R-I-S-N-K. It is proposed to write as many five-word sentences as possible, in which each word begins with the specified letter. R-I-S-N-K A five-word sentence starting with the letter c

6. It is proposed to write as many five-word sentences as possible, in which each word begins with the specified letter. R-I-S-N-K.

After solving this task, the pirates release them and they safely get home

3. Imagination. In this case, imagination is considered as a mental process of creating images, objects, situations, by combining elements of past experience. The developed tasks should be aimed at the formation and development of both reproductive and creative imagination.

In addition, when developing tasks for this block, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the manifestation of imagination in art. Tasks containing tasks related to the number of artistic ones must be included in the program.

In the course of completing tasks in this block, the ease of generating ideas, the ability to assimilate information, the ability to curtail mental operations, the ability to foresee, and the ability to change one's point of view are formed.

According to experts, the simplest method of creative imagination is “gluing”, and the most difficult one is “typing”.

Task for the development of imagination.

Host: “Guys, in a distant country, an evil crocodile swallowed the sun. The streets became dark; trees, grass and flowers do not grow; people are all in a panic, they want the sun back. Since the crocodile has given people very difficult tasks that they cannot solve, that is why they ask you for help. Well, let's help bring back the sun? To do this, you need to solve three tasks.

1. Mentally connecting the parts of various animals, try to make a living creature out of them with new unusual properties. And then draw such a creature of this kind.

2. Draw a doctor. Artist. President, pilot, forester, etc. Tell us about your drawing, what features have you identified among representatives of these professions.

3. The leader reads the epic to the children.

Draw an illustration for an epic, mold old Russian warriors from clay or plasticine. Make a fortress out of paper, modeled on the old Russian one.

Host: "Guys, now we need to send your work by mail to those people so that they give them to the crocodile."

Children seal their work in envelopes and throw them into a pre-prepared mailbox. When the last child drops his envelope, a man runs in with a letter and gives it to the host.

Host: “Guys, we received a letter from those people in which they thank you for your work. The crocodile gave them the sun, and again it became warm and clear.

4. Perception. It is a reflection of objects and phenomena in the totality of properties and parts with a direct impact on the senses. Being a necessary stage of cognition, perception is closely related to thinking, memory and attention.

The tasks combined in this block are focused on the formation and development of all its types: the perception of objects, the perception of movements, the perception of space. Perception of time. Perception of people and relationships.

In the course of these classes, such skills as the ability to identify the relationship between sensations and perception, to understand the relationship between subjective and objective, as well as such characteristics as meaningfulness and generalization, objectivity and integrity, speed and correctness, etc., should be formed and developed.

Lesson on the development of perception

Host: "Guys, on the way to our lesson, I saw a large old chest with 4 locks and asked to be brought to us."

They bring the chest.

Host: “On its top cover it is written that the contents of the chest belong to you. Do you know what might be there? But in order to open this chest, we will have to solve the tasks that are written here. When solving each task, a key will appear with which you yourself can open the chest. So tasks:

1. Take a piece of paper in a cage and a pen. Under dictation you need to draw shapes

one cell to the right, one cell up, one cell left, one cell down;

4 holes to the right. 4 up, one left, 1 down, one left, one down, one left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down; 5 up, 5 right, 4 down, 3 left, 2 up , 2 - right, 1 - down

2. Chest of wisdom. We carefully read the proposed text. Now everyone writes a note asking a difficult question about the text. Wrap up the note and put it in the box. Then we read the text again, and now we take one note from the box, where we read the questions in turn and proceed to the answers.

3. We read the text. Now with the help of signs schemes. Drawings, transfer the content of the text and pass such a note to the neighbor on the right. Now everyone makes a report on this text, using the drawings or diagrams of his neighbor.

4. The group is divided in half. One must determine what is good in this phenomenon, and the other what is bad:

it's raining; prickly rose; ride in a boat; strong wind; slippery road.

After solving the task, one key appears, which the children take and stick into the lock. After collecting all 4 keys, they open the chest.

The reward for solving these tasks will be toys for each child lying in this chest.

