Moving horoscope - relocation - the basics of construction and interpretation. Numerology of the address - the numerical code of the place of residence

The natal chart speaks of the innate qualities and abilities of its owner, the local chart speaks of local circumstances initiated by the place of action. They are equal in importance, because the life of many people passes away from their place of birth. The local chart should be considered on a par with the natal chart. The functions of the planets and their relationship to houses are strictly laid down in natal chart, does not change from the beginning to the end of a person's life and does not depend on his moving.

In the local map, the planets acquire local functions, spreading their influence to the place where a person lives. When moving to another place, accompanied by changes in geographical coordinates - longitude and latitude - it is possible to lose some and acquire other functions.

By the way, here is the question. What is the significance of the local map? Naturally, the analysis must begin with the birth horoscope, because it is the birth horoscope that determines the fate of a person. In astrology, the principle of beginning is known. The principle of beginning says that the beginning moment is the most important, that is, our birth is announced as the starting moment. We draw up a horoscope for this very moment, at the moment of birth, and for the place where we were born, and this horoscope shows the influence, this horoscope shows the whole fate, in the same way, the starting point of the horoscope - the ascendant is the most important point of the horoscope.

Local horoscope appears after some time, years later, as a rule. It reflects the change life circumstances, but within the limits indicated in the birth chart. In particular, if there are no indications of great wealth in the birth chart, then no matter how wonderful the local chart is, a person will not become a millionaire, he, of course, will live well, but still, if it were a birth chart, he would live it is better. Therefore, we must always take into account that the local map has an auxiliary, additional value In addition, many things do not change - the ascendant gives the appearance and character of a person.

Shestopalova S.V. - Business Astrology, pp. 194-197.

Shestopalova S.V. - Predictive astrology.

Shestopalova S.V. - Abstracts of the report at the annual astrological conference in Moscow, 2005.

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Tags: astrology, local relocation, horoscope analysis, local chart, local horoscope, local chart, shestopalov local, natal chart ascendant

"Relocation" literally translated from English means"relocation" . Relocation horoscope - relocation chart - "relocation map", is built at the time of a person's birth, but for other geographical coordinates. When calculating the relocation map, we take the time of birth converted to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and the latitude and longitude of another locality. The relocation map shows how the accents of a person's horoscope change when they move. If you have moved close, you will hardly realize the change, but long-distance moves will affect you more significantly. When you move to another city or country, you find yourself in other geographical coordinates. The configuration of the planets does not change during relocation and the main features of a person's personality remain the same, but the circumstances of life (at home) change.

As you move west of your birthplace, the Ascendant, MC, and all other house cusps move clockwise, or in the direction of decreasing degrees of the zodiac. This is one of the reasons that traveling west gives a feeling of rejuvenation. Moving to the east causes the Ascendant and all house cusps to move counterclockwise or in the direction of increasing zodiacal degrees. With this simple rule in mind, you can now determine how far you need to move in one direction or another in order to reach your personal goal..

Radix and relocation

There is no need to absolutize relocation and consider that as soon as you move to another area, the natal chart loses its meaning and the relocation card begins to work. This is not true. Here it is worth recalling another term used for the natal chart - radix. The word "radix" is of Latin origin and is translated as "root".Relocation cannot be considered in isolation from"root" , the natal chart, because it is in the radix that the main tasks that we have to solve in our lives are shown. The move does not cancel these tasks, but only shifts the emphasis, makes what was previously hidden more obvious, or vice versa, extinguishes some of the difficulties that appear in the horoscope at the place of birth. But tono matter how fate brings us, the natal chart continues to operate and it always underlies the interpretation of all other cards, helping to understand them correctly. The potential given to us at birth does not change, but is only refracted in different ways in different places on the earth.

When does the card start for a new location? In other words, how long does it take to live in a new place to feel the effects of relocation? Relocation manifests itself immediately, but some of its characteristics become noticeable quickly (for example, you may feel that the attitude of the people around you has changed), and other aspects take time to unfold. Let's say a profession cannot change in one day, even if professional interests change significantly in a new place.

The relocation map is important not only in itself. Like the radix, it responds to transits, progressions, and other forecasting methods. In synastry, it also makes sense to take into account the displacement of house cusps during relocation. Transits and progressions on the relocation chart sometimes better describe the current situation than if you use only one natal chart.

It is not for nothing that solar circulation maps are most often built for the place in which a person was at the time of circulation. We can say that relocation shows events and circumstances in the form in which they are perceived by a person in given time and in a given place on earth, and the natal chart helps to understand the meaning of what is happening from the point of view of all life. Let us now try to apply the theory of relocation in practice.


The first step in any move is to honestly understand why you are going to make the change. Whether you are overwhelmed by an irresistible desire to change places, or you blame everyone for your problems and want to run away from something, it is important to correctly assess the situation. Getting used to a new place will create additional stress, no matter how ideal the conditions are. Moving or even just changing housing is one of the main indicators in the so-called stress tests. If you are at the peak of a marital crisis or are experiencing a loss in the family, then it would be better to postpone the move for a few months.

Consider each motive separately. What do you deal with first - boredom, relationship tension, career stagnation, financial matters, - with what specifically? Is the desire to move an attempt to escape from their internal unresolved problems? Well-known wisdom testifies that you cannot run away from yourself. Remember that wherever we go, we take ourselves with us. Take your time and make sure you know the root of the problem before making a decision.

Carefully consider and weigh the changes associated with the move. What you lose is just as important as what you gain. Is it wise to give up your natural right to a bowl of porridge? If you lose happy relationships just for the sake of professional advancement, won't you have to curse the day you decided to move? Only changes in your natal horoscope will be able to tell you everything related to the move.

Each person is able to increase, develop, strengthen and sharpen his best qualities living at any latitude or longitude of the world, but a suitable location helps this development.

Relocation map calculation

When building a relocation map, you need to set the coordinates of a new place and change the time taking into account the time zone so that Greenwich Mean Time is the same.

