Outline of the lesson on the world around (younger group) on the topic: Abstract of the GCD in the second junior group "Poultry". Summary of the lesson "Poultry" in the second junior group

Subject: Poultry.

Target: expand children's understanding of poultry based on acquaintance with chicken, duck, goose.

Tasks: - Bring up positive attitude to poultry

Introduce children to the names of poultry: chicken, duck, goose, turkey.

To consolidate and repeat the concepts of wintering and migratory birds

Continue to develop coherent speech

Develop logical thinking based on guessing riddles

Continue to introduce new concepts into the dictionary

Preliminary work:Telling the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Chicken and duckling”, looking at pictures of birds, D / and “4th extra”, split pictures.

Equipment: Pictures of home and wild birds, bird templates, pencils, projector, computer.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guess the riddle: Not an animal, can fly, has wings, a beak and a tail. Who is it? (Birds)

That's right, well done!

Look who came to visit us? Karkusha (from good night)

Hello guys! Do you know what show I'm from? I didn't just come to you! I would like to hear with you about my feathered friends!

Presentation. Slide 1 (migratory and wintering birds).

Guys, what birds do you know? Why are they called migratory? What is the difference between wintering birds and migratory birds? What do they eat? How else do we call them? (wild) What domestic birds do you know? Do you know why they are called domestic? Where do these birds live, where do they get food? (Answers of children). What are the benefits of these birds to humans?

Teacher's story: The bird was tamed by man a very long time ago. From great variety Only a few species have been able to domesticate or tame birds. These include (I show pictures to children) - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys. These birds live next to a man, he takes care of them.

Riddles (Slide 2)

Red paws, pinching at the heels, run without looking back! (Goose)

Kvokhchet, kvohchet, calls the children together, gathers everyone under his wing. (Hen)

A tail with patterns, boots with spurs, I wake everyone up, even though I don’t start the clock. (Rooster)

He is in the morning in the middle of the yard: Ball - ball - ball, bullshit - bullshit! (Turkey)

Quack-quack-quack - I'm looking for a worm! (Duck)

Children solve riddles. Pictures appear on the projector - a goose, a chicken, a rooster, a turkey, a duck.

Birds have small children - chicks.

Appeared in a yellow coat, goodbye two shells (Chicken)

Fluffy sailor, spatula nose, short red boots on legs (Duckling)

The game "Who - who" see slide 3, 4.

The game "Who says what?"

Do you know the language of poultry, let's stand in a circle and depict them. (Children in a circle. The teacher says the words: chicken, duck, rooster, chicken, and the children depict how these birds scream).


Now together with me we will tell a poem (speech with movements).

The duck swam in the sea

The duck called the kuru

Quack-quack-quack swim here!

She Corydalis where-where?

Proudly walked to the house

I turned around: there was not enough space.

Did the chicken really not go because there was not enough space? And why? (children's answers: because a chicken cannot swim like a duck.) Because a duck lives in water, a chicken does not.

Children, today we talked a lot about birds. And now I will give you patterns of birds, you will circle them and color them (execution at the tables).

Game "Who's Lost"?

Children sit in a circle on the carpet, pictures with birds are laid out. The guys close their eyes, the teacher hides one of the pictures. Children open their eyes, answer which picture is missing.

Summary of the lesson:

Who were we talking about in class today?

How can they all be called in one word?

What are the benefits of poultry?

Guys, Karkusha really liked how we played, drew, told, but it's time for her to fly away. (Children say goodbye)

Markova Nadezhda Grigorievna
Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 35", Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan
Program content:
1. Educational:
- learn to find and name poultry familiar to children
- to clarify the idea of ​​children about poultry, their appearance.
- teach children to look at the picture, answer questions about its content.

