"animal world of Russia" national symbol of Russia. Animal world Presentation Animal world presentation

Animals are one of the most important components of nature, the most mobile part of it. Plants and animals are closely related to each other - a certain type of animal world corresponds to a specific plant community. Animals have adapted to a wide variety of habitat conditions, including such extreme ones as deserts and highlands. About 130 thousand species of animals live in Russia, which is almost 8% of the entire world fauna. The distribution of the animal world is subject to the law of geographical zoning. Russia is a country with a vast territory, and hence a rich wildlife Animals are one of the most important components of nature, its most mobile part. Plants and animals are closely related to each other - a certain type of animal world corresponds to a specific plant community. Animals have adapted to a wide variety of habitat conditions, including such extreme ones as deserts and highlands. About 130 thousand species of animals live in Russia, which is almost 8% of the entire world fauna. The distribution of the animal world is subject to the law of geographical zoning. Russia is a country with a vast territory, and therefore a rich wildlife.

On the islands of the Arctic Ocean, the vast majority of Arctic animals belong to marine life. These are seals, cetaceans, walruses. Their food is mollusks, crustaceans, fish (cod). In the summer, guillemots, guillemots, auks, cormorants, puffins fly here. Arctic foxes and crows feed on the remains of the prey of polar bears. Musk oxen live on Wrangel Island. Desert landscape. New Earth. Arctic fox Walrus Polar bears Seal cub

The tundra landscape of Taimyr The thick fur of the animals and the dense plumage of the birds inhabiting the tundra allows them to survive the cold winters. These include lemmings, arctic foxes, reindeer, snowy owls, white partridges, and crows. There are rare birds here - pink gull, white crane (Siberian crane), white-headed goose, red-breasted goose. Snowy Partridge Lemming Snowy Owl Reindeer

Sable elk WOLF SQUIRREL CHIPUND BEAR ERMINE Taiga GRAY CROW GROW GROWER BLACK GROWER Brown bear, elk, deer, flying squirrel, chipmunk, capercaillie, hazel grouse, wolf, fox, wolverine, hare, ermine, sable, raven, titmouse, duck - goldeneye waders, owl - sparrow, hawk owl, nutcracker, titmouse.

Under the roof of large trees, elk and wild boar, roe deer and hare, squirrel, badger, fox, marten, weasel, ermine, ferret find protection and food. There are a lot of birds, but in winter their numbers and species composition are greatly reduced, as many of them fly south. Lynx, wolf, brown bear became rare guests. In recent years, a river beaver and a raccoon dog have acclimatized here. MIXED, BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS Wild boar Mink FoxRaccoon dog Elk Beaver Hedgehog Blue hareLynxGreat tit

Monsoon forests of the Far East Tiger marten Sable Amur badger Deer Mole The natural conditions of the monsoon mixed forests of the Far East are very favorable for the life of many animals. The abundance of various foods, warm and humid summers attract typical Siberian taiga animals: hazel grouse, squirrel, sable, chipmunk, as well as species from more southern regions - China and India. These include the Ussuri tiger, black bear, marten - kharza, Far Eastern forest cat, deer, raccoon dog, pheasant, mandarin duck

FOREST-STEPPE Forest-steppe beam. Belgorod region. Here live: beaver, wild boar, hare - hare, elk, wolf, raccoon dog, badger, otter, squirrel, desman, fox, weasel, polecat, roe deer, spotted deer. Of the birds - bustard, gray crane, white stork, pheasant, white-tailed eagle, golden eagle. From amphibians - pond and lake frogs, toad, common tree frog, newt. Reptiles: already ordinary, false spindle, lizards. Fish: bream, roach, carp, crucian carp, catfish. toad elk foxwolfbeaver

SEMI-DESERT SEMI-DESERT Fennec foxGreat gerbil Saiga Various types of jerboas, voles, ground squirrels, ferrets, fennec fox, wolves, saigas, gazelles. In the reed thickets of river valleys, wild boar is found here and there. Of the birds, there are larks, steppe eagle, harrier, bustard, demoiselle crane. Jeyran