5. Memory. Everyone knows what role memory plays in cognitive activity. When developing the tasks of this block, it was taken as a starting point that the development of the ability to preserve past experience is one of the most important tasks of intellectual and creative development.

The tasks combined in this block are focused on the development of voluntary and involuntary memory, as well as its various types and forms.

Lesson for the development of memory

Host: Guys, today we will take a walk around the reserve. This reserve is divided into separate sections, in each section different animals live. To move from one area to another, you need to solve the following tasks. Well, let's go for a walk in the woods.

In the first section live animals such as squirrels. Do you want to see them? Then solve this problem:

1. I say the word in the singular, and you have to say it in the plural.

Cat - Cats,

Raft - Rafts,

Now remember the words in the singular that we called

Leading: In the next section, ants live in large, very large anthills. If you want to see these ant houses - task:

2. Now I will name a few names. You must memorize them. Attention! Gertrude, Bill, John, Dale, Phil, Judith, Alex. Bella, Don, Ronald, Victoria, Margaret.

Name the names you remember.

Leading: Large horned animals live in the third section of this forest. Who do you think? Moose! Exercise:

3. Now I will show a series of numbers. They must be remembered in this order:

2, 3, 5, 7, 3, 5, 7.

Repeat numbers. Tell me how you remember them. See how the numbers can be grouped.

Host: Foxes live in the next area. Have you ever seen foxes, would you like to see them? To do this, solve the problem:

4. Guess the riddles:

Clean and clear like a diamond

There are no roads

He was born from his mother

He gives birth to her. (ice)

Steel horse, linen grip (needle)

White as snow, in honor of everyone (sugar)

In the middle is scarlet, sugar

And the caftan is green, velvet (watermelon)

List everything that the riddles were about. Memorize these riddles, repeat.

Leading: Hares live in the 5th section. To see them solve this task:\

Remember how a puppy jumps for a bone? Show me.

How does a cow walk? Show!

How does a bull butt? Show!

How does a cat lie in the sun? Show!

How does a tram run on rails? Show!

How does grandma fix her glasses? Show!

How does a policeman stop a car with his stick? Show!

Well, did you like our walk through the reserve? But this is where we end it.

6. Attention. This is a mental phenomenon that characterizes the concentration of the subject's activity at a given moment in time on some real or ideal object. The tasks combined in this block are aimed at identifying and developing involuntary, voluntary and post-voluntary attention. They must improve all the characteristics of attention: selectivity, volume, stability, the possibility of distribution, switchability.

In accordance with this, the range of skills that will be formed during the classes: the ability to concentrate on one object, the ability to keep several ideas in sight and act simultaneously in each of the directions, the ability to quickly switch from one type of activity to another

Task for the development of attention

Presenter: Guys, imagine that you were captured by evil gnomes and in order to get out of this captivity you need to disenchant the gnomes so that they are good. Do you want to get out of captivity? But this task is not easy, because for this the gnomes gave us the following task:


3. How many people got B's?

According to the "four Tanya, Gali,

How many carrots have you eaten?

To two hares at lunch hour

Three neighbors jumped up.

Hares sat in the garden

And they ate three carrots.

Host: Guys, look, our gnomes have changed, they have become kind. So we have freed ourselves from their captivity.

7. The language of knowledge. This block combines tasks aimed at the formation and development of the cognitive sphere of the child. The tasks included in it are aimed at developing the skills to obtain information, conduct independent research, make comparisons, give estimates, define concepts, the ability to act in the mind, formulate and express judgments, and draw conclusions.

Lesson on the development of the language of knowledge

Host: Today, our lesson should have a spirit of competition, that is, by breaking into two groups, we will test your speed, ingenuity, see how you can formulate and express judgments. Both groups will be given tasks, whoever answers them faster and correctly will be the winner. So, the first task: guess the crossword puzzle, remembering the most famous literary heroes:

2. Define a familiar object such as a pencil, coat, car, etc.

3. Guess the riddles:

Who is good in the world?

Who is comfortable on the stake?

