May is the last month of spring. Why is May called May? Riddles about May

Time of nightingales and thunderstorms May - last month spring, the beginning of summer.

Time for nightingales and thunderstorms May is the last month of spring, the threshold of summer.

May is rich in signs and superstitions that allowed our ancestors to find out what the coming summer will be like. For example, there is still a belief that if the beginning of May is warm, then cold weather should be expected at the end of the month, and vice versa.

In order to appease the coming summer, to bring real warmth closer, the housewives in the first days of May always baked pies, “treated the summer” so that the harvest was good and no natural disasters happened.

coming summer weather also determined by the flowering of bird cherry. Everyone knows that the traditional May cold falls during the period of its flowering. But few people know that the earlier the bird cherry blossoms, the hotter the summer will be. So if you suddenly see flowers on a bird cherry tree at the very beginning of May, get ready for the heat.

However, in spite of everything, May is a capricious month, and at the beginning of May you can still easily “meet” late frosts. In this case, they noticed the number of frost - if May 5 - it is worth waiting for at least 40 more cold matinees throughout the summer.

But if the frost fell on May 6 and later, they expected a warm and gentle autumn. Most often, it is in May that the first thunderstorms occur.

And where there is a thunderstorm, there, of course, is rain, and, as a result, a rainbow. The high and steep May rainbow promised good weather soon, and the low and gentle one made you think about the imminent bad weather. Closer to the middle of May, on the 11th, the collection of birch sap began.

It was believed that this juice, which absorbed the power of the tree, could cure many diseases. However, it was necessary to collect it correctly, and first of all, you need to apologize to the birch tree from which you want to take juice. Otherwise, her gift will not have any healing power.

Our ancestors did this:

On May 12, at noon, after drinking the magic juice, they went out onto the road to expose their faces to the warm wind. This little rite promised the person who performed it health for a whole year ahead.

May is the nightingale month. Who doesn't love this wonderful gentle singing, followed by real warmth! Hearing the nightingale before the cuckoo is considered a good omen: the year promises to be successful in terms of romantic relationships.

May 23 was revered as "Earth Day", a land holiday. All work stopped so that it was possible to go into the forest and collect medicinal herbs- it was believed that it was on May 23 that they had a special, magic power.

The weather indicator for the whole summer is Mokey Day, May 24. If Mokey is rainy, then the summer should be like that. If cloudless - wait for the hot sun all three summer months. Among the many interesting signs there is one more, very accurate.

According to her, in May there are two real periods of cold weather - when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak opens its leaves. So, when you see an oak awakened from sleep, be prepared for a cold snap. Despite the fact that May is often both cold and windy, this month remains a favorite for many. After all, immediately after it comes a sunny, long-awaited summer.

The whole country is planning the May weekend, of course, I am no exception. And in my diary I have already written down the most beloved, and very important things for May.

How to spend the May weekend

At the end of April-beginning of May we have a long weekend, children go to schools and kindergartens only on May 3rd. It's great to spend this time with family and friends in nature or go somewhere, for example:

  1. Another city or sea. I wrote how we love family weekends in other cities and the May holidays- a great time to travel.
  2. To the village. You can also go to relatives in the village or to friends in the country. At this time of the year the air is especially beautiful!
  3. Picnic. You can get out into nature or to the park. Children love picnics, especially all sorts of bright attributes - tablecloths, a suitcase with bright dishes, napkins.
  4. Kebabs. Even if you can’t go somewhere, you must definitely make barbecue at least in the courtyard of a private house of friends.
  5. Games. Get out badminton, frisbee, balls and jump ropes - it's time to frolic with the whole family, you can call friends, friends of children and neighbors.

