A complex of general educational exercises on a gymnastic bench. A set of exercises on the gymnastic bench. Exercises on the gymnastic wall

Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Among the various means that increase the physical and volitional preparedness of young men studying at the Novgorod Chemical-Industrial College, weight-bearing exercises deserve special attention. In my work, I use gymnastic benches as weights for general physical training in the classroom. The main difference between these exercises and others is that the guys perform them in groups, which contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism and helping comrades. Exercises with a gymnastic bench allow you to influence various muscle groups: arms, shoulder girdle, abdomen, back, legs, etc. They improve mobility in the joints, flexibility of the spine. Weighty arguments in favor of these exercises are their accessibility, emotionality, the need to act cohesively, in concert, which, of course, helps to improve discipline in the classroom. The use of exercises with a gymnastic bench has its own specifics - they are performed only in a frontal way. Those involved are divided into groups of 4-6 people, and it is necessary that in each group there are guys of approximately the same height and the same physical fitness. The distance between groups should be safe for simultaneous exercise. Additional insurance during the exercises is carried out by assistants. Before performing each exercise, I always explain the features of collective action in it and warn about the consequences of neglecting safety rules. In the course of performing a series of exercises, I follow the basic didactic principles: go from simple to complex, alternate the work of some muscle groups with the rest of others. I do not strive for too much density of classes, after several exercises with weights, I give the guys breathing exercises and relaxation. Before these exercises, a warm-up is always carried out in order to prepare the body for working with weights. Sometimes, for senior students, I give these exercises specifically against the background of fatigue - for the development of strong-willed qualities.

Exercise 1 (Fig. 1):

I.p. - standing legs apart with the right side to the bench

1-take the bench with your left hand by the far edge with a grip from above, with your right hand by the near edge with a grip from below;

2-raise the bench up with straight arms;

3 - bend your arms;

4 - straighten your arms.

Repeat 10-12 times. The exercise requires special care, the arms should not be bent to the end so as not to hurt the head.

Exercise 2 (Fig. 2).

3 - swing left leg to the side;

4 - attach the left;

5 - swing with the right foot to the side;

6 - attach the right one.

Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 3 (Fig. 3).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in ex. one;

3 - tilt to the left;

4 - straighten up;

5 - tilt to the right;

6 - straighten up.

Repeat 8-12 times. Option: performing the exercise, you can do not one at a time, but two or three springy slopes.

Exercise 4 (Fig. 4).

3 - lower the bench to the left - down to the level of the belt, hold for 3 seconds;

4 - lift the bench up with straight arms.

Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 5 (Fig. 5).

3 - bend your arms;

4 - hands forward;

5 - hands back;

6 - lift the bench up with straight arms.

Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 6 (Fig. 6).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in ex. one;

3 - tilting your head forward, put the bench on your shoulders (position of the loader);

4 - lift the bench up with straight arms.

Repeat 6-8 times. The exercise requires maximum synchronism of movements, clarity of command execution.

Exercise 7 (Fig. 7).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in ex. one;

3 - lower the bench on the right shoulder;

4 - lift the bench up with straight arms;

5 - lower the bench on the left shoulder;

6 - lift the bench up with straight arms.

Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercise 8 (Fig. 8).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in ex. one;

3 - sit down slowly;

4 - stand up slowly.

Repeat 10-12 times. Pay attention to the synchronism of movements.

Exercise 9 (Fig. 9).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in ex. one;

3 - alternately on the command “Pull up!” in each group, students numbered 3 and 4 are pulled up from the hanging while standing.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 10

I. p., 1, 2 the same as in ex. one;

3 - lower the bench from the opposite (left) side;

4 - lift the bench up with straight arms;

5 - lower the bench on the right side;

6 - raise the bench up with straight arms.

Repeat 4-5 times on each side. The exercise can be performed while standing on another bench.

Exercise 11 (Fig. 10).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in ex. one;

3 - slowly lowering your hands, put a bench on your head;

4 - sit down;

5- walking forward in a squat 10-20 m.

Exercise 12 (Fig. 11).

Moving around the hall with a step, running with a bench on the right (left) shoulder.

Exercise 13 (Fig. 12).

