Analysis of labor motivation methods. Scientific approaches and methods for studying the processes of motivation and stimulation of labor

The problem of labor activity motivation belongs to a new and still little studied direction of scientific research in Russia. The relevance of motivation issues has increased during the transition from an administrative to a market economy since the early 1990s. XX century., When there was a sharp change in the socialist principles of management and the moral code of the builder of communism.

The practice of mechanically transferring American concepts of motivation to Russian economic activity is not entirely correct due to the mental differences of the population and the level of management development. Sociological research in the mid-1990s show that about 80% of workers had a consumer labor consciousness based on the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”, the implementation of which is impossible even in a developed capitalist society. In this regard, scientific research on labor motivation in various strata (layers) is necessary. modern society, in all 12 sectors of the Russian economy, as well as in various categories of workers (managers, specialists, employees, workers). Let's consider the most significant concepts of work motivation.

Motivation methodology based on basic needs (Research Institute of Labor)

The methodology under consideration, developed by the Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, reveals the predominant focus of workers on the implementation of certain groups of labor and work values, allows you to identify groups of workers who react differently to material, creative, and group-wide labor incentives.

There are the following approaches to considering the mechanism of functioning of motivation:

Analysis of the motivational core of the personality - the structure and strength of motives, their orientation, types of motivation;

Analysis of satisfaction with the work of a person, the pleasure he receives from work;

Analysis of the correlation dependence of job satisfaction with parameters characterizing work motivation.

This technique allows us to reveal the existence of two main types of motivation - value and practical. There is a third type - balanced, or neutral. The interaction of these types is the object of analysis of the mechanism of functioning of motivation.

There are four groups of basic needs, the satisfaction of which can be carried out through labor activity:

1) needs related to the content of the labor itself - interesting work, self-realization, independence, qualification;

2) the needs associated with the social usefulness of the work - debt, benefit, demand;

3) work as a source of livelihood - earnings, prosperity, household needs;

4) status needs - communication, respect, career.

In this methodology, motivation is considered as a contradictory unity of three components: values, work requirements and the possibility of implementing these requirements.

Methodology of motives of attitude to work (VTsIOM)

The study of attitudes towards work and its motives involves a methodology developed All-Russian Center public opinion research (VTsIOM) under the leadership of Academician T.I. Zaslavskaya. On the basis of this methodology, more than one study of the opinion of the working population has been carried out. The sample is representative, it was controlled by sex, age, level of education, type of settlement and region of residence of the respondents.

The research was carried out in the following areas.

1. Motives of the main employment. When studying labor motivation, a scale used in some international studies was used. It consists of four main levels:

The highest level of labor motivation, suggesting that work is important and interesting for respondents, regardless of pay;

Work is recognized as an important matter, but not so much as to obscure other aspects of life;

Work is considered by the specialist almost exclusively as a source of livelihood;

The lowest level of labor motivation, in which work is an unpleasant duty for the employee: if there was an opportunity, he would not work at all.

These levels of motivation are not found in their pure form. Usually they are present in some combination, although each period and under certain economic conditions is characterized by the predominance of one or another type of labor motivation.

In this methodology, there is a certain differentiation of specialists by groups and the level of labor motivation. The most important is the professional and official status of employees, followed by gender and age differentiating features.

2. Motives for additional employment:

The desire to increase income from the main job;

The desire to get a stable job and additional earnings at an additional job;

The opportunity to more fully realize their abilities and skills, to have an interesting job;

Make the right contacts and business connections.

In this direction of the study, respondents are identified who do not need additional income, as well as those who have difficulty finding additional income.

3. Motives for job change:

Insufficient use of the labor potential of respondents and unfavorable working conditions;

Dissatisfaction with wages at the main place of work;

Poor or harmful working conditions;

Uninteresting work, lack of promotion;

Potential turnover and preventive exits due to fear that the enterprise will be closed and the employee will remain unemployed;

Motives for changing profession or workplace;

Higher earnings;

More pleasant, interesting work;

Good conditions with a comfortable working regime;

The desire to get a profession that is now in great demand and for which it is easier to find a job;

Change of profession or advanced training in order to stay at your enterprise, avoid being fired.

The study of labor motivation is carried out by conducting opinion polls a significant number of respondents in various strata of society and obtaining generalized motives, incentives, needs.

Methodology for the formation of normative labor motives (MSU)

This technique was developed by a team of scientists from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

The essence of the method is that motivation is presented as a combination of the following motives that form a person's "motivational profile" based on normative characteristics:

The motive for transformation is the desire for results, improvement in one's profession;

The motive of communication is the desire to help another or not to spoil good relations;

Pragmatic motive - the desire to satisfy various needs or the desire not to waste excess energy;

The motive of cooperation is solidarity with the entire organization or only with a department, service, environment;

The motive of competition is the desire to be better than others or not worse than others;

Achievement motive - the desire to overcome difficulties, the desire for self-improvement;

The motive for innovation is a person's attitude to new ideas, projects and achievements.

The methodology determines the degree of expression of these motives.

Methodology for the analysis of incentive motives for work (GUU)

The methodology of incentive motives for work (“forces of social action”), developed by a group of scientists State University Management (GUU) under the guidance of Professor A.Ya. Kibanov, is a quantitative approach to assessing motivation based on local indicators. In the production team, the creative potential of the individual is fully revealed, especially in the production of final products. This can be seen in the example of the work of production teams, whose main goal is to produce high-quality products, works and services.

1. Cost efficiency ratio (P) in the form of the ratio of manufactured products and the costs of its creation:

where B is the volume of output, rub., person/h; Z - the cost of output, rub., Person / hour.

2. The coefficient of the strength of social action (U sd) can be quantified by dividing the monthly wages for a living wage:

U sd \u003d ZP / PM,

where ZP is the average monthly salary of an employee, rubles; PM is the subsistence minimum budget in the region, rub.

Department of Education of Moscow GOU SPO

Moscow State College of Book Business and Information Technology


By discipline "Managerial psychology"

Study of the motivation of the labor collective

Completed by: student of 33 MB group

Loginova Anna.

The teacher checked

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences:

Aksineva Marina Anatolievna

Moscow 2009


Chapter 1. The essence of the motivation of the workforce.

1.1 Methods for studying the motivation of the workforce and analysis techniques.

1.2 Factors, forms of motivation.

1.3 Motivational process.

Chapter 2. General information about the enterprise OJSC "FOP No. 2".

2.1 Motivation of the labor collective based on observation.

2.2 Motivation of workers on the basis of testing.

2.3 Analysis of job satisfaction of the organization's personnel.




The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. People are the most valuable resource of an organization.

A good organization strives to maximize the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest return of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

However, all this will be nullified if the members of the organization do not cope with their duties, do not behave appropriately in the team, strive with their work to help the organization achieve its goals and fulfill its mission.

The willingness and desire of a person to do his job is one of the key factors the success of the organization.

The enterprise is interested in increasing competitiveness, which requires the selection of both highly efficient technologies and equipment, as well as the most capable employees. The higher the level of development of an employee in terms of the totality of his professional knowledge, skills, abilities and motives for work, the faster the material factor of production is improved and more productively used.

Today, significant funds are directed to the flexible and adaptive use of human resources, increasing the creative and organizational activity of the team, developing the abilities and professionalism of employees, and forming a humanized organizational culture.

You have to work in a new atmosphere, which is characterized by fierce competition in all manifestations, including the struggle for quality and professionalism work force. The conditions for the activity of any company are increasingly dictated by the market, and its conjuncture imposes many new, unknown requirements on the staff.

