Intramuscular injections how to do. Features of intramuscular injections in the thigh

There are situations when it is simply necessary to pierce a course of intramuscular injections on your own. Then you have to master the skills of a very simple procedure that requires increased accuracy and sterile cleanliness not only for preparation, but also for manipulations. Often prescribed and the easiest to learn are intramuscular injections, which allow the drug to enter the bloodstream faster without causing much harm to health.

Tip: for someone who is just learning how to perform the procedure, it is most convenient to set intramuscular injection in the buttock, not the muscle of the thigh or arm. In the upper part of the buttock, the most extensive muscle layer, which will protect it from getting into the region of a nerve or blood vessel, and through a developed capillary network, the drug will quickly reach the general blood flow.

Where are intramuscular injections usually given?

This type of injection allows you to enter a small dose of the drug solution, since the muscle, becoming a kind of reservoir, provides a long period of drug release, maintaining the same concentration of the drug in the blood with a minimal likelihood of side effects.

What are the best places for intramuscular infusion:

  • region of the gluteal muscle;
  • deltoid muscle of the shoulder;
  • broad muscle of the thigh (lateral).

To give an injection, you will need a sterile syringe with a volume of 5-10 ml with a needle length of 4-6 cm, which should be checked for free patency of the needle before the procedure by passing air through it by moving the piston. In addition, you need an ampoule with a ready-made solution or powder, which will need to be diluted with a special solvent, as well as means for disinfection.

How to give injections

General principle intramuscular injection is the same for all muscle groups that can be injected. It is safest to learn to inject injections in the buttock. The process begins with a thorough washing of hands with soap and water, then wipe them with alcohol. The next steps are:

Tip: when prescribing a course from a series of injections, each time for the administration of the drug, choose a different buttock, and also try not to get into the places of previous injections to avoid inflammation and seals.

What are the complications after injections?

Among the main causes of complications are errors in the execution of the procedure, as well as improper administration of the drug, which can result in the following troubles:

  • the appearance of an embolism when the needle enters the wall of a blood vessel after the introduction of oil-based solutions;
  • the formation of infiltrates (seals) due to neglect of the rules of asepsis or repeated infusion into the same place;
  • an abscess, when an infection that has entered the injection area provokes the development of an inflammatory process with a high temperature;
  • incorrect choice of injection site can lead to nerve damage, and a damaged vessel will cause a hematoma;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions to the administered agent.

Important: before injecting into the muscle, it should be maximally relaxed in order to prevent the needle from breaking during insertion.

Injections into the shoulder muscle: performance features

The need for this kind of injection is caused by the appearance of soreness at the injection site and difficult absorption of the drug during subcutaneous infusion. It is customary to make an injection in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and only when other zones for manipulation are not available or several injections need to be made.

Important: the danger of injecting the drug is the passage along the thigh of the artery, vein and nerves, which can be affected by an unprofessional procedure.

How to inject into the shoulder muscle:

  • determine the area where to inject, visually dividing upper part hands into three horizontal parts, choose the middle one;
  • taking a syringe with a solution of the drug with one hand, with the other hand with an alcoholized swab, stretch the skin and confidently insert the needle;
  • after fixing the syringe after inserting the needle, the drug is released, after which the syringe is removed by pressing the injection site with an alcohol swab.

Tip: the shoulder should be free from clothing, the muscles are relaxed, and the arm itself is bent at the elbow. In another way, they determine where to prick according to the location of the acromial process - at a distance of four fingers from it there will be the desired point.

It is important to remember that with injections into the muscle, the skin is stretched, and the syringe is inserted vertically. With subcutaneous injections skin covering collect a fold, introducing the medicine at an angle into its base.

Injections into the thigh muscle: performance features

For injection, choose the wide lateral muscle. Important feature manipulations - a syringe that needs to be injected is not held with all fingers, but only with two, like a pencil. This is a safety measure against getting into the periosteum or tissue sciatic nerve.