Let's consider such an example.
The person was born on March 22, 1980 at 12:00:00 local time in Kyiv.
GMT time at that moment was 09:00.

If we want to build his relocation map to Berlin, we must leave the date of birth, but change the coordinates of the place - setting Berlin and changing the time.

When calculating the time for the relocation map, we would takenot12:00 local time in Kyiv, and 10:00 local time (Berlin), because when it was 12 noon in Kyiv, it was 10 am in Berlin at that moment.

In both cases, this is the same GMT time equal to 09 o'clock in the morning. Since on this day Kyiv had a difference with Greenwich Mean Time of +3, and according to Berlin time, the difference with Greenwich Mean Time was +1.

Using a computer astrological program, set the setting: Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT).
In our example:

in the time column: enter GMT time: 09:00,

in the column "amendment" it will be: +00:00:00,

in the place column - enter the geographical coordinates of Berlin.

Those who use the ZET program can build a relocation map simply by selecting the desired option.
In the ZET astroprocessor, relocation is performed as follows:

1. We enter the initial data - we build a natal chart.
2. Open the atlas of cities.
3. Select the desired city and click on it with the right mouse button.
4. In the menu that appears, select the line "relocation".

5. We look at the map.

If the relocation map is built correctly, all the planets in it will be in the same degrees, minutes and seconds as the planets in the natalmap. The position of the Sun can be taken as a key reference in this. It (like all other planets) should have the same coordinates, but the house cusps will move. The amount of movement depends on the difference in longitude between the place of birth and the place for which the relocation is being built.

How to build a relocation map if the time of birth is unknown?

Since in the relocation horoscope we estimate the shift in the coordinates of houses, it is important to know the exact time of birth to build it. But what if the time of birth is unknown? The famous Russian astrologer Konstantin Arev describes the method of constructing a relocation chart proposed by Edward Jondro:

“This method is used in astrological practice when it is necessary to analyze the move of a native whose time of birth is unknown and for this reason the technique of recalculating house cusps cannot be applied. In the Jondro method, the positions of the house cusps in the natal chart and the relocation chart coincide, but the positions of the planets (including the Lunar Nodes) change. The calculations here are very simple: a change in geographic longitude by 1° corresponds to the same change in the ecliptic longitudes of the planets; when moving west relative to the place of birth, the coordinates of the planets decrease, when moving east, they increase. So, if in the radix the coordinate of the Sun is 10 ° 25 "Aries, then when moving to a new place located 15 ° 30" east, the coordinate of the Sun in the relocation map (Jondro calls this map Birth Locality Chart) will become equal to 25 ° 55" Aries "Changes in geographic latitude are not taken into account in this technique. The resulting coordinates of the planets are compared with the natal positions of the planets and the houses of the radix."

Fundamentals of interpretation of the relocation map

By looking at the changing cusps of the horoscope, you can see how different the different places are in terms of the location of the individual planets. Since your planets remain in the same degrees and aspects, you will be able to see how they change their position in the houses.

Remember that no relocation will show all the good factors or effects at once. Sometimes working through a problem or finishing a stuck project raises different questions in other areas of life. For example, health may improve in another place of residence, and career issues there may fade into the background compared to other concerns. There are even some married couples who have moved to have children, to the detriment of all other aspirations.

When moving angles and cusps, three types of situations are possible. In order of importance, they are distributed as follows:

1.Hit of a planet, node, star on the corner of the map (Asc, MC, Dsc, IC). The natal potential of such a planet comes to the fore, becomes most noticeable in the personality and life of a person. Hammerslow gives an example: a man moved to a city in which Mercury was exactly on his Ascendant, and realized an old dream, became famous writer and a teacher. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each of the angular cusps. The hit of the planet on the Descendant will be most significant for the relationship of a person, on the MC - for his career, position in society, etc. It is important to understand what potential the planet has in the natal chart. Getting on the corner cusp in relocation, it will always carry the theme of the house in which it is located in the radix.

2) The formation of a major aspect between a planet and a corner of the chart. In this case, the affairs of the house in which the planet is located in relocation take on special significance in a person’s life. It would be nice to also take into account her natal position, but in practice this is not always easy. Western astrologers often underestimate the importance of houses, they take into account only the essential significance of the planet. For example, the same Hammerslow reports on a client who, for the first time in her life, felt happy when she moved to Hawaii. There, the relocation Ascendant was trine to her Jupiter.

3) The movement of planets and other factors of the horoscope from one house to another. It is especially important to hit the planet on the cusp of a particular house. Of all the planets, it should be considered first of all how the position of the Sun and Moon has changed, because the Sun is the goal to which we somehow strive in life, and the Moon is the circumstances in which we live. A person with the Sun in the 12th house may have certain difficulties with self-expression, the assertion of his Self in the world around him. Having moved to where the Sun enters the 1st house, he will feel much more confident, and will become much more noticeable to others. However, the introversion and depth of the 12th house will not disappear anywhere, it will simply be easier for a person to manifest his solar essence. Such a move would help, for example, an artist or musician achieve recognition. On the other hand, a person with the Sun in the 1st house will become softer and deeper, he will better understand the nuances and little things of life where his Sun in relocation will be in the 12th house. However, he is unlikely to want to live in such a place for a long time because of the feeling of limitation, insufficient space for activity. During relocation, of course, the movements of all planets are also important, but the importance of the Sun and Moon cannot be underestimated.

Ascendant change during relocation

Relocation is very significant, in which the sign of the Ascendant changes. Of course, your figure and physical structure will not change substantially from this, but people will look at you from a different point of view. When moving, the type of your interaction with the world changes, etc.

Ascendant deals with characteristic features inherited from both parents. This personal point also correlates with close relatives in your immediate environment. The move changes your appearance and certainly changes your relationship with family members and relatives. You may feel uneasy for many months after a long-distance move.

