Lyudmila Narusova: “Politicians sometimes remind me of boys who did not play enough tin soldiers in their childhood and now they are ambitiously trying to compensate for this. Lyudmila Narusova: biography Lyudmila Narusova personal life now

Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova - public figure, ex-senator, member of a number of independent organizations, including the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the Council of the Russian Jewish Congress, formerly the Party of Life, " Just Russia”, ex-parliamentarian, doctor historical sciences, widow of the first mayor of the Northern capital Anatoly Sobchak, president of the Foundation named after him.

The politician, who lost her seat as a senator for an alternative point of view and dissent, sharply criticized the legislative activities of the Federation Council, which, in her opinion, was aimed solely at the comfortable existence of power. She repeatedly noted in an interview that in the country, under the guise of patriotism and the fight against terrorism, democratic gains are narrowing, whistleblowing is encouraged, spy mania is spreading, and a desire for isolation from the world is spreading.

Lyudmila Borisovna drew public attention to the existence of such dangerous tendencies as the resuscitation of Stalinism, unconstitutional calls for war (go to Kyiv, apply against the United States nuclear weapon), attempts to complete surveillance of citizens, the dissemination of monstrous and false information by the media (about the alleged atrocities of Ukrainian soldiers, about a boy crucified in front of his mother).

Childhood and family of Lyudmila Narusova

The future politician and professional historian was born on May 2, 1951 in Bryansk in a family of employees. Her parents met in 1945 and a year later got married in the small German town of Herzberg, where her father, who had gone to the front as a volunteer from Smolensk, served as a military commandant, and her mother, a native of Leningrad, who had gone through a concentration camp and forced labor, worked in the commandant's office as an interpreter.

In 1949 they returned to their homeland and settled in Bryansk (my father had relatives there). Because of the mother's stay in captivity, they were not allowed to live in Leningrad, where she dreamed of returning. For the same reason, her desire to become a teacher was not destined to come true. German language and was banned later career father as a soldier. Mom got a job as a cinema administrator, and dad, after graduating from the defectological and history department of the pedagogical institute, worked as a director high school for hearing impaired children. Their family had two daughters - the eldest Larisa and the younger Lyudmila.

Starting from the 10th grade, Luda worked at a school for the deaf as a laboratory assistant. In 1969, she became a student of the history department of the State University in the city on the Neva. Then, as a post-graduate student at the Academic Institute of History, she defended her Ph.D. thesis “Socio-Political Views of the Decembrists in the 50s-60s of the 19th century” and since 1978 has taught at the university. In 1981, she went to work at the Institute of Culture. N. Krupskaya, received the title of associate professor and began preparing a doctoral scientific work to receive the next academic degree.

Career of Lyudmila Narusova

In the status of the wife of the mayor, Lyudmila actively supported her husband in the organization new system management of the city and in all its affairs - was engaged in the creation medical institutions for the provision of palliative care to patients with incurable diseases, was executive director Mariinsky charitable foundation, established in 1992 to restore the Romanov necropolis in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Northern capital.

Interview with Lyudmila Narusova and Anatoly Sobchak

In 1995, Lyudmila Borisovna was elected to the State Duma from the socio-political movement "Our Home is Russia", where she led the work of the commission on the payment of compensation to former prisoners of fascism. In 1999, she ran again for the lower house of the Federal Assembly, but lost to the candidate from the Communist Party.

In 2000, Narusova was a confidant of Vladimir Putin for presidential elections, led the Foundation named after her late husband, became an adviser to the head of the Kremlin administration, head of the supervisory board of the Consent Foundation (FS) and the country's representative on the board of trustees of the Austrian and German EVZ Foundation. Thanks to her, a number of facts of financial abuse in the leadership of the Russian FS were revealed.

The widow of the first mayor of the Northern capital became the host of "Mind Games", "Freedom of Speech". In 2002, Lyudmila Borisovna also hosted The Price of Success, a talk show on the Rossiya channel. In October, she was elected to the Senate from Tyva, where she was a member of the Commissions for information policy, for housing and communal services, in the Committee for science, culture, education, and health care.

Lyudmila Narusova about Putin and Medvedev

In 2005, she was admitted to the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg. The senator intended to promote a law to increase the responsibility of literary workers for published information. In 2006, she retained her position in the Federation Council.