How to make injections in the thigh area:

  • it is necessary to relax the leg and bend it at the knee, sitting on a chair, side surface thighs with an overhanging muscle will be the part where the injection should be given;
  • having selected the middle part of the muscle, having disinfected the injection zone, the needle is sharply inserted into the muscle tissue at a right angle, the medicine is injected slowly, fixing the syringe;
  • after injecting the drug, the needle can be pulled out by pressing the injection site with an alcohol swab, massaging it will help to disinfect the wound.

Important: if an intramuscular injection has to be given to a patient with an extensive subcutaneous fat layer, a 6 mm needle should be taken, not a 4 mm one. When injecting should be given to young children or malnourished adults, the skin along with the muscle is formed as a fold, then the medicine is guaranteed to enter the muscle, and the injection will be painless.

How to inject yourself: rules of procedure

What will happen if the air is not completely knocked out of the syringe, and several air bubbles are injected into the muscle or under the skin?

Can I have multiple injections with the same needle?
Make one puncture, inject one drug first, detach the syringe leaving the needle in the muscle, then insert another syringe with the second drug and inject it? I don't want to make an extra hole!

Theoretically, with the introduction of certain drugs, it is possible, but in practice, the reduction in pain is questionable, and complications are likely.

In any case, this can only be done if the drugs are compatible.
In practice, the introduction of two drugs without changing the position of the needle is equivalent to mixing two drugs in one syringe. Some drugs with such a mixture may enter into unwanted reactions. Sharing your desire to inject less, we still advise you to check with the doctor who prescribed the injections, whether the drugs prescribed for you can be mixed in one syringe.
In addition, leaving a needle in a muscle and repeatedly connecting a syringe to it from the point of view of pain is even worse than several skin punctures: the left needle will “pick” the muscle when you insert the syringe, the injured muscle will hurt both during and after injection.
In addition, drugs introduced in this way ("in one hole") will create heavy load on the muscle area, and with an even greater likelihood of compaction as an undesirable consequence of the injection. Details on how to give an injection without pain can be found in this article of the Site about syringes and injections site.

How can I get rid of bruises on the buttocks that have remained after iron injections and have not gone away for 1 year?

Unfortunately, some drugs (for example, iron preparations) are very poorly absorbed and leave bruises that do not go away well. for a long time(including for a year or more).
However, in the general case, bruises do not pose a significant danger; rather, it is a cosmetic defect.
To eliminate old bruises, you can try at home compresses with Lyoton, compresses with Dimexide (1: 5 with water), physical procedures are also recommended in a clinic (electrophoresis or ultraphonophoresis with heparin, potassium iodine).
If there is no effect, you may need a full-time consultation with a surgeon.

Is it possible to take pills instead of injections?

It is possible, but not always desirable.
Tablets, passing through the digestive tract, enter the chemically active environment - digestive acids, enzymes - which, interacting with drugs, destroy them (tablets), reducing their effectiveness and medicinal properties.
Chemical compounds, formed during the interaction medicines With digestive enzymes, can provoke the development of gastritis and other diseases, for example, stomach ulcers .. The medicine, injected into the body by injection, almost instantly reaches the diseased organ in unchanged form and digestive system.
Besides, different shape drug (drops, tablets, suppositories, injections, etc.) and the associated route of drug entry into the body have a different therapeutic effect, which in a number of diseases must be achieved using a specific method of introducing the drug into the body.
Therefore, the decision to prescribe this or that form of the drug is made by the doctor based on a number of factors, and it is not worth changing the form of the drug without the consent of the attending physician.

Can I take a shower (bath) during the course of injections?

Take a hygienic shower as often as you need - especially before injections, this is not only possible, but also necessary.
After taking injections, press the injection site with cotton soaked in alcohol so as not to infect the injection site, take a shower an hour or two after the injection.

Do I need to change the needle on the syringe after taking the drug from the ampoule before the injection? What for?

If the medicine was previously in an ampoule with a rubber cap that needs to be pierced in order to collect the medicine - after taking the medicine, it is better to change the needle. Since the needle, having pierced the gum in the cap of the ampoule, becomes dull - and, obviously, the sharper the needle, the less painful the injection.
Also have certain types drugs (insulin, for example), when used in the instructions there is a note: “change the needle”, in such cases the needle must be changed.
Or, for example, you took the medicine and touched the needle, in which case it also needs to be changed in order to avoid complications associated with infection.