People have learned to protect nature since ancient times. Since ancient times, people have protected "holy" places (springs, lakes, forests), considered them inviolable. For example, in the Northern Trans-Urals, the Khanty and Mansi tribes had many holy places. Only shamans were allowed to hunt there, so many species of animals managed to survive. The first nature reserves in Russia were created at the end of the 19th century. Many protected areas were located in the places of princely hunting grounds. They were sometimes located near large cities. For example, near Moscow - Kuntsevo, Sokolniki, Losiny Ostrov; near St. Petersburg - Hare Island, etc. Modern protected areas vary in area. The largest ones, such as Taimyr or Kronotsky (in Kamchatka), can be compared with small European states. For example, the territory of the Taimyr Reserve is 1/3 of Switzerland. And some of them are so small that they can be bypassed in a few hours. There are several reasons for this. In the most inhabited regions of the European part of Russia, there are almost no corners of untouched nature left, and therefore they must be protected for our descendants. In addition, the high population density, the many plants, factories and buildings do not allow large areas to be withdrawn from the economy. But in Siberia and the Far East, until recently, vast spaces remained, the nature of which was practically not affected by human activity. Modern protected areas vary in area. The largest ones, such as Taimyr or Kronotsky (in Kamchatka), can be compared with small European states. For example, the territory of the Taimyr Reserve is 1/3 of Switzerland. And some of them are so small that they can be bypassed in a few hours. There are several reasons for this. In the most inhabited regions of the European part of Russia, there are almost no corners of untouched nature left, and therefore they must be protected for our descendants. In addition, the high population density, the many plants, factories and buildings do not allow large areas to be withdrawn from the economy. But in Siberia and the Far East, until recently, vast spaces remained, the nature of which was practically not affected by human activity. RESERVES

Grebe Karavayka Astrakhan Nature Reserve One of the oldest in Russia (1919) - Astrakhan Nature Reserve. The main territory is occupied by small lakes, shallow bays. 50 species of fish live in shallow waters, most of which are valuable commercial fish. These are sturgeons (sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga), herring, carp species (catfish, burbot). 250 species of birds live here and 100 species nest: mute swan, gray goose, mallard, dive, coot, pelican, tern, bittern, warbler, cormorant, heron, white-tailed eagle, black kite, long-eared owl, remez, species of ducks, terns, grebes, etc.

Founded in 1916. It is located in the mountainous Baikal taiga. Created to protect sable. Here you can meet wolverine, otter, Siberian weasel, ermine. Reindeer and marals graze in alpine meadows. Barguzinsky reserve KolonokMaral Caucasian reserve Located in the mountains of the Greater Caucasus. Here you can meet mountain goat, roe deer, chamois, wild boar. The Caucasian brown bear, lynx, forest cat have become a rarity. Of the birds, there are black grouse, kekliks, snowcocks, golden eagles, bearded vultures. The bear bathes in the river.

On the eastern coast of Kamchatka is the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Founded in 1934. In terms of the diversity of landscapes, this reserve has no equal in Russia. Very large Kamchatka sables, ermines, wolverines, fire foxes and white hares live in the cedar forests. Rookeries of sea lions, seals and seals are arranged on the shore. Kronotsky Reserve. Far East: Ussuriysky, Kedrovaya Pad, Lazovsky, Sikhote - Alinsky nature reserves. Red deer, wild boars, roe deer, badgers, Siberian weasels, squirrels are found here. It can be found in a large number of hazel grouses, buntings, flycatchers, thrushes, woodpeckers, tits. The most valuable animals are the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard. Altai, Zeya, Voronezh, Taimyr, Pinega, etc. In total, there are 95 reserves in Russia. Their total area is 30 million hectares.

RESERVATIONS Reserves are created to preserve valuable natural landscapes (landscape), rare species of plants (botanical), animals (zoological), as well as swamps, lakes, rivers, seas (hydrological), etc. Human economic activity greatly affects the nature of reserves. One of the oldest Russian wildlife preserves, Priazovsky, is located in the Krasnodar Territory. On its territory, there are settlements, fish farms, and state farms that grow rice. During the nesting of birds, a two-month silence is held here, therefore it is forbidden to use water transport. Reserves are created to preserve valuable natural landscapes (landscape), rare species of plants (botanical), animals (zoological), as well as swamps, lakes, rivers, seas (hydrological), etc. Human economic activity greatly affects the nature of reserves. One of the oldest Russian wildlife preserves, Priazovsky, is located in the Krasnodar Territory. On its territory, there are settlements, fish farms, and state farms that grow rice. During the nesting of birds, a two-month silence is held here, therefore it is forbidden to use water transport.

RED BOOK Oksky reserve Kulan Vertisheyka. Voronezh Reserve Saker Falcon Red - the color of danger. This book includes animals that are already on the verge of extinction or human activities in the near future may lead to their extinction. From the pages of the Red Book, 247 species of animals are crying out for help.

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GBOU TsO No. 1486 Project work Animal World

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The purpose of the work The subject of research in my work are animals, their development and their young. Save the animal world from the enemies of nature.

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What is Animal World? The animal world is a world in which animals rule. Currently, a huge number of both adults and children are very interested in life and habits!

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Introduction to cats. Cats live all over the world. The largest representatives are 1. Tigers 2. Lions 3. Jaguars 4. Leopards 5. Snow Leopards 6. Cougars 7. Cheetahs.

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Who is higher? Felines can be very tall. The biggest growth of a tiger! 1. Tigers = 100 - 120 cm 2. Cougars = 65 - 80 cm 3. Lynx (red) = 40 - 60 cm 4. Domestic cat = 25 - 35 cm

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White tigers. Albino births are almost universal, and tigers are no exception. The white coat and red eyes are caused by a small amount of pigment, which is responsible for the color. Many albinos are found among rabbits, mice and rats.