Personal life of Lyudmila Narusova

The first time Lyudmila got married when she studied at Leningrad State University, in her second year. Her ex-husband was a psychiatrist. Relations did not work out and the couple broke up in 1975, having lived together for 2.5 years. It was with the division of property in a divorce that Lyudmila was helped by Anatoly Sobchak, with whom she consulted as a lawyer.

He was 14 years older than her. Relations between them did not start immediately, only after a while Anatoly Alexandrovich began to court the girl. In 1980 they got married. For him, their marriage was also the second (his first wife was Nonna Gandzyuk, who gave him a daughter, Masha, who became a lawyer).

Lyudmila really wanted children, but with her first husband she could not get pregnant, she often went to Vasilyevsky Island to the Temple of Xenia the Blessed. In 1981, married couple daughter Ksenia was born, who became the "Russian Paris Hilton", TV presenter, socialite, a fighter against electoral fraud. She has always been distinguished by a strong character, intelligence, courage, education, and originality. Her IQ is 175 (by comparison, Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160). As a child, she went to school with in-depth study in English studied painting and ballet. Then she graduated with honors from MGIMO.

In her youth, Lyudmila Borisovna was a passionate admirer of Emmanuil Vitorgan, she could have met him, but did not dare. But now her daughter did it for her, who married his son Maxim. In November 2016, the daughter made her mother a grandmother, giving birth to her first-born son.

The income of Sobchak's widow for 2009 was 5 million rubles. However, in 2010, together with Ksenia, she acquired Vacation home on Rublyovka with an estimated cost of $1 million. The media speculated that she had savings from her late husband.

Lyudmila Borisovna is known for her passion for luxury and chic. Among her main hobbies, she called cooking, reading, skiing.

Lyudmila Narusova today

In 2010, the Bryansk Regional Duma approved her candidacy as a parliamentarian with influence and experience as its representative in the Federation Council. She also became a member of the resistance movement against fascism, spoke out categorically against the ideas of radical nationalists, drew public attention to the criminality of their slogan "Russia for the Russians."

Lyudmila Narusova about MP Vitaly Milonov

In 2012, despite the threat of a recall, the senator criticized her colleagues in connection with the hasty (to intimidate participants in the upcoming “March of Millions”) adoption of a controversial legislative act on rallies. In protest, she left the meeting room. After 10 years of successful activity in the "Chamber of Regions", Nikolai Denin, head of the Bryansk region, released her from her post.

In 2015, on the eve of the 15th anniversary of the death of Anatoly Sobchak, she presented his latest book, Stalin. Private bussiness". The widow stressed that her late husband was convinced that Stalin's crimes of destroying his people were comparable to those of Hitler.

In the summer of that year, she shocked her Twitter followers with an angry tirade that the Russian people are the embodiment of evil and should be exterminated.

Narusova Lyudmila Borisovna is a famous person whose biography and nationality are of interest to many people. It is known that she is the mother of Ksenia Sobchak, famous person. After her husband died, she devoted herself to politics, became a deputy in the State Duma. In addition, she is a member various organizations is chairman of the foundation. Her whole family consists of famous people, however, her life before marriage, details family life and health news is largely unreported by the media.

Biography, childhood and family of Lyudmila Narusova

The biography of Narusova Lyudmila Borisovna and her nationality are interesting to many, since this woman is known and her interview can be seen in different sources MEDIA.

She was born on 05/02/1951 in the city of Bryansk in a family of employees. Her mother, whose birthplace was Leningrad, was in a concentration camp during the war, and when she was released, she began working as a translator in Germany in Herzberg, the commandant of this city was Lyudmila's father.

Her future parents liked each other and soon legalized their relationship. At the end of the 40s. they wanted to return to the northern capital, but given the fact that Lyudmila's mother was in a concentration camp, this could not be done and the family moved to Bryansk, where her father had relatives.

Later Narusova V.V. took the position of administrator at the local cinema "October", after which she became the director of the institution.

Father, B.M. Narusov - worked in various positions. He had the position of a platoon commander, worked as a Komsomol organizer in the military unit, and held the position of director in the House of Culture. As a director, he studied at pedagogical institute in the specialty of defectology, after successfully completing the training, he took the place of the director of the school, where the pupils were children with hearing impairments.

