Makes them invisible. How to overcome enlarged pores. Australian copperhead snake

False scorpion - a representative of the detachment, which includes arthropods (class arachnids). This pest has some resemblance to a scorpion predator, however, it is completely harmless to humans. Such arachnids are distinguished by their small size, which makes them invisible in their natural environment.

The arthropods of this species got their name due to the presence of grasping claws. Because of this feature, the false scorpion causes fear, but you should not be afraid of it, because it does not have poisonous glands, and its small size will not allow it to harm a person, even if the pest tries to attack.

What does it look like?

This is not a beetle, although from a distance it can be mistaken for one. The false scorpion of those varieties that are common in Russia reach a length of 3 mm, no more. Some individuals develop to large sizes: 7 mm, and sometimes 12 mm. However, such pests are found on other continents. 6 pairs of legs are provided for movement. However, despite this feature, the arthropods of this order are still inactive.

The first pair of limbs resemble claws (called chelicerae). With their help, the pest feeds: it pierces the cover of the victim, and then sucks out the internal organs. The second pair (pedipalps with claws) is used to capture food. These limbs simultaneously perform the function of organs of touch. The rest of the legs are used exclusively for moving.

The book scorpion can be identified by its pronounced claws. In size, they usually correspond to the length of the body.

The cephalothorax is protected by a shield on which the organs of vision are located. However, with their help, the pest can only distinguish between light and darkness, since vision in false scorpions is poor, and sometimes completely absent. The body is segmented, rounded, dark in color. To move along vertical surfaces, the limbs have claws and suction cups.

The book scorpion can be identified by its pronounced claws. In size, they usually correspond to the length of the rest of the body. Pests move more often sideways, which makes them look like crayfish. Book false scorpions and ticks have similarities, but the former have much longer grasping limbs.

More about habitats and lifestyle

There are about 3300 species of arthropods of this order. Depending on what species the pest belongs to, its habits, lifestyle and habitat are determined. There are no strict requirements for choosing a territory for life for false scorpions, so they can exist in the desert and in the mountains, as well as in more comfortable conditions. Such pests are more common in tropical latitudes.

For habitation choose a hollow, needles, caves. A false scorpion can also be found in a human dwelling. Here, arthropods populate books, aided by the flattened shape of the body. An alternative shelter is a pantry in the house.

Given that these pests are inactive and have no means of protection, they prefer to settle in hidden corners where they can go unnoticed.

Arthropods get out of the shelter at night. When meeting with the enemy, they pretend to be dead, and the limbs are pressed against the body. Sometimes arachnids can stretch large claws towards the source of danger, creating the appearance of intimidation.

Food habits

The false scorpion prefers to eat insects: cockroaches, bug larvae, flies. Another favorite food is ticks. Beetle, springtail, young offspring of spiders are another component of the pest diet.

They feed on small inhabitants of houses and apartments: book and house hay eaters, dust mites, etc.

As you can see, these arthropods are able to consume various insects, dipterans, and also their offspring. While eating, the false scorpion sucks out the insides of the victim, and then diligently cleans the claws from pollution.

How does reproduction take place?

An obligatory ritual is mating dances. In this case, arthropods rise on their legs and perform certain movements using claws. With a life expectancy of 2-3 years, sexual intercourse takes place on average 1 time per year. The female does not lay larvae, they are attached to her body.

With a life expectancy of 2-3 years, sexual intercourse takes place on average 1 time per year.

The development of offspring occurs in a cocoon / nest, which arthropods build around themselves using pieces of paper, grains of sand, and plant particles. After the appearance of the larvae, the female dies. Her body is used by the young as initial nourishment.

Do they harm or benefit?

Despite the frightening appearance of a spider with claws, in fact it is not dangerous to humans. The arthropods of this order do not have poisonous glands, but the products of their vital activity and the husks that the larvae shed as they develop create an allergenic background in the house.

False scorpions are of great benefit, as they destroy various insects that usually inhabit human dwellings.

They rid the apartment of flies, cockroaches, ticks, beetles and other pests. In addition, false scorpions do not spin webs, which is also their positive quality.

Interesting video:False scorpions - various types

If the pest has bitten, what should I do?

Given the tiny size of arthropods and the complete absence of poisonous glands, there will be no harm from a bite, except for a mild allergic reaction of a local nature. False scorpions attack only rarely when there are no escape routes for cover. If, however, this happened, and the pest has bitten, the affected area should be treated with a disinfectant / iodine.