New Ascendant in signs

Aries moving to ASC(cusp of the 1st house):
In a new place, you will be able to show more courage, determination, initiative. You will become more active, assertive, liberated. But do not allow aggressiveness towards other people and nature.Your increased assertiveness is accompanied by a noticeable rise in physical energy. You look more open and frank, equally eager for confrontations and new ventures. become attractive to you physical exercise and your weight is probably decreasing. You can wear bright juicy colors and decorate your home in the most vibrant shades.

Taurus moving to ASC:
In a new place, you will be more interested in the material world. You will be able to arrange your life more beautifully and comfortably. You can get a garden or vegetable garden, take care of plants, visit nature more often. You may like local food. You will have more opportunities to earn money. Just don't make them your only reason for being here.In this area, your whole body slows down, even reflexes are inhibited. Graceful gait, conservative attire, quiet speech - that would be your description these days. You may even put on a few pounds as the food tastes better in this serene place.

Twins who moved to ASC:
In this area, you will become much more sociable and inquisitive, you will be able to gain new knowledge and master new practical skills, as well as apply existing ones. Just don't scatter.People say that you look younger, that there is a spring in your walk. Although neither sport games, you are not interested in competitions - neither as a spectator, nor as a participant, - you are happy to take walks - on foot or by bike -or short trips by car. In this place, you wear less flashy clothes and use very little makeup. People you know appreciate your jokes and love to chat with you at parties.

Cancer that has moved to ASC:
In a new place, you can take root firmly, if you wish, of course. Or being here may be due to working off debts from a past life. Here you can develop intuition and emotional sensitivity. Do not fall into apathy and depression.Now it is very desirable for you to stay at home, although you love it when friends and relatives come to visit you. Your life force lower than ever before and you're wondering if you should be spending too much time in the sun. It's hard to get a real laugh out of you, even with the jokes you used to enjoy. Clothing is less important to you now than people.

Lion moving to ASC:
Here you can reveal yourself as a person, especially if you are engaged in creativity. Your previously hidden abilities may be clearly manifested. You can find yourself in love. Try not to get too excited and prideful and do not abuse games for money.Even unflappable introverts after such a move will be amused by groups of admirers. Your new look is characterized by increased self-confidence and concern for fashion, as well as greater courage and sentimentality. You probably changed your hairstyle and are very important.

Virgo who moved to ASC:
Here you can work effectively, apply your knowledge and skills in practice. If you have had diseases, try to cure them here, with the participation of local doctors and the local climate. Try not to be too critical of everything that happens here, observe a reasonable alternation of work and rest, observe the sanitary and hygienic rules necessary for this area.You may have lost a few pounds of weight shortly after coming here. Here you have to be serious and get down to business. Such practicality and unpretentiousness surprise your friends, and you continue to shock them by worrying about the little things. For many days you will be wearing some kind of uniform.

Scales that have moved to ASC:
Here you are best to act in pairs, with a partner, following him. You can find a life partner, fall in love, or find a reliable business partner. Here you can also develop your aesthetic qualities. But don't be too indecisive.He who never cared for entertainment now surrounds himself with friends and relatives. Although you seem complacent, nothing escapes your caring gaze and keen attention. You give the impression of a calm and even lazy person, but you show speed in actions and courtesy when circumstances require it. You smile more often now.

Scorpio moving to ASC:
Here you may encounter previously unknown phenomena and processes. Know the secrets. Perhaps experience will come through extreme situations, be prepared to overcome them. Avoid fear, envy, anger.You give the impression of greater self-control and unwillingness to communicate any information - neither in words, nor in body language. You look stronger than you really are, gaining weight more easily, especially in the lower body. Your movement and gait are determined and purposeful. You now give preference to clothes of dark colors.

Sagittarius moving to ASC:
Here you can get new knowledge, including a philosophical one. Get a religious experience. Traveling here can be pleasant, interesting and at the same time useful, developing. Avoid bigotry and false teachers.You are restless, mobile and more careless than before, less limited by any social or moral norms. You dress comfortably, often wearing loose, flowing clothing that blows in the wind. Here you are more likely to get into various small troubles, for example, tripping while climbing stairs, or falling, running into an obstacle.

Capricorn moving to ASC:
Here you will become more serious and responsible, through work you can gain success and recognition. Avoid becoming callous and falling into bureaucracy.The most suitable for you seems to be made in a simple style of clothing in shades of gray, brown and blue. There is a significant economy in movement, as you don't go anywhere or say anything until it becomes absolutely necessary. You give the impression of a stubborn and serious person. But it would be a big mistake to think that your appearance is unpleasant. You look condescending, dignified and fit.

Aquarius moving to ASC:
Here you will feel freer, you will be able to get rid of the existing psychological complexes. Unlock your creative abilities, live your life differently and at the same time find friends, like-minded people. Avoid unjustified rebelliousness and sharp conflicts with the local way of life.Even if you never seemed long-legged before, now you make just such an impression. It's just an illusion created by a new style of clothing. Clothing is just a necessity that should not interfere with your wide gait or your constant exploration. Your hairstyle is simple and you do without jewelry.

Fish that have migrated to ASC:
Here you can live outwardly inconspicuously, but inwardly rich. Help those in need, fulfill some mission of karma or higher powers. Try not to fall into depression and self-isolation, use your time to good use in any conditions. Take care of your health, yours and those around you and nature.You often examine your comrades through half-closed eyelids, silently assessing them, while you are considered inattentive. Friends find you less outspoken than before, yearning for quieter entertainment and surroundings. You can wear a longer, free-style hairstyle. Bright clothes in your wardrobe are being replaced by clothes subtle shades, even with lots of white.

New MC in signs

MS in Aries

Here you can go to the goal actively and decisively, on a personal initiative. To strive for victory in sports and competition, but only by honest, worthy means. If you want to go in for sports, military affairs, metallurgy, cars, then it is in this territory that you can do it better.

MS in Taurus

Here you should move towards the goal consistently, persistently, without rushing things too much. If your profession or desired occupation is related to nature, plants, nutrition, household goods, the financial sector, then it will be more convenient to do such a business here.

MS in Gemini

MS in Cancer

MS in Leo

Here you can implement your ambitious plans to become famous, visible to others. This place favors you if you are engaged in art, theater, games, sports, organization of cultural and entertainment events, including with children.