Why does blood come out after an injection? Is it dangerous?

If after you made an injection, blood came out - this indicates that you hit a blood vessel.
This is not dangerous. Press the injection site with a cotton swab with alcohol and hold for five minutes. If the blood does not flow out, but under the skin, a bruise will form. Immediately apply ice, and on the second day - a heating pad so that the bruise resolves faster.

When the ampoule is opened, the glass sometimes crumbles and enters the syringe along with the medicine. What will happen if such fragments get into the muscle, or into the vessel?

The probability of getting into the body of the ampoule glass crumbs is considered to be practically zero, so we can say that there is no reason for concern - it is more likely that you can cut yourself on the edges of the ampoule than glass fragments will fall into the syringe. However, according to the rules of injection, the crumbled ampoule must be discarded. Consider the situation with the glass inside the ampoule in detail. In order for the fragment of the ampoule to enter the syringe, it must pass through the needle. The diameter of the injection needle is quite small (the outer diameter of a standard needle for intramuscular injection is 0.6 mm, the inner diameter is even smaller), so it seems extremely unlikely that a fragment of the ampoule will pass through this hole. All glass fragments (both larger particles and microparticles) will of course fall to the bottom of the solution. In this case, you can protect yourself like this: when taking the drug, do not lower the needle to the bottom of the ampoule, if the appointment allows you to leave part of the solution in the ampoule. In the liquid remaining in the ampoule, fragments will also remain at the bottom. If, nevertheless, we consider the theoretical possibility that a microscopic fragment of the ampoule will pass through the needle, enter the syringe, and from there into the patient's muscle, the following will probably happen: foreign body"delimited", a seal forms around it. And most likely, the patient will not even feel it. How to avoid breaking off fragments of the ampoule, read on this page of the site.

Will the needle hit the bone during an intramuscular injection?

The probability of getting into the periosteum is extremely small. To protect the patient from this possibility, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right injection site. The best place for intramuscular injection - the upper outer part of the buttock, this is the muscle with the least chance of hitting a blood vessel, nerve or bone when injected.
Read more about intramuscular injections: read.

Why is the intramuscular injection given exactly where it is given (outer upper quarter)?

To avoid complications. In this place, it is unlikely that the needle will hit a blood vessel, nerve or bone.

The main thing when you inject into the buttock is to make sure that the needle hits the muscle and does not remain in the fat layer - otherwise the medicine will be wasted and, in addition, a bump may form at the injection site, which will resolve for a long time.

Usually it is enough to insert the needle to a depth of 2 - 3 cm, which can be done with a 0.6x30 or 0.7x30 needle, which are equipped with syringes for intramuscular injections. If the constitution of your patient raises doubts about the possibility effective implementation injections with standard needles - take a longer needle, for example, 0.8x40.

Is it possible to prick with the same needle if I accidentally pulled out the syringe before the end of the drug administration?

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the injection rules.
If, for some reason, you pulled out the syringe earlier than expected, do not be alarmed, calm down and try again.
The needle can not be changed in the event that you give an injection to the same person - on condition if, when pulling out the syringe from the buttock, the needle did not come into contact with foreign objects (for example, it did not fall to the floor).

Why does the intramuscular injection have to be done so deep (about 3 cm)?

An intramuscular injection must be done so deeply (about 3 cm for an adult patient, and about 2 cm for a child) in order for the medicine to get to its destination - into the muscle tissue, and not, say, into the fat layer.
If you inject shallowly and the medicine does not get into the muscle, the medicine will be wasted, in addition, a lump may form at the injection site, which will dissolve for a long time.

Each type of injection has its own method of administering the drug and ignore given fact not worth it for maximum results.
Standard needles for intramuscular injections for adults are 3 cm long (0.6x30 and 0.7x30), for large patients it is better to take a 4 cm long needle (0.8x40). For children, there is a special syringe with a shorter and thinner needle - a BogMark 3 ml syringe with a 0.5x25 needle.

