About dreams. Sleep is a time of special influence of fallen spirits on us. Information. Dream Interpretation: why the demon is dreaming

The appearance of strange and unusual creatures in dreams is not uncommon. Although such dreams are not so easy to explain, after all, neither demons, nor demons, nor anyone else has ever been seen by a person and is unlikely to be seen again. However, interpretations of such dreams exist.

What if the demon is dreaming?

So, what are the interpretations of dreams in which the demon appears before a person. In general, such dreams do not bode well, but rather quite the contrary. For example, some dream books claim that the appearance of demons in a dream portends an acquaintance to a person that will not bring anything good. In addition, after such a dream, a person may succumb to temptation or envy. Some interpreters of dreams say that the demon that appeared in a dream predicts the imminent appearance of the enemy on life path. This enemy will interfere with the person in every possible way, but he will cope with it, the main thing is not to give up. Also, demons and devils can symbolize human fears, defeats and failures. If such evil spirits appear in dreams, then soon a person will feel all this on himself.

In general, demons are a symbol of human weaknesses. Therefore, if they begin to dream often, then it's time to pay attention to their behavior. Perhaps a person needs to curb himself in some moments, stop being too harsh with people.

And what do dreams mean in which a person and demons communicate like old and good friends? Such dreams promise good luck and big success the person who sees this picture. In the near future, all conceived cases will turn out, even completely hopeless ones. But all this will last for a while, for a while. After an overly successful streak, a period of bad luck will come. Here he is such an insidious, this demon! There are also such dreams in which a person himself becomes a demon, gains power and beyond the possibilities. What does it mean? Most likely, the person is tired of the current life, he wants cardinal changes and new sensations. Perhaps, in order not to go to extremes, he should fall in love. New feelings will help to re-look at this world. Another thing is that it is not so simple. . .

What portends?

And why dream of a demon who is trying to kill a person and is hunting for him? Such dreams can warn a person against the danger that lies in his own fear. In other words, such a dream portends a person problems caused by feelings and fear. Therefore, do not panic even in the most difficult situations: they will be allowed. If a demon or devil sits right on a person’s road, then a person should pay attention to his actions. Most likely, most of them are not done by the brain, but by someone or something else. It's time to control yourself. Well, dreams in which a person defeats a demon in a fight or a direct fight indicate that unexpected glory may soon fall. This, of course, is not bad, but sometimes it interferes in everyday life.

It is important not to be afraid of dreams in which a demon or devil comes to a person. They do not in any way mean that he will have to go to hell. Plus, sometimes people just read too much fantasy with demons before bed. Therefore, it is not surprising that the story continues in the dream.

So, the article told about the meaning of dreams in which demons come to a person. Like any other dreams, this dream will help a person to put things in order in his own life. An inner voice will tell you how to behave. It remains only to listen to the advice.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Likely psychic attack; corruption, evil eye, curse. You need the help of an experienced parapsychologist.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • bad acquaintance;
  • temptation;
  • envy;
  • if the demon addresses the sleeping person;
  • to be afraid of a demon or a demon tormenting a sleeping person is a punishment in the service;
  • defeat the demon in a dream - to glory;
  • for the sick - to death;
  • however, to see yourself and the demon together is to gain, see the Devil.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Bes- bad acquaintance; temptation; envy- if the demon addresses the sleeping person; be afraid of the demon or the demon torments the sleeping- punishment in the service; defeat the demon in a dream- to fame for the sick- to death; however, to see yourself and the demon together- to purchase.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • to see the demon - to a strong enemy