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Platypuses. Platypuses do not just look funny, but are just a treasure trove of interesting features and exceptions to the general rules of animals.

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Platypuses. These small animals are the only mammals that have developed electroreception, i.e. the ability to perceive electrical signals from the environment. For example, under water, platypuses do not have hearing, sight, or smell, but their electroreceptors

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Saber-toothed tigers Life on Earth is constantly changing. The ancient dinosaur giants died out, and the huge shaggy mammoths also retreated. The cat family has also undergone significant changes over the long centuries on our planet. Let's go back in time for a moment to see a cat that will give you goosebumps. Who is this? The legendary saber-toothed tiger.

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Saber-toothed tigers The saber-toothed tiger, or, in Latin, machairod, is a genus of extinct feline mammals, a distinctive feature of which were impressive upper fangs that protruded menacingly outward even when the beast's mouth was closed.

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Prehistoric times Giant bones, sometimes found in the ground, were considered in antiquity to be the remains of heroes from the era of the Trojan War, in the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century. - the remains of giants, which are mentioned in the Bible and who died during the Flood; in the Far East, they were considered the bones of dragons and attributed to them healing properties.

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Dinosaurs The discovery in 1858 in the United States of a well-preserved hadrosaur skeleton overturned the idea of ​​dinosaurs as quadrupeds, showing that dinosaurs could walk on two legs.

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Callus-footed order Callous-footed order Until recently, these animals were considered as artiodactyls, but the latest research has shown that callus-footed animals are so peculiar that they should stand out in a separate detachment.

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Slides captions:

Diversity of the animal world Completed by Goreva A.A., primary school teacher


Insects Have six legs Have notches on the body Live everywhere: on the ground, in the ground, in the water

Birds They have two legs The body is covered with feathers They lay eggs


mammals They have four legs The body is covered with hair The young are fed with milk


Reptiles Move by crawling Have smooth or scaly skin Live on land

FISH Live in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes Body covered with slippery scales Eat animal food Breathe through gills


They have smooth, shiny skin. They feed on insects, snails, worms. Amphibians live on land and in water

animals mammals birds reptiles insects fish amphibians

Animals Breathe Eat Move Breed

Animal - living being

Animals are living beings And our care is so important to them, To be able to fly, breathe, raise children And live peacefully on our planet!

Burrows of animals, bird's nest We will never ruin! Let the chicks and small animals live well with us!

Thank you for your attention!

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Living beings

Slides: 11 Words: 77 Sounds: 0 Effects: 59

Diversity of animals. Content. Animals -. Animals. Insects. Fish. Amphibians. Reptiles. Birds. Animals. Burrows of animals, Bird's nest We will never ruin. Let the chicks and Little animals live well With us nearby. - Living beings.pptx

World around Animals

Slides: 13 Words: 464 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Animal world. Creative title. About our smaller brothers. Fundamental question. Can our planet exist without animals? Problem question. Why are animals disappearing? About the project. The project is designed for 3rd grade students. The subject area of ​​this project is “The world around us”. Duration is one week. Project goals. Annotation. The project covers the section "Animal World" of the textbook by Vinogradova N.F. "The world". The theme of the project is "Animal World". The final completion of the project is a generalizing lesson. Project stages. Excerpts from essays-reasonings of students on the topic "Who is to blame?". “... People built a lot of factories. - Animals.ppt

Life of animals

Slides: 13 Words: 1316 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Me and Ukraine. Live nature. Diversity of animals. Variety of plants. We are moving on to group work. Check your partner. Read the text. Task for working at the computer. Help the Unknown. Working with riddles - Animal life.ppt

Funny animals

Slides: 11 Words: 401 Sounds: 11 Effects: 0

Funny animals. The surface zone is inhabited by flying fish, wandering albatrosses, brown boobies and Portuguese man-of-wars. Anchovies, tarpans, blue marlins, squids, hawksbill, manta rays, striped tuna, willow whales, and large dolphins live in surface zone 2 (water). A lot of fish live on coral reefs: nautiluses, squids, boxfish, surgeon fish, etc. Vampire squids, anglers, largemouths, other anglers, shrimps live in deep-sea life (twilight zone). At the bottom of the ocean live grenadiers, sea feathers, shrimps, holothurians, bentosaurs, other holothurians, Venus baskets, sea spiders, another holothurians, another sea feathers and sea urchins. - funny animals.ppt

"Animal World" Grade 2

Slides: 31 Words: 860 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Animals. Birds. Reptiles. They live in warm and hot countries. Lizards. snakes. It's harmless. Animals whose body is covered with feathers. Feathers of birds. Bird nutrition. Mammals. Animal nutrition. How do animals protect themselves? Protection methods. Green grasshopper in the grass. Amphibians. Toads and frogs don't have tails. Newts have a long tail and short legs. Insects. Herbivorous insects. Insects are predators. Omnivorous insects. Fish. Fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water. Herbivorous fish. Predators. Omnivorous fish. Look at the pictures and find the viper. Consider the images of animals whose lives are connected with water. - "Animal World" Grade 2.ppt