Do I need to fight false scorpions?

Since these arachnids, unlike their counterparts, do not weave a web, it means that their presence will not affect the interior of the home. In addition, they rarely bite, without causing any consequences. However, there are a lot of benefits from arthropods, which is especially noticeable if different insects live in the house: cockroaches, beetles, etc. For this reason, it is not necessary to deal with false scorpions. You should only get rid of them if their number has increased significantly.

Many animals do not take any special action in order to protect themselves from enemies. Nature took care of them, endowing them with various protective devices that allow them to passively defend themselves against predators. Some have a protective coloration that makes them invisible to the eyes of enemies, while others, on the contrary, have a very bright frightening color that warns the predator that this animal is poisonous or inedible. Some animals resemble the objects surrounding them with the shape of the body, which also misleads the predator and saves the animal from death.

In nature, both predators and their prey are often forced to live side by side. And predators often become prey themselves. To survive, animals camouflage themselves in the color and shape of the environment in which they live. For example, desert snakes or lizards are grayish-yellow in color to match the color of the surrounding soil and vegetation, and animals that live in the snow have white fur or plumage.

In nature, both predators and their prey are often forced to live side by side. And predators often become prey themselves. To survive, animals camouflage themselves in the color and shape of the environment in which they live. For example, desert snakes or lizards are colored greyish-yellow to match the color of the surrounding soil and vegetation, and animals that live among the snows have white fur or plumage.

Incubating females that nest in open areas are saved from extermination by the fact that their coloration usually harmonizes with the environment and is patronizing. In males, the coloration is more varied, but, in general, the coloration in them remains patronizing. This is the case with birds that live in pairs and in which the male takes part in caring for the offspring.

In the case of pronounced sexual dimorphism, in birds living in "polygamy" (many chicken, wild ducks), the plumage of females who have to incubate eggs and nurse their offspring has a more modest, "partridge" color, which makes even a large bird inconspicuous, while their males wear a brighter outfit. In such birds, the life of the male turns out to be less precious for the preservation of the species, since he does not take part in caring for the offspring, and other males take over the females in the event of his death.

Since the main color of the vegetation is green, and the vegetation itself occupies considerable space, there are a lot of animals with a green color. Many insects, amphibians, reptiles and some birds living in the middle geographical zone have this coloration, in its various variations: grasshoppers, praying mantises, frogs, toads, lizards, as well as insects, amphibians and reptiles of tropical forests, where even among birds there are many species with green plumage. Among mammals, there are also animals whose fur has a greenish tint. For example, a tropical forest dweller sloth.

In those natural areas where the seasons change and the vegetation turns yellow, orange and red in autumn, animals with the same color are found.

The animals of the North have to adapt for one year to two directly opposite colors of the environment. If in the warm season the local nature has dark tones, then in winter everything is white around. Therefore, animals that want to be invisible cannot have the same color throughout the year, in contrast to animals of more temperate latitudes, where the color contrasts of the environment do not change so dramatically. Very many animals of high latitudes change their color during the year depending on the color of the environment. So, for the winter they molt and change the dark color of their plumage or wool to white. Widespread in Russia white hare in summer it has a reddish-gray coat color, and in autumn, with the approach of cold weather, it sheds: the old coat falls out, and a new, white color grows in its place. ptarmigan in summer it has a reddish-brown plumage - the color of moss swamps, where it usually builds its nest, and with the onset of winter it turns white, which is reflected in its species name.

Seasonal coloration is also observed among insects, for example, in leaflets. With folded wings and tucked up paws, they are surprisingly similar to a leaf - hence, apparently, their name. In summer, leaflets are green, and with the onset of autumn, the color of their wings becomes brownish-yellow, to match the yellowed foliage, so it is very difficult to notice this insect among the leaves at any time of the year. "Dresses" according to the season and the caterpillar of the oak shuttle butterfly. In spring, when the caterpillar feeds on oak buds, it has a pink color, in summer its color turns green, and in autumn it turns brown.

The largest group of animals on earth are insects. In this group of living beings, an amazing variety of colors and shapes is noticeable - a consequence of the adaptive evolution of these animals to different environmental conditions, a particular manifestation of which are protective devices. Insects are a favorite delicacy of many animals, therefore, in order to survive as a species, they have developed a wide variety of ways to protect themselves from numerous predators in the process of evolutionary development.

