Prairie animals. North American steppes, or what are prairies? Millipedes and Woodlice

In the inland regions of North America and Eurasia, vast areas are covered by more or less xerophilic grass formations known as prairies and steppes. These regions are characterized by continental types of climate, often with severe winters and stable snow cover. Precipitation is distributed relatively evenly throughout the year; summer, especially in the second half, is dry. Steppe vegetation is associated with fertile chernozem and chestnut soils.

Vegetation. As part of plant communities typical are perennial xerophilous turf grasses belonging to the genera feather grass (Stipa), fescue (Festuca), thin-legged (Koeleria), bluegrass (Pod) and some others. In the North American prairies, a significant role is also played by species of the genus bearded vulture (Andropogori) and some others that are not widely distributed in Eurasia. Rhizome grasses are also characteristic with single shoots on creeping underground rhizomes, which are generally less drought-resistant and therefore more widely distributed in the more humid parts of the steppe regions (species of bonfire, wheatgrass, etc.).

In addition to grasses, numerous xerophilic representatives of dicotyledonous plants, the so-called steppe forbs, play an important role in the composition of the steppe cover. Steppe communities, especially in drier regions, also include short-vegetating plants - annuals (ephemers) and perennials (ephemeroids), which form the spring and early summer aspects and develop especially abundantly in wet years.

In places, shrubs, sometimes growing in groups, take a significant part in the composition of the steppe vegetation. These are species of spirea, steppe cherry, juniper; in the steppes of Mongolia

the role of caragana species, which form peculiar shrub steppes, is great.

In many steppe plants, the root systems are deeply penetrating and highly branched, effectively absorbing moisture from the soil; in steppe biocenoses, the reserves of underground phytomass reach large values.

The change of aspects is well expressed from early spring to late autumn. So, for the Streltsy steppe near Kursk, there are up to 11 aspects associated with the successive mass flowering of such plants as hyacinth, iris, anemone, feather grass, sage, etc.

For steppe vegetation, fluctuations are very characteristic: in drier years, xerophilous plant species develop better, the proportion of ephemers and ephemeroids decreases; in more humid years, less drought-resistant species predominate.

For the normal development of turf grasses and many grasses, it is necessary to cleanse them of dead shoots that retain a mechanical connection with living plants, and the absence of the so-called steppe felt, a cover of dead parts of plants, on the soil surface. Thanks to the grazing of herbivorous mammals, accumulations of rags on the soil surface are loosened, which ensures the development of steppe cereals. In the absence of grazing for 4-5 years, steppe plants gradually die off.

An equally important role is played by the activity of rodents, which consume a significant part of the herbage and loosen the soil. Arranging deep holes, marmots and ground squirrels penetrate to a depth of 2 - 3 m; ejections of earth to the surface form bulk mounds, often quite numerous. There is an alternation of micro-highs and micro-lows, which leads to a certain redistribution of precipitation, in connection with which complexity often develops - different plant communities are confined to different forms of microrelief.

Moisture conditions within the vast areas of steppe biomes are heterogeneous, and therefore there is a change in the nature of the herbage, its height, phytomass, and the ratio of various life forms. According to the moisture gradient from north to south, the steppes of Eurasia are divided into subzones or latitudinal bands: meadow steppes and steppe meadows, real steppes and deserted steppes.

The vegetation cover of the meadow steppes naturally combines steppe communities with small woodlands, whence, in fact, another name for this subzone is the forest-steppe. On the distribution of vegetation big influence have a redistribution of precipitation over the relief, the degree of washing of the upper soil horizons. In this regard, in the forest-steppe of the European

In parts of Russia, steppe communities dominate the interfluve plains, oak forests gravitate towards gullies, hollows, occasionally reaching watersheds. AT Western Siberia forest biocenoses (the so-called birch groves) are confined to depressions (depressions) of the relief and are surrounded by steppe communities.

