Oriental Chinese horoscope tiger woman. Eastern horoscope tiger. Tiger and Hare

According to the eastern horoscope, everyone has a patron animal, which determines the main character traits and leaves an imprint on the fate of a person. Those born in the year of the Tiger have a strong and brave disposition, are not subject to control and always have their own opinion, even if it differs from the majority. Men and women of this zodiac sign have similar traits in character and behavior, but still women are distinguished by separate characteristics. What is different tiger woman from the fair sex of other signs and why is it worth considering?

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to study horoscopes for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. Astrological forecast will allow you to make a favorable decision on any issues. Good quality and useful. Go to section .

By nature, such women are mostly confident, active, powerful and independent natures. They can and even like to command, this is manifested both in the family and at work. If they don’t like something, then they certainly won’t be silent, but will directly make it clear what is the reason for their dissatisfaction. And, most importantly, the first time is enough, because in moments of anger or irritation, they will make it clear with all their appearance that it is better not to joke with them. If the situation repeats, then tiger woman can change from anger to anger. She can throw a scandal and then not talk to the person who pissed her off for a long time. But remember: even if you were not the initiator of the quarrel, she will never ask for forgiveness first, her pride simply will not allow her to do this. She can talk to you or call you herself if you are very dear to her and enter the circle of close people. Otherwise, if you have a disagreement, she may even end all communication with you.

Astrologer's advice: The year of birth is sufficiently specific to describe the individual. The classic science of the stars according to the signs of the zodiac for each month will help you strengthen your knowledge even more. go over .

In life, a woman of this zodiac sign is surrounded by many admirers, but she cannot be called frivolous. It gives the impression of an attractive and strong woman, which cannot but attract men to her. She sees this perfectly, but does not accept flirting and excessive coquetry, because inner morality does not allow her to behave in this way. In her youth, she may have many friends of the opposite sex, but they will never characterize her as a windy woman. Appreciates friendship and will not allow himself anything superfluous. Honor and pride are in her blood. As a husband, she will choose a person whom she can completely trust, and who is close to her in spirit. Simplicity, honesty, decency, intelligence and a sense of humor are the main features of the Tiger-woman partner. If she fell in love, she will always be devoted to this person. She dreams of a large and friendly family, loves children very much and will be able to give them the best. He also pays great attention to education and self-development, so he will not tolerate stupid people near him.

Astrologer's advice: Of course, take into account that an individual horoscope from an astrologer gives a maximum of information that is unrealistic to obtain from general characteristics. Order .

Tiger Woman can achieve great career success. This will be facilitated by her analytical mindset, responsibility and innate desire to be a leader. Very often, people of this sign achieve great heights in their professional activities, they can also successfully combine career and family. But if you still have to choose, then, of course, the priority will be the family. She will try to instill leadership qualities in her children and pay great attention to their education.

But, despite all the qualities inherent in the sign of the Tiger, deep down they are fragile and vulnerable women who need support and care.

Tiger - Fronder. Undisciplined, he has a short temper. Always rebels against the senior in rank. He is from the material from which revolutionaries and leaders are made. Unfortunately, like all bosses, he does not always deserve the trust that he has. When he yells "Go!" - in business or in love, as well as in war, people should think before acting, and even hold him by the tails. The tiger can lead others to disaster, he has a taste for risk up to recklessness, to unconscious actions.

It's hard to resist its magnetism. Natural power gives him an edge. He does not like to obey, but he makes others serve. He is respected. No one dares to tell him the truth. And even when they try to kill him, he is respected and honored.

If he manages to think before acting, and heeds the advice to be careful, he may be more successful. A fighter by nature, sharp and quick-tempered, he is able to sacrifice himself for the cause. Stubborn and stubborn, litigious and petty, he is often in conflict with someone. An egoist in small things, capable of disinterestedness in great deeds. Narrow-minded, he doesn't trust anyone. According to the structural horoscope of G. Kvasha, the Tiger:

Type of thinking: strong-willed, innovative

Social type: closed, esoteric

Psychological type: dreamer

Temperament: phlegmatic

Mark of Doom: Fatalist, looking for signs of doom

Suitable age: after 85

Vector host: Bull

Vector Servant: Goat

Romantic marriage: Rat, Monkey, Dragon

Patriarchal marriage: Tiger, Horse, Dog

Equal marriage: Snake, Rooster

Spiritual marriage: Cat, Pig

The Tiger always goes ahead, despises established power, hierarchy and conservative minds. Paradoxically, he can retreat before making an important decision until the moment when it is too late to make it. A tiger can be a military commander or a leader of an enterprise. He can even become a dangerous criminal. He loves all activities that involve risk. The same applies to the Tiger women, who will always be the first to declare war on the familiar in the name of conquering any right. The tiger is never directly interested in money, but he can make a fortune for himself.

The tiger is a man of extraordinary action and exceptional fate, unexpected situations. This is a warrior, sensitive, emotional and capable of deep reflection, strong love. But being very passionate, he is rarely happy in love. The Tiger Woman will have many adventures that often end badly.

The Tiger can connect his life with an honest Horse, a Dragon that will bring him strength and caution, with a Dog that will always be there to defend great things together. The Tiger must avoid the very smart Snake, which will not understand him, and the Monkey, which is too cunning for him. However, the Tiger is in constant danger. In love, friendship and in business, he cannot trust the Monkey, unscrupulous and dexterous, capable of fooling him. It is not recommended for him to do anything with the Bull either, since he is stronger than the Tiger and attacks him without delay in order to destroy him. If the Tiger and the Ox are in the same house, the Tiger should leave.

As for the Cat, he will never get along with the Tiger. People say: in order to annoy the Tiger, the Cat climbs a tree where the heavier Tiger cannot climb, and relieves his need on his face. In fact, they still understand each other, since they belong to the same genus.

The first phase of the life of the Tiger will be calm and without difficulties. The second is passionate and stormy. He will have to solve problems of all kinds: financial, personal relationships, marital, family - nothing will be spared. If these problems are not fully resolved, they may move into the third phase, which, however, will end up bringing him peace and tranquility if he lives to old age. But everything will depend on whether the Tiger was born at night or during the day. Born at night, especially around midnight, the Tiger will be freed from snares of all kinds and life will be less turbulent, in contrast to the Tiger who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. This one will be passionate, edgy and exposed to many dangers. In any case, he will never be sad. A tiger born day or night should never expect a quiet life. However, he does not want her. Filled with accidents, it will be passionate, stormy. The taste for risk will push him to a constant game with his fate.

This is a man and violent deaths, and a man of luck. No one is as lucky as the Tiger is. For the Asian peoples, the Tiger is a magnificent sign that personifies the power of the earth and the emblem of the protection of human life. A tiger in the house can save you from three misfortunes: from thieves, from fire, from cunning people. However, if there are two Tigers in the house, one of them must disappear.

According to the eastern horoscope, the sign of the tiger has an active principle, which is realized by Yang energy. Its element is Wood, and its description and main characteristics are given below.


1950, 2010 - the year of the metal tiger (February 17, 1950 - February 5, 1951, February 14, 2010 - February 2, 2011).


According to the eastern horoscope, the life of the Tiger is not calm - it is full of unexpected turns, changes and accidents. The craving for risk in those born this year is in the blood, they cannot imagine their life without strong emotions, struggle or protection.

The childhood and youth of the Tiger sign is usually quite calm. They are often family pets and pets.

The second period of the life of one who was born in the year of this sign is full of difficulties, passions and overcoming external and internal obstacles. According to the tiger's horoscope, life during this period will be in full swing - either ups to the top of luck, then falling to the bottom of the abyss. He then becomes the owner of an unprecedented state, then loses everything in one day. Either he finds great love, or he is disappointed in it. Either he rushes into battle for a lofty goal, or he turns out to be betrayed by supporters.

The third phase of his life depends on how he copes with the difficulties of the second period. If he finds a balance between the components of life and is determined with priorities, then he finds peace and tranquility.

The Tiger sign, born during the day, is prone to greater risk, and his life is never calm. According to the horoscope, the Night Tiger is easier to avoid dangers and balance his life.

Compatibility Horoscope

The tiger's love horoscope will help you understand which signs are suitable for him and which are not at all.

Compatibility Tiger - Ox (Buffalo)

The union of the Ox and the Tiger is unfavorable. The Bull is attracted by the energy of the Tiger, but his revolutionary spirit is completely alien to him - the Buffalo is a conservative to the marrow of his bones and cannot stand that which shakes the foundations. They strive to defeat each other, so the eternal war is provided for them for the entire time of their joint existence.

Horse Compatibility

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Horse according to the eastern horoscope is quite high. The horse is fast and honest, which suits and matches the energetic Tiger.

Dog Compatibility

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Dog is also very favorable. The dog is distinguished by dedication and loyalty to close people, which highly appreciates the sign of the Tiger.

Dragon Compatibility

This is also a very favorable union. In this pair, the Dragon increases the strength of the Tiger, which strengthens their compatibility and their relationship.

Tiger - Goat Compatibility

Between the signs of the Tiger and the Goat, a stormy and dramatic romance is possible. However, according to the eastern horoscope, neither the Tiger nor the Goat are able to withstand such a heat of passion, so their relationship cannot be long, and their compatibility is quite low.

Compatibility Tiger - Cat (Rabbit)

The signs Tiger and Cat understand each other perfectly, but there is still no good compatibility between them. They do not want to give in to each other, so they rarely get along under the same roof.

Monkey Compatibility

According to the horoscope of the Tiger and the Monkey, it is extremely difficult to achieve compatibility. The monkey will always try to outwit the Tiger, but he will not like it, therefore, one must rush into such relationships with caution, which the Tiger sign simply does not know how to do.

Snake Compatibility

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Snake is possible, but such an alliance is unlikely to be durable. On the one hand, the Tiger will be interested in the mind of the Snake and its ability to get out of the water dry, and on the other hand, he cannot stand resourcefulness and lies, preferring an open and honest fight.

Tiger Compatibility with Rat, Rooster, Boar (Pig)

The compatibility of the Tiger with the Rat, the Rooster, the Boar and with itself is allowed. These are completely neutral alliances that have a chance of being happy.

The tiger is an animal of the Yang group. He came from the East. The tiger is the king of beasts, he is majestic and has excellent protection for Yang and Yin. This protection is expressed on the skin of the tiger with contrasting stripes that protect it not only from the cold, but also reward it with mystical power. The tiger is the ruler of the jungle, he commands all the animals, instilling fear in demons and evil spirits. Often in China, in order to protect themselves from evil forces, young people wear caps in the shape of a tiger's head.

The tiger is a symbol of faith and patience, it is honored and feared, but it does not protect everyone.

The tiger, born at night, is the happiest of all his brothers, he is calm and wise, the night is his area in which he roams in search of prey. His deeds are more fruitful, and his rivals are sleeping. But those born during the day are more mobile, careless and active, because in daylight they are exposed.

Their childhood proceeds peacefully, rich in various childhood adventures and pranks. The youth of the Tigers is very exciting, emotional, full of conflicts and changes. The Tigers have a passionate nature, and therefore they are constantly faced with other people's misunderstandings and upheavals. If they are not looking for adventure, then adventure is sure to overtake them by surprise. But in general, the first part of life they live happily.

The maturity of the Tigers is interesting, but if they have not learned the lessons from the past and have not learned to restrain themselves, then a period of frustration and disappointment sets in. Usually they are haunted by financial difficulties, family conflicts, love dramas. In old age, Tigers also find it difficult to calm down, because they cannot get used to their position. Old age was not created for the Tigers, and it is difficult to live up to it after such battles. In general, their life is very diverse, full of passions, and in the end they get the life they want. The tiger dies suddenly and brutally.

