The wealth of the waterway of our country: the name of the rivers of Russia. The largest rivers of Russia and their brief description Message about the rivers of our country

Russia is largest state in the world (its area is 17.12 million km 2, which is 12% of the earth's land), about 3 million rivers flow through its territory. Most of them are not large and have a relatively short length, their total length is 6.5 million km.

By the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea, the territory of Russia is divided into European and Asian parts. The rivers of the European part belong to the basins of such seas as the Black and Caspian, Baltic and to the basin of the Arctic Ocean. The rivers of the Asian part - the basins of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans.

Major rivers of Russia

The largest rivers of the European part are the Volga, Don, Oka, Kama, Northern Dvina, some originate in Russia, but flow into the seas on the territory of other countries (for example, the source of the Western Dvina River is the Valdai Upland, Tver Region of the Russian Federation, the mouth is the Gulf of Riga, Latvia). Such rivers flow through the Asian part, differing large size like the Ob, Yenisei, Irtysh, Angara, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma.

The Lena River, 4400 km long, is one of the most long rivers on our planet (7th place in the world), its origins are located near the deep-sea fresh lake Baikal in Central Siberia.

The area of ​​its basin is 2490 thousand km². It has a western direction of flow, reaching the city of Yakutsk, it changes its direction to the north. Forming a huge delta at the mouth (its area is 32 thousand km 2), which is the largest in the Arctic, the Lena flows into the Laptev Sea, the basin of the Arctic Ocean. The river is the main transport artery of Yakutia, its largest tributaries are the Aldan, Vitim, Vilyui, Olekma rivers...

The Ob River passes through the territory of Western Siberia, its length is 3650 km, together with the Irtysh it forms a river system 5410 km long, and this is the sixth largest in the world. The area of ​​the Ob river basin is 2990 thousand km².

It originates in the Altai mountains, at the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers, in the southern part of Novosibirsk the constructed dam forms a reservoir, the so-called "Ob Sea", then the river flows through the Ob Bay (area of ​​more than 4 thousand km²) into the Kara Sea, basin of the Arctic Ocean. The water in the river is characterized by a high content of organic matter and a low content of oxygen. It is used for commercial production of fish (valuable species - sturgeon, sterlet, nelma, muksun, broad whitefish, whitefish, peled, as well as partial species - pike, ide, burbot, dace, roach, crucian carp, perch), power generation (Novosibirskaya HPP on the Ob, Bukhtarma and Ust-Kamenogorsk on the Irtysh), shipping ...

The length of the Yenisei River is 3487 km, it flows through the territory of Siberia, dividing it into the Western and Eastern parts. The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers in the world, together with its tributaries the Angara, the Selenga and the Ider, it forms a large river system 5238 km long, with a basin area of ​​2580 thousand km².

The river begins in the Khangai Mountains, on the Ider River (Mongolia), flows into the Kara Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean basin. The river itself is called the Yenisei near the city of Kyzyl ( Krasnoyarsk region, Republic of Tuva), where the rivers Big and Small Yenisei meet. It has a large number of tributaries (up to 500), about 30 thousand km long, the largest: Angara, Abakan, Lower Tunguska. Kureika. Dudinka and others. The river is navigable, it is one of the most important waterways in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia, such large hydroelectric power stations as Sayano-Shushenskaya, Mainskaya, Krasnoyarskaya are located downstream, timber is rafted on rafts ...

The Amur River, 2824 km long, with a basin area of ​​1855 thousand km², flows through Russia (54%), China (44.2%) and Mongolia (1.8%). Its origins are in the mountains of western Manchuria (China), at the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers. The current has an easterly direction and passes through the territory of the Far East, starting at the Russian-Chinese border, its mouth is located in the Tatar Bay (its northern part is called the Amur Estuary) of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which belongs to the basin of the Arctic Ocean. Large tributaries: Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri, Anyui, Sungari, Amgun.

The river is characterized by sharp fluctuations in the water level, which is caused by summer and autumn monsoon precipitation, with heavy showers, a wide flood of water up to 25 km is possible, which lasts up to two months. The Amur is used for navigation, large hydroelectric power stations (Zeyskaya, Bureyskaya) have been built here, commercial fishing is developed (the Amur has the most developed ichthyofauna among all the rivers of Russia, about 140 species of fish live here, 39 species of them are commercial) ...

One of the most famous rivers flowing in the European part of Russia, for which the words from the song are composed "Tofolk race, like a full-flowing sea» - Volga. Its length is 3530 km, the basin area is 1360 thousand km² (1/3 of the entire European part of Russia), most of it passes through the territory of Russia (99.8%), the smaller part - Kazakhstan (0.2%).

