The name of the giant panda. Giant panda, or bamboo bear, or giant panda. How long do pandas live

Which on this moment is on the verge of extinction. The extraordinary teddy bear is the official symbol of a wide range of well-known organization for the protection of animals.

Red Book

The Red Book is an illustrated encyclopedia that lists representatives environment that are on the verge of extinction. It first appeared in 1902 in Paris. At this time, a number of countries signed an agreement on the creation of the first of its kind Red Book. In honor of this, the first international convention for the protection of birds was held, which, in fact, became the first official agreement on

Later, in 1948, it appeared. It included 502 organizations from 130 countries. At the conventions held, the strategy and further actions were discussed. To date, the headquarters of the organization, which employs about a hundred people, is located in Switzerland. Its activities extend to the conservation of endangered species as well as the management of environmental law systems. This organization- the creator of the Red Book - strives to ensure that all decisions on environmental activities are based solely on a scientific point of view.

Later, in 1949, a specialized commission for rare species animals, and her tasks included the study of plants, which were at that time on the verge of extinction. At that time, the giant panda had not yet been included in this list. should have been represented by a population of less than 1000 individuals.

Today, the employees of the organization develop and prepare projects for subsequent international conventions. The main goal of the Red Book is to create a world list of animals that will soon be threatened complete disappearance. In 1963, the first printed edition of the book appeared. 2 volumes contained information about 211 mammals and 312 birds. Outwardly, the publication looked more like a calendar, each sheet of which was dedicated to separate species. Initially, it was assumed that, as needed, the pages would be taken out of the book and replaced with new ones, with more recent reports, but later this idea was abandoned.

Giant panda - a strange child of nature

The giant panda is a quiet cute creature dressed in black and white. In addition to the fact that bamboo bears are considered national symbol wildlife fund, this animal is considered national treasure China.

Despite all the attention given to these animals today, they are endangered. Of course, the main danger is man, since pandas have practically no enemies in nature. Right now in wild nature about one and a half thousand individuals of this amazing creation. The giant panda from the Red Book is the most the rarest representative bear families. They live mainly in bamboo forests or high in the mountains. A panda eats from 12 to 38 kg of food per day. In order to find such an amount of food, the black and white bear has to get fruits and other supplies from the most inaccessible places. To do this, nature endowed them with an enlarged bone on the wrists, which function like thumbs in humans.


The first fossil that testifies to the existence of pandas on Earth is about 3 million years old. During the Pleistocene period, which was more than 18,000 years ago, a giant glacier covered the entire Northern Hemisphere, forcing the ancestors of pandas to move south. So bamboo bears first appeared in areas of China, where they began to develop.


Despite the fact that the weight of an adult panda can reach 106 kg, this does not prevent the animal from climbing trees deftly. Giant panda, or bamboo bear, in length is 1.5 meters (excluding the tail). By color, nature endowed them with unusual "glasses" of black color around the eyes. The nose, lips and limbs are also colored dark, while the rest of the body is white.

In some Chinese provinces, such as Sichuan, you can find a panda with a reddish tint. The giant panda from the Red Book lives at an altitude of 2700 to 3900 meters above sea level, but during the cold season it usually descends to 800 meters.


The giant panda feeds mainly on bamboo, although sometimes it includes other plants, such as saffron, irises, in its diet, and sometimes it does not disdain mammals. It takes a black and white bear up to 12 hours a day to eat. The giant panda from the Red Book eats sitting and slowly chews bamboo shoots, having previously stripped the tough outer layer from the plant.

sixth finger

Pandas are known to have a sixth toe, which is not actually hemologous to the species. The process was formed as a result of deformation of one of the bones on the wrist.

This fact is still being studied by specialists, and scientists continue to conduct research regarding the species of black and white bears, and also discuss in which section they should be displayed in the international Red Book. The giant panda is generally the subject of much controversy among biologists.