MS in Virgo

MS in Libra

If your profession is related to psychology, law, recruitment, art, aesthetics, then this is where you have good opportunities to realize yourself in these areas. In general, partners will help you achieve your goal here, you just need to make your relationship with them equal and honest.

MS in Scorpio

MS in Sagittarius

This area favors you if your goals are related to travel, gaining new knowledge, or with religious cults and philosophical systems. Here you can meet your teacher, get the highest knowledge. And also to do science or teaching yourself.

MS in Capricorn

MS in Aquarius

This area will allow you to reveal your creative abilities, find an independent profession, break out from under administrative restrictions. Go your own way, discover something new.

MS in Pisces

This area will allow you, if you wish, to look inside yourself or study philosophy, religion. Get on the path of serving God and people. In more earthly spheres of activity, you will need a leader, a mentor here, it will be difficult to break through on your own. An exception may be biology, medicine, ecology and psychology, the study of the oceans, this area suits you for this activity.

● Emma Bella Donas in the book "Relocation" gives the main issues related to the move and the positions of the planets in the horoscope of relocation, conducive to their solution. "In the East, they believe that the first thirty years people are busy with personal growth and development, the next thirty - a contribution to society and the last thirty years - spiritual enrichment. Only you can decide why you want to move, even if you get promoted. Here are some questions that you may want to think about in the silence of your room and discuss only with your spouse and children.

Personal and worldly interests

* Where can I find love and happiness?

Such a general question can only be answered when you yourself understand what it means for you to be perfectly happy. Think of times in your life when you felt truly refreshed and completely satisfied with yourself. For rest is only a process of restoration and renewal of inner balance and harmony. And it often happens that it is not your environment that makes you happy, but only your own attitude towards what is happening.

The planetary energy representing love, beauty and personal satisfaction in relationships with people is Venus. And to answer this question, study the position of Venus in the natal chart and in the relocation chart. However, if your natal Venus is negatively aspected by Saturn, Uranus or the luminaries, then difficulties in relationships with people may not be so easy to overcome. In this case, the positions of the Moon, Mars or Jupiter in the relocation chart can give you comfort and support, because these planets also speak of happiness and personal joys.


* Where can I continue my education?

If your training was interrupted before it was fully completed, or if you need to acquire new knowledge for the sake of a promotion, or if you just want to do some research for your own personal interest, then the position of Jupiter will give the answer to this question. Jupiter represents the energy of mental expansion as well as physical growth.


* Where will superiors treat my efforts more responsibly and respectfully?

First, it is necessary to establish exactly whether this issue is connected with the desire to achieve money or with the desire to win recognition. After all, these two problems do not always go hand in hand. Your own attitude and degree of self-confidence is important in light of how your employees and employers feel about your abilities. Responsible and high-quality performance of your duties leads to the fact that you are beginning to be valued as a capable employee. However, if you do not feel confident in yourself when performing a particular task, then this lack of confidence will not go unnoticed by colleagues and superiors. Your degree of readiness for work and your self-esteem shows the position of natal Saturn in the radix.


* Where can I pay more attention to my body and diet?

Sometimes there is deliberate neglect of physical health. Otherwise, you just feel like you don't have enough time for sports and proper nutrition. In extreme situations, this can result in a chronic illness and even hospitalization. physical health and balance are represented by several planetary energies, but the asteroid Ceres is primarily responsible for proper nutrition and the development of good habits.

CONSIDER YOUR NATAL CERES, RELOCATION CHART SHOULD HAVE CERES IN VITH HOUSE AS WELL AS THE MOON RELOCATED TO IV HOUSE, VENUS RELOCATED TO 7TH HOUSE AND NEPTUNE RELOCATED TO XII HOUSE. No matter how small or large your financial holdings are, there are ways to reap new benefits from old sources. In some places you may discover new, never-before-seen ways to sell your products, in others you may get a promotion or a bonus, or simply learn how to use your earnings more effectively.


* Where can I better deal with my children?

Decide carefully for yourself what role you want to play in relation to your children. Wise fathers and mothers hold their children firmly but gently at an early age, and gradually give them more responsibility and freedom. New map relocation won't give you complete control over your children, but it can give you more self-confidence and self-control, which will help you handle difficult situations calmly and judiciously.


* Where can I get more joy from vacation or travel?
If the sole purpose of your trip is to be with friends, get away from the pressures of everyday life, or visit some interesting places, then it is desirable that Uranus, Venus or the Sun be in a favorable position in the relocation chart. However, if this is an educational or spiritual trip, you must consider other factors.


Public or social interests

* Where and how can I be of great benefit to humanity?
In the social or causal realm of life, there is only one question and only one spiritual concern. These interests are beyond personal requests or desires and are related to humanitarian or world problems. The highest gifts of planetary energies can be directed to public or social accomplishments in the following order:

MERCURY IN I HOUSE increases mental alertness and brings innovative ideas to all human aspirations. He will help you lead your like-minded people towards a common goal.

SATURN IN THE 2nd HOUSE brings financial responsibility and the ability to use personal resources or funds in this or that enterprise, and also causes similar tendencies in people around you. Saturn in the 2nd house leads people by example rather than words.

NEPTUNE IN THE FOURTH HOUSE enhances compassion and concern for the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms, as well as for human beings. Pain is perceived impersonally.

JUPITER IN THE FIFTH HOUSE nurtures your creativity and directs it into channels that can translate universal insights into forms accessible to humanity.

THE MOON IN THE VI HOUSE helps to express love and kindness to all people, as well as to support and nourish one's relatives and like-minded people.

URANUS IN THE 7TH HOUSE brings objective interdependence between mature individuals who are related to each other in one way or another.