Relevance. A special role in the implementation of management functions belongs to leaders and managers, since their knowledge, ability to motivate and stimulate employees radically affect the results of the work of the team. The production manager is the link between the management system and the employees of the enterprise that make up the workforce. Middle managers perform very important features: manage, motivate, stimulate, control and plan. Thus, managers achieve effectively performed work, if they clearly and clearly formulate the task set for the employee, motivating and stimulating the employee. The effect of business interaction is determined by the quality of work organization in the team. To create an effective team structure, it is necessary to unite all its members with a unity of purpose, to maintain a rhythmic, organized work, monitor labor discipline and motivate colleagues.

The purpose of our work was to explore the forms of motivation and stimulation of labor for the effective work of the team.

The effectiveness of the work of the labor collective depends on progressive measures of motivation and stimulation.

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, testing, questioning, mathematical methods for processing experimental data.

1) To study and analyze the consideration of this problem in the scientific literature;

2) Identify forms of motivation and stimulation of the workforce;

3) To confirm experimentally the dependence of the effective work of the labor collective on progressive measures of motivation and stimulation.

Chapter 1. The essence of the motivation of the workforce.

In order to connect a person to the solution of a particular problem, one must be able to find the motivation that would prompt him to action. And only with appropriate motivation can inspire people to solve complex and super-complex tasks.

The study of labor behavior from the standpoint of management proceeds from understanding it as a process determined by the interaction of internal and external motivating forces. Internal motivating forces, which have a complex structure, are directly related to the process of motivating labor behavior.

To structural elements the process of motivation include: needs, interests, desires, aspirations, values, value orientations, ideals, motives. The process of formation of these internal motivating forces of labor activity is understood as the motivation of labor behavior.

The essence of motivation is realized through its inherent functions:

Explanatory substantiating, reasoned expediency of the subject's behavior.

Regulatory, blocking some actions and allowing others.

Communicative, explaining, predicting communication in the world of work.

Socialization, through awareness of their social role in the micro and macro environment in the workforce.

Corrective, as a mechanism for clarifying old and forming new ideals, norms, value orientations.

The scientific explanation of the mechanism for the implementation of these functions in the process of motivation is carried out on the basis of a particular scientific theory (concept) of labor motivation.

In relation to the management of the activity of motives and incentives, it was first posed by Adam Smith, who believed that people are controlled by selfish motives, the constant and indestructible desire of people to improve their financial situation.

UGH. Taylor argued that workers have only physiological-level instincts to satisfy needs, so they can be "activated" with elementary incentives.

Labor is not provided for by the biological nature of man, so everyone works only when necessary, i.e. work less, get more. The coercive power of the administrator is the main engine of production and the main motivation for work. An excess of labor force and underemployment were a powerful stimulus for increasing labor productivity.

1. A. Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs, according to which human behavior is determined by two types of needs: basic and derivative. The latter are equal to each other, and the basic ones are arranged in order from “lower” to “higher”. Moreover, the needs of a higher level are updated for the individual after the satisfaction of the previous levels.

2. Physical needs - for food, breathing, clothing, housing, rest, etc. The most important incentive to satisfy them is money, i.e. the prospect of economic solvency, life without material deprivation.

3. Existential needs - the need for the security of one's existence, confidence in tomorrow, etc. These needs are met by incentives such as job security.

4. Social needs - in belonging to a team, communication, care, etc.

5. Prestige needs - in respect from the "significant" others, career growth, status, prestige and recognition. It is not enough to feel one's own need for the organization; people want to be respected in their environment, recognized as unique individuals.

6. Spiritual needs - the need for self-expression through creativity.

It is assumed that each person strives to realize his potential, constantly improve himself, find his place in life.

Basic needs are motivational variables that are phylogenetically, i.e. as a person grows older, and ontogenically, as they are realized as necessary conditions for the social existence of an individual, they follow each other. Maslow called the first two types primary (congenital), the other three - secondary (acquired). At the same time, the process of raising needs looks like a replacement of primary (lower) by secondary (higher). But satisfaction does not act as a motivator of human behavior: hunger drives a person until he is satisfied.

It is obvious that the strength of the impact of the need (its potential) is a function of the degree of its satisfaction.

2. The theory of the need to achieve results (D. McClelland) explains the desire of a person to work in accordance with the degree of development of his need to achieve success.

3. The dual theory of motivation (F. Herzberger), according to which an individual has two systems (hierarchies) of needs:

Hygienic factors related to working conditions;

Motivational, related to “internal needs: success, content of work, responsibility, independence in work.

Hygienic factors fix and stabilize the staff, and encourage motivators to productive work.

The theory of justice or social comparison, according to which a person increases labor activity by comparing his contribution and return on labor with those of others.

4. The theory of expectation (estimation) proceeds from the fact that the motivational efforts to achieve success of an individual are formed on the basis of high value performance results in the future.

5. “Theory X” and “Theory Y” (D. McGregor) are also interesting, according to which it is necessary to abandon the theory X, which considers that the leading motive of labor is the threat to deprive the individual of the opportunity to satisfy material needs.

The future belongs to Theory Y, which assumes that a person, under appropriate conditions, strives for creativity and responsibility in the world of work.

The considered theories of motivation serve as the basis for the development of motivational models as a set of approaches and practical measures built on certain assumptions and views.

motive- motivation of the individual to activity. The motivation for activity is generally associated with the need-motivational sphere. As you know, needs are the objective characteristics of a person as a subject of consumption of goods necessary for his reproduction, functioning and development, namely social needs.

The motive is the selection criterion certain types activities: educational, labor. A specific activity may correspond not to one motive, but to several at once, i.e. be polymotivated. Due to the connection with the need, the motive performs the function of inducing a person to activity and gives meaning to individual actions, goals and conditions for their achievement.

Material interest is the main incentive for labor activity, but it does not always work, sometimes it is more important to have more free time, more comfortable working conditions, less stressful work. Satisfaction of employees with wages depends not so much on its size, but on fairness in wages.

The social significance of work includes an understanding of the social significance of the work performed. In this case, it is important how the manager treats the employee, whether his colleagues notice his contribution to the common cause, whether conscientious work is valued in the organization.

1.1 Methods for studying the motivation of the workforce and analysis techniques

The study of the motivation of the team is of great theoretical and practical importance in modern psychology of personality and psychology of labor, management of the study of the relationship between people in the field of work.

Study of staff motivation among middle managers in different countries identified three key motivators:

1. The desire to work in a company that is known, successful and prestigious, that is, the attractiveness of the company as a brand.

2. Work in itself, work as an interesting, exciting activity for the manager, which he performs with pleasure, which provides an opportunity for self-realization.

3. Wages and other types of material motivation.

Relevant is the creation of a system for assessing and shaping the motivation of the labor activity of employees of the enterprise, in which the remuneration system will take its place as one of the means of motivation to work.

The development of an integrated system for managing the motivation of the labor activity of employees of the enterprise should be carried out in stages. The main stages of such development should include the following activities:

Organization and monitoring of the real motivation of labor activity of employees of various departments of the enterprise on the basis of specially developed methods for diagnosing latent and concealed motivation.

Assessment of internal and external factors motivation of labor activity, including the needs of the personality of employees, organization of management, incentives and remuneration system, features of working conditions, labor relations, personnel work, social infrastructure of the enterprise.

Determination of the influence of labor motivation on various indicators of labor activity, including productivity, quality and safety of work, labor discipline, staff turnover, morbidity, qualifications, responsibility, initiative, creativity, collectivism of workers.

Development and implementation of a system of organizational, personnel and socio-psychological measures aimed at increasing the motivation of labor activity and job satisfaction various groups employees.

Determination of the principles and optimization of the remuneration system, its coordination with the goals and norms of the enterprise, the results of the work of the enterprise, departments and employees, etc. in order to increase labor motivation.

Evaluation and control of the effectiveness of the management system for the motivation of employees of the enterprise using both objective criteria for labor activity and indicators of real motivation of personnel.