2. Developing:
- expand active vocabulary children, improve grammatical structure their speeches.
- to develop the mental processes of children: attention, memory, thinking.
- to promote the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus when pronouncing sounds by onomatopoeia.
3. Educators:
- to cultivate interest, a feeling of love for birds, for the life around them.
- bring up careful attitude to the birds.
Vocabulary work:
Expand children's orientation in the environment, develop speech understanding and activate vocabulary, enrich children's vocabulary.
Equipment: easel, flannelograph.
Demonstration material: painting “Who lives in the village?”, Building “Birdyard” with table toys of birds (chicken, rooster, goose, duck).
Preliminary work of the educator: making a model of a village house, building a "Birdyard", preparing equipment, studying fiction.
Preliminary work with children: reading poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, fairy tales about poultry, talking about birds, memorizing the nursery rhyme "Cockerel", learning finger gymnastics, looking at toys and paintings, illustrations depicting poultry; training in orientation in space, to move without bumping into each other, the development of coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of the hands, the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus during onomatopoeia.
Individual work in the lesson: in the main part of the lesson, work with Evelina, Katya, Dinar in onomatopoeia. Work with Petya, Timur, Radmir in the development of fine motor skills of hands. In the course of the lesson, individual work is carried out in case of difficulties in clearly pronouncing words, in onomatopoeia to birds, in performing exercises.
Organization of children in the classroom:
- introductory conversation with children - freely near the teacher
- the main part of the lesson is free in the group, around the teacher.

Lesson progress:
Introductory conversation. The children stand next to the teacher.
- Guys, today we will see where poultry live. Look here, this is a bird's yard (consideration of the "Bird's yard" building).
Let's see who lives here. Who is this? (shows a chicken).
- Hen.
- That's right, it's a chicken. Look at her small comb, beak and paws. Let's show with our fingers (the palm is slightly bent, the index finger rests on the thumb, the remaining fingers overlap each other in a half-bent position).

- Well done! Who knows how a chicken cackles?
- Ko-ko-ko! (in case of difficulty, the teacher will answer).
- That's right, guys. Let's show how the chicken pecks the grains (children repeat after the teacher). Now try to guess what kind of bird.

Gets up early
And he won't let others sleep. Shouts "Ku-ka-re-ku!" Who is this?
- Rooster.
- That's right, it's a cockerel (a cockerel is shown). Look at his red comb a long tail. Let's show with our fingers (raise the palm up, the index finger rests on the thumb - this is the “beak”. The remaining fingers are spread out to the sides and raised up - this is the “comb”). Watch carefully and repeat the movements after me.
In case of difficulty, individual assistance is provided.
- Well done! And, like a cockerel crows loudly (children portray a rooster, help is provided in case of difficulty). And now the guys listen carefully to the rhyme and repeat the movements after me.
- Cockerel, cockerel, - 1 Golden comb, - 2
Butter head. - 3
Silk beard, - 4
That you get up early
What are you eating out loud?
Do you let the kids sleep? - 5
- Guys, let's play (motor exercise is performed)
Here comes the cockerel, They walk high raising their legs,
Proudly raised the comb. Hands are slightly laid back.
red beard,
Important walk.
The chicken came out for a walk, They walk on their toes, their hands are down.
Pinch fresh herbs.
- Well done boys! You know, a hen and a cockerel have babies - these are chickens. They are small, fluffy, yellow. They have small beaks, wings, and paws. Do you know how they squeak?
- Pee-pee-pee! (in case of difficulty, the teacher will answer).
- And now let's play (exercise "Chickens" words by T. Volgina to perform movements in accordance with the text).
1. The chicken went out for a walk, They go in single file one after another
Pinch fresh herbs.
And behind her the guys: They stop and stomp their feet.
Yellow chickens.
2. “Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! They threaten with a finger
Don't go far. Shake head left and right.
Row with your paws, put your hands forward
Look for grains. Searching with fingers.
- Well done! Look guys, who is this?
Pinching on the heels
Run without looking back (a goose toy is shown)
- Goose (in case of difficulty, the teacher will answer).
- That's right, it's a goose. Look what he has Long neck, red beak and paws. Repeat after me the movements (exercise for performing movements in accordance with the text).
We went to the river important geese Children tightly close four fingers
They said: "Ha-ha-ha" of one hand and rhythmically connect
them with the thumb ("beak")
Who wants to offend us Stretch their neck
Will never forget
Sh-sh-sh, we hiss menacingly
We pinch painfully. Run!
We can flap our wings
Don't walk past us.
- Guys, look carefully at the poultry yard, who is this? (duck toy shown)
- Duck (in case of difficulty, the teacher will answer).
- That's right, it's a duck. See what color it is, what beak it has. And now I'll show you how a duck walks.
On your short legs
Ducks walk along the path (walking in a half-crouch)
- Who knows how a duck quacks?
- Quack-quack-quack! (in case of difficulty, the teacher will answer).
- Correctly. Now let's play with fingers.
In the yard the duckling lived, Touch with all fingers of the hand to the big
finger and open the palms "the duckling opens its beak"
He loved to fish. They press their palms to each other and shake them from side to side ("fish")
- Well done! And now, let's remember who we saw at the Bird's Yard.
On the flannelograph, pictures of birds are sequentially shown (a hen and a rooster with chickens, a goose, a duck).
Individual and choral responses of children, in case of difficulties, assistance is provided.
- Well done boys! Chicken, rooster, goose, duck are domestic birds. Tell me, how does a chicken cackle?
- Ko-ko-ko!
- And how does Petya the Cockerel sing to us early in the morning?
- Ku-ka-re-ku!
- And how does the goose cackle by the pond?
- Ha-ha-ha!
- How does a duck quack?
- Quack-quack-quack!
Help is provided in case of difficulty.
- Well done! This concludes our lesson.