How to make an injection without pain?

To minimize pain when administered intramuscularly, the following measures can be advised:
1) use good syringes with sharp needles
2) it is necessary to take injections only in the supine position. The gluteal muscle should be completely relaxed, for better relaxation of the muscles of the foot, turn the toes inward. Many patients prefer to remove all clothing below the waist so that nothing interferes with the relaxation of the muscles of the buttocks and legs.
3) Before the injection, massage well the muscle into which the injection will be made, rub the injection site intensively with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
4) The drug must be administered slowly, smoothly - so it will be easier for the muscle to take it, and pain with slow administration is significantly reduced. For slow administration of the drug, it is better to use a three-component syringe: the rubber seal on its piston allows you to smoothly and at the required speed to inject the drug.
5) when injecting the drug and removing the needle, try to keep the syringe at the same angle so that the needle does not "pick" the muscle. Well, of course, follow all the other injection rules - use a needle correct length, follow the rules of asepsis, etc. On the pages of the Site about syringes and injections, the site can be read in detail about preparing and conducting an injection at home.

Do I need to massage the injection site after the injection?

After intramuscular injection, and unless otherwise specified in the instructions for the drug, - Yes.
Massage of the puncture site after the injection improves blood circulation and helps the distribution of the drug in the tissues. In addition, wiping the injection site with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol good remedy disinfection.

In this article we will tell you in detail how to give an injection competently to someone or to yourself. Quite often, as an element of treatment, the administration of drugs in the form of injections or, in a simple way, injections is prescribed. Of course, it is preferable that they are done by a doctor. But there are situations when the nearest clinic does not work, or you and your family do not have the opportunity to go there every day for injections.

In this case, the ability to make injections at home is a real salvation. At home, you can do intramuscular injections yourself or inject the drug under the skin. Both methods can and should be learned in order to provide timely assistance to both yourself and your loved one if necessary.

How to do injections

Intramuscular injections are made in the area where one of the largest muscles of the body is located - this is the gluteal muscle, outer part thigh or deltoid muscle.

If you do subcutaneous injection, then places with a good subcutaneous layer of fat are selected here - the abdominal area is suitable for this purpose, or inner side hips. In these places it is convenient to give injections on your own - for yourself.

Injections into the buttocks or thighs are made in such a way that the injection area does not repeat. That is, it is impossible to prick in the same place - it hurts and is fraught with the appearance of bruises or hardening.

Experts recommend choosing a two-cube syringe with a thin needle for injections - it is more convenient to inject the drug with it, it does not leave seals. Of course, such a choice is possible if there are no special prescriptions from the doctor. In this case, special recommendations must be followed.

For intramuscular injection, the needle should be held vertically to the surface of the skin, with a slight inclination. And with subcutaneous - at an angle of 45 degrees.

Always carefully read the instructions for the injected drug - after all, some of them require additional components for injection. For example, lidocaine or special aqueous solution.

Also, before each injection, it is imperative to wash your hands to exclude the possibility of third-party microorganisms entering the wound. Despite the fact that the injection site is always treated with alcohol, this is not enough to ensure the necessary sterility.

Watch this video on how to properly do an intramuscular injection.

How to make injections in the buttock at home

Many drugs, including antibiotics, are prescribed by injection - intramuscularly. The course of such injections may have different dates, and very often a situation arises when an injection needs to be done either early in the morning or late in the evening. At this time, the nearest clinic is no longer working, so it is very important to be able to make intramuscular or subcutaneous injections yourself.

Intramuscular injections are most often made in the buttock - this is one of the largest muscles in our body. Also in this area there are no nerve nodes or large vessels. The injection is recommended to be done while lying down - in order for the muscles to relax. This not only reduces the pain of the process, but also prevents the risk of accidental fracture of the needle.

Before proceeding directly with the administration of the drug, it is necessary to make sure that the drug has valid period validity. Also wash your hands with soap or clean your hands with an antiseptic solution.