Tiger and character

Tigers have a broad vision of the world, they know how to be both tolerant and liberal, until it comes to their honor. They are disgusted by everyday life, but they take on this burden. Tigers have royal generosity and are willing to forgive, as they are not petty at all. The tiger knows how to be harsh to himself, but he is demanding of others. Tigers do not like it when praises are constantly sung to them, and they know how to distinguish truth from flattery. Often they are not aware of their actions, because they believe that they always do the right thing and this makes them blind.

If you can count on the advice of these people, then only if they are not irritated. Tigers live by their passions and therefore are almost always in suspense. They are often frightened in their emotional contradictions, which make it difficult for them to control their aggressiveness. Often this is very disturbing to others.

At first glance, Tiger men look good-natured, but this is a general misconception, since they have iron fists, iron will and exceptional fatalism. They are able to resist vandalism and destroy enemy positions.

Women of this sign are very active, passionate, generous and domineering. Therefore, it is better to be born a man this year - it is easier for men to conquer the world. The tiger is born with a need for confrontation with the existing order. But the Tiger woman is smart, dexterous, frank. True, it is very difficult for her to find the right methods of raising children. The hostess from her is also useless, because she does not really like to linger at home. Her constant dissatisfaction and independence often leads to emotional exactingness, which greatly interferes with her personal life.

Tigers are born fighters for justice and rebels, always opposing authority and control. Often they are involved in all sorts of revolutionary movements, but sometimes they do not deserve the trust that they are given. Because the Tigers are not inclined to think through their every step, but immediately throw their heads into the pool and drag their fellow tribesmen with them. But intelligent people will always wonder if it is worth following them? And rightly so, since the followers of the Tiger may be on the verge of disaster with them.

If Titra is put in a cage, he will either go berserk or lose his dignity. This animal needs endless spaces. Even behind the abstract bars, he becomes aggressive, loses control and gets into a fight. He cannot be forced to share what he does not want. It is difficult to discipline a tiger because he does not listen to anyone, his actions are ahead of his thoughts. His courage borders on thoughtlessness, recklessness, enjoying the feeling of danger. Those Tigers who gain fame in dangerous situations revel in the admiration of others, and thus squander themselves. They are very straightforward and stubborn and almost always quarrel with someone. Although they are considered selfish, they are capable of great generosity when it comes to something great. They are warm and sensitive, and often become selfish. When their life becomes boring, they begin to seek comfort at the expense of others. To make the world more interesting, the Tiger needs to live in the jungle.

At the same time, he is difficult to resist, because he has a magnetic character and his innate dominance attracts associates. People respect him intuitively, even enemies. The tiger loves to be obeyed. He will not allow anyone to command him and defends his position to the end. He believes he was made for great things.

If the Tiger begins to think about when to act, and if he listens to reasonable advice, he can achieve unprecedented success. But, as a rule, he does not have confidence in others. Sometimes he stops before an important decision or hesitates until it is too late.

Hardy Tiger always walks to visit, he can't stand cars. But if he has the opportunity, he prefers horseback riding, because he is very close to nature. On his weekends, he does not like to look at architectural monuments or gothic ruins, but devotes himself to hunting or active sports.

tiger and money

People of this sign easily operate in financial areas, in transactions with movable and immovable property, in stock exchange transactions. Often they can be found in theater salons or in sports, where they invariably come out winners.

Tigers need to be very rich because they have higher demands than other people. They love long trips, luxury safaris. In their outings they are accustomed to minimal comfort, but in everyday life they are surrounded by both simple and luxurious things. Their salons are occupied by low wide sofas, silk pillows. Often their floor is decorated with the skins of wild animals. Tigers love beautiful things: Persian carpets, many souvenirs they bring from

trips. If they are athletes, then their walls are hung with military trophies. But they do not attach much importance to them, rather, all this exists for self-praise in front of the guests.

Their room is somewhat like a lair, and they don't like it when their territory is invaded. And this cave of a predator makes an enthusiastic and at the same time depressing impression on those around. The tiger, even in the house, is used to showing his imagination and imagination.

Tiger and professions

Tigers are born leaders and commanders, so they are not at all created for submission. Often the actions of the Tigers are impulsive, but still they have incredible intuition that keeps them from complete disaster. They do not want to be indebted to anyone, even parents or loved ones. They retain the right to belong to themselves.

The head of the Tiger is filled with interesting ideas, he is able to carry out new ideas that do not cause any doubts among those around him. At a boring job, they feel enslaved and therefore will try to leave it at the first opportunity. The risk does not frighten them at all, they are confident in their actions. And they never do anything halfway, trying to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. Their passionate enthusiasm and dynamism conquers those around them, so they always find allies ready to follow. them to the last.

The tiger does not like to share his laurels, he does not report to anyone and does not recognize responsibilities. When it comes to some kind of change, the Tiger shows perseverance, reaching the impudence. Everything is in motion with him, no one is bored with him. Tigers have deep knowledge that even a specialist can baffle. A tiger that is deprived of independent activity becomes aggressive and unstable. Tiger women are always ready to support any new idea in order to overcome conventions or achieve equality with men.

Tigers are suitable for the role of a military leader or a factory manager, but at the same time they can become dangerous gangsters, because they love professions that involve risk. Most often they can be found in the role of a paratrooper, parachutist, driver, matador, coach, investigator, boss in various industries. Often they make good statesmen, revolutionaries.

tiger and love

Passionate, impetuous Titr tries to know happiness in love even before coming of age. As we have already noted, he believes only in his own experience and therefore will not believe the moral teachings of outsiders. Usually the second reason he leaves home is early marriage.

Tigers are too exalted, terribly sentimental, they quickly accept love and admire it until it turns into everyday life. Communication can only continue if the partner is smart and knows how to artificially stir up the interest and curiosity of the Tiger, otherwise the passion of our predator will quickly pass. Yes, and the Tiger cannot be called unfaithful, he just needs animal passion and if he does not receive it, then he tries to find it on the side, thus asserting himself.

The Tiger needs to test its irresistibility, because the art of seduction for the Tiger is something like a sport to keep fit. He is capable of great love, but often his feelings become overly strong and therefore his love affairs rarely have a happy ending.

There are other ways to keep the Tiger: hint to him that there are interesting partners besides him. The tiger will never allow his prey to be stolen from him and will jealously guard his rights of superiority. But neither in in no case should you go too far, because the Tiger's patience may also burst at some point. He may say that he is tired of this unsettled life, but he himself will never be able to turn into a skin that decorates the floor by the fireplace.

The Tiger has strong feelings and he almost never lies, as he hates pretense. But it also happens that he himself destroys what he created. Unconsciously, he can offend a partner without even noticing it. Naturally, this can lead to a break. This will cause him great regret, but in a few days he will be on the trail again.

It is best for the tiger not to get involved in intricate intrigues, because they can only bring him suffering. Although they are bright personalities and many envy them, their life is very difficult. Because of his own nobility, he often sacrifices himself. Tigers are loyal, very generous and always sincere. Therefore, when they break, they royally leave their positions. They are good at losing. There is no better friend and nobler enemy than the Tiger.

Tiger and his family

Tigers are born adventurers, conquerors. They love to shine and show off. Naturally, they will not lose the reins of government in the family either. They will definitely find an organized spouse, capable of not only managing the household, but also decorating their life. As for the woman - the Tiger, she can run the house for the sake of personal prosperity. Women of this sign are too active and emancipated. They cannot take someone's orders and give all the time only to the family. The Tiger woman has time everywhere, but only if her husband performs some household chores.

Tigers love to travel. They cannot be called exemplary parents, because they themselves sometimes do not believe in what they say. Imagine that. The tiger will teach his child common sense and caution. Absurd! In this case, they may lie if they see that they have achieved the desired goal. If a restrained and sensitive Titre has a good influence on children, allowing them to experience life for themselves, then such a parent becomes a very dangerous educator. They do not know how to hide mood swings, outbursts of impulsiveness and anger, and this can tragically affect the life and character of children born in the year of the Rat, Hare, Sheep and Dog. Such children need affection and understanding. It is better for a tiger to deal with a Dragon child, a Horse, a Monkey or a Rooster. Such children will admire their parents and look forward to their advice. It is not always possible to reach mutual understanding with the Pig child, it is a little easier in this regard with the Ox and the Snake. True, the Ox, with his adamant principles, can make the Tiger suffer. The Snake child will always try to show off, but his parents will consider his actions unnatural.

Tiger and intimate relationships

Due to their looks and charm, Tigers are the most seductive partners in the entire horoscope. But you can not thoughtlessly rush into their arms, because they, captivating, take possession, and then quickly cool down. When they are convinced that sex is a mistake of their youth, they move on to a more serious relationship.

In all situations, Tigers want to dominate and do not like to be dragged into bed. Any of their relationships are of a long-term nature, so they demand respect for themselves. Tigers live by their own mind and intimacy for them is not a diplomatic tactic.

Tigers love company and love to be given attention. They hold themselves very elegantly, and if they like someone, the financial situation of this person does not matter.

In the sexual act they insist on its purity. They start intimate relationships, slowly, but when they pick up the pace, they show some animal instincts. Intimacy for them is beautiful music in which they are accustomed to show their imagination. They seek new pleasures and try everything. They believe that anything that enhances pleasure is perfectly acceptable. Their warmth and understanding is effective especially for those who suffer from an inferiority complex. In their desire to please, they always put the needs of others first, not their own.

First encounter with a tiger

Such people can be distinguished in any society. They are independent, easy-going, and have the keen eye of a hunter. Under such a look, you involuntarily feel like a prey that causes royal appetite. If the Tiger liked someone, he would not miss the opportunity to seduce and captivate him. The most unforgettable moments of your life can be associated with the Tiger. The tiger can change only if circumstances force him to. But it does not tolerate change. Upon learning of the misconduct of a partner, he will retire with dignity.

If you want to give the Tiger a gift, it is better to choose a long and interesting journey to a corner of the earth unknown to him. And if this is not possible, buy him the skin of a wild animal. He will appreciate your attention. But if communication with the Tiger gives you trouble, try to put a collar on him. The freedom-loving beast will not bear such an insult and will not bother you.

Famous people born under the sign of the tiger

Queen Beatrice of Holland, Ludwig van Beethoven, Agatha Christie, Jon Bon Jovi, James Clavel, Phil Collins, Isidora Duncan, Charles de Gaulle, Dwight David Eisenhower, Frederick Forsythe, Karl Marx; Marco Polo, Suzi Quatro, Lionel Richard. Stevie Wonder, Emilia Brontë, Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Rimbaud, Maximilian Robespierre, Ho Chi Minh, Tiberius,. George Abashidze, Emil Kio (son), Sergei Lemeshev, Boris Mayorov, Maria Maksakova, Richard Sing, Lydia Smirnova, John Steinbeck, André Citroen, Louis De Funes, Francis Goya, Grigory Gurdjieff, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Mohammed, Giulio Mazariki, Vyacheslav Molotov, Admiral Nelson, Niccolò Paganini, Francois Rabelais, Romain Rolland, Mary Stuart, Oscar Wilde.

Tiger compatibility with other signs

Tiger and Tiger

In family life, the situation is even worse, because both. trying to play a dominant role. But from another point of view, their union can bring positive results. Because they don't need to be pushed and fired up, these vibrant personalities can complement a partner's efforts. Everything depends solely on both of them, because there are also such Tigers that are similar to cats. In this case, such a partner with his prudence and patience will help maintain peace in the house. After all, the Tiger is noble and knows how to listen to another, but this should not last too long. And one more rule: such partners must be constantly busy in order to completely smooth out all the troubles.

Tiger and Rat

The best way to arouse the admiration of the Rat is to show courage and courage in front of her. But the Tiger does not occupy her. And yet communication between them is extremely difficult. Of course, at the same time, their passion is satisfied, but the Tiger is a born predator and is used to freedom. Therefore, from time to time he comes out of his cave and begins to scour in search of new prey, and it will be very difficult for the Rat to survive this. The Rat does not like to be played on her feelings, she believes that she is simply irresistible. True, she understands that others may have flaws. She is not very vindictive. And when she sees that the Tiger is back, her heart calms down. The Tiger is a realist and completely disinterested, but the Rat is greedy, and its fear of the future makes the king of the jungle very funny. Maybe that's what they are. complement each other, because our ever-hungry predator will always be delighted with a piece of meat hidden by the Rat for a rainy day.

Tiger and Ox

For such a bloodthirsty animal as the Tiger, the Ox is an excellent prey, because the Tiger will never, in his life, resist the temptation to snatch a fresh piece of meat. The ox is not too accustomed to being attacked or urged on, he will not let himself be swallowed. Oxen are too freedom-loving, and the one who manages to eat it will definitely spoil the stomach. The ox cannot prevent the Tiger from leading a predatory lifestyle, but all the same, he tries to somehow dominate, to warn him. They cannot see a common business, because every trifling misunderstanding ends in a stormy scandal. But female Oxen are somewhat different from the male representative of this sign, and they get used to the silent role if the Tigers can satisfy all their needs. But later they will definitely show impatience. The Tiger Woman will definitely pay attention to the majestic Ox, because in her eyes he is an example of a pure conscience.

Tiger and Hare

These two signs have a lot in common. Both signs love to get laid. In all respects, they are excellent businessmen, but at the same time they want to maintain a sense of freedom. They both love to travel, and then warm up at the family hearth. These are two independent animals that you do not need to try to protect with four walls. But the Hare does not have such risky behavior as the Tiger, and thinks more about his own safety. In this union, it is better if the Hare takes second positions, only then does he have the right to exist. The tiger must earn a living, and the Hare is better to let him organize comfort. In this case, the Hare should become a small deterrent for his reckless partner. The Tiger will certainly be annoyed by the prudence of the Hare, who will begin to control the Tiger. This can give rise to quarrels, but still the diplomat has the last word.

Tiger and Dragon

These signs are also very similar, because they are bold, energetic and very enterprising. Tigers are excellent advisers and always warn their partner's imprudent steps. But they themselves are always the first to climb into a fight. The dragon also likes to lead and is always sure of his own rightness. The Dragon can give the Tiger the skill of rational thinking, which will be very useful for the Tiger, because paths worthy of his efforts will be opened to him. Sometimes the Dragon can mislead the Tiger or push him to a difficult adventure. But that doesn't scare them at all. Their mutual ignorance of the measure will make life together only more exciting. True, this somewhat loses stability. If the Dragon refuses to obey the Tiger, conflicts and disputes will undoubtedly arise, but thanks to their sincerity, these signs will be able to smooth out any misunderstandings.

Together they always succeed, as each infects the success of the other and at the same time there is absolutely no rivalry between them. They will make a lot of noise in their business, but if they have a good administrator, things will go even better.

Tiger and snake

The union is not entirely favorable, because the Tiger is a mobile animal, and the Snake is prone to contemplation and will consider the Tiger simply nervous. The snake will not want to follow the Tiger and keep up with his pace, because she is too lazy and does not like to be urged on. She is accustomed to figure everything out herself and hates other people's advice, even if they are appropriate. Often she is simply dogmatic, and the Tiger absolutely cannot stand this. The snake is the owner, who always follows winding paths, and the Tiger always follows only a straight path and ahead. The snake constantly thinks about the result, and the Tiger prefers to think about the means, so they do not understand each other. The Tiger will not be willing to follow the sinuous lines of the Serpent, and the Serpent will not be able to tame the wild Tiger. In business, they always have a great union, because they complement each other. One takes the risk and the other takes the execution. Living together is completely impossible, since the Snake will betray the Tiger, and he will destroy it.

Tiger and Horse

These are two types of enthusiast, together they can move mountains. In their contact, everything goes well, provided that the Tiger does not pay attention to the selfishness of the Horse. In the foreground, she always has a desire, but if she is in love, the situation is different. It is better if their union is based on mutual feeling, then the Tiger will not have time to think about the strange behavior of the Horse. But if their feelings are held on a different basis, the Tiger can be quickly disappointed, because the Horse is blind to its shortcomings and is so convinced that it is right that it is very difficult for her to explain her mistakes.

The horse is always sure that he cares not only about himself, but also about his partner. In practice, things are quite different. In relation to the Horse, the Tiger is more liberal. But in the event of a conflict, disputes take a tragic turn. The horse rears up, and the Tiger goes wild.

Tiger and Sheep

The heart of the Tiger is filled with joy when he sees a Sheep nibbling grass in the meadow - she bleats plaintively, and the Tiger quietly approaches her in anticipation of a delicious dinner. But it is not yet known whether he can eat the Sheep. Maybe he will be fascinated by her? In love, laws are not written. A sheep always seeks protection from a stronger personality, and a Tiger in love will turn out to be a good defender and he will never want to eat his charming victim. He will give her freedom and this, at first glance, will seem very strange, but in fact it is just a manifestation of sincere feelings. Sheep also needs freedom, she loves to travel and look at the stars, and the Tiger will not interfere with this. She admires his courage, valor, and it's great if they have enough funds in reserve, because the Sheep does not know how to handle money. Then the Tiger sometimes cannot fulfill its obligations, it relies only on chance. But they are happy and treat each other with touching affection.

Tiger and Monkey

Despite its adventurism, the Tiger is not as thin as the Monkey. He respects the freedom of a partner and loves clarity in relationships. But the Monkey loves to chase two hares, she is used to being liked by everyone and cannot deny herself this weakness.

She is used to adapting and is constantly trying to elude the Tiger. This irritates him very much. The monkey is a mocker and loves to mock people's weaknesses. Of course, she cannot be indifferent to the delightful Tiger and cannot resist the temptation to pull his mustache. In this case, the Tiger is waiting for the moment when the Monkey falls asleep in order to devour it. This union is possible only if both show maximum restraint in the relationship.

Tiger and Rooster

This is a very difficult union for the reason that the sensitive and loyal Tiger is not too reasonable to understand the actions of the Rooster. The tiger is often confused by the actions of people. But the Rooster cannot be judged only for external actions. The rooster always makes an irresistible impression on those around him with his variegation, which sometimes creates a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis personality. In alliance with the Tiger, at first everything goes well for them. The power-hungry Tiger is flattered by the adoration of the Rooster. But soon the bragging of the Rooster begins to annoy the Tiger, and the Tiger begins to criticize him. The rooster cannot stand criticism and suffers from the injustice of the striped partner. The matter takes an undesirable turn, the Rooster feels misunderstood and decides to retire to where people are more tolerant. But before he leaves, he will frankly tell the truth to the Tiger. They can always maintain friendly relations, be wonderful lovers or companions, but not for long.

Tiger and Dog

Both of them are incorrigible idealists. Therefore, some misunderstandings occur in their union. The dog always tries to get ahead, and the Tiger tries to maintain a dominant position. But in their desire to fight, they will always find a common language. They have common points of contact - for this they need a goal that they will quickly find. And together they will fight to the end, while for them there are no obstacles and enthusiasm never dries up. The generous dynamism of the Tiger brings a smile to the Dog. But the Dog can find arguments in time to refute the Tiger's judgment and save him from an unnecessary step. This union can be very happy, its only enemy is everyday life. True, even here it is not without difficulties, because the Dog needs constant assurances of affection, and the Tiger is not too accustomed to showing signs of attention. For a long-term union, they need to more deeply comprehend their behavior, find common goals, only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony.

The tiger belongs to the Yang group. This is the third sign of the Chinese horoscope and rules from 3 to 5 am. The season that brings the Tiger luck is winter, and the period of its climax is February. The fixed element is Tree. According to the European Zodiac, the Tiger corresponds to the Aquarius sign. The color that brings them good luck and happiness is orange and brown with gold. Favorable plants for them are heliotrope and bamboo. The countries most favorable for the Tiger are Italy, France, Uganda, Chile, Ecuador.


Queen Beatrice of Holland, Ludwig van Beethoven, Agatha Christie, Jon Bon Jovi, James Clavel, Phil Collins, Isidora Duncan, Charles de Gaulle, Dwight David Eisenhower, Frederick Forsyth, Karl Marx; Marco Polo, Suzy Quatro, Lionel Richard, Stevie Wonder, Emilia Bronte, Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Rimbaud, Maximilian Robespierre, Ho Chi Minh, Tiberius, George Abashidze, Emil Kio (son), Sergei Lemeshev, Boris Mayorov, Maria Maksakova, Richard Sing, Lydia Smirnova, John Steinbeck, André Citroen, Louis De Funès, Francis Goya, Grigory Gurdjieff, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Mohammed, Giulio Mazarin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Admiral Nelson, Niccolò Paganini, François Rabelais, Romain Rolland, Mary Stuart, Oscar Wilde.

The tiger is an animal of the Yang group. He came from the East. The tiger is the king of beasts, he is majestic and has excellent protection for Yang and Yin. This protection is expressed on the skin of the tiger with contrasting stripes that protect it not only from the cold, but also reward it with mystical power. The tiger is the ruler of the jungle, he commands all the animals, instilling fear in demons and evil spirits. Often in China, in order to protect themselves from evil forces, young people wear caps in the shape of a tiger's head.

The tiger is a symbol of faith and patience, it is honored and feared, but it does not protect everyone. People insert his silvery claws as a talisman into their amulets, this gives people masculinity. Such daredevils risk their lives to get the striped skin and prove their courage to others. White tigers are also found in nature. They symbolize royal dignity, their skins adorn royal robes. White tigers also symbolize immortality, because they live longer than all animals. But we must not forget that there are tigers that are like shy cats, although none of them differs in size from their ordinary counterparts.

The tiger will not allow himself to be ridden. Even if a manual Tiger roars, it will still cause horror among others. The third pentagram in the Book of Changes reads: "Step on the tail of the Tiger, the ion will not bite a man." Doesn't it sound paradoxical? But, perhaps, this is so, because condescension always coexists with the great. The tiger is great, he fights only with a strong opponent, without offending the smaller ones. Therefore, the Tiger must be handled with care.

An ancient Chinese parable tells of a wise man who scattered grain around a hut to keep a tiger away. When his student objected that there were no tigers in their area, the sage calmly replied: “You see how effective my method is.” A very clever parable, isn't it?

In China, the Tiger means luck, power and authority. Of course, it is easy to call the Tiger a predator that, like Attila, devours everything in its path. In this case, the Tiger is gifted with deeper and more diverse talents. To be born in the year of the Tiger means that you receive as a gift a weapon of good and evil. It fell to your lot to know life to the very bottom. In such situations, the Tiger runs the risk of becoming either a wild beast or a famous thinker. This is an alternative of two great paths: the first is submission to instinct, and the second is suppression and abstinence. And the Tiger always strives for tolerance and objectivity.

The tiger always lives in search of danger; maybe this is due to his craving for risk or imprudence. But you need to look at it more deeply, because over the many thousands of years of experience in their evolution, the Tigers have realized that it is impossible to live in peace. And so they rarely die a natural death. On the other hand, it is luck and protection. He always fights enemies, but never dies at their will.

This beast bristles in the face of lies and hates betrayal. His behavior shows that he is not only proud, but also attracts others with courage and generosity. The worst thing for the Tiger is the daily routine.

As a rule, the Tiger chooses the role of a national hero, king or president. But, not having achieved a brilliant position, he can reach poverty. He has a wasteful attitude towards money, he often falls into risky ventures and, as a rule, he is lucky. He cannot live without surprises, therefore he loves unforeseen adventures. The tiger is always trying his luck, chasing his chance.

According to the symbolism of the peoples of the East, the Tiger symbolizes the power of the Earth and is the guardian of human life. The tiger in the house protects from three big troubles: thieves, fire and evil spirits. But if two Tigers live in the house, then one must definitely leave, because they do not tolerate an opponent on the territory.


The tiger, born at night, is the happiest of all his brothers, he is calm and wise, the night is his area in which he prowls in search of prey. His deeds are more fruitful, and his rivals are sleeping. But those born during the day are more mobile, careless and active, because in daylight they are exposed.

Their childhood is peaceful, but rich in various childhood adventures and pranks. The youth of the Tigers is very exciting, emotional, full of conflicts and changes. The Tigers have a passionate nature and therefore they are constantly faced with other people's misunderstandings and upheavals. If they are not looking for adventure, then adventure is sure to overtake them by surprise. But in general, the first part of life they live happily.

The maturity of the Tigers is interesting, but if they have not learned the lessons from the past and have not learned to restrain themselves, then a period of frustration and disappointment sets in. Usually they are pursued by financial difficulties, family conflicts, love dramas. In old age, the Tigers also find it difficult to calm down, because they cannot get used to their position. Old age was not created for the Tigers, and it is difficult to live up to it after such battles. In general, their life is very diverse, full of passions, and in the end they get the life they want. The tiger dies suddenly and brutally.


Tigers have a broad vision of the world, they know how to be tolerant and liberal until it comes to their honor. They are disgusted by everyday life, but they take on this burden. Tigers have royal generosity and are willing to forgive, as they are not petty at all. The tiger knows how to be harsh to himself, but he is demanding of others. Tigers do not like it when praises are constantly sung to them, and they know how to distinguish truth from flattery. Often they are not aware of their actions, because they believe that they always do the right thing and this makes them blind.

If you can count on the advice of these people, then only if they are not irritated. Tigers live by their passions and therefore are almost always in suspense. They are often confused in their emotional contradictions, which make it difficult for them to control their aggressiveness. Often this is very disturbing to others.

At first glance, Tiger men look good-natured, but this is a general misconception, as they have iron fists, iron will and exceptional fatalism. They are able to resist vandalism and destroy enemy positions.

Women of this sign are very active, passionate, generous and domineering. Therefore, it is better to be born a man this year, it is easier for men to conquer the world. The tiger is born with a need for confrontation with the existing order. But the woman - the Tiger is smart, dexterous, frank. True, it is very difficult for her to find the right methods of raising children. The mistress of her is also useless because she does not really like to linger at home. Her constant dissatisfaction and independence often leads to emotional exactingness, which greatly interferes with her personal life.

Tigers are born fighters for justice and rebels, always opposing authority and control. Often they are involved in all sorts of revolutionary movements, but sometimes they do not deserve the trust that they are given. Because the Tigers are not inclined to think through their every step, but immediately throw their heads into the pool and drag their fellow tribesmen with them. But intelligent people will always wonder if it is worth following them? And rightly so, since the followers of the Tiger may be on the verge of disaster with them.

If the Tiger is put in a cage, he will either become brutalized or lose his dignity. This animal needs endless spaces. Even behind the abstract bars, he becomes aggressive, loses control and gets into a fight. You can't force him to do what he doesn't want to. It is difficult to discipline a tiger because he does not listen to anyone, his actions are ahead of his thoughts. His courage borders on thoughtlessness, recklessness and enjoyment of a sense of danger. Those Tigers who gain fame in dangerous situations revel in the admiration of others and thus squander themselves. They are very straightforward and stubborn and almost always quarrel with someone. Although they are considered selfish, they are capable of great generosity when it comes to something great. They are warm and sensitive, but often become selfish. When their life becomes boring, they begin to seek comfort at the expense of others. To make the world more interesting, the Tiger needs to live in the jungle.

At the same time, he is difficult to resist, because he has a magnetic character and his innate dominance attracts associates. People respect him intuitively, even enemies. The tiger loves to be obeyed. He will not allow anyone to command him and defends his position to the end. He believes he was made for great things.

If the Tiger begins to think about when to act, and if he listens to reasonable advice, he can achieve unprecedented success. But, as a rule, he does not have confidence in others. Sometimes he stops before an important decision or hesitates until it's too late.

Hardy Tiger always walks to visit, he can't stand cars. But if he has the opportunity, he prefers horseback riding, because he is very close to nature. On his weekends, he does not like to look at architectural monuments or gothic ruins, but devotes himself to hunting or active sports.


In addition to the twelve signs, there are five elements that increase or decrease the influence of this sign. The effects of these elements on the Tiger are described below.


Metal symbolizes evening, autumn and the beginning of the cold. It also means clarity, purity and hardness, as it divides and cuts. He has a fast pace, but he is chaste and his words are always defiant. The tiger, born of metal, oscillates between destruction and the ability to realize his plans. He is energetic and scrupulous at the same time, does not show strong emotions. Because of the metal, he becomes a little angular, he has almost no sense of humor. Such a Tiger is very easy to be drawn into a mystical sect of not the best sort. It will be the most brutal intrusion into his territory, but it is possible. These are people of excellent physique, with strong limbs. Their hair is coarse, their nose is straight, their lips are sensual. Some kind of primary beauty emanates from them.

Metal is a symbol of energy. It gives a person the ability of a lawyer, the resourcefulness of a lawyer. He is used to the palm and hates being even the luckiest clerk. Metal does not recognize nuances and always goes ahead. He has a tendency to seize, tear and destroy.

Such a Tiger knows how to create an external impression, and many respect him. By nature, Metal Tigers are open and friendly, ambitious in many ways. From time to time they change their minds. But they never give up until they get what they want. Often they are too impatient. And if they don't succeed in their own way, they become very nervous.

They love autumn and thrive in dry climates. The most vulnerable organ is the lungs. Such Tigers love spicy food, but it is better for them to eat dishes from peas and beef. They love asceticism and ecstasy. They need to monitor their breathing and its free circulation. It is better for Metal Tigers to live in the open air, this will not only strengthen the lungs, but also refresh the brain.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is golden.


The water of winter nights is cold and harsh, its depth gives rise to fear and respect, underwater spirits live in it. Even spirits sleep in such water. But one must beware of the water of the swamps, in which reptiles teem, this is a symbol of absolute stagnation. The Water Tiger is able to live everywhere, and therefore it can perfectly acclimatize in the water. The mud of the swamps sticks to the skin of the Tiger, already carries two principles, but in the water the Tiger acquires the dominant principle of Yin. His Yin symbolizes the severity of the cold, the severity of the ice, the finale, but the Tiger can overcome all this. Playing with sleeping water, he gives it dynamism and gives it the beginning of Yang. After this operation, the water begins to play on the Tiger himself. After all, the Tiger is the only cat that loves to swim. As a rule, he has a slightly rounded figure, weak limbs, a round face, a bulbous nose, slanting eyes, and white skin.

Such Water Tigers are sedate, intelligent, kind-hearted and calm. They know how to listen to the interlocutor. And this ability to communicate is due to their versatile abilities and talent for persuasion. Usually Water Tigers achieve their goal. Such people know how to maintain balance in the most critical moments, although sometimes they are annoyingly indecisive. They lead with pleasure and control their own passions, curbing them. They are calm leaders, endowed with caution, energy and humanity. Water Tigers are a bit mystical; they are leaders of asocial and political struggle. Humanism is inherent in them, they are always flexible. They are good family men, although they love to invade other people's territory too much. In addition, they are gifted with a rich imagination and often show themselves as talented speakers.

These Tigers take themselves way too seriously and have many varied interests. They are always ready to experiment and explore distant lands. They have to put their ideas into practice, otherwise they will feel bad. Their inexhaustible energy overflows, so it does not interfere with restraining their impulses and not dancing in a minefield where you can blow yourself up.

These people feel great in cold weather, and their lucky season is winter. The most vulnerable organ is the kidneys. Water Tigers love salty foods, but legumes and fish are best. This Tiger needs to actively move and avoid fixation in place. Water should tone up - this is the best way to recharge.

The color that brings them happiness and good luck is brown.


Wet Zenith slowly descended from the sky and gave birth to the Earth. Beautiful Earth, warmed by the summer sun and creating all the blessings of the world. Earth is a symbol of life and home. The hot and humid Earth of the afternoon heat is endowed with the fertility of green pastures. Such an Earth symbolizes a secluded corner for reflection. It slows down, presses, sticks to the legs and restricts movement. Such a field can become a swamp. The tree is a symbol of spring, morning, temperate climate and love for beauty, harmony, elegance. The wood softens the Tiger and the sharpness of his claws, reduces his aggressiveness and gives his pride more curves and nuances. In the spring, nature wakes up, allowing the seed sown in winter to germinate.

The tree represents the busy dawn, so it makes the Tiger come out of his hiding place. The tree pulls its branches to the sky, striving for harmony, for the unification of the earth with the sky, because its roots are deeply buried in the earth. This is a double balancing factor. Also, this sign denotes passion, cruelty and self-destruction. Tree Tigers have a stocky figure, strong limbs, square shoulders. Their face is endowed with a peculiar beauty, straight features, they have a wide forehead, hanging eyebrows, bright eyes.

The Tree Tiger is quite peaceful in appearance, but his soul hides involuntary impulsiveness. His strange behavior is confusing. Tree Tigers are calm and at first glance give a carefree impression. But this is just a mask behind which lies anxiety. They must not be taken by surprise, otherwise they will fail. They constantly have to improvise and give free rein to their ingenuity, creativity enlightens them. They are charmingly relaxed and in love with freedom, but often they are attracted by the light of the ramp. They do not need to be afraid of the stage, because the crowd cannot take their eyes off them, but they always give in to their inspiration. Have a good sense of humor.

Of course, these Tigers are not as independent as some of the other types of this sign, and are more inclined to work collectively in the name of some common goal. They often change their intentions, are easily confused and upset by this. Usually they are very loved and respected, have a wide circle of friends. Tree Tigers are constantly busy with an active social life.

They adore spring and feel great in windy weather. Their weakest organ is the liver. They like sour food, but it is better to use dishes prepared from rice, from meat it is better to use pork. The tiger is angry and passionate, and these feelings sometimes help him, but they should not be abused, otherwise he will be overwhelmed with anxiety and spoil the nervous system.

The color that brings good luck is lemon.


In the south of the sky, heat was born, descended on the Earth and fertilized it, giving birth to fire. Fire represents noon, summer south, Yang, it warms, burns, transforms and shakes. For the Tiger, fire is overflowing energy. It gives it dynamism in very large quantities. The inner fire is a source of creative energy, a living and fast force. You will not have time to blink an eye, as the Tiger will grab you by the throat. His thoughts are born with lightning speed; thus, he quickly finds a solution to all issues.

This Tiger has an explosive nature. Because fire symbolizes war, clairvoyance and cruelty. It is very good that the two elements Yang and Yin are in harmony in the Tiger - this saves him from destruction. As a fierce predator, he remains sober, active and loyal - this is a royal Tiger, endowed with virtuosity, unless he turns into a circus performer. Fire brings war, but also cleansing light, The earth does not feed him, water does not give water, metal does not make it harder. Such Tigers are warriors, protesters against tradition, artists. No need to play with fire, because you risk getting burned and burned. We need moderation.

Fire Tigers take on everything with scope and enthusiasm. They love to act and are always ready to aspire to whatever captures their imagination. They have all the qualities of a leader and have the ability to infect others with their ideas, they are great optimists and quite generous. And yet, like all Tigers, they are endowed with convincing eloquence.

Their favorite season is summer, and they feel best in the heat. Their most vulnerable organ is the heart, you need to monitor it, because the Tiger lives in full force. You need to slow down, otherwise you can be on the verge of a heart attack. The tiger prefers a bitter taste, but it is better to use dishes prepared from lentils, and from meat it is better to use lamb.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is orange.


Wet Zenith descended from the sky and gave birth to the Earth. The afternoon earth is damp and warm, the earth of summer. The tiger loves her very much, he is blissful - this is his refuge, where he traps prey in safety. But the Tiger should be wary of getting bogged down in this warmth, otherwise the earth will turn into a trap that will bury him. But Yang supports him and makes him leave the lair and run around the whole world. The earth is too comfortable and can lull his dynamism - the best quality of the Tiger. People born under the auspices of this sign have a solid appearance, yellowish skin, large features, thick eyebrows, they stoop a little and have a rounded tummy. They are very similar to moles because they are slow. They move forward slowly and confidently.

These Tigers are intelligent and balanced, firmly on the ground. They have a wide circle of acquaintances and are very careful about their appearance. They act with caution, sometimes even selfishly. Always, before starting, they study the position in detail. Such people always try to act honestly. Unlike other Tigers, they are ready to improve in a certain area rather than be distracted by other things. Often, Earth Tigers are so deep in certain areas that they do not listen to the opinions of others at all. Maybe this is due to the fact that they have good intuition, especially in business. They have a highly developed sense of ownership. They achieve their goal not immediately, but as a result of constant efforts. Such a Tiger does not hesitate to let cunning and blackmail in. This is a brilliant financier and a clever businessman, and in the family - a despot. Women of this type have an unusual charm, often reminiscent of a woman - a vampire. By the end of their lives, they tend to do well.

Although the Tiger loves to storm fortresses, he needs to be wary of them and expand his own horizons. He can't constantly spend time in meditation, sometimes he needs to get out of the shell. He is a real seducer and one should not forget about it, otherwise the Tiger risks turning into a cat. He needs to move more to travel, and not to lock himself in four walls.

They are at their best in late summer when the climate becomes wetter. The most vulnerable places of the Tiger are the spleen and limbs. This Tiger has an excessive craving for sweets, but it is advisable to consume less of it. From meat dishes, the Earth Tiger prefers horse meat. Such a Tiger, having decided to relax, turns into a tame cat. When his body is enslaved, his spirit also relaxes. He needs to constantly keep fit, exercise, do not overeat and eat more raw vegetables and fruits.

The color that brings good luck and peace is bright yellow.


For these men, it is completely indifferent whether they wear a wedding ring or not, and therefore they must consider whether marriage is necessary for their partner. They should not persuade themselves to marry for a long time if they have already found the lady of their heart. After all, men - Tigers tend to change their mistresses very quickly. But they can sometimes overlook the one they need, because there are women whose character is not so flexible, and relations with a man - the Tiger will only make them suffer. Men - Tigers are not very jealous, so they can give the impression of indifference to their own partner. This misunderstanding is always easy to resolve at the first opportunity.

Men - Tigers can be happy if they strive not for passionate love, but for easy entertainment. But it would not hurt them at all if sometimes they felt with their hearts, and not with their minds. They really like it when their partner is in the company of other people, and therefore they do not insist too much on living together. To do this, they need a suitable woman who would not be too romantic.

From the very beginning, Men - Tigers must dot the "i" and say that they do not tolerate condemnation and lies. If they are seized by the desire to have fun, they should boldly leave the house, and they will surely meet many admirers. But Tiger men do not need to shock loved ones, especially their partners.

These men never panic if someone declares their love to them. They always have something to say in response, and they never use the onslaught, even if they want to possess a person. They usually maintain relationships with many people and therefore should give their loved ones more attention. Men - Tigers should choose a partner for themselves who will not become too jealous of them, and it is better if they have common interests. It would be completely irresponsible to choose a spouse who claims to constantly want to be around. These people need freedom and hate restrictions. But still, they should focus their attention on one partner and not expend energy on everyone. Men - Tigers can be ideal partners, but only when they are ready to run to the call.


Usually their house is striking in cleanliness, because Tiger women constantly walk around with a rag in their hands. But in this life you need to bring everything to a shine. They should think about finding a family and children, although they are not quite suitable for this role.

Women - Tigers tend to tire their partner with their sociability and activity, he can even get angry when a lot of people are spinning around this charming person.

These women are not at all indifferent to who revolves around them and in what environment they live. Hesitant to marry, they should not marry only because of public opinion. After all, all the same, they will not be able to impress society with this. These are proud women who do not know how to spy and rummage through the pockets of their spouse. But they suffer greatly from betrayal and forced lies. They always show themselves as loving and gentle spouses, but still need freedom, and sometimes - in the company of acquaintances. But at the same time, they must show their partner that after a noisy party they are happy to return home. They should not choose a partner who is morbidly jealous, because the connection with him will instantly collapse, and they should not play the role of a femme fatale.

Women - Tigers always avoid domestic troubles and do not allow their husband to find out that she loves to play the first games, this can become a pretext for civil war. They reward their partner with constancy, but if they meet a shallow person, they immediately part. Women - Tigers do not like to regret after making hasty decisions. Their trust in the future can save the union, so they are used to giving their loved ones a chance. If they made some mistake, they will not lose their authority, they will immediately apologize and admit mistakes. But they can't forget it.


This little child will cause you a lot of trouble from early childhood, because he does not want to recognize discipline. little Tigers are cheerful, burning with incredible impatience to explore this enchanting world on their own. Little Tiger cubs are not afraid of anything and always go ahead. They will not look for excuses if they have done something illegal, they will simply declare that it should be so. Such children should not be brought up only at the family hearth, they need to be in a team. They are accustomed to measure their strength not only with their peers, but even with adults.

Don't be alarmed when your child - a Tiger skydiving or sticking his finger into a power outlet - gets by. He is not afraid of difficulties, and one who is mentally prepared is in a certain sense invulnerable. Of course, no one is immune from accidents, he can, for example, break his leg, but this will not make him afraid of the upcoming difficulties. He needs to be aware of the risk he is taking. The most important thing for the Tiger is to learn to control yourself as early as possible.

The Tiger child needs to be reminded more often about the boundaries of what is permitted, which he sometimes forgets. He needs to explain in an intelligible and calm manner what can be done, what is subject to a ban. It is not bad that he knows the world, but he must not let himself be carried away by base instincts. Of course, there is a possibility that he will become stubborn, but later he will realize that you were right. The policy of carrots and sticks cannot be applied to Tiger cubs. They need to be given the opportunity to sort out life on their own in order to survive in any situation.

Usually the Tigers leave their parental home early in order to earn a living themselves. They do not want to bear the bondage of everyday life and always strive to be independent both financially and morally. And there is no need to be afraid to let the Tiger go away from you, he will go into this world with confident, leisurely steps, carefully peering into the distance.


Such people can be distinguished in any society. They are independent, easy-going, and have the keen eye of a hunter. Under such a look, you involuntarily feel like a prey that causes royal appetite. If someone liked the Tiger, then he will not miss the opportunity to seduce and captivate him. The most unforgettable moments of your life can be associated with a tiger. The tiger can change, but only if circumstances force him to. But it does not tolerate change. Upon learning of the misconduct of a partner, he will retire with dignity.

If you want to give the Tiger a gift, it is better to choose a long and interesting journey to a corner of the earth unknown to him. And if this is not possible, buy him the skin of a wild animal. He will appreciate your attention. But if communication with the Tiger gives you trouble, try to put a collar on him. The freedom-loving beast will not bear such an insult and will not bother you.


That passionate, impetuous Tiger is trying to know happiness in love even before coming of age. As we have already noted, he believes only in his own experience and therefore will not believe the moral teachings of outsiders. Usually the second reason he leaves home is early marriage.

Tigers are too exalted, terribly sentimental, they quickly accept love and admire it until it turns into everyday life. Communication can only continue if the partner is smart and knows how to artificially stir up the interest and curiosity of the Tiger, otherwise the passion of our predator will quickly pass. Yes, and the Tiger cannot be called unfaithful, he just needs animal passion and if he does not receive it, then he tries to find it on the side, thus asserting himself.

The Tiger needs to test its irresistibility, because the art of seduction for the Tiger is something like a sport to keep fit. He is capable of great love, but often his feelings become overly strong and therefore his love affairs rarely have a happy ending.

There are other ways to keep the Tiger: hint to him that there are interesting partners besides him. The tiger will never allow his prey to be stolen from him and will jealously guard his rights of superiority. “But in no case should you go too far, because the Tiger's patience may someday burst. He may say that he is tired of this unsettled life, but he himself will never be able to turn into a skin that decorates the floor by the fireplace.

The Tiger has strong feelings and he almost never lies, as he hates pretense. But it also happens that he himself destroys what he created. Unconsciously, he can offend a partner without even noticing it. Naturally, this can lead to a break. This will cause him great regret, but in a few days he will be on the trail again.

It is best for the tiger not to get involved in intricate intrigues, because they can only bring him suffering. Although they are bright personalities and many envy them, their life is very difficult. Because of his own nobility, he often sacrifices himself. Tigers are loyal, very generous and always sincere. Therefore, when they break, they royally leave their positions. They are good at losing. There is no better friend and nobler enemy than the Tiger.


Thanks to their looks and charm, Tigers are the most seductive partners in the entire horoscope. But you can not thoughtlessly rush into their arms, because they, captivating, take possession, and then quickly cool down. When they are convinced that sex is a mistake of their youth, they move on to a more serious relationship.

In all situations, Tigers want to dominate and do not like to be dragged into bed. Any of their relationships are of a long-term nature, so they demand respect for themselves. Tigers live by their own mind and sex for them is not a diplomatic tactic. Tigers love company and love to be given attention. They hold themselves very elegantly, and if they like someone, the financial situation of this person does not matter.

In the sexual act they insist on its purity. They start sex slowly, but when they pick up the pace, they show some animal instincts. Sex for them is beautiful music in which they are used to expressing their imagination. They seek new pleasures and try everything. They believe that anything that enhances pleasure is perfectly acceptable. Their warmth and understanding is effective especially for those who suffer from an inferiority complex. In their desire to please, they always put the needs of others first, not their own.


Tigers are born adventurers, conquerors. They love to shine and show off. Naturally, they will not lose the reins of government in the family either. They will definitely find an organized spouse, capable of not only managing the household, but also decorating their life. As for the Tiger woman, she can run a house for the sake of personal prosperity. Women of this sign are too active and emancipated. They cannot take someone's orders and give all the time only to the family. The Tiger Woman has time everywhere, but only if her husband performs some household chores.

Tigers love to travel. They cannot be called exemplary parents, because they themselves sometimes do not believe in what they say. Imagine that the Tiger will teach his child common sense and caution. Absurd! In this case, they may lie if they see that they have achieved the desired goal. If the restrained and sensitive Tiger has a good influence on children, allowing them to experience life for themselves, then such a parent becomes a very dangerous educator. They do not know how to hide mood swings, outbursts of impulsiveness and anger, and this can tragically affect the life and character of children born in the year of the Rat, Hare, Sheep and Dog. Such children need affection and understanding. It is better for a tiger to deal with a child - a Dragon, a Horse, a Monkey or a Rooster. Such children will admire their parents and look forward to their advice. With a child - Pig, it is not always possible to reach mutual understanding, it is a little easier in this regard with the Ox and the Snake. True, the Ox, with his adamant principles, can make the Tiger suffer. Child - The Snake will always try to show off, but his parents will consider his actions unnatural.


Tigers are born leaders and commanders, so they are not at all created for submission. Often the actions of the Tigers are impulsive, but still they have incredible intuition that keeps them from complete disaster. They do not want to be indebted to anyone, even parents or loved ones. They retain the right to belong to themselves.

The head of the Tiger is filled with interesting ideas, he is able to carry out new ideas that do not cause any doubts among those around him. At a boring job, they feel enslaved and therefore will try to leave it at the first opportunity. The risk does not frighten them at all, they are confident in their actions. And they never do anything halfway, trying to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. Their passionate enthusiasm and dynamism conquers those around them, so they always find allies who are ready to follow them to the last.

The tiger does not like to share his laurels, he does not report to anyone and does not recognize responsibilities. When it comes to some kind of change, the Tiger shows perseverance, reaching the impudence. Everything is in motion with him, no one is bored with him. Tigers have deep knowledge that even a specialist can baffle. A tiger that is deprived of independent activity becomes aggressive and unstable. Women - Tigers are always ready to support any new idea in order to overcome conventions or achieve equality with men.

Tigers are suitable for the role of a military leader or factory manager, but at the same time they can become dangerous gangsters, because they love professions that involve risk. Most often they can be found in the role of a paratrooper, parachutist, driver, matador, coach, investigator, boss in various industries. Often they make good statesmen, revolutionaries.


People of this sign easily operate in financial areas, in transactions with movable and immovable property, in stock exchange transactions. Often they can be found in theater salons or in sports, where they invariably come out winners.

Tigers need to be very rich because they have higher demands than other people. They love long trips, luxury safaris. In their outings they are accustomed to minimal comfort, but in everyday life they are surrounded by both simple and luxurious things. Their salons are occupied by low wide sofas, silk pillows. Often their floor is decorated with the skins of wild animals. Tigers love beautiful things: Persian carpets, a lot of souvenirs that they bring from trips. If they are athletes, then their walls are hung with military trophies. But they do not attach much importance to them, rather, it exists for self-praise in front of the guests.

Their room is somewhat like a lair, and they don't like it when their territory is invaded. And this cave of a predator makes an enthusiastic and at the same time oppressive impression on those around. The tiger, even in the house, is used to showing his imagination and imagination.



This man is always on the move, he lives in the jungle and hunts for his livelihood. Such a Tiger is always happy, because luck does not leave him. He boldly makes his way and appropriates all the booty, he does not share with anyone. But this has its drawbacks, as the vigilance of this Tiger can be lulled. His life should go according to the planned cycle, where ups and downs follow. And if he forgets about it, he will be severely punished, because he will fall into his own trap. In the Tiger with the Ascendant of the Tiger, there are two leaders on the same throne, who get along, despite their claws and fangs.


A very difficult combination of characters, giving a real bloodthirsty predator. This man cannot live in the world. The tiger cannot let him calm down and rest on the top of Olympus. After all, the Tiger is a born hunter who is used to walking without any restrictions, not paying attention to any threats and traps. The smallest details do not escape him. Always and in any situation, he is used to taking the palm. Often he mindlessly assumes the role of a conqueror, but the Rat is unlikely to like this. Between them, a struggle is easily tied up, but this brings an interesting result. The Tiger has a well-developed leader instinct, and the Rat is quite arrogant, but with this combination, she still has to become more tolerant and faithful.


Such people cannot but make a mistake, because they are very absent-minded. It is difficult to follow the path of such an Ox. Both of these signs are distinguished by great determination and in one person they are combined, since both know how to seduce. It is difficult to imagine a hunter and a thinker in one person, but it is true. Greater ingenuity cannot be imagined. These individuals do not tolerate compromises, they always forget about modesty if they need to achieve something. True, they know how to stop in time. And when they feel that they have crossed the line, they either self-destruct or achieve their goal, because the endurance and confidence of the Ox gives the Tiger inexhaustible strength.


Be careful with this animal, because its appearance is very deceptive. Outwardly, he seems affectionate, fluffy and soft, but in fact we do not recommend stroking him, because he will bite off your hand. y These two animals coexist well in one personality, since they have a common desire - to overtake their prey. The Hare gets along well in the Tiger's skin, and the Tiger is very profitable to cooperate with his long-eared like-minded person. For such a person, life is just a game. He sows illusions and confuses the souls of people.


Such a Tiger will not fall asleep on the way. He is an excellent guide and an excellent watchdog. He can lead the dragon along the mysterious paths without feeling any fear. They get along excellently with each other, because the Tiger suffers from loneliness, and the Dragon can make him a pleasant company. The Tiger will awaken the sleeping Dragon, and the Dragon will be able to push the Tiger into battle. It is a union of claws and teeth, it spews fire. Such a person can awaken fear and respect in others.


This is a dangerous and cunning person, personifying the black magician. At any moment, such a person can be treacherous. The bite of such a Tiger is poisonous, and, as a rule, he uses it to achieve his own goal. Often, in this person, restraint turns into aggressiveness, characteristic of the Snake, which no one loves. The snake living in the Tiger is also a symbol of knowledge. A tiger, accustomed to honors, often does not notice a reptile that crawls along the same road. The snake can pretend to be embarrassed, because she is a great connoisseur of detours. But, as a rule, the Tiger falls into her trap and thus puts himself under attack.


Ardent and unstoppable, the Horse instantly feels the trap and easily takes the obstacle. She chooses a difficult path for herself, actively rushing into a gallop. She shows maximum caution and is always balanced, calm and patient, which hardly coexists in the soul of the Tiger. After all, this beautiful, graceful animal always prefers the open path to the winding paths of the jungle. True, the Tiger quickly knows how to pacify the unstoppable Horse.


At heart, the Tiger is a dreamer and an artist, although this may seem strange to you. Still, the Tiger also has respite between hunts, when he wants to rest. During periods of such respite, various thoughts come to his head, and one day, looking around, he sees that, in addition to his victims, there is both nature and an amazing sky Perhaps that is why the Tiger does not eat the graceful Sheep. He allows her to frolic in front of him. With her, the path of the Tiger becomes more fantastic and life's trials will seem like a trifle.


This is a very interesting personality, in which the tricks and tricks that the Monkey is capable of coexist with the sagacity and lightness of the Tiger. True, this greatly surprises the Tiger and sometimes makes him bristle. But the Monkey has a lot of inventions in its assortment and it will help the Tiger to become more flexible. In this respect, she is very similar to the Sheep - perhaps this combination is dangerous. This personality combines the restraint, arrogance and constant fidgetiness of the Monkey, which can bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to life.


Such a person likes to always be the first and own any situation. This is probably not the best option for all occasions. He is not afraid of competition, although he is often close to banality. His path is always full of traps and unnecessary surprises. Of course, it's great when a person has a lot of optimism, he always strives to win. But there is another danger: sometimes you can make a mistake. We must not forget that the higher a person climbs, the more painful it is for him to fall. In this case, the Tiger's caution is somewhat dulled by the negligence of the Rooster.


Such a person looks like a watchman within four walls. He is often a pessimist. The Tiger, which in this variation looks like an ogre, acquires the virtuosity of a Dog. He becomes reasonable, feels good in the environment and shows maximum caution in his territory. The dog also gives him a sense of time and space, the Tiger calms down, begins to understand the relativity of things and acquires a sense of affection. He understands that after the termination of the material path, he will have to go through another, more difficult path. Such a person has a danger of falling into the wrong spheres.


This ascendant symbolizes a successful path, but, of course, it depends on the aspect in which the concept of luck is interpreted. The boar takes the Tiger along the dark paths, making him a mystic and opening the spiritual world to him. But he does it for free. After all, we must not forget that the Boar is a symbol of wealth, but not only material, and the Tiger is the king of the jungle. The tiger is a real beast, a passionate hunter. not always the angel who wants to be.



In the soul of this person sits a Tiger who rushes forward and loves action for the sake of action itself. No brakes can hold him back. He is an amazing and at the same time tedious creature, a kind of loyal predator. Such a person does not know detours either in words or in actions. Tiger - Aries is not interested in subtleties and does not hear the opinions of people, he discards the principles that interfere with him with incredible ease. He sometimes lacks memory, he lives in the present and the near future.

They do not tolerate objections and obstacles. Usually they are loved, as their sincerity is unparalleled. They are really kind, sincere and never resort to evil jokes. It helps others to endure their shortcomings. After all, they are so quick-tempered and it is difficult for them to get along with people whose temperament is more contemplative. They consider such people cold and indifferent. But the Tigers are never boring. You won't even have time to breathe. They are too busy with active life to fall into lengthy reflection.


This is a very formidable beast, endowed with caution and realism. Taurus always reckon with the will and independence of the Tiger. They are a strange hybrid - a tiger with sharp horns. They feel great in the field of finance and easily navigate the confusion of the exchange. Quietly hiding in the jungle of entrepreneurship, they wait for the moment when they can strike. They are both cautious and furious, bold and judicious, they will try their luck and the confidence to acquire wealth. They know how to control their feelings, but most often they burst into bright flames and quickly exhaust themselves. They want to always be emotional, do not like to start all over again. Tigers - Taurus do not like to risk their property, they are often extremely inattentive to their loved ones. Because of their busyness, they do not see the white light. Therefore, in the family there are irritable, but still loyal and authoritative owners. They are true friends and know how to defend themselves from enemies, but they are endowed with deceit and never forget insults. They can be violent and secretive.


This is a very risky combination of fantasy and courage. Such people are attracted to the most unexpected things. They can't sit still and quickly get carried away with new ideas that they come up with a fight. They are always ready to take off, but never grab a weapon. They will find plenty of reasons to walk away from the fight.

Tigers - Gemini are inventive, talkative, endowed with originality, analytical mind and incredible stubbornness. Don't expect loyalty from them, they are natural playboys. For them, love is an exciting game, nothing more. With a patient partner, they will behave cheekily all their lives.

This brilliant personality can become superficial and waste himself on trifles. Most often, these are adventure hunters who act, as a rule, thoughtlessly. But they are lucky. They have developed great ingenuity.


This strange animal in the shell of Cancer needs constant balance and a certain lifestyle, activity, and rest. In work they are ambitious, courageous, independent; acquire all the qualities of the Tiger, crossed with the passive resistance of Cancer. They like to spend their free time surrounded by pillows, furs and bliss in a soft bed. They all depend on balance, on the environment and style. They are complacent and develop the qualities of these signs, that is, loyalty, Generosity and the desire to protect the weak. But when these animals find balance, they become adherents of Bohemia. Then they avoid responsibility, become unstable, selfish and, as a rule, very touchy.

Such felines are, on the one hand, very independent, but on the other hand, they are attached to old friends and habits. If you do not interfere with their inherent rhythm of life, they will be very pleasant to talk to.


This Tiger belongs to the royal breed because he is twice lord. He is the master of the beasts and the lord of the jungle. He likes to demonstrate seriousness and pride, he always has greatness and prestige. The Tiger-Leo is impeccably loyal if treated with respect, otherwise he will become touchy.

They should only be in a high position, then dreams come true. They love to shine with their bright personality. But if they are hindered or humiliated, Tiger-Lions become unstable, deeply dissatisfied. In this state, they begin to shirk from work and, as it were, lose their abilities. They are made for the jungle, not for the calm plains. They consider everyday life to be gray, as they do not tolerate any restrictions and everyone yields to them. Such a Tiger must be kept at the family hearth, but if there are no children, it becomes a threat to the home.


This is a very successful combination, if you do not take into account some dissimilarities of characters. Excessive energy and independence are hidden in the Tiger, which balances the indecision and scrupulousness of the Virgo. Such a person has a lot of talent, common sense and modesty to pacify the Tiger's love of risk. Such people are very liked by others, they have a lot of advantages and do not lose their prestige and authority. They are respected because they are very attentive to others. Such Tigers are at all levels of the hierarchy. They are practically invulnerable because their weak points are very well hidden. In love, they are responsible, because their taste for victory coexists with realism. They can organize an ambush, which helps to gain self-confidence. But if a friend gets caught in a snare, he will never suffer in vain.


Such animals are very vulnerable, because they are sentimental, and the love of risk captures them completely. Tigers - Libra is very dangerous in the emotional spheres, they are passionate, able to seduce, but at the same time very affectionate.

These people are incredibly charming, sociable and helpful. In case of disappointment, they nobly part, but at the same time look very unhappy. They probably don't know how to deal with defeat. At such moments, they question everything, including their actions. There are many tears in their lives.

In the profession, they are very active, able to work miracles. They are fair and maintain excellent relations with everyone. Tiger-Libra is difficult to deceive, because they are competent in almost all areas and do not look for reasons for conflict. By nature, they are a bit of an artist, a bit of a consumer, so they are always lucky, but in love they are rarely happy.


These Tigers are so good at camouflage that it is very difficult to distinguish them from the landscape. But there are unfortunate accidents and tragic mistakes when a stranger enters their territory. Then the Tiger will growl and it is better to flee at such moments. You need to run fast so as not to be torn to pieces, because this is the most dangerous Tiger of all the Tigers.

They are cautious, flexible, perfectly aware of the tricks of their enemies, therefore they themselves are able to use many tricks in an aggressive strategy. They feel great only in a fight in the outcome of which they are sure. Such Tigers win smartly, since no one sees their traps.

At first they give a peaceful impression and take advantage of it. They play carefully and remember the smallest details. The most positive thing about this combination is the ability to live and protect both yourself and others. This is a captivating and addicting nature with a sense of humor, comprehensively developed and loving violence. The independence of this Tiger must be respected, then he will be a wonderful, interesting companion.


This is a rather unpredictable type who cannot find a balance between extremes. He is noble, magnanimous, tireless. Always goes forward, overflowing with the enthusiasm of those around him, ready to captivate them with him.

They love to win great battles. Even a woman of this sign is a robber in her soul and was not born for family life. But why do they still dislike them? Probably because they are not created for the family and instantly become powerful despots in the house.

It is best for these Tigers to work as drivers on long-haul flights or in travel agencies, as in other business they can create a big mess. With their irresistibility, they can ignite the crowd and give a little childhood, because until the end of their days they remain children.


This is a very rare type of Tiger, which feels great in bad weather and conquers the impenetrable nooks and crannies of the planet. Having risen to the top, he looks down with contempt. The fearlessness of the Tiger and the dedication of Capricorn make for the strongest and most flexible combination. Their strength is in the impenetrability of relationships, because they always remain extremely inaccessible. They are full of ambition, but most of all they are interested in the challenge that they throw to themselves. Life for them is a sporting event where they set records.

Tigers - Capricorns are very prudent, they do not count on luck and rely only on their iron will. They always take calculated risks, but it happens that despite their foresight they sometimes get into a mess. From such traps, they are selected with great difficulty. Then they run the risk of being completely alone, which happens, as a rule, on the slope of life. You can always rely on these people, but you cannot use them for personal gain.


Such Tigers are endowed with great idealism. They are cute, but only if they are perceived impartially. They cannot be fully relied upon and kept close by. They can instantly be on the other side of the world for the sake of a loved one, but they hate the feeling of pity. He will always help, but he will do it spontaneously, evaluating the need for help according to his strange criteria. This is probably good to some extent: when the riskiness of the Tiger is criticized by the judicious Aquarius, the Tiger begins to think about the motives of his actions. Such people are capable of great things, but this does not mean that they are not in danger, on the contrary, they will often find themselves in a difficult situation.

Tigers - Aquarians tend to idealize people, but people don't deserve it. It is difficult to get along with these Tigers for a long time, because they are not made for family life. Even if they are in love, they will not want to tie the knot, and not because they are unfaithful, just because they want to gain more life experience. They make excellent lawyers, artists and, in general, everyone who loves the public.


This is a very strange combination that turns the Tiger into a cold-blooded animal. In this case, the nature of the Tiger suffers, because he loses his courage and aggressiveness, but the imagination is multiplied tenfold. The tiger is noble and proud, but he acquires ostentatious self-denial from Pisces. The tiger is a bit of an artist, he loves dramatic situations and big words. He beats all records in failed deals and unrequited love.

Such people need strong satellites, who really look at the state of affairs, in order to lower the Tiger hovering in the clouds to the ground. He is a gentle creature who cannot adapt to anything for a long time, he needs to be helped to feel useful. He has excellent artistic inclinations, he is original in thinking and it would be better for him to be born a woman. Such Tigers have many feminine traits, they would make beautiful and charming seductresses. The men of this sign also have a lot of charm, they are often excellent poets.



In family life, things are even worse, because both try to play a dominant role. But from another point of view, their union can bring positive results. Because they don't need to be pushed and fired up, these vibrant personalities can complement a partner's efforts. Everything depends solely on both of them, because there are also such Tigers that are similar to cats. In this case, such a partner with his prudence and patience will help maintain peace in the house. After all, the Tiger is noble and knows how to listen to another, but this should not last too long. And one more rule: such partners must be constantly busy in order to completely smooth out all the troubles.


The best way to arouse the admiration of the Rat is to show courage and courage in front of her. But the Tiger does not occupy her. And yet communication between them is extremely difficult. Of course, at the same time, their passion is satisfied, but the Tiger is a born predator and is used to freedom. Therefore, from time to time he comes out of his cave and begins to scour in search of new prey, and it will be very difficult for the Rat to survive this. The Rat does not like to be played on her feelings, she believes that she is simply irresistible. True, she understands that others may have flaws. She is not very vindictive. And when she sees that the Tiger is back, her heart calms down. The Tiger is a realist and completely disinterested, but the Rat is greedy, and its fear of the future makes the king of the jungle very funny. Maybe in this they complement each other, because our ever-hungry predator will always be delighted with a piece of meat hidden by the Rat for a rainy day.


For such a bloodthirsty animal as the Tiger, the Ox is an excellent prey, because the Tiger will never resist the temptation to snatch a fresh piece of meat in his life. The ox is not too accustomed to being attacked or urged on, he will not let himself be swallowed. Oxen are too freedom-loving, and the one who manages to eat it will definitely spoil the stomach. The ox cannot prevent the Tiger from leading a predatory lifestyle, but all the same, he tries to somehow dominate, to warn him. They cannot see a common business, because every trifling misunderstanding ends in a stormy scandal. But women - Oxen are somewhat different from the male representative of this sign, and they get used to the silent role if the Tigers can satisfy all their needs. But later they will definitely show impatience. The Tiger Woman will definitely pay attention to the majestic Ox, because in her eyes he is an example of a pure conscience.


These two signs have a lot in common. Both signs love to get laid. In all respects, they are excellent businessmen, but at the same time they want to maintain a sense of freedom. They both love to travel, and then warm up at the family hearth. These are two independent animals that you do not need to try to protect with four walls. But the Hare does not have such risky behavior as the Tiger, and thinks more about his own safety. In this union, it is better if the Hare takes second positions, only then does he have the right to exist. The tiger must earn a living, and the Hare is better to let him organize comfort. In this case, the Hare should become a small deterrent for his reckless partner. The Tiger will certainly be annoyed by the prudence of the Hare, who will begin to control the Tiger. This can give rise to quarrels, but still the diplomat has the last word.


These signs are also very similar, because they are bold, energetic and very enterprising. Tigers are excellent advisers and always warn their partner's imprudent steps. But they themselves are the first to climb into the fray. The dragon also likes to lead and is always sure of his own rightness. The Dragon can give the Tiger the will of rational thinking, which will be very useful for the Tiger, because paths worthy of his efforts will be opened to him. Because of this, the Dragon can mislead the Tiger or push him to a difficult adventure. But that doesn't scare them at all. Their mutual knowledge of the measure will make life together only more exciting! True, this somewhat loses stability. If the Dragon refuses to obey the Tiger, conflicts and disputes will undoubtedly arise, but thanks to their sincerity, these signs will be able to smooth out any misunderstandings.

Together they always succeed, as each infects the success of the other and at the same time there is absolutely no rivalry between them. They will make a lot of noise in their business, but if they have a good administrator, things will go even better.


The union is not entirely favorable, because the Tiger is a mobile animal, and the Snake is prone to contemplation and will consider the Tiger simply nervous. The snake will not want to follow the Tiger, keep up with his pace, because she is too lazy and loves to be urged on. She is accustomed to figure everything out herself and hates other people's advice, even if they are appropriate. Often simply dogmatic, and the Tiger absolutely cannot stand this. The snake is the owner, who always follows winding paths, and the Tiger always follows only a straight path and ahead. The snake constantly thinks about the result, and the Tiger prefers to think about the means, so they do not understand each other. The Tiger will not be willing to follow the sinuous lines of the Serpent, and the Serpent will not be able to tame the wild Tiger. In business, they always have a great union, because they complement each other. One takes the risk and the other takes the execution. Living together is completely impossible, since the Snake will betray the Tiger, and he will destroy it.


These are two types of enthusiast, together they can move mountains. In their contact, everything is going well, provided that the Tiger does not pay attention to the egoism of the Horse. In the foreground, she always has a desire, but if she is in love, the situation is different. It is better if their union is based on mutual feeling, then the Tiger will not have time to think about the strange behavior of the Horse. But if their feelings are held on a different basis, the Tiger can be quickly disappointed, because the Horse is blind to its shortcomings and is so convinced that it is right that it is very difficult for her to explain her mistakes.

The horse is always sure that he cares not only about himself, but also about his partner. In practice, things are quite different. In relation to the Horse, the Tiger is more liberal. But in the event of a conflict, disputes take a tragic turn. The horse rears up, and the Tiger goes wild.


The heart of the Tiger is filled with joy when he sees a Sheep nibbling grass in the meadow - she bleats plaintively, and the Tiger quietly approaches her in anticipation of a delicious dinner. But it is not yet known whether he can eat the Sheep. Maybe he will be fascinated by her? In love, laws are not written. A sheep always seeks protection from a stronger personality, and a Tiger in love will turn out to be a good defender and he will never want to eat his charming victim. He will give her freedom and this, at first glance, will seem very strange, but in fact it is just a manifestation of sincere feelings. Sheep also needs freedom, she loves to travel and look at the stars, and the Tiger will not interfere with this. She admires his courage, valor, and it's great if they have enough funds in reserve, because the Sheep does not know how to handle money. Then the Tiger sometimes cannot fulfill its obligations, it relies only on chance. But they are happy and relate to each other with touching connectedness.