1. Alyabyeva E.A. logarithmic exercises without musical accompaniment: Toolkit. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 64 p.
2. Bardysheva T.Yu. Talkative fingers. 2001. - 20 p.
3. Karpukhina N.A. Abstracts of classes in the first junior group of kindergarten. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: ChP Lakotsenin S.S., 2008. - 272 p.
5. Kartushina M.Yu. Abstracts of logorhythmic studies with children 2-3 years old. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008. - 128 p. - (Speech therapist at preschool educational institution).
7. Logorhythmics for kids: Scenarios for classes with children 3-4 years old. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 144 p.
8. Logarithmic minutes: thematic classes preschoolers / ed.-comp. V.A. Knysh. - Minsk: Aversev, 2009. - 188 p.
9. Proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters. A popular guide for parents and educators \ Sot. Tarabarina T.I., Elkina N.V. Hood. G. Sokolov, V. Kurov. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997. - 224 p.
10. Savina L.P. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers: A guide for parents and teachers. - M .: LLC Firm "Publishing House AST", 1999. - 48 p.

Nabol Natalia Viktorovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Uyarsky Kindergarten"Sun"
Locality: Uyar
Material name: abstract GCD
Subject: Integrated lesson 2 junior group"Pets"
Publication date: 28.10.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Nod integrated lesson 2 junior group



Consolidation of children's ideas about poultry and their cubs.







characteristic features: who screams how, what they eat.

Promote the development of cognitive interests in children.




To cultivate responsiveness, sympathy for the heroes of a fairy tale.

Demo material.

Glove theater puppets (grandmother, grandfather, mouse)

soft toy Chicken,

egg basket,

yellow balls,

chicken mask, cat mask,

balls (according to the number of children),


audio recording with the clucking of a chicken, the singing of a rooster, the voice of a chicken.


Bowls with grain - according to the number of children, plasticine white color- by number

children, boards - according to the number of children, hand napkins, feathers, eggs, trays.

speech material.

Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Rhyme "My Chicken"

T. Volgina "Hen and chickens"

preliminary work

Reading Russian folk amusement: "Cockerel, cockerel, golden


Subject lotto "Animals: mothers and cubs."

Construction "Let's build a large and small houses for birds."

Reading K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family."

D / and “Who is screaming?”

Breathing exercise "Blow on a leaf"

Reading a book of nursery rhymes "And in our yard."

Didactic exercise "Let's feed the bird with crumbs and


Reading Russian folk tale"Ryaba Hen".

Reading a poem by V. Berestov "Hen with chickens."



activities: game,



research, music, art.