Shake the ampoule, tap with your fingernail on its upper part so that all the liquid is at the bottom. The cap of the ampoule is filed with a special nail file, the tip is broken off. The medicine is drawn into the syringe with the needle up, after which the plunger of the syringe is slowly pressed in order to push the air out of the needle. A sign of success in this case will be droplets of the drug on the tip of the syringe.

An injection is made in the upper part of the buttock, after probing the place for the presence of seals. Next, you need to fix the skin at the injection site with two fingers - thumb and forefinger.

The injection itself is done as follows:

  1. The syringe is held with all fingers at once - vertically, with a slight inclination in relation to the surface of the buttocks. In one motion, the needle must be inserted ¾ of its length - about 1 cm should remain on the surface.
  2. With one hand, fix the syringe in a stationary position, and with the thumb of the other hand, slowly press the plunger - while the drug is injected gradually. This is necessary in order to exclude soreness and the appearance of bumps at the injection site.
  3. After the injection of the drug, you need to press the alcoholized cotton wool to the place where the needle enters the skin and pull it out in one motion. The cotton wool is left at the injection site for a while for disinfection.

It is important to rub the injection site so that the drug spreads better throughout the body, and also to avoid stagnant processes. Very often, patients complain of bruising or hardening at the injection site. To prevent such phenomena, it is necessary to rub the injection area with light massage movements.

How to inject yourself in the buttock

This useful skill will be useful to everyone, because it is not always possible to get to the clinic or use the services of a qualified nurse who would come to your home.

Despite the apparent complexity, the principle of action is the same as when you give an injection to another person. The only difference is what needs to be given Special attention preparation for injection.

In order to inject yourself into the gluteal muscle, you need to stand in front of the mirror so that you can clearly see the buttock.

Then you need to transfer the body weight from one leg to another according to the following principle - if you, for example, inject into the left buttock, then the body weight should be transferred to right leg.

In this case, the left buttock will remain relaxed - which is necessary for the injection. Further actions are similar to those when giving an injection for another person.

The needle is inserted in one motion so that about 1 cm remains on the surface - this is necessary in case the needle suddenly breaks. But, according to doctors, such cases are rare. This is possible in the case of a sharp contraction of the muscle when it becomes tense.

How to inject yourself in the thigh

The thigh muscle is also well suited for drug administration. This intramuscular injection option may be more convenient if you cannot inject yourself in the buttock. And both methods differ, again, in the way of preparing a place for a future injection.

This injection is done while sitting on a chair, the leg must be bent at the knee. The part suitable for injection will be the one that hangs slightly from the chair when bent - this is the anterior lateral part of the thigh muscle. Further actions are the same as with intramuscular injections in the gluteal muscle.

Try to relax your leg as much as possible, do not strain the muscle.

How to make a subcutaneous injection

If it seems to you that it is impossible to make hypodermic injections at home, then you are mistaken. The basic principle is the same as with intramuscular injections. But there are also some differences:

  • the skin at the injection site should be slightly folded;
  • the needle must be inserted at an angle of 45 degrees - that is, exactly under a thin layer of skin, and not deep inside - unlike intramuscular injection, in this case the needle is inserted in one motion, but slowly.

The advantage of subcutaneous injections is that they are less painful than intramuscular injections.

There is nothing complicated in these actions, but there is only one limitation - rather psychological. This is the fear of piercing your own body with a needle in your own hands. Therefore, the main thing is to overcome this barrier.

A healthcare professional knows best how to properly perform an intramuscular injection, but there are situations when it is not possible to contact a specialist. Then the question arises of how to inject yourself in the buttock. In fact, this is not difficult, but you need to know some rules for the procedure. How to prepare, disinfect and choose an injection site?

Rules of mood and disinfection

So, the patient decided to do the injection himself. How to put an intramuscular injection in the buttock if a person experiences an overwhelming fear of the procedure itself?

You can deal with this with a simple exercise on soft toy. Do not be afraid of getting a needle into a bone or a large blood vessel. The fact is that the gluteal muscle is very large and thick, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

But that's not all. It is impossible to understand how to inject yourself in the buttock without familiarizing yourself with the rules of disinfection.