For many years there have been discussions about whether the panda could be in the raccoon or bear family. There was also discussion about the possibility of assigning a personal family to bamboo bears, which would be called “panda bears”. However, after molecular analyzes were carried out, scientists came to the conclusion that panda DNA most of all coincides with the cellular structure of bears. According to the tests, it was also revealed that these animals separated from the usual clubfoot about 15-25 million years ago. After the bamboo bear appeared in the publication known as the International Red Book, the giant panda became the object of even closer scrutiny.


Pandas mate exclusively in spring. Pregnancy in females lasts approximately 5 months. Such uncertainty is caused by the fact that sometimes it is delayed in the uterus. After 5-6 months, up to 3 cubs are born. In the end, however, only one child survives.

Animals reach sexual maturity at the age of 6 years. Given the fact that the life expectancy of bamboo bears is 14 years, it is not surprising that the panda is now a rare animal in the Red Book. On top of that, females are only capable of breeding for a few days a year. During this period, pandas completely change and turn from cute teddy bears into aggressive tyrants. Therefore, in mating season males do not see anything around, but only try to win the attention of a beautiful female. Arranging fights, rivals can bite, scratch and fight not for life, but for death. The loser can be left without a pair until next year. But this does not mean that the winner takes everything, since the female may well refuse the winning male if she is not sure that she will receive healthy and strong offspring from him.

Animals of the Red Book: giant panda

This species is today on the verge of extinction and is officially listed in the Red Book. According to the most reliable data, in the mid-90s there were less than 1000 individuals in the world. And this despite the fact that in China there are quite strict laws regarding the killing of a panda. The only sentence for such a crime was the death penalty.

But alas, despite all the severity in relation to poachers, the giant panda continued to be destroyed because of its unusual fur. The Red Book, whose announcement of the extinction of these animals literally shocked the "greens", paid great attention to bamboo bears in the latest edition.


Although pandas are predators, like their relatives bears, the basis of their diet is vegetarian food. Nevertheless, animals still need protein, which can be obtained exclusively from animal food.

Most of the day the panda eats, the rest of the time it naps. Because of this more than measured lifestyle, funny bears make great models for tourists, who post thousands of adorable photos all over the Internet.

Bamboo bears sleep mainly on trees, although in moments of laziness they can also settle on the ground. Despite their seemingly clumsiness, pandas are excellent tree climbers.


Today pandas are under protection. Killing these animals can lead to quite serious consequences. In addition, pandas are on the verge of extinction due to the fact that their natural habitat is gradually being destroyed by man. To reduce risks and keep unusual bears in the wild, the heads of Chinese provinces are working hard to create specialized reserves for pandas.

The giant panda or bamboo bear is a species of mammal that belongs to the bear family. This is an ancient and valuable animal, which is a symbol of China. He is so loved and revered there that they put him under the protection of the law. Killing an animal is punishable by death. It is difficult to confuse him with anyone, thanks to the characteristic black and white color. Mountainous territories Republic of China: Tibet and Sichuan - a natural area where pandas live. Prefers to live in mixed coniferous forests where there is bamboo.

Giant panda: description, characteristics

Two Asians are called pandas. predatory species, similar to each other in external data and lifestyle, but belonging to different families. Despite being identical to a bear, a panda long time were considered raccoon representatives.

Appearance description

Bear has fairly large body, co average weight 70–120 kg and up to 1.5 m high. Males are larger than females by about 10%. Their body is voluminous, with a thick fur cover. The tail, unlike a bear, is long. The paws are short and massive, with small feet. When walking, he completely does not step on his hind legs. To facilitate the grip of bamboo, there are leathery pads between the fingers. The molars are flatter and wider, which makes it possible to grind bamboo stalks.

The head, though large, is in proportion to the body. The muzzle is blunt, on the top of the head are large ears. stand out standard black color on a white background: glasses around the eyes, marks on the paws, shoulders and ears. The seeming calmness of the bear is deceptive. With its sharp claws, it can cause significant damage to the enemy. characteristic feature, is the speaker thumb on paws.