This family had two children - Larisa, eldest daughter, and Lyudmila, who became the second child in the family. It is known that the sisters made great progress while studying at school, were excellent students, and actively participated in the activities of the school.

After graduating from school, Lyudmila got a job as a laboratory worker at a school for the hearing impaired, where her father worked.

At the end of the 60s. Narusova left to enter higher educational institution to Leningrad. There she managed to get into the full-time department at the Leningrad State University at the faculty specializing in the study of history. After completing her studies at the university with success, she continued her studies, becoming a graduate student. After that, she defended her dissertation and began teaching in the late 70s.

No official data is provided about nationality in the biography of Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova.

Career of Lyudmila Narusova

In the early 80s, the teacher Lyudmila Borisovna began working at the Krupskaya Institute of Culture. There she became an assistant professor and was preparing for scientific work allowing her to become a doctor.

According to media reports, in 1980 she became the wife of the mayor Anatoly Sobchak. Her goal was to help her husband and support him in all matters. She helped him organize hospices and is the creator of the Mariinsky Foundation, which prepared the burial of the Tsar's family.

In the winter of 2000, her husband died, and in the same year she was elected chairman of the advisory council in the northern capital. Then she became an adviser to the head in the Administration Russian President and also head the foundation of her deceased husband.

In 2002, a lot of events happened in a woman's career. She began to represent the Federation Council of the Fed. Collections from the Parliament of Tuva.

This woman is known for advocating to limit the activities of nat. Organizations, because, in her opinion, the words "Russia for the Russians" are illegal, and they can be compared with the commission of a crime.

Criticism of the current government brought her fame. She openly spoke out against the amendments made by the Federation Council in 2012.

Her Twitter posts are often criticized and discussed by those who visit her page on the social network. Offensive posts often appeared there, but then, according to breaking news Media, the woman said that she was not involved in these statements.

In 2015 she presented last work her late husband, which was dedicated to the activities of Joseph Stalin. According to Narusova, in this book her husband put Stalin's illegal actions on the same level with the actions of A. Hitler.

Personal life of Lyudmila Narusova

The first time Lyudmila Narusova married a young doctor specializing in psychiatry. At this time, she was a student and studied in her second year at the university. However, the relationship of the young was not good, and they managed to live together for more than two years, after which they broke up.

Acquaintance with the second husband occurred during the period of divorce from the first husband - when former spouses shared property. She came to Anatoly Sobchak as a lawyer to get advice.

They didn't fall in love with each other right away. big difference aged, Anatoly is fifteen years older than Narusova, was married. If you look at the photographs of Narusova L.B. in their youth, which this moment a lot on the Internet, you can see that it is bright and beautiful woman. Most likely, these virtues were noticed by Anatoly S. They legalized relations in 1980, and a year later, on November 5, they had a daughter, who was named Xenia.

Sobchak Ksenia - famous TV presenter and public figure. Even before she came of age, she became famous, data was written about her in the yellow press, however, according to the media, the star did not try to justify herself, on the contrary, she warmed up interest and attention to herself. This star stands out, and her biography and personal life news are of interest to many fans.

Parents paid a lot of attention to the child. After studying at a school where special emphasis was placed on learning a foreign language, the daughter of Lyudmila N. graduated from the school. Herzen. After that, she entered a university in St. Petersburg at the faculty of relations between peoples. In 2000, she transferred to the Moscow Institute international relations, after 4 years she graduated from the master's program. Ksenia knows several foreign languages.

The personal life of Lyudmila Narusova with A. Sobchak was happy, they harmonized well, and the wife supported her husband in any endeavors


An interesting fact is that thanks to her daughter, the woman fulfilled her dream - meeting Emmanuel Vitorgan. She was his admirer. Lyudmila Borisovna and this a famous person became relatives after a son was born to Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan two years ago.

Lyudmila Narusova today

There are various rumors around the biography and nationality of Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova, however, according to most media sources, she is Russian.

In 2018, elections for the post of President were recently held Russian Federation, where Ksenia Sobchak, the daughter of Lyudmila Narusova, took part.

According to media reports, the woman said that she would vote for Ksenia in the elections.