I. p. - standing legs apart in front of the bench.

1.2 - crouching, pass your hands between the upper and lower rails of the bench with a grip from below over the far edge;

3 - stand up, bench on straight arms;

4 - bend your arms;

5 - straighten your arms, bench on outstretched arms;

6 - bend your arms.

Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 14 (Fig. 13).

I. p. - lying on your back on gymnastic mats with your head to the bench.

1- pass your hands between the upper and lower rails of the bench with a grip from above with both hands over the far edge of the bench;

2 - without taking your feet off the floor, slowly raise the bench and gently lower it onto your hips;

3- reverse movement carefully place the bench on the floor.

Repeat 6-8 times. Exercise helps to overcome the feeling of fear. When performing the exercise, the concentration of each student and the coordination of movements are especially necessary.

Exercise 15 (Fig. 14).

I. p. - lying on your back on gymnastic mats with your feet to the bench.

1 pass both legs between the upper and lower rails of the bench;

2,3 - slowly raise the bench above the floor;

4.5 - smoothly lowering your legs, put the bench on the floor.

Repeat 8-10 times. Exercise must be performed with insurance.

ORU on the gymnastic bench

1- gray legs apart;

2 - gray angle (hold for 3-4 seconds);

3 - emphasis lying behind (3-4 sec.);

4- gray corner;

5 - gray legs apart.

Repeat the series 3-4 times.

Episode 2

1- emphasis lying hands on the bench;

2 - flexion and extension of the arms (5-10 times);

3 - flexion and bending of the body in the lying position (3-4 times);

4 - emphasis crouching legs on the floor;

5 - emphasis lying.

Repeat the series 2-3 times.

Episode 3

1 - sitting on a bench;

2 - gray angle (hold for 3-4 seconds);

3 - emphasis lying behind (hands on the bench, feet on the floor);

4 - flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying behind (3-6 times);

5 - sitting on a bench.

Repeat series 3-4 times

1 - emphasis lying on a bench (hold for 3-4 seconds);

2 - emphasis standing on one knee (3 sec.);

3 - the same on the other knee;

4 - emphasis lying.

Repeat the series 2-3 times.

Gymnastic benches are used to equip gyms, mainly in schools. Their construction is reinforced, they are designed to withstand the weight of many children, as well as for exercises, both on the bench and with the bench. The height of the bench is 40 - 60 centimeters, it is enough for a child to crawl under it, so this projectile can be used in relay races. A bench can be both bought and made in a furniture or even in a school workshop. It is used for warming up, in general physical training, so the scope is wide - volleyball, basketball, athletics and other sports.

For legs

For hands

Hand exercises:


Exercises with two participants:

Group exercise with a bench in hand

The following exercises are designed for several students, from 7 to 10 people. The gymnastic bench acts as a power projectile, which must be held together in hands.


Classes are not only exercises, but also competitions that are held in the form of relay races, when two benches are set up and team members take turns to complete the game exercise as best as possible and as quickly as possible:

Doing exercises with a bench, children not only develop, but also have an interesting time. It is only necessary to take into account that this sports furniture is heavy and angular, therefore, when hitting it and falling on a student from a height, serious injuries are possible.

Teaching aid

On physical culture

on the gymnastic bench with musical accompaniment

Developed by:

Spirina M.Yu.

Physical education teacher

Dubna, 2009


General developmental exercises using a gymnastic bench have long been widely used in physical education, physiotherapy exercises and sports.

The use of exercises with a gymnastic bench contributes to the development of the body, the upbringing of courage, organization of those involved, and develop physical abilities. These exercises help the formation of applied skills that can be successfully used in extreme situations.

Many years of experience in teaching practice shows the high efficiency of educating the physical abilities of students using available sports equipment and equipment. Due to their availability, these exercises do not require special training, they are equally well suited for students with different levels of development of physical abilities. Most general developmental exercises are well combined with each other, which gives the teacher ample opportunities for planning training sessions of various directions.

General developmental exercises on the gymnastic bench can be used both in the preparatory and in the main part of the training session. A wide range of exercises allows you to create a variety of training programs, and the use of musical accompaniment improves the overall emotional background of the lesson, creates a cheerful mood, which generally increases students' interest in physical education classes.