Animal world of the Earth

Slides: 17 Words: 546 Sounds: 17 Effects: 73

Animal world of the Earth. Purpose: to study the animal world of the Earth. Diversity of animals. Animals are part of nature. Animals are living beings. Mammals (animals). About animals - it's interesting. Power circuit. The name ANIMAL comes from the words LIVES, LIFE. How animals eat. How animals move. How animals breathe. How animals adapt to the conditions of life. Protect nature. - Animal world of the Earth.pptx

Animal information

Slides: 19 Words: 486 Sounds: 0 Effects: 258

Wild animals. who are called animals. Animals. Who can be called animals. What are the animals. Features of domestic and wild animals. Is it true that there are only wild animals in front of you. Wild animals can live in different places. They also live in the far north. Which of the animals can only be wild. What is the number of the wild animal? State your guess. Wolves. Dog professions. Types of dogs. The dog is man's best friend. Baby dogs. - Animal information.ppt

Amazing animal world

Slides: 28 Words: 1292 Sounds: 1 Effects: 256

The amazing world of animals. Wild animals. We develop creativity (draw, cut). Animals of hot countries. We develop hands. We develop speech. We develop memory. Kangaroo. Tolstoy "Elephant". We develop creativity. Pets. Finger gymnastics. K. Paustovsky "Cat-thief". Cat. Mystery. We play "How we watered the calves." Application. Wild animals. Sokolov-Mikitov "Leaf Fall". Everyone has their own home. Mobile game. Counting. Day and night he roams the forest, day and night he searches for prey. There is a hollow in the pine, it is warm in the hollow. Bear. A little white bunny sits and moves its ears. - Amazing animal world.pps

Animal world of the planet Earth

Slides: 26 Words: 559 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Animal world. Requirements for the level of training of students. Animal world of the Earth. Animals. What will you learn in this section. Why do animals disappear? What questions will you answer. Part of nature. Nature needs all animals. Animal world. Invertebrate animals. Insects. Vertebrates. Fish. Amphibians. Birds. Capercaillie. Reptiles. Lizards. Animals. Mammals. How animals eat. How animals move. Picture gallery. - Animal world of planet Earth.ppt

Slides: 11 Words: 575 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Interesting facts from the life of animals. Elephant brain. Why do crocodiles swallow rocks? Whale milk. Birds. Warm season. Moles are not blind at all. The unique circulatory system of the giraffe. Parrots. Material. -

Distinctive features of animals

Slides: 45 Words: 870 Sounds: 0 Effects: 143

How animals adapt to the conditions of life. Order on the table. Want. Crossword. Gray little animal. Every tooth is a sharp knife. What a bird. Collapsed, as on the beach, we can lie down side by side. Animals. I can. Dwellings. Animal activities. Appearance. Animal groups. Draw the letters and guess the word. Sight. Take care of your eyesight. Group work. Giant pandas. Crocodiles. Careless use of poisons and chemicals. People come for a walk in the forest. Why do animals disappear? Over the past 300 years, 63 species of animals have disappeared. Reserve. Reserve. National park. - Distinctive features of animals.ppt

Flora and fauna

Slides: 13 Words: 316 Sounds: 0 Effects: 48

Lesson-excursion. Flora and fauna. Take a walk huntress. Statement. Long-haired old man. Grasshoppers. Observation of inanimate nature. Rain. Birch. Relationship between animal and plant life. Chanterelles. Live nature. - Plant and animal life.ppt

What do animals eat

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Food chains in nature

Slides: 22 Words: 474 Sounds: 1 Effects: 16

Animal nutrition. Minute weatherman. March. March notes. Why are animals classified as wildlife? How are animals different from plants. What do animals eat. Herbivores. Predatory animals. Omnivorous animals. Check yourself. What is the excess animal? Describe the animal. Herbivore frog. Ladybug larva. Monument. Interesting story. Create a food chain. Independent work. - Food chains in nature.ppt

unusual animals

Slides: 32 Words: 730 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Unusual animals. Why I chose this topic. Objective. Hypothesis. Tasks. A little about unusual animals. Alpaca (a type of llama). The fish is the moon. Okapi or forest giraffe. African civet. Tapir. The baby tapir differs from the mother in color. Ay-ay. Frilled lizard. Shellless turtle. Little panda. Leafy sea dragon. Several "unusual" animals. Forest buffalo. The Sphinx cat is a hairless cat. Narwhal is a unicorn. Axolotl. Nosach. Star-nosed (mole family). Sloth. Fish - a drop. Slit-tooth. Lori. Palm thief. Take care of animals. - Fancy Animals.pptx

amazing animals

Slides: 12 Words: 452 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

These are amazing animals. We have a lot to worry about in the fall. Bear. Nose and ears. A fox. An interesting animal. Beaver. Cautious animal. Badger. Riddles about animals. Important graph. We recognize the animal with you. - Amazing Animals.ppt