Despite its adventurism, the Tiger is not as thin as the Monkey. He respects the freedom of a partner and loves clarity in relationships. But the Monkey loves to chase two hares, she is used to being liked by everyone and cannot deny herself this weakness. She is used to adapting and is constantly trying to elude the Tiger. This irritates him very much. The monkey is a mocker and loves to mock people's weaknesses. Of course, she cannot be indifferent to the delightful Tiger and cannot resist the temptation to pull his mustache. In this case, the Tiger is waiting for the moment when the Monkey falls asleep in order to devour it. This union is possible only if both show maximum restraint in the relationship.


This is a very difficult union for the reason that the sensitive and loyal Tiger is not too reasonable to understand the actions of the Rooster. The tiger is often confused by the actions of people. But the Rooster cannot be judged only for external actions. The rooster always makes an irresistible impression on those around him with his variegation, which sometimes creates a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis personality. In alliance with the Tiger, at first everything goes well for them. The power-hungry Tiger is flattered by the adoration of the Rooster. But soon the bragging of the Rooster begins to annoy the Tiger, and the Tiger begins to criticize him. The rooster cannot stand criticism and suffers from the injustice of the striped partner. The matter takes an undesirable turn, the Rooster feels misunderstood and decides to retire to where people are more tolerant. But before he leaves, he will frankly tell the truth to the Tiger. They can always maintain friendly relations, be wonderful lovers or companions, but not for long.


Both of them are incorrigible idealists. Therefore, some misunderstandings occur in their union. The dog always tries to get ahead, and the Tiger - to maintain a dominant position. But in their desire to fight, they will always find a common language. They have common points of contact - for this they need a goal that they will quickly find. And together they will fight to the end, while for them there are no obstacles and enthusiasm never dries up. The generous dynamism of the Tiger brings a smile to the Dog. But the Dog can find arguments in time to refute the Tiger's judgment and save him from an unnecessary step. This union can be very happy, its only enemy is everyday life. True, even here it is not without difficulties, because the Dog needs constant assurances of affection, and the Tiger is not too accustomed to showing signs of attention. For a long-term union, they need to more deeply comprehend their behavior, find common goals, only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony.


These signs are united by their loyalty. They know how to make friends and love, their nights are full of passion and they know what honor is. The tiger is much more cunning than the Boar, and therefore it helps him defend himself. He instills in the Boar the ability to find weaknesses in the enemy's defense and thus adapts him to life. Both respect each other's freedom, show tolerance and trust, which is the basis of their union.

From time to time, the Tiger infuriates his partner, but he does this not out of malice, but rather out of curiosity.

In business, things are great, they complement each other.



This year is not very successful for the Tiger. He needs to think about the future. The work will be very difficult and the money will not be enough. Everything can be achieved only with care and patience. And in no case should impulsive actions be allowed. This year will not bring him the fruits he deserves.


This year is of medium intensity. The tiger will be haunted by skirmishes and misunderstandings, and all because of his abnormal stubbornness. It is better not to take anything serious, and only in this case it will be possible to avoid danger. He will be resisted by influential personalities, so the Tiger needs to pacify his rebel soul a little. At the end of the year, all the troubles will stop, you just need to live until the end of the year.


This is another year of medium intensity. Of course, the Tigers can do whatever they want and even start new businesses. Tigers can only be successful if others help them in need. But it is better not to take serious actions this year either, so that they do not turn against him. The Tiger will not have big worries or illnesses, but, most likely, he will squander all his money or will not have time to earn it.


This year is more successful than previous ones. Tiger expect good news both in love and in work. The tiger will definitely be lucky. Of course, there will be obstacles, but, all the same, they will be easily overcome. It is better to use this year for rest, it will not hurt, but will only benefit.


The Year of the Dragon is not particularly fruitful for the Tiger. During this period, it is difficult for Tigers to earn money, and on the advice of others, they can make an unreasonable investment. These events can affect the nervous system. The year will be rich in emotions. Heartaches await them due to the loss of love or the loss of an ally. The tiger needs to resist change, even if it is for good.


This year is favorable for the Tiger. He will not be rich in large gains and losses. The tiger must learn one golden rule: water does not flow under a lying stone. Life will be quite calm, but you should not get into other people's intrigues. The tiger will do well and will not be affected by serious illnesses. However, disappointments on the part of the partner are possible. If the Tiger has the opportunity, then you definitely need to go on a trip, it will help him unwind a little.


This is a beautiful and happy year, the Tigers will be out of danger. We need action and no rest. All their affairs will be done with great ease, so you can safely take risks. Tigers will be lucky and they can get a promotion. They can make good money, save money, or get extra income. They are waiting for magnificent festivities and good news from home.


This is a good year, although some problems will take a long time. Misunderstandings and conversations in the house will add tension to the work and will not allow the Tiger to breathe freely. He certainly needs to rest, although this is quite difficult to do. Loss of personal property is also possible. But if you look globally, these are minor annoyances. The best thing to do in this case is to take a train and go in search of rest.


Pretty bad year. Tigers are waiting for obstacles and irritation, which will greatly undermine their patience. It's time to bring your new ideas to life. It is better for them to avoid confrontations and hide their anger away, because this can lead to lawsuits. The tiger will often meet and host many pleasant guests, as well as travel more than usual. We need to look at the world more realistically and make compromises, if necessary.


This is an average year. It's better for Tiger to be more patient. This year may be a real period of rebellion for them. But the Tigers must continue their fight, otherwise they will be disappointed. Of course, at first glance, their problems may seem intractable, but they will turn out to be surmountable, because the Tigers will be helped at the last moment. These saviors will be either new friends or a secret well-wisher.


During this period, the Tiger is protected from great troubles. To succeed, you need to work hard, and the Tigers are full of zeal. They are ready for any adventures and big things. Of course, they will feel overworked and rather lonely, because they have been pulling this yoke for so long. But still, happiness will accompany them, and thanks to the help of influential people, they will have time to carry out their plans.


This year, it is better for the Tigers to limit their expenses, because material well-being from the beginning of the year will not be too long. It is better for them to refrain from risky investments and new alliances. To gain time, they had better be busy putting in order the payments already made. Risk is a noble cause, but not in the year of the Boar.


This year is a real fireworks show because it usually starts with a shake and ends with a shove. These years are significant for wars, conflicts, cataclysms and troubles of various nature. This is a long and busy year. All the events that will take place this year will be very large-scale and will require courage. Everything that happens will be brought to extreme heat. During this period, you can create a fortune or lose everything to the last penny. At critical moments, people will do desperate and dramatic things. They are like the Tigers, they will rush into the attack, without any deliberation, and then very much regret it.

All transactions, new alliances and friendships require mutual trust. Treaties made this year will be too fragile and tend to fall apart quickly. But all the same, in especially difficult moments, the Tiger fills with new life and energy of people weakened unions, enterprises that are threatened with bankruptcy. There will still be time for major issues to generate new ideas and bold moves. The fiery heat of the Tiger will inflame everyone. And despite the negative aspects, the year can be purifying. Just as fire separates noble metals from slag, so the Tiger can reveal goodness in everyone.



The highlight of this year is autumn. His Yin is strengthened by Yin, which can manifest as a loss of energy and dynamism. This year warns against self-destruction and masochism. This is the period when you need to be less rough, more flexible and smooth out sharp corners. Flexibility of body and mind is necessary, otherwise violence may be encountered.


The culmination of this year is winter. You need to be very careful not to splash in the mud. This year it is desirable to maintain your tone. This period should be used to reflect on plans. This is a time of stagnation, so you can not sit still and, as a result of slow degradation, do not allow things to rot. Hesitation can be fatal.


The culmination of this year is spring, a time of growth and prosperity. The tiger is fueled by the Yang inside him. During this period, he is more enterprising and creatively successful. This period should be used to start a new business and discover your artistic talents.

The tree is a symbol of poetry, it is necessary to act softer, then it is easier to adapt. During this period, there is a desire for renewal. Persistence will pay off.


The culmination of this year is summer, a period of spiritual strength. But you don't need to let him carry you away, because the fire devours. Such a Tiger, leaving the East and going to the South, becomes a big Yan. This is a year of great intensity - you need to be extremely careful.


The culmination of this year is a hot summer. The tiger feels comfortable and safe. He is very lucky this year. The year abounds with good booty. One should take advantage of this period to turn one's face towards others, but in no case should one cultivate a sense of one's own superiority, otherwise the situation will turn against him and the person will surely feel pain when falling.



This year, fate is preparing sharp turns for Aries, and the way out will depend only on the Aries themselves. These are people of real business who skillfully know how to manage their moods and actively influence others. In search of adventure, they will meet the person they have long dreamed of and win his heart.


The actions of Taurus this year are extremely controversial. They act either too carefully or extremely thoughtlessly. Sometimes they deliberately begin to conflict, at other times they begin to unreasonably avoid even the necessary clarifications. Whether they will be able to benefit from favorable circumstances depends entirely on their changeable mood.


In the year of the Tiger, Gemini will be incredibly popular. They are always characterized by impulsiveness and impatience, and Fortune will always be favorable to them. Sometimes their radicalism will be excessive due to which they will make many more new enemies.


This year, the chances for cloudless love of Cancer are not great enough, but he must learn to distinguish true friends from sycophants. His demeanor will inspire partners with a sense of disgust. Of course, such a situation can reach a quarrel, the consequences of which will certainly benefit him. After all, Cancer should not look for such a partner who will answer “Yes” all the time.


Leos are constantly torn between dreams and reality, which is why their head is spinning. In love, they can show indecision; then he wants to find out everything exactly, then again he drowns in fantasies. In many ways, these difficulties come from the fear of losing your head during a great passion.


Virgos should open their eyes wider so as not to fall in love with the first person they meet. They see only good qualities in those around them, so they suffer one disappointment after another. And they will probably meet the one they dreamed about, but they need to show their feelings more restrainedly. They need to refrain from them, even if at some point they experience disappointment


People around Libra pay attention. Let them not care about losses, Libra should only move forward, but not waste their lives in vain. They are capable of making sacrifices for the person who used to pursue them. Their chances of full love for the first months of the year will definitely increase.


Thanks to their warmth and charm, Scorpios are always in the spotlight. In the year of the Tiger, they will have many new meetings and acquaintances. And from the birth of a new love, they will benefit greatly. At the same time, many people will simply turn away from them.


This year, Sagittarians have more than usual, but it is difficult for them to experience the happiness of true love. They are too frivolous and used to rushing along the waves of life, they do not like to waste time thinking. Sagittarians have a constant need for the admiration of the crowd. And therefore, they will not even notice how happiness and love will pass them by.


Anyone can attest that Capricorns are reliable, fair and loyal friends, but a bit boring people. This year they have every chance to experience happiness in love. For this purpose, they must make more efforts. In this case, they cannot be only attentive listeners, but they need to boldly take the initiative in their hands, trying to arouse interest in their person as successfully as possible.


Although these people give the impression of calm and balanced, sometimes their hidden passion comes out. With such passion, Aquarians amaze their partners whom they meet this year. Aquarius, this behavior is sometimes also embarrassing, but all meetings will be successful. It is better if they act openly.


Pisces are stubborn and cannot stand failure, this year they will make more interesting acquaintances, and one of them will be exactly the one they have been waiting for so long. They need to restrain their temper if at the beginning their relationship does not unfold as they expected.

Source - Alexander Alexander Alexander - Chinese astrology.

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