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Small demons (the size of a rat or mouse) are your irritations, small impulsive actions and their consequences. They run out of you - your irritability is too manifest in a dream, they climb inside - on the contrary, it accumulates dangerously in you. They run all over you - promiscuity, irritability, their revelry in your life.
  • Devils, demons - your affects, whirlwinds of passions and inclinations, pushing to unexpected actions not justified by conscience and reason, a happy event, fulfillment of desires, which instead of joy will bring melancholy and gloomy forebodings. The devil comes to you and
  • You accept him as a friend or an old acquaintance - extraordinary luck in everything, a super-lucky star, but for the time being.
  • The devil comes to you, sits on your road, etc. - a warning that your actions are dictated not by reason, but by passions. He hunts you with a gun or a bow, wants to crush you with a stone or a wall - beware of your fear, it is he who will become a source of danger. He bubble or lets little devils in - a warning against affects born of fantasy and illusions.
  • Forest demon, goblin - affects associated with gender relations, attraction to a woman, portends "love victories" due to determination. He leads you into the forest - your delusions in relations with people, arising from poor knowledge of yourself. Chases you through the forest, scares you - the struggle of sensuality and fear of the consequences, obsessive fear, caused by the fact that you do not know yourself well, to be afraid of yourself. He peacefully appears to you - portends good luck in everything.
  • Water demon, water demon - your sensuality, inertia, laziness and the affects associated with these character traits, the “sense of irresponsibility” developing in you, your infantile fantasies. He speaks peacefully with you - you are in the realm of the vices symbolized by him, the dangers associated with drunkenness. He bows to you, calls to him, drags you into the water - internal inertia and indifference develop in you.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • petty demons- your impulsive actions and their consequences.
  • They run from you- Your irritability is too evident in everything.
  • Climb inside and vice versa- dangerous in you accumulates.
  • They run after you- promiscuity, irritability, their revelry in your life.
  • Hiding in the corners- irritation firmly settles in your family / irritability separates you from people; danger of loneliness.
  • On the table, the beds are dancing- you will become the culprit of discord in the family.
  • Step on a small demon- trouble from irritability.
  • Catch them, shove them somewhere- cultivate the qualities symbolized by them.

Old Russian dream book

  • bad acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of Winged Phrases

  • BES - "the demon beguiled" - false deeds; “The devil has moved into you” - bad morals and deeds. Folk, abusive expressions: “demonic offspring”, “imps” (about playful children). "Possessed" - wild, crazy. See add. heck.

Fairy tale and mythological dream book

  • DEMONS - evil spirits who appear in various guises: dirty, ugly, playful and evil children, teenagers, human figures with elements of different animals - hooves, horns, tails, etc. They mean wrong deeds, base plans, desires, activity of passions, vices and harm from them; deceit, a trick in some business (idiom: "the demon beguiled").
  • Demons very often manifest only in voices (and not only in dreams). As a rule, these are inciting, abusive, malicious, nasal, nasty voices that create terrible chaos in a person’s mind, disorient the dreamer, and in frequent cases (when working with dreams incorrectly) can bring a person to a mental crisis, insanity, an antisocial act, or even suicide. .

Spiritual dream book

  • DEMONIC IMAGES (devils, demons, etc.) - their special activity in a dream is associated with a cleansing (correct) or incorrect esoteric practice.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

  • Seeing in a dream a demon or a person possessed by "demons"- to unhealthy curiosity about your life on the part of strangers.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

  • Seeing demons chasing you in a dream- You will be pursued by the tax inspectorate.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

  • Seeing a demon in a dream- to a strong enemy; talk to the demon- run into deception; bow to the devil- to the new bosses; hear the demons sing- to a big win; bathe the demon- to murder; dance with the devil- to power; feed the demon- to death.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • See a demon in a dream- to a dubious acquaintance, temptation, envy, if he addresses the sleeping person.
  • To suffer from him torment, to experience fear- failures at work.
  • Defeat him- earn fame and for the sick- a sign of imminent death.
  • Agreement with the demon- upcoming acquisitions, and for athletes- warning about possible failures.
  • Get rid of the demon- You will change your lifestyle.

Seeing a demon in a dream - to a strong enemy; talk with a demon - run into a deception; bow to the demon - to the new bosses; to hear the demons sing is a big win; to bathe the demon is to kill; dance with a demon - to power; feed the demon - to death.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpreter of Dreams

Dream Interpretation - Demons

Evil spirits appearing in various guises: dirty, ugly, playful and evil children, teenagers, human figures with elements of various animal hooves, horns, tails, etc. They mean wrong deeds, base plans, desires, activity of passions, vices and harm from them ; deceit, a trick in some business (idiom: "the demon beguiled").

Demons very often manifest only in voices (and not only in dreams). As a rule, these are inciting, abusive, malicious, nasal, nasty voices that create terrible chaos in a person’s mind, disorient the dreamer, and in frequent cases (when working with dreams incorrectly) can bring a person to a mental crisis, insanity, an antisocial act, or even suicide. .