Perhaps the most notable group of insects - butterflies, thanks to their large, colorful, brightly colored wings, are an adornment of a wide variety of natural communities. The distant ancestors of butterflies were wingless; instead of wings, they had small growths that protect the respiratory slits from drying out. Over the millennia, small growths increased in size and gradually turned into wings - membranous formations that serve for flight. The acquisition in the process of evolution of wings and the ability to fly allowed butterflies to move over considerable distances in search of food (the search area increased), and in some cases to escape in the air from the presence of terrestrial predators everywhere. The larger the area of ​​the wings, the more comfortable they are for long, quiet soaring. However, the increase in the wings and, in connection with this, the overall size of the butterflies, which in no way affected their defensive qualities, at the same time made the butterflies noticeable to many potential predators. Therefore, some species of butterflies have stopped their development on relatively short wings, which makes them both less noticeable and more skillful and evasive in flight.

Other types of butterflies "went a different evolutionary path." Their large wings, painted in a wide variety of colors, allow butterflies to somehow survive. The fact is that they fly over flowering meadows and forest glades, where the same bright and colorful flowers grow. It is sometimes difficult for a predator to distinguish flying beauties from equally brightly colored flowers, against which butterflies are almost invisible.

Most moths have mostly gray wings with a discreet but often complex pattern of black dashes and dots. During the day, they sit on the bark of trees, in branches or under stones, and almost completely merge with this background.

There are nocturnal butterflies, in which the upper wings are painted in gray tones, and the lower wings are bright, for example, red. Such butterflies use a different method of protection: many predators are afraid of conspicuous coloration, in many cases associated with some kind of danger. Some of these butterflies are bear butterflies, in which the upper wings are painted in white and brown tones, and the lower wings are bright red, with black spots.

Usually the butterfly sits in such a way that the front wings, imperceptible against the surrounding background, cover the hind wings. In a moment of danger, she moves her front wings, and fiery red highlights flash from under them, often accented with a blue or black pattern. A quick pattern change scares the attacker.

At ribbon butterflies the upper wings are grayish-brown with many stripes, lines, spots. When the ribbonworm sits down along the trunk of a tree and folds its wings into a “house”, it literally merges with the color and pattern of the bark. If, despite this disguise, the butterfly is nevertheless discovered, it instantly reveals a pattern on the hind wings, surprisingly reminiscent of the eyes of some vertebrate. This may scare away a small bird.

An important element of protective coloration is the principle of countershading, in which the illuminated side of the animal's body is colored darker than the one in the shade. This protective coloration is found in fish swimming in the upper layers of the water. The dark, but illuminated by the sun's back and the light, but shaded belly make these fish hardly noticeable to predators both from above and from below.

Among the animal world there are invisible animals. They have no color and are almost transparent, making them invisible against any background. The larva of the branched mosquito coretra has extraordinary transparency: underwater objects can be viewed through its body, as through glass. This is a way to protect against numerous enemies. The large wings of the Trinidad Itomia butterfly are completely transparent, and when it sits on the ground or on a plant, surrounding objects are visible through them, which helps it to some extent remain invisible. The caterpillars of the agate scoop butterfly are also transparent, so much so that an intestine stuffed with green gruel shines through their covers, it helps this invisible person to disguise himself among the green plants that she feeds on.

There are invisible and among the fish. So, the perch living in the reservoirs of the Indian coast, for the amazing transparency of the body, especially at a young age, was called glass. Such coloring, or rather its absence, saves from many enemies. And this is not an exceptional case among fish. Transparent also prickly chanda, perch commerson and some other types.

The coloration of many animals is a combination of spots and stripes of contrasting color, which do not correspond to the outlines of the body of the animal, but merge with the surrounding background in tone and pattern. This coloring, as it were, dismembers the body of the animal, hence its name.

Zebras and giraffes have dissecting coloration. Their striped and spotted figures are almost imperceptible against the background of the vegetation of the African savannas, especially at dusk, when predators come out to hunt.

With the help of dissecting coloration, a great masking effect is achieved in some amphibians. The body of the deceptive toad, or Cameroonian, living in South Africa, is visually divided into two parts, due to which the animal completely loses its shape.

Many snakes have a luxurious dismembering color, and among them - Gaboon viper. A bright geometric pattern erases the contours of the snake's body and makes it completely invisible against the background of colorful vegetation and fallen leaves.

