They gave an injection and touched the sciatic nerve - what to do? What to do with seals from injections

The article will talk about the reasons for the appearance of bumps and seals at the injection sites, as well as how you can quickly get rid of them.

The appearance of bumps after intramuscular injections is a common occurrence in therapy. Their formation on the buttocks causes a lot of trouble. However, there is no need to be very upset and worried - it is easy and fast enough to be treated if you turn to a specialist in time.

Why did a bump form and remain after the injection?

Swelling and compaction of the needle insertion site is due to certain reasons. During the procedure, the substance intended for injection must enter the muscle layer, dissolve there and go further through the tissues of the body.

But if this did not happen, it means that the standards for the procedure were violated and, as a result, a bump formed. What did the nurse do wrong?

  • Highly administer the drug quickly, especially having an oily structure, and the medicine did not have time to spread through the muscle tissue. In the West, this problem does not exist, since special syringes are used there, with which you can inject the drug slowly and evenly.
  • used short needle, since the myth that a short needle will cause less pain is quite common among medical staff. Such a needle does not even reach the muscle layer, the medicine enters the subcutaneous fat and accumulates there.
  • Damaged the vessel during the injection, and the leaked blood formed a seal, staining it in burgundy color. It turned out to be a sort of swollen hematoma
  • Hit a nerve ending, damage to which caused inflammation, accompanied by edema. Sometimes even numbness of the injection site is possible.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes the patients themselves are the culprits of the problem, if during the procedure they could not overcome their fear and relax, or they preferred to inject while standing. Only non-tense muscle tissues have a structure that allows the injected drug to be absorbed quickly and efficiently.

Why did the bump turn red and itchy after the injection?

However, it happens that the nurse did not violate the standards of the procedure in any way, and a bump with redness and itching appeared at the injection site.

It only says one thing: you hypersensitivity to the drug or its components, that is, simply speaking, an allergy.

IMPORTANT: To prevent this from happening, you must definitely do a test for the prescribed medicine. To do this, a small amount of the drug is injected subcutaneously and after 10-15 minutes the result is evaluated.

In order to exclude allergic reaction, as a result of which bumps from injections may form, preliminary tests should be carried out

How to smear bumps after injections?

It is necessary to get rid of the consequences of unsuccessful injections in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

However, the simplest and surest way is to apply an iodine mesh to the site of the tumor. She is warming sore spot, dilates blood vessels and accelerates metabolism at the site of the tumor, which, with regular use (2-3 times a day), will disappear within 3-5 days.

Iodine mesh will get rid of bumps and seals at injection sites

You can also use various ointments (Vishnevsky, heparin) and compresses.

Heparin ointment from cones after injections

An effective remedy for eliminating post-injection seals - heparin ointment. The benzocaine that is part of this remedy has a calming and analgesic effect, and heparin will relieve inflammation within 3-14 days (the period depends on the degree of neglect), provided that the ointment is used at least 2-3 times a day. Apply the product only in the direction of the muscle.

Consumer reviews on the forums are very optimistic, and the price is acceptable: from 25 to 30 UAH. for 25 grams.

Ointment Vishnevsky from cones after injections

  • This tool, created by the famous Russian surgeon A.V. Vishnevsky, almost a hundred years old, but its popularity and effectiveness, despite the very specific smell, does not decrease
  • Xeroform, which is part of the ointment, makes it a strong antiseptic, birch tar warms up, increasing blood flow, and castor oil facilitates penetration deep into the skin
  • You need to use the ointment in the form of a compress: apply to a bandage and attach to the sore spot, securing with adhesive tape, for 3-4 hours. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day

Ointment Vishnevsky from cones after injections is used in the form of compresses

Compress from cones after injections

Options in this method there is enough treatment so that everyone can choose a more acceptable one for themselves.

Recipe number 1. Indispensable for inflammation, a cabbage leaf smeared with honey or aloe is attached to the site of post-injection infiltrate overnight. You can use a regular piece of cling film instead of cabbage.

Recipe number 2. An alcohol compress (one aspirin tablet is diluted in two tablespoons of alcohol) must be used very carefully, as you can get burned.