To the south, aridity increases, the climate of the steppes becomes warmer. On the northern border of the forest-steppe, the ratio of precipitation and evaporation from the open water surface is equalized, while in the strip of desert steppes, evaporation significantly exceeds the amount of precipitation. From north to south, the species richness decreases, the number of herb species decreases, in the southern part of the present, and especially in the desert steppes, the proportion of xerophytes - semi-shrubs, including wormwood species, increases, the number of aspects decreases, the height of grass stands and biomass reserves decrease.

In the North American prairies, a decrease in the amount of precipitation occurs from east to west, which determines the submeridional strike of the following subzones or bands: forest-steppe, where fragments of forests alternate (mainly from hickory and some species of oak); tall grass prairie with an abundance of forbs and high grasses (mainly species of feather grass, bearded vulture, fescue); mixed prairie; shortgrass prairie dominated by two low-growing grass species: gram grass (Boutelona gracilis) and bison grass (Buchloe dactyloides). There are few forbs here, the participation of wormwood is characteristic. Due to the fact that changes in temperature and humidity occur in different directions, significant differences can be traced in the vegetation of each of the submeridional bands from north to south.

At present, the steppes and prairies are mostly plowed up and occupied by agricultural crops (this is especially true for meadow, forb-fescue-feather grass steppes of Eurasia, forest-steppe, high-grass and mixed prairie North America). In more arid zones, where farming is risky, grazing is developed.

In the southern hemisphere, the pampas, as well as the dry grass-semi-shrub formations of Patagonia, located in the wind shadow of the Andes, are most often considered only as, to a certain extent, similar to the steppes, their original counterparts. The most important difference in the hydrothermal regime of the areas of their development is the absence of a pronounced period with negative temperatures and snow cover. This has a significant impact on the composition and structure of communities, especially their rhythm. It is characterized by year-round vegetation, a kind of bushy form of growth of cereals.

animal population. Animals of the steppes, prairies and pampas adapt to a rather harsh hydrothermal regime. Most animals are forced to limit their activity to the main

spring and, to a lesser extent, autumn periods. For a while cold winter they fall into anabiosis, and during the period of summer droughts they reduce their activity, they are in a state of so-called semi-rest. Small vertebrates - lizards, snakes, some rodents - hibernate for the winter, large mammals migrate to more southern regions with mild winters, and most birds make seasonal flights.

The absence of a tree-shrub layer determines the simplicity of the vertical structure of the animal population. One above-ground tier stands out, however, the penetration of animals into the soil horizons increases; the open landscape requires the search for shelters, and many rodents are characterized by the ability to dig complex and deep holes.

Herbaceous vegetation provides abundant food supplies for green-eating animals, and the underground parts of many geophyte plants (rhizomes, bulbs, tubers) are consumed along with roots by rhizophagous animals. A thick layer of litter and humus is inhabited by various saprophages. Thus, in the communities of the steppe, prairie, and pampas, the underground layer of the animal population is much more pronounced than in others.

The above-ground green mass of vegetation is eaten by a variety of locusts and grasshoppers. Various rodents feed on the same feed. In the steppes of Eurasia, ground squirrels settle in large colonies and dig complex burrows. The colonial way of life allows the steppe rodents to timely notify the members of the colony of danger, and the burrows give them a safe haven from most predators. AT steppe zone still large settlements of the common marmot, or marmot, have survived. In the prairies of North America, prairie dogs are common, outwardly resembling small marmots. They also dig complex branched burrows to a depth of 5 m. Colonies of prairie dogs sometimes reach several thousand individuals. In the South American pampas, a large rodent leads a similar lifestyle - the plains viscacha from the chinchilla family.

The aforementioned green-eating rodents, although they lead a burrowing lifestyle, they collect food in the ground layer. Another ecological group of rodents digs permanent feeding passages, feeding on the underground parts of plants: rhizomes, tubers, bulbs. These rhizophagous rodents can be combined into an ecological group of underground shrews.