Studies of the mood of staff in the company (motivation) .

The questionnaire for studying the needs of employees in their organization was compiled on the basis of the theories of A. Maslow and D. McCleland, using real factors of motivation and stimulation. This questionnaire is not universal, it is recommended to modify it for your own needs.

1. Your specialty and position (fill in) ______________;

2. Education: secondary, higher, postgraduate (underline as appropriate);

3. Gender: male/female (Underline whatever applicable);

5. Work experience at the enterprise / total work experience _____ /______ years;

6. What motives motivate you to work (mark with any sign all options that suit you or enter your own):

a) material:

The need to constantly receive wages;

Remuneration for the length of service, based on the results of work for the year;

Other incentives and payments (premiums);

Other, non-monetary rewards (vouchers, travel tickets)


b) safety and security:

Employment security (confidence in employment in the firm);

Training in various courses with the support of the company;

Guarantees of a social nature (vacation, support in case of illness);

c) career

Do you plan your career on your own;

Are you aware of the planning of your career by the management of the bank;

Do you want to change your job status;

Do you want to work in another specialty;

d) social:

Long-term habit of working in this team;

The possibility of free and friendly communication with colleagues at work;

Feeling needed by people;

Other ______________________________________;

e) self-respect:

Your work activity allows you to consider yourself useful - a team worker doing the necessary work;

Do you receive recognition from others for your work activities;

Do you feel competent in your profession;

Independence in decision making;

Other ______________________________________;

f) self-expression:

The work you do is the most important thing of your life;

Do you realize through your work all the abilities and virtues;

Work gives you the opportunity to express yourself;

Do you feel your maximum involvement in the labor process;

Other ______________________________________;

g) higher order needs:

The need for power (do you want to influence other people to achieve personal goals or the goals of your organization?);

Need for success (do you want to achieve success in your professional activities);

The need to belong to something or someone;

Other ______________________________________.

Conducting a study of the moral climate of the team, you can get the following information:

the attitude of each employee to the professional activity performed by him;

the attitude of employees towards colleagues;

presence in the team and personification of informal leaders;

not advertised conflicts within the team;

the presence of destructive motives among employees, etc.

We ask you to express your opinion on a number of issues related to your work and the team in which you work.

Before answering each question, carefully read all the available answers to it and put an "X" next to the answer that matches your opinion.

1. Do you like your job?

Very like

Probably like it

I don't care about work

Probably don't like

Very dislike

2. Would you like to move to another job?


Public activity

Professional knowledge

Caring for people




Ability to understand people



4. Which member of your team is most respected by your comrades?

Name one or two names.


5. Suppose, for some reason, you are temporarily not working; Would you return to your current job?

6. Please mark which of the following statements do you agree with the most?

Most of our team members are good nice people

There are all sorts of people in our team

Most of the members of our team are unpleasant people.

7. Do you think it would be good if the members of your team lived close to each other?

More likely no than yes

Of course not

I don't know, didn't think about it

Oh sure

8. On the scale below, the number "1" characterizes the team that you really like, "9" - the one that you really dislike. In which cell will you place your team?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9. Do you think you could give enough complete description business and personal qualities of the majority of team members?

1) Business qualities of the majority of team members

2) Personal qualities of the majority of team members

Perhaps yes

I don't know, didn't think about it

I think no

10. If you had the opportunity to spend a vacation with members of your team, how would you react to this?

That would suit me just fine

I don't know, I didn't think about it

It wouldn't suit me at all.

11. Could you say with sufficient confidence about the majority of the members of your team, with whom they willingly communicate on business matters?

No you couldn't

I can't say I didn't think about it.

Yes, I could

12. What kind of atmosphere usually prevails in your team? On the scale below, the number "1" corresponds to an unhealthy, unfriendly atmosphere, and "9" - on the contrary, an atmosphere of mutual understanding, mutual respect. In which cell would you place your team?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

13. What do you think if you retired or for a long time did not work for any reason, would you feel like meeting with members of your team, celebrating holidays with them?

Oh sure

Rather yes than no

Difficult to answer

More likely no than yes

Of course not

14. How well do you think your work is organized?

In my opinion, our work is organized very well.

Overall, not bad, although there is room for improvement.

Hard to say

Work is unsatisfactorily organized, a lot of time is wasted

In my opinion, the work is organized very badly.

15. Do you think your leader has influence on the affairs of the team?

Definitely yes

Perhaps yes

Hard to say

I think no

Definitely not

1.2 Factors, forms of motivation

Determination of required motivating factors:

1. Strategic goals.

2. Time horizon of the goal.

3. Factors affecting the achievement of goals.

4. Correlation of factors with business processes and performers.

5. The degree of possible influence of the performer on success factors.

6. Priorities and interdependence of factors of influence.

Forms of staff motivation:

1. Material and non-material motivation.

Good moral climate in the team, career, good working conditions, payment for tours, social holidays.

2. Positive and negative motivation.

The negative one is aimed at ensuring that the employee avoids failures and does not perform certain actions that are inconsistent with corporate culture, and not encouraged in the company.

Positive motivation is motivation that is based on:

On faith in one's strengths, on the enthusiasm "I will do it!", on responsibility for people and projects, on organization and the habit of working, on rewarding with happiness.

3. Corporate motivation.

Corporate motivation is a system of declared values, norms, rules, patterns of behavior of employees of the organization, purposefully formed by the management team, an ideal desired image, how the management team would like to see their organization.

4. Individual motivation. Individual approach to each of the employees.

1.3 Motivation process

The strategic management of a firm requires huge intellectual and financial efforts of management to assess the state of the environment and develop management methods to achieve corporate goals. The effectiveness of these investments will largely be determined by how much the staff is interested in solving the tasks assigned to them, especially if this solution requires additional efforts from them. The development and activation (motivation) of a certain behavior of the staff is one of the most important tasks facing the manager.

The process of motivation is built around human needs, which are the main object of influence in order to encourage a person to act. In the very general view need is a feeling of lack of something that has an individualized character with all the generality of manifestation. Innate needs common to all people are called - need. Acquired needs are associated with the existence of a person in a group, are more personalized and are formed under the influence of the environment. For example, the need for respect, for achieving results.

As long as the need exists, a person experiences discomfort, and that is why he will seek to find means to satisfy the need. The eliminated need disappears, but not forever. Most needs are renewed, while changing the form of manifestation, moving to another level of the hierarchy of needs. Needs are the main source of human activity, both in practical and cognitive activities. A need realized and formulated by a person does not always lead to action to eliminate it.

This requires certain conditions:

availability is enough strong desire change the situation, satisfy the need at the level of sensations. This condition is key and determines the direction of efforts for resource provision, for the implementation of actions and the development of abilities, knowledge, skills to meet needs.

The motivational process includes:

assessment of unmet needs;

1. formulation of goals aimed at meeting needs;

2. determination of the actions necessary to meet the needs.

There are two ways to find ways to meet needs.

Finding a way to achieve success in realizing a need. This path activates human activity and gives the actions a target orientation. The search for ways to avoid any circumstances, object or conditions makes a person inactive, incapable of independent action. The main motives for human behavior in this situation are anxiety and fear. The main task of the manager is to create or activate those needs of the staff that can be satisfied within the enterprise management system.