In addition to holidays, in May you need to remember:

  • Take pictures! In dandelions, apple and apricot blossoms, wildflowers and sunsets.
  • To study. Although the weather is not at all conducive to lessons, many of them still have annual tests, and some even have ZNO, so we don’t lose our heads.
  • Get ready for the summer. And you know that it's not so much anymore free places at good marine recreation centers? Yes, it's better to book in advance.
  • Update your wardrobe. Are you ready for the summer, already know about the trends of the season? Children also need to change clothes and change shoes, and remind the husband that the season is changing.
  • Watch the weather forecast. May is very changeable, we are waiting for the heat, and thunderstorms, and the wind and again the heat. Stay on topic.

May is the last month of spring. Traven. Herbalist. Herbal. Lightspring. Roseblossom. Roseflower. Pollen. The word May, in honor of the goddess Mai, came to us from Byzantium. In the old Russian life, May was considered the third passing month. When the year began to be counted from September, it became the ninth. Since 1700, it falls on the fifth month (ordinal). This is the last month of spring. Month of flowers and love. The greenest month of the year. The period of true flowering of all living things. In May, sub-seasons are distinguished: from May 1 to May 6 - Revitalization of spring. from May 7 to May 22 - The height of spring. from May 23 to May 31 - Predlet. The average air temperature in May goes over +10 ºС. It can reach +25 ºC in some years. But the return of cold weather is also possible, usually for a short time. Most often, colds occur during the flowering of bird cherry (from May 4). They say: "When the bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives." The cold in May is called "cheremkhovy". It also happens very cold May even with snow. We noticed that May with stable cold weather happens once in seven years. But "May is cold - a year of grain." About the weather in May, people say this: "May's heat is unreliable." "May - give hay to the horse." "May frost will not squeeze out tears." "May has come - paradise under the bush." Dampness, rains in May - with cold or heat, which is almost indifferent, brings blessing to the fields, are the best omen, promise a good harvest, but can be harmful to fruits, especially grapes. "The rain in May raises bread." In May, the light part of the day expands significantly. According to the observations of psychologists, it has been established that a person’s sleep in May-June is the shortest. In May, the crowns of trees turn green and bloom everywhere. Snowdrops, crocuses, buttercups, dandelions and other spring flowers grow. Daffodils, tulips, daisies, etc. are blooming in the gardens. Peonies, lilies, and irises are springing up. 30-32 days after the flowering of the coltsfoot (April), rose hips, linden, gooseberries, currants bloom, apple trees turn green. The birch has blossomed - in a week the bird cherry and purple lilac will bloom. In May, foxes and wolves have broods. The squirrel has offspring. At the end of May, horses have offspring - foals, goats - kids, pigs - piglets. At this time the sheep are sheared. In May, milk is the most healing. Most best honey- May. Medicinal bee pollen is collected in May. Birch sap is being harvested. Vitamin cabbage soup is cooked from sorrel and young nettle. Asparagus is ready to eat. According to the Bianchi Forest Calendar, until May 20 until April 21, the second month of spring continues - "The month of the return of migratory birds to their homeland." And from May 21 (and to June 20) the third month of spring begins - “The Month of Songs and Dances”. In May, the arrival of birds continues. Birds sing in the forests. Nightingale time. The singing of the nightingale signifies the full bloom of spring. The nightingale sings "tek-tek, tek-tek". "The nightingale sings when it can drink dew from a birch leaf." The nightingale sang - spring began to wane, and summer to profit. Speeders-dergachi begin to creak. Birds wake up at different times: nightingale at 2 o'clock in the morning; forest lark-yula - the same way; quail, field lark at 2-3 o'clock; redstart, cuckoo, oriole, great tit - at 3 o'clock; wren, chaffinch, oatmeal, chiffchaff, rooks - at 4 o'clock; starling, greenfinch, wagtail, sparrow - at 6 o'clock. May is considered unlucky by the people. This is a bad month for weddings. "To marry in May is to toil for a century." "I would be glad to marry, but May does not order." "You wanted good in May." "Whoever is born in May - the whole century will be wasted." There are interesting data on the sowing of spring grains in middle lane Russia, built on long-term observations (data according to the old style): early sowing begins 10 weeks before the day of St. Elijah the Prophet, i.e. May 10, on the day of the Apostle Simon the Zealot; medium - 9 weeks before the same day, i.e. about May 21, on the day of Constantine and Helena; and late - 8 or 7 weeks before the day of the holy prophet Elijah, i.e. around May 25, on the day of John the Baptist, or at the beginning of June. In the astrological calendar according to the signs of the Zodiac: born in May May 1-20 - Taurus, May 21-31 - Gemini; May sign is Taurus. According to the "sacred" trees, the calendar shows that those born from May 1 to May 14 have jasmine as a talisman, from May 15 to 24 - chestnut, from May 25 to 31 - ash. The talisman of May is hyacinth, the stone is emerald. Chemist's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Russian house. Universal Code of Calendars (1994-2000). - Nizhny Novgorod, 1994, p.67-68. “May grass feeds even the hungry. Spring rain never fails. May is cold - a year of grain. How many rains in May, so many years to be harvested. The head is wetted with the first spring rain so that the hair grows as fast as May grass. A good beginning of May can turn into cold at the end of the month: “Plow in shirts, sow in fur coats.” It is especially cold when the oak unfolds. The nightingale sings when it can drink water from a birch leaf. When the birch leaves before the alder, the summer will be dry; if the alder is in front - wet. A lot of May beetles - for the harvest of millet.