Lyudmila Borisovna is a member of the Committee of the Federation Council on constitutional legislation and state building.

She was invited to the program smart guys”, where one of the news discussed was a fire in Kemerovo. She expressed condolences to the victims on the air. In her opinion, mourning is silence, but what happened during the days of mourning speaks of something else. During this period of time, the authorities were looking for the culprit and justified themselves, according to Narusova. In her opinion, the most terrible thing is that the power Kemerovo region looking for excuses for not doing anything.

Is it true that Narusova's daughter is Ksenia Sobchak?

0 April 19, 2018, 03:16 PM

The heroine of today's review of the style of women in politics is Lyudmila Narusova, a member of the Council of Federations, the widow of the first mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and mother.

Then and now

The public recognized Lyudmila Borisovna in the early 90s, when her husband took over as mayor. The manner of dressing, which she then preferred, can be called close to the office style, but always in its most feminine performance. It cannot be said that Narusova’s tastes have changed a lot over the years: jackets, suits, pearl jewelry - she wears all this to this day, with the only exception that the glamor in the outfits of our heroine has become more and more over time. But even her hairstyle remained approximately the same as in the old photos.

Regulation obliges

Where does the love for jackets and jackets come from? We believe that tastes in clothes are partly due to the fact that Narusova devoted many years to science: a graduate student of the Leningrad branch of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a candidate of historical sciences, a teacher at the Zhdanov Leningrad State University and even a librarian - all these are the stages of the biography of Lyudmila Borisovna before her meeting with Sobchak. By the way, she met him on the basis of a common cause: the future mayor was a lawyer, to whom Lyudmila Borisovna turned during the divorce proceedings with her first husband, a psychiatrist, whom she married as a student, but lived in marriage only a couple of years.

After the wedding with Sobchak, her career continued, Narusova was an assistant professor of history at the St. Petersburg state university culture and arts. In a word, the position obliged to choose business suits and conservative images.

Passion for furs

The great love of Lyudmila Narusova is furs. Back in 2011, the press wrote about how Sobchak's widow "struck Courchevel with Bentley and furs": on the famous ski resort she was relaxing in the luxurious Les Airelles Hotel De Charme, where she walked her no less luxurious fur coats (it is not possible to count their number - even approximately!).

Narusova is not indifferent to shiny fabrics, so the “expensive-rich” style is just about her.

Colors and patterns

In our opinion, Lyudmila Borisovna is decorated with monophonic options and calm colors. For example, dark blue suits our heroine, although she seems to prefer red, green and other flashy shades.

In general, she always experimented boldly with flowers, sometimes fashion critics even concluded that she was too bold (from a fuchsia-colored outfit, for example, it dazzles a little in the eyes).

Our heroine also loves a variety of prints, up to rather risky ones like large peas. Floral motifs also occupy an important place in her wardrobe.


Accessories Narusova prefers those that are hard to miss. Often she wears large pearls, if not, then a rather massive necklace and earrings.

On vacation

If we are not talking about public appearances, Narusova prefers something comfortable and feminine. Loose dresses, light stoles... well, or something completely relaxed like shorts with a T-shirt. Here we cannot help but recall her pink shorts with the inscription "I" m in Miami bitch ", which the daughter of our heroine once demonstrated on Instagram. The photo then caused serious controversy: commentators staged a discussion on Ksenia's page about whether it is appropriate in a solid age-like inscriptions.

Pavel: Odessa. There are several other cities that are legendary for those who speak Russian. One of them is exactly Odessa, as well as Kyiv, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or, as it was called for 70 years, Leningrad. This city has given the world a huge number of names. These names shone both on the stage and in the political arena. And one of these names - the name of the mayor of the city of Leningrad or St. Petersburg - is Anatoly Sobchak, who also gave the world pop stars and politicians. Today, even the President of Russia comes from Sobchak's team. Unfortunately, this great mayor of St. Petersburg is not with us today. But, if he lived, he would have celebrated his birthday exactly yesterday. As far as I know, Anatoly Sobchak would have turned 78. Yesterday in St. Petersburg honored the memory of Anatoly Sobchak. Many of those who knew Anatoly Sobchak and who lived with him were present.

Alexandra: Today we contacted Samara, where Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is now.