This type of coloration is also typical for many inhabitants of the underwater world, especially for coral fish. Representatives of the bristletooth family, such as angelfish or pennant bristletooths, are distinguished by the most variegated coloration.

Dissecting coloration is also found in insects. Its masking protective role is especially great for those species that demonstrate it while in a calm state.

Animals with bright colors are clearly visible against the surrounding background. As a rule, such animals keep openly, do not hide in case of danger. They don't need to be careful or hurried, as most of the time they are inedible or poisonous. Their bright coloring is a kind of warning - do not touch! This form of defense is called a warning, and is so effective that numerous non-poisonous species have adopted the appearance of these inedible, conspicuous animals, and therefore predators are afraid to touch them.

There are many animals that are similar in shape and color of the body to any object of the environment. This helps them to become literally invisible in their usual habitat, because they either completely merge with the background (the so-called protective coloration), or are disguised as certain inanimate and inedible objects - for example, a knot or a thorn.

Stick insects perfectly imitate dry sticks, knots, leaves. Among insects, they are perhaps the most dexterous deceivers. Moth caterpillars have three pairs of thoracic and two pairs of ventral legs. They move as if in "spans": arching the body in an arc and bringing the hind legs closer to the front ones. When a caterpillar sits motionless on a branch, it stretches out at an angle to it and becomes like a short twig or twig. Even more similar to dry branches are stick insects, which have a characteristic rod-shaped body and limbs. Various species of praying mantis, sitting motionless on trees and bushes, look exactly like twigs, leaves or flowers, so that even keen-eyed birds detect them only with great difficulty.

With the help of a protective form of the body, some fish are also masked. The appearance of such fish is quite peculiar, and their names are original: sea clown, rag-picker horse. sea ​​clown lives in sargasso algae, on which it moves with the help of pectoral and ventral fins. Due to its color and bizarre shape, it is completely lost in the thickets. Little resemblance to fish rag-picker. Its body is equipped with numerous spikes and tape-like leathery outgrowths, they fluctuate all the time, and therefore it is almost impossible to distinguish fish from algae.

One of the protective properties of animals is the resemblance of a defenseless species to a well-protected species. Such a phenomenon in nature was first discovered among South American butterflies, when in flocks of heliconids inedible for birds, edible white butterflies very similar to them in color, shape, size and manner of flight were noticed. This similarity is called "mimicry".

Among insects, imitation of the stinging hymenoptera is widespread. There are, for example, glass butterflies that look like hornets. There is syrphid flies, which are difficult to distinguish from wasps, bees or bumblebees. In some insects, the similarity is very great, in others it is limited only by color, but in both cases it protects them from many birds.

Peculiar mimicry was found between three species of snakes: harmless king snakes and poisonous coral snakes equally imitate moderately dangerous and numerous snakes of the snake family - erythrolampruses.

Nature has endowed some animals with the ability to change color when moving from one flower environment to another. This property serves as a reliable protection for the animal, since it makes it hardly noticeable in any environment.

In addition to the flounder fish, well-known for its rapid color change, the thalassoma fish changes its color to match the environment, which is blue in the water column, and turns yellow when lying at the bottom. Spikes, seahorses and blennies are instantly masked: in the zone of red algae they become red, among green algae - green, in a yellow environment they become yellow.

Some lizards also change color. This is especially pronounced in the tree lizard chameleon. A quick color change from green to yellow or brown makes it almost invisible on the branches among the foliage.

The cephalopod octopus also changes color at the moment of danger. This animal can also instantly disguise itself as the ground of any color, repeating the most bizarre pattern of the seabed or algae. Cuttlefish do it especially skillfully. And if the enemy gets too close, they have one more trick in store: wrap themselves in a cloud of so-called "ink" - a dark, opaque liquid.

Some amphibians, crustaceans, insects and even spiders masterfully control their coloring.

Struggling with enlarged pores, you need to understand that they are not a skin defect, but its feature. It is physically impossible to narrow the pores, but you can make them almost invisible with the right care, procedures and makeup.

home care

In order for the pores to be invisible, they must be clean. Cleansing will help gentle means that remove impurities, but do not dry the skin. They will prevent the appearance of black dots, which turn the most inconspicuous pores into dark craters. Acid products can also help: they exfoliate dead skin cells, improving skin texture and reducing the visibility of pores. The most useful will be salicylic, which penetrates into the pores and reduces the amount of sebum. Only, using acids in the warm season, do not forget to carefully protect the skin from sunlight.