May - grass, herbalist, svetozarnik, pollen, rose flower, daylight, bird whistling, quench, great grass, nightingale month, shviban, flying, Yarets (in honor of the sun god Slavic mythology Yarila).

Mai was named after the goddess Maya, who personifies nature and fertility. May is the last month of spring, it is at this time that the period of greenery and flowering of all living things begins. In May, daylight hours become much longer. But in the old days, the month of May was considered not quite a prosperous month. To get married in May, you will have to toil for the whole century, it was believed that this is the most unfortunate month for weddings - do not play weddings in May. May colds come starting from May 4, it is during this period that bird cherry begins to bloom. But May, with persistent night frosts, occurs only once every seven years.

Folk beliefs and signs in May

  • May milk is the most useful, it is it that has healing properties.
  • May honey is the best. Also in May, bee pollen has healing power.
  • Birch sap is collected in May.
  • Vitamin soup is cooked from sorrel and young nettle.
  • In April, when the mother-and-stepmother has blossomed, report 30-32 days, and these days the linden, wild rose, gooseberry, currant will begin to bloom and apples will begin to set.
  • A week after the birch has blossomed, purple lilac and bird cherry will bloom.
  • It is customary in the villages to shear sheep in May.
  • If at the beginning of May there are warm days, then in last days May, it will be cold.
  • The violet blossomed and the willow blossomed - it's time to sow onions, dill, parsley and radishes.
  • If a lot of cobwebs fly in May, the summer will be good.
  • A lot of cobwebs in May - the summer will be hot.
  • Bird cherry blossomed - brought the cold.
  • If May is cold, the year will be fertile.
  • If the rooks are playing - to good weather.
  • If thunder rumbles in May, bread will be born.
  • Rains in May - bread is raised.
  • If it rains in May, expect a good harvest.
  • If there is a lot of birch sap, there will be summer with rains.
  • Many mice - the year will remain without a harvest.
  • If there is a lot of rain in May, then in autumn there will be little.
  • If the mountain ash blossomed later than the due date, the autumn will be long.
  • If the cranes fly fast and low - to rain with a strong wind.
  • The finch flies to the cold, and the lark to the heat.
  • The coltsfoot blossomed - brought warmth.
  • The dawn is red - the winds will bring rainy.
  • A swallow from hot countries flew in - the first thunderstorm arrived.
  • Thrushes flew in, and the frosts were gone.
  • If the birds make their nests on the sunny side (or south) - there will be a cold summer.
  • If it rains in May, the rye will be good.
  • When the first cranes arrived, it was time to sow peas.
  • If a swallow flies out of the nest, it means that it promises a warm day.
  • If a swallow flies low near the ground, it means that it promises rain.
  • If the moon is cloudy and pale at night, expect rain or frost in the morning.
  • May grass will feed the hungry.
  • If there are many May beetles, there will be a good harvest of millet in the summer.
  • If there are a lot of cranes in May, there will be no rain.
  • Dry May - will not give fertility.
  • If the birch leaves began to appear earlier than the alder, there will be a lot of sun and heat in the summer, and if the alder has leaves earlier, it will be cold in the summer and there will be a lot of rain.

