. The average continuous duration of fog with a visibility of 500 m or less is usually 2–4 hours, but in some cases they can persist for more than a day.

In large industrial centers, due to the large number of active condensation nuclei emitted by industrial enterprises, fogs can form even in unsaturated air and are observed 1.5–2 times more often than in the surrounding area. In Yakutsk, for example, the duration of fogs in the city center is 1300 hours, and on the outskirts (near the airport) - 475 hours.

AT major cities In the Northwest, the number of days with visibility less than 500 m can vary from 6 to 65. The longest fogs with such visibility are observed here in the autumn months. Their continuous duration averages 3 hours. The maximum duration of fogs per year in some cities approaches 200–300 hours.

In cities Western Siberia fogs with visibility less than 500 m are observed in 50–70% of cases from total, and in the Cis-Baikal region, and - about 10%.

For large settlements The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is characterized by frosty fogs that form at temperatures of –42°C and below, in which visibility drops to 40–50 meters during the day. The most dangerous fogs form in December-January.

In coastal cities Far East, Primorye, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Islands, the most intense summer fogs.

Almost any parent once faced with the need to answer many questions of their child, revealing to him the structure of the world around us.

But how many of us are ready to answer, for example, such a simple question - what is fog? Before telling the child, adults themselves should be well versed in the topic of the issue, only in this case it is possible to become an indisputable authority for the baby in everything.

So, what is fog, why does it form, and is it harmful to health to breathe this air? Most adults can answer the first part of the question as follows: fog is small, almost indistinguishable droplets of water that condense in cold air.

At the same time, the transparency of the air deteriorates: if the visibility limit is less than one kilometer, the phenomenon is called fog. The line of sight between one and ten kilometers is called haze.

Just as steam appears over a pot of hot soup - the result of intense evaporation of water and its condensation when it comes into contact with air at room temperature - fog appears when warm layers of air cool sharply to form tiny droplets of moisture.

If the air cools down to a temperature below zero, the moisture droplets immediately freeze, forming equally small ice crystals.

types of fog

Meteorologists distinguish between several varieties of fog, depending on the method of formation and the geographical conditions of the area. They are divided into two main types: evaporative and cooling fogs.

Cooling fogs are as follows:

Radiation fogs nothing to do with radioactivity. They are formed in the summer in the evening and at night, mainly over lakes, rivers or lowlands. Due to solar radiation water in reservoirs is heated during the day. At night, the lower layers of the air cool down faster than water, which, evaporating and condensing again in cold air, forms layers of fog.

Advective fogs most common in coastal areas. They are formed due to the penetration of warm air mass from the sea to the colder coastal land line. The width of the coastline, where active fog formation is observed, can reach several hundred kilometers.

slope mists are formed on the slopes of mountains due to the rise of warm air mass from the surface of the earth and its adiabatic cooling.

Varieties of evaporation fogs:

sea ​​fogs most often formed in the cold season due to the evaporation of water from non-freezing areas of the sea. Entering the layers of frosty air, the steam condenses to form fog.

autumn mists are formed due to the evaporation of water from the surface of a river or lake, when these evaporations come into contact with the cold air of land, since water retains heat longer than land.

Mists of confusion- as the name implies, the reason for their formation is the mixing of air flows with different humidity and temperature. Mixing fogs are most common in areas where warm and cold temperatures meet. sea ​​currents.

There is another variety - city ​​fogs, the cause of which may be any of the above reasons, enhanced large quantity contained in the urban air of solid microparticles of dust, combustion products and other industrial emissions.

These particles serve as moisture condensation nuclei, due to which the fog in big cities not only formed more often than in suburban areas, but also has a number of negative qualities. Such fog in Britain is called smog.

How fog affects human health?

The usual fog that forms in clean air, is completely harmless to health, provided that the person is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Another thing is smog, which contains not only water droplets, but also car exhaust, emissions from industrial enterprises, thermal power plants and other pollution.

It certainly harms the respiratory and cardiovascular systems human body, and also negatively affects the entire environment - plants, animals, and even buildings and structures in the city.

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