  • To do this, the place of application of the bandage folded several times and moistened in the resulting solution must be lubricated with baby cream or petroleum jelly
  • Then cover it all with cling film, warm it up and go to bed calmly.
  • If the skin is hypersensitive, alcohol can be replaced with vodka. After 3-4 days of such procedures, the bumps disappear without a trace.

Recipe number 3. If there is no purulent inflammation (abscess) on the bump, it is possible to use laundry soap: you need to moisten the place of compaction and massage with a light pressure with the end of the soap. After 5-6 procedures, the “bumpy” problem disappears.

Magnesia from cones after injections

A drug such as magnesia has been used in medicine for a long time and is either a powder white color, or a solution, with magnesium sulfate as the main component.

Magnesium compresses are rarely used in therapy, but in some cases they can show a good result.

To get rid of the infiltrate (seal), you need to moisten the bandage in a solution of magnesia, wring it out slightly, apply it to the sore spot, cover it with a film on top, warm it with cotton wool and fix it with adhesive tape.

However, it must be remembered that this medicine is effective when wet, so you need to systematically change the compress (every 2-3 hours).

There are also side effects: an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is possible.

Dimexide is a fairly serious drug that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

It is produced in the form of a concentrated solution, and from it, according to the instructions, a solution of the “strength” necessary for the compress is made.

RECIPE: A bandage soaked in the resulting medicine is applied to the place of compaction, covered with plastic wrap, insulated with cotton wool or flannel fabric and fixed with a plaster. The procedure should be carried out twice a day and keep the compress for at least 30 minutes. The compress must be applied complete disappearance seals, which should occur in 3-4 days.

With all the "pluses" of this tool, you need to remember about contraindications:

  • Not suitable for children under 15 and people over 60
  • allergy sufferers
  • stroke survivors and heart patients
  • pregnant

For a long time, bumps do not pass after injections, what should I do?

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • contact a specialist
  • use traditional methods

Your doctor may prescribe one or more of the above options for you. drug treatment, as well as send them to physiotherapeutic procedures, which consist of heating with disinfecting lamps and using various electric massagers.

You, in turn, in order not to end up under the surgeon's knife, can try out several proven “grandmother's” recipes.

Recipe number 1. A compress consisting of rye flour and honey, taken in a one-to-one ratio, is applied at night for seven days.

Compresses with honey help get rid of bumps after injections

Recipe number 2. Honey cake made from two tablespoons of honey, two teaspoons butter and two raw egg whites, applied at night and covered with cling film, fixed with a plaster.

Recipe number 3. A curd compress, for which the curd is heated in a water bath, is applied at night, covered with a film and fixed with either a plaster or a gauze bandage.

Recipe number 4. A white clay compress applied for two hours is also effective in combating old seals.

Recipe number 5. The panacea for chronic injection infiltrates, according to many people, is a compress consisting of honey, alcohol and aspirin. Alcohol and honey are taken in a 1:1 ratio, one finely crushed aspirin tablet is added, all ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. The compress is placed at night in a warm form, the place of application is pre-lubricated with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly.

The inexperience of the nurse is one of the reasons for the formation of bumps at the injection sites.

The main thing to remember is that the bumps will not disappear at once, you need a systematic and regular application of the procedures.

Video: How to treat bumps after injections? How to treat bumps after injections with folk remedies?

Giving injections is not a very pleasant procedure, as are the consequences of them. The most common unpleasant consequence is the resulting seal in the soft spot area, which also hurts. But how to deal with it? What should I do if a bump forms after the injection and it hurts? In what cases should you go to the doctor? We will try to answer these and other questions.

AT medical practice a bump after an injection, or a compacted area after it is called a post-injection infiltrate. This is a fairly common problem in patients who give intramuscular injections. A bump is a compacted area of ​​tissue under the skin, in which an accumulation of blood and lymph has formed.

organisms different people have their reaction to the injection. In one person, a bump forms after the first injection, in others - after many subsequent ones. A person does not always notice a post-injection infiltrate immediately, since this does not bring noticeable inconvenience or pain. But this doesn't always happen. Discomfort can bring a lot of problems to a person - from physical to psychological discomfort.

Treatment of cones from injections

There are folk and medicinal methods treatment. Folk methods are quite common in modern world, but treatment with medicines brings an accurate and fairly quick result. In advanced cases, the bumps are removed by surgery. But why allow this? After all, there are many proven folk remedies:
- method of using the iodine grid;
This method means warming up muscle tissue. For this, an iodine grid is drawn. A lot of iodine is not needed, a small amount is enough so that there is no burn on the skin. Lubricate the cone 2 times a day, that is, in the morning and in the evening.
- Method of application of honey;
This method is called honey cake. To prepare it, you need to take non-candied honey, butter and egg yolk, flour. Mix it all up. A dough is formed, which must be applied by compress before going to bed. Must be covered plastic bag and close underwear. Honey has a warming and healing effect.
- method of application of cabbage;
To do this, you need to take a sheet white cabbage, cut with a knife to get the juice out of it, and attach to the place where the bump formed. For faster healing, before applying the sheet, you can inner part smear with honey.
- method of applying compresses.
A great way to eliminate bumps is a vodka compress. Before using this compress, you need to smear the bump with cream or petroleum jelly to avoid burns on the skin.

Medical methods for removing cones from injections

If folk remedies did not help in curing cones, you can resort to medicines:
- the use of creams, which include heparin or troxerutin;
These components have a blood thinning at the site of the formation of the bump, thereby resolving the seal. Already within two to three days of using the cream, you can notice a positive result;
- application of bodyaga gel;
The composition of this gel is obtained from a freshwater sponge that lives in clean waters. This drug is completely natural. The pharmacy price is quite minimal, and the effect is instant. With caution, this remedy should be used for those people who are allergic to medicines.
- the use of the drug "Dimexide".
It is used by surgeons to increase the permeability of tissues and increase the effectiveness of other substances. Should not be used in large dose. Dilute with water in a ratio of one to ten, moisten gauze or a piece of cloth in this solution and attach to the affected area for twenty to thirty minutes. Then wipe the skin with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Prevention of the appearance of cones from injections

To save yourself from unwanted bumps after injections, you need to follow these rules:
1. It is important to use high-quality syringes that have a black rubber band on the piston. Thanks to her, the syringe enters smoothly and slowly, and the injection is distributed smoothly throughout the muscle;
2. if it is necessary to administer an injection intramuscularly, you need to use syringes in a volume above 5 ml;
3. Be sure to use a needle of the correct thickness. After all, if you use a thick and short needle, then the medicine will be distributed not through the muscle, but through the subcutaneous fat layer. In this case, inflammation is inevitable;
4. in the case of the appointment of oil solutions in the injection, be sure to warm up the ampoules with the medicine before the procedure (in the palm of your hand or under the arm). In this case, the bump does not form after the injection, and the procedure will be painless;
5. if the resulting bump hurts a lot, you should immediately seek the help of a doctor. Indeed, in case of untimely treatment, an abscess may develop, or penetration under skin covering pustular microbes;
6. when injecting, you need to do it deeply so that the contents of the injection go exactly into the buttock, and not under the skin;
7. when administering an injection, you need to relax the buttocks so that the medicine goes where it is needed;
8. before carrying out the injection procedure, you need to lightly rub the place where it will be injected with your hand and wipe this place with alcohol;
9. after the injection, in no case should you press on the place where it was injected. It is enough to lightly apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. This will stop the flow of blood and have a disinfecting effect.

In the case when, after the injection, a bump forms and begins to fester, it means that it is infected with an infection. The following signs indicate such a process:
- the seal begins to turn red and increases in size;
- the injection site hurts a lot, especially when you press on it;
- the injection site is hot to the touch;
- pus comes out;
- a person has a fever, chills and fever.

In case of detection of the above signs, you should immediately contact a surgeon or an infectious disease specialist. The doctor prescribes a procedure for pumping out pus.

If the infection is not treated, there is high risk blood poisoning and subsequent death.

Not a single person is immune from the disease, and at least once in his life, but faced with an injection procedure.

It is very effective in treatment, but side effects are also present.

So, after a course of injections, a subcutaneous seal may form on the buttock at the injection site.

Such bumps are called painful bruises that appear after injections of antibiotics or other liquid medicines.

To alleviate your condition, it is important to start acting immediately after the procedure. Usually, such seals resolve themselves, but if the inflamed bumps do not disappear for a month or more, in this case it is necessary to be examined by a surgeon.

Causes of bumps after injections

Cones after injections can occur in any person, regardless of age category or gender. The appearance of such a problem can provoke:

1) the wrong size of the syringe needle. Using a short needle, the medicine can not get into the muscle, where it should, but under the skin of adipose tissue, where it cannot be absorbed. From this, painful seals arise.

2) at the injection, the drug is not deeply injected. In an unprofessional, well-intentioned injection, in order to cause less pain to the patient, the needle is not inserted deep enough, the medicine gets under the skin and a bump forms.

3) muscles in an overstressed state. Always before giving an injection, the doctor recommends lying down and relaxing the muscles. Otherwise, if the drug is injected into an overstrained muscle, it will be distributed unevenly and a hematoma will occur.

4) use of the prick method - cotton. It is believed to reduce pain during the injection. At a right angle, with a quick and sharp movement, the needle is inserted into the muscle, the drug is quickly injected and removed. In this case, the drug will not have time to be distributed evenly, as a result of which a lump will appear.

5) accidental damage to blood vessels. If during the injection the needle gets into such a place, then a dark red seal will form.

6) injury to nerve endings. If the injection was made with an incorrectly inserted needle, there may be discomfort in the legs and numbness of the gluteal muscles. Damage to the sciatic nerve may require medical intervention.

If swelling, redness, itching occur at the injection site, this may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to the medicine.

How to get rid of bumps after injections with medication

The most effective medicines that can penetrate deep into the subcutaneous tissue are those that are based on a substance that thins the blood or relieves inflammation.

Lyoton or heparin ointment. It has a calming effect on pain, relieves inflammation. the ointment is rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day for 3 to 14 days.

Troxevasin gel has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to increase the tone of capillaries. The gel is applied with light movements to the place of compaction 2 times a day.

Dimexide dissolves blood clots, relieves inflammation, has an analgesic effect locally. The solution is prepared in a proportion of 10 water to 1 dimexide. The tissue is wetted in it and applied for 20-30 minutes not on the affected area itself, but near it. Then wipe the skin with alcohol.

Iodine used to get rid of bumps after injections in the form of an iodine mesh. It is recommended to put immediately after the injection for faster resorption of the bumps.

Vishnevsky ointment restores damaged tissues and has an antiseptic effect. To get rid of subcutaneous seals, it is used as a compress. The ointment is applied to gauze, folded in several layers, and applied to the problem area for 3-4 hours.

Before buying any drug, you should see a doctor so that he approves the use of the product. Because in each case, different drugs can be used.

Cones after injections - methods of getting rid of folk remedies

If for some reason it is not possible to purchase medicines, and the bumps after the injections bother you, you can use folk methods.

1. cabbage juice It is an antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties. A leaf of white cabbage should be crushed so that juice begins to ooze from it, and attach it to a compacted place, cover with cling film and leave overnight.

2. Honey warms up the muscles. The problem area can be smeared simply with honey, rubbing it well into the skin, or you can make a honey mixture. So, to one article. spoon of honey add one teaspoon of butter and one egg yolk. Mix everything and apply the mixture on the bump, cover with a film and leave overnight.

3. Aloe helps in the treatment and resorption of cones after injections. First of all, a fresh leaf of the plant must be removed in the refrigerator for a day. Then you can grind it, wrap the resulting slurry with gauze, attach it to the seal for several hours and fix it with a plaster. Or you can simply cut the chilled sheet lengthwise and apply the pulp to the sore spot, also sealing it with a plaster.

4. Alcohol disinfects the skin and warms the subcutaneous seal. To avoid burns, it is better to use an alcohol solution and lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly or cream. It is necessary to wet the gauze in the solution and apply to the sore spot, covering it with a film for 1-2 hours.

5. Potato relieves swelling and inflammation. A finely grated potato should be wrapped in gauze, applied to the problem area and sealed with a band-aid.

6. Pickle contains lactic acid, which relieves pain and reduces inflammation. The vegetable should be cut into thin circles, which should be applied to the cones for 7-8 hours, fixing them with a band-aid.

There are many more folk ways treatment of subcutaneous seals after injections.

What are the symptoms of cones after injections you need to contact the surgeon

If, after the injection procedure, unpleasant and painful sensations appear, you should be alert and seriously observe the symptoms.

When general state the body feels an increase in temperature, in the injection area there is a pronounced redness, soreness, swelling with pus release - these are symptoms of an immediate visit to the doctor. Because this may be a sign of a deep abscess or infiltrate, and the methods of treating these diseases are different.

When the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are not observed during the injection, the wound becomes infected after the injection. It can also lead to the development of an abscess, which is the most serious complication of a bump. It will not resolve itself, and if it is too late to see a doctor, you will have to surgically open the phlegmon.

Bumps after injections are not always formed, by making an injection with the right syringe, according to all the rules, this can be avoided. medicinal product, introduced into the muscle, should be absorbed without any subcutaneous seals.

The introduction of drugs in the form of injections is prescribed by doctors quite often. This is convenient when the drug needs to be quickly delivered to the bloodstream. This method of drug administration has many advantages, since the drug quickly enters the bloodstream, the therapeutic effect occurs faster and there is no burden on the digestive tract. Often, a complication of an abscess develops after an injection in the buttock (post-injection abscess). This occurs as a result of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis when administering the drug. But there are other reasons as well. The topic of today's conversation is a post-injection abscess, why does it form, what to do if it suddenly forms?

This is a purulent fusion of tissues in the soft subcutaneous tissues as a result of an inflammatory process. It is a cavity filled with pus. It often occurs in the gluteal region, where drugs are injected intramuscularly, a little less often in the thigh, on the arm or under the shoulder blade. It is formed more in obese people, and more often in women.

The main cause of occurrence is a violation of sterility at the time of drug administration. According to statistics (and from my observations during work), abscesses are more likely to occur when patients inject at home, where there are no conditions for maintaining sterility. In second place are injections made by ambulances, which is understandable, since service 03 workers often have to inject in “field” conditions.

The causes of abscesses can be:

  1. The introduction of drugs that have an irritant effect, which are not able to quickly dissolve in the subcutaneous tissue. These include magnesium sulphate, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ortofen, etc.), non-narcotic analgesics, biostimulants, vitamins, oil solutions. It should be noted that after the introduction of antibiotics, this problem does not arise.
  2. Non-compliance with the rules of asepsis, antisepsis, hand hygiene during injections.
  3. Failure to comply with the injection technique: when an injection is made with a short needle, the medicine enters the subcutaneous fat layer instead of the muscle. This may include insufficient immersion of the needle.
  4. When it enters a blood vessel, a thrombus occurs, which subsequently becomes inflamed and suppurates.
  5. Incorrectly selected area for drug injection. Yes, at obese women it is not always possible to accurately identify the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock, so the injection is made in lower area lower back, where there is little muscle tissue.
  6. With repeated administration of the drug to the same place, tissue nutrition is disturbed and favorable conditions arise for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

An abscess after an injection can occur if the patient has a weak immune system, he is sick diabetes or sick long time bedridden.

Suppuration can occur if, after the procedure, an infection was introduced into the puncture site as a result of non-compliance with personal hygiene or when combing.

How an abscess forms - symptoms

In 90% of cases, post-injection complications are caused by Staphylococcus aureus(St. aureus), rarely Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli or Proteus.

If an infection is introduced into the wound, then literally immediately the inflammatory process begins and a small seal forms - an infiltrate. With a favorable course and timely treatment, the infiltrate resolves.

The unfavorable variant develops as follows. Exudate accumulates in the inflamed area, it forms a cavity in which leukocytes accumulate, as a response to inflammation. After 2-3 days, necrosis may already develop in this place.

What does the patient feel when an abscess develops?

  • Pain when touched or pressed at the injection site;
  • severe soreness can be without touching, which is typical with a large abscess that has developed;
  • swelling is noted;
  • the injection area is hot to the touch;
  • limited hyperemia at the injection site;
  • fluctuation (the mobility of the capsule is noted).

In general, the body also reacts to intoxication: the body temperature rises, sometimes to high numbers. The patient feels overwhelmed, there is weakness, weakness, decreased ability to work, sweating, loss of appetite.

Diagnosis is not difficult if the abscess is located in the superficial tissues. Making a correct diagnosis will help to collect an anamnesis in which injections take place. If the abscess is located deep in the tissues, then you will have to do an additional ultrasound or puncture the abscess.