The folk weather calendar will take May.

Day of St. Kuzma (Cosma), on this day the housewives sow carrots and beets. Before sowing, the hostess came to the well in the morning, sprinkled the seeds with spring water, and threw copper money into the well for a good harvest.
In other villages, they went secretly to the river, three dawns in a row, and lowered the seeds into the water, so that the envious eye would not jinx it.
If the alder has blossomed, it is time to sow buckwheat.
If on this day the cuckoo cuckoos for a long time, it will crow warmly, and the cold will go away.
If May 1st it's raining, people with rainwater, wetted their hair in order to grow like May grass.
A person born on May 1st will be devoted to his land all his life, and will take care of it.
May 1 - willow, alder and raspberry buds open.

The day of Ivan the Warrior, who punished thieves, is celebrated. If something was missing from people, on this day, people went to church and served a prayer service to John the Warrior, after which they could judge who is a thief and who is not a thief, i.e. the thief gave himself away.
The day of Ivan the Old Cave is also celebrated. On this day, canvases were taken out into the field, and they asked mother spring for a good harvest of sowing.
May 2 - the first thunderstorm.

On this day, they called their ancestors. People came to the cemetery and lamented their relatives and friends, who are no longer alive.

If the bird cherry blossomed on this day, then the summer will be very hot.
On this day they celebrated the Day of Proclus. It was on this day that evil spirits were cursed. This was usually done by the elders outside the outskirts, they shouted curses at evil spirits, leaving the outskirts, and turning to face the west.
Also, on the night of May 4, the witches "spoiled" the grass, making it poisonous.

Luke Day. It was on this day in the old days that people began to sow onion sets. However, they were guided weather conditions: if the sun is clear in the morning, then they started sowing, if there is fog in the morning, then they were in no hurry to sow. If the weather cleared up by noon, then the harvest will be average, and if it cleared up in the evening, the harvest will be poor. And if on the night of May 5, the moon rose early in the sky, then the frosts will be early, and in this case the onion sets were sown early, and if the moon is waning, then they were in no hurry with the crops.
On May 5, it is better not to go into the forest alone. Witches on this day lead diabolical round dances, and they will take them with them forever.
May 5 - buds open at the wild rose, maple and apple tree.

Egory Veshnigo's day is celebrated. On this day, people organized festivities in the streets. It was believed that it was from Yegoriev's day that the real spring came (came). If Yegory is warm - summer is not beyond the threshold.
On the day of Yegori, you can’t knit anything, and even pick up wool products, otherwise the wolves will gnaw through all the sheep.
Shepherd's Day. It was on May 6 that the shepherds for the first time in the year drove their flock to the field.
The dew collected on Egor's day helps against the evil eye and various diseases. But dew must be collected before sunrise.
It is strictly forbidden to swear and shout on this day, it will kill you with a thunderstorm.
It is believed that swallows arrive on Egor's week.
If I went to Yegory heavy rain, there will be a lot of grass.
If on the night of Egory, the moon was born, and the wind drives the clouds, then it was believed that such weather would persist for a long time.
If on this day a lot of mosquitoes stray in flocks, then this is to heat.
If dew appears on Egory in the morning, it was believed that there would be good millet, and if it snowed, hoarfrost or hail, there would be a harvest for buckwheat, and if it rained, then buckwheat was not harvested.
It was believed that if it rains on Yegory, then it is harmful for the trees, but good for the bread.
If the rivers overflowed strongly on Yegory, then on Nikolin's day (May 22), there will be grass.
If the morning is clear and calm on Egory's day, then the early sowings will be fruitful, and if it clears up only in the evening, then the late sowings will be successful.
If the night from May 6 to May 7 is very warm, then the bread will ripen before the first frost.
May 6 - May beetles appear.