Where pandas live and characteristic behavior

In nature, pandas have limited distribution area - moist forests southern and central China. The approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bpopulation of the mainland is 30 thousand square meters. km. These are rather secluded individuals that do not encroach on the territory of their fellows. Everyone marks their possessions, leaving scratches on tree bark. They are excellent tree climbers and swimmers, but prefer to live on the ground.

They are most active at night. During the day, they lie in hollows or rocky crevices, where they stay in deep hibernation.

There are a number interesting facts related to lifestyle:

Bears seem to be very silent, but they make unusual sounds when communicating. It resembles the bleating of goats. When irritated or angry, they growl or hum threateningly. Champing speaks of the alert state of the bear, it is better not to approach him. Puppies can squeak and squeal.

Giant panda breeding

With the onset of the breeding season, females are sharply activated. To attract males, they emit a specific smell. According to scientific observations, it is this behavior that is characteristic of sexually inclined individuals. Male representatives begin to compete for the championship, trying to win back the bear they like.

The mating season lasts from March to May. The estrus lasts 2-4 days, when the former vigor in females disappears. They become too restless, lose their appetite. After mating, pregnancy occurs, lasting about 5-6 weeks. Cubs are born in late summer or autumn. Babies appear blind and defenseless, with light fluff. The weight of each varies between 50-160 gr.

Mother Bear takes care of her babies. Helps them get into a comfortable position for sucking milk. Up to 15 times a day, newborns are applied to the nipples. The duration of each feeding is at least 30 minutes. At 3 weeks of age, they can already open their eyes, and at 3-4 months they begin to move independently. The cubs stay with their mother for up to 18 months., and weaned from milk at 45-46 weeks.

It should be noted that pandas do not breed well in captivity. Most often, twins are born. Of these, the female chooses the strongest, and cares for him. The second one usually dies.

What do giant pandas eat

The very name "bamboo bear" speaks for itself. These animals are considered carnivores, although their main diet is vegetable. They have adapted to use order 30 varieties of bamboo trees. Roots, young shoots, even old stems are eaten. With their strong jaws they grind hard sections of wood.

Them digestive system completely tuned in to the digestion of such raw materials. The esophagus and stomach are covered with a mucous membrane that prevents injury from chips. Since the vegetation is poorly absorbed, the bears have to eat up to 15-18 kg per day. So, they can maintain their vitality. All the time they are awake, about 10-12 hours a day, they constantly chew.

A meager diet does not allow giant pandas to store energy for a long time. This causes a limited perimeter where they can live. Just not enough strength for long transitions. Sometimes pandas taste:

Water is taken mainly from bamboo stalks. Every day they go down to the reservoirs, and there they absorb the volume they lack.

With artificial content their nutritious menu is more varied: sugar cane, rice porridge, fruits, protein biscuit, apples, carrots, potatoes.

To date, the average life span of pandas is 25–30 years. As soon as the world learned about such outlandish bears, the number of poaching raids increased. The skins of these valuable animals are constantly hunted. Despite the severe punishment for killing pandas, the high cost of prey is overpowering. In zoos, this is one of the most popular specimens, always attracting attention.

Panda, or bamboo bear is a cute and cute animal, different from other fellows of its kind. unusual color. Although not all zoologists attribute the panda to the bear family. Its length can be up to one and a half meters, and weight - up to one hundred and sixty kilograms. Thick and short paws with sharp, long claws help the bear climb trees and stay on the smooth trunks of bamboo, which it feeds on.
The panda has two features that distinguish it from other animals: a long tail and color. The tail of a bamboo bear can reach twelve centimeters. The whole body of the bear is covered with thick fur. white color. Only black paws, spots around the eyes and the so-called "collar" over the shoulders and neck.

Pandas are solitary animals. They do not gather in flocks and do not live in groups. Females and males converge only during the mating season. When a baby is born - usually one, sometimes twins are born - the mother brings him up to a certain age, then leaves. Unlike brown bears, bamboo do not hibernate, this is not typical for them. The bear spends almost all his time eating - he chews bamboo shoots 10-12 hours a day.