Mercury in the 8th house = insight, intuition, insight, understanding

Uranus in IX house = independence, autonomy

Mars in X house = chivalry

Jupiter in the 11th house = ennoblement

Moon in XII house = empathy, empathy

Cited Literature:

1. Emma Bella Donas "Relocation"

We are not always satisfied with the place where we live. Someone is annoyed by the constant bustle and noise of the city, someone likes to live in the countryside ... From the place of residence and climatic conditions depends on many things: health, mood and state of mind. Psychics are often asked the question: how do you know which place is the most favorable for you to live? Astrology will help with this.

A favorable place for Aries will be a metropolis city with many high-rise buildings, enterprises and factories. People of this zodiac sign will not be disturbed by noise or an endless stream of cars. Vanity gives them energy and activity, and also disciplines them.

Taurus will be happy in a village or urban-type settlement. They appreciate simplicity, comfort and silence. Nature has a beneficial effect on their mental and the physical state. If Taurus settles in the city, then the best option for them would be a low-rise house in a residential area.

The twins love the city. Although many of them like to be in nature, the village is not suitable for them for a permanent place of residence. Next to the house of the Gemini, there must be a developed infrastructure.

For Cancers, housing plays an important role. They value comfort and tranquility. They are suitable for small sparsely populated cities with old houses, historical buildings and small streets.

Lions always rush to where it smells of luxury and pathos. They prefer to live in big cities. They are attracted by elite districts, high-rise buildings and wide highways, dazzling lights of neon signs, noisy nightlife with pretentious clubs and closed VIP parties.

Virgos approach the choice of residence with their characteristic practicality and rationalism. The main thing for them is the convenience and location of their home. They need their housing to be as close as possible to important infrastructure facilities.

Scales should choose places of residence with favorable ecology. A great option for them is a cottage village in protected area. If they still choose a city, then the presence of industrial facilities near their home is undesirable.

Scorpios value comfort and convenience. They are suitable for well-maintained areas with developed infrastructure. Although they may well live in small town. The main thing is that it is clean and there is a lot of greenery nearby.

A favorable place to live for Sagittarius will be a spacious and clean area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small city. If there is a church near their house, it will increase their vital energy and potential.

For Capricorns, practicality is important in choosing housing. They are suitable for any city in which the structure of the streets is clearly visible. These are new big cities, with a clearly defined business center of skyscrapers and office buildings.

Aquarians love the bustle of the city. They should live in a new area of ​​the city close to important cultural and entertainment sites. They will feel great living on the last floors of skyscrapers - in penthouses.

Pisces don't like moving. They constantly strive to go back to where they spent their childhood. They should settle in the quietest area of ​​the city, and preferably in the countryside.

03.07.2013 17:28

Furnishing your home properly takes a lot of time, energy and money. But even in this...

At the moment, there are several ways to correct fate through moving. Of course, whichever way we consider, we must understand that the natal chart remains the most important source of information. Natal is a third of our destiny, and the third that we cannot change. Not all astrologers share this view. Many give 100% to Natal and do not consider relocation horoscopes at all. I will share my vision and my practice.

Still, moving from one point to another affects us, sometimes quite strongly. And living in different parts of the globe can also change lives. After I became intimately familiar with the Chinese technique of Qi Men Dong Jia, the confidence in the ability to correct fate through the move became especially strong. In Western astrology, the concept of relocation has appeared relatively recently, and the use of Qi Men has more than one hundred years. Energies in different places in different time are very different and can affect a person's life in different ways.

At the moment, there are several techniques for changing fate through moving.

1) Another traditional astrologer, William Lilly, used a horoscope to find the right place to live for their clients. This is described in sufficient detail in his famous book "Christian Astrology".

The essence of the method is to choose according to the horary or natal chart best planets and, depending on their position, send a person to one country or another. The position of the planet in the houses and in the sign is taken into account. The map is viewed as a compass, where 1st house is east, 7th house is west, 10th house is south, and 4th house is north. Signs are treated like specific cities or countries.

For example, your chart has a strong Jupiter in Leo in the 1st house. On the one hand, we can advise such a person to move east from their place of birth. On the other hand, Leo is associated with countries such as Italy, Spain. In these countries, the querent is able to find happiness and success, especially if Jupiter rules 10 or 2 houses.

The main problem of this method is that there is no consensus on which countries and cities to refer to which signs of the zodiac. With houses it is easier and today this approach is implemented in many computer programs. Only for the exact east is taken not 1 house, but the Antivertex point. Vertex - west. And then the map is considered as a compass.

This is what a normal horoscope looks like.

And this is the same horoscope in the format of spatial astrology.

In this technique, it is desirable to choose the directions of the planets that are best placed in your chart, have essential and accidental merits. They are not elements of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses and are not afflicted by Saturn and Mars.

It's interesting that this method can be used at the level of a city or even an apartment.

Just put a map on your house and see where these or those planets ended up. Of course, it is better to sleep on the line of Venus than on the line of afflicted Saturn. And it is better to choose work at the city level in the zone of strong Jupiter than the affected Mars. I think the meaning is clear.

I see that this technique works in practice. Moreover, both in horary charts and in natal ones. It is very convenient in horary when we are talking about the search. In 9 cases out of 10, it indicates the exact location of the object.

I have my own very interesting developments on this technique within the framework of the apartment. You can make certain activations desired points your card or your loved ones. This is a great addition to the knowledge of traditional Feng Shui. I will write an article about this soon.

2) The second common way is to consider a relocation map. That is, the compilation of a horoscope for the same birth data, but with a different spatial point. The planets in such a map remain in the same degrees, but the grid of houses can change very much.

This method is actively used in St. Petersburg Academy of Astrology by Sergey Vasilyevich Shestopalov. Moreover, he gives priority to the local map, especially when it comes to forecasting. All predictive reversals are considered locally. My opinion is that it is impossible to ignore the natal chart in prognostication. Everything that happens to us in time is always reflected in the natal chart, no matter how far we move. But the locale influences unconditionally and also makes its own adjustments, positive or negative.

In this regard, it is very convenient to use the method of "event formulas" by S. Shestopalov. The easiest way to choose a good place is to place Jupiter, the Sun, Venus in the corner houses of the chart, which will give the so-called "luck formula". This is especially true for those who have malefics (Mars, Saturn) in the natal chart in the corner houses and form a formula of unhappiness.