Pavel: I would like to read information about yesterday's event that took place in St. Petersburg. At noon, a liturgy was served at Sobchak's grave at the Nikolsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Relatives came to honor the memory of the first mayor of St. Petersburg, incl. his widow Lyudmila Narusova, close friends, and former colleagues. Then flowers were laid at the monument to Sobchak on Vasilyevsky Island. Lyudmila Narusova thanked everyone for the memory they keep about Anatoly Sobchak. Let me remind you that Anatoly Sobchak was born on August 10, 1937 in Chita. He was elected mayor of St. Petersburg at the first popular election of the head of the city on June 12, 1991. in 1996 he lost the election to Vladimir Yakovlev. After that, he was harassed by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, which filed against the mayor on charges of abuse. Because of this, Anatoly Sobchak was forced to leave Russia. Lived in Paris for 2 years. In July 1999 he returned to St. Petersburg, was engaged in teaching activities, wrote books. Anatoly Sobchak died suddenly in the Kaliningrad region on the night of February 19-20, 2000 at the age of 63 from a heart attack.

Alexandra: Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is now in touch with us. Hello.

Ludmila Narusova: Good morning, Canada.

Pavel: It's very nice to hear from you. Here you always travel. I have just read about yesterday's events in St. Petersburg, which you attended. And today, as far as I know, you are no longer in St. Petersburg, you are already in Samara.

Ludmila Narusova: Yes, I am sailing on the Volga. It's perfect wonderful trip. I decided to fulfill my dream that I had in my youth - to look at the blooming lotus in the Volga Delta. Here I am heading from Samara to Astrakhan.

Pavel: We read the most different things about Russia. And now you are not in the capital, not in Moscow, but in Russia itself. How does Russia live today? What do you see as an ordinary tourist? You are now watching Russia. You are not in Spain, you are not in another country. How is Russia today?

Ludmila Narusova: Yes, I have a lot of impressions. And the most optimistic, perhaps, and encouraging, is absolutely wonderful youth. Today I was in Togliatti, listening to the reports of students. They were on vacation, but they had a seminar there. I was just in awe of how smart young people are. If they are not politicized at all, they are engaged in science, then this is simply wonderful.

Pavel: Lyudmila Borisovna, what do you think, is society politicized today or not? Because on Russian television they only say about politics that those are bad, that those are bad. How about ordinary people?

Ludmila Narusova: This is what worries me very much and the fact that every day on television screens they show war and military equipment, and in general achievements military equipment what wonderful tanks and planes we have. Probably, this is very pleasant for the national pride of some people. But this is such an upbringing of militaristic psychology. This is very disturbing for me. But here I was at the Museum of Technology in Togliatti. There are some Studebakers, some Katyushas from the time of the war, some howitzers. It's all interesting, like museum exhibits. But the propaganda of war, which, by the way, is prohibited by the Constitution, unfortunately, is present.

Pavel: Tell me, but the young people you listened to, how do they see the future? Also military, did they focus on the war, or did they talk about something else?

Ludmila Narusova: No, absolutely not. They have some business projects, they have integration plans, they study foreign languages, they are open to the world and ready to integrate into this world, if, of course, politicians allow them to do so.

Pavel: You said if the politicians let them.

Ludmila Narusova: Because all the symptoms of some iron curtain and a return to Soviet obscurantism is evident. And, unfortunately, it is very felt. But you know, it's forced. But what I saw, it would seem, in the center of Russia, in provincial Samara, people are completely different, despite everything that is being imposed on them.

Pavel: That is, we can say that they live such parallel life, kind ordinary life. Tell me, is it true that they say today that the Russian government does not notice problems ordinary people? They say that today there are not so many products, but the products are being destroyed.

Ludmila Narusova: What can I say about this? It is sad and very hard for me to talk about this, because the government of Russia and the state of Russia are headed by people who were born in Leningrad: Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin, a city where 2 million lie in the Piskarevsky cemetery, who died of starvation. And when taken to the top state level the decision to burn food, and yet we have always been taught that bread cannot be left, burning food is some kind of terrible measure. I understand that they are fighting unscrupulous businessmen, but they will be punished anyway. Punished by not profiting from illegally imported products. But what about the products themselves? The same peaches, the same inexpensive cheeses that they bring in, they have not been seen in the eyes in nursing homes, in orphanages. I myself was not so long ago in orphanage where children first saw bananas. And burning food is... I can't even find a word that could define it, when millions of people in Russia live below the poverty line and cannot afford what is burned.