The common mole vole lives in the steppes of Eurasia, a small rodent up to 15 cm long, with small eyes, armed with powerful incisors that protrude in front of the lips. With these incisors, the mole vole can dig feeding passages without opening its mouth, which prevents soil from entering the oral cavity. The Altai and Mongolian steppes are inhabited by the zokor, a larger rodent,

up to 25 cm long, also with underdeveloped eyes, but with powerful forelimbs and huge claws. Zokor digs holes with its front paws.

Mole rats, completely devoid of sight (the eyes are hidden under the skin), external auricles and tail, with huge incisors constantly protruding from the mouth, as the lips converge behind the teeth (like the mole voles), have pronounced adaptations to the underground lifestyle. Long and branched feeding passages of mole rats are located under the soil surface, and the nesting chamber is located at a depth of almost three meters.

On the prairies, rodents of the gopher family lead an underground lifestyle. They have small eyes, a short tail, and powerful incisors protruding in front of their lips. They dig the main burrow-gallery up to 140 m long, from which numerous lateral branches extend. In the South American pampa, a similar ecological niche is occupied by tuco-tuco rodents from a special neotropical family of ctenomyids, which dig complex branched burrows with nesting chambers and storage chambers. The members of the colony call to each other with loud cries of "tuko-tuko", well audible from underground.

In the steppes of Eurasia several centuries ago one could see herds grazing wild bulls tours, saiga antelopes, wild horses tarpans, steppe bison. These ungulates not only consumed green mass together with other phytophages, but also actively influenced the structure of the upper soil-litter layer.

In the North American prairies, ungulates are not so diverse. The background landscape view here was only the bison, whose herds of many thousands grazed on the prairies until the appearance of Europeans with firearms. The bison population has been restored to thousands of individuals and occupies unplowed tracts of prairie on the northwestern fringes of the original range of this species. In addition to the bison, a peculiar pronghorn was common on the prairies and is still preserved today, ecologically replacing the antelopes that are absent in the New World.

Quite different large consumers of herbal vegetation live in the pampas. A characteristic species is the humpless guanaco camel from the callous-footed order, making seasonal migrations in summer to watering places and green pastures, in winter to areas with mild snowless weather.

Predatory animals of grass communities have a rich choice of food: from small insects and their larvae to rodents, birds, and ungulates. In the terrestrial layer, predatory ants are common (although there are many seed-eating ants in the steppe zone), horse beetles from the ground beetle family, and solitary burrowing wasps that hunt various invertebrates.

Small birds of prey of the steppes (Kestrel, Falcon) consume mainly insects - locusts, beetles. Large raptors prey on rodents according to their size: from voles and ground squirrels to marmots and prairie dogs. In the steppes of Eurasia, harriers, kankzh-buzzards are common, and the steppe eagle is characteristic.

On the prairies, the most common bird is the small falcon - the American kestrel. It feeds mainly on grasshoppers and other insects. Both in the prairies and in the pampas, one can occasionally see the now heavily exterminated fork-tailed kite.

Predatory mammals prey mainly on rodents. Wolf, fox, ermine, weasel, although common in the steppe, are not typical for this zone. Light, or steppe, polecat is most characteristic of this zone. Ferret dressing comes in from the south. Representatives of the weasel family easily penetrate the burrows of rodents and get them right in the shelters. This once again emphasizes the relativity of any protective adaptations: and a deep hole does not save its inhabitants from specialized predators.

On the prairies, a group of predatory mammals is formed by the coyote, the black-footed ferret, and the long-tailed weasel. In the pampas, this group includes the pampas fox, the maned wolf, and the Patagonian weasel.

Thus, in each of the large isolated regions in grass communities, a set of predators is formed - from large terrestrial to small burrows, in accordance with the diversity of the rodent fauna.

The total biomass reserves in xerophilic grass communities of temperate latitudes vary depending on the height and density of the herbage from 150 t/ha of dry matter in tall grass prairies to 10 t/ha in dry steppes and short grass prairies. Average stocks in these communities are usually around 50 t/ha. The production also changes accordingly from 30 to 5 t/ha per year and makes up 20 - 50% of the annual biomass reserves. The zoomass in natural communities with an abundance of rodents and ungulates can reach significant values ​​(10 - 50 kg/ha), which is comparable to the zoomass of tropical savannahs.