Yevsey Day. On this day, weed out the oats.
After May 7, severe night frosts may come.
A person born on May 7 will have the strength to fight evil.
May 7 - begin to bloom - maple, birch, poplar.

Markov's day is celebrated.
It is on this day that songbirds arrive.
If the cuckoo calls on Mark's Day, then there will be no more frosts.
If there is good, clear weather on this day, there will be a plentiful harvest of spring crops.
If on this day, the evening is warm, and at night there will be stars in the sky, to a bountiful harvest.
May 8 - Aspen, pear and cherry buds open.

Day of Glafira Goroshnitsa. In the old days, it was on this day that they planted peas, charmed for a good harvest.
May 9 - swallows arrive.

On this day, all evil spirits are trying to get closer to human habitation.
A person born on May 10 gets up quickly, gets married early and has children early.
If before May 10, thunder rumbled, the lion dressed in foliage, the larks sang, and the frogs began to croak in the swamp - it's time to plow the field, the harvest will be good.
In the old days, they believed that if this day is worth good weather, this day will bring recovery to a sick person.
May 10 - the nightingale begins to sing.

Jason Day. Maxim's day. In the old days, people believed that this day was endowed with great magical power. People collected birch sap and gave it to sick people. And the warm wind from the south, people caught in special amulets, and hung them around the neck of sick people, they believed that this would bring recovery. Warm South wind on the day of Jason - brings people health.
If on the day of Jason there is a clear sunrise, this is the solar summer.
If on the night of May 11, the night is starry and warm, the year will please with a bountiful harvest.
If the wind comes from the south on this day, there will be many thunderstorms in summer, but it will be warm and give a good harvest.
May 11 - Oak buds open.

Day of the Nine Martyrs. It was believed that on this day health conspiracies had great power. It was on this day that healers turned to the Nine Martyrs to heal the sick.
A person born on this day had to go through nine trials.
May 12 - Dandelions begin to bloom. The buds of plums and lindens open.

Day of the Apostle Jacob the Star.
From that day on, all marriages ceased.
If a lot of juice flowed from a birch that day, there will be a lot of rain in summer.
If at night there are many stars on Jacob and the wind is warm and blows from the south, the summer will be warm and fruitful.
If at night there is a starry and windless night on Yakov, the summer will be dry.
If the sunrise is clear, the summer will be fruitful.

Day of Yeremey Harness.
If it is rainy and cloudy on this day, the winter will be frosty and early.
If it is clear on this day, the harvest will be good.
Mosquitoes appeared on Yeremey - it's time to sow rye in the field.
May 14 - gooseberries begin to bloom. The swifts are coming.

Day of Boris and Gleb sowers. Nightingale holiday. Barish-day.
Have time to sow grain for Boris and Gleb.
It is on this day that the nightingales begin their songs. Whoever hears the nightingale in the morning will be happy this year.
If the nightingale sings for a long time on this day, spring leaves, and summer comes.
If the sunrise is clear on the day of Boris and Gleb, then the summer will be just as clear.
If the merchant successfully sells on this day, then the whole year will be with profits.
If the day is warm, the bread will be dark.
On this day, they watched the cuckoo, if the cuckoo sits closer to the top of the tree - the spring crops will be high, if closer to the ground - the spring crops will be low and the harvest will be small.
May 15 - begin to bloom - pansies and ash.

Day of Moor the milkman.
Cows, starting from this day, add milk. It is easy for the hostess when there is milk on the table.
It is on this day that the bird cherry begins to bloom. Bird cherry cold.
A person born on this day will be an excellent cook.
It was believed that the nettle on this day was endowed with healing powers. People boiled cabbage soup from nettles and whipped themselves with young nettles to add health.
May 16 - start to bloom - elderberry and bird cherry. They begin to change the greenery of the Christmas tree.