Interpretation of dreams from

Bes- to a strong enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing in a dream a demon or a person possessed by "demons"- to unhealthy curiosity about your life on the part of strangers.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Seeing demons chasing you in a dream- You will be pursued by the tax inspectorate.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Seeing a demon in a dream- to a strong enemy; talk to the demon- run into deception; bow to the devil- to the new bosses; hear the demons sing- to a big win; bathe the demon- to murder; dance with the devil- to power; feed the demon- to death.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

See a demon in a dream- to a dubious acquaintance, temptation, envy, if he addresses the sleeping person.

To suffer from him torment, to experience fear- failures at work.

Defeat him- earn fame and for the sick- a sign of imminent death.

Agreement with the demon- upcoming acquisitions, and for athletes- warning about possible failures.

Get rid of the demon- You will change your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bes- bad acquaintance.

Mythological dream book

Demons- evil spirits that appear in various guises: dirty, ugly, playful and evil children, teenagers, human figures with elements of different animals - hooves, horns, tails, etc. They mean wrong deeds, base plans, desires, activity of passions, vices and harm from them; deceit, a trick in some business (idiom: "the demon beguiled").

Demons very often- are manifested only by voices (and not only in a dream). As a rule, these are inciting, abusive, malicious, nasal, nasty voices that create terrible chaos in a person’s mind, disorient the dreamer, and in frequent cases (when working with dreams incorrectly) can bring a person to a mental crisis, insanity, an antisocial act, or even suicide. .

Chinese dream book

Conversing with a demon, an otherworldly entity- to longevity.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

petty demons- your impulsive actions and their consequences.

They run from you- Your irritability is too evident in everything.

Climb inside and vice versa- dangerous in you accumulates.

They run after you- promiscuity, irritability, their revelry in your life.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The appearance of strange and unusual creatures in dreams is not a rare phenomenon. Although such dreams are not so easy to explain, after all, neither demons, nor demons, nor anyone else has ever been seen by a person and is unlikely to be seen again. However, interpretations of such dreams exist.

What if the demon is dreaming?

So, what are the interpretations of dreams in which the demon appears before a person. In general, such dreams do not bode well, but rather quite the opposite. For example, some dream books claim that the appearance of demons in a dream portends an acquaintance to a person that will not bring anything good. In addition, after such a dream, a person may succumb to temptation or envy. Some interpreters of dreams say that a demon that appeared in a dream predicts the imminent appearance of an enemy on the path of life. This enemy will interfere with the person in every possible way, but he will cope with it, the main thing is not to give up. Also, demons and devils can symbolize human fears, defeats and failures. If such evil spirits appear in dreams, then soon a person will feel all this on himself.

In general, demons are a symbol of human weaknesses. Therefore, if they begin to dream often, then it's time to pay attention to their behavior. Perhaps a person needs to curb himself in some moments, stop being too harsh with people.

And what do dreams mean in which a person and demons communicate like old and good friends? Such dreams promise good luck and great success to the person who sees such a picture. In the near future, all conceived cases will turn out, even completely hopeless ones. But all this will last for a while, for a while. After an overly successful streak, a period of bad luck will come. Here he is such an insidious, this demon! There are also such dreams in which a person himself becomes a demon, gains power and beyond the possibilities. What does it mean? Most likely, the person is tired of the current life, he wants cardinal changes and new sensations. Perhaps, in order not to go to extremes, he should fall in love. New feelings will help to re-look at this world. Another thing is that it is not so simple. . .

What portends?

And why dream of a demon who is trying to kill a person and is hunting for him? Such dreams can warn a person against the danger that lies in his own fear. In other words, such a dream portends a person problems caused by feelings and fear. Therefore, do not panic even in the most difficult situations: they will be resolved. If a demon or devil sits right on a person’s road, then a person should pay attention to his actions. Most likely, most of them are not done by the brain, but by someone or something else. It's time to control yourself. Well, dreams in which a person defeats a demon in a fight or a direct fight indicate that unexpected glory may soon fall. This, of course, is not bad, but sometimes it interferes in everyday life.

It is important not to be afraid of dreams in which a demon or devil comes to a person. They do not in any way mean that he will have to go to hell. Plus, sometimes people just read too much fantasy with demons before bed. Therefore, it is not surprising that the story continues in the dream.