Steppes covering the whole central part North America are called prairies. Long time the prairies were considered huge lifeless territories, and only at the end of the last century, American colonists discovered that this land was fertile, and the fauna was rich and diverse. Thus began the development of the prairie, most of which is now turned into farms and cattle ranches.

The most numerous inhabitants of the prairies - prairie dogs - relatives of squirrels Warning each other of danger, these rodents make barking sounds, for which they got their name. They live in large colonies, digging complex burrows up to 5 m deep underground. Several colonies form an underground town, the population of which could previously reach tens of millions of individuals. BUT total prairie dogs on the prairies exceeded the entire population of our planet. Such a number of small rodents ate a lot of grass, and farmers began to destroy prairie dogs, believing that they harm crops. Behind a short time there are only a few million of these animals left in the entire territory of North America. In fact, prairie dogs are of great benefit - loosening the ground, they contribute to better growth of grasses and their diversity. These rodents play an important role in the ecosystem as a whole: the existence of many other animal species depends on them.

In the conditions of the steppes, where there is nowhere to hide from predators or from bad weather, prairie dog burrows serve as a refuge, and sometimes a permanent home for many species of animals. And these rodents themselves are the main food for a number of predators: badgers, black-footed ferrets, coyote, Mexican falcon, hawks, rabbit owls, rattlesnakes. The destruction of prairie dogs led to a decrease in the number of other animals.

Black-footed ferrets, agile predators that prey mainly on these rodents, suffered the most from the destruction of prairie dogs. For a long time, ferrets were considered completely extinct, but recently a small colony of these predators was discovered. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, they were preserved and bred in captivity. Now black-footed ferrets are returning to the prairies.

coyotes - meadow wolves- live and hunt in packs. Coyotes eat not only prairie dogs, but also hares, badgers, birds such as prairie grouse, and carrion. Unlike wolves, they are easily tamed and can serve a human instead of a dog.

Uninvited neighbors may appear in the holes of prairie dogs - rattlesnakes. They are called rattlesnakes because at the end of their tail they have a ratchet, or rattle, consisting of horn plates. The snake scares off enemies by shaking a rattle that makes a loud sound. These poisonous snakes feed on rabbits, birds and bird eggs, rodents, including prairie dogs. Therefore, if the prairie dogs smell a snake in one of their passages, they will try to fence off this tunnel from the rest of the property.

Small rabbit owls breed in abandoned prairie dog burrows. Unlike other owls, rabbit owls can hunt not only at night, but also during the daytime. They are the longest of all owls and move by hopping. These birds stand in columns at the entrance to their hole and look out for prey.

Just like prairie dogs, armadillos also live in burrows. The nine-banded armadillo is the only armadillo species found in North America. He hunts at night for insects, amphibians, reptiles, regales on the fruits and seeds of plants. Armadillo V's body and tail are covered with a shell, consisting of separate stripes and shields, which allows it to curl up into a ball in case of danger.

Once huge herds wild bulls, bison and pronghorns inhabited the prairies of North America. The indigenous people - the Indians - hunted them. Animal meat was used as food, clothing was used to spit clothes from the skins, veins were used instead of threads and as bowstrings for farts, tools were made from bones, skins were pulled over the bones of the spine and sleighs were made from them - nothing was wasted. But everything changed with the advent of Europeans, who competed among themselves who would kill more bison. Hundreds of these animals were shot not for food, but for fun, leaving unnecessary carcasses to rot in the steppe. Bison and pronghorns are on the brink of extinction. Now these animals are under protection, their number is gradually increasing, but they are found mainly in nature reserves. Since the prairies were destroyed by wolves, bison and pronghorns have not natural enemies in nature.

This is a separate family of artiodactyls. They got their name from their forked horns. Pronghorns gather in large herds, and during the breeding season, the herds break up into separate groups: a male and several females. Pronghorns are excellent runners, capable of speeds up to 95 km/h.