Pavel: Tell me, today, looking at the reaction that was in society and in the press to these events, do you think that the government will come to its senses? Will work on the mistakes be carried out or will they continue to burn products, destroy them?

Ludmila Narusova: You know, I'm not optimistic about this.

Pavel: You said that there are more people from Leningrad in the Russian government. Do you spend more time in St. Petersburg or in Moscow?

Ludmila Narusova: I spend more time in Moscow, unfortunately, because St. Petersburg is everything for me. Because my daughter lives in St. Petersburg, and the only thing I live for is my daughter. That's why I want to be with her.

Pavel: We also love Ksenia Sobchak very much. We dream of doing a show with her.

Ludmila Narusova: At the beginning of our conversation, you talked about what my husband gave to the world. And here is the most wonderful gift that he gave - this is Xenia. And she still proves to everyone.

Pavel: We are looking forward to it. We spoke with New York recently. There will be performances. And with such optimism, the New York impresario told that Kseni Sobchak would come to them, they are preparing for this, advertising is being done in New York. Let's just say that the world star is your daughter. We also dream of seeing her in Vancouver.

Ludmila Narusova: The word "star" is not suitable, but the fact that she is certainly one of the symbols new Russia, not plagued, not zombified, not the one that walks in formation, reads those books that they say to read, shouting slogans, but real, including the youth that I saw in Tolyatti.

Pavel: Are you worried about your daughter? Still, she comes out with critical materials.

Ludmila Narusova: What do you think, if she is forced to travel with security? Of course, there are reasons to be worried, especially after the question she asked President Putin at a press conference in December about the situation that Ramzan Kadyrov created in Chechnya. This is scary. It's really very scary.

Pavel: And you are not trying to dissuade her and say why she needs it?

Ludmila Narusova: No, it's useless, she has an absolutely Sobchak character and dissuade, influence or warn against something - it's useless. She has, as Stalin said: "Genetics is a corrupt girl." Yes, it's genetics, you can see it in her. I watch this with horror, but also with pride.

Alexandra: Lyudmila Borisovna, tell me, in your family from what we hear today and what we heard before, all the leaders. And Anatoly Alexandrovich, and Ksenia, and you. How do leaders get along?

Ludmila Narusova: Here I am, no. I'm in between. I tell everyone that my life is divided into 2 parts. In the first part I was the wife of Anatoly Sobchak, in the second part I am the mother of Ksenia Sobchak. And this position suits me perfectly. I do not claim leadership myself.

Alexandra: I don't think it's necessary, which is why. To be the wife of such a person as Anatoly Sobchak, and to be the mother of such a daughter as Ksenia Sobchak, here comments, in my opinion, are unnecessary.

Ludmila Narusova: Can I have one more minute of your time?

Alexandra: Certainly.

Ludmila Narusova: I spoke last time, and I speak this time. Perhaps, due to the circumstances that you mentioned, there are a lot of ill-wishers who run websites and blogs on the Internet on my behalf. Some absolutely crazy things are published on Twitter, which I supposedly say. So, please, don't identify this impostor scoundrel with me. These are all fake posts. I only have Anatoly Sobchak's website, where I sometimes express my thoughts. And in social networks I'm gone. Therefore, it's not me. And there is no need to attribute to me or be offended by me for those senile nonsense that appear there.

Pavel: Lyudmila Borisovna, our listeners do not believe, they write on Skype that it cannot be that Lyudmila Narusova and Ksenia Sobchak do not go to Vladimir Putin just for tea, just to talk and chat. How often do you meet him?

Ludmila Narusova: But why? Xenia does not, but I have such meetings. He comes to some memorable dates. AT last time he came for the 15th anniversary of Anatoly's death. He flew in specifically to lay wreaths, and we had the opportunity to talk. There are such meetings.
Pavel: Are you talking about politics or something mundane?

Ludmila Narusova: About different things. But other people come to him much more often. Apparently, they whisper or say loudly completely different things. Naturally, as they say, water wears away a stone and the degree of their influence is much stronger.