In my practice, I always try to find a place for clients where there will be no

Life Danger Formulas
- shortened life formulas
- formulas of diseases
- unhappiness formulas

Great if they

Happiness Formula
- wealth formula
- formula social success
- love Formula

This is the foundation. Next is the specifics. See what needs to be corrected. BUT, it is far from always possible to find a good relocation horoscope. Sometimes a person is simply not ready to move far, for example, to another continent. Sometimes, the very structure of the natal horoscope is such that you cannot move, there will always be some disadvantages.

3) The third method is synastry with the horoscope of the place. As you know, cities and countries also have their own horoscopes. You can compare how your personal horoscope and horoscope resonate new country. If the compatibility is good, then living in this place will bring good luck.

I don't use this method in my practice. The problem is in the data on countries and cities. Again, there is no consensus, often controversial points. And for me, the safety and effectiveness of the technique is important.

4) The fourth method is the meeting of the solar return in one city or another. I don’t use it either, although if possible, I take it into account. But for me, in terms of efficiency, this method is in last place.

5) The fifth method is astrocartography. This is modern technology, which was introduced by American astrologer Jim Lewis. And, in my opinion, she deserves a lot of attention. It works very clearly, and sometimes it gives simply amazingly accurate information.

Essence - the projection of the motion of the planets on the globe is considered. This is what an astrocartographic map looks like.

The main thing is the position of the planets on the 4 main axes of the horoscope - ASC - DSC, MS and IC. In astrocartography, both the natal chart and prognostic charts are considered - progressions, transits, directions and solar returns.

This method makes it possible to examine in great detail the influence of a place on a person. Moreover, to give a clear forecast for the future. Effectively use the technique when choosing a direction for vacation.

Moreover, according to my observations, astrocartography works more efficiently than just relocation maps. If the local map is not very good, but the astrocartographic one is successful, this will smooth out the negative from a bad locale. Now for me this is the main filter when choosing a good place to live.

By the way, many free astrological programs have the ability to create an astrocartographic map. For example, in Sothis on the site)) A simple tip - choose cities that pass along the lines of Venus, Jupiter and the Sun. The house will already show the specifics.

On the ASC - for health, disclosure of personality
At the IC - for success in the family and peace of mind
At DSC - for good luck in personal life and partnership
On MC - for success in work, business and fame

Girls, if you want to meet the prince abroad, choose the countries where your Venus will be on the DSC. Checked - it works. Of course, if you have indications of marriage with a foreigner in the natal chart))

Avoid the lines of Mars and Saturn!

It does not matter whether it is a vacation trip or a move for permanent residence in another country. This simple tip will help you avoid many problems already. Although detailed analysis places includes consideration of other parameters of the astrocartographic map - intersections (Parana), the combined influence of different lines, progressions, directions, solariums and transits. This is a separate big consultation.

6) And finally, the sixth method, which I use very actively, is Qi Men Dong Jia. It already belongs to Chinese astrology, but it works very effectively. In general, this is a magic wand for a Western astrologer.

I already wrote that it is far from always possible to find a good place according to the relocation horoscope or a person does not want (does not have the opportunity) to move to another country, another city. And the current locale leaves much to be desired. Sometimes a person is forced to move to a bad place. What to do then?

Qi Men helps you choose right time to move when favorable energies are in the chosen direction. The effect of such a move can powerfully correct a negative locale. Of course, not forever. From one to five years. But it's better than nothing, right?!

How is it done in practice. We look at the direction from one place to another. And then we already take into account the energy of the year, month, day and hour for the move. Also taken into account new house. That is, there are two important points. The first is the departure from the old place and the entrance to the new house. These are two separate dates. Sometimes there are days between them. Therefore, a person first moves to another city, lives with relatives, friends, and then moves into a new house or apartment at the right time.

This is a complex technique, there are a lot of calculations. The position of the new house in space, the position of the new city relative to the old place of residence, the date of birth of the person and his relatives who will be moving are taken into account.

I usually have two common tasks.

1) Choose a new place to move or consider from this point of view already the place where the person lives

2) Choose a place for a trip to rest, so that the rest is safe and also correct the fate)))

In the first case, the algorithm is

I analyze the natal chart, see which points require correction (work, health, personal life, etc.)
- the client writes me places where he could move. Some are ready to go anywhere in the world, and some give a very limited set of places
- I'm already looking for this the best place where there will be maximum benefit and specific goals will be achieved. This includes.

* analysis of the astrocartographic map
* analysis of the new locale (event formulas)

After the location has been chosen. I choose the best day and hour to move through Qi Men. In principle, if the place is chosen well, the locale is successful, then you can do without Qi Men. However, if the move is forced, there are no options, but you need to somehow change your life in a new place, then without Qi Men ANYWHERE!!!

It is very important that when choosing a new place of residence, I take into account the prognostic influences for a year or two ahead.

This technique allows to solve many specific problems.

Improve health, up to the complete cure of complex diseases
- improve personal life, successfully marry
- realize your talents in the profession, make a career
- increase income
- get a good education
- adjust the character and behavior of a difficult child
- get away from dangerous situations

When choosing a place to stay I take into account only astrocartography and Qi Men - this is more than enough. Moreover, Qi Men allows you not only to make your vacation safe, but upon your return to receive bonuses in the form of a correction of fate for several months. For example, an increase in income.

Moving for permanent residence to another city or country is a very significant event in the life of every person. From the point of view of Astrology, a change of residence can both improve and worsen the aspects of fate embedded in the natal chart or birth horoscope. Moving can mitigate, completely eliminate, or vice versa exacerbate problems in different areas of life.

There are certain astrological configurations that mean the risk of illness, injury, material difficulties, problems in personal life, etc. as a result of an unsuccessful move, however, this horoscope contains initial information about a person’s movements to different parts of the world according to the North-South-East-West model, depending on his Zodiac Sign. The place of immediate birth or former place of residence is taken as the starting point.

