The sea lion is a northern sea lion. Sea lion. Lifestyle and habitat of the sea lion What is the name of the mustache of sea lions

Sea lion

M. lion is the name given to several species of pinnipeds from the family of seals, or sea lions (Otariidae). All these are large pinnipeds with hard, devoid of undercoat wool of yellowish or brown color of various shades (only darker in young ones). They represent great individual differences in coloration and a very sharp difference in size between animals of different sexes: the females are much smaller. Everyone lives in herds. By the time of breeding, they gather in large, sometimes huge numbers on some islands or in general on the shores ("rookeries"); males are the first to come, take places on the shore and, upon the arrival of females, enter into fierce battles among themselves. old male collects around him 12-15, sometimes more females and carefully guards them; during breeding, the males remain on the shore and take almost no food, so that, appearing on the rookeries strong and fat, they leave them very emaciated and emaciated. So-called southern M, lion, maned seal(Otaria jubata Desm., see tab. Pinnipeds, fig. 2), from yellow-gray to brown-yellow; the female is darker, gray-black in the back and sides; the male has a mane of elongated hair on his neck; the length of an adult male from the end of the snout to the end of the hind flippers is up to 2.7 m, the length of the female is slightly more than half the length of the male. In the upper jaw, 6 molars on each side; the skull is lower and broader than that of the next species. Lives in the Antarctic seas south to Graham's land, along the western coast of the South. America and in large numbers off the coast of Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands. A small amount of fat makes this form unprofitable in commercial terms. Apparently, these animals have fairly developed mental abilities, at least there is a case when it was possible not only to tame and train a M. lion well, but also to teach it to do various things at the order of the watchman (this M. lion lived for several years in London. zoological garden). Northern M. lion, sea lion(Eumetopias s. Otaria Stelleri Lass.), separated from the previous species into a separate genus on the basis of the shape of the skull and the number of teeth (5 molars in the upper jaw); the hair on the neck is slightly elongated, and the skin forms folds. Male black to brown or gray color; sometimes with spots, length (from the end of the muzzle to the end of the flipper) 4 - 4 1/2 m; they say that there were specimens up to 5 m; the average weight is about 450 kg., but can reach 1000. The female is mostly light brown in color, her length is up to 2 3/4 m, and she is relatively thinner. Young animals are dark chestnut-brown. The sea lion lives in the northern part Pacific Ocean from the Bering Strait to California and Japan, but along the eastern coast of the Pacific Ocean it goes further south (to the equator). The rookeries lie mainly between 53 and 57°N. sh. Mating occurs in California between May and August, in Alaska from June to October. Sea lions feed on fish, mollusks and crustaceans; according to some observers, they allegedly also eat water birds (they allegedly lure gulls for this, plunging under the surface of the sea and making a slight movement of water). Sea lions on rookeries emit a loud roar. In those places where they are not touched, they live near human habitations, showing a relatively greater gullibility (eg on the rocks of Cliff House Station near S. Francisco). For the Aleuts, these animals are very important, as they deliver them food (meat and fat), lighting (fat), leather for shoes and boats, intestines (from which waterproof clothing is prepared after tanning), tendons. Europeans hunt sea lions for their fat and skin; the last one goes for the preparation of glue; in addition, mustaches (up to 45 cm long) sold to China are also used. Europeans on the California coast beat them with guns. On the island of St. Paul they are hunted in the following way. Hunters try to cut off the herd (usually 20-30, rarely 40 pieces) from the shore and then, shouting, shooting, rockets, etc., drive them away from the shore; At the same time, some of the sea lions rush into the sea and leave, but the rest make it easy to drive themselves a considerable distance from the coast, where they are surrounded by a rope with rags hung on stakes - this fence is enough to keep the herd from fleeing: the hunters continue to drive and surround the herd behind the herd until 200-300 animals are recruited. Then the whole herd is distilled to the place where they are supposed to be killed, sometimes at a distance of 11 English miles, which takes 5-6 days in favorable (wet and cold) weather, otherwise up to 2-3 weeks. Sea lions are very meek and timid animals, and it is very easy to drive them; umbrellas are often used for this: by opening and closing them, even the most stubborn can be forced to walk. When the herd is driven to the proper place, then the males are beaten with guns (in the head), and the females and young ones with spears. Off the western shores of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, sea lions and animals close to them are caught in rare-mesh nets when they follow salmon entering rivers and bays. The same group of seals includes the genus Zalophus, which also has 5 molars in the upper jaw, but the skull is much narrower, with a high longitudinal (sagittal) crest and narrow muzzle. Black M. lion- American black sea lion (Z. californianus) common animal on the coast of California; its color is from red-brown and dirty gray to almost black; the length of an adult male reaches 2.4-2.7 m; newborns are dark grey. Z. lobatus is found off the northern coast of Australia and east coast Asia south of Japan. This also includes Phocarctos hookeri, living off the Auckland Islands.