Baklushnikov Day.
On this day, people prepared material for wooden spoons.
A person born on this day could understand what animals are talking about.

Day of Arina (Irina) - nurseries.
On this day, the villages begin planting cabbage and cucumbers in the ground. But there was a belief that on this day, when cabbage and cucumbers are planted, you can’t eat bread, otherwise the chickens peck out the seedlings.
They watched the first watering, if the earth took a lot of water, it will be dry, if it took little water, it will be wet.
May 18 - apple and cherry trees begin to bloom.

Day of Job Goroshnik (Borage, Rosennik). Job spreads the dew.
If there is a lot of dew on the day of Job and a good day, there will be a good harvest of cucumbers this year.
If the night on Job is warm, there will be many cucumbers; if the night is cold, there will be few cucumbers.

Bathing suit.
On this day, from early morning, buckets of well water were exposed to the sun, and during the day they doused themselves with this water. It was believed that the water on this day had a cleansing magical power.
They also drove horses along the river to cleanse them of all wickedness.
May 20 - apple and maple trees in bloom.

Day of Ivan the Theologian. Day of Arseniy Pshenichnik.
In the old days they baked pies, but did not eat them themselves, but took them out of the village and gave them to passers-by. It was considered a bad sign not to meet a passerby, in which case the cake was fed to the birds.
On this day, it was customary to start sowing wheat.
If on this day good rain- Mushroom summer will be.

Feast of Nikola Veshny. Nikola Warm. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
One of the main holidays in Russia. It was Nicholas the Wonderworker who was the intercessor and patron of the entire Russian people.
After Nikola, there will be twelve more times of cold.
If it rains the day after Nikola Veshnygo, the summer will be rainy and cold.
May 22 - lilac blossoms.

Day of Simon the Zealot
You cannot work on this day. Big sin.
On this day, healers and healers go to the forest and collect herbs that are endowed with healing and magical powers.
On this day, they went looking for treasures.
May 23 - lilies of the valley and plums begin to bloom, oak opens.

Day of Mokiya Wet.
If on this day in the morning fog spreads over the earth, which formed in the evening and did not disperse before sunrise, there will be a storm.
If it rains that day, it will be a wet summer.
May 24 - forget-me-not blooms.

Epiphany Day. Ryabinovka.
If the sunrise is red on this day, there will be a drought in summer.
On this day, in the old days, people conjured their huts from fires and lightning strikes.
Girls born on this day dressed up in red sundresses.
May 25 - rowan blossoms.

Lukerya Mosquito Day.
On this day with warm winds mosquitoes and all kinds of midges fly.
Mosquitoes appeared on Lukerya - good weather.
If there are a lot of mosquitoes on Lukerya, there will be a lot of berries and mushrooms in summer.
If swallows and swifts fly a lot on this day, be warm.
Starting from this day, the collection of medicinal herbs begins.
A person born on this day will be importunate and caustic.

Day of Sidor-borage.
If that day is cold, then the summer will be cold.
After the day of Sidor, summer begins to enter its domain.
Swifts fly to Sidor with warmth.
On this day, the sowing of flax begins.
On this day, in the old days, they began sowing cucumbers in open ground.
On the night of Sidor, a wet rag was hung in the yard, if the rag is wet in the morning, then there will be a lot of cucumbers.
If it’s warm on this day, expect a good harvest of cucumbers.

Day of Pachomia-bokreya.
If Pahom came, it smelled of warmth.
If the weather is good on this day, the summer will be warm.
On this day, oats begin to grow.
A person born on this day will be kind, and people will be drawn to him.

Fedosya Day. In the old days, it was considered one of the worst, unlucky days of the year. Day of Fyodor Zhitnik.
On this day, people tried to sow everything.
If the mountain ash blossomed on this day, it will soon be warm.
In the old days, people went to the forest and looked at the alder, a lot of cones - to a bountiful harvest of barley.

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