The psychology of color and the meaning of colors in psychology. Lilac color and its effect on humans

Purple colour often confused with purple. Although, according to psychologists, between these two such similar friend on the other shades there is a fundamental difference. Eric Bren, author of the well-known psychology book Know Yourself, very accurately described in it all the main differences between these two related colors.

What do psychologists think about purple?

The predominance of purple in a person's life characterizes him as a mysterious person prone to constant analysis happening around you. Often such people seem to others concentrated only on themselves and indifferent. Maybe that's why, when a person first hears such an expression “ and I'm purple”, he understands on a subconscious level that his interlocutor is not at all interested in the topic of their conversation.

Violet lovers, due to their temperament, cannot fully open up to others, therefore they often experience problems with establishing external contacts. Despite this, people who are far from color psychology think that the main meaning of purple is only secrecy and indifference.

But how wrong they are! Without a doubt, purple is the most mysterious and mysterious of all the colors of the rainbow. Therefore, people who give their preference to this color are assigned such properties as caution, wisdom, balance in their actions.

The lilac color in psychology has a completely different interpretation than its "brother".

lavender color

Lilac color means lightness, airiness, openness and is inherent in people who carry a creative streak. Striving for excellence is their core life goal. They are not like others and always have their heads in the clouds. Such people are endowed with a flexible and creative mindset, improvisation is their forte.

As people who are knowledgeable in the art of psychology assure, it is easy to recognize a lilac personality in a crowd, they emit an inner radiance that we instinctively attract to ourselves. After communicating with them, the soul becomes comfortable and light.

But like any medal, there are two sides. Despite all their radiance and openness, lavender people are prone to deep depression, which can drag on for a long period of time. It is very difficult for lilacs to get out of this state without outside help.

Such people feel most comfortable in such professions as an actor, critic, artist or writer. Routine office work is not for them. They are idea generators.

Special signs

If a person gives his preference to the lilac color, this means that he has the following character traits:

  • Careful attitude to objects that are associated with both pleasant and not so memories. Such people need both positive and negative emotions. But they can not always strike the right balance. Therefore, frequent and abrupt transitions from one emotional state to another in lilac personalities is a completely normal phenomenon;
  • Incredibly trusting. Deprived by nature of such qualities as opportunism and resourcefulness, such people naively believe that they live in a world where “do no harm” is considered the main criterion. Due to their gullibility, they often fall into traps, "carefully" placed by people who are more adapted to life in this difficult world;
  • Prone to low self-esteem. Lavenders are not accustomed to blaming others for their failures, because they are convinced that this is primarily their fault;
  • 100% altruists and perfectionists. We are convinced that there is no limit to perfection, therefore they cannot afford to perform the same similar species works;
  • Very attentive to your appearance. Even being not in the best mood, they will look well-groomed;
  • The material side does not interest them, for them the creative part is a priority;
  • Windy, therefore, carefully avoid works that are monotonous in nature and require a lot of time for their execution;
  • Demanding not only to themselves, but also to others;
  • Despite their openness, they are often unrestrained in a dispute;
  • Such people are indispensable for family life if you are looking for a companion who will bring not only coffee but also happiness to your bed. Their wild imagination knows no bounds. But be prepared for the fact that your lilac companion will be useless as a breadwinner for the family.

Of course, all of the above qualities cannot be applied to all unconditionally lovers of lilac and its shades. Psychology is a subtle science, but as progress shows, it is very effective in order to influence a person with skillful use. Advertising, design, food and clothing industries - and this is far from full list, where they are seriously interested in how this or that color can influence the human subconscious.

Lilac in clothes

Very strong, noble and rich shade. This was noticed back in Turkey during the Golden Age. It was thanks to this perception that wearing lilac was considered a priority exclusively for representatives of royal blood. Thus, people emphasized their power and peremptory power over others.

Times have changed, clothes have ceased to carry hidden philosophical overtones. But fashion goes in circles and fashion designers again increasingly began to turn to color psychology.

Blue is the color of the sky and tranquility. Flight attendants, for the most part, are dressed in this particular color. As experiments have proven, most people are afraid of flying, and looking at blue, our brain receives signals that have a calming effect on our entire body. nervous system.