Not only large herbivores have suffered from human activity. Meadow and steppe black grouse, as well as wild turkeys, became easy prey. Wild turkeys are much larger than black grouse. These large birds rarely fly, preferring to move on the ground.

Huge herds of bison left traces of their stay on the Great Plains - "buffalo pits". In the summer heat, the bison wallowed in the mud to cool off and protect the body from insects. Tok formed small pits that deepened and expanded by several generations of bulls. When it rains, these holes fill with water, providing shelter to the large number of waterfowl that visit the Great Plains every year, migrating from south to north. "Buffalo pits", ditches and swamps in the prairies - a temporary habitat for brown pelicans Canada goose wild ducks and geese.

The material contains information about unique species animal world. Reveals Interesting Facts about its individual representatives. Allows you to form a complete picture natural features continent.

Animals of Australia

The continent has become home to almost 10% of the diversity species Earth. Thanks to this, Australia is in the list of 17 countries in the world that can boast of their unique and the richest flora and fauna.

Both the kangaroo and the emu are found in nature only on this continent, which is why these animals are depicted on the coat of arms of Australia.

Rice. 1. Emblem of Australia.

The most famous animals of Australia around the world are:

  • kangaroo;
  • ostrich Emu;
  • koala;
  • dingo dog;
  • camel;
  • rabbit.

About 80% of the animal species found in Australia are endemic and found nowhere else in the world.

Rice. 2. Koala.

The marine life of the green continent is as diverse as the land life.

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Near the northeast coast is the largest on the planet Earth coral reef(with an area of ​​more than 344 thousand sq. km). There are also many types of mangroves and seaweed, which serve as a refuge for countless fish and the most amazing views representatives of the marine fauna.

However, there is a danger of losing the original state of the animal world of Australia due to interference with the natural processes of man. In Australia and on the adjacent islands, the fauna is extremely diverse and unique. Unusual animals live here, which cannot be seen anywhere else on the planet. In Australia, the originality of the landscape has been preserved, which has not been subject to change.

Most of the mainland lands are occupied by deserts that cannot boast of abundant vegetation. In the endless, central part of the mainland, people and animals are forced to spend a lot of time looking for a source of water. Moisture is sufficient only in areas that are located along the coast. It is there that forests grow and live interesting representatives animal world.

On the Australian mainland there are several natural areas. Animals and birds that live in them, nature endowed unique abilities. This is due to the fact that wet, forever green forests, shrouds and deserts differ in specific climatic features.

All mammals on the mainland are marsupials: mothers carry their offspring everywhere and always in a special bag, which is somewhat reminiscent of a pocket.

Rice. 3. Kangaroo.

Due to its remoteness in the old days tropical mainland not only unusual, but also fantastic. All the variety of flora species and what animals live in Australia fascinates with its originality.

Continent of unique animals

The animal world of Australia is interesting and attractive for many reasons. The continent is characterized by generous sunshine and a suitable mild climate. There are practically no sharp temperature jumps in this part of the planet.

The shores of the continent water element separated by mountains.

Briefly describe animal world this fertile piece of land will not work. The reason is that the fifth continent is universally declared a continent-reserve.

The emu is considered to be an exclusively Australian inhabitant. The bird is inferior in strength to its African counterpart - the Nanda ostrich, but this does not cease to be less strong. The legs of the bird are so developed that just one blow can cause dangerous fractures. Smaller animals that get in the way of an angry bird run the risk of being killed.

About 2/3 of the presented species of highly developed life are endemic - inhabitants of a limited range, animals that live only and exclusively on this part of the land.

Australia is the habitat of extremely dangerous and poisonous snakes on the planet. To classify snakes according to their degree of danger to humans, the content of poison is compared with poison Indian cobra. australian snakes according to this parameter, they occupy the first lines in the list of dangerous reptiles.