Animals in elementary school

Slides: 35 Words: 372 Sounds: 0 Effects: 81

Tolmachevskaya elementary school. Author's media product. Relevance. This presentation will help students get an idea of ​​the diversity of the animal world. Goals: Tasks. Lesson plan: Lesson progress: Greeting. Goal setting. 2 minutes II. Homework 2 minutes. Diversity of the animal world. Mammals -. animals whose body is covered with wool. Fish -. aquatic animals whose body is covered with scales. With the help of gills, fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water. Insects are animals that have 6 legs (3 pairs). Amphibians -. animals whose skin is naked, tender. - Animals in elementary school.pps

Animals 1st class

Slides: 33 Words: 61 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Horse. Rooster. Cat and dog. Butterfly. Tiger. Cow. Rabbit. Fly. Duck. A fox. Sheep. Raccoon. Turkey. Squirrel. Hare. Grasshopper. Wolf. Perch. Panda. Bear. Carp. Swan. Ladybug. Pike. Rhinoceros beetle. Goat. Mosquito. Dragonfly. Owl. Bumblebee. Parrot. Bee. - Animals Grade 1.pptx

Animals Grade 2

Slides: 15 Words: 150 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

Diversity of animals. Animals. Animals. Reptiles. Insects. Fish. Birds. Who is extra? Wild domestic. Tiger. Cow. Why are pets needed? Pets. Wild animals. Is such a variety of animals necessary? Animals whose body is covered with slippery scales. Fish are aquatic. With the help of gills, fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water. Animals whose body is covered with feathers. What happens in nature if some kind of animal disappears? Protect the environment! - Animals Grade 2.ppt

Animals Grade 3

Slides: 16 Words: 332 Sounds: 0 Effects: 35

Lesson of natural history "Variety of animals." Annotation. Lesson objectives: Crossword. Giraffe. Owl. Sparrow. Wolf. Snail. Piglet. Beavers. Donkey. Zoology is the science of animals. Which group do you see? Fizminutka. Animals. Insects. Fish. Amphibians. Reptiles. Birds. Animals. Red Book. - Animals Grade 3.ppt

Animal environment

Slides: 9 Words: 76 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Animal husbandry test world around 3rd grade. What does animal husbandry give people? Domestic farm animals are… Poultry is… Bees are bred for… They are harvested to feed domestic animals… What branches of animal husbandry are especially developed in your region? - World of animals.ppt

World around 2nd grade Animals

Slides: 32 Words: 348 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

"The world around" 2nd grade. The topic of the lesson: "What are animals?". Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it. Plants. Trees Shrubs Herbs Coniferous Deciduous. What are the animals? About 5 thousand species. About 9 thousand species. About 25 thousand species. About 1 million species. Animal jumps: Not a mouth, but a trap. Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap. About 4 thousand species. What a miracle! That's such a miracle! Dish on top, dish on bottom! A miracle walks along the road, Head sticks out and legs. (Turtle). About 7 thousand species. What group of animals does the dragonfly belong to? What group of animals does a parrot belong to? - World around 2 class Animals.ppt

Food chains grade 3

Slides: 9 Words: 170 Sounds: 0 Effects: 12

What threatens the supply chain? Definition of a food chain. Animals eat plants or other animals. Food chains. Violation of the supply chain. FROG 3 link - insectivorous. Grasshopper 2 link - herbivorous. NETTLE 1 link - plant. The assumption of the consequences of a violation of the food chain. Nature. Harm. Death. - Food chains grade 3.ppt

Long-lived animals

Slides: 17 Words: 736 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Hypothesis. Route sheet. "Animals long-livers" - find out the reasons for the longevity of animals. Find out which animals live longest. Hatteria is the same age as dinosaurs 200 million years. Turtles are long-lived animals. WHALES LONG-LIVERS - 150 years. Elephants are long-lived. The Condor is the longest living bird of 50 years. reasons for longevity. Pets are long-lived. There is a long-lived dog in Nizhny Novgorod - a husky, whose age is 21 years. Survey results What kind of animals do you have? Would you like your pets to live longer? - Long-lived animals.ppt

Animals in danger

Slides: 11 Words: 449 Sounds: 0 Effects: 55

Lesson - conference "Animal protection". What is the role of animals. The role of animals. It took scientists 14 years to create the first such book. Reserves of the Sarumsky district Vagulka Verkhne-Kandinsky Vaspuholsky Yugansky. They think I bring trouble. I sleep during the day, I hunt at night. If not for me, you would have to sit without bread. Complaint 2. I myself know that I am not a beauty. I am clumsy and my skin is warty. I benefit greatly. - Animals in danger.ppt