So, where to go and what to expect "where we are not? .." Happiness or disappointment? The enjoyment of success or the feeling of general failure?


If Aries "pricked up his skis", then it is more favorable for him to move to the East from his present habitat. Purposeful Aries thrives in the East. This should be considered if you want any positive changes in work, business, career and finances in general. But only single Aries have a chance to improve their personal lives, and those who are already married can survive a relationship crisis or even a divorce.

Every rule has its exceptions. So, for example, overly impulsive or warlike Aries, when moving to the East, attract the risks of injuries and accidents, that is, this is not a very profitable area for improving health, both physical and psychological. The ruler of Aries (Mars) is such an energetically powerful planet that the East (as the place of sunrise) can exacerbate the conflict of Aries, worsen his relationship with people around him, especially those close to him. Breakups and divorces are not excluded.
The more emotional Aries and the more it corresponds to its classical fiery characteristic, the more favorable its movement to more “cool” zones, where the main axis is the North. If Aries is "tired of a stormy life" full of troubles, then moving in a northerly direction can find long-awaited peace.


Since this earth sign is associated with the sphere of the house, moving in any direction for Taurus is a rather risky undertaking. But, as you know, hunting is worse than bondage. One has only to prepare for the unexpected, because not everything that Taurus has outlined for himself will come true. But the relocation of those who can boast of an already established business, or a relocation associated with a promotion or new position- very promising for Taurus.

Strongly standing Taurus, confident in themselves and their professional abilities, successful entrepreneurs and people of prestigious professions with rich work experience behind them, can count on further growth and success by moving to the Northwest or West. gaining peace of mind for Taurus, if that is important, is also associated with the West.
The acquisition of new knowledge and professional developments is most favorable in the East. Moving south provokes inspiration. It can be passionate love and subsequent marriage. For people creative professions South is the most profitable area. Moving to the North is favorable for the philosophical Taurus. This direction is not recommended for young women, but male Taurus can find some new meaning in life there.


Moving to a new place of residence is a completely natural event for restless Gemini. For them, there is no saying "It's good where we are not." The desire for change takes precedence over rationality and practicality, sometimes the Gemini are ready to take risks for the sake of new sensations, if own life seems gray and boring.

The West is the best direction for learning and improving the qualifications of Gemini, for gaining new knowledge and experience, for career and business development.
The East is good for the desired changes in personal life, the South is the very “that” for spiritual wanderings, but in the North, misunderstandings and even dangers await Gemini. More about inspiration and creativity... Moving in any direction is favorable for creatively active Gemini. Thanks to moving to another area, an influx of new forces is obvious. In addition to people of creative professions, the prospect of self-realization also exists among Gemini athletes.


The natural need of Cancer for absolute security and protection does not allow him to once again stick out of his shell and, moreover, move freely on the ground, especially if he belongs to the type of timid, insecure Cancers. Sometimes he is horrified even by the very thought that he may be “away from the Motherland”, away from his native people, his usual social circle, etc.
For Cancer, the presence of familiar people is important, not to mention the “shoulder on which you can lean”, and alone, and even in a foreign land, he can begin to “waste”. Much more comfortable will be Cancer, already belonging to a certain community in a new place. This may be a person from a former work team, business partner, friend, lover or spouse.

Next, we will talk about the type of Cancer, hardy and stubborn in achieving their goals. Such Cancer can embark on wanderings in the North-West direction, find psychological comfort there, find profit or "catch luck by the tail." The love and marriage sphere of Cancer is also activated there, if before that he was unlucky in his personal life. The East is a zone of Cancer training, accumulation of professional experience, etc. Gives a good start to young Cancers.
However, no matter how lucky Cancer is in a new place, there always remains the so-called “retrospective”, that is, a return to the old place.

a lion

From the point of view of Astrological geography, this solar Sign corresponds to the East (where the Sun rises). Moving to the East increases the energy, intellectual and creative activity of Lviv. People in creative professions increase the chances of success. The East can satisfy the most ambitious and conceited Leo, who yearns for special recognition in some area. Separately, it is worth clarifying the aspects of moving to the East from the former habitat for female Lions. They have an additional opportunity to "meet their happy love”, Namely, a partner that meets the maximum of the internal needs of the Lioness. The East also benefits the family Lioness and her children.

Movement in the North-East direction is favorable for Lviv, who want to feel the fullness of being. The chance to get what you want from life increases, even if there is a difficult struggle for a “place under the Sun”. There are aspects of monetary luck. The West is the most problematic area when moving Leo. In a new place, connections with people may be unstable, especially marriage. That is, it is not recommended for single Lions who plan to start a family in the coming years to go to the West. But lovers of flirting and bright love adventures that do not imply any serious obligations can hope for success with the opposite sex!


When moving, it is important for Virgos to take into account the climatic and other features of a particular area. Humidity, food, water - this is just the beginning of the list of factors that can affect the health of the Virgo. So do not be surprised if Virgo gets sick in a new place or some “sores” worsen in her. And vice versa, moving can lead to the restoration of health (often, when moving to a new place of residence, there is no trace of previous diseases). Thus, a thoughtful movement for the purpose of treatment or recovery is very important for Virgos.

For positive changes in the sphere of career, finances and personal life, moving to the South of the place of birth or residence is most favorable. In the same place, the intuition of the Virgin increases, the understanding of any processes and hidden aspects of life improves, the luck of the Virgin and the ability to get out of the water increase.
For mature Virgos, who cannot imagine their life without love and are looking for their other half, the move is not so much favorable to attract the circumstances of the meeting, but already in order to follow their beloved anywhere, even “to the ends of the Earth”. But in itself, further living there will certainly be associated with depression and discontent, no matter how it is expressed. The negative aspect is leveled if Virgo has high astrological compatibility with her partner.