The presented set of exercises on the gymnastic bench is focused on the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies of developing and differentiated training and is aimed at developing strength, endurance and coordination of movements among those involved.

The proposed teaching aid can be used both for the organization of classroom and extracurricular forms of classes, it is focused on teachers of physical culture in schools, colleges and other educational institutions. The purpose of this manual is to increase the level of physical fitness of students, increase interest in physical education, as well as replenish the methodological baggage of physical education teachers.

A set of general developmental exercises

on the gymnastic bench

I. (initial) p. (position) - o. (main) with. (stand), standing, etc. sideways to the bench

1 - step pr. foot on the bench, p. (hands) on the belt:

3 - step with the right foot from the bench, p. to the sides:

4 - step lion. foot from the bench, r. to the sides.

5-8 - also in the other direction (Repeat 4 p.)

I. p. - about. s., standing sideways to the bench

1 - step pr. foot on the bench, p. on the belt:

2 - step lion. foot on the bench, r. on the belt:

3 - step right foot from the bench on the right, p. up;

4 - step lion. foot from the bench on the left, r. up

(bench between legs). (Repeat 3 p.)

On the fourth repetition of exercise No. 2, paragraphs 1 and 2 are the same;

3 - 4 - turning the body by 45 0 ,

Get off the bench with your foot, lion. leg remains

On the bench, r. on the belt.

I.p. - standing at an angle of 45 0 to the right of the bench, lion. leg on the bench, etc. on the floor, r. on the belt.

1 - support lion. foot on the bench, pushing off, etc. bend it forward;

2 - return to sp. (Repeat 3 times)

On the fourth iteration

7 - put the right foot on the bench, p. on the belt;

8 - get off the lion. foot from the bench to the left, other leg remains on the bench.

The next 8 accounts repeat the same exercise. a lion. foot, but at the expense of 8 - return to I.p.

I.p. - the same as in exercise No. 3.

Repeat everything, as in exercise No. 3, but bend the leg back.

On the last repeat, on the score

7 - 8 - stand to the left of the bench, facing it, p. on the belt.

I.p. - standing to the left of the bench, facing it, p. on the belt.

1 - step right foot on the bench;

2 - step lion. foot on the bench;

3 - step with the right foot from the bench;

4 - step lion. foot from the bench;

5 - deep lunge pr.n. on the bench, Per head.

6 - return to sp, but p. Per head;

7 - deep lunge lion. foot on the bench, r. Per head;

8 - return to sp.

(Repeat exercise 4 times). On the last repeat

7 - 8 - turn pr. sideways to the bench, pr.n. put on a bench straight, r. to the sides.

I.p. - standing on the left, pr. sideways to the bench, pr. n. straight on the bench, r. to the sides.

1 - 3 - three springy tilts to the right to the right leg, left. R. up;

4 - I.p.

5 - 7 - three springy slopes down to the left. leg, r. way down;

8 - I.p.

Repeat this exercise a second time, but the score

5 - 6 - two springy slopes down to the left. leg, r. down, touch the floor;

7 - 8 - turning to face the bench, jump over the bench and take the SP, the same from the other side of the bench.

Repeat all ex. on the other leg, on the second repetition to the count

7 - 8 - turn around and stand facing the bench to the right of it, p. on the belt.

I.p. - standing to the right of the bench facing her, p. on the belt.

1 - step e.g. on the bench;

2 - step lion. n. on the bench;

3 - step pr. n. to the right on the bench (to the side);

4 - step lion. n. to the left on the bench;

5 - step pr. n. left on the bench (back);

6 - step lion. n. right on the bench;

7 - step pr. n. from the bench;

8 - step lion. n. from the bench.

Repeat ex. 4 times, on the last repetition, the score:

7 - step pr. n. from the bench;

8 - pause, leave the lion. n. on the bench, on the belt.

I.p. - standing facing the bench to the right on the right leg, lion. leg bent on a bench, p. on the belt;

Jumps with alternating pr. and lev. feet on the bench

1 - 2 - jump from the lion. n. to the right;

3 - 4 - jump from pr. n. to the left;

5 - 8 - too;

Repeat four eights, on the last repetition to the count

7 - 8 - stand up, legs apart, bench between legs, p. on the belt.