Chapter 2. General information about the enterprise JSC "FOP No. 2"

OJSC Dmitrov Offset Printing Factory No. 2 is an enterprise specializing in the production of small-volume books and magazines. The factory has existed for about 100 years. At first it was a small private printing house for the production of forms, since 1953 its mass modernization began, the printing house began to specialize in the production of multi-color children's publications. Today it is a well-known enterprise in the printing industry. It publishes such magazines as Murzilka, Veselye Kartinki, Mickey Mouse and other popular publications. The number of employees of the factory is more than 200 people. In connection with Russia's transition to a market economy and the introduction of private property, the number of client enterprises (printing customers) and competing enterprises has increased. Socio-cultural norms determine the behavior of the employees of the organization, as well as the opinion of the masses of people about the need for the existence of such an organization in connection with the need of people for its products. The development of new printing technologies determines the need to upgrade equipment, train personnel to work on it (recently appeared books with "cutting", with "three-dimensional" drawings when using special glasses). There is quite tangible competition in the market of printing products in the Moscow region. The main competitors are the Chekhov, Mozhaisk printing plants, the Moscow factory "Children's Book". Suppliers: Light, water - Gorvodokanal, Mosenergo. Machine tools, printing machines and computer equipment - Russian and foreign firms on direct orders. Materials: paper is supplied by direct print customers; paints, varnishes, films and others are purchased by the enterprise itself from Finnish and domestic manufacturers. Labor resources come from special educational institutions. Consumers are enterprises that order printing: the publishing houses Drofa, Egmont Russia, Rosmen and many others. In the organization under consideration, a linear-functional structure of the organization is used.

2.1 Motivation of the labor collective based on observation

Observation data:

Employee motivation through work organization

Motivating influences on the employee are provided not only by traditional means (monetary and moral), but also by the characteristics of the work performed. The mood for work, interest in the final results, readiness to work with high returns - that is, those main manifestations of working behavior in which a high level of labor motivation is manifested - largely depend on the characteristics and content of the work performed. Therefore, in order for the impact on the employee's labor motivation to lead to the desired changes in the working behavior of the staff, attention should be paid to the most important characteristics of work tasks.

The following characteristics of the work performed by them have a predominant influence on the labor motivation of employees:

1. the variety of skills needed to get the job done;

2. completeness of the tasks performed by the employee;

3. significance, importance, responsibility of tasks;

4. independence provided to the performer;

5. feedback.

The level of skill diversity among workers varies greatly. Employees of departments related to documentation, finance (accounting), relations with suppliers and customers have a very extensive set of knowledge and applied skills. For workers in production shops, the process of work consists of repetitions of the same type of movements. This makes the work monotonous, which greatly reduces interest in it.

The company uses a conveyor-type production method. That is, each employee performs only a separate stage in the manufacture of printed products (unwinding and cutting paper, printing, etc.). Even in the planning and economic department and the accounting department, several people are responsible for one more or less completed work (payroll, etc.), performing only individual operations. This organization of work increases the degree of responsibility, gives meaningfulness and significance to the work performed.

In a factory, the importance of workers in production departments and departments of work organization is different: the organization of printing takes into account the likelihood of small errors of workers servicing the machines. If an employee of the organization department makes a mistake, for example, incorrectly calculates the size of the book, then the cutting workers will do the work incorrectly, and everything will have to be redone. Therefore, they are responsible for themselves and for the production departments.

Opportunities for making independent decisions increase the sense of personal responsibility for the work performed. If workers can decide for themselves what they will do and how, then they feel more responsible for results, both good and bad. The company has the opportunity to make independent decisions that do not go beyond the norm.

Feedback is the information an employee has about their performance.

Feedback is effective, as workers immediately or after some time see the results of their work: workers in production shops see finished products immediately, and employees of organizational departments know about the satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the work of customers. This, of course, increases the motivation to work correctly.

Motivation through setting work goals

The idea that employee motivation can be enhanced through setting work goals is an important part of management in modern organizations. At the same time, the motivation of employees depends on the following characteristics of the goals and on how the process of setting and achieving goals is implemented:

1. Specificity. The more specific the goals are, the more likely it is that the employee will understand how and when he should
reach them. Theoretically, the goals and objectives of the work should be clearly and specifically communicated to each employee, but it happens that the information is not complete or delivered to the employee untimely. This, of course, sometimes leads to errors.

2. Complexity. This is the degree to which the employee views the goals as difficult, promising and challenging his capabilities, but achievable. The complexity of the work of most workers is average, not challenging its capabilities.

3. Acceptability . This is the degree to which the employee accepts the goals and wants to achieve them. As a rule, when applying for a job, a person is notified about the goals and tasks that he will have to perform. Therefore, the targets are acceptable.

4. Active participation in goal setting. This allows the employee to feel personally responsible for the success of their achievement in the future. The management of the organization participates in setting goals, the rest of the employees only fulfill them.

5. Providing feedback. Employees need information about how well they are doing their assigned work. Feedback is well provided. Employees receive information about the performance of their work immediately after the results of the operations performed. The entire management team knows about the success of the enterprise specifically, in numbers. An increase or decrease in the number of orders is felt at all stages of production.

2.2 Motivation of workers on the basis of testing

Testing is a research method that allows you to reach a large number of people without spending a lot of time and therefore without distracting them from the work process. However, it is important to correctly draw up a list of questions - understandable to everyone and a small number of them. Since testing involves choosing an answer from the proposed ones, the answer may not exactly coincide with reality, because it is impossible to predict all possible answers.

On April 25, 2009, a test was conducted among employees to determine the level of job satisfaction. 48 people were interviewed, of which 8 were employees of production shops.

With the help of testing, the following data was obtained:

The average age of employees at the enterprise is 48.5 years;

The average work experience at this enterprise is 20 years. This suggests that the people who passed the test know very well the procedures and rules of the factory, the principles of organizing work. And they answered the questions consciously, based on real facts;

The amount of wages suits 58%, dissatisfied 34%, the rest found it difficult to answer;

The process of the work performed was rated on a five-point scale at 4 and 5, respectively, by 58% and 29%, which is the absolute majority;

Prospects for professional and career growth are seen by 38%, and 15% do not. 42% of surveyed employees are not interested in growth prospects. This is explained by the average age of the workers;

67% are quite satisfied with the relationship with the immediate supervisor. Rather, 25% are satisfied than not; 8% of the respondents could not answer;

The importance and responsibility of the work performed is satisfied by 50%, 33% are more likely to be satisfied than not, 17% of the respondents could not answer;

Working conditions were rated at 1 point by 13%, by 2 points by 12%, by 3 points by 25%, by 4 points by 21%, by 5 by 29%. Almost all employees of production departments are dissatisfied with working conditions. The test showed a different result due to the advantage among the interviewed knowledge workers who work in separate offices;

Reliable and giving confidence in the future, work is considered by 33% - completely; 25% consider it more reliable than not. 17% are completely unsatisfied with the reliability of work, 25% could not decide;

42% consider their work respected by a wide range of people, and 21% are also almost sure of this. 4% are rather dissatisfied with being able to do respectable work, and 33% could not say;

Opinions differed about how effective the work is in general: 2, 3 and 4 points were given by the same number of people - 25% each. The remaining 25% shared the opinions "quite satisfied with the effectiveness" and "completely unsatisfied";

The vast majority of people are satisfied with the relationships that have developed with workmates - 79%. 21% believe that relationships are more satisfying than not;

38% of survey participants are quite satisfied with the possibility of showing independence and initiative in work, 33% rated it at 4 points out of 5. 25% found it difficult to answer, and 4% believe that the possibility of showing independence is rather lacking;

The mode of operation satisfies 71% of the workers completely, 17% also satisfies rather than not, 4% have not decided, and 8% would prefer a different mode;

Compliance of the work with the abilities of the employee: 46% - 5 points, 33% - 4 points and 21% - 3 points;

Work as a means of achieving success in life is perceived by 33%. Another 29% are also close to this. 17% cannot say whether they are satisfied with their work as a means of achieving success in life or not, and 21% of the respondents are completely unsatisfied.