From the point of view of the Astrology of moving, the most favorable movement of Libra to the South from the place of birth or former place of residence. There, the energy activity of Libra increases, which in turn gives rise to favorable consequences. For example, the birth of new ideas in creative Libra. Progressive developments among representatives of intellectual professions. Finding profitable connections with business people. Development and promotion of business in enterprising Libra.

The Southeast zone activates the marriage sphere of Libra. Often, Libra is ready to leave their former habitat for the sake of reuniting with their loved one. So if the partner initially lives in the above area from Libra, then this sign can be called happy. Marriage with such a partner will certainly be prosperous.
May be unstable financial situation Libra, who moved to the North-West from their former place of residence. Entrepreneurs are not recommended to move there.


Moving Scorpio should be done as deliberately as possible. There are always risks for Scorpio, all sorts of fatal accidents are generally characteristic of his fate. But what is worth taking risks for, because of money, for the sake of obtaining a new source of income, etc.
Moving to the North creates a prospect for the realization of what was conceived in the field of work and business. Such aspects exist for Scorpios no older than 35 years old, and if a more mature Scorpio is not satisfied with his current financial situation and he hopes that the move will increase his income, then he can be cruelly mistaken. For this age category, moving is favorable for other reasons not related to finances.

For depressed Scorpios, who are hard pressed by failures, the Southwest will give optimism and make them perceive the world in more encouraging colors. It also promises unexpected love affairs and thrilling adventures that most Scorpios adore.
Moving to the South is favorable for the sickly Scorpio. This direction can be chosen for treatment and recovery.
The southeast is the least suitable for extreme sports lovers, as it creates life-threatening situations.


In the movements of Ophiuchus there are elements of mysticism, some kind of fate and other "frills" of fate. It is no coincidence that Ophiuchus moves often happen rather unexpectedly for themselves, spontaneously or under the influence of circumstances.
In a new place, depression is possible, but subsequently Ophiuchus gains even greater confidence in himself and his strengths. Moving in one way or another is associated with stress, but such a psychological shake-up means for Ophiuchus the opening of additional internal energy resources.

Moving to the East from the homeland or permanent residence opens up rich prospects for businessmen, and to the North expands the possibilities of Ophiuchus of intellectual professions. For ordinary employees, moving to the area where they have previously been is good.
When moving to the West, the Standard Bearer should avoid both dubious financial transactions and any risky activities, but such temptations and temptations increase. Particular care should be taken when choosing business partners, be legible in friendships and love relationships (probably not too successful marriage).
The opportunity to get rich and find the stability of existence is reduced when moving to the South. In general, the warmer the climate, the more comfortable and favorable the universal conditions of the new habitat of Ophiuchus, the more he relaxes, the slower his career advancement, and the financial aspects are more inclined to spending than to accumulating wealth.


Sagittarius is the most dynamic Sign, moving and moving is his element. A change of residence is favorable not only to another city, but also to another country. The best direction for the sake of the universal well-being of Sagittarius is the Northeast. And the younger the Sagittarius, the more favorable the move, especially if it satisfies the need of the representative of this Sign for training, possession of some useful skill or knowledge. For a mature Sagittarius, moving also promises good luck, especially if Sagittarius has gone through “fire, water and copper pipes” and still occupies an active life position. In this case, moving strictly to the Northeast forms a rather happy aspect called “Money-profit-profit”. It enhances efficiency, involves a person in material affairs without any damage to personal life.

If for an unmarried Sagittarius lady the problem of financial security comes to the fore, then it is worth looking for a better share in the Southeast. Something or someone can give her a sense of stability, be it a lucrative job or a successful marriage, including one of convenience.
Moving to the South expands the creative, intellectual, career, love and other possibilities of Sagittarius, with the exception of matters related exclusively to business.


For Capricorn, moving towards the West is relevant. However, the ruling planet of Capricorn (Saturn) is the most clumsy of all, and it seems that it does not allow you to break away from your former habitat and go in search of a better life. In addition, Capricorn is dominated by the difficulty of adapting to a new place.
It is better to move in adulthood, when Capricorn's self-confidence increases, its energy potential grows, and, like wine, other best qualities of a representative of this earthly sign are formed.
Moving Capricorn should not mean a long separation from the closest person. And if Capricorn recently experienced a divorce, then it is recommended to stay in the same place for a couple more years, otherwise it may be difficult to find a soul mate in a new place.

Lonely free Capricorns, engaged in career building and who are comfortable without a family, luck awaits in the North or Northwest. It is worth repeating that the moving Capricorn should not be bound by any serious obligations in the same place, otherwise his long-term plans may fail at any moment.


For Aquarius, moving, however, as well as long-distance travel, can present such surprises that he did not even suspect. The saying “If I had known, I would have laid a straw” is relevant here ... However, moving “diagonally” (if you imagine moving along geographical map) significantly reduces the risks. For example, from Northwest to Southeast. And back.
If the impetus for moving Aquarius is work or a career, then in the activity itself, the main thing should be a pronounced personal motivation or a creative component, and not a decent salary or promotion.

Aquarius take a fairly large number of rash acts in their entire lives, but oddly enough, if they are lucky, then on a large scale. If Aquarius is mentally prepared for change and is really looking forward to some new round in his life, then he can prepare for it when he finds himself in a new place. The further Aquarius moves away from the "homeland", the more likely changes and the emergence of new aspects of fate. Aquarius can even change his character, tastes and habits, it is possible to reveal new facets of individuality.


The graphic representation of the Sign of Pisces - fish swimming in different directions, literally hint at the relevance of moving from West to East or from East to West. The main condition for a successful Pisces move is the absence of illusions and a clear understanding of your goals. If a person corresponds to the classic type of Pisces, dreamy, hovering in the clouds, then moving is not recommended. The exception is Pisces, who are seriously guided or cared for by someone, be it a partner or a relative.

Expansion of opportunities for the implementation of their plans and intentions have Pisces, who have already moved more than once, but in this case, success grows in proportion to the worries and worries in everyday life.
For single Pisces, whose moves are associated with the conclusion of contracts and agreements, as well as those engaged in business, commerce or intermediary activities, the possibility of marriage is reduced.

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