So, the article told about the meaning of dreams in which demons come to a person. Like any other dreams, this dream will help a person to put things in order in his own life. An inner voice will tell you how to behave. It remains only to listen to the advice.

Among the many explanations for what the demon dreams of, the dream book most often mentions danger. Its sources may be hypocritical people, a fatal combination of circumstances, as well as the dreamer himself. The image seen in a dream calls for vigilance, its meanings help to better understand oneself.


According to Denise Lynn, seeing a demon in a dream happens to those who experience internal contradictions. The personal value system is not always the ultimate truth, flaws in it sometimes lead to mental discord. The dreamed entity indicates inaccuracies, thereby helping to establish harmony.

If you happened to see the eyes of a demonic entity, Noble dream book N. Grishina says that in a dream you dared to look into the face of your antipode, who embodied your worst qualities.

Talking with a fiend in a dream happens to those who in reality have conceived a daring act and are gaining courage in order to overcome the remnants of doubt and decide on it.

Other interpreters are less optimistic, explaining why they dream of talking with evil spirits. The plot contains a warning about the danger. Be careful in the near future.

If you dreamed of a deal with Satan, in reality you are so obsessed with a dream or passion that you are ready to actually sign such an agreement.

According to Miller, seeing a demon in a dream is an unfavorable sign for athletes and farmers. It is better for the first not to hope for easy victories in competitions and to beware of injuries, for the second not to expect a rich harvest.

Demon fight

The Eastern dream book explains why it is a dream that the demon showed aggression in a dream, and a struggle ensued between you. What you dreamed about symbolizes the struggle between good and evil principles. A good sign if you managed to kill the enemy.

A dream in which a demon attacks or strangles, and you are unable to provide worthy resistance, speaks of susceptibility to vice and criminal connections.

Your intention to kill a demon in a dream often indicates a desire to radically change something in your character.

If you manage to kill a frankly unfriendly, unpleasant creature in a dream, in reality you enlist the support of higher powers.

Often, it is possible to unconditionally defeat the demon in night dreams for those who in reality are not always tactful and courteous with others.


It is curious to find out why the demonic essence is dreamed of in the body of a sleeping person. In this way, an overabundance of negativity makes itself felt, from which one should get rid of.

This is not the only explanation for what dreams about how a demon inhabits you. Perhaps you have fallen under someone's strong influence and are forced to act contrary to your own beliefs.

If you dreamed about the incorporation of an incorporeal creature into the shell of a sleeping person, the dream portends dubious temptations, which will not be easy to resist.

The one who was possessed by a demon in a dream fears that in reality he is his own enemy, he is constantly tormented by doubts about his rightness.

When I dreamed about how Satan moved in, this is a truly terrifying vision for a believer. Old English dream book warns the sleeper that evil forces can destroy him.

If a woman or girl dreamed about how the devil moved into her, the dream may turn out to be a harbinger of pregnancy, not the fact that it is desirable.

The new European dream book explains why demon possession is dreamed of. The vision is a harbinger of great waking happiness.

Interpretation of why one dreams of turning into such an ominous one, and at the same time, strong personality, can be found in Modern dream book. A dream in which it happened to be a demon often embodies exactly those qualities that the sleeping person lacks in reality: determination, courage, resourcefulness.

Summons and Exiles

Exile evil spirits out of man means danger. If you happen to exorcise a demon, do not take risks unless absolutely necessary. If you know a person from whom you had to exorcise evil spirits in a dream, know that he now needs help.

When in a dream it happens to call a demon, and he comes to your call, Universal dream book promises that you will soon get rich.

Demonic Love

When it happens to have sex with a demon, in this case, he personifies a person to whom you experience an incredible attraction.

If a man dreamed of a demoness, Freud's dream book sees unrealized fantasies and desires in this image. The dreamer subconsciously understands that he is attracted to a completely different female type with which he most often has to deal in real life.

Freud's dream book also explains why the demon is dreaming if the dreamer is a woman. She unconsciously fears men, seeing in everyone a potential rapist and oppressor, while assigning herself an exclusively subordinate role.

comments 22


    Hello, I am very worried about the dream, please tell me how to interpret it. I dreamed that a girl moved into me and began to show it in every possible way. I tried to make contact with her, call in front of the mirror, but she did not make contact and only showed up a little, erasing my face, showing her own, because this manifestation looked like a ripple, it was very difficult to see who it was. I remember that it was very creepy through the dream, and when I woke up it was the same. I would be extremely grateful if you help me.