Procedures at the beautician

Procedures that cleanse the skin and those that increase its tone will help to make the pores less noticeable: when the face is slightly tightened, then the pores visually decrease. For those who need a serious solution, there is laser resurfacing - it increases skin regeneration, making the face smooth and even. But if you have not very enlarged pores, it will be enough to regularly go for cleaning and make alginate masks.


If you can’t get rid of the enlarged pores, then they can be hidden with the help of cosmetics. There is nothing wrong with this: after all, you do not cover up the inflammation, but only adjust the makeup to the characteristics of the skin. The easiest way out is a primer that “fills in” the recesses and irregularities, creating a smooth surface: the tonal base will lie on it perfectly and will not fall into the pores. The best way to do this is with silicones.

Some squid emit light from their bodies in order to get lost in the sun's rays falling from above. This makes them almost invisible from below. Colors are much more important in the animal world than looks.

In fact, most animals are partially colorblind. Animals can use colors for flirting, friendly greetings, and even defensiveness. Animal colors can serve as life-saving camouflage, a cell phone, and even sunscreen.

Coloration and evolution

Coloration is the most visible expression of an organism's genetics. After several million evolutions, most animals have acquired the most appropriate coloration for their natural environment and for their role in the food chain.

In the course of evolution, color mutations could only survive if they were useful in some way. Almost every animal and even plant on our planet relies on its coloration to protect itself from predators, spy on prey or attract individuals of the opposite sex.

Protective coloring can act in several ways: as a protective camouflage against predators, as a warning or as a distraction.

Coloring as protective camouflage against predators

A huge number of animals use their coloration to blend in with their surroundings. So, animals living on trees can have bark color or body patterns that help them get lost in the foliage. Terrestrial animals often have gray-brown coloration, which helps them move undetected on the ground. The body of animals living among the snow is often covered with white wool, which helps them to become invisible against a white background. Many animals living in the jungle are spotted in color. This protective coloration is also known as cryptic coloration. Let's now look at the most interesting animals that use cryptic coloration.

Animals with cryptic coloration

These incredible creatures have perhaps the best protective coloration. Tiny seahorses, only one and a half centimeters long, blend in perfectly with their natural habitat, coral reefs, taking advantage of both their size and their amazing coloration. Pygmy seahorses were discovered by chance on corals that were fished out for study.

This fantastic South American bird is another camouflage expert in the animal kingdom. The feather pattern of these birds looks like dried bark and twigs, providing them with an excellent hiding place. Forest nightjars spend most of the day sitting on branches, only revealing themselves when they open their beaks or flap their wings to fly off into the darkness in search of insects.

Whitefoots are related to nightjars, and they use the same tactics for defense. The color of the plumage of the giant whitelegs goes well with the trees on which they sit, which is why it is very difficult for predators to find them.


Related to forest nightjars and giant whitelegs, common nightjars are usually brown-black in color, which hides them well in ground nests.


Owls are nocturnal predators that spend most of the day hiding in hollows. Their plumage merges with the tree and in the daytime it is very difficult to distinguish them against the background of the tree.

This graceful wonder of nature spends most of her time in a tree, and for good reason. This striking green snake seamlessly blends into the foliage, making it virtually invisible until it begins to move slowly.

This predatory insect hides in the green grass, patiently waiting for its prey, inflicting a fatal blow at the most opportune moment.


These ground birds are colored brown to help them hide in their sandy habitat.


Caterpillars use two types of coloration: protective coloration and warning coloration. Many caterpillars are colored exactly like the plants they live on, making them difficult for birds and other predators to see.


In muddy rivers, the habitat of crocodiles, these predators lie motionless, waiting for their prey, which often mistake crocodiles for lifeless logs. By scanning the surface of the water, crocodiles can keep almost their entire body underwater. This allows them to get quite close to an unsuspecting victim and launch a lethal attack.

African pygmy viper

This gray snake fits perfectly with its desert habitat. Like all snakes, this is an excellent ambush predator that hides under the sand in anticipation of prey. Only the head rises above the sand, which is quite difficult to notice.

Australian copperhead snake

Most snakes are masters of camouflage. The Australian copperhead or cottonmouth, one of the deadliest snakes, has a striking pattern of randomly spaced spots that blend in with grass, leaves and twigs.