  1. First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water (at least 30 seconds).
  2. Next, on the table, you need to lay out all the tools that will be needed for the procedure (cotton wool, a syringe, an ampoule with medicine, alcohol and a blade to open the ampoule).
  3. It is advisable to use sterile gloves, although this item can be missed with sufficient hand treatment.


It is not enough to know how to inject yourself in the buttock. It is also important to learn how to choose the right syringes for injection.

The ideal option would be a syringe, the volume of which will be equal to the volume of the drug being injected. Children's injections usually do not exceed 2 ml in volume. Adults are more likely to receive injections of 5 ml. In rare cases, the volume may be 10 ml. The length of the syringe needle for an injection in the ass should not exceed 6 cm.

So, before you inject yourself in the buttock, you need to properly prepare and fill the syringe:

  • To begin with, it must be removed from the factory packaging and put on the needle along with the cap.
  • After that, it is necessary to make sure once again that the volume of the administered medication corresponds to the doctor's prescription.
  • Next, the ampoule is thoroughly wiped with medical alcohol.
  • After that, with a blade, you need to carefully cut off the tip of the ampoule.
  • The next step is to put the medicine into the syringe. It is important to ensure that the needle does not touch the walls of the vessel.
  • After collecting the medicine, you need to turn the syringe upside down with a needle and tap it with your finger. Thus, the air in the syringe will float to the top. You can drive it out by gently pressing on the piston. It is believed that all air will be expelled from space when the first drop appears from the tip of the needle.

Choice of injection site

How to make an injection in the buttock yourself and choose a place?

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, and for this you do not need to understand anatomy at all. It is enough to visually divide the soft spot into 4 parts: vertically and horizontally. It is necessary to put an injection in the upper right square. It is in this place that there are no important blood vessels and nerves.

According to patients' reviews, this part is less sensitive to the procedure. At the same time, pain during the administration of the drug is practically not felt.

What is the correct posture?

Before you inject yourself in the buttock, you need to take the correct posture. Without the correct position, the injection is unlikely to succeed. However, there are no exact recommendations regarding the position of the body during the procedure. The main rule is that the patient should relax the gluteal muscles as much as possible.

So how to make an intramuscular injection in the buttock without assistance? The best way to do this is to sit in front of a mirror. Do not immediately proceed to the procedure. It is advisable to practice several times before this with a syringe without a needle.

According to reviews, the most comfortable postures for self-administration of intramuscular injections are:

  • Standing in front of a mirror. In this case, the torso must be deployed halfway in order to see your reflection.
  • It is also convenient to give injections lying down, but only on a hard surface.

It is important to remember that the muscle into which the injection will be delivered must be relaxed. If the injection is performed while standing, one leg must be bent at the knee. Then the weight of the body and the tension will move to the other.

How to inject yourself in the buttock? Execution technology

  1. The place intended for injection must be lubricated with alcohol.
  2. Next, you need to make sure once again that there is no air left in the syringe by releasing a drop of medicine.
  3. Keep the syringe strictly perpendicular to the skin. It is more convenient to hold the piston with your index finger and thumb.
  4. With the other hand, you need to slightly stretch the skin around the injection site. If a person is very thin, then the skin is advised to collect in a small fold.
  5. The needle can then be inserted. This must be done confidently, strongly, but carefully.
  6. Next, you need to slowly inject the medicine to the end. It is worth noting that you should not rush with the injection, but you do not need to delay the process either.
  7. In conclusion, it is necessary to sharply pull out the needle and quickly apply an alcoholized swab to the wound site.
  8. If the area remains painful, you can do a light massage. Massage will not only help the drug dissolve faster, but also eliminate the possibility of bruising and bumps.

Before you inject yourself in the buttock, it is important to remember that some drugs can be very painful when injected. To reduce discomfort, you can make an iodine mesh before the procedure.

Performing an injection in the buttocks of children

Also, some parents are faced with the question of how to make an intramuscular injection in the buttock of their child.

It is worth remembering that almost all babies are panicky afraid of any injections and are sensitive to pain, so you need to have special training here.