Organizing time.

The teacher and the children go into the hall to the music and the rhythmic word: “We

We walk along the path - top, top, top! Well, more fun - top, top, top! Here's how we can

well done! How good our legs are!

and sit in a semicircle.

B. Children, today we will play a fairy tale, feed the birds, play with testicles.

Breathing exercises.

V. (Shows a feather) Look, guys, what a feather flew in, light,

fluffy. It flies when the wind blows. Let's blow on a feather and

let's see how it flies.

(Children blow on a feather, watch how it flies)

Q. And who lost this feather?

(An audio recording with a clucking chicken turns on) Did you find out who sings like that?

(The teacher puts a chicken doll in the theater corner).

(The teacher holds a toy chicken in his hands).

beauty hen

hen! Let's repeat once again how the chicken speaks. (Ko-ko-ko!) Hello! how

say hello



audio recording

chicken song) Children guess whose song they are listening to.





I am a mother's chicken baby

I am yellow, small, chicken.

to visit us? What song is the rooster singing?

(The teacher puts a rooster doll in the theater corner)

B. A cockerel jumps out and cries:

“Ku-ka-re-ku! I’m in a hurry to visit the guys!”

“Ku-ka-re-ku, I want grains”

B. Guys, let's say hello to the cockerel

Q. What does a chicken like to peck? (grains)

(Put food bowls in front of the children)

Let's feed




I feed the cockerel

I will give him grain.

My chicken, my smart girl.

Here is the grain, water! Give us eggs.

The game "Collect the eggs."

Q. It didn't take long for the hen to lay a lot of eggs. (Educator

lays the balls on the floor) Let's collect them in a basket?

(In a group in various places spread out yellow balls. The kids collect


V. Hen says “thank you” to everyone.

Showing the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

V. Oh, guys, look, the chicken brought us the chest. Would you like to see,

what is there? (bunny, cat, cockerel). What fairy tale are these toys from? Let's

Now we will tell and show a fairy tale together.

(bell rings)

B. Everyone sit down in a row, let's play nice

Prepare your ears, eyes, we begin our fairy tale.

(There is a theater corner with the scenery of a wooden house, music sounds.





the corresponding figure of the theater and performs certain actions.

Children follow the development of the content of the tale in the theater and agree

V. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. They had a Ryaba chicken.

Somehow a chicken laid an egg for a grandfather and a woman, but not a simple one, but a golden one. grandfather beat,

beat - did not break, (children knock with their fists)

Grandma beat, beat - did not break. Let's try to help grandma and grandpa

break an egg.

Physical education minute

Each child is given a little ball. Then at the command "Balls

throw" the children begin to throw the ball on the floor. The child hits the ball on the floor, then

catches the ball. The game lasts 3-5 minutes. Children return to their previous

places and sit down to listen to the continuation of the tale).

He takes out a toy mouse and says

Q. The egg is not simple and that it is very difficult to break it.

(The teacher takes out a toy mouse.

Suddenly, a mouse appeared from a mink, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke.

(spread arms out to sides)

(The teacher encourages to imitate the images of the heroes of the fairy tale).


fists of the eye). And the chicken says to them: “Where-tah-tah, don’t cry, grandfather with

grandma, I’ll lay an egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one.

Modeling from plasticine.

(Children sit at tables)

B. Let's make simple testicles for a grandfather and a woman from plasticine so that they

didn't cry.

(White plasticine and planks are issued)

1. Finger gymnastics "Hide and Seek"

(Rhythmically bend and unbend fingers)

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this

And the heads were removed.

Q. Guys, take the plasticine in your hands, touch it! What plasticine?

(Soft) Show me how you can sculpt?

2. Showing the sculpting technique

(The teacher tells and shows how with circular movements of the palms

convert a lump of plasticine into a ball).

We twist, we twist the circle

We twist, we twist the circle

3. Independent work of children (individual assistance).

V. Well done, let's add the eggs that we got into the basket and

let's give it to grandpa and grandma. While we were sculpting and the hen laid an egg.

The game "Hen and chickens".