This is one of the largest rivers in Russia and throughout Europe. Its origins are on the Valdai plateau in the Tver region, it flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta, along the way taking the waters of more than two hundred tributaries, the most significant of them is the left tributary of the Volga, the Kama River. The area around the riverbed (15 subjects are located here Russian Federation) is called the Volga region, there are four major cities-millionaire: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara and Volgograd, 8 HPPs of the Volga-Kama cascade ...

The Ural River, 2428 km long (third place in Europe after the Volga and Danube) and with a basin area of ​​​​2310 thousand km², is unique in that it divides the mainland of Eurasia into two parts of the world, Asia and Europe, therefore one of its banks lies in Europe, the other - in Asia.

The river flows through the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, begins on the slopes of Uraltau (Bashkortostan), flows from north to south, then changes direction several times to the west, then to the south, then to the east, forms an estuary with branches and flows into the Caspian. For navigation, the Urals are used to a small extent, in the Orenburg region, the Iriklinskoe reservoir and hydroelectric power station were built on the river, commercial fishing is carried out (sturgeon, roach, bream, pike perch, carp, asp, catfish, Caspian salmon, sterlet, nelma, kutum) ...

The Don River is one of the largest rivers in the European part of Russia, its length is 1870 km, the basin area is 422 thousand km², it is the fourth in Europe after the Volga, Dnieper and Danube in terms of water flow.

This river is one of the most ancient, its age is 23 million years, the sources are located in the small town of Novomoskovsk (Tula region), the small river Urvanka begins here, which gradually grows and absorbs the water of other tributaries (there are about 5 thousand of them) spills into a wide channel and flows over large areas of southern Russia, flowing into the Taganrog Bay Sea of ​​Azov. The main tributaries of the Don are the Seversky Donets, Khoper, Medveditsa. The river is rapids and shallow, has a typical flat character, such large million-plus cities as Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don are located here. The Don is navigable from the mouth to the city of Voronezh, there are several reservoirs, the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric station ...

The Northern Dvina River, with a length of 744 km and a basin area of ​​357 thousand km², is one of the largest navigable rivers in the European part of Russia.

Its origins are the confluence of the Sukhona and Yug rivers under Veliky Ustyug ( Vologda Region), has a northern direction of flow to Arkhangelsk, then northwestern and again northern, near Novodvinsk (a city in the Arkhangelsk region) forms a delta consisting of several branches, its area is about 900 km², and flows into the Dvina Bay of the White Sea, the basin of the Northern Arctic Ocean. The main tributaries are Vychegda, Vaga, Pinega, Yumizh. The river is navigable along its entire length; the oldest paddle steamer, built in 1911, “N.V. Gogol "...

The Neva River, flowing through the territory of the Leningrad Region, connecting Lake Ladoga with the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea, is one of the most picturesque and full-flowing rivers in Russia. The length is 74 km, the basin area of ​​48 thousand rivers and 26 thousand lakes is 5 thousand km². 26 rivers and rivulets flow into the Neva, the main tributaries are the Mga, Izhora, Okhta, Chernaya Rechka.

Neva - the only river, flowing from the Shlisselburg Bay in Lake Ladoga, its channel flows through the territory of the Neva Lowland, the mouth is located in the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland, which is part of Baltic Sea. On the banks of the Neva there are such cities as St. Petersburg, Shlisselburg, Kirovsk, Otradnoye, the river is navigable along its entire length ...

The Kuban River in the very south of Russia originates in Karachay-Cherkessia at the foot of Mount Elbrus (Caucasian Mountains) and flows through the territory North Caucasus, forming a delta, flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. The length of the river is 870 km, the basin area is 58 thousand km², 14 thousand tributaries, the largest of them are Afips, Laba, Pshish, Mara, Dzheguta, Gorkaya.

The largest reservoir in the Caucasus is located on the river - Krasnodar, the Kuban cascade of hydroelectric power stations, the cities of Karachaevsk, Cherkessk, Armavir, Novokubansk, Krasnodar, Temryuk ...

Rivers is a wonderful gift of nature.

Two large rivers (Kama and Chusovaya), 40 medium rivers and about 29 thousand small rivers flow through the territory of the Perm Territory. Large rivers are considered to be those that have a length of more than 500 km, and small - rivers less than 100 km long.

Most long and deep rivers of the Perm region:

Along the length of the Kama (1805 km) - the sixth river in Europe after the Volga, Danube, Ural, Don and Pechora.


529 km


493 km


415 km


460 km


403 km


283 km


267 km


266 km


257 km


247 km

The rivers of the Western Urals are very picturesque and diverse in character. Some are typically flat (these are all the right tributaries of the Kama: Kosa, Urolka, Kondas, Inva, Obva and others; some are left: Veslyana, Lupya, South Celtma, Tulva, Saigatka). They have a calm current, a winding channel with numerous meanders, islands, channels, and aquatic vegetation. Their floodplains abound with oxbow lakes, and are often swampy.

Left-bank tributaries of the Kama, originating in Ural mountains, in the upper reaches - