Service in the Marine Corps. NOD in the preparatory group “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland! Marines training

Urussinskaya special correctional

general education boarding school of the VIII type

Lexico-grammatical material

on the topic "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Prepared by Galyautdinova Zulfiya Abuzarovna

Speech therapist GBSKOU

"Urussinskaya special

(correctional) general education

boarding school of the VIII type"

p.g.t. Urussu, Yutazinsky district,

Republic of Tatarstan.

Goals: to clarify the knowledge of children about the army, their ideas about the types of troops; to cultivate respect for the defenders of our Motherland, to form nouns plural and coordinate them with adjectives; make sentences with prepositions, fix the dictionary on this topic.

Children should know:

That our Motherland is Russia, the people living in Russia are Russians;

The meaning of the words "Fatherland", "Motherland", "defender";

The name of the military professions, what people of each military profession do;

What equipment is controlled by the military of different professions;

What items does the uniform of a sailor, pilot, paratrooper consist of.

Sample dictionary:

Names: Russia, Motherland, Fatherland, Russia, Fatherland, banner, coat of arms, flag, strength, courage, dexterity, sea, space, warrior, soldier, defender, fighter, sniper, officer, helicopter pilot, machine gunner, cavalryman, rocket launcher, tanker, paratrooper, commander, rocket, helicopter, plane, boat, ship, cruiser, tank, pilot, border guard, hero, parachute, gun, gun, machine gun, cannon, pistol, reconnaissance, patrol, border, bomb, courage, enemy, submariner, anti-aircraft gunner, infantryman, volunteer, traitor, infantry, gunner, sailor

Adjectives: fearless, difficult, honorable, dangerous, attentive, caring, dexterous, strong, brave, courageous, heroic, courageous, courageous, cowardly, valiant, military.

Verbs: fight, protect, fight, wound, bandage, cure, defeat, fight, restore, resist.

Adverbs: friendly, careful, quiet, fast, difficult, easy, cold, scary, ahead, behind, slowly, far, close, low, high, up, down, hot.

Inflections, word formation:

  1. The formation of singular and plural nouns in Im. And R.p. (soldiers - soldiers - many soldiers).
  2. Education possessive pronouns and their agreement with nouns (officer form).
  3. Formation of adjectives from nouns (strength - strong).
  4. Formation of word formation skills. What is the name of a person who ... flies a helicopter - a helicopter pilot, rides a tank - ..., serves in the infantry - ..., parachutes - ..., serves in a submarine - ....

Formation of grammatical forms:

  1. Coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender, number (brave soldier).
  2. Coordination of a noun with the numeral "Count to five": (two tankmen, helmet, wounded). Complication: One light tank, two light tanks... five light tanks. One Submarine… .
  3. Case constructions: the formation of the form R.D.Tv.Pr. n. (on, in, s, y). Didactic game“Make a sentence” children make sentences with prepositions (pairs of pictures) Sailor - ship (Sailor serves on a ship); The border guard is a dog; Artilleryman - cannon; Rocket - sky; Tanker - tank; Paratrooper - parachute.
  4. Selection of verbs to nouns: What they do:

Pilot - ....; helicopter pilot - ...; tankman - …; skydiver - ...; submariner - ...; sniper - ...; sapper - ...; border guard - ... .

Word formation:

Artillerymen serve in the artillery

In the infantry serve - foot soldiers

AT tank troops tankers

At sea they serve - sailors

Pilots protect the Motherland in the air

At the border - border guards

AT rocket troops- rocket men

Changing the names of troops in the genitive case.

Say one - many:

paratrooper - paratroopers

parachutist - skydivers

scout - scouts

Footman - foot soldiers

Rocketeer - rocketeers

Physical minutes.

Ball game "Form related words"

Genus - Motherland, native, relative, parents, darling.

Father - Fatherland, patronymic, fatherland, father, father's house.

Ball game "Name the Warrior"

Aircraft pilot

Intelligence - scout

Machine gun-…

Grenade launcher-…

The border-….

Cavalry - ...







Finger gymnastics:

They will not allow war to us (both palms away from you)

Defend their country (join hands in front of you)

Border guard, helicopter pilot (bend fingers, starting with the little finger)

Military doctor and tanker,

And also a paratrooper, a pilot,

Sniper and artilleryman.

Pure tongues:

Our Army

To be strong, dexterous.

We are still guys

We are still guys

Perform a spring, hands on the belt

Let's grow up - let's go to the soldiers

Clap your hands

Let's serve our country

They jump on two legs in place, hands on the belt.

To live under a peaceful sky!

Perform the exercise "watch" - tilts to the right and left, hands on the belt.

In the meantime, we are guys

Naughty preschool children. We love to run and play, jump, climb and jump!

Then the children turn one after another and follow the commands of the teacher.

"Soldiers are coming"

They walk, energetically working with their hands, raising their knees high.

"The Scouts Sneak"

They walk on their toes, leaning slightly forward, arms pressed to their sides.

"The sailors are sailing"

They run one after another, performing “bras” movements with their hands

Persistent tin soldier

The development of connected speech.

Now we are with youlet's write a story. And these cards will help us.

Look - what is drawn on it?

What is this date?

Look at this picture. It denotes the type of troops.

Clouds are the sky, it means air Force, trees are land, denotes ground troops, river - denotes the navy.

Where are the defenders of the Motherland guarding its borders?

Defenders of the Motherland guard its borders in the sky, on water, under water and on land.

Look at these pictures. They show military equipment. But not all. Remember what other types of it the military has to protect air borders?

Repeat after me: Peace is guarded in the sky combat aircraft and helicopters.

Who carries out service on water and under water?

Sailors on aircraft carriers, cruisers, and submarines serve on and under water.

And who guards the borders of the Motherland on land?

On land, the borders of our Motherland are guarded by border guards, artillerymen, tankers, rocketmen, signalmen.

What is the uniform of the tankers? (overalls and headset)

The sailors? (sailor suit, guis, peakless cap)

The artillerymen? (helmet, tunic)

What qualities should the military have?

The military must be courageous, brave, strong, intelligent, noble, honest, courageous.

Warriors love and protect their Fatherland.

  1. There is a beautiful day in February

When we congratulate men.

There is no "Man's Day" on earth,

But we are correcting the error.

Today you have my love

We carry handfuls.

2. We praise those who did not cry from their pain,

But he did not hide tears on the graves of friends,

Those who were not a man in words,

Coward did not celebrate, sitting in the bushes,

Those best sons of mankind

Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!

3. In all ages Russian men

They won the wars with their heroism,

All officers, grooms, pages -

They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.

4. Eternal glory and eternal memory

Fallen in a fierce battle!

Fought bravely and steadfastly with enemies

You are for your Fatherland!

5. We are not afraid of any bad weather:

The native country has a reliable shield,

On guard of peace, happiness and freedom

6. Friend! Contemporary! In my younger years

You will overcome the sciences of granite,

While on guard of peace and freedom

Soldier Russian army costs.

7. Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky,

And the trumpet does not call for a hike.

So that only in the exercises of soldiers,

He went on the attack.

Let spring thunder instead of explosions

Nature awakens from sleep

And our children sleep peacefully Today, tomorrow and always!

8. What kind of holiday does the country have?

Flags are flying

Our motherland sons

They are being glorified!

Everyone who served in the army

Who dealt with the enemies

And received awards

They are being glorified!

Let the fireworks bloom in winter

For soldiers of the Fatherland

May it reign over the whole earth

Peace for mankind.

9. The winds blow in February,

Howling in the pipes loudly.

Snake rushes along the ground

Light ground.

Rising, rushing into the distance

Aircraft links.

It celebrates February

Army birth.

10. Birds fell asleep on the branches,

The stars in the sky do not burn.

Lurked at the border

Border guard squad.

Border guards do not sleep

At home border:

Our sea, our land

They are guarding the border.

Guess the riddles:

Underwater iron whale

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Keeps our peace. (Submarine).

Star fountains in the sky

Bloomed like tulips

Above they shimmer

We are congratulated on the victory. (Salute).

The house floats above the water

Brave people live in it.

If somewhere suddenly trouble -

Let's go there immediately. (Ship).

Even though it looks heavy

Effortlessly fly into the sky

And take flight

Guard native space. (Airplane).

What a miracle ship

Made a passage through the ice. (Icebreaker).

There is a gun, two machine guns,

Very strong armor

Caterpillar wheels.

What is the name of the car? (Tank).

Pulled on the ring

Threw far away

One hundred enemies died in an instant. (Grenade).

Without eyes, but shoots accurately. (Gun).

Which fly doesn't fly? (On the gun).

Flying, howling

Fell - digs the ground. (Projectile).

The red maiden is a thunderstorm for the Fritz,

As soon as she sings, as a German certain death. (Mortar "Katyusha").

from 16 to 23 February

theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 23."

1. Nouns Army, defender, soldier, officer, commander, general, ship, tank, aircraft, pistol, border, troops, service, order, command, fleet; pilot, sailor, tanker, paratrooper, border guard, warrior, rocket launcher, sniper, sapper, submariner, infantryman, gunner, sentry; overcoat, cap, beret, shoulder straps; grenade, cartridge, bomb, machine gun, Motherland, Fatherland, courage, bravery, rank, teaching, range; enemy, intruder, adversary.

2. Adjectives: Kind, evil, courageous, cowardly, military, peaceful, calm, reliable, brave, heroic, skillful, vigilant, well-aimed, fighting, soldier, courageous, valiant, executive, courageous, resourceful, fearless, experienced.

3. Verbs: Swim, fly, shoot, wound, serve, command, execute, protect, fight, guard, advance, retreat, attack, catch up, catch, bandage, order, resist, aim, pursue

4. Adverbs: Brave, honest, courageous, courageous, fearless.

Dear parents!

Defenders of the Fatherland. Review images related to the Army with your child (in newspapers, magazines, books, the Internet, TV, etc.). Discuss what you see and provide any necessary explanations. If possible, visit the museum and the park military glory.

Look at family photo albums, talk about which of your relatives and friends served in the army, by whom.

1. draw State flag Russian Federation. Find out the meaning of the colors of the Russian flag.

2. "Pick up a sign" (at least three characters). Which? Which? Which? Which?

soldier (what?) - ..., tank, sailor, captain, ship, plane, army, Motherland, gun barrel, military personnel, etc.

3. "Pick up the action" (What is he doing?)

Artilleryman ... (shoots from a cannon) Pilot ... (flies on an airplane) Machine gunner ... (scribbles from a machine gun) Scout ... (goes on reconnaissance) Border guard ... (guards the border) Paratrooper ... (parachute jumping) Sailor ... (serves on a ship)

4. Game "One-Many" (this is a lot ... - a lot of people, something ...) Soldier - soldiers - soldiers

Pilot —… Helicopter — …Tank —…Fighter —…Border —…Border guard —…Star —…Order —…Sailor —…Medal —…Tankman —..Rocket —…Parachute-…, Officer-…, Sniper-…, Underwater boat-…

5. "Who is who?"

INFANTRY, infantry, infantry. 1. adj. to the infantry. Infantry unit. Infantry regiment. 2. An employee in the infantry. "The infantry captain greatly tampered with me: the shtos are amazing, the beast, cuts off." Gogol. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Hiking Dictionary of Russian synonyms. infantry adj., number of synonyms: 1 on foot (10) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

INFANTRY, s, w. Type of troops operating on foot (since 1963, motorized rifle troops). Motorized item (in the armies of some states H name motorized rifle troops). Airborne parachute (airborne landing troops). Marine item (military forces, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

infantry- I infantry, see infantry; oh, oh. P th division. P oh school. First outfit. Infantry officer. II infantry / infantry see infantry ... Dictionary of many expressions

I m. One who serves in the infantry. II adj. 1. ratio with noun. infantry associated with it 2. Peculiar to the infantry, characteristic of it. 3. Intended for infantry, for foot soldiers. 4. An employee in the infantry. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova.… … Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, infantry, ... ... Word forms

infantry- badass ... Russian spelling dictionary

infantry - … orthographic dictionary Russian language

See Infantry... encyclopedic Dictionary

infantry- infantry / from / n / th ... Morphemic spelling dictionary


  • , . Infantry drill charter: Part 1-3 MK VK-8 / 68-P: Printed in St. Petersburg: at the State Military Collegium, 1768: Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1768 edition ...
  • Infantry drill charter Ch. 1-3,. Infantry drill charter: [Ch. 1-3]MK VK-8 ° / 68-P: Printed in St. Petersburg: at the State Military Collegium, 1768: Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1768 edition ...

Axel - aglet, wicker pendant.

B -
Babos - money.
Bucks are money.
Balabas - some kind of food, often something very tasty, but when you want to eat, then any food! The origin of the word can only be guessed at.
Balabasit - eat, eat, take food.
Bardak - BRDM - combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle.
Beluga - underwear - shirt and underpants.
Without fawn - secretly, imperceptibly, observing conspiracy and maintaining the effect of surprise.
The beaver is a morally and physically downtrodden soldier. The beaver is always sloppily dressed, dirty and prone to humiliation. In the Navy, a beaver is a sailor before taking the Oath.
Bolts - barley porridge, due to its high taste and nutritional qualities, it is very "adored" by the personnel of the RF Armed Forces.
Armored - tankers.
Paper Grandfather - that is, not real. After graduating from higher educational institution, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and after six months of service becomes a paper grandfather.
Boomer - BMP, Fighting machine Infantry.
Bems is the combat vehicle of the duty unit.
Beters - linen lice - from the word armored personnel carrier, as they resemble the Combat Reconnaissance Transporter in shape. Linen lice appear if a soldier does not change his underwear for a long time and does not wash. Easily carried and moved from the clothes of one soldier to the clothes of a nearby soldier. Hot spots are often the source of distribution, where soldiers do not have the opportunity to wash and take care of their clothes. The soldier's method is derived using heat treatment all wrinkles in linen and uniforms (for example, using an iron), as well as boiling or steaming linen and uniforms. It is also necessary to shave the hair under the armpits and on the groin, where the Baters lay their eggs.
Beha - BMP (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).

AT -
Varkul - a palm strike to the neck.
Vzletka - the central passage in the barracks.
Get stuck - get into trouble, get out of desired job, get into trouble and the like.
Get on skis - make an escape, leave without permission military unit, to desert.
To rub - to say something convincingly, to prove one's point of view to someone.
Vtutuhat - the expression describes all the problems of soldiers with a short service life. Constantly work, humiliate yourself, fulfill the whims of the senior call.
Vyalitsya - do nothing, sit back, relax.
Pass out - fall asleep soundly.
Tower - higher education, higher education institution.

G -
To drive - confidently tell a lie, lie to someone.
Granik - grenade launcher.
Guba - a guardhouse - a place of serving a sentence, something like a punishment cell.
Goose - pull a hundred days.

D -
Put pressure on the mass - sleep soundly.
Give slack - relax, forget about responsibilities.
Grandfather is a soldier who has less than half a year left until the end of his service.
Grandfather in kind - a soldier in the junior conscription, whose age is more than 25 years old at the time of conscription into the army.
Hazing is the principle of relationships in a military team, according to which senior soldiers have more privileges than junior soldiers.
Demobilization is the Grandfather who will be transferred to the reserve in the coming months. From the word demobilization, transfer to the reserve.
Wooden demobilization - that is, not real. After graduating from higher education
institutions, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and already after nine months
service becoming a Wooden demobilization.
Dembelskaya porridge, Dembelyukha - a dish of cookies, condensed milk and something else sweet.
Dembel chord - this means that Dembel, before leaving home, will need to do something useful for the company or military unit. Usually exactly what they have learned to do well during the service.
The demobilization lump is a very beautifully designed uniform that Dembel makes in order to boast at home that he served in the Army.
Extract asphalt - clear the parade ground from snow.
Spirit - a soldier with a service life of up to six months (from taking the Oath). Transcription - Home Terribly Want. In the Navy - Karas.
Dukhanka - a period for a soldier, while he is considered a Spirit.

Blow up - blow up.

Z -
To score - to be indifferent, to show negligence, not to pay attention.
Shave - deprive.
Driven, Driven - come up with something unusual, at first glance stupid (to those who are driven, this idea never seems stupid), delve into reflections or into some kind of creative thought.
To suffocate - to fall asleep, usually for a short time.
Castle - deputy platoon commander.
Flying - a violation of some grandfather's law, rule, custom, and so on, as a rule, carries a punishment.
To sulk is to refuse to do something.
The smell is a soldier before taking the Oath.
Refueling - stall (outside the territory of the unit).
Zasharitsya - several options: 1. Get a job where no one drives in the neck, no one vows, does not stand over the soul. 2. Rest while everyone is working. 3. Get civilian food. 4. And in general, to get what brings joy in army life.
Zold is a soldier (from the lips of officers).

Words have not yet been remembered!

TO -
Calabashka - a blow to the neck with the palm of your hand.
Kalich - sick, usually someone who is constantly sick or pretends to be sick. From the word feces (poop).
Kaptyorka - a room where the personal belongings of all soldiers are stored, as a rule, they are not stored there for a long time, they are stolen.
Corporal - in some military units, the unofficial title of a junior sergeant, as a rule, is used disparagingly to him.
Quarantine - the course of a young fighter, the period while all newly drafted soldiers are driven by drill, forced to learn the charter, walk in pack, conduct all sorts of exercises: getting up on an alarm, shooting, and so on, starts from the moment of the call and lasts until the oath or longer - from 2 -x weeks to 4 months.
Swing or pumping is an intense, meaningless exercise to the physical and moral exhaustion of "athletes".
swing - perform physical exercises in huge numbers, most often under duress by senior soldiers.
To throw - to deceive someone without fulfilling their part of the promise or contract.
Komodo is the squad leader.
Lump is a uniform camouflage suit. Lumps are "glass", "birch", "watermelon", "dirty snow", "wave", "raincoat fabric" and many others. They are divided according to the quality of the fabric, color, direction of the stripes.
Kompot - regiment commander.
Double bass - a contract soldier, appeared in connection with the transition to a contract.
Mower - 1000 rubles.
To mow - to make mistakes, to do something wrong.
Kosepor, joint - one who often mows.
Cardan is a car depot employee.
Rat (close) - a greedy soldier who hides and does not share anything with anyone. A soldier caught stealing.
A piece is an ensign.

L -
Sheet - 100 rubles.
Fly - pull a hundred days.
Lobar - a slap with the palm of the spelled.
Lyulya is an ordinary bed for sleeping.
A skier is a soldier who left the military unit without permission, a deserter.
Badge - a small strip on shoulder straps: 1 badge - corporal, 2 stripes - junior sergeant, 3 stripes - sergeant and so on. A large number of The lychek gives the right to walk next to a crowd of soldiers, and yell at them to keep pace.

Mabuta - motorized rifle troops.
Matsubarit - smoking.
Mechan, mechanic - driver mechanic.
Mobile - cellular telephone, mobile rapid response company.
Murlocatans are an endearing appeal to soldiers.
Fly slayers are anti-aircraft gunners.
Matl, Motolyga - light armored multi-purpose tractor, initially and correctly - MT-LB, however said words firmly entered into use.

H -
Strain - loads, constant burdens and hardships.
Underweight - a soldier with a deficient body weight, who was put on enhanced nutrition.
Lack - a constantly hungry soldier who is always short of food and always wants to eat them.

O -
OZK - Combined Arms Protective Kit.
Monkey - a soldier, from the lips of officers.
To puzzle is the same as to order, but in the language of soldiers. They are usually puzzled by something complex and difficult to accomplish.
Deer is a dumb soldier.
Fight back - go to sleep.
To smear - to skillfully help someone avoid punishment or unpleasant situation, unnecessary work.
To be fascinated - to think, to forget for a while.

P -
Palevo - the threat of revealing the secret. Sudden threat.
Pepper - this is the name of the soldiers who put themselves higher than they should be in terms of service life.
The dog is an employee of guard units, respectfully.
Jacket - an officer serving on conscription, after graduating from the university in which he took place military department, as a rule, personnel and regular officers have a sharp dislike for the "jacket".
Flattening (wetting) a mug is the same as pinching, that is, sleeping without pale.
To shave - to make someone hope for something, and then not live up to his expectations.
Fitting (fitting) - a gift (give).
Hemming - a collar, a strip of white fabric that is sewn on the collar of a tunic or simply on the collar of a garment. Serves for the prevention of surface hygiene skin in contact with clothing.
Catch the silence - shut up.
Buyer - this is the name of a person who recruits and accompanies a team to places of further service, usually in the rank of officer
Confuse - 1. Experience shock. 2. Get out of hand (be impudent).
Porthoses - footcloths.
Get lost (get lost) - in short time an abyss somewhere, an abyss out of sight of the one who ordered it.
The order is the day when Dedov will be transferred to the reserve.
Prikolyuha - a joke, a funny thing, a funny incident.
To pierce the soul (ballast, pierce plywood) - hit in the chest.
To pierce - to lose something.
Proshareny - smart, cunning, thoughtful, taught by bitter experience.
Gingerbread (zampushka) - a palm strike on the forehead, with a slap.

R -
Relax - relax.
Rubber day - Wednesday, the day of RKhBZ (Radiation-Chemical-Biological Protection).
Give birth (generate) - find, get. Time to find something.
Cuts (cuts me) - strongly tends to sleep. Possible not arbitrary falling asleep "on the go".
To steer - to command.

Salaga is a young, inexperienced soldier.
Self-propelled - leave the unit without permission, go AWOL.
The swineherd is an employee of the support company.
Two hundred - means the death of a person or the breakdown of some thing.
Simulator - one who pretends to be sick, pretends to be sick.
To communize is to borrow something without permission.
A violinist is a soldier who is suicidal or has already attempted suicide.
An elephant is a soldier with a service life of six months to a year. Decryption - Soldier Loving Awesome Loads. In the Navy - Vigorous crucian.
Elephant - a period for a soldier, while he is considered an Elephant.
Elephant radio - false information, unjustified rumors, an empty promise, not true.
SOC (leave in socha) - Unauthorized Abandonment of the Part (arbitrarily leave the part).
Stodnevka - the period of service 100 days before the release of the Order.
Arrow - secret meeting colleagues to resolve a dispute.
Squealer, bitch - I think there is no need to explain ...
Snot - the same as Lychka, that is, a strip of military distinction on the pursuit.
Sochinets - a serviceman who left his unit without permission.
Burn a chip - notice that something is happening.
Sleep - become noticeable, lose secrets and secrets.
Chest - ensign.

T -
Taski - also that it dries, does not do anything, from the word "dragging". In the sense of resting when others are working.
To trudge - to enjoy something, to have fun.
body is alive combat unit, unit. A unit of quantitative measurement of subordinate personnel.
Brake - a soldier who incorrectly follows orders or correctly, but slowly.
Tochevo (to sharpen) - food, take food.
A tracer is a soldier sent somewhere, for something. It came from the name of the bullet, which glows during the flight, is used for night firing practice, a tracer bullet.
Trindets is the final and irrevocable end, the tragic culmination of the action.
The torso is a soldier with a short service life, offensive.
Pulling an elephant - pulling a hundred days.

U -
Dismissal - a dismissal ticket.
Ustavshchina is a variant of the corporal-sergeant hazing.
Umiralovka - punishment for flying, can be both to one and to all at once.
Charter - in addition to the generally accepted concept (code of military laws), it is also cigarettes that are issued to soldiers (charter cigarettes).

F -
Fibring means hardening the chevrons and all the different patches to make them look cooler.
Chip (stand on the chip) - make sure that no one notices anything.

X -
The trunk is the nose of a soldier with a short service life.
The hamster is a greedy soldier who hides everything and shares only with "his own". A soldier seen in the habit of stocking up for a rainy day.

C -
Integrity - accuracy.
Tsentryak - the central passage in the barracks (take-off).

H -
Chapala - In everything, an unsightly, sloppy fighter. Often they call those who have a dressed uniform 2-3 sizes larger and weigh a bag.
Scoop, skull - a soldier with a service life of a year to a year and a half. Deciphering - Man Daily Destroying Peace Army Barracks. In the Navy - Godok.
Chipok - a soldier's tea room, a cafe on the territory of a military unit.
Chushin - untidy, dirty, sloppy, worn out and so on.

W -
Jackals - officers and ensigns, from the lips of privates and sergeants, disrespectfully.
Shisharik - car GAZ-66.
Shkonka - bed.
Shmon - a sudden and thorough check.
Screws - all the soldiers from the lips of the border guards, except for the border guards, of course.
Rustle - work actively.
Shukher - a sudden threat of revealing a secret.

Swallow (boil, boil) - doze off, sleep without pale, that is, imperceptibly for those who can interfere with sleep.

E -
Equator (spirit day) - half a hundred days. Only 50 days left to order!
Electric train - a tangible blow to the shin, is used to improve the quality of training in drill training.

YU -
Yuzat - use.

I -
Anchor is a soldier who constantly slows down, blunts, incapable of learning.

Gathering his fellow tribesmen and armed with clubs and stones, he went to a neighboring tribe in order to recapture their food supplies or a more convenient parking lot - these were the first infantry units. Such troops require the least financial investment and are the most massive view. To date, the infantry uses motorized vehicles and, thanks to various types weapons are capable of performing any task: from searching for missing travelers to launching rockets of the Grad system from portable tubes.

History of the infantry

Already in antiquity, cavalry entered the arena of ancient battles. However, in Ancient Greece hoplites appear and for several centuries make the infantry the most combat-ready and important branch of the army. Now the infantryman is a small mobile fortress with a spear. Their linear formation, armor, weapons allow them to successfully resist enemy cavalry and destroy enemy infantry.

Rome during its existence has made significant changes in the concepts of war, tactics, weapons. The infantry began to be divided into heavy with massive armor, shields, spears, swords and darts and light, armed mainly with bows, darts and slings. Light infantry may not have armor.

AT early Middle Ages a military estate stands out, which can provide itself with a good horse, durable armor, weapons, and a squire. All this cost a fortune. The armor was also worn on the horse, turning the rider into a medieval tank. Such heavy cavalry could easily reach enemy infantry without taking much damage from bows and destroy them. The infantry became an auxiliary part of the army in order to support their own, divert the attention of the enemy. In these times, the infantryman is the attendant for the cavalry. They began to recruit her from the militia, which could not acquire good equipment. This was the case in Europe and the Middle East. In Asia and other steppe regions, the infantry was completely abandoned, since it was necessary to overcome long distances where there were no natural shelters.

Some people came up with fortresses, while others invented artillery, and again the balance of power changed. Hand artillery became a harbinger small arms. The number of shooters began to increase, and with the advent of firearms their number has become overwhelming. There were guns with pieces, and then rifles, in the end combat infantry became infantry.

In the field regulations of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army of 1939, an infantryman is a representative of the main branch of the armed forces, who endures the main hardships of the war. Artillery, tanks and aircraft should help her in everything. To date, doctrines of headship are being developed in many countries, but such transformations have not yet been completed.

Black berets

Among all types of infantry, I would like to see the marines. it a prime example when everyone else is helping the foot soldiers. Planes clear the coast, ships cover the landing with their artillery, marines on floating armored personnel carriers reach the coast and take control of the coastal strip or begin to move deep into the mainland.

Among the types of troops of the Russian Navy, the Marine Corps is the most combat-ready unit. These are mobile, well-armed, trained and versatile troops, ready to perform any task. They can only be compared with the Airborne Forces. Subdivisions marines repeatedly proved their skills and volitional qualities protecting the interests Russian people and states.

November 27, 2015 marked the 310th anniversary of the founding of the Marine Corps. In this regard, many events were held, especially in cities where they serve, for example, in Kaliningrad region. On May 9, not only employees now marched in a parade march, but also veterans. So in every city in Russia, a marine has managed to show off in his black uniform!

How to get into the marines

Many people dream of joining the Marine Corps. Although the service is difficult, it is honorable. As they say in the army: “I got into the marines - be proud, if you didn’t get - rejoice!” If you have such a desire, then evaluate your health, it should correspond to category A-1, in extreme cases - A-2. Contact the military registration and enlistment office and find out when a team is being recruited into the marines. Keep track of your physical training, dystrophics and frail ones are not needed there. For any difficulty or complaint in the Marine Corps they say: "You're a Marine!"

collection point

When you arrive at the assembly point, you will need to prove yourself. Although they say that it is also rewarded. Representatives of the Marine Corps will look for healthy, physically developed adequate guys. If you find them yourself and apply with a wish to get into their troops, you will be remembered and marked.

You can arrange a physical test right on collection point, exercises are limited by the imagination of the officers. There can be ordinary pull-ups, jumps, running. If you want to get into assault battalion, then it is quite possible that you will be sparred with the officer himself. Skill is more important here hand-to-hand combat will be your determination. A Marine soldier must be bold, savvy, sometimes brash, and proud of his line of work.

Earnings, privileges, service

If you decide to connect your life with the army, think carefully. Service is not work, it will require the whole person. The military have many privileges, they have vacations that increase with length of service, a stable career ladder, many trips around the country are paid for by the state, military mortgages, in addition to all this, the state feeds and clothes its soldiers.

Value wages different everywhere, depending on the location, rank, position, unit, attitude of the state to its own army. Army is great option for any man. Of the serious disadvantages - this is life by order, if they say to settle North Pole, which means that it will be necessary to populate the North Pole. This is a joke, but not without a grain of truth.

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