I.p. - stand legs apart, bench between legs, p. on the belt.

a) 1 - stand on the right knee on the bench, lion. foot on the floor;

2 - stand on the lion. kneeling on a bench in a kneeling position on a bench;

3 - 7 - five springy grays on the heels on the bench;

8 - kneeling on a bench, p. on the belt.

b) Repeat this exercise, but at the expense

c) 1 - get off the right foot from the bench to the right;

d) 2 - get off the lion. n. from the bench (take i. p. exercise No. 9) on the left;

3 - 4 - the same as in the first repetition, counting 1 and 2;

5 - 7 - the same as the score 3 - 7 in the first repetition;

8 - the same as the score of 8 in the first repetition.

Repeat 2 more times in this variation.

e) In the last fourth repetition, the score:

1 - 4 - as in option (b, c, d);

5 - get off the lion. n. to the left from the bench;

6 - get off ave. to the left from the bench;

7 - sit on a bench, support r. behind;

8 - straighten your legs.

I.p. - sitting on a bench, legs straight, support r. behind;

1 - 3 - three springy tilts forward, p. forward.

4 - i.p.

5 - 7 - raise the body, bend, hold;

8 - i. P.

Repeat exercise 2 times

In the second repetition on the account:

5 - 6 - raise the body, bend over, keep two counts;

7 - i. P.

8 - raise the right leg up.

I.p. - sitting on a bench, support r. behind, right leg up;

1 - bend the right leg crosswise in front of the left;

2 - straighten the right leg in and. P.

3 - 6 - repeat twice the score 1-2;

7 - lower the right leg down, taking a seat on the bench with straight legs, support behind with hands;

8 - lift up the lion. leg.

Repeat the next seven counts with the left leg.

8 - raise bent at the knee pr. n., toe towards yourself.

I. p. - sitting on the bench, lion. the leg is extended, raise the right leg bent, the toe towards you;

1 - change position: raise the bent lion. straighten the right leg forward without touching the floor with the feet;

2 - change position in and. P.

3 - 8 - repeat the score 1 - 2;

Repeat the next six accounts in the same way;

7 - 8 - straightening the right leg, take a seat on the bench with straight legs with an inclination forward, arms forward;

Straighten up, bend your knees, stand in the OS, the bench is behind.

(The complex is performed to the music, together).

Content Dosage Organizational and methodological instructions
I. I.p. - standing on one leg with your back to the bench, the other leans on the bench 1-3 - springy tilts back 4 - I.p. 6-8 p.
II. I.p. - standing on one leg, the other on the bench 1 - tilt back, arms up 2 - I.p. Repeat the same, changing legs 6-8 p.
III. I.p. - standing sideways to the bench, one foot on the bench, hands on the belt 1 - tilt to the left 2 - I.p. 3 - tilt to the right 4 - I.p. Do the same after changing legs. 10-12 p.
IV. I.p. - sitting legs apart, bench between legs, arms to the sides 1-3 - springy slopes to the right 4 - I.p. Same for the left 10-12 p.
v. I.p. - sitting with an emphasis on the back, legs on the bench 1-2 - back support 3-4 - I.p. 6-8 p.
VI. I.p. - emphasis lying sideways on the right hand, left hand on the belt, legs on the bench 1 - bend the torso to the side 2 - I.p. Repeat the same on the other side 6-8 p.
VII. I.p. - standing on one leg one step from the bench, the other on the bench, hands on the belt 1-3 - slow squats 4 - I.p. Repeat the same on the other leg 6-8 p.
VIII. I.p. - emphasis crouching, hands on the bench, right side to the bench For each count, jumping over the bench, raising the pelvis high 10-12 p.
IX. I.p. - lying on your stomach on a bench, hands up 1-2 - bend over, look ahead 3-4 - return to I.p., relax the back muscles 6-8 p.
x. I.p. - emphasis lying, feet on the bench 1 - bend your arms, left back 2 - I.p. 3 bend your arms, right back 4 - I.p. 6-8 p.
XI. I.p. - sitting in an angle, holding on to the bench from below For each count of the movement of straight legs forward, backward and to the sides 10-12 p.
XII. I.p. - standing sideways to the bench For every count, jumping over the bench