In addition, wishes and proposals were indicated on the following issues:

Start intensive introduction of new technologies into the production process;

Growth in production;

Improve working conditions (expand premises, increase sound insulation, normalize temperature regime, ventilation);

Allocate another office for accounting;

Raise wages;

Upgrade equipment;

Change the attitude of all employees to work in good faith, strive for self-improvement;

Balance the ratio of the workload of people and their wages;

Revise tariff rates;

Provide workers with overalls;

Consider dining room;

Pay for travel from home to factory;

Achieve lower taxes on printing companies.

As can be seen from the survey, the wishes relate to strengthening financial incentives, improving working conditions. Also, employees are interested in the development and prosperity of the enterprise, understanding its importance for the life of society.

2.3 Analysis of job satisfaction of the organization's personnel

Let us analyze the satisfaction with the work of the personnel of the organization under study:

1. The amount of wages. Since only 17% of workers are completely satisfied with their wages, and the majority of the respondents - 58% - are dissatisfied with it, this problem must be settled. You should carefully check the correspondence between the workload of workers and tariff rates, compare the level of wages of this enterprise and other enterprises in the same industry. It is necessary to increase the material motivation of employees, which will lead to high costs, then a system of bonuses and bonuses should be established to raise the indicator.

2. The process of the work being done. According to this indicator, the situation is much better. 87% of the respondents are quite satisfied or rather satisfied with their work. This is due to the fact that people consciously chose a specialty. However, there are a few percent of respondents who are rather unsatisfied with the work process. They are most likely factory workers. There is really hard work that requires a lot of physical activity. In view of this, it is necessary to optimize the work process as much as possible, purchase and put into use modern machines, upgrade technology. Install modern technology in the work organization departments, connect the Internet to all offices for faster exchange of information among themselves and with customers.

3. Prospects for professional and career growth. The survey showed that 21% do not see growth prospects, and about half found it difficult to answer. Management should take a greater interest in the growth and progress of employees. This can be expressed in the fact that the employee will be entrusted with more complex work, you can delegate more responsibility to the employee for the performance of certain work.

4. Relationship with immediate supervisor. 67% answered that they are satisfied with this factor. If we recall that the average work experience of the respondents at this enterprise is 20 years, then we can assume that the relationship has already improved in any case.

5. The importance and responsibility of the work performed. 83% of the surveyed workers meet this indicator. Indeed, the responsibility of all is quite high.

6.Working conditions. As it turned out, very little attention is paid to this indicator at the offset printing factory. In the premises of departments for the organization of production is poorly maintained normal temperature, and the production workshops are very noisy, poorly ventilated, there are absolutely no places for workers to rest. Be sure to put things in order, as this is one of the most important factors in job satisfaction.

7.Reliability of the place of work, giving confidence in the future . 58% are satisfied with the work on this indicator, but 17% are completely dissatisfied. This is due, on the one hand, to the age of the enterprise, a fairly stable production. On the other hand - with the instability of the Russian market.

8. The ability to do work that is respected by a wide range of people. 63% of people are satisfied with this indicator. Therefore, there are no problems here. Employees understand the importance of the existence of such an enterprise and they are interested in its development, because many have children.

9. How effectively the work is organized in general . The low estimate of this indicator is due to the fact that the enterprise is quite old and the technologies have not been updated for a long time. There is scope to increase work efficiency.

10.Relationships with co-workers. 96% of respondents are satisfied with this indicator - the highest rating of all items in the questionnaire. However, this does not mean that you can forget about this indicator. In the future, the organization should also maintain good relationships between employees. This can be realized by organizing joint events: banquets, meetings, excursions.

11. Opportunities for independence and initiative in work. 72% of the interviewed personnel answered that they were satisfied with this indicator. And 28% are not satisfied or they cannot decide. Direct supervisors of employees should identify people with low levels of satisfaction on this indicator and, if possible, provide more initiative in their duties.

12.Operating mode. High satisfaction with this indicator (88%) is due to the fact that the work schedule is standard: 40-hour work week with 8 hour work days. The remaining 12%, apparently, would be more comfortable working on a flexible schedule. But this is impossible due to the mandatory presence of all employees at the workplace during the production process.

13.Job matching to your abilities. The survey showed very high satisfaction with this indicator, because highly qualified specialists work in responsible positions at the factory, and where more physical strength is required, people with this very strength work there. But when applying for a job, more attention should be paid to checking the real knowledge and abilities of a person, and assigning him the appropriate position.

14. Work as a means to achieve success in life. 38% of respondents noted average satisfaction with this indicator. This is connected not only with the factory, but also with the low standard of living in Russia.


In this paper, the process of studying the motivation of the organization's personnel was considered. The tasks set to study methods for increasing the motivation of employees of the organization were completed.

On the basis of theories of labor motivation, it was revealed that motivation is based on an inseparable connection with the biological and social needs of a person. Motivation makes human behavior purposeful and its goal will be that which can lead to the elimination of the experienced state of need for something. It was revealed that a high return from employees is possible only if they are interested in the final result and have a positive attitude towards the work performed. This is possible only when the process of work and its final results allow a person to satisfy the most important of his needs.

Having studied the theory of labor motivation and having conducted a study at the enterprise of JSC FOP No. 2, it is possible to formulate the basic principles of motivating employees of the organization:

1. Treat your subordinates as individuals.

2. Be sincere when praising subordinates.

3. Involve subordinates in active participation in the affairs of the organization.

4. Make work interesting.

5. Encourage collaboration and group work.

6. Give employees room to grow.

7. Set realistic goals.

8. Communicate more often with your subordinates.

9. Link rewards to performance.

10. Not all employees should be encouraged equally.


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In their writings, Taylor and Gilbert wrote that "news of Sigmund Freud's theory of the subconscious had spread through Europe and finally reached America." However, the thesis that people do not always act rationally was too radical, and managers did not immediately jump on it. Although there have been attempts to apply psychological motives in management before, it was only with the advent of the work of Elton Mayo that it became clear what potential benefits this promises, and also that carrot and stick motivation is not enough.

Elton Mayo was one of the few academically educated people of his day, who had both a sound understanding of scientific management and a background in psychology. He built his fame and reputation during an experiment conducted in a Philadelphia textile factory in 1923-1924. The labor turnover in the spinning section of this mill reached 250%, while in other sections it was only 5-6%. The financial incentives offered by the efficiency experts failed to change the turnover and low productivity of the site, so the president of the firm turned to Mayo and his comrades for help.

After careful examination of the situation, Mayo determined that the working conditions of the spinner provided few opportunities for socializing with each other and that their work was not respected. Mayo felt that the solution to the problem of decreasing employee turnover lay in changing working conditions, and not in increasing remuneration for it. With the permission of the administration, he gave the spinners two 10-minute rest breaks as an experiment. The results were immediate and impressive. Labor turnover dropped sharply, worker morale improved, and output increased greatly. When the inspector subsequently decided to cancel these breaks, the situation returned to its previous state, thus proving that it was Mayo's innovation that improved the state of affairs on the site.

The spinner experiment reinforced Mayo's belief that it was important for managers to take into account the psychology of the worker, especially some of its "irrationality." He came to the following conclusion: “Until now, in social and industrial studies, it remains insufficiently realized that such small illogicalities in the mind of the “average normal” person accumulate in his actions. Perhaps they will not lead to a “breakdown” in himself, but they will cause a “breakdown” of his labor activity. However, Mayo himself did not fully understand the importance of his discoveries in this area, since psychology was then still in its infancy.

The first major studies of worker behavior in the workplace were a major part of the Hawthorne experiments conducted by Mayo and his associates in the late 1920s. The work at Hawthorne began as an experiment in scientific management. It ended almost eight years later with the realization that human factors, especially social interaction and group behavior, significantly affect the productivity of individual labor. The conclusions reached by the group working in Hawthorne made it possible to found a new direction in management - the concept of " human relations which dominated control theory until the mid-1950s.