For intramuscular injections, the baby needs to choose a syringe with the thinnest needle, and before the procedure itself, you can do a light massage of the soft spot. Thus, the child will practically not feel pain and will cease to experience fear.

It is best to put the baby on his stomach. It is desirable that the surface is solid. If there is no such place in the house, then you can place it on your lap.

If the child resists, it is better to ask one adult to hold him. After the baby has been fixed, it is necessary to carefully and confidently insert the syringe in the same way as an adult. baby and be distracted by screams. Pitying the child, you can break the technology, which will lead to discomfort.


So, how to properly inject into the buttock yourself has already been sorted out, but can there be any complications from such a procedure?

It is desirable to introduce vitamins and antibiotics slowly. If you drive the medicine quickly, then a seal may remain in this place, which will hurt for a while.

Also, after an intramuscular injection, an abscess can very rarely occur. In this case, the injection site turns red, swells, and the body temperature rises.

Most often, beginners make the mistake of getting a needle into the sciatic nerve. This can only happen if the injection site was chosen incorrectly. With a sharp pain in the first seconds, you must immediately stop the procedure.

Also, during the syringe, it can break and remain in the body. In order for it to be easily reached, it is necessary not to completely deepen the tip into the muscle (about 3/4).

There are several tips on how to make an intramuscular injection in the buttock without outside help. They will help you quickly learn and make the process as painless as possible.

  1. For the procedure, it is desirable to choose modern syringes with a rubber tip on the piston.
  2. The syringe is for single use only.
  3. If a course of injections has been prescribed, do not inject in the same place.
  4. Ampoules with oily solutions should preferably be warmed up in the hands or under a stream of warm water.
  5. After the needle is inserted into the muscle, you need to slightly pull the piston up. If blood enters it, then the vessel was hit. It's easy to fix. You just need to deepen the hole a little.

by the most in a simple way subcutaneous injection medicines is considered an intramuscular injection in the upper part of the buttocks. Usually the injection is given by a nurse or doctor, but you can do it yourself. Let's figure out how to give an injection in the buttock to a child, an adult and oneself - all the features of the introduction of the procedure without harm to health.

You can make an injection in the buttock at home

How to choose a syringe and needle for an injection in the buttock

The main thing you need to know when choosing a syringe for injection is that the volume of the instrument should not exceed the amount of the injected drug:

  • for children - 2 ml;
  • for adults - 5 ml (very rarely 10 ml).

The volume of the injection syringe for a child should be no more than 2 ml

Injections with a volume of more than 10 ml are not placed into the muscle tissue. A large number of drugs are not able to quickly dissolve and spread throughout the body. This condition can lead to purulent abscesses.

To introduction medication it was not too deep, the most suitable needle length is 4-6 cm. This will also help not to hook the walls of capillaries and nerve endings,

What part of the buttocks to inject

A suitable area is the upper (outer) part of the buttocks. In order not to be mistaken, the muscle must be visually divided into 4 identical parts. The upper square, namely its middle, will be the area where you need to put the injection.

The most suitable injection site in the buttock

The photo clearly shows the area that is best suited for the introduction of drugs. The place is far from the sciatic nerve, iliac bone and spinal column, which allows safe manipulation.

Preparation for intramuscular injection

The results of the procedure depend on a number of simple manipulations:

  1. Inspect the ampoule with the medicine for its integrity, and also check the expiration date of the drug.
  2. Collect all the medicine at the bottom of the ampoule. To do this, you need to gently shake the ampoule 1-2 times.
  3. File the upper part of the glass flask with a special nail file (attached to the preparation). Usually the incision site is marked with a colored rim.
  4. Break off the filed tip of the ampoule. For safety, it is better to place the cone in a napkin so as not to get hurt when opening the glass vial.
  5. Release the syringe needle from the protective cap and immerse it in the medicated liquid. Pulling the handle of the instrument towards you, draw up the medicine.

Break the tip of the ampoule and fill the syringe with medicine

When the syringe is filled with liquid, you need to hit it with your finger a little. This will help to collect all the air bubbles and, by gently pressing the piston, bring them out. After that, you can put an injection.

