What time does transitional age end? Transitional age in boys. How to behave as parents. External sexual characteristics

Since adolescence has blurred boundaries associated with an individual program of puberty, it makes sense to identify several signs that the transitional age in boys has begun. At this time, processes begin in the body of a teenager, indicating a jump in development.

Nature starts this mechanism at the age of 9-14. The period is also called puberty, in principle, this is the beginning of puberty. Compared to girls, boys develop a couple of years later. Girls of 13-14 years old are fully formed, unlike boys, who at this age still have a childish appearance. Let's see how exactly this happens - let's start with physiology.

  1. Somewhere around the age of 10-11 years in boys, the penis and testicles increase in size.
  2. At 11-12 years of age, pigmentation of the scrotum and growth of pubic hair begins.
  3. At the age of 12-13, the above processes continue.
  4. At the age of 14, the voice breaks down, the cause of which is the development of cartilage and the muscles of the throat, as well as the vocal cords increase in size. The voice becomes more masculine and coarsens. The process takes approximately 2 years.

At this age, the first fluff begins to grow above the upper lip. Hair appears in the armpit, then on the arms, legs, face and groin. This process will end only by the end of the transitional age.

  1. It is at the age of 13-14 that boys begin to develop their muscles intensively. They become stronger and taller, and their shoulders become wider.
  2. At the age of 10 to 14-16, every teenage boy has an erection, which will already have a sexual character.

This period is also characterized by rather weakly expressed, irregular nocturnal emissions, which we already spoke about earlier in the article “”. The seminal vesicles and the prostate gland gradually increase in size and begin to function.

Since bursts and storms in adolescence in boys are directly dependent on puberty, many parents are interested in at what age it ends. It depends on several factors:

  1. First, from the general state of health. If the child suffers from chronic diseases, or he had a serious injury, he underwent any operation, then a delay in puberty will be a completely natural phenomenon.
  2. Secondly, the same thing happens if the endocrine or nervous system malfunctions.
  3. Thirdly, the features of the constitution of the phenotype also contribute to the delay in puberty.

However, most often, it will not be caused by quite serious reasons. And of course, the boys are just as individual as in. Puberty can be either early or late. The first may be due to a genetic predisposition: if the father's puberty began early enough, then with a probability of 80% out of 100, it will be exactly the same for the son. By the way, premature puberty in boys is very rarely caused by a disease of the hormonal system.

If it started before the age of 10, then you definitely need to contact a pediatrician who, after a preliminary examination, will refer him to the right specialists. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor, if only because premature puberty is rare, but nevertheless, is an indicator of a tumor in the brain. And of course, puberty is the cause of a change in behavior and psychology in adolescence in boys, but we will talk about this in the article "".

Knowing all the above features is very important for parents. After all, they will have to answer all sorts of questions that their son will have, and they will also need to notice in time if there are any deviations in the normal sexual development of the boy. At the slightest doubt, you should consult a doctor.


Doctors conventionally divide the transition period into three sub-periods. The first stage is the preparation of the body (at about 10-11 years old), the second - in fact, (12-14 years old). The third - post-transitional (15-17) - means the final transformation of a girl into a girl.

It is impossible to say for sure when adolescence will end. Some girls mature early, others late. In addition, since girls are ahead of boys in development, their puberty is less intense and lasts 1-2 years less. This concerns the awakening of the libido, which can only appear by the age of 18-20, that is, when they leave adolescence.

To understand when the end of adolescence in girls will come, it is necessary to follow all three stages. At about 9-11 years old, the girl's figure begins to lose its angularity, acquiring rounded outlines - the pelvis expands, the buttocks are poured. Between the ages of 10 and 12, hair around the nipples, on the pubis, and in the armpits may appear. Around the same time, breasts begin to form. It is not noticeable yet, but it already aches, itches, and swells.

With the onset of menstruation, the girl enters a transitional age. This can happen at 12-13 years old or later - at 14-15. The stabilization of the cycle does not occur at any particular age. Usually, menstruation returns to normal 2-3 years after the first period. This means the transformation of a girl into a girl, that is, the end of adolescence.

And yet it is quite difficult to set a specific time frame. If even 200-300 years ago, girls who began to regulate were immediately sought to be married off, considering them adults, today they remain children in the eyes of their parents. Indeed, having fully matured physically, the girl morally can remain small.

To more accurately determine the daughter's exit from adolescence, you need to carefully monitor her behavior. Usually, entering puberty, girls become vulnerable, withdrawn, aggressive. Any remark about appearance or actions can bring them to hysteria. And the inconsistency with the fictional canons of beauty - up to thoughts of suicide.

You need to pay unobtrusive attention to the daughter who has reached puberty. It is at this time that she needs support the most. Mom should explain to the girl in advance what exactly will happen to her body, teach her to accept herself with all the flaws. In this case, adolescence will be more painless for both the girl and her parents.

Helping your daughter survive this age, you will definitely understand when the end of puberty comes. The girl will again become affectionate, outgrow the complexes, her behavior will become more balanced.


  • Transitional age in girls
  • Transitional age in adolescents

The transitional age for most families is a time of unrest and worries. It is during this period that the personality of the child is formed. This is throwing, and the search for one's "I", and the acquisition of life positions. But this time is not easy not only for the child, but also for the parents. And first of all, love and understanding are required from moms and dads during this period.


Do not try to solve the problems that have arisen with help and moralizing. "Even if the child comes home after midnight and at the same time he reeks of alcohol or tobacco?" parents will ask. Yes, because any ban will only increase resentment and internal protest. Remember that he is already. Any conversation at this time must be conducted on an equal footing.

Pay attention to how your words sound. If you address him as an unintelligent child, you will not get through to him. Control your emotions. If you start, it is better to postpone the conversation.

During this period, teenagers are very concerned about their appearance. Try to explain to him that appearance is not the main thing. But at the same time, teach your child to take care of himself, to be always neat. Help him choose clothes and accessories. Do not criticize the child if your tastes do not match.

Adolescence is accompanied by the first love experiences. And this is not good for education. Do not force your child to sit at textbooks for days and nights. It won't help. Better try to explain to him that it is knowledge, intelligence, erudition that will make him more attractive.

Take your teenager's problems seriously. Don't brush it off. Answer all his questions, do not allow a situation where the child stops communicating with you at all, in which case he will go out into the street with all his problems.

When choosing some activities, circles, be interested in the opinion of the child, and do not independently decide his leisure. Find out what your child is really interested in. It is important that the teenager makes his own decision, and not just obey the wishes of adults.

It is very important for parents not to go to extremes in all prohibitions and concessions. You should not put pressure on the child, but you should not follow his lead either. Communicating on an equal footing, do not let him insult you and other adults, be rude. The teenager must maintain a certain distance prescribed by his age ohm.

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Useful advice

Remember, transitional age is not forever, sooner or later it will end. Support your child during this difficult period and walk this path together.

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Adolescence is considered a crisis. Its physiological basis is puberty - puberty, so adolescence is otherwise called puberty. During it, children change especially strongly.

Puberty is the age when a boy becomes a boy and a girl becomes a girl. It is at this time that the gender differences between children become especially evident.

The onset of puberty occurs on average at 10-11 years of age for girls and 12-13 for boys. There may be deviations within the normal range of 1-2 years in both directions. The factors accelerating the onset of puberty include a warm climate and high-calorie nutrition.

The "trigger" of puberty is the production of gonadoliberin. Under the influence of this hormone of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland begins to produce luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the production of estrogen in the female body, and testosterone in the male body. These hormones cause the changes that are characteristic of puberty.

The main change is the development and beginning of the functioning of the reproductive organs. In boys, the testicles increase, the size of which did not change after reaching the age of one, and the penis also grows. As the testicles grow, they begin not only to produce sex hormones, but to perform a second function - to produce sperm. About a year after the onset of puberty, the member acquires the ability to erect, and then pollutions begin - involuntary eruptions of sperm.

In girls, the first manifestation of puberty is a seal around the nipple and the growth of the mammary glands. The ovaries and uterus also grow, the follicles begin to mature in the ovaries, and after about 2 years the first menstruation occurs.

Sex hormones also have other effects on the body. Men's cause increased growth of bones, as well as the larynx and vocal cords. For this reason, boys after puberty are on average 13 cm taller than their peers. A phenomenon known as a mutation or breaking of the voice is associated with the growth of the larynx - it becomes lower. This does not happen immediately, before the completion of the mutation, the voice is uncontrollable, it becomes difficult for the boy to speak and it is almost impossible to sing. Girls also change their voice, but this is not so painful.

In girls, under the influence of female hormones, the pelvic bones grow in width, the volume of adipose tissue increases. It is deposited on the thighs, mammary glands, buttocks, pubis and shoulder girdle, forming the characteristic "feminine forms" of the body. Adolescents of either sex develop pubic and armpit hair.

Puberty is a dramatic change in hormonal balance. A new balance cannot be established immediately, it takes several years, during which the teenager lives in a state of hormonal imbalance. Some of the unpleasant manifestations of puberty are associated with this: excessive sweating, acne, mood swings, fatigue, aggressiveness.

The mental manifestations of puberty include an increased interest in the changes that occur with one's own body. The latter often become the subject of torment for a teenager. Interest in the opposite sex also arises at this age.

Teenage relationships between boys and girls are sometimes very reverent and touching, and are not forgotten until the end of days. Even elderly people who have been married several times and had many relationships later, in their declining years with tenderness, admiration and slight sadness, furtively recall their youthful quivering feelings.

Teenage experiences are the most significant, the most sentimental and unpredictable. First love is not for everyone, but if teenagers do fall in love, then they completely surrender to this mysterious feeling, forgetting about everything and not thinking about any other problems. In this case, the role of parents is to show tact and understanding. And if, following the lead of their prejudices, indifference and selfishness, they destroy the relationship of the child, he will never forgive them for this, and moreover, he will hold a grudge against the parent for the rest of his life.

Teenagers do not always share their experiences with moms and dads, even if before there was complete frankness between them. First love is a very intimate, fragile thing, not fully known even by the lovers themselves. What is there to be surprised that the child does not want to talk with strangers on this topic, when even words are sometimes not enough to express the unknown, frightening and unique that he feels.

But how then can close people understand that their grown-up child is going through a difficult period of teenage love in order to have time to help him with advice and support? Even if a teenager does not have a desire to be frank with his parents, then his feelings with childish spontaneity ask to come out. Emotions splashing over the edge are visible to the naked eye, and those around you can clearly see changes in the behavior of a teenager with an attentive attitude towards him.

The biggest difficulty of adolescence is the simultaneous very powerful restructuring of the child's body and psyche. The quality of adult life is largely determined by how successfully a person went through the teenage crisis.

Adolescence is usually called the period from 10-11 to 15-16 years. It is called transitional, since at this time the child moves from a child's model of behavior to an adult. There is a change in self-esteem, perception of oneself in society. There is an ability to perceive the environment critically, to analyze and draw one's own conclusions, to consciously appropriate those or other moral values ​​offered by society.

In addition, during this period, the teenager is experiencing serious physiological changes.

Age features of adolescents

  • Physiological processes hidden from the eye cause a feeling of anxiety, discomfort, constant tension and emotional fatigue.
  • Psychological changes, in turn, lead to emotional imbalance, internal and external conflicts, the solution of which requires the energy of internal strength.
  • To the described problems of a teenager, a significant increase in the teaching load in high school, increased pressure from parents is added.
  • All this creates a feeling of confusion in a teenager: old landmarks are lost, new ones have not yet been found.
  • The natural processes of growing up cause feelings of catastrophe and loss of oneself in the world around
  • The social skills of a teenager are not yet formed, personal life experience is too small to independently find solutions in difficult situations.
  • Constant internal disharmony leads to increased conflict and aggression, which only reinforces the negative perception of the situation.
  • As a result, a teenager becomes isolated, withdraws into himself, acquires unnecessary complexes, instead of solving problems, he is looking for easy ways to escape from them.
  • In the worst case, teenage problems can break a person as a person.

The first signs of adolescence

Outwardly, the beginning of the transitional age is manifested in the following:

  • The child begins to grow rapidly, the increase in height is more than 10-15 cm per year
  • Secondary sex characteristics develop
  • Teenage acne and skin rashes appear
  • The child becomes too vulnerable, offended by things that he did not notice before
  • Shy about showing parental affection in public
  • Arguing and being rude more than usual

Physiological problems of adolescence.

  • There is a serious restructuring of the endocrine system. The body of a teenager during the transition period develops unevenly and disproportionately. By the end of puberty, disproportions in most cases disappear
  • The central nervous system is undergoing significant changes, the result of which is the excessive emotional excitability of adolescents. The processes occurring in the cerebral cortex provoke an increased reaction of nerve endings and at the same time reduce the inhibition reaction

  • In the transitional age, the final formation of adipose tissue and fiber, bones and muscle tissue occurs. The body takes on finished forms. During this period, proper healthy nutrition and metabolism are especially important.
  • Problems often arise in the gastrointestinal tract during adolescence, as the digestive system is very sensitive to physical stress and emotional changes.
  • Physiological changes in the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs lead to disorders in the heart, lungs, frequent weakness, dizziness and fainting. It is very important to choose the right sleep and rest regimen for the child, as well as to carefully consider the definition of permissible loads on the body.

The main features of adolescence in girls

  • The body gradually takes on the forms characteristic of the female figure: round hips, convex buttocks, the lower body becomes wider than the upper
  • There is a growth of the mammary glands, often the process is accompanied by painful sensations and a feeling of discomfort. The breast may grow unevenly, the mammary glands may differ in size from one another, but by the end of puberty, the difference practically disappears
  • In adolescence, girls begin to grow hair in the pubic and armpit areas, at the same time, the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively, body odor becomes sharper. At this age, it is necessary to reconsider hygiene issues and develop an individual body care regimen.
  • The formation of the genital organs is completed. Often during this period, violations of the microflora and associated complications (irritations, fungal infections) are possible. It is necessary to teach the girl to be attentive to health in the field of gynecology and to properly care for this part of the body

The main features of adolescence in boys

  • In adolescence, boys begin to grow bones intensively, and then muscle tissue, and bones usually grow faster than muscles. Hence the frequent excessive thinness in adolescent boys. Sometimes such a backlog of muscle tissue can cause pain and temporary malaise.
  • Teenage breaking of the voice is the growth of the larynx, during which the boy has an "Adam's" apple, and the voice drops by several tones to the timbre characteristic of adult men. During this period, boys are prone to frequent complications and diseases of the throat, since with the growth of the larynx there is a rather strong blood flow to this area.
  • A very subtle and delicate issue of puberty in boys is wet dreams (involuntary, usually nocturnal, ejaculation associated with excessive sexual arousal)
  • Changes on the face caused by hormonal changes: facial features become sharper and more masculine, childish roundness disappears. Vegetation appears on the face and neck. Juvenile acne in boys is usually more pronounced than in girls.
  • Hair growth on the chest, in the armpits, in the groin, change in the smell of sweat. It is important to teach the boy to daily hygiene and the use of body care products (deodorants, lotions, creams)

Reorganization of hormones. What to do with problem skin?

Acne on the face in adolescence is almost inevitable due to the global hormonal changes in the body. Since teenagers are very sensitive to their appearance and assessment of their appearance in the eyes of others, acne on the face is not only a physiological but also a psychological problem.

At puberty, the sebaceous glands of the child begin to work in an enhanced mode. The fat secreted by them creates ideal conditions for the development of pathogenic flora on the skin, which leads to blockage of pores and the development of pustular lesions.

With proper daily care, you can significantly reduce the level of bacteria in the pores and prevent excessive acne on the face.

What to consider when treating acne in teenagers:

  • Teenage skin is very sensitive and prone to irritation, so you should choose products that are gentle, designed specifically for teenagers.
  • "Adult" remedies can lead to serious irritation and allergic rashes, which will only aggravate the physical and psychological discomfort of the child.
  • Means based on natural ingredients are better suited; when washing, you can wipe your face with decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an antiseptic effect
  • Do not use alcohol-containing preparations, as alcohol dries out the skin, which in turn causes even more active work of the sebaceous glands and the release of fat.
  • Acne can be exacerbated due to improper digestion, so it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  • It is important to remember that not only the skin should be clean, but also the towel, bedding and underwear. Teach your child to avoid touching their face unless absolutely necessary, to wash their hands more often, and to use clean handkerchiefs.
  • Teenage skin is more prone to pollution than adult skin, so you need to wash your face several times a day, at least in the morning and evening.

Social problems of adolescence. Adaptation in society

The main motivation of a child in society in adolescence is gaining respect in the eyes of others, especially peers. The opinion of classmates begins to prevail over the opinion of parents and teachers. Adolescents are very sensitive to the slightest change in their position in the circle of their peers.

Hence, sudden actions are frequent, uncharacteristic for a child, designed to demonstrate to peers his exclusivity and eccentricity: hooligan antics, rash risk, extravagant details of appearance.
It has been noticed that the weight of a child in the eyes of a teenager directly depends on his emotional well-being and the microclimate in the family.

Psychological problems of adolescence

The main tasks of personal growth that the child solves for himself in adolescence:

  • Ability to analyze, compare, draw own conclusions
    Independent decision-making based on the conclusions drawn
    Awareness of personal responsibility for their decisions and actions
    Awareness of oneself as an individual and a subject of society
    His status and position in society

An important aspect for a teenager is self-respect as a person. Having learned to perceive the world critically, children begin to see too many shortcomings in themselves, especially in comparison with other peers. They also painfully perceive any hint of disrespect from the outside.

Often, a teenager's depressed state or increased aggressiveness is caused precisely by an imbalance between the child's internal need for respect and its insufficient manifestation on the part of parents and peers.

Problems of interpersonal relationships in adolescence

  • In terms of interpersonal relationships in adolescence, there is a decrease in the importance of adults and a high dependence on the opinions of peers. That is, a teenager from the position of a subordinate moves to a position of equal value
  • If there is a serious distance and subordination in the relationship between an adult and a child, then in a relationship between a child and a child, a teenager can fully realize his main needs for this age: to feel like an adult and gain respect in the eyes of others
  • The main problems of interpersonal communication of a teenager are the unwillingness of adults to agree with a decrease in their own importance in the eyes of a child, and the inability of a teenager to form harmonious relationships based on equality, since the communication skill in childhood was based on obedience to adults and fulfilling their requirements.
  • Frequent conflicts of adolescents with each other are caused precisely by attempts to build new relationships based on old skills. In early adolescence, the child is not picky in friends, he is interested in communication as such and the development of the necessary experience.
  • By their late teens, children tend to be well versed in their choice of permanent friends of interest, clearly define their role in their company, and have sufficient skills to maintain smooth relationships over a long period of time.

Problems of learning in adolescence. How can you help your child cope with school?

Most teenagers, in addition to all of the above difficulties, have another one - loss of interest in learning. Each child may have his own reason, they have one thing in common: adolescence is full of emotional and physiological experiences, which inevitably affects all aspects of a child's life.

Possible reasons for poor performance

  • In early adolescence, the child moves to secondary school, where the organization of educational activities is significantly different from the primary. Instead of one teacher, many teachers appear, each with their own requirements and attitudes. The ways of presenting the material are becoming more academic, the emphasis is shifting towards theory and complex conceptual structures. The child needs the help of parents in order to timely and correctly adapt to new conditions.
  • In high school, the complexity of the material is added to by the parents' increased requirements for the quality of grades and the level of knowledge, since there is a question of entering vocational schools. There is increasing pressure from teachers interested in the quality of passing the exam. The teenager himself is experiencing natural fears about the upcoming exams and admission to the university.
  • All this leads to a serious psychological burden, which can affect the quality of academic performance. Help your child evenly distribute the load during the working week, correctly alternate the mode of rest and work. Try not to escalate the situation, cheer up the child, help him gain a sense of self-confidence and his strength.
  • Conflicts with teachers and lack of motivation. Adolescents are very sensitive to criticism, especially to its public manifestations. The most natural reaction of a teenager is aggression, which only exacerbates the conflict. Failure in individual subjects may be associated with negative relationships between the teacher and the child. Try to find out the causes of the conflict and help the child build contact
  • Personal problems. For a teenager, relationships with peers are much more important than academic performance. At the moment, this is his biggest pain point. If a teenager is not adapted in a team, experiences difficulties in communication, this may be the cause of general apathy, including in relation to studies. It is very important not to dismiss the problems of a teenager, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you.
  • Recognize its significance, try to call the child to a frank conversation and provide him with real help, otherwise he is unlikely to share the problem next time. Remember that independence is important for a teenager, so do not try to solve his problems by force, do not lecture his classmates. Help the teenager find a worthy way out of the situation or change the team

The problem of conflict in adolescence

In adolescence, the features of the development of the psyche and body develop in such a way that the child experiences several serious internal conflicts at the same time.

  • The desire to be an adult is a denial of the values ​​of surrounding adults
  • Feeling like the center of the universe - self-criticism and rejection of oneself as a person
  • The desire to be "like everyone else" - a deep need to declare one's individuality and exclusivity
  • Puberty - fear and rejection of changes occurring in the body
  • Attraction to the opposite sex - inability to build relationships

It is difficult for a teenager to cope with such an influx of emotions, experiences and physical sensations during this period. Internal conflicts are inevitably reflected in external life.

Relationships with parents and relatives of a teenager. How to behave to the older generation and what to expect?

  • In adolescence, the child leaves the custody of the parents. If in childhood he perceived parental assessments and requirements as correct by definition, in adolescence the child begins to evaluate what is happening around him from the point of view of his personal perception. He is aware that he has his own preferences, sympathies and aspirations, which do not always coincide with the opinions of adults
  • In relation to parents, a teenager during this period seeks to distance himself from their guardianship and patronage, to demonstrate his adulthood and independence. However, this does not mean that a teenager is ready to refuse communication with parents in general. It's just that his communication during this period goes to a qualitatively new level.
  • It often seems to parents that the child is showing unreasonable aggression and stubbornness, and the only thing that drives him is to do everything out of spite. But the misunderstanding is rather caused by the inability of the child, due to age, to express his true emotions, and the unwillingness of his parents to understand him. As a result, the child has a feeling of loneliness, isolation
  • It is important to understand that the child emotionally suffers from conflicts no less than the parents. But, not having enough experience in adult relationships, a teenager is not able to understand the cause of mutual dissatisfaction, does not know what to do to resolve the conflict.

It is also necessary to understand that the hormonal revolution of the teenage body causes uncontrollable outbursts of emotions that the child is physically unable to control.

Personality of a teenager in the period of transitional age. New hobbies and world views

Psychologists divide adolescence into two phases: negative and positive.

  • Negative phase- this is the withering away of the old system of values ​​and interests, the active rejection of the changes taking place inside. The child feels that changes are taking place, but psychologically he is not yet ready for them, hence his irritability, apathy, constant anxiety and discontent
  • AT positive phase the teenager is ready to accept and realize the changes taking place. He has new friends, interests, he is able to communicate at a new qualitative level, a feeling of maturity arises, emotions become more stable

It is during the period of a positive phase that a teenager has stable hobbies, creative talents are clearly manifested. If at 10-12 years old teenagers choose friends according to the territorial principle (they study together, live nearby), then in older adolescence the circle of acquaintances is formed on the basis of common interests and hobbies.

Cognitive development of a teenager

Cognitive development is the development of cognitive skills.

  • In adolescence, a child is able to assimilate abstract concepts, analyze hypotheses, build their own assumptions, reasonably criticize someone else's point of view. A teenager discovers a logical way of learning objects, in addition to the mechanical memory used by children of preschool and primary school age.
  • With mechanical memorization, the material is reproduced in the sequence in which it was memorized: verbatim retelling of the text, strictly sequential execution of physical actions
  • Logical memory focuses not on the form, but on the essence of the subject being studied. The subject being studied is analyzed, the most important points are singled out, their logical relationship is established, after which the studied material is stored in memory
  • In early adolescence, it is difficult for a child to understand in which cases to use certain acquired skills. Some school subjects lend themselves well to the logical method of memorization, some subjects can only be studied with the help of mechanical memory (foreign languages, complex formulas and definitions). At the age of 10-12 years, children often complain of memory impairment and inability to understand this or that material.

By late adolescence, the child is usually fluent in the acquired skills and their use does not cause difficulties for him.

Generational conflict: to resolve or not to resolve?

Conflicts that arise between parents and a teenager can have a variety of reasons, but if you do not try to manage the conflict, any minor trifle can lead to very serious consequences for both parties. What to do if there is a conflict?

  1. The first step is to listen to the arguments and arguments of both sides. Teenagers do not perceive categorical prohibitions, it is important for them to understand what is behind your “no”. Give your child the opportunity to express their point of view. Firstly, he will learn to formulate explanations for his actions (he does not always understand them himself), and secondly, you will let him know that you consider him an adult and respect his opinion. This will significantly reduce the intensity of passions
  2. After you have carefully and respectfully listened to the child's position and expressed your arguments, try to find a common compromise. Indicate to the teenager the boundaries in which you are ready to give in, invite him to refuse part of the requirements. So you teach your child to find a middle ground in conflicts with other people.
  3. If you find a solution that suits both parties, do not try to revise it under the influence of external circumstances. Be logical and consistent in your desire to speak to your child from a position of mutual respect.

How to build a relationship with a child so as not to harm him?

The parental family is the first and most important model of relationships between people in a child's life.

Possible distortions and disharmony in family relations are most acutely manifested precisely in the teenage years of the child. A few examples of inharmonious behavior of parents and their consequences for a teenager.

Lack of attention to the teenager, his problems and interests, lack of communication and affection between parents and children Asocial behavior of a teenager: runaways from home, demonstrative "doing nothing", outrageous antics and emotional provocations
Excessive attention to the child, a large number of prohibitions and restrictions, lack of personal space and a field for making independent decisions Infantilism, inability to fight back, defend one's territory; protests against parents to protect their own "I"
Encouragement of the slightest whims and desires, lack of demands and boundaries, excessive love and adoration Inadequate assessment of oneself in relation to others, excessive conceit, the need for constant attention to one's own person
Dictatorial, spartan parenting style, excessive demands, lack of praise, excessively harsh communication style, inattention to the desires and interests of the child Either isolation, withdrawal into oneself and one's own world, detachment from society, or lowering "in all serious" and demonstrative violation of all prohibitions and restrictions established by parents
Exaggerated requirements, age-inappropriate responsibilities and roles in the family: the performance of parental functions in relation to younger children, the "adult" sense of duty and responsibility in relation to the family assigned to the child, the non-recognition of his childhood as such Prolonged depressive states, uncontrolled aggression, outbursts of anger towards the object of responsibility

How can I help my child accept himself as a person?

  • Excessive criticality with which a teenager analyzes me and others fully applies to himself.
  • All adolescents are, to one degree or another, dissatisfied with themselves, their appearance, their achievements and success among their peers. Girls are more prone to low self-esteem than boys
  • Help your teenager see their strengths, understand what makes them attractive and unique. Celebrate his real successes, try to raise his self-esteem in your own eyes
  • Teenagers have a very great need to communicate with their peers. To become one's own, to be a full member of a social group, a company of friends is the main dream of any teenager
  • Help your child build relationships in a team. Find time for a heart-to-heart talk; Tell your child about your adolescence, about your first love, friendship, first fights and mistakes. By analyzing your stories, it will be easier for a teenager to make decisions regarding their own problems.
  • In search of his own “I”, a teenager may begin to behave shockingly, dress in strange clothes, listen to unusual music, and so on. If the child's behavior does not pose a threat to himself and others, let him "go crazy"
  • Do not make fun of his new hobbies, do not forbid self-expression. Make it clear that he is still appreciated and loved regardless of his appearance.
  • Let your teen make mistakes. This does not mean the absence of parental control. On the contrary, allow the child to do it in his own way, but warn about possible consequences, in your opinion.
  • Lessons from personal experience are learned much better than parental instructions. Of course, such experiments are appropriate in those matters where a child's mistake will not lead to critical consequences.

Video: Problems of a teenager in adolescence

For every mother, her beloved son always remains a baby. She remembers every moment of his life: from birth to the first significant victories. And, often, the beginning of a transitional age in a boy takes his mother by surprise. This is a difficult period of discovery, both for the child and for the parents. The family way of life built over the years is being violated, quarrels, screams, misunderstanding and a blank wall of resentment on both sides are replacing peace and serenity. At what age does puberty begin in boys? How to pass this serious test? How to behave with a teenager? Is it possible to survive the transitional age of the son and remain friends with him? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

When does puberty begin in boys?

The transitional age in boys occurs differently for everyone and depends, first of all, on the physiological characteristics of the child - namely, on the work of the hormonal system. It is sex hormones that are responsible for the restructuring of the body, which leads to external and internal changes in boys. Also, an important role in entering the puberty period is influenced by living conditions, the level of physical development, the emotional and mental state of the child, heredity and even ethnicity. Quite a serious impact on the maturation of boys have addictions - smoking, alcohol, etc. These factors slow down the process of sexual development, because they depress the hormonal system of the child.

As a rule, the onset of puberty in boys is within 10-12 years, and by the age of 15 the young man becomes sexually mature. However, the full maturation of the body occurs only by the age of 23-25. These indicators are averaged and deviations from it by 2-3 years are not critical.

Signs of adolescence in boys

Parents raising young men often wonder when the transitional age begins in boys and what are the signs of the beginning of this period. The transitional age in a boy is a rather long process, which can conditionally fit into the time frame from 9 to 17 years. The peak of these changes mainly falls on 12-14 years. If we adhere to the official terminology of psychologists, then the transitional age is the time period during which the child undergoes puberty, accompanied by rapid physical development and excessive production of hormones. Very clear wording, right? But in fact, everything is not easy. A teenager, who yesterday was a sweet and affectionate son, suddenly becomes withdrawn, aggressive, even hysterical at some points. He is rude for any reason, embarrassed by his appearance and strives with all his might to position himself as an adult independent man, absolutely independent of his parents. He seems to himself a stranger in this family and the world as a whole. The main task of parents is to support and be able to accept the child with all his changes, fears and complexes. After all, he is still your son, who cannot cope with growing up that has suddenly fallen on him.

Physiological features of adolescence in boys

A difficult age in a child begins with a physical restructuring of the body, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. A sharp jump in growth. From the age of 12, a boy can grow up to 10 cm annually. Bones grow actively and muscles develop.
  2. weight loss. Due to increased growth, the child's body does not have time to absorb and store useful substances and trace elements in reserve. All forces are spent on bone growth, therefore, during the transition period, boys experience a lack of weight, in some cases even dystrophy.
  3. Changes in the relief of the body. The figure of a teenager begins to take shape according to the “male” type, the shoulders become wider, and the hips narrower.
  4. "Breaking" voice. The voice becomes rougher, becomes lower in tone. Usually this process stretches for 1-2 years until the end of puberty.
  5. Body hair growth. Hair begins to grow in the intimate area and armpits. Later, a fluff appears above the upper lip and vegetation on the arms and legs.
  6. Enlargement of the genitals. From 10 to 13 years old, there is an increase in the genital organs, pigmentation of the scrotum appears.
  7. The appearance of acne on the face and body. The active work of the sebaceous glands provokes acne and black spots on the face, with which some teenagers struggle for years, for others everything goes away in a few months.
  8. Uncontrolled ejaculation in a dream. In adolescence, the boy is faced with such a phenomenon as wet dreams. In fact, this is a completely normal stage of growing up.

Psychological problems of adolescence in boys

The physiological changes that occur with the child determine the behavior of the adolescent and have an active influence on his psycho-emotional state. For a short

a period of time in the body of a young man, colossal transformations take place, to which the child's psyche still does not have time to adapt. The body rebels and manifests itself in a very diverse way:

  1. Emotional instability. Sudden mood swings, from calm to storm, are common in a home where there is a teenager. The usual remark provokes, then tears, then the desire to argue.
  2. Coarseness. An obedient child overnight turned into a rude and cynical boor. All his words carry a brightly negative connotation. The whole environment of the young man suffers from rudeness: parents, brothers and sisters, peers, teachers.
  3. Aggression. Dissatisfaction with oneself and rejection of one's new changed body in many cases results in aggression towards others. For some, these are just school fights for leadership in the class, while others have serious offenses with police drives. I would like to note that aggression is still a natural manifestation in a boy's puberty. He becomes a man and tries on a life model of behavior, at this moment his future male strategy is laid. Of course, you need to be able to distinguish between natural aggression, which helps to determine the role in life, from its extreme manifestations - cruelty and the desire to delinquency.
  4. Attraction to the opposite sex. Unexpectedly for himself, the young man begins to experience an irresistible attraction to girls. At this point, the basic norms of behavior with the opposite sex are laid. Mistakes and failures are perceived sharply and painfully.
  5. Sui cid. For a teenager, this seems to be the easiest way out of the vicious circle of misunderstanding and problems. Unfortunately, in Russia, the percentage of teenage suicides is increasing every year.

The boy's attempts to prove his masculinity to the whole world are especially problematic for the parents. A teenager begins to position himself as an adult man, there is a rapid reassessment of values ​​​​and a change in life orientations. He tries to solve all the issues on his own, to overcome the difficulties he encounters alone. And these attempts are always very disturbing for parents, because as soon as the boy is faced with a question that he cannot solve due to a lack of life experience, he becomes even more aggressive and withdrawn.

Mistakes in the behavior of parents of a child of transitional age

Probably, not a single family could easily survive the transitional age of their child and avoid mistakes. Moreover, each child is individual, each case must be considered separately. There is no classification and template of parental errors that would be an assistant in such a difficult situation. But we can distinguish two models of parental behavior that are unequivocally unacceptable, and leading to even greater problems and misunderstandings in communicating with their child.

  1. Loyalty and unconditional acceptance of the situation

Faced with changes in their child, parents rush to sources of information. In a short period of time, they read articles on the Internet, books by eminent psychologists, conduct a blitz survey of friends and relatives who once experienced the problems of adolescence. Unfortunately, from all this abundance of information, they endure the main idea - the transitional age is not eternal, you need to love and endure. Such parents remain imperturbable when faced with the rudeness of the child in their address, calm when the son brings only deuces from school or does not spend the night at home. They take the position of an observer and patiently wait for their sweet and kind child to return to them. This role is fundamentally wrong and a failure!

Yes, a teenager needs a lot of love. Yes, he needs understanding and patience. But don't expect puberty to end as suddenly as it began and everything will return to normal. The child changes and will never be the same again! He, like air, needs help, advice, guidance and life guidelines. Without them, he will not be able to navigate in the world that has become so unfamiliar and alien. It depends on the parents whether a teenager will step into adulthood as a harmonious and happy person.

  1. Rigidity and rejection

Another variant of erroneous behavior of parents, leading to serious problems with a teenager, is a manifestation of excessive severity. Such parents adhere to a despotic manner of upbringing, they believe that all the difficulties of adolescence are far-fetched and the source of their appearance are shortcomings in upbringing. In a harsh and peremptory form, they suppress stubbornness, self-will, and the desire for independence in a teenager. A child in such a family feels rejected and misunderstood, and sees two ways out of the situation: submit or resist. Both options do not lead to the harmonization of personality. Submission, suppression of a teenager as a person is a direct road to suicide. Resistance to parental will can lead to drugs, alcohol and, as a result, problems with the law or even the death of a child.

How to survive the transitional age of a boy and remain friends?

Physiological and psycho-emotional changes make the transitional age in a boy a very difficult period in his life. How can you help him get through this difficult time? How not to lose your authority and remain friends? Every parent asks himself these questions. It's hard to be a true friend to a teenager, but it's still worth trying. Sooner or later, all parental efforts will be rewarded with an open and happy smile from a grown-up son.

A trusting relationship with a child- this is the base on which fragile mutual understanding is built in the transitional age. Of course, it is necessary to build these relationships from early childhood. If this didn’t work out with a baby, then most likely it won’t work out with a teenager either. It doesn't matter who the child trusts more, dad or mom, the main thing is that this person exists. And it is through him that all important points and decisions should be conveyed. So they will be easier to perceive and take action. It is necessary to prepare for the transitional age in advance - listen to your son. No matter how busy the day is, set aside half an hour to communicate with your child. This time should belong only to him and you. No questions about school, no moralizing. The topic and course of the conversation is determined by the child, and the parent must be an active listener and enthusiastic spectator. Make such communication a daily, good tradition from childhood, then the teenager will easily and naturally talk about his affairs and problems.

Teen Interests should be in the interest of the parents. Very often parents do not know what their children are interested in. Many only name the computer, not even suspecting which sites fall into the category of frequently visited. Share all the interests of children, do it sincerely. If your son is fond of cycling, buy an iron horse for yourself and ride together on weekends. Swimming, playing musical instruments, fixing a car - all this should become your joint hobby. This is the only way to preserve the fragile adult-child bond, which in most cases breaks in adolescence. A special place in the life of a teenager, especially a boy, is occupied by friends whom parents must know by sight. It is good if all friends enter the house. This allows parents to subtly keep their son's environment under control.

Social networks- the main competitor of parents in the struggle for the soul of a teenager. In the modern world, not a single adult can do without social networks, what can we say about children who strive to imitate parents and children in everything. If the child has his own page, then be sure to add him as a friend. This should be done at the age of 8-10 years, when children still easily let their parents into their lives. In the future, this will allow you to quietly look into the secret thoughts and fears of a growing man. Always look at what a teenager lives on the Internet, what interests him, what posts he posts. This attentiveness in some cases will save the child from many harmful hobbies. There is a lot of controversy about the dangers of the Internet and computer games. A lot of videos have been filmed and posted on this topic, teenagers who killed their parents because of the ban on computer games often began to flicker in criminal news. Clear regulation of the time that can be spent at the computer will help to avoid these problems. A teenager should know how much time he is allowed to spend at the computer. And no pleas, and persuasion should not affect this regulation.

Independent decision making- the natural right of a growing boy. To avoid serious and irreversible mistakes, allow him to make decisions in the so-called "comfort zone". Where the mistake will not become fatal, and the teenager will be able to be responsible for his decision. His desire for independence will be satisfied, and an understanding of the responsibility that inexorably follows the adoption of a particular decision will make him take a serious and thoughtful approach to any problem.

The period of emotional storms gives rise to a feeling of general misunderstanding and rejection in a teenager. Therefore, when you are faced with the problem of a difficult age, try to find a common language with the child. Spend more time together - go to nature, go to the movies, go for a walk, visit entertainment centers or an ice rink. If the situation is at a standstill, take a short vacation and go on vacation or go on a short hike. The main thing is more communication and joint positive emotions. Try to find something that your child really likes and direct all your energy in the right direction. Doing what you love, a teenager can relax and get emotional release. Try to listen to your child and give him the opportunity to grow, make early mistakes and learn from them.

The difficulties of adolescence frighten many parents of teenagers, but if you show maximum patience and endurance, then this period will pass with minimal shock for all of you.

Love your children. Love ruffy and ridiculous, stubborn and shy, cynical and so vulnerable. Help them get through the transitional age with your wisdom and boundless love.

Many parents, unfortunately, do not quite understand what a transitional age is for girls. Signs that tell them that their daughter's life is entering a new period are often simply ignored. Adults forget about their own childhood and adolescence, and therefore, when their beloved daughter reaches adolescence, they are not at all ready for the changes that are taking place. Moms and dads have no idea when the transitional age begins and ends in girls, what changes in their physiological and psychological state are the norm and which are not, what problems accompany this period and how to deal with them.

What is transitional age?

Transitional age is a rather difficult period that every child goes through in the process of his fact, both psychologists and doctors confirm. During this period of time, children's attitude and consciousness change, and their body is subject to significant physiological changes.

Sooner or later, every parent raising their beloved daughter wonders at what age the transitional age begins in girls. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question, since this period does not have strict time limits. The transitional age in girls, the signs and symptoms that characterize it, differ and depend on the individuality of each individual. However, in the circle of psychologists, it is customary to conditionally divide the transitional age into three main phases:

What physiological changes are accompanied by transitional age?

How to determine that the transitional age has begun in a girl? Signs are usually present, so attentive parents are unlikely to miss this moment. From a physiological point of view, the following age-related changes take place:

Puberty anomalies

Parents need to be very careful during the period when the transitional age begins in girls. Signs of any deviations should be identified in a timely manner, since any delay is fraught with serious consequences. Moms and dads should sound the alarm if:

  1. The mammary glands begin to grow too early. We are talking about premature breast growth, if this happens when the girl is not yet 8 years old.
  2. characterized by the onset of puberty in girls under the age of 8-10 years.
  3. Premature growth of hair in the pubic and underarm areas.
  4. Premature or delayed onset of menstruation.
  5. Late puberty, characterized by the absence of signs of puberty in girls 13-14 years old.

Despite the fact that there is no definite date when the transitional age begins in girls, the symptoms described above should alert parents. If any of them are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

Diseases of transitional age

Puberty is accompanied by major changes throughout the body. The state of health is also affected. Problems that arise psychologically put an additional burden on the body, as a result of which it sometimes fails.

What diseases occur when the transitional age begins in girls? Are there any symptoms of these diseases or not?

As a rule, the ailments characteristic of adolescence are temporary. Among the most common are the following:

and transitional age

In girls, the signs of puberty appear, as a rule, at the age of 12-13 years. They grow rapidly, and in just one year their height can increase by 5-10 cm. Puberty of girls begins with a sharp development of the mammary glands and, of course, the genitals. The body acquires a more rounded shape, subcutaneous fats are deposited on the buttocks and thighs, intensive hair growth begins on the pubis and in the armpits. At the same time, there are changes in character. Girls become more shy, they are increasingly flirting with boys, falling in love for the first time.

One of the most important signs of puberty is the onset of the first menstruation. At this time, there are changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Mood swings, increased fatigue and headaches are observed. Therefore, when menstruation begins, doctors recommend girls to be outdoors more often, not to expose the body to excessive physical exertion, and to rest more.

What psychological problems do girls have in adolescence?

For teenage girls, how they are perceived by others matters a lot. It is very important for them how they look and what impression they make on the representatives of the opposite sex, that is, on boys. They spend a lot of time in front of the mirror and closely study the changes that their body has undergone. Often girls are very critical of themselves and remain dissatisfied with their appearance. In addition, adolescents experience frequent mood swings, which is explained by the increased release of sex hormones into the blood. Hormones are also the cause of excess sexual energy. However, the girl cannot yet realize this energy because of her age. As a result, she becomes aggressive, impudent and naughty. Parents should be patient and not forget that during this period, the adrenal cortex functions much more intensively in adolescents, and that is why their child is constantly in a state of stress.

What complexes do girls have during puberty?

New problems appear in the family when girls enter the transitional age. A photo of an intimate character in a drawer, a mountain of cosmetics and new clothes is far from uncommon. The desire to wear a short skirt and apply a thick layer of makeup on her face does not mean at all that the girl wants to attract attention. Sometimes this is a sign that she has developed certain complexes, and she has lost confidence in herself. The situation is aggravated if a teenage girl lags behind her peers in development. The second breast size of a girlfriend against the background of her zero is perceived as a real tragedy. Life seems gray and worthless.

If the girl is not helped, let her continue to be alone with her problems, as a result, the complexes will multiply. This, in turn, can lead to the development of a prolonged depression, from which it is not possible to get out without the intervention of a psychologist.

How to help a girl overcome the difficulties of adolescence?

It is difficult not only for teenagers, but also for their parents. Loving mothers and fathers often turn to specialists with the question of how long the transitional age lasts for girls. Unfortunately, neither psychologists nor doctors will be able to give them a specific date, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child. However, they can give parents some important tips to help them cope with the difficulties of adolescence. For example, parents should:

Allow the girl to make independent decisions;

Forget about the directive style of communication;

Give the girl more freedom;

Do not do for the daughter the work that she can do on her own;

Don't criticize the guy she's dating;

Do not violate her personal space;

Do not discuss your daughter with strangers.

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