At the same time, the experiments at Hawthorne did not provide a model of motivation that would adequately explain the motives for work. Psychological theories of labor motivation appeared much later. They originated in the 1940s and are currently being developed.

Knowing people of each other's motives, especially in joint activities, is very important. However, identifying the grounds for actions and deeds of a person is not an easy task, associated with both objective and subjective difficulties. Often such identification for many reasons is undesirable for the subject. True, in a number of cases, the motives of a person's actions and activities are so obvious that they do not require painstaking study (for example, the performance of a professional's duties). It is quite clear why he came to the enterprise, why he does this particular job, and not another. To do this, it is quite enough to collect some information about him, to find out his social role. However, such a superficial analysis gives too little to understand his motivational sphere, and most importantly, it does not allow predicting his behavior in other situations. The study of the mental make-up of a person includes the clarification of such questions:

What needs (inclinations, habits) are typical for a given person (which ones he most often satisfies or tries to satisfy, the satisfaction of which brings him the greatest joy, and in case of dissatisfaction - the greatest grief, which he does not like, he tries to avoid);

In what ways, by what means does he prefer to satisfy this or that need;

What situations and states usually trigger one or another of his behavior;

What personality traits, attitudes, dispositions have greatest influence on the motivation of a particular type of behavior;

Is a person capable of self-motivation, or is outside intervention needed;

What affects motivation more strongly - existing needs or a sense of duty, responsibility;

What is the orientation of the personality.

The answer to most of these questions can only be obtained by using a variety of methods for studying motives and personality. At the same time, it is necessary to compare the reasons for actions declared by a person with actually observed behavior.

Psychologists have developed several approaches to the study of human motivation and motives: experiment, observation, conversation, survey, questioning, testing, analysis of performance results, etc.. All these methods can be divided into three groups:

1) a survey of the subject carried out in one form or another (the study of his motivations and motivators);

2) assessment of behavior and its causes from the outside (method of observation);

3) experimental methods.

The most incorrect method of studying the motivation of labor activity is at the same time one of the most common in international practice sociological research. This is the use of satisfaction-dissatisfaction scales by various aspects of the production situation and the content of labor.

Satisfaction with work is the estimated attitude of a person or a group of people to their own work activity, various aspects of its nature or conditions.

It is common among sociologists to define indicators of satisfaction with work and its various aspects as indicators of corresponding motives.

Another characteristic of the state of labor motivation is the attitude to work, which is studied in three aspects:

Attitude to work as a type of activity and social value (depends on the person, ideology, culture of education);

Attitude to the specialty (profession) as certain kind labor activity (depends on public opinion, objective situation, personal views);

Attitude towards work, i.e. to a certain type of labor in specific production conditions, in a given team (from given working conditions).

The third group of methods for studying motivation to work is the study of the employee's personal disposition to work, interest in it, all other things being equal. Motivation in this case depends on how much this work allows him to satisfy the most important vital needs, how much the general interest in work is consistent with his individual interests.

These indicators, as a reflection of labor motives, are unsuccessful, since they contain the total result of the influence of a wide variety of conditions.

The attitude to work is general characteristics position of a person in the sphere of work, his motivation. The most common in practice is the study of specific indicators of job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction indicators are the most appropriate for characterizing the stability of the team. The attitude of the worker to work is largely formed under the influence of his labor orientation, the content and conditions of work, relations in the team, personality type, etc.

If we consider job satisfaction in more detail, then specific indicators of attitude to work will include many specific aspects of labor activity. These include: the level of labor safety, noise, pollution, the aesthetic design of the workplace, the availability and equipping of places of rest, the mode of work and working hours, labor characteristics, the level of work organization, the social climate in the team, leadership style, growth prospects, wage level etc. The employee evaluates the objective characteristics of labor that affect him. As a result, the employee may be satisfied or dissatisfied with his work. In a word, the attitude to certain aspects of labor serves as a way of manifesting labor motivation.

Another way to study the motives of labor activity is to use a set of methods that register the hierarchy of value orientations, social attitudes, subjective attitudes towards work and its features.

However, this method of obtaining information about the motives of activity must be approached with caution, because. there is a danger of distortion of the information received due to the fact that the personality is influenced by the norms of the macro environment and the immediate environment; the generalized motives of people's behavior do not always agree with the situational motives of their behavior in labor activity. It influences the formation of values ​​and the level of self-reflection (a person may be inadequately aware of his needs and values ​​and give the researcher wishful thinking).

Thus, to obtain reliable data on labor motivation, it is advisable to combine several methods. Nevertheless, it can be said that these methods can help both with explaining and predicting the motives of a person’s behavior in a given situation, since with their help his most stable and dominant needs, interests, personal dispositions, personality orientation are revealed.

1.2. Methods for studying the motivation of management personnel

Knowledge of the methods of studying motivation and their competent use will not only increase the return on management personnel, but will also provide an opportunity to better understand the people who manage the enterprise. The five most commonly used methods for studying motivation are:


Expert assessments;

observation. 9

Let us consider in more detail the essence of these methods.

A survey or questionnaire is one of the most widely used methods for assessing employee motivation. It allows you to get important information on the motivation of a significant number of employees. The survey may cover employees of one or more divisions of the company or some category of employees, or all employees of the company. The survey allows you to identify the features of the motivation of various categories of personnel (specific professional, seniority groups, groups different ages, gender, educational level, etc.), as well as to assess the factors influencing their labor motivation.

To conduct a survey, a questionnaire is being developed containing questions designed to find out to what extent the organization meets the most important needs of employees, to what extent employees are satisfied with the most important aspects of their work.

Questioning has a number of advantages: information is obtained quickly, the survey does not require large financial costs. However, this method is open to possible distortions of information, both conscious (socially desirable responses) and unintentional. There may also be errors in the development of the questionnaire, miscalculations in the very procedure for preparing and conducting the survey, leading to low reliability of the information received. Therefore, it is advisable to combine questionnaires with other methods of collecting information (document analysis, observation, interviewing experts), which can confirm the results obtained.

When analyzing the results obtained, one can consider both indicators of employee satisfaction with certain aspects of the work, and the total satisfaction index obtained by adding all assessments of their satisfaction with various aspects of the work situation.

If the study is conducted in different departments of the organization and covers employees of different professional groups, this provides managers with extremely important information that allows them to take timely steps based on the results obtained to improve job satisfaction for employees of specific departments and specific professional groups. ten

As a rule, the analysis of survey results, designed to assess the satisfaction of staff with their work in the organization, is limited to calculating and comparing the average values ​​of satisfaction of various categories of staff and percentages. The use of factor or correlation analysis can give a more accurate assessment of staff motivation and the factors acting on it.

The results of the survey should be communicated not only to management, but also to those employees of the organization who took part in it. In order for employees to continue to be ready to actively participate in surveys, they must be informed about the results obtained and see for themselves a real benefit from the very fact of participating in the survey. This assumes that the following steps will be taken after the survey is conducted:

Prompt communication to employees of information based on the results of the survey;

Communicating to employees the opinion of management on the results of the survey;

Preparation of a work plan based on the results of the survey and its subsequent implementation.

Consider such a method of studying motivation as testing. Under the tests understand standardized tests to identify or evaluate certain psychological characteristics of a person. Tests are being developed to determine the characteristics of the motivation of a particular person and the degree of severity of one or another of its characteristics. eleven

Test materials usually include question booklets and separate answer sheets. When using projective methods, that is, methods of indirect assessment of motivation, unfinished sentences, sets of photographs, drawings or pictures may be presented. Interpreting according to certain rules for evaluating the presented material, which implies multiple interpretations, a conclusion is made about the characteristics of the testee's motivation. The use of standard forms allows candidates to mark their answers with a pencil or pen, and the answer sheets can be processed using a scanner. Testing can be done on a computer. To make reasonable conclusions based on the results of testing is possible only with the participation of qualified psychologists.