B. Hen asks to play with her. Shall we play with the chicken? You will all

portray chickens.

(Choose a chicken and a cat)

The cat will sit on a bench, She sleeps, basking in the sun. Like us

shall we hold the chickens in our hands?


careful, on a bench near the path, a cat lay down and dozes. When she

wakes up, you have to run to the house. (the teacher gives the children one by one

voluminous chicken toy) Let's get on our feet and play.

mother hen




hens and chicks)

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass, (Chicken walks through the group)

And behind her are the guys (Children move in a group)

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko, Ko-ko-ko (Threaten with index finger)

Don't go far

Row with your paws Children squat and tap their fingers on the floor,

Look for the grain and then straighten it out)

(The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens. The chickens, along with

mother chicken run away)

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing. (children run to the houses)

Summary of the lesson.

Q. You guys are great today! They told a story; played ball; sculpted

testicles. Played with chicken. Who do chickens love?

Reflection. caregiver


on one's own

to play

chickens, hens, cockerels.

Abstract of educational

activities in the second

junior group


Topic: "Poultry"

Type: gaming

Area integration: communication, socialization

Form of activity: joint activity of an adult and children

Program tasks:

    Educational - give children an idea about poultry, about
    characteristic distinctive features of birds, fasten
    the concept that poultry live next to a person. Developing - promote the development of children's attention and memory
    during the consideration of the scheme, to promote the development in children
    imagination during the simulation game. Educate in children caring attitude to poultry.

Vocabulary work: (activate the words in the speech of children: duckling,
chicken, wings, beak, feathers)

Form of conduct: educational game

Materials and equipment: toys: "Piggy", chicken, duckling;
diagram with pictures; planar image of a village house,
chicken coop, chicken and duck.


Educator: Guys, listen, someone is knocking on our door. Included


Piggy - I, today I came to you not alone, but brought several cubs who cannot find their mothers.

I wanted to help them myself, compared them according to your scheme with pictures, but they are not like anyone else. What to do?

Educator: “Guys, can you help the cubs find their mothers?” (Children's answers).

    Educator: “Well, Piggy, show us the lost
    cubs. "(Piggy shows a duckling, a chicken and offers the children
    pet pictures). “Guys, who did Piggy bring us? (children's answers) Where are you
    seen? Where do they live? (children's answers) “If they live near the house in a barn, then they are “home”. But as
    to name them? Are they "pets"? Let's look at
    scheme. "(consider the diagram):
    Their paws are completely different, and there are only two of them, not four. Instead of paws - wings. Instead of a nose, a beak. Feathers instead of wool. And another host - .

These are birds. “Pets” (children repeat in unison)

And if these are "domestic birds", then we will settle them near the house.

(attach a village house on the carpet, attach under the house
chicken and duck)

People also build sheds for “domestic birds”: chicken coops.

(I attach the chicken coop, I knock on it)

    "Knock knock, you didn't lose your cubs?" (attached to
    carpet chicken and duck).

Piggy is very happy that the children are very similar to their mothers.


“Guys, let's check according to the scheme, clarify: are these animals or birds? ”(children determine that mothers are also birds. It remains only
determine where whose child is. Children compare what a hen and a chicken have
the beak is sharp, while the duck and duck have a blunt nose. At the chicken, chicken paws
thin, while the duck and duck have paws with partitions, etc.)

Children with Piggy are happy that everyone has found their mothers. But everything is so
worried that they wanted to eat.

Educator: "What can we feed them?" (children's answers).

An imitation game is being played. Piggy as a grandmother, and children as birds:
boys are ducks, girls are chickens.

At the call "uti - uti" they go out for food, ducklings peck at grains. At the call of "chick-chick"
go out for food, chickens peck.

Educator - “Guys, repeat, who are you now? (Chickens and ducklings.)

What is your name, in one word? (Poultry)

What other poultry do you know? (children's answers.)