Animal offspring

Slides: 32 Words: 825 Sounds: 3 Effects: 9

Lesson on the world around "How animals raise offspring." Before all cubs appear in a group of herbivorous animals. How do animals raise their offspring? Vole mice are very prolific. The development of newborns is fast: 20 days pass from the moment of birth to leaving their parents. Cubs are born naked and blind. After 12-14 days, the eyes open, teeth erupt and hair grows. 3 weeks after birth, the offspring becomes independent. During the spring-summer one mouse can give birth to about 30 voles. Cubs are born blind, almost naked, with bristles around the muzzle. - Animal offspring.ppt

The rescue of animals

Slides: 9 Words: 256 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Animal protection. Introduce environmental rules that people must comply with. Aims and objectives: The list of plants and animals was called the Red Book. The Red Book informs us which plants and animals are in danger. What is the Red Book for? Why was it called the Red Book, and not the yellow, blue? The compilation of the first version of the Red Book took 14 years. All new species are on the verge of extinction. Disappeared animals. Animals listed in the Red Book. Protect the environment! - Animal Rescue.pptx

Animals of the North and hot countries

Slides: 21 Words: 619 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Acquaintance with the animals of the north and hot countries. Purpose: the formation of ideas in children about wild animals. Tasks: to expand and deepen children's understanding of wild animals. Course progress. Today our plane will fly over cold countries. Our plane flies low over the tundra. We see a handsome man - a beast with huge beautiful horns. Reindeer. Who wants to talk about the deer. We fly up to the Arctic. What animals can we meet among the snow, ice and water. Brown bear. Let's compare a polar bear and a brown bear. The polar bear lives in the North, and the brown bear lives in the forest. - Animals of the North and hot countries.pptx

Animals of hot and cold countries

Slides: 16 Words: 522 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Animals of cold and hot countries. Animals. cold countries. My white brother lives in the ice and eats sea fish. Far North. They lie in the cold, but do not shiver from the cold. In the sea, the ships meet, and the wave shakes it. In Antarctica, an important gentleman walks among the ice floes. Warm countries. Mom and the kids have all their clothes made from patches. He has a huge mouth. What kind of a miracle is this - two humps are riding, from where. He is not bloodthirsty at all because he is a herbivore. Harmless, herbivorous, no stripes on the skin, no spots. The master in the construction of faces will make everyone laugh without deceit. The king of beasts growls loudly, he hurries to collect all the animals. - Animals of hot and cold countries.ppt

Animals of Russia

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Animals of our Russia. Squirrel. The squirrel is a rodent from the squirrel family. The only representative of the genus of squirrels in the fauna of Russia. Beaver. Hamster. The hamster is the only species in the genus of true hamsters of the hamster family. Mouse. The mouse is a species of rodent in the genus house mice. Hare-hare. The hare is a mammal of the hare genus of the hare order. The hedgehog is a mammal of the genus Eurasian hedgehogs of the hedgehog family. Gallery of animals. - Animals of Russia.ppt

Animals of the Baltic Sea

Slides: 18 Words: 755 Sounds: 18 Effects: 0

Protection and conservation of mammals in the Baltic Sea. Presentation. Ringed seal. Tevyak. Tevyak is a fairly large animal of the seal family. The young generation is born in autumn - at the beginning of winter. Puppies are dressed in the purest white fluffy fur coat. Only on the muzzle stand out the nose and large gray eyes. The animal is currently on the verge of extinction. Currently, gray seal fishing is not permitted. Harbour porpoise. The harbor porpoise is the only whale permanently inhabiting Baltic waters. Sociable marine mammals. When swimming, they break up the surface of the water, but the harbor porpoise is not a very good swimmer. - Animals of the Baltic Sea.pptx

Animals of the Chelyabinsk region

Slides: 22 Words: 874 Sounds: 0 Effects: 71

Animals of the forests of the Chelyabinsk region. Get to know your country. Talk. Elk. Squirrel. Roe. Hare. Ears. Hedgehog. Shrew. Wolf. Fox. Bear. Lynx. Badger. Insects. List the carnivorous animals. Handsome. Fluffy tail. Animal weight. - Animals of the Chelyabinsk region.ppt

Animal game

Slides: 15 Words: 581 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Animal world. Team greetings. Riddles about animals. Who in the autumn cold walks angry, hungry. Empathy Competition. List the characteristics of animals. Fizminutka. Task "Dress me". What can you tell about these birds. What fairy tales about animals do you know. Call mom. Captains competition. Watching a cartoon. - Animal game.pptx

Animals of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug

Slides: 13 Words: 700 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

Social project. "The fauna of the forests of Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. The purpose of our project: Creation of an information collection about animals living in the forests of our district. Compilation of a collection of riddles about the animals of our forest. Visiting the library and obtaining information about animals living in the forests of our district. Carrying out in the classroom class on the topic "Animals of our forest". Selection and compilation of riddles and drawings about the animals of our forest. Stages of work on the project: Fifth stage: We have designed a collection of riddles about the animals of our forest. Results of the work: - Animals of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug .ppt