AT general analysis blood, there is an increased ESR and the number of leukocytes, which indicates a serious inflammatory process. Also, the doctor is obliged to take a smear of purulent contents to identify the pathogen - this is necessary for the correct selection of antibacterial drugs.


Usually, pus is located in an isolated cavity due to the pyogenic membrane, which prevents the pus from spreading further.

If the abscess is not treated or treated incorrectly, then this shell is damaged, it may burst. The infection enters adjacent tissues, in this case an extensive phlegmon develops, which over time is complicated by the formation of fistulas.

If the infection enters the bloodstream, sepsis (blood poisoning), osteomyelitis in nearby bones, or soft tissue necrosis may develop.

Treatment of an abscess after an injection in the buttock

Depending on the size of the post-injection abscess, treatment is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis. But clearly, the abscess must be opened and this can only be done by a surgeon under appropriate conditions.

After opening the abscess, antibiotics are necessarily prescribed. If a tank was made. sowing pus for sensitivity to antibiotics, the doctor immediately prescribes the appropriate antibiotic. In addition, general strengthening therapy and dressing of the postoperative wound are prescribed.

In the absence of contraindications (tendency to form blood clots, bleeding, pregnancy, tuberculosis, syphilis, fever) it is recommended to carry out physiotherapy, which are aimed at reducing pain, swelling, inflammatory infiltrate. The doctor prescribes the appropriate physiotherapy, depending on the stage of development of the abscess.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

If after the injection you notice that something has gone wrong and an infiltrate has formed, then do not delay, start acting immediately. Traditional medicine recommends the following:

  • iodine grid. At the injection site, draw a grid - several perpendicular lines. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in a vial of iodine, and then draw an iodine grid. Perform a similar procedure twice a day, the second time - at night.
  • Cabbage leaf. Take a fresh cabbage leaf, cut off the thick veins, and lightly beat the leaf with a kitchen hammer, and then attach the leaf to the site of the infiltration, fix and leave for 5-6 hours. During the day, change the sheet 3-4 times. The effect of the treatment will increase if the cabbage leaf is smeared with honey.
  • Burdock leaves. Grind 5 leaves of burdock or rhizome and apply to the abscess for half an hour.
  • Plantain leaves. Take fresh leaves plantain, remember them with your hands and attach to the abscess.
  • Alcohol compress. Moisten a piece of cotton wool with alcohol or vodka and attach to the problem area, cover with a film on top and secure so that the compress does not sleep. Can be done several times a day after the cotton has dried. Similar compresses can be made from tincture of mullein or propolis, which can be bought at a pharmacy. You can use homemade tinctures made from birch buds, Japanese Sophora.

To make the abscess mature faster and pus out, use any of these methods:

  • Flatbread made from black bread and honey. Take a crumb of black bread, crumble it, add a spoonful of honey, mix thoroughly and attach the cake to the infiltrate, cover with a film on top and tie.
  • Onion. Boil the peeled onion in milk or bake in the oven. Cut it in half and attach to the abscess. You can do it differently. Grind the young fresh onion well on a grater or blender and apply the gruel to the sore spot for 5 hours, cover with a film on top and fix. Repeat several times. Instead of onion gruel, you can use garlic or potato gruel, but only for 3 hours.
  • Aloe leaves. Rinse the aloe leaf, cut off the side prickly spots, cut in half and attach inside to an abscess. Fasten to keep the sheet well. Leave for a few hours.
  • Powder of flax seeds or fenugreek seeds. In 100 ml warm water dissolve 1 tbsp. l. powder. Make a lotion for half an hour.

Prevention of post-injection abscesses

Follow these tips if you are injecting frequently or for a long time with drugs that can cause this purulent complication.

  1. Always carry out a course of injections in medical institution, where all the requirements of OST 42-21-2-85 and the technique of drug administration are observed.
  2. For injections, only disposable sterile syringes are used.
  3. When injecting, change the injection site each time, for example, today you inject into the right buttock, then next time you inject it into the left.
  4. You can not make an injection at the same point, you should always retreat from the previous place at least a few centimeters.
  5. After the injection, do a light massage at the injection site for better absorption.
  6. After the injection, do not sit on cold surfaces.

More details, if necessary, at home. And this video will help you.