Methodological features of conducting outdoor switchgear

On the gym wall

The methodological features of the exercises on the gymnastic wall are such that they allow solving the problems of all parts of the lesson, accurately fixing the initial and final positions of the body and its individual links, and, consequently, dosing the load in accordance with the individual capabilities of those involved. Exercises can be performed in simple and mixed hangs, in mixed stops individually and with a partner. In addition, additional hand support against the wall makes it easier to perform a number of exercises (balance, squatting), which is important when practicing with beginners. When performing flexibility exercises (by older people), the pace of movements should be slow; the main attention should be paid to the correct execution of the exercises.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall are used in the form of complexes in which exercises in the hangs alternate with exercises in the emphasis and mixed hangs to give rest to the muscles of the hands and avoid injuries. Exercises involving large muscle groups should be done at a slow pace for complete contraction and relaxation.

In the record of the starting positions on the gymnastic wall, the position relative to it and the features of the grip are indicated. In the name "gymnastic wall" the word "gymnastic" is omitted.

Obviously, there is not a single sports hall in the school that does not have gymnastic benches. In case of absence, they are easy to make in the school workshop, varying the height from 40 to 60 cm.
The proposed exercises on gymnastic benches are simple and accessible in organizing classes on them, the equipment is always at hand and, which is important at the present stage of training, they are almost not traumatic. Exercises on gymnastic benches are easy to do, accessible, as preparatory exercises they are indispensable in solving problems of general physical fitness: athletics, volleyball, basketball and other sports. Exercises on gymnastic benches are available for any contingent of those involved, only the height, the number of exercises, and the duration of the execution time vary.
The advantage of exercises on gymnastic benches is that these are dynamic exercises that allow you to involve the whole class in the work using a group or stream method, or a significant group of students. The exercises fit well into the circuit training method. Not the last place, with a skillful approach, is occupied by exercises on gymnastic benches and with children who have deviations in health and posture.
By varying the pace, methods, dosage, selecting exercises, they can be used in any lesson, in any workout.
The exercises below are not the only possible ones. It's just that these are the exercises that I had to use in the training process and not without success. I will be very glad if my experience (45 years of teaching experience) will help in organizing and conducting the educational and training process, especially for beginner enthusiastic teachers.

Complex 1

1. Jumping on one, two legs (can be done for a while - 20 sec., 30 sec., 45 sec.).

2. Jump on the bench with two legs, jump off - legs apart, bench between the legs, performed in advance and in place.

3. Standing on the side, with one foot on the bench, straighten up and change the position of the legs with a jump.

4. Running on the bench. The class is divided into two groups, benches are installed, it is possible in parallel.

Teacher: “Guys, here is the crossing, the one who fell from the bench “flies into the abyss”, every 7, 10 or 15 seconds, depending on the number of students, “the enemy fires”. During this time, your group needs to cross to the other side as quickly and without errors as possible.

This can be done with the transfer of the victim.

5. Running on the bench from the side, stepping with one foot (left or right).

6. I.p .: stand with socks on the board of an inverted bench, heels on the floor. Rise on your toes and go down without touching the floor with your heels, without bending your knees.

7. Standing in a lunge on a bench, swinging one leg behind - the supporting leg is straight.

8. Movement on a gymnastic bench with the transfer of a partner with a grip over the shoulder.

9. Jumps - legs apart, jump on the bench with a partner, standing facing each other, holding hands, jump down.

10. Partners stand on opposite sides of the bench, holding hands, at the signal of one, they simultaneously jump one to the left, the other to the right, in place. Do not separate your hands while moving.

11. The first student is standing - hands on his belt, the second puts his hands on his belt (both are standing on a bench). They perform jumps together, legs apart, the same in three, four, etc., moving forward.

12. One foot on the bench, the second step forward, then back, then the position of the legs changes. It can be performed for a time (15, 20, 30 seconds), depending on the preparedness of those involved.