Alexandra: When these situations happen, do you allow yourself to argue with Vladimir Putin or not?

Ludmila Narusova: Certainly. He knows my character.

Alexandra: Sobchakovsky?

Ludmila Narusova: Rather, about, under the influence, still live 25 years of my life and now I continue to live with my daughter. He understands this very well.
Pavel: Lyudmila Borisovna, we are reading news from Russia. Of course, different news come. You live near Moscow, closer to the Kremlin. What should be expected in the near future? Will this war propaganda you talked about continue?

Ludmila Narusova: I'm afraid so. It seems to me that the forces that are now determining this trend, they felt their strength, they pumped up their muscles, for many it is profitable business. But this is an arms race and this must be remembered. I remember very well how this arms race exhausted Soviet Union with a simultaneous fall in oil prices. It would be good to remember these lessons of history.

Alexandra: What do you think, Lyudmila Borisovna, from your point of view, not how real or not, but what could stop this situation or change it for the better?

Ludmila Narusova: Intelligence. Not ambition. Sometimes politicians, and not only ours, but also others, remind me of boys who, in childhood, did not play enough tin soldiers and now they are somehow ambitiously trying to compensate for this. Only now the soldiers are, firstly, alive, and, secondly, they are not tin, in their hands dangerous weapon. And this is very scary.

Alexandra: Lyudmila Borisovna, I want to thank you that even during your vacation on the Volga, you took the time to talk to us.

Ludmila Narusova: Yes, I am now looking at a beautiful sunset over the Volga cliffs and I have very mixed feelings. On the one hand, I understand what a wonderful country Russia is and how unlucky it is.

Alexandra: Lucky, but not often. That's when your spouse ran the most beautiful city on earth.

Ludmila Narusova: It's true. But in Russia, since the time of Griboedov, grief from the mind. And I don't think anything has changed.

Alexandra: Thank you very much. Have a good rest, we wish you to enjoy it. Big greetings to your daughter Ksenia Sobchak. Health and good luck. All the best.

Ludmila Narusova: Thank you bye.

Personal life of Lyudmila Narusova has always been shrouded in mystery - more was known about the life of her husband and daughter than about her own. She was born in Bryansk, after school, where she studied for one "five", Lyudmila entered the Faculty of History at Leningrad State University, and student years married a Leningrad psychiatrist. The first experience of marriage in the personal life of Lyudmila Narusova was not entirely successful - two and a half years later, when she was already a graduate student, Lyudmila divorced her husband.

In the photo - Lyudmila Narusova with her daughter

The divorce was not very simple, and in order to consult on this matter, Narusova, on the advice of her supervisor, decided to contact Anatoly Sobchak, an associate professor at Leningrad State University. And indeed, he helped her a lot in the divorce proceedings, and when Lyudmila came to him to thank him, he did not take money from her.

The next meeting with Anatoly Sobchak, which played a huge role in the personal life of Lyudmila Narusova, took place quite by accident, and from this meeting a real romance broke out between them. At this time, Sobchak was also going through a divorce from his first wife Nonna. Soon they played a wedding, and then Lyudmila Narusova gave birth to a daughter, Xenia.

In the photo - Lyudmila Narusova and Anatoly Sobchak

When Anatoly Sobchak entered politics, Lyudmila Borisovna became his real comrade-in-arms - she helped him win the elections to the Leningrad City Council, and then to the post of mayor of the Northern capital. When Sobchak became mayor, Lyudmila Narusova hosted Active participation in many of his affairs, and also implemented her own projects. For a time she represented the Russian government in boards of trustees German Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" and the Foundation for Reconciliation and Accord of the Republic of Austria, was a deputy State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the federal list of the Our Home is Russia movement, and later held several more responsible positions.

February 2000 became tragic in the personal life of Lyudmila Narusova - her husband Anatoly Sobchak died suddenly during a trip to Kaliningrad region and she was widowed at forty-nine. After the death of her husband, Lyudmila Borisovna continued to engage in social and political work, took part in television projects. Now Lyudmila Narusova has moved away from politics and has begun to devote more time to her personal life, part of which is her daughter Ksenia, who recently got married.

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