N. Book.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


See what "Sea Lion" is in other dictionaries:

    Tyulen Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sea ​​lion n., number of synonyms: 2 animal (277) seal ... Synonym dictionary

    LEV 1, lion, m. Large predatory animal of the fam. felines with short yellowish hair and long manes in males. Fights like L. who n. (bravely). Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Sea Lions California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) scientific classification Kingdom: Animals ... Wikipedia

    sea ​​lion- (Seeliwe), codename for Hitler's planned landing operation landing in the British Isles. The plan approved by the directive of July 16, 1940 was as follows: crossing the English Channel, landing between Dover and Portsmouth about 25 ... ... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

Sea lions are members of the family eared seals. There are only 5 species in the world sea ​​lions- northern, southern, new zealand, australian and california. All of them are quite similar both to each other and to fur seals which are their closest relatives.

New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri).

Like all pinnipeds, sea lions have a streamlined body, a small head, and flattened, flipper-like limbs. But there are also some differences. The body of these animals is relatively more slender and flexible than that of other seal species. The neck is also relatively long and very flexible, the legs are very mobile and sea lions move quite dexterously even on land (which cannot be said about other seals). In the water, they show real miracles of acrobatics. The skull of these animals has a well-defined brain region, the eyes are large, slightly bulging. On the face of sea lions, you can see thick vibrissae (they are often called whiskers). In general, sea lions are the most agile and intelligent of all pinnipeds. The wool of these animals also differs in quality from the fur of other seals, it is short and less dense. On the neck of males, the hair is longer and forms a kind of short mane, for which they got their name. The fur of sea lions is not valued as much as the fur of fur seals. The color of these animals is dark brown, often almost black. The body length can reach up to 2 m, and the weight of large males up to 300 kg. Females are much smaller, their weight is only 90 kg.

Sea lion female.

Sea lions are inhabitants southern hemisphere. They can be found on the coast South America, Australia, New Zealand and only the California sea lion moved north to subtropical belt. All types of sea lions settle on the open coasts of the seas and oceans, and are found both on rocky and sandy beaches and even in grassy areas. Thanks to their intelligence and general mobility, these animals have even mastered cultural landscapes.

California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) often rest on San Francisco's marinas.

Like all eared seals, sea lions lead a gregarious lifestyle, but their aggregations are not as numerous and crowded as those of fur seals. Animals often go to the open ocean, where they can spend whole days without leaving the land, so it is not uncommon to meet a sea lion at a great distance from the coast. However, sea lions do not commit seasonal migrations, and roam within 5-25 km from the coast. Between themselves, sea lions communicate using various sounds, but their voices have less roar and growl than fur seals.

Sea lions have made a rookery on coastal rocks.

Sea lions feed on fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. They find mollusks at the bottom, diving for this to a depth of 90 m, and they pursue fish with great dexterity. In the water, these animals move like birds, actively rowing with their forelimbs. Since sea lions live in more warm waters than most pinnipeds, they do not accumulate large stocks fat.

The sea lion caught a urchin fish. In case of danger, this fish swells up and now the sea lion is too tough for such prey.

Breeding occurs once a year, but the rut of sea lions is calmer than that of sea ​​elephants or cats. Males occupy permanent sites on the coast, the boundaries of which are protected from alien invasion. Sometimes males get into fights with each other, but they are never as fierce as those of elephant seals and seals. Each male gathers around him a harem of 10-12 females. Non-breeding individuals keep separately along the edges of the rookery. Pregnancy of females lasts a year. Females give birth to cubs in the harem and immediately mate with males again. Sea lion cubs are born with golden fur. For the first few days, the mother stays with the baby inseparably, after mating with the male, she begins to go to sea. Feeding in sea lions, unlike other related species, is long, the female feeds the cub with milk for 5-7 months.

After the first molt, the young grow into a separate group. Future life the young pass in such bachelor herds until the animals become sexually mature. Females begin to breed in the third year of life, and males, due to high competition, acquire harems only by the age of 5-7 years. Sea lions live for about 20 years.

In nature, sea lions are attacked by sharks and killer whales, some animals die when they collide with ships. Interestingly, the natural intelligence of lions is used by them to protect themselves from predators. There is a known case when a sea lion, having encountered a killer whale in the open sea, approached the yacht. An absolutely wild animal demonstrated to people that it needed help and asked for protection.

Sea lions are the few animals that have escaped the fate of mass destruction. low economic benefit from the prey of sea lions saved these animals from fishing. In California, the number of these animals even increased. At the same time, some subspecies of sea lions (the Auckland New Zealand sea lion) need protection due to being forced out of their haulouts by humans.

December 27th, 2010

Compilation this time dedicated to the cold-blooded inhabitants of the underwater kingdom. Tell me, are you afraid of spiders? What about mice or snakes? If so, then, believe me, all your fears are nothing compared to the sensations that you get under water at the moment of meeting with a fish swimming by. Or a huge jellyfish. Better yet, with one of the creatures listed below.
If you ever decide to go diving, be sure to check out this list of dangers that can await you in the depths of the ocean. And I'm starting our collection.

Larva of Cthulhu ( sea ​​cucumber)

Officially, IT is called the deep-sea holothurian, or sea cucumber. However, the creature is similar to the main monster from Final Fantasy, has a length of 10-20 centimeters, feeds on mud from the seabed. It can be said that this is the most successful sea ​​creature, since any predator, seeing this creature, will flee in horror and sleep only when the light is on.

Moray really looks like creepy monster from a horror movie. She has sharp teeth, snake-like body, wide jaw and hard nose. If a moray eel bites you, a lacerated wound will remain on the skin, which can also be infected. Moray eels prefer to hunt in the dark and hide in rocks. This fish can bite a person, protecting its habitat. Therefore, divers are advised not to put their hands near the holes in the underwater rocks and - in no case - do not try to feed the moray eels.

You ask how such a cute animal as a sea lion could be on the list of the most terrible marine life? And it’s very simple: the fact is that these mammals vigilantly guard their own territory. And if it suddenly seems to them that you have your own claims on it, the cute creature will turn into a cruel monster. Sea lions can be extremely aggressive and will easily attack people.

If you are a fan of the Discovery TV channel, then you have probably watched the extreme films of the crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. This man, who went down in history as the most fearless traveler, died in 2006 as a result of careless handling of a stingray. A long tail the stingray ends in a "spear" 8 inches long, formed from the same "material" as the "skin teeth" of the shark. A single blow with such a spear, and now you have already gone to the forefathers.

So, who do we have for lunch? Sorry, I couldn't resist, the picture is very picturesque))
What in the world could be worse than a hungry crocodile? Apparently, only those six creatures that are located below. Crocodiles are terrible because, firstly, they are excellent masters of disguise, secondly, they are skilled hunters, thirdly, they have unlimited patience, they can expect prey for hours, and fourthly, they are famous for their incredible strength. All this turns the crocodile into a real killing machine.

To some, this fish may even seem cute (there are people who decorate their aquarium with them). However, the bright colors in this case act as a warning: wait, I'm very, very dangerous! The thorns of the lion fish are poisonous. And, although this poison is not fatal for a person, nevertheless, it can be very painful. Fortunately, lion fish are not at all aggressive.

If you are afraid of ordinary, “earthly” snakes, then you will be afraid of the sea for sure. The bite of this snake is so venomous that it can kill in minutes. The sea snake does not attack a person first (unless you manage to step on its tail), which, of course, adds a fat plus to its reputation.

Fugu fish

This fish swells up and takes on the size of a ball when startled. Thus, he wants to scare you. Its venom is toxic, causing death in fifty percent of cases. If a Japanese chef makes a mistake while cooking puffer fish, his dish can also be harmful. human body. Fugu fish meat is considered the king of delicacies in Japan.

Master of all masters of disguise, fish stone is considered the most poisonous fish in the world. She skillfully disguises herself at the bottom, while it is completely impossible to distinguish her from the environment. If a person steps on a stone fish, he should be given immediate help, otherwise the poison, which first causes paralysis, will lead to death.

Question: who is scarier than a shark? Answer: tiger shark. The queen of predators, the tiger shark has surpassed white shark by the number of murders. She hunts everything and everything: dolphins, fish, birds, squid, seals, small sharks. Tiger shark eats car tires, car license plates. Moreover, its weight can reach one ton.

(or jellyfish wasp)

This Australian jelly-like creature looks like a box measuring 20 by 30 centimeters. Stinging cells are located on long thin tentacles. To cause wild pain in the body, it is enough to lightly touch this tentacle. The most important thing for a person stung by this jellyfish is to get to the hospital in time. Otherwise fatal outcome secured.

Deep Sea Axfish (Sternoptyx)

This fish locals also called "fish of the damned". Appearance hers is so depressive that one can easily imagine how flocks of these fish groan in sea ​​depths about my hard fate… This is a joke, but nevertheless, few people agree to settle in their home aquarium a couple of these fish. In length, it reaches 25 centimeters, during the day it goes into the depths, and at night it leads an active lifestyle. It is very unpleasant to find such a creature next to you during a romantic night bath.

Toothed squid (Promachoteuthis Sulcus)

This monster looks like a human mouth, surrounded by tentacles, and can safely play leading roles in horror films. This species of squid is very rare, so far only one individual has been found, according to which it was classified. the new kind. Scientists are perplexed why this squid has such short tentacles, and we, ordinary amateurs, will be the least interested in this question when meeting with it ... Calm down the especially impressionable - these are actually not teeth, but a special fold of tissue covering the animal's beak. Nevertheless, it is better not to put fingers in this mouth.

Fish with a human face

This is a very unpleasant sight - to see a fish in which on the front of the body you can quite clearly see human face. Nevertheless, these fish are very common in Japan, and frolic merrily in numerous ponds. There are several types of them, with more or less similar to our “face”, and fishing in a Japanese pond can be very entertaining, especially when you unhook a fish that looks plaintively at you with its sad face.

Fish belt.

A “pillar” floating in the water column, more than 10 meters high with a luxurious mane of hair, could well be attributed to sea monsters for the role of a terrible hairy sea serpent. But this is just a type of herring.

Clicker shrimp.

These babies - clicker shrimp - can easily be included in the category sea ​​monsters. With one sharp pop of a miniature claw, they cause a shock wave that silences the fish at a distance of almost 2 meters. Moreover, during the "explosion" bubbles are formed, which are compressed under the action of ultrasound with such force that the temperature of the air inside them approaches the temperature of the Sun. You can consider it lucky that this mini-monster is so small.


It's a giant tridacna sea ​​shellfish measuring one and a half meters and weighing 250 kg. He was called a cannibal, because when he touched the shell, he immediately slammed the shutters, and a person could be inside it. In fact, it was just a defensive reaction of the sea monster.

Drop fish.

This is a blobfish from the Psychrolutidae family. It inhabits deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania. Drops live on great depths where the pressure is many times higher than at sea level. The flesh of the psycholute goby is primarily a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than that of water itself. This allows the blobfish to swim at such depths without expending a large number of swimming energy. The lack of muscles for this fish is not an inconvenience at all. She swallows almost everything edible that swims in front of her, lazily opening her mouth. It feeds mainly on molluscs and crustaceans.

An amazing feature of the fish is that unusual fact that after laying eggs, the drop fish hatches on the eggs until the fry appear. Caring for their offspring does not stop even after the children leave the eggs. A drop is often included in various ratings of the most unusual animals.

And finally...

ancient shark

In Japan, a shark surfaced that lives at a depth of 600 meters and has not evolved since ancient times. Obviously, the shark was sick with something, as it died a few hours later.

Sea lions (lat. Otariinae ) - marine mammals able to move on all fours, with external auricles, long flippers and a large belly. The body is covered with short dense hairs. Together with fur seals, they are in the family of eared seals - their ears are exposed, while others, the so-called true seals (for example, walruses and elephant seals), have ears hidden under the skin.

Their habitat ranges from subantarctic to tropical waters oceans, with the exception of the northern region of the Atlantic Ocean.


A male sea lion usually weighs 300 kg and grows up to 3 m in length. Females are much smaller - an average of 100 kg. with a body length of 1.8 m. The sea lion (or northern sea lion), one of the types of sea lions, can grow up to 3 m and reach a weight of 1,000 kg. Average duration life is 20-30 years. Sea lions consume a large amount of food at a time - about 5-8% of their own weight.

The body is dark brown. The muzzle is small, elongated like a dog's. They are assigned to the suborder of canids, but, of course, not only because of the similarity of their muzzle with a dog. The eyes are large and slightly protruding.

On the muzzle there are long, stiff antennae called vibrissae, and perform tactile and sensitive functions.

In some species, adult males have a characteristic crest on their heads, and on the neck the hair forms a mane, which is why these animals were nicknamed lions, in honor of the lions of the same name. land predators. An additional resemblance to lions is given by the growl and roar of these animals.

Types of sea lions

There are 5 species of sea lions currently living and one extinct species:

1. Northern sea lion or sea lion(lat. Eumetopias jubatus). This is the most large view. It lives in the northern hemisphere in the territory from the west coast North America to our Kuril Islands. Adult males grow to the size of walruses - 3-3.5 m in length and weigh more than 1 ton. The females are much smaller. In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, they are assigned to the 2nd category - close to the transition to the threatened group. international union Conservation of Animals refers sea lions to a group of animals that are in danger of extinction in the near future.

2. southern sea lion(lat. Otaria byronia). It lives off the coast of South America, in Peru, Brazil, the Galapagos Islands. Weighs 300 kg. They are distinguished by a lighter brown color. The mane is lighter than the body, almost yellow. On the body there are also light spots of irregular shape.

3. Australian sea lion(lat. Neophoca cinerea). Lives in southern Australia. Weighs about 300 kg. Females are very small - about 100 kg. with a body length of 1.5-1.8 m. In females, the coat color differs from the color of males - gray with a silver tint. Is very a rare species. The Australian sea lion population currently stands at 12,000.

4. California sea lion(lat. Zalophus californianus). Weighs 300 kg. Females of this species are the smallest - about 90 kg. Their muzzle is strongly elongated. In males, the mane is very weakly developed, and distinguishing feature males, which determines their attractiveness for females - a characteristic crest on the head.

5. New Zealand sea lion(lat. Phocarctos hookeri). Weighs 200-250 kg. They are darker in color. Males have a well-growing mane, which makes them larger than they really are. Lives in southern New Zealand.

6. Japanese sea lion(lat. Zalophus japonicus). Currently considered extinct. Lived in the Sea of ​​Japan and east coast Korea. It grew up to 2.5 m in length and reached a weight of 560 kg. He was distinguished by a thicker and almost black mane. The reason for the extinction of the Japanese sea lion is uncontrolled fishing.

Behavior and diet

Sea lions spend most time in the water, coming ashore to rest and mate. Northern species can climb drifting ice, but mostly rookeries are arranged on the shore. Even making short migrations in their region, sea lions remain tied to a specific “own” shore.

They are excellent swimmers. Clumsy on land, they transform under water, fluttering in the water column like birds in the air. The swimming speed can exceed 30 km/h, and the diving depth is 200 m.

Sea lions hunt for fish, cephalopods and some. The streamlined body shape, speed, reaction and endurance make them good fishermen. And they need to hunt a lot. For one "fishing" an adult animal needs up to 20 kg. fresh fish.

There are two periods in the life of sea lions - nomadic(or foraging, when the animals are actively feeding, gaining weight) and reproductive(or rookery). The reproductive period begins different types differently, usually in spring and summer. At this time, the males come ashore for a long time and expect the appearance of females ready to mate.

Male sea lions are significantly larger than females.


Sea lions are characterized by a harem breeding system, when one male mates with several females and protects them from the encroachments of other males. But they do not have dominance over females. If the female does not want to stay with a particular male or is not ready to mate, then she can go to another place or to another male.

Males divide the coast with the help of fights, often reaching blood. Old, weak, as well as young males are forced out to the outskirts of the rookery, where they try to find a lonely female. Also, a group of males can gather in a flock of up to 10 individuals and raid someone's harem in order to kidnap a female. Stronger males are able to maintain a harem of twenty females, but usually 2-3 females. During this period, the sea lion does not eat and practically does not sleep, defending its territory from other males.

It is noteworthy that in some species, males that have not found success during the breeding season stray into bachelor herds, where they stay all the time while young and strong individuals are engaged in procreation. In such herds, other males constantly arrive, who have been forced out of the rookery. These bachelors are bored on dry land all summer long until it's time to return to their usual foraging lifestyle.

Before mating, the female gives birth to one cub and takes care of him until the next mating, which occurs in 10-14 days. The female is jealous of her puppies and aggressive towards someone else's young. There are known cases of attacks on other people's puppies, but it has been noticed that about 10% of female sea lions are raising someone else's offspring.

Relationship with a person

Sea lions have suffered greatly from human activity. The Japanese sea lion has been completely wiped out by uncontrolled prey for its meat and skin. Other species have also suffered greatly, including due to technogenic activities that have affected their usual habitats. Despite the fact that they have not been hunted for a long time, now the struggle for survival has entered a different phase - in competition with fishermen for fish (mainly walleye pollock). Fishermen have seriously reduced the amount of food habitual for sea lions, and they are forced to migrate to regions that are unsuitable for them in search of food. The southern sea lion was particularly hard hit.

Some South American countries (such as Uruguay) have restricted the amount of fish that sea lions feed on, but the population is still declining due to human impact on their ecosystem.

The human presence in the habitats of sea lions forces the animals to show aggression towards him, protecting their offspring and showing territorial "jealousy". They are characterized by the so-called "homing" - the ability to return to their habitats and protect them from the encroachments of strangers. Most often, the animal does not come into confrontation with a person, preferring to swim away, but many attacks have been documented.

On the west coast of Australia, a sea lion grabbed a 13-year-old girl who was surfing and seriously harassed her, biting and drowning her underwater. The girl was saved when the animal came in for the second attack.

In San Francisco, cases of bites by adult male sea lions are recorded annually. Biting occurs underwater and it is believed that this population is only protecting its territory. The most serious case here occurred in 2015, when a 62-year-old man went to the doctors with a broken leg, which he received after being bitten by a male California sea lion. This species lends itself well to training. They often perform in circuses, dolphinariums and zoos. They were also used by the military, having taught them to deliver specified cargoes to specific points under water. In general, this species is aggressive only during the breeding season, but in wild nature contact with them is not recommended.

Another case of an attack on a person, including on camera mobile phone, happened in 2017 in British Columbia ( West Coast Canada). Then the sea lion, unexpectedly emerging from the water, grabbed the girl by the dress and disappeared into the depths. Fortunately, the child escaped with only a fright and was not injured.

Sea lions are an ecotourism destination in New Zealand and Australia. A tourist park in Australia annually receives 100,000 people who can watch animals on the shore from boats. They are also the unofficial symbol of the Galapagos Islands. It was there that friendly sea lions became an Internet meme due to their excessive curiosity. Right now in in social networks“sea lions” are people who show excessive and obsessive goodwill towards strangers.


Sea lion drags a girl underwater

Sea lion hunts a penguin

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