13. Standing to the left of the bench, jump with both feet onto the bench, jump off to the right.

14. Jumping over the benches in a row 5–6, through two benches installed side by side in width, in height.
h = 50 cm

15. Jumping onto a bench with weights, legs apart and together.

16. Jumping with weights on two benches installed in parallel at a distance of 50–60 cm. Use dumbbells or kettlebells as weights, depending on the preparedness of the students.

Complex 2

1. The partner is sitting, the second is holding the ankles. Tilt back, the same with hands touching the floor with a turn to the right, to the left. The exercise can be performed with weights, depending on the preparedness of the students.

2. The partner lies on the hips, the second holds the legs, the legs do not touch the floor. Tilt forward, bend back, the same with turning, with weights. The first and second exercises correct the violation of posture.

3. Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis on the gymnastic bench, the same thing, starting from the bench and making a clap. Flexion and extension at the rear.

4. Emphasis lying down, legs bent on the bench. Flexion and extension of arms, hands together, with clap, on fists, etc.

5. Movement with the right, left side in an emphasis lying, in an emphasis behind, legs are bent, legs are straight. For trained legs straight, for unprepared legs bent.

6. Movement in an emphasis lying with a circle turn to the left, to the right.

7. Jumping, legs apart, starting from the bench, hands are placed to push as far forward as possible.

8. Emphasis crouching, hands on the bench, legs on the left. Without taking your hands off, jump over the bench, the same with moving forward, pushing off with two hands, one.

9. Lying on a bench, crawling, pulling himself up on his hands, the same on a bench set at an angle. The angle of inclination depends on the level of preparedness of the students.

10. Running up the gymnastic bench, installed obliquely, to the gymnastic wall with the subsequent transition to it.

11. Moving up with your back forward in an emphasis, crouching, with your hands grabbing the edges of the bench.

12. Two benches are installed in parallel, obliquely to the stairs. Movement in an emphasis on the hands up and down.

13. Moving forward in support from behind, a bench between the legs. Same back.

Complex 3

(Group of 7-9 people involved)

1. Benches on the side, left, on the floor. Grab the bench with both hands, raise it above your head and lower it to the right. Then the same in the opposite direction.

2. Bench on the shoulder on the left, lift above the head and lower on the right shoulder, the same, but one of the partners hangs in the middle of the bench.

3. Bench on the shoulder on the left, holding with your right hand, take it to a straight arm to the left, raise it above your head. The same for the right hand.

4. Bench on the left shoulder, legs apart, tilt to the right, transfer the bench to the right shoulder, tilt to the left. The same goes for straight arms.

5. In the supine position on the floor, grab the bench behind the head with both hands, lift it and put it on the chest, then everything in the opposite direction.

6. I.p. Same. Raise straight legs and touch the bench.

7. The bench is captured behind the head, lying down. Raise straight legs to the corner and put them to the right (left).

8. Partners sit legs apart close to each other, bench on the shoulder on the left, transfer the bench to the right shoulder, lie down - rise and transfer the bench to the other shoulder.

9. Bench on the shoulder in a squat, straighten up and transfer the bench to the other shoulder 10-12 times.

Martial arts on the gymnastic bench

1. Partners face each other. It is necessary to push or unbalance the partner. The player or team left on the bench wins.

2. a) Partners sit facing each other, astride a gymnastic bench, holding hands on the edges and resting their feet. It is necessary to bring the partner out of balance. b) The same from the emphasis on the forearms, sitting with their backs to each other.

relay races

1. a) Jumping over one, two, three benches installed in parallel, running a segment up to 15 m. b) Running along benches installed in length.

2. "Crossing": the whole team, on a signal, runs over the guides along one or two benches set in length. The winner is the team whose players will quickly find themselves on the other side of the "chasm" without losing a single player.

3. Two benches are installed back to back along the length. A team of 7-9 people runs over the first one, stops at the second one and pulls the first one forward without stepping on the floor. Then he pulls the second and so on until the end of the distance.

4. Crawling under the bench. The bench is non-standard, height 50–60 cm.

With a creative approach, many of the exercises described above can be included in the relay races with a gymnastic bench.

It is best to start learning exercises on the gymnastic bench in elementary school, increasing in difficulty as you get older. In elementary school, children are more receptive and remember for a long time.

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