Lesson Animals

Slides: 28 Words: 648 Sounds: 4 Effects: 58

What are the animals? SPb APPO Center for Informatization of Education. Reviewing what was learned in the previous lesson. Introduction to a new topic. Crossword. Systematization of knowledge. Filling in the table. Consolidation. Repetition of the past. Herbs. Trees. bushes. Solve riddles. Not in a piece of paper, but in a shell - Take care, children, teeth. (Hazel). All clothes are golden, Only the hat is green. (Pine). Write down the answers in 3 columns: Trees. What two groups can trees be divided into? Deciduous. Coniferous. Having solved the crossword puzzle, in the highlighted column we will read the topic of the lesson. I don't buzz when I sit, I don't buzz when I walk. - Lesson Animals.ppt

Plants and animals of the forest

Slides: 17 Words: 277 Sounds: 0 Effects: 28

The forest is the wealth of the people. Forest. Animal house. House for plants. Relationship between animate and inanimate nature. Protection of air, Fields and rivers. Construction Materials. Medicine. Tiers of the forest. Mosses, lichens. Herbs. Shrubs. Trees. Are the animals arranged in tiers? Who are zoologists? What groups can animals be divided into? Animals. Birds. Insects. Inhabitants of the forest house. Animals are animals whose body is covered with hair. Similarities and differences between flora and fauna. Animals see and hear. Check yourself. Do animals live on the same floor? Do all insects live in the forest? Are plants and animals related? - Plants and animals.ppt

Animals and plants

Slides: 15 Words: 485 Sounds: 0 Effects: 51

How do plants and animals live? The purpose of the lesson. Questions for consideration. About the life of plants About the life of animals About the life of birds. How do plants live? Plants Animals Read the words and say what we are going to talk about? Today we will learn how plants and animals live? What plants do you know? What do all plants have in common? Do you think plants are alive? Where do plants get their water and heat from in nature? What is necessary for plant life? How do animals live? What groups of animals are you familiar with? Plants are alive. What about animals? Prove that animals are living beings. What do animals need to live. - Animals and plants.pps

Animal Quiz

Slides: 60 Words: 860 Sounds: 0 Effects: 177

These are funny animals. History of the holiday. Decision to celebrate World Animal Day. World Animal Day. Greenpeace. World Animal Day. Animal shelters need, above all, kind people. Who changes their fur coat twice a year. Which bird can fly tail first. When the hedgehog does not prick. ..Which animal was given two monuments. Where is the grasshopper's ear? "Knowing the World". Where, from what the swallow builds its nest. What happens to a bee after it stings. Dry or fresh mushrooms are eaten by squirrels. What mushrooms do hedgehogs eat. What to put in the bird feeder. - Animal Quiz.ppt

How animals live

Slides: 40 Words: 234 Sounds: 1 Effects: 44

The world around us. How do animals live? Animal groups. Insects. Birds. Fish. Animals. We know that plants are alive. Are animals living beings? Animals move, eat, grow, reproduce, breathe, die. Who eats what? Striped back, And on the back - a bristle. Cubs grow, develop and gradually turn into adult animals. Boars eat whatever they can find. An oak tree hid in a golden ball. All animals eat. Fizkultminutka. Help the kids: Children lost their mothers. Help the kids! Hurry up and find mom! The thin-legged foal Boyko gallops along the road. He is such a good horse Mom will not catch up ... - How animals live.ppt

Animal dwellings

Slides: 9 Words: 302 Sounds: 0 Effects: 71

Who has the best home? There is an opinion that: The best animal houses are in the trees. The best animal homes are underwater. The best animal homes are underground. Who lives where? The coziest nest is in the long-tailed titmouse. The most cunning house at the mole. The most skillful house is at the leaf-beetle elephant (beetle). The most amazing house at the silver water spider. Survey results: 20% said that the most elaborate houses are in the trees. According to people, underground dwellings of animals (burrows) are the most convenient. To the authors of the textbook "The World Around" by V. Bianchi for the book "Forest Newspaper". - Animal dwellings.ppt

Who is the ugliest

Slides: 18 Words: 619 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

You have ears. Animals and insects also have ears. The Indian elephant and the African elephant differ in the length of their ears. Long ears in relation to the body of the long-eared jerboa. The body of the long-eared jerboa reaches a length of up to 9 centimeters, and the ears - 5 centimeters. Although the rabbit is quite small. Once, scientists conducted tests and closed the eyes of a bat. For most insects, the world is silent. But cicadas, crickets, grasshoppers, and moths have auditory organs. The eardrums of grasshoppers are placed on the front legs. The hearing of moths is tuned to the sounds emitted by bats during the hunt. - Who is the most eared.pptx