    I wake up in a dream and feel fear and panic, and looking in the mirror against the opposite, I see my eyes burning with a bright red light, this frightened me even more. I begin to internally struggle with this and after a while my eyes lit up with a blue light and it became not so scary, but I still feel that something is wrong with me, how can this be explained ???

  • Please tell me what it means if a demon came in a dream in the form of a man with a smile with a strange eye color and held out his hands to me, saying that we had entered into a contract and he moved into me, saying that he would end my life with me. And then take my soul. I wouldn't have remembered it if it wasn't for the color of my eyes. He began to change strangely and rather quickly. From dark brown, they switched to golden in just half a month.

  • Good afternoon, I’m worried about a dream in which I save my 5-month-old son from a demon, the demon sticks a syringe into him to stop breathing and heart, blood flows, I pull out this syringe, and the child begins to breathe, after that we start to fight, and I kind of kill him, but as if the next day he tries to kill his son again, I save again and defeat the demon again, and so it repeats.

  • I had a dream that all the people on the planet had died due to the fact that a demon had moved into them, then in our company of four people, in which my husband was, the demon also moved into the girl, but soon we got rid of her, got rid of another person like this same. In the end, we found people and survived. Why would this be a dream?

  • Hello, I am very worried about constant dreams with the same demon. He looks like a 13 year old boy. And he began to dream of me from the first day I turned 16. At first, I just saw his silhouette, which glowed with purple light and heard his laughter. This went on for 4-5 nights. And then he spoke to me. He said that he was a demon, gave his name and said that he was with me from the first days of my birth and will be with me until the end of my life. And also, what is most interesting, the demon told me that if it were not for him, then I would have died long ago. He accurately described to me several cases where I almost died. And one more thing, which is very strange and frightening, he told me that soon I would begin to see and hear him and in real life and not just in dreams. And after my death, he will take me to him in some other dimension. In my dreams we often talk different topics and they haven't stopped for over a month now. What does this mean?

  • Hello. Recently, I had a dream where I and one of my acquaintances were returning home late at night from a distant village. When we got off the bus, it was gone, and in its place was my black kitten. I was not standing at a bus stop, but near a swamp, which I dream about not for the first time. Usually with the help of this swamp in a dream, I escaped from something. This time, I took the kitten in my arms and went home through this swamp. When I got home, I lost consciousness. “In the morning” I was greeted by an alarmed mother. She showed some notes in a notebook and a video where I scraped the walls with my nails and wrote something on the walls with my blood. There were separate phrases in the records and some name, it blurred. Mom said I was possessed by a demon. Then something began to happen to me, and I returned to reality. What could it be? Just in case, I decided to bless the house.

  • Good to you, help interpret, understand the dream. I'm lying on the bed in the body of a man (Dean Winchester). In any case, it looks like him. I feel like I'm dying. In front of the bed, from a puff of smoke, the demon Crowley appeared. He went to the bed and, like Azazell in the series, began to drink his blood to me. He "opened" his veins with a knife or a blade and pushed his hand into my mouth. His blood was sweet and insanely delicious. It was like I was drinking syrup, not demon blood. I drank it with a vengeance, and my body from a man's became, as it were, me. I continued to drink blood, drank and drank non-stop, smacking my lips. Even when the wound on the demon started to heal, I tore it apart with my teeth, already holding the demon's hand in my hands. Then the dream was replaced by another, it was like a continuation, like "1-2 years later". I lived in Demon's house. She sat quietly on the couch when the demon teleported into the room barely alive. He fell into a chair and just didn't move. I was excited, shocked, scared, and I felt fear for Crowley. I ran to the kitchen, took out the donated blood bags from the refrigerator, and began to solder him, thereby saving his life. I woke up after that excited and a little depressed. Supernatural (i.e. series) I'm not fond of. Yes, I heard a little about him, I saw art, photos, but I didn’t look and I’m not a fan. I have already rummaged through over-dohuia sites with the interpretation of dreams, but I cannot find an interpretation in just such an interpretation. I will be very glad to help. P.S. the dream had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, on the 25-26th at 3 lunar day. Interpretations write that these days and during this period they dream prophetic dreams. Help me!

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