By wearing lilac clothing or an accessory of a similar color, you make it clear to others that you are in a state of confidence and peace of mind. For business meetings, it is better to focus only on lavender-colored accessories, this will give a signal to others that they have a person who has a creative approach to business and is used to achieving their goals in a short time.

Despite the apparent coldness, lilac can dispose the interlocutor to a pleasant and open conversation. Therefore, HR managers, when conducting an interview, often use this technique in their work. But not only HR managers use the meaning of lilac and purple as a tool for their profession. Interior designers clearly know that in order to create a calm, relaxing and solid interior, they cannot do without lilac and its shades.

Lilac in the interior

This versatile color goes well with any shade from the rainbow palette. Warm, sparkling, noble, able to give the interior a sense of business as well as complete relaxation and carelessness. It is appropriate everywhere, from the hallway to the design of guest rooms.

It is advantageous to emphasize and visually expand small-sized living quarters with the help of light lilac color. But this does not mean that all walls should become lavender in an instant!

Each person has their own preferences and their own idea of ​​beauty. This also applies to a certain palette of colors: the shade that one person likes, another can irritate. And what does the lilac color mean in psychology?

Few people think that sympathy for a certain tone can mean something. Psychology has an answer to this question, in this article we will analyze what the lilac shade means.

  • Lilac is a mixture of both red (a mixture of feminine and masculine), means a bright future. Blue in this shade gives a certain chill, which also gives meaning to nostalgia, and red - creativity. Therefore, if we briefly talk about lilac, this is a clear future, nostalgia and creativity. A similar description is often found in adolescents who are full of energy, but sometimes depression occurs, and they still have everything ahead of them.
  • Also lilac, as shown by the results various studies well raises a person's self-esteem. Therefore, people with an underestimated indicator are recommended to wear lilac tones or jewelry.

If the lilac fell in love with the female sex, this means that she has a creative inclination or the ability to fantasize and imagine well. It is also commonly believed that such girls like to wind themselves up, while experiencing severe stress and depression. On the other hand, such representatives of the fair sex are cautious, have a desire for harmony and aesthetics.

Usually a love for one color leads to a matching wardrobe color. But it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation, you should not overdo it, since an overabundance of this shade can cause disgust from the people around you.

Lilac shade in the interior

This color is quite rare indoors, as people are afraid that this shade will crush and quickly get bored. However, the right combination and the use of color always looks elegant and elegant. True, it is better to use lilac in rooms where you spend little time, for example, in the bathroom. To give a special luxury to the room, it is desirable to combine lilac with white, this combination will not quickly get bored, but will please its severity, but at the same time and tenderness.

Lilac has also been proven to be romantic and also encourages infatuation for each other among opposite sexes. Therefore, some newlyweds use this color in the bedroom.

Purple color in psychology

This is a complex color, it is formed by mixing blue and red. This, of course, is one of the mysterious flowers. He is credited magical properties. considers the owl a symbol of purple. The owl is also a symbol of wisdom and mysticism. In the Middle Ages, purple symbolized remorse. In many religions, this color is a symbol of abstinence. That is why, all cardinals are required to wear amethyst rings.

Since violet is formed by the fusion of two other colors, it contains the energy and strength of red and the calmness and intelligence of blue. Which explains its properties, sometimes radically contradictory. If more red prevails in shades of purple, this can cause excessive control of the senses. Violet has a positive effect on acceptance important decisions, development of global plans.

This color symbolizes hidden sensuality and mystery at the same time. It is preferred by those who seek to conquer the opposite sex. Since purple is a complex color, it should be avoided when shopping for children's clothing. In clothes, interior details.

Doctors have proven the effect of purple on people suffering various diseases. Such as astheno-neurotic syndrome and vegetative-vascular dystonia. There is an authoritative opinion that in people suffering from myopia, purple improves vision. If you look at it for ten minutes a day. Purple can enhance sentimentality.