This predatory fish is almost impossible to detect when it lies in ambush, waiting for its prey. In this form, the wart resembles an ordinary stone covered with corals at the bottom of the ocean, right up to the very moment of its attack.

Lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar

All these wild cats rely on cunning and ambush to hunt, so they need to get close to the victim as close as possible. The golden coat of the lion hides it in the golden brown landscape of the African savannas. Lions try to get as close to the prey as possible, thereby compensating for their insufficient speed. Their camouflage is extremely useful to achieve this goal.

Tigers hunt mainly in wooded areas, in areas covered with tall grass. Since tigers usually hunt at dawn or dusk, their otherwise conspicuous stripes help them move undetected in tall grass.

Leopards and jaguars hunt in densely forested areas. The rosette pattern on their body helps them to hide in the ever-shifting shadows cast by the leaves in the sunlight.

Seasonal color changes

This phenomenon can be observed in the tundra, where some animals change their coat in winter and summer. Their winter coat is white, helping them blend in with the constant masses of snow and ice. In winter, white wool helps animals to either hide from predators or wait for prey in ambush. With the advent of summer, the white coat is replaced by brown-black coat, which helps the animals to hide in the summer landscape.

Such animals include, first of all, a hare, partridge and arctic fox, which feeds on hares and partridges.

Adaptive color change


The chameleon is undoubtedly the most famous example of such animals. However, the chameleon is not the only one that can change color in this way, many arctic animals also have this ability. As in the case of the chameleon, contrary to popular belief, these animals do not always change their color for the sake of protection. Quite often, a change in color is a message to representatives of the same species. Such a change in color can serve as a signal of readiness for mating. The chameleon mainly uses its ability to change color to express its mood, though also to blend in with its surroundings.

Unlike the chameleon, the cuttlefish uses this ability primarily for defensive purposes. She evaluates her surroundings and adopts the appropriate color. Surprisingly, a cuttlefish can change the color of its entire body in less than a second. Cuttlefish also use the ability to "flash" as a means of communication. Other cephalopods such as octopuses and squid also have this ability.


Flounder moving along the ocean floor can change its color in accordance with the color of the sea floor. When the flounder lies at the bottom, it is not easy to notice it.

Gradual color change

This coloration is observed in almost all highly developed animals. Upper body of dolphins, sharks, penguins, deer, cheetahs, etc. darker than the bottom. Although this coloration also helps land animals such as deer, it is most beneficial to ocean predators.

Sharks, dolphins and penguins have an almost white belly, which gradually turns into a dark gray or black back. Due to this coloration, these predators are not easy to replace both from below in the sunlight and from above, where their backs blend into the color of the ocean.


There are animals that have learned to imitate other animals or objects. This imitative ability gives them a huge advantage, allowing them to hide effectively. Creatures that imitate an inanimate object, such as a leaf or twig, can safely rest among the leaves and branches without worrying about their safety. Animals that imitate living beings (a phenomenon called mimetism) often imitate more dangerous and scarier animals than themselves. Thus, they protect themselves from predators. Here we present to your attention the best imitators.


This incredible miracle of evolution is undetectable when it hides in a tree. These insects are strikingly reminiscent of tree leaves in their appearance. They even move like a leaf in the wind. Some leaflets even have rough edges that make them look even more like leaves.

Like many butterflies that have large eye-shaped spots on their wings, the "eye" of the "owl's eye" butterfly is designed to deter potential predators. These butterflies are preyed upon mainly by lizards and frogs. Spots resembling the eyes of an owl help butterflies save lives.

Hoverflies are harmless insects that feed on nectar and pollen. Many hoverflies mimic the more dangerous and poisonous wasps. Thus, they are saved from animals that are afraid of wasps.

In the animal kingdom, conspicuous coloration is almost always a disadvantage. However, the bright coloration can also serve as a warning to potential predators.

Brightly colored animals are more likely to be poisonous, dangerous or tasteless. Many unpalatable butterflies and moths are painted in bright warning colors. And it is also better not to touch brightly colored frogs. Many harmless animals in the process of evolution have developed the coloration of dangerous animals, which helps them avoid predators.

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Many young women suffer the consequences of a turbulent and active adolescence, reflected in their skin - all kinds of scars from falling off a bicycle; strange moles that appeared as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun; "bumpy" or "spider" veins.