This animal is listed in the Red Book. Zoologists discovered it not so long ago - only in the 19th century. Therefore, we have studied the habits and lifestyle of the panda so far only superficially. This rare animal is quite secretive and shy, loves to live in captivity and prefers to hide from a person if he invades his territory. The panda lives in the western regions of China, the Tibetan mountains and Sichuan.

Updated: 26/02/2016

Pandas are called two absolutely different types mammals that live in China and India. The giant panda belongs to the bear family, and the red panda belongs to the marten-like superfamily.

Where does the giant panda live?

Habitat giant panda- mountainous regions that are in the heart of China: Sichuan and Tibet. In the Sichuan region, giant pandas have a typical black and white coloration. The Tibetan subspecies differs both in color and in size. The fur of the bear is brown-white, and in size it is significantly inferior to its relative from Sichuan. Both subspecies live in high mountain regions at an altitude of 1300-3100 m above sea level. To see a giant panda, a tourist will have to overcome a very difficult and long way. If there is no desire to wander through the thickets of bamboo, you can visit the zoos of the world where pandas live. Or visit the panda research and breeding center in Chengdu, China.

Center of Chengdu besides employment scientific activity, works like national park. You can visit it any day of the week. In the center for pandas, all the conditions are recreated so that they feel like in a natural habitat.

You can also see the giant panda in zoos in Europe, the USA, Australia, China, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Taiwan.

In Europe, there are zoos with pandas in such cities: Vienna in Austria, Madrid in Spain, Berlin in Germany, Saint-Aignan in France, Edinburgh in the UK.

You can see pandas in the USA at several zoos in Atlanta, San Diego, Memphis and the US National Zoo in Washington.

Where does the red panda live?

The red panda lives in four countries: China, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar. Just like the giant panda little panda is endangered and listed in the Red Book. Although the animal is considered endangered in some regions of its habitat, hunting for it continues. To keep the view from disappearing, various events that contribute to population growth.

The giant panda is a member of the bear family. These funny bears will make you smile! In this article you will find detailed description and a photo of a giant panda, you can learn a lot of new and exciting things about the life of this rarest animal.

Outwardly, the panda looks like a bear. But the main difference between a giant panda and a bear is its unusual coloration and the presence of a tail. The color of the panda is unique. The giant panda has black ears, paws and shoulders, black spots near the eyes, while the rest of the fur is completely white. Therefore, the panda is also called the spotted bear.

The panda looks huge, has a massive body, thick fur, short wide paws with strong claws and a rather long tail. The paws are well adapted for climbing trees.

The head of the panda is massive and with large ears. Pandas also have very powerful jaws with large teeth, which allows them to easily chew even the toughest plant stems. With all these combinations, the panda animal looks very cute and resembles a large teddy bear.

The body length of a panda can reach from 120 to 180 cm. The average length is 160 cm. The height at the withers varies between 65-85 cm. The tail length is 10-12 cm. The weight of adults varies from 70 to 125 kg, but can reach 150 kg. Males are predominantly larger than females.

The spotted panda bear has unusual front paws with six toes. This structure of the paws allows you to manage young and thin shoots of plants. The soles have pads that help hold the smooth stems of the trees.

The giant panda lives in the mountainous regions of central China, the forests of Tibet and the province of Sichuan. This is the only place on the planet where pandas live in natural environment. The panda lives in dense impenetrable bamboo forests, at an altitude of 1.5 to 4.5 km. This is the main habitat of the giant panda.

The natural conditions of the area where the giant panda lives have a pronounced change of seasons. But the panda's dense fur protects it from extreme weather conditions. In severe weather, pandas sometimes hide in hollow trees, rock crevices and caves.

Bamboo thickets, in which the giant panda lives, reach a height of 3-4 meters and provide the spotted bear with reliable shelter and food.

panda behavior

Pandas lead a very secretive lifestyle. They keep mostly alone, except for the breeding seasons and raising offspring. Each panda has its own territory and defends it.

Pandas are terrestrial animals but are also good climbers and swimmers. In cold weather, the panda is passive. Pandas do not hibernate in winter, unlike other bears.