It is also the officially recognized color of feminism. These are the contradictory qualities that this unique color contains. Still, you shouldn't be afraid of it. Listen to yourself, to your feelings. If you like it, if you feel comfortable in it. Feel free to use.

Light lilac, violet, lilac, light lilac, pinkish lilac, lilac, pale lilac, lilac Dictionary of Russian synonyms. lilac see lilac Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

LILAC, oh, oh. 1. see lilac. 2. Light purple, lilac. | noun lilac, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

See amber VV Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

App. 1. ratio with noun. lilac associated with it 2. Peculiar to lilac, characteristic of it. 3. Belonging to the lilac. 4. Made from lilac. 5. Having the color of lilac; light lilac. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac ... Forms of words

lilac- lilac … Russian spelling dictionary

lilac - … orthographic dictionary Russian language

Aya, oh. 1. to Lilac. C. bush. Fragrant brushes. C. smell. With water ( Eau de Toilette with the smell of lilac). C. extract, with oe oil (prepared from lilac). 2. Pale lilac, lilac. She threw it over her shoulders. scarf. Lightweight dress. C. fog ... encyclopedic Dictionary

lilac- oh, oh. see also lilac, lilac 1) to lilac Sire / new bush. Fragrant brushes. Syrah / odorless ... Dictionary of many expressions

lilac- lilac … Morphemic spelling dictionary


  • , . `Lilac fog` - a kind of reader of a popular song. Valery Gavrilin wrote: `The song is the first to take the blows of time`. The songs collected here have stood the test of time and...
  • Purple Haze. Favorite songs and romances for voice and guitar. Reader, . "Lilac Fog" is a kind of anthology of a popular song. Valery Gavrilin wrote: "The song is the first to take the blows of time." The songs collected here have stood the test of time and...

Colors play an important role in psychology. You can tell a lot about a person by knowing what tones they prefer. Colors can also influence the psyche. If red, for example, is the color of excitement and energy, then green, on the contrary, is recommended for calming. The colors in which your place of residence or work is furnished will largely affect your mental state and mood.

Let's turn to the lilac color and its various shades, which include lilac, lavender and purple. Lilac color in psychology is the result of the combination of red and blue flowers, which are symbols of male and feminine. Precisely because he combined shades with such different, even opposite meanings, lilac is called one of the most mysterious colors. Lilac is the color of the future, new ideas, and, at the same time, pleasant memories. It is often chosen by young people who are looking for their own path in life. However, it is also the favorite color of many accomplished personalities.

Human character and color

What is the opinion of psychology about people who prefer this particular color to all colors?

Here are their main characteristics:

  • lovers of lilac shades are very sensitive and strongly attached to people and things. They experience any loss hard and for a long time;
  • this color is often preferred creative personalities who are good at writing poetry and music, drawing. Therefore, they often choose professions such as actor, conductor, DJ, writer, artist or politician;
  • lovers given color- interesting, mysterious and original personalities. The course of their thoughts is not always and not clear to everyone;
  • almost always fans of lilac color are very good-natured and altruistic. They are ready to help without demanding anything in return;
  • those who like lilac and violet are infantile, but nevertheless very distrustful;
  • a girl who likes purple shades is easy to conquer by arranging romantic evening with flowers and candles, lilac shades are better, of course. After all, fans of this color are especially dreamy and sensitive natures.

There are many people who categorically do not accept this shade. This is also evidence of some character traits. Opponents of lilac shades are straightforward, often cold and not too emotional. They do not like to dream, but prefer to live in the present and act in accordance with clearly defined tasks. This color seems boring and insipid to materialists, purposeful and persistent people.

Lilac in psychology and interior

Combining two energetically strong shades - blue and red, lilac can act depressingly on the human nervous system. Therefore, in the interior it is recommended to use it in places where there is no need to spend a lot of time. These shades will be appropriate in the hallway, in the bathroom or in the toilet room. With caution, you should treat the interior items of this color for the study and bedroom. Remember that it is dangerous to overdo it with this color. The abundance of lilac shades can lead to an oppressed state and depression. In small quantities, lilac accessories will add elegance and originality to any interior, be it a living room or an office.