And if you notice any unpleasant symptoms, do not pull - go immediately to the hospital.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

The injection is an invasive procedure. And, of course, as with any intervention in the body, an injection can provoke undesirable consequences - complications.

The only question is how likely such complications are.

Even 20 years ago, an injection with a reusable glass syringe in almost 100% of cases meant pain during the injection, and a many-day struggle with complications after it.
The reason for this were thick, blunt needles from repeated sterilizations, and heavy, clumsy syringes.

Injections with two-component disposable syringes had one major difference in preventing the negative consequences of an injection - their needles were used once! And, therefore, the blunting of needles during sterilizations was reduced, and the risk of transmission of infection from patient to patient was also minimized!

But such a two-component syringe still remained clumsy - the friction of the plastic piston on the plastic cylinder is hard, you have to make significant efforts to move it. These efforts are also transferred to the needle, which is in the patient's body: this "picking" injures the muscle, recovery and healing take a very long time.

Fortunately, in the 80s of the last century, scientists invented a replacement for the "tight" two-component syringe, providing its piston with a rubber seal. Thanks to him, the piston can move smoothly, the amount of injected medication is precisely controlled by the nurse - and smoothly injected medication is much easier to perceive by the body, has time to dissolve in the muscle without forming unpleasant seals.
On this video - what happens when you prick with syringes of different designs: watch the video.

What are the complications after an injection?

Typically the most common Negative consequences an injection is a bruise and a bump. They are also hematoma and infiltrate, respectively, if we use medical terms.

Hematoma (bruise)- hemorrhage (as a rule, in the case of an injection - a small one) under the skin.
As a complication with an intramuscular injection, it occurs when the vessels are damaged either by a needle, or due to too rapid administration of the drug (the drug does not have time to "disperse" through the intercellular space, presses on the vessels, they can burst).
In principle, a bruise is harmless enough from the point of view of potential harm to health, it causes only aesthetic inconvenience, and, by and large, does not require treatment.

Post-injection infiltrate (seal, "bump")- this is a seal under the skin; a section of living tissue, characterized by an increased volume and increased density - due to the introduced, but not absorbed medicinal substance.

Such seals can dissolve on their own, they can be "helped" (there are a number of ways how to traditional medicine, and from the pharmacy assortment). As a rule, the period of resorption of the seal is several weeks, so do not be afraid if the use of any remedy did not give a visible result overnight.

Infiltrate under unfavorable circumstances can develop into an abscess.

Abscess(abscess) develops when pyogenic microbes enter the body through the skin damaged by an injection; This is an inflammation of the tissues, in which they melt and form a purulent cavity. The body encapsulates this inflammation, shielding healthy tissue from it.
Signs that an abscess is starting at the injection site are painful swelling at the site of a recent injection, redness of the skin, throbbing or constant pain.
At the first signs of an abscess, you need to see a doctor, without using any heat or cold procedures on your own, do not rub or massage the painful swelling.

Treatment of an abscess can be both operative (i.e., open the abscess and clean the tissues from pus, install drainage, etc.), and conservative (using ointments, compresses, etc.).
The surgeon chooses the tactics of treatment depending on the stage of the inflammatory process, therefore, the sooner a beginning abscess is shown to the doctor, the more likely it is to be treated conservatively.

Nerve damage- also possible complication intramuscular injection(does not occur with a subcutaneous injection). The nerve can be damaged both mechanically (with a needle) and chemically (blockage of the vessel supplying the nerve with a medicinal substance, or pressure on the nerve created by the drug depot injection).
This complication occurs, fortunately, not too often. You can prevent it by choosing the right injection site.
Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, usually vitamins of group B are prescribed to the patient to restore nerve endings.

Allergic reaction on the administered drug usually develops almost immediately. Local manifestations - redness of the injection site, itching, swelling. Common reactions may also appear - acute rhinitis, acute conjunctivitis, etc.
If you suspect an allergic reaction, you should immediately contact the doctor who prescribed the drug.

The main causes of complications after injections

How to avoid complications after injections?

You can minimize the risk of complications by doing 5 simple rules imperceptible prick:
1) Compliance with the rules of asepsis
2) Right choice injection sites
3) Good sharp needle of correct length
4) Using a good three-component syringe
5) Compliance with the injection technique (including slow drug administration)

You can read more about preparing for an injection.

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