Modern medicine offers many ways to reduce the appearance of these skin imperfections. While most scars cannot be completely removed, you can still improve their appearance and make them less noticeable.


Ingredients such as glycolic and salicylic acid (which gradually soften and exfoliate tight skin) help to make scars less visible, as well as components with light-reflecting pigments, such as kojic acid or hydroquinone.

A scar is a scar on the skin from a healed wound, which is predominantly composed of inelastic collagen fibers. The scar tissue is usually deformed and very different from the surrounding normal tissue.

Onion extract (also called alium) has an emollient effect on all types of scars, improving their appearance (when used 2-4 times a day for 1-4 months).

Topical gels or silicone bandages also have a positive effect on scars. If you really want to achieve a visible result, it is recommended to use the gel 2-4 times a day or wear a bandage continuously for 4 months. You can get rid of scars and ugly skin defects using the cosmetic procedure of microdermabrasion or laser resurfacing. Microdermabrasion consists in the gradual "erasing" of the upper layer of the epidermis with a stream of inert microcrystals (aluminum oxide) with their simultaneous removal through a special vacuum system. It stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin, and improves skin tone.


Not all moles are dangerous. Only "wrong" moles or moles that suddenly change are of potential danger, which may be a sign of skin cancer. To always keep the situation under control and solve the problem at the initial stage, independently perform a monthly examination of your own body, carefully examining each mole.

If you notice any of the following signs, contact your doctor:
- The mole has changed color, size or shape;
- A mole that itches, bleeds, or has a hard surface
- A mole with asymmetrical edges.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks, also known medically as pregnancy scars, are cracks that appear in the middle layer of the skin. As a rule, stretch marks occur with a sharp increase in body weight, when the skin does not have time to adapt to the changes taking place (for example, during pregnancy, a sharp increase in weight or a rapid increase in muscle mass). And although stretch marks fade over time, they still remain quite noticeable, lowering a person’s self-esteem.

Perhaps no other skin defect causes such strong controversy among dermatologists. Some argue that stretch marks are curable, others, on the contrary, insist that no remedy is able to remove stretch marks, and others hold an intermediate opinion. Daily use of tretinoin ointment/gel, or a product containing glycolic acid or onion extract, has been shown to improve skin conditions in some people.

In this case, cosmetic procedures such as microdermbrasion, laser resurfacing or photopigmentation will also be effective means. Some people claim to have been able to get rid of stretch marks through the use of vitamin E and jojoba oil. If you have stretch marks and want to get rid of them, you can experiment and try different remedies to achieve a positive result.

Vein problems

"Lumpy" veins - also known as "spider" or thread-like veins, or simply damaged capillaries - are veins that have lost their elasticity, causing them to stretch and dilate. These unnaturally dilated veins fill with blood, making them extremely visible under the skin. At one time, dermatologists cauterized these small vessels with electric current. Today, cauterization has been replaced by cosmetic lasers - modern technologies that lead to good cosmetic results, eliminating the effect of cobwebs on the legs.

Varicose veins, which are predominantly found on the legs, are dark blue, green, or purple. Varicose veins occur when the valves in the veins fail. The function of the valves is to move blood towards the heart, but pregnancy, excess weight, blood clots, or a hereditary defect can cause them to malfunction. When this happens, the valve cannot close properly, causing blood to enter the veins. A saline solution is used to shrink the enlarged vein. In difficult cases, the vein is removed entirely.

Bad smell

Despite regular brushing and regular oral care, some people still have bad breath. In this case, the problem is not in the teeth, but in the throat and tongue. The less oxygen enters the mouth, the stronger the unpleasant smell of sulfur compounds. Sulfur compounds are also found in onions and garlic, which explains the sharp smell from the mouth after their consumption.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent bad breath. Use a variety of mouthwashes. Consume oxygenated foods such as celery or parsley. If following these recommendations, you do not see improvement, you should contact your dentist.

Warts on the hands

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus. Warts can develop through close contact with a person who has them. Fortunately, this disease is treatable. Nowadays, warts can be removed using a cauterization procedure or a laser in any cosmetology center.

Salicylic acid is also an effective treatment for warts. The main disadvantage of this skin defect is the possibility of their reappearance. We recommend that you always follow the rules of personal hygiene and avoid using other people's things, such as towels, scrubs or clothes.

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