Often elements of lilac shades are used in marriage ceremonies. A snow-white dress with a purple belt or decoration will look great. And the groom can buy, for example, the same shade of cufflinks or a tie. This will give individuality to the newlyweds. And the use of purple accessories in the festive decoration will be remembered for a long time by all guests. No wonder that this particular color is considered one of the most mysterious shades, the color of nostalgia and pleasant memories.

Lilac shades and health

Everyone knows about such a concept as color therapy in psychology. watching long period time for objects of one color or another, a person can achieve the effect of healing. Different colors affect individual organs of the human body.

Lilac shades will help to cope with a headache. They are useful for skin rashes and internal inflammatory processes. Often, color therapy in psychology using this color is prescribed for violent patients, as it reduces the heartbeat and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Surrounding yourself with purple accessories or watching the image of lavender or violet flowers, a person can discover new talents and qualities in himself, reveal hidden opportunities. It is no coincidence that this particular shade symbolizes creativity. People suffering from loneliness are advised in psychology to visualize this color. This will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations and feel revitalized and protect against sad thoughts.

Tatiana Kulinich

Purple is one of the most mysterious in the entire color spectrum. It is located at its very end, as if representing the crown of their development, the unity of all colors. In fact, purple is really a wonderful symbol of the unity of opposites, because it is obtained from a mixture of two colors: red and blue. These colors are completely opposite. appearance, as well as in their symbolism. So, what secrets does this mysterious color hide in itself?

Shades of purple

Most shades of purple are named after flowers. For example, lavender is a soft, slightly dusty purple, reminiscent of the color of the famous mountain flower. Lilac or lilac - light purple with a slight pinkish undertone. Violet is a rich, deep variety of this color. AT last years fuchsia is becoming more and more fashionable. This is a rather saturated tone of purple mixed with dark pink. Amaranth is a purple with a brighter pink undertone. It is named after the tropical color amaranth.

The symbolic meaning of purple

On a subconscious level, this color is perceived as a symbol of everything mysterious and otherworldly. This is magic, astrology, esotericism, healing. Looking at the pictures depicting various magicians and witches, you can replace that most often they wear purple robes. Purple symbolizes other world with whom only a select few have the right to communicate. By the way, since ancient times, purple clothes have indicated the uniqueness of the one who wears them. For example, purple, which is often mentioned in ancient stories about kings and priests, is closest to purple. Simple people were not allowed to use this shade.

In the Middle Ages, this color was considered mourning. However, only members of the royal family. The custom of associating this shade with noble grief has been preserved in Orthodox Church. During the fasts, the priests wear vestments of this particular shade. It is believed that purple promotes inner concentration, detachment from the world, which is necessary for spiritual purification. Another meaning of this color is transformation, the transition from one state to another. This is pregnancy, and death, and deep internal changes. If this color often appears in your dreams, this may indicate that something will change dramatically in your life soon.

Physiological and health effects of the color purple

Purple is a cold color, which means that it has a calming, inhibitory effect on the human body. The uniqueness of this shade in comparison with other cold colors is in its ability to introduce a person into a deep trance. Therefore, it is good to use it for relaxation after extremely difficult, stressful situations. It will cleanse the subconscious of negative memories and restore spiritual harmony. Violet color, like all cold shades, reduces arterial pressure and reduces appetite. In the latter, it is even more effective than blue.

One of the main meanings of this color is transformation. Therefore, by meditating on this shade, you can speed up the process of wound healing, regeneration internal organs, restoring health after heavy operations. In esoteric teachings, it is believed that it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, protecting the baby and mother.

The Psychological Effects of Purple

Violet color takes away from the world of everyday problems and adjusts to a philosophical mood. No wonder this shade in the design of their temples and religious objects is so often used by both representatives of traditional religions and modern esotericists. This shade helps to establish contact with the subconscious. Under the influence of a violet person, insights begin to visit more often. He learns to listen more deeply to himself. If you look at a purple candle before going to bed or put a purple stone (for example, amethyst) under your pillow, you can see prophetic dreams. This shade enhances intuition, makes you pay attention to details hidden from most human eyes.