With the approach of civilization to the once wild lands of the mainland, its territories became a haven for a large number of animals brought by colonists and travelers. Among the introduced animals are rabbits, dingoes and camels.

Rabbits were brought to the continent by colonists in order to provide the settlers with meat. But due to the fact that their population began to grow uncontrollably, rabbits flooded the entire continent.

Dingo dogs have evolved into wild predators. The rash actions of the colonists and the first settlers of Australia led to the fact that they disappeared from the ecosystem of the continent forever. rare species ancient biological species.

What have we learned?

We found out which representatives local fauna are called endemic. What caused the spread of rabbits across the mainland. What caused the disappearance of some ancient animal species that previously lived on the continent.

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This part of the world is interesting because, stretching for many thousands of kilometers from extreme north far, fits everything on its territory climatic zones that are on the planet.

That's North America. There really is everything here: deserts that breathe icy cold and burn with the heat of heat, as well as full of a riot of nature and colors, famous for blessed rains, rich in vegetation and kingdom animals,forests of North America.

The mainland includes the coldest areas of the world's land, since, closer than all other continents, it almost came close to the north to the Earth's pole.

Arctic deserts firmly chained by the thickness of glaciers, and only in some places in the south are covered with lichens and mosses. Moving further, to more fertile areas, one can observe expanses.

And further south is located, still cold, the forest-tundra, where snow completely frees the earth, except perhaps for a month, in July. Further inland, vast expanses stretched, overgrown with coniferous forests.

Representatives of the fauna of this territory have some similarities with the types of life living in Asia. In the center are endless areas of prairie, where a couple of centuries ago wildlife of North America flourished in all its diversity until rapid development civilization did not affect the representatives of the local fauna in the most sad way.

southern part the mainland almost rests on the equator, in view of this, the central regions of America, located in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe continent, are distinguished by the climate of the tropics. Fertile humid heat reigns in Florida and in Gulf of Mexico.

Forests occasionally irrigated warm rains, characteristic of the Pacific coast, immersed in greenery, south of Mexico. Stories about local nature with enumeration animal names of North America, characteristic of this area with a favorable climate, gave rise to the writing of many scientific papers, books and encyclopedias.

The Cordillera became an important part of the landscape of the mainland. A series of rocky mountains stretched from Canada all the way to the territory of Mexico, obscuring the incoming from Pacific Ocean, humid air from the west, so the eastern part of the continent receives little rainfall.

And only closer to the coast in the southeast, flows of fertile moisture come from the Atlantic Ocean. All this and other features affected the diversity flora and animals of north america. A photo representatives of the fauna of the continent and descriptions of some of them will be presented below.


A mammal related to raccoons and representing the family of these animals. It has a short coat of a dark brown or orange hue, a narrow head and small size, rounded ears.

Of the remarkable features of the appearance of the coati, one can name the stigma-nose, which is so prominent, mobile and funny that it was he who became the reason for the name of the genus of such representatives of the fauna -.

With their nose they get their livelihood, diligently tearing up the ground for them, in search of beetles, scorpions and termites. On the mainland north america animals of this kind are found in the lowland forests of the tropics, among shrubs and rocks in Mexico and in southern regions USA.

Pictured animal coati

Red Lynx

This creature is outwardly similar to its relatives, but is approximately two times smaller in size (body length is not more than 80 cm), has short legs and narrow paws.

Refers to the type animals of north america, what kind They live in cactus-covered deserts, on mountain slopes and in subtropical forests. have brown-red fur (in some cases it can be gray or even completely black).

Red lynxes are distinguished by a white mark located at the tip of the black tail. They feed on small rodents, catch rabbits and squirrels, and are not averse to eating even porcupines, despite their thorns.

Pictured is a red lynx


Ruminant is an ungulate animal that has lived on the territory of the continent since ancient times. It is believed that there were once about 70 species of such representatives of the fauna.

Outwardly, these creatures have some resemblance to, although they are not. Their neck, chest, flanks and belly are covered with white fur. are among rare animals of north america.