Who is biting

Slides: 24 Words: 1337 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Who bites. Well, do you even know who bites? In summer, everyone is on the river, in the forest. But mosquitoes are so biting. Firstly, mosquitoes do not bite, but pierce. Secondly, not mosquitoes, but mosquitoes. Through a thin hole - a well, a mosquito drinks a drop of blood. There are many beetles that bite. Here, for example, a beetle - a deer! On the head of the male are large "antlers" like those of a deer. Biting! Only without such teeth a pike cannot live. The fish itself is small - about the size of a palm. It looks quite fleshy, like our crucian. Only with very small scales. But if you look closely ... The lower jaw protrudes forward, like a bulldog. - Who bites.pptx

Animal movement

Slides: 18 Words: 261 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Animal locomotion. The concept of movement. Movement is the main property of living organisms. amoeboid movement. Protozoan movement. Euglena green. Movement with muscles. Mollusk movement. The flight of birds is movement in the air. Types of swimming: on the water. Under the water. The movement of the jellyfish is reactive. The movement of the snake. The fastest animals are cheetahs. Kangaroo is the long jump record holder. The slowest animal? Answer the questions. 1. Movements are characteristic of all living organisms. - Animal movement.pptx

Methods of movement of animals

Slides: 13 Words: 103 Sounds: 0 Effects: 28

Animal locomotion. Skeleton. Types of movement of animals. Amoeboid. Movement with the help of flagella and cilia. Muscular. Amoeba movement. Movement mechanism. Movement methods. Amoeba movement pattern. Scheme of movement of flagella and cilia. The movement of various animals. Animal movement. - Ways of movement of animals.ppt

Animal moms

Slides: 9 Words: 178 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

Who has a mom? Performed. Pets. Riddles. The cat says to the kitten: -Grow up a little more. Happy birthday puppies! Mom kisses everyone on the cheeks. A cow can look strictly and sternly at others. The sun exposes the back of the couch potato pig. - Animal Moms.ppt

Animals and plants of Russia

Slides: 11 Words: 221 Sounds: 0 Effects: 20

Animal and plant world of Russia. Steppes. Deserts. Semi-deserts. The diversity of birds is expressed (with all those that visit during seasonal flights) as a figure of about 710. About 350 species of mammals live in our country. The composition and abundance of living organisms are strongly influenced by human activities. The flora and fauna of Russia was greatly influenced by the Quaternary glaciation. The most common in the steppe are feather grass, fescue, thin-legged, and a host of other flowering plants. Since the steppes are located in an area with insufficient moisture, representatives of herbaceous vegetation tolerate the lack of moisture in the soil well. - Animals and plants of Russia.ppt

Animals of the Kuban

Slides: 15 Words: 161 Sounds: 0 Effects: 50

Diversity of flora and fauna of the Kuban. Krasnodar region. Russia. Rostov region. Know your edge! peony Wittmann. Chamois. Dressing. Caucasian otter. 1. Short-toed pika 2. Black-headed nuthatch 3. Red-headed kinglet. 4. Wall climber. Curly pelican. Cyclomen Caucasian. Bear. Bison. Elk. Deer. Boar. Oak. Chestnut. 1. What is a forest? B) a vast area occupied by grasses, shrubs, trees. A) a vast area occupied only by herbs. 2. The fruits of which plant are poisonous? A) viburnum. B) oak. C) Caucasian belladonna. 3. What animals are listed in the Red Book of Kuban? - Animals of Kuban.ppt

Questions about animals

Slides: 25 Words: 323 Sounds: 0 Effects: 66

Wild and domestic animals. Animals. But butterflies are also animals. Name the animals shown. Wild animals. Living alphabet. Exercise. Continue alphabet. Help each of the inhabitants of wildlife to find their home. Pets. A very, very long time ago, many thousands of years ago, people did not have pets. What does a person get from pets. Who lives where. Who eats what. Name the babies. Solve riddles. Eyes, mustache, tail, and it washes all cleaner. He takes off his fur coat twice a year. Who walks under a fur coat. Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the village. - Questions about animals.ppt

Riddles about animals

Slides: 14 Words: 439 Sounds: 0 Effects: 23

Livestock. Teaching methodology. Who does not spin, does not weave, but clothes people. Who has horns longer than the tail. Crocheted tail, snouted nose. Appeared in a yellow coat. With a tail, not a beast, with feathers, not a bird. Housewife. He heals sick animals. Animal husbandry test. Domestic birds. Potato. - Riddles about animals.ppt

Riddles about animals with answers

Slides: 29 Words: 347 Sounds: 1 Effects: 8

Wild and domestic animals. Birch. Riddles. In the middle of the yard there is a mop: in front of a pitchfork, in the back - a broom. Who has a piglet that is not clamped into a fist. Jumping along the branches, but not a bird, red, but not a fox. In summer he walks without a road near pines and birches, and in winter he sleeps in a den. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest. Gray, angry prowls through the forest. Animals. Who are wild animals. Who are pets. Cow. Pig. Squirrel - squirrel. Animals are our smaller brothers. -

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