If the main drug substance is in powder form, it is diluted in a special solution (indicated in the instructions).

This is done in the following way:

  • remove the protective metal cap from the bottle;
  • using a needle and syringe, inject the required amount of solution into a vial of powder;
  • shake thoroughly;
  • turn the vial over, pierce the cap and collect the medicine in a syringe.
When the cap is punctured, the needle becomes blunt. To make the injection less painful and not violate sterility, it is better to replace the needle with a new one before injection.

Instructions for performing an injection in the buttock

It is easy to give an injection to an adult or children. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and know all the nuances of the procedure.

Technique for injection for an adult

The following scheme will help to deliver the injection as painlessly as possible.

  1. Lay the patient on a flat surface face down and release the upper part of the buttocks from clothing.
  2. Wipe the injection site with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  3. Hold the syringe right hand, and with the left stretch the skin in the area of ​​the upcoming injection.
  4. You need to insert the needle into the muscle three-quarters at an angle of 90 degrees. The movement of the hand must be confident and fast.
  5. Enter the treatment solution by slowly pressing on the syringe plunger and abruptly remove the needle from the buttock, covering the injured area with an alcoholized cotton swab.

It is important to understand that the rapid introduction of the drug makes the procedure very painful and can provoke the formation of bumps and seals.

Before injection, treat the skin with alcohol

How to give an injection to a child

Children are harder than adults to tolerate injections that are given intramuscularly.

To make the unpleasant procedure as easy as possible for a small organism, several basic nuances should be taken into account:

  1. When preparing the injection site, the skin should not be stretched (as in adults), but on the contrary, make a fold.
  2. It is good to massage the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle.
  3. Insert the needle at a 45 degree angle.

The rest of the manipulations are the same as in an adult.

Insert the needle at an angle

Intramuscular injections are not recommended to be injected into the same place more than 2 times a week. The buttocks must be alternated, and the distance between the punctures of the skin should be 1-2 cm. This will avoid seals in the muscle tissue and pain.

How to inject yourself

There are situations when there is no one to make an intramuscular injection and you have to carry out this manipulation yourself. Giving an injection to yourself is not so convenient, but you can learn how to do a medical procedure if you know the basic nuances.

  1. Choose the right posture. Usually they stand in front of the mirror, relaxing the side in which the injection will be made (bend the leg at the knees, resting on the second limb). You can do injections while lying down, while it is recommended to lie on your side.
  2. Confidently insert the needle. To do this, you need to take the syringe with your right hand and with a sharp movement make an injection into a previously prepared place on the buttock. Slowly squeeze out the medicine.
  3. Finish the process correctly. Sharply remove the needle, and treat the puncture area with a cotton swab with alcohol (vodka). Massage thoroughly.

It is important not to give injections if the skin in the upper part of the gluteal muscle is covered with acne or other damage. In order to avoid infection, the medicine is recommended to be injected into the muscle on the thigh.

If the injection in the buttock was incorrectly done - complications

Incorrectly made injections can provoke serious consequences:

  • vascular damage, which is accompanied by hematomas and abscesses;
  • the development of seals and bumps due to poor absorption of the drug;
  • inflammation in soft tissues as a result of infection;
  • fat or air embolism (air entering the capillary).

If the injection is incorrect, a hematoma may appear on the buttock

If after the injection the buttock hurts, the leg goes numb or appears allergic reaction(redness, swelling), we are talking about improper administration of the drug. To prevent complications, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

What happens if you put an injection with air

A small amount of air entering the muscle or intercellular space during the injection is not dangerous. As a result, an air infiltrate (seal, bumps) may occur, which hurts and becomes inflamed. To alleviate the condition, iodine nets are drawn, soda compresses, cabbage leaves are applied.

If air enters the capillary, the small vessel dies off. This is not harmful to health, but still refers to the undesirable consequences of an injection with air..

It is not difficult to put injections in the buttock on your own, if you follow all the rules of a specific procedure. If the recommendations are violated, bumps and seals may form, which can be joined by infection and inflammation. It is important to pay attention to negative deviations in time in order to prevent the formation of abscesses.

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