The Indians called them: cabris, but by the time the Europeans arrived on the continent, there were only five species left, most of which are on this moment have already disappeared.

pronghorn animal

Collared peccary

artiodactyl mammal, which has a black-brown color, complemented by a black stripe running along the back, another white-yellow stripe runs from the throat through the back of the head, looking like a collar, which gave rise to the name of the animal.

They have black, gray and brown scales, as if strewn with mother-of-pearl beads. A similar visual effect is created by yellow and white spots on each of the scales covering the body, often they merge into various complex patterns.

In the mountainous regions of the south of the continent, one of the varieties of such creatures lives - the Arizona snake, some individuals of which reach a meter in length. They also feed on small rodents, they are distinguished by an almost white head and a peculiar coloring: black-edged, rings on a red background of the body itself.

king snake

Green rattlesnake

Poisonous snake, found everywhere in North America, representing the family of vipers. These creatures have a gray-green color, against which transverse spots stand out.

This kind is characterized by: a large and flat head, a strong body and a short tail. They live in steppes and deserts, often hiding in rock crevices. Their poison has a detrimental effect on nervous system person.

green rattlesnake

toad lizard

By external signs, it has some resemblance to a toad, which was the reason for such a name. These creatures are distinguished by an angular, not too long head, decorated on the back of the head and on the sides with horn spikes of impressive size.

Their skin is covered with horny scales. These, of which about 15 species are known in the United States and Mexico, are inhabitants of rocky areas, mountains, plateaus and semi-deserts. They feed on insects and. In order to frighten their enemies, they are able to inflate themselves.

toad lizard

Zebra-tailed iguana

An inhabitant of deserts and areas with a rocky landscape. This herbivore is grey, sometimes with brown tint, the background of the body, has a curled tail with black and white colors. Able to change color, which becomes brighter with increasing air temperature. Prefers heat and loves to soak up the hot sand.

Zebra-tailed iguana

sea ​​otter

The sea otter is an inhabitant of the coast of North America. These animals are distributed from Alaska to California, and inhabit bays rich in kelp thickets, rocky coves and sea strips along steep coasts.

Their appearance is reminiscent of why they are called, as well as sea beavers. adapted to life in aquatic environment. They have an elongated body and short legs. The head of the animals is small, the ears are long. The color can be the most diverse: from red to black. The weight is about 30 kg.

Pictured is an animal sea otter

California condor

The bird species is considered rare. These are birds representing the American family. The main background of the plumage is black. In accordance with the name, they are found in California, in addition, they live in Mexico and the states of Utah and Arizona in the USA. They feed mainly on carrion.

California condor bird

California ground cuckoo

Desert dweller. The coloring is interesting: the head, back, as well as the tuft and long tail are dark brown, strewn with whitish specks; the belly and neck of birds are lighter.

Such birds are able to run perfectly, developing impressive speed, but they practically do not know how to fly, because only for short moments they have the ability to rise into the air. fish, starfish and, as well as other creatures and invertebrates that inhabit the waters of the ocean coast.

western gull

virgin eagle owl

Of the representatives of the owl family, this bird is considered the largest on the continent. Their color can be black, gray or reddish.

Birds can take root in the tundra and deserts (such individuals usually have a lighter color), and specimens found in forests are usually darker. These are distinguished by orange-dark eye color and emit buzzing hollow sounds, sometimes similar to coughing or rumbling.

In the photo is a virgin owl

Virginia ptarmigan

Having plumage on top Brown and a lighter bottom, small in size (weighing up to 200 g). She lives in rare forests and in meadows overgrown with shrubs. they prefer to gather in small groups, and at night they sleep on the ground with their heads out to be always on the alert.

Pictured is an American partridge

hairy woodpecker

Hairy, tiny, weighing less than 100 g, with long tail. The main background of the plumage is black and white, the males have a red spot on the back of the head. There are such birds in forests, gardens and parks. Their food is fruits, nuts, berries, bird eggs, tree sap and insects.

hairy woodpecker


A purely American bird belonging to the pheasant genus was domesticated on the continent about 1000 years ago and is a relative. Has a number interesting features appearance: leathery growths on the head and peculiar appendages on the beak of males, reaching a length of about 15 cm.