The method of expert assessments proceeds from the fact that only people who know them well can accurately assess the motivation of employees. First of all, these are leaders and colleagues. Sometimes business partners or clients are involved as experts. As a rule, an expert assessment of motivation is one of the elements of a comprehensive assessment of an employee.

The main tool of an expert in assessing employee motivation is a specially prepared questionnaire. The accuracy of assessing employee motivation largely depends on the quality of this questionnaire. 12

To use the method of expert assessments, it is necessary to clearly define what requirements the persons included in the composition of experts must meet. In any case, the following requirements are imposed on the experts:

    Awareness. The assessor should be well aware of the most important aspects of the professional activity and work behavior of the employee being assessed.

    Objectivity. The expert should not be interested in the results of the assessment of a particular employee.

    Moral and ethical qualities. When choosing an expert, one should be guided not only by his knowledge, but also by his honesty and orientation to the interests of the company.

    Preliminary preparation. The assessor should have received prior training in evaluation methods and procedures in order to eliminate errors that may affect the accuracy of the conclusions.

In addition to the selection of experts, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the tool with which the experts will evaluate certain features of staff motivation. The most commonly used questionnaires.

The conversation is one of the simplest and most reliable tools for assessing the characteristics of the motivation of subordinates. After talking with a person, you can almost always get an idea about his attitude to the matter, about what determines the strength of his motivation.

During a conversation with a subordinate, the manager receives all the necessary information with the help of questions. The following types of questions are distinguished: - closed, open, indirect, suggestive, reflexive

Observation is the most available method assessment of the motivation of subordinates, which can be used by the manager. In order to obtain an accurate understanding of the characteristics of employee motivation through observation, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly should be taken into account as observable signs of motivation. To develop your powers of observation and your ability to make sound judgments, you must distinguish observable signs of motivation from opinions and judgments.

Examples of observable signs of motivation can be:

    the number of employee proposals for the year to make improvements to work.

    employee behavior in emergency situations.

    the number of people late for work in the past month.

Examples of evaluation characteristics can be:

    the employee's interest in the work performed.

    high level of worker autonomy.

    responsible attitude of the employee to the work. 13

It should be borne in mind that, according to such objective indicators as absenteeism for different reasons and staff turnover, it is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions about the state of labor motivation, since it is often impossible to separate absenteeism or turnover caused by external reasons from those caused by the attitude of the employee himself to work.

Using observation to assess the motivation of employees, you can choose the most effective methods of influencing their motivation. In practice, it is impossible to limit ourselves to using only one of the considered methods. The use of several methods simultaneously increases the reliability of the information received and improves the quality of decisions based on it. fourteen

Based on the above, we can conclude that the study of motivation allows you to determine the needs of the company's employees and their impact on efficiency. daily activities which largely determines the state of affairs in the enterprise.

1.3. Methodology for managing the personnel motivation system

Because motivation is dynamic, more effort should be put into managing motivation. Experience shows that this strategy is more fruitful. In recent years, a huge number of studies have been published, showing that the motivation of employees can be successfully managed, achieving significant improvements in their work.

The goal of motivation management is to get the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which improves the overall performance and profitability of the enterprise. fifteen

The main tasks of managing employee motivation are:

    encouraging staff to achieve the best results in achieving goals in accordance with the company's strategy;

    improving the personal and team performance of employees;

    establishment of a direct dependence of remuneration and other employee benefits on the achievement of specific results by them in accordance with the approved work plans;

    attracting and retaining employees needed by the company;

    positioning the company as "the best employer".

To understand the work behavior of subordinates and build an effective system of influencing their motivation, it is necessary to take into account the key principles that determine the relationship between work motivation and work behavior of a person. These are the following principles:

Polymotivation of labor behavior;

Hierarchical organization of motives;

Compensatory relationships between motives;

The principle of justice;

The principle of reinforcement;

Dynamism of motivation. 16

Numerous surveys of employees of various Russian organizations have made it possible to compile a list of the most frequently mentioned needs, the desire to satisfy which not only determines the choice of a job, but also forms a willingness to work with high returns. These are the following needs:

Decent wages;

Good working conditions;

Attractive career prospects;

Good climate in the work team;

Good relationship with management;

Interesting job;

Opportunities to show initiative and independence;

Opportunities for learning and professional development;

Confidence in the future / job security;

Good level of social protection.

An integrated approach to the management of staff motivation involves the use of the widest possible range of means of influencing staff motivation. In table. 1.5 provides a brief review of the main means of influencing the motivation of staff, which can be used taking into account the specific situation in different companies.

Table 1.5

Means of influence on staff motivation

Means of influence on motivation

Main components

Organization of work

Variety of skills required to get the job done; completion of tasks performed; the significance and responsibility of the work; granting independence to the employee; timely feedback on the compliance of the work with the established requirements

The end of the table. 1.5

The most important type of labor incentives is wages - one of the tools to influence the efficiency of the worker. This is the pinnacle of the company's personnel incentive system. Remuneration in a broad sense is one form or another of remuneration for a certain quantity and quality of work performed.

Currently, the following motivational principles of remuneration are distinguished:

The amount of earnings of each worker should be determined, first of all, by personal labor contribution to the final result of collective labor;

Strengthening differentiation in wages depending on its complexity and quality, consumer properties of products;

Expansion of the stimulating wage zone by establishing optimal ratios of the minimum wage guaranteed by society, which ensures the reproduction of a skilled workforce, and the maximum possible earnings;

Changing the function and role of incentive systems, which are currently weakly stimulating labor activity, since they are used mainly to implement the power functions of the administration, and not as an incentive. 17

AT recent times In the practice of personnel management in Russian companies, several trends have emerged towards non-material motivation of personnel, which can be called innovative, or even innovative. Four trends stand out among them:

Gender approach to staff motivation;

Cultivating good work as a special human dignity;

Study of the genesis of motivation;

Value management as an element of human resource management.

When creating a motivation management system in an organization or rebuilding it, it is necessary to take into account the different degree of sensitivity of different categories of personnel to the same incentives. An effective motivation system should selectively establish the principles of stimulating the work of various categories of personnel.

Any leader faces the variability of motivation: what suited the employee yesterday ceases to motivate him. People are getting older, more experienced, their marital status is changing, they are getting an education - all this has a consequence and changes in the motivational-required sphere. There are new requests, new requirements, new expectations; solving old problems becomes uninteresting. eighteen

The significance of a certain motive and its place in the hierarchy can change not only over time, but also from situation to situation. The very set of needs that people seek to satisfy at work may vary depending on the professional group, external conditions (market conditions, competition, government regulation), career stage and other factors. Great importance has the situation in the country, in the labor market. If until quite recently, confidence in the future and social protection occupied top positions in the hierarchy of labor motivation of the Russian population, today the content of work and the possibility of professional and career growth have already begun to come to the fore.