In isolated cases, a panda bear can attack a person. Pandas show aggression only if they are teased or there is a threat to their offspring. Thanks to the panda's increased discretion and secretive lifestyle, it is very rare for a person to encounter it in the wild.

The paws of the giant panda are well adapted and help to climb high in the trees. Panda climbs a tree with different goals. To explore the surroundings, play, relax and lie on the branches.

The animal perfectly climbs trees and climbs even into the most inaccessible places. The panda looks clumsy, but it's not. The joints of the animal are very flexible and allow you to perform various gymnastic tricks.

Pandas are usually silent animals, prefer silence and are very cautious. But they can make unusual sounds during the mating season and during social interactions. The life expectancy of a giant panda in nature is on average 16-20 years.

What do pandas eat?

Pandas eat bamboo stems and leaves. This is their main and favorite food. Therefore, the giant panda is called the bamboo bear.

While eating, the panda holds the bamboo stalk in its paw using its sixth finger. In fact, this is an outgrowth on one of the bones of the paw. With its help, pandas can hold objects in their paws, successfully climb trees, grab branches and perform other actions that are uncharacteristic of ordinary bears.

This adaptation of the paws makes it easy and dexterous to cope with flexible bamboo stems. While eating, pandas adopt an upright posture, while keeping their front paws free, which helps them better manage food.

Pandas are carnivores, but they only eat bamboo. In a day adult panda eats up to 35 kg of bamboo and shoots. The panda's esophagus and stomach are adapted to protect against bamboo chips.

Having eaten, pandas fall asleep, and wake up again hungry. Since the food is low-nutrient and monotonous, it is digested with difficulty. So most waking pandas are forced to chew, and this is up to 14 hours a day.

Pandas conserve their energy reserves. In this regard, they travel little and only when nearby food resources are depleted.

Pandas are also known to feed on eggs, small birds, animals, and some insects, despite the fact that pandas love bamboo. animal food is a source of protein essential for pandas.

Pandas also like to drink ice fresh water from mountain streams and rivers. Although giant pandas get most of their water from bamboo, they need more water. Therefore, the panda bamboo bear comes to his favorite springs every day.

For the birth of cubs, the female equips the den. Choosing for this high-altitude forests on steep slopes that provide shelter in the bamboo thickets. The breeding season of the giant panda first occurs at the age of 4 to 8 years. The mating season lasts from March to May, with females becoming more vocal. The rest of the time, pandas lead a solitary lifestyle.

A panda's pregnancy lasts from 90 to 160 days, with an average of about 130 days. Childbirth takes place in a den and 1-2 cubs are born.

A panda cub weighs 100-130 g, with a body length of 15-17 cm. The body of a newborn cub is covered with a thin layer of fur, under which pink skin with black spots is visible.

Panda cubs are born blind and helpless. In a small and defenseless creature, it is difficult to recognize the future owner of bamboo forests. But panda bear cubs are growing fast. The eyes of panda cubs open at the age of 3 weeks. Breastfeeding continues for about 46 weeks.

Panda cubs make loud noises so that their mother hears them and does not crush them. Females often give birth to twins. But, unfortunately, the mother chooses to raise one, stronger baby. The second one dies unattended. Pandas breed once every 2 years. Therefore, the growth of the panda population is very slow.

Breeding pandas in captivity is extremely rare. But at the birth of 2 panda cubs in zoos, only one baby is left near the female. And the second one is taken away and replaced with the first one every few days. So in a tricky way, manages to feed both babies with nutritious mother's milk.

The female panda devotes herself entirely little cub surrounding him with warmth and care. The mother feeds the cub up to 14 times a day and nurses it, shaking it in large paws.

Mothers often play with their grown cubs. The cubs stay with their mothers from one and a half to three years.

The panda is considered a very rare animal and is listed in the Red Book with the status of "species in a vulnerable position." Due to the small population and low level birth rate, a little more than 2 thousand individuals live in the wild today.

The giant panda is a symbol of China and is under state protection. Killing an animal in China is punishable by death.

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