From them you can accurately judge the mood of the birds. When they start to get nervous, the appendages increase significantly in size. Adult domestic turkeys can reach a weight of 30 kg or more.

Pictured is a turkey bird

Turkey vulture

The most common predatory bird continent. Sufficiently large in size, the head is disproportionately small, naked and highlighted in red. Cream-colored short beak is bent down.

The main background of the feathers of the body is brown-black, the legs are short. Prefers to settle in open spaces. Such birds are distributed almost everywhere on the continent, but are rare in the tropics.

bird vulture turkey


Dangerous arachnids with a venomous sting at the tip of their tail. This is terrible weapon creatures use in the fight against predators and against own victims. In the deserts of Arizona and California, there are about six dozen species of such poisonous creatures.

One of them is woody, whose toxic poison affects the human nervous system like an electrical impulse, often with fatal. Less dangerous are the desert hairy and stripedtal scorpions, but their bites are still quite painful.

Pictured is a scorpion


The waters of the two oceans that wash the shores of the continent are home to many dangerous sea ​​creatures. These include bull, tiger and, ranked as cannibal predators.

Cases of attack by these terrible, possessing sharp teeth, in an instant biting through human flesh, fatal water monsters have been repeatedly noted in California and Florida. Similar tragedies also took place in the states of Carolina and Texas.

The fauna of the prairies is very diverse. Of the invertebrates, the soil layer is inhabited by various insect larvae (beetles, Diptera, some butterflies), certain types ants, etc. Representatives of almost all orders and families that are generally characteristic of temperate latitudes. Groups of consumers of green parts of plants are especially massive: locusts, lepidoptera, various leaf-eating beetles, as well as orders and families of insects that suck juices from leaves and stems (aphids, leafhoppers, pennits, bugs, thrips).

Among vertebrates, consumers of green fodder also predominate, for example, prairie dogs settling in colonies. The black-tailed prairie dog is typical of the short-grass prairies. These rodents are appearance as if intermediate between marmots and ground squirrels. There are gophers on the prairies of the same kind as in Eurasia. Once upon a time there were huge herds of bison, close relatives of our bison. Now bison are preserved in national parks. Until now, pronghorns, which we have already mentioned, are common in places on the short grass prairies. Of the birds, the common turkey from the order of chickens is largely herbivorous and at least herbivorous. This large bird - wild ancestor domestic turkeys. In some places it is numerous, as it is preserved as an object of sport hunting. Turkeys stick to tall grass prairies in combination with forest groves. Whole line vertebrates (especially predatory beasts) live in prairies, in deciduous forests and even in deserts. This interaction is facilitated mountainous relief west of the zone with a very colorful mosaic of natural complexes.

Phytomass of the prairies varies from west to east from 150 to 1500 c/ha. In terms of productivity, tall-grass forest prairies are almost as rich in biocenosis as broad-leaved forests - 100-200 kg / ha per year. Low-grass prairies have an annual productivity of 80-100 kg/ha of dry organic matter.

when How to species composition, and for some ecological features The fauna of the steppe has much in common with the fauna of the desert. As well as in the desert, the steppe is characterized by high aridity, only slightly less than in the desert. In winter, there are often severe colds in the steppe, and living animals and plants have to adapt, in addition to high temperatures, also to low temperatures. Animals are active in summer mainly at night. Plants also adapt to adverse conditions. Many of them are drought-resistant or active in spring, when there is still moisture left after winter. Of the ungulates, species are typical that differ sharp eyesight and abilities for fast and long running, for example, antelopes; from rodents - ground squirrels, marmots, mole rats and jumping species building complex burrows: jerboas, kangaroo rats. Most of birds fly away for the winter. Common: steppe eagle, bustard, steppe harrier, steppe kestrel, larks. Reptiles and insects are numerous.

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