Purple enhances suggestibility. A hypnologist, a specialist in the introduction to hypnosis, often uses objects of this color to induce trance in his patients more quickly. This property of purple can be used by various charlatans. An excess of this color tends to sleep and lulls vigilance. This color is also known for its ability to positively influence a person's memory. He awakens the earliest, repressed memories that are hard to get to without his help.

Violet color in clothes, image

The richness of shades of this color allows you to choose an outfit for any type of appearance. For cold types (“Summer” and “Winter”), girls with light eyes and pale skin, stylists recommend using lavender and violet. It can be combined with black, gray, pale blue. Representatives of the "Spring" and "Autumn" types should try on warm shades of purple: fuchsia, amaranth. In this case, it can be combined with pink or beige. The same rule should be applied when choosing a shade of lipstick and shadows. Fashionable fuchsia lipstick will suit tanned blondes or brown-haired women. Saturated burgundy - brunettes. Shades of purple, especially in the form of shadows, make-up artists recommend using in the evening or holiday makeup. To daytime makeup soft lilac will do.

Purple color in clothes and make-up creates an image of a mysterious, detached and romantic woman. It suits people with non-standard appearance and interests. This color attracts attention, but at the same time inspires that a special approach is needed to the person wearing it. Therefore, clothes of this shade are suitable for those people who are used to enjoying only high-quality communication and want to keep aside too annoying fans.

This color is subconsciously associated with nobility. Therefore, it looks best on fairly closed clothes made of materials such as silk and velvet. The exception is the playful color of fuchsia. It can be safely worn in the form of mini-skirts and T-shirts.

Purple color in the interior

This shade is perfect for decorating bedrooms and personal accounts creative, non-standard people. Choosing a variety of purple for the bedroom, you should pay attention to the lilac shade. Unlike the darker ones, it does not lead into a trance, but, on the contrary, disposes to gentle, intimate communication. To enhance the sensuality, it can be combined with pink or fuchsia. At the same time, like all types of purple, lilac promotes better falling asleep and enhances intuition. In the purple bedroom, you will be twice as likely to have prophetic dreams. Violet color is suitable for the office. It is especially recommended for people creative professions. However, when decorating an office in this color, do not overdo it with its quantity, dilute it with white or silver.

For domestic spaces, the atmosphere of which should inspire communication (kitchen, living room), purple is not recommended as the main color. However, you may well pick up interesting accessories in this color. An exception may be a nursery, especially if your child can be called an "indigo" child, original and gifted. The lilac color in the nursery improves the child's sleep, develops his curiosity and Creative skills. This shade is an excellent choice for decorating various yoga studios, esoteric and spiritual practices. Here purple will be absolutely in its place.

purple in advertising

This color is often used in advertising of cosmetics, luxury perfumes. Thus, advertisers try to emphasize the prestige and uniqueness of their product. Also, this shade can be found in advertising of psychological or esoteric services. Here purple is used as a symbol spiritual development and self-knowledge. It is not uncommon to see delicate shades of purple in advertisements for baby care products.

Color and character: love for purple or its rejection

As mentioned above, purple is a symbol of everything unusual and mysterious. People who love this color are used to feeling like a black sheep in a crowd. They have very different interests and tastes than most. Most often, they lead a solitary lifestyle, communicating with only a few close people. They are capable of deep relationships. Them weak sides is passivity and shyness. Often they are considered eccentrics, unadapted to the requirements real life. People who love purple may be well versed in philosophy or religion, but not be able to cook their own food or clean the apartment.

Most often, mundane and rational people do not like purple. They are straightforward to the point of rudeness, they hate ambiguity and uncertainty. Dislike for purple often speaks of the rejection of everything mystical. Such people scoff at the belief in omens, they are not religious. They may have a well-developed intellect, but lack creativity.

Violet color can be safely called the king of all colors. Its refinement, nobility and mystery inspire artists and poets. It is not surprising that representatives of symbolism, a creative direction based on the use of various allegories and riddles, especially love him. Violet is the color of spiritual wealth and deep unity with the Cosmos.

Tatyana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of an article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

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