How do poultry help humans? (children's answers)

Material Description: abstract game lesson for children of the younger group (3-4) on the topic "Poultry"

This material will be useful for teachers and parents. The lesson is interesting because it is built on the use of various games and exercises, which allows you to maintain the interest of children throughout the organized joint activities, develops thinking, speech, attention, forms emotional responsiveness.

Direction "Development of cognitive research activities"

Educational area "Cognition"

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Labor"

Synopsis of a game lesson for children of the younger group "Poultry"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about poultry, about characteristic distinctive features birds.



To continue to form in children emotional susceptibility and responsiveness.


To consolidate knowledge about poultry and body parts (torso, head, wings, tail, beak) and the method of movement, words - actions (peck, flies).

To enrich the experience of children with the means of expressing adequate emotions.

Develop fine motor skills fingers, attention.


Vocabulary: Poultry, chicken, duckling, chicken, duck, wings, feathers, paws, tail, geese, rooster, turkey, chicken coop, barn, quack-quack, wee-wee-wee, ko-ko-ko, ooty - ooty - ooty , chick - chick - chick, fed, grain, seeds, grass.

Equipment: toy chicken and duckling, bird yard layout, pictures of poultry, poultry yard, bird food, bean and corn grains, chicken hats, hens, basket.

caregiver: Look, the children whom the Teddy Bear brought us in the morning in a basket. (Children examine the contents of the basket: a toy duck and a chicken) Who is this?

Children: Duckling and chicken.

Psycho-gymnastics "Little bird"

(Development of muscle control.)

Children pick up the chicks and hold them carefully, affectionately.

Educator: Guys, a bear cub brought them from the forest, they got lost, but can they live in the forest?

Children's answers.

Educator: They got lost and are looking for their mother. Where do they live?

The teacher invites the children to look at pictures depicting a bird yard.

Educator: If they live near the house, then they are home.

Consider: there are paws, wings, beak, feathers, tail.

Teacher: These are birds. If they live near the house, then these are domestic birds. See what I have in my hands?

Children: Feather

Teacher: What is it?

Children: Light, fluffy.

Educator: It is light and flies.

Breathing exercise "Whose feather is higher"

(Children blow and try to keep the feather in the air)

Educator: What are the names of the houses in which ducks and chickens live?

Children: Shed, chicken coop.

The teacher invites the children to find a mother in the picture for the lost chicks.

Children find and call: Chicken, duck.

Minute of health "Ducks"

(strengthening the arch of the foot)

Ooty - ooty - ducks, baby ducks.

Little by little they go from foot to foot.

(walk on the outer edges of the feet)

The game "Who lives in our barn?"

Children guess the inhabitants by onomatopoeia.

(quack-quack, wee-wee-wee, ko-ko-ko…)

Educator: And how do they call these birds?

Children: uti - uti - uti, chick - chick - chick.

Educator: What do they feed poultry?

The game "To whom what?"

Children select from the proposed pictures what poultry eats.

(Grain, seeds, grass, etc.).

Educator: Look, children, who else lives in the poultry yard (They consider other poultry: geese, turkeys, roosters.)

Game "Feed the Birds"

Educator: Children, a duck and a chicken quarreled over food, help sort out the grains: here we put the corn for the chicken in this plate, and here we put the beans.

(children sort corn and bean seeds)

The teacher invites the children to turn into little chickens and play.

Game "Chicken and chickens".

Children depict chickens, and the teacher - a hen. On one side of the site there is a fenced place - a house where chickens with a mother hen are located (a rope is pulled between the racks). Sideways, aside, placed " big bird". The mother hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. She calls the chickens - "ko-ko-ko." On a signal, all the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk around the site with her. The teacher says - "big bird", all the chickens run home. (Timofeeva E.A. Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age)

Educator: Poultry is very fond of eating worms, let's prepare a delicious treat for them.

Modeling "Worms for chickens and ducklings"

(plasticine modeling: learn to roll out a thin sausage from a piece of plasticine)

Educator: Children, today we helped the lost chicks find their home and mother. How good it is when mom is nearby - she will help, teach, protect and warn of danger. The chicken and the duckling were found with your help by their mothers, and now they will not go for a walk alone so as not to get lost.

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