As the results of surveys conducted in various Russian companies show, the hierarchy of the most significant needs (and corresponding work motives) for ordinary employees differs markedly from the similar hierarchy for middle managers, although there are some similarities (Table 1.6). 19

Table 1.6

Hierarchy of needs for different categories of workers

Ordinary workers

Middle managers

1. Decent pay

1. Decent pay

2. Good working conditions

The set of needs that people strive to satisfy at work can change not only depending on the professional group, external conditions, but also on the age of the employee, his marital status, career stage. If at the first stage of work in the organization for the employee, the motives associated with orientation in work, with the establishment of personal contacts with colleagues may come to the fore, then later, when the newcomer has fully mastered it, the importance of motives associated with the need for an official and professional growth. In the same way, raising wages, improving social conditions can significantly affect the hierarchy of labor motives of workers. Comparison of the needs of workers at the beginning and in the middle of a career are given in Table. 1.7. twenty

Table 1.7

Needs of employees at the beginning and in the middle of a career

What interests an employee at the beginning of a career

What interests an employee in the middle of a career

Watson-Wyatt, a leading compensation consulting firm, asked different groups of employees about the benefits they prefer. The results are presented in table. 1.8. 21

Table 1.8

Watson-Wyatt Preferred Benefit Survey Results

Preferred perks (top five places)

Total income above average

Salary above average

Mastery development

Opportunities for professional growth

Group benefits

As can be seen from the above data, for those over 50 years old, in the first place is the total income (salary plus bonus) exceeding average level. Those under 30 value professional growth opportunities, skill development and flexible working hours above all else. It can be seen that these preferences change over time, as well as depending on the economic and personal circumstances of workers.

Summarizing the above, personnel motivation management is based on a comprehensive consideration of the psychological principles of the motivational process of individual and group activities, as well as effective methods of motivating attraction, retention and effective work. A systematic approach includes managing the motivation of employees at all levels using all types of motivation: material and non-material, monetary and non-monetary.

Conclusions to Chapter 1

    Motivation as a tool for personnel management is the process of creating a system of conditions or motives that affect a person’s behavior, direct him in the direction necessary for the organization, regulate his intensity, boundaries, encourage conscientiousness, perseverance, diligence in achieving goals.

    It is necessary to purposefully and consciously influence the motivation of all categories of personnel, clearly presenting the specifics of motivation in each individual case and thus achieving the necessary results or the necessary attitude to the matter.

    At present, in Russia, the basis of motivation is the level of wages and the satisfaction of social needs. Higher levels of motivation are open and public recognition of the achievements of specific employees, providing opportunities for their self-expression.

    Methods of effective incentives depend on the categories of workers. The most important motivating factors for managers are promotion, the type of work performed, the opportunity to be proud of their company. Factors such as pay, benefits, and working conditions are given fairly low ratings by executives. Consequently, in the end, money is not the main motivating stimulus for executives.

For effective management of staff motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. At the same time, the measurement of motivation is a complex methodological problem. The article discusses the methods of its study, and also proposes the author's model for studying motivation, in which three levels of its manifestation are distinguished. The parameters are both employee assessments and specific measurable results related to labor behavior and labor efficiency.

The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people, effective activity is possible only if the employees have the appropriate motivation, that is, the desire to work.

An organized and controlled process of encouraging an employee to work determines his work behavior, and the productive use of human resources largely determines the company's competitive advantages.

The issues of formation of motivation to work are dealt with by specialists in the field of economics, sociology, psychology, etc., as evidenced primarily by the emergence of many theories. However, the joint efforts of researchers make us remember the parable of the three blind men who could not come to a common opinion about what kind of animal was in front of them. At the same time, they absolutely correctly described the elephant, feeling its different parts.

At the same time, each of the approaches suggests that in order to manage motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. Despite theoretical research, the measurement of motivation is a complex methodological problem. Practitioners are forced to admit that they are measuring the “immeasurable”. . In the structure of personality, theorists have identified stable "generalized motives", it is these variables - how tendencies are diagnosed and taken into account when developing motivational activities. In reality, there are no motives. “Firstly, motives are not directly observable and in this sense they cannot be presented as facts of reality. Secondly, they are not facts in the sense of real objects accessible to our direct observation. They are conditional, facilitating understanding, auxiliary constructs of our thinking, or, in the language of empiricism, hypothetical constructs.

Consider the methods for studying motivation that are offered to managers for the analysis of these stable personality attributes, “generalized motives”:

Polls- used to assess the degree of staff satisfaction. Forms of surveys can be different: interview, questionnaire. As a rule, the subject is asked to choose (and evaluate) from the proposed list of motives, interests, needs those that most accurately describe him, relatively direct questions are asked about how much the employee likes the work itself, its conditions, relationships in the team, leadership style, etc. .P.

A diagnostic interview requires a significant investment of time and effort, therefore it is used to assess the level of motivation of managers. In addition, based on the opinion of the heads of departments, it is possible to compile a generalized description of the situation by departments, evaluating general level employee motivation.

With the obvious accessibility of this method, it has disadvantages: not all motives are conscious, since understanding complex deep motivational formations requires developed reflection; the answers are often insincere due to the factor of "social desirability" (the desire to look your best, to meet certain social "norms" and "standards"). Nevertheless, surveys allow you to quickly collect mass material, find out how a person perceives his actions and actions, what he declares to the “world”.

Psychological tests . The test questionnaire contains a series of questions, the answers to which are used to judge the psychological qualities of the subject. A test task is a special kind of test, the results of which determine the presence or absence and the degree of development of characterological traits (personality properties), for example - success orientation.

With the help of standardized tests, quantitative estimates are obtained, by which it is possible to compare the severity of the psychological properties of an individual with their severity in popularization.

The disadvantage of standardized tests is a certain possibility of the subject's influence on the test results in accordance with the approved personality traits. These opportunities increase if the test-takers know the content of the test, or the criteria for evaluating the behavior and personality traits being studied.

Projective methods. The main emphasis is on diagnosing the hidden motivation of an employee, and hidden, including for the employee himself. Often, projective methods include combinations of all kinds of methods - cases (situations), specific tasks, interviews that include questions that at first glance are not relevant to the respondent (for example, "Why, in your opinion, do people work well in one company, and not so well in another?" trying?"). It is assumed that the subject identifies key indicators for him.

The information obtained using such methods is less structured and standardized, it is more difficult to process it. These methods require skilled interpretation of the collected data.

Knowing the motivational components allows the manager to create a "motivational map" of the employee. Information about the identified driving motives and needs of the employee is used in the development of a set of measures to motivate employees.

However, often, motivational programs in organizations lead only to short-term changes and have almost no effect on production and financial performance. The reason is that "Generalized motives" are subject to diagnostics - dynamic formations that are updated under the influence of situational determinants, and "situational determinants" can potentially be a huge number of variables in a real situation, so it is impossible to take into account and measure them all.

Managers, emphasizing the employees' subjective assessment of their motives and "generalized motives" (without taking into account "situational determinants"), use a set of stimulating influences, which, despite its attractiveness, has practically no effect on business success.

The activities in question are often carried out as part of the development of a remuneration system, or the satisfaction of identified motivational factors. Some of these programs are focused on the analysis of what has been achieved: comparing employee satisfaction before and after the implementation of a motivational project.

Leaders welcome such initiatives in their companies, believing that their "correct" implementation will certainly allow them to achieve efficiency. All these programs are based on a fundamentally erroneous logic based on the confidence of managers that if you compare the subjective assessment of employees before and after the introduction of the motivational program, then in the case of positive changes, you can be sure that sales will increase and product quality will improve.

Consultants and HR professionals actively support the myth that in this case you don’t have to worry about the growth of indicators, since the results are optimized “by themselves”. As a result, top managers are firmly convinced that after some time these programs will pay off and that they made the right choice.

However, since there is no clear relationship between subjective assessments employees and work efficiency - improvements are rare.

In addition, statements about changing the level of motivation, based only on the self-assessment of employees, are not substantiated. To obtain an adequate picture, it is necessary to take into account the labor behavior in which it is reflected. It should be noted that in the domestic and foreign literature there are numerous scientific data stating the fact of a significant influence of motivation on the success and efficiency of a particular activity, therefore, it is also important to take into account the results for the company, for which, in fact, incentive measures have been started.

We have proposed a motivational model in which three levels of manifestation of motivation are distinguished. The parameters are both the assessments of employees and the achievement of specific measurable results associated with labor behavior and increasing labor efficiency.

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