How many in a flock of forty?

Who loves to bake?

What's for lunch at Kostya's?

What are the Mikes wearing?

Is Mila good?

What is missing from the braid?

Everyone's favorite pastime is to sing?

Who chases the sparrows?

In order to quickly and easily compose a sentence from words starting with one letter, you need:

  • find in any dictionary a list of words beginning with a given letter;
  • from this list, make separate lists of words related to one part of speech (separate nouns, adverbs, verbs, adjectives, etc.);
  • assemble a sentence from the required number of words using one of the following methods.

Choose the grammatical basis and complete the sentence

Choose a grammatical basis for the sentence. The subject will be the noun, and the predicate will be the verb. Next, complete the sentence with secondary members. Adjectives, nouns and adverbs are perfect for this.

For example: The subject is Peter (who?). Predicate - dedicated (what did you do?).

Peter dedicated the first song to Polina.

A subject or predicate consisting of several words will help facilitate the task.

For example: Subject - first-grader Pavel (who?). Predicate - came to play (what did you do?).

First grader Pavel just came to play.

Answer the questions and make an offer

Use ready-made sentence schemes consisting of questions. Form sentences from the received answers.

For example:

  • Who? What did you do? To whom? How? What? The postman brought five letters to the recipient.
  • Which? Who? What is he doing? Which? What? Fifteen-year-old Pelageya is baking a shortbread pie.
  • Who? What did you do? To whom? Which? What? Prokhor prepared a holiday gift for dad.
  • What? What? Who? What did they do? How? Travelers walked half the way.
  • Who? What did you do? What? What? What? The verifier has checked the software product.
  • To whom? What did you do? Which? Who? What? The guy liked the positive character of the story.
  • Who? What did you do? To whom? What to do? What? The seller asked the buyer to pay in advance.

And now, from the words suggested below with the letter “p”, try to make three sentences yourself according to the scheme: Who? What did (s) do? To whom? Which one(s)? What?

Nouns: dress, Papanov, hello, colonel, Popov, example, Polina, niece, subordinates.

Verbs: handed over (-a), gave (-a), brought (brought).

Adjectives: fiery, simple, festive.

In order to quickly and easily compose a sentence from words starting with one letter, you need:

  • find in any dictionary a list of words beginning with a given letter;
  • from this list, make separate lists of words related to one part of speech (separate nouns, adverbs, verbs, adjectives, etc.);
  • assemble a sentence from the required number of words using one of the following methods.

Choose the grammatical basis and complete the sentence

Choose a grammatical basis for the sentence. The subject will be the noun, and the predicate will be the verb. Next, complete the sentence with secondary members. Adjectives, nouns and adverbs are perfect for this.

For example: The subject is Peter (who?). Predicate - dedicated (what did you do?).

Peter dedicated the first song to Polina.

A subject or predicate consisting of several words will help facilitate the task.

For example: Subject - first-grader Pavel (who?). Predicate - came to play (what did you do?).

First grader Pavel just came to play.

Answer the questions and make an offer

Use ready-made sentence schemes consisting of questions. Form sentences from the received answers.

For example:

  • Who? What did you do? To whom? How? What? The postman brought five letters to the recipient.
  • Which? Who? What is he doing? Which? What? Fifteen-year-old Pelageya is baking a shortbread pie.
  • Who? What did you do? To whom? Which? What? Prokhor prepared a holiday gift for dad.
  • What? What? Who? What did they do? How? Travelers walked half the way.
  • Who? What did you do? What? What? What? The verifier has checked the software product.
  • To whom? What did you do? Which? Who? What? The guy liked the positive character of the story.
  • Who? What did you do? To whom? What to do? What? The seller asked the buyer to pay in advance.

And now, from the words suggested below with the letter “p”, try to make three sentences yourself according to the scheme: Who? What did (s) do? To whom? Which one(s)? What?

Nouns: dress, Papanov, hello, colonel, Popov, example, Polina, niece, subordinates.

Verbs: handed over (-a), gave (-a), brought (brought).

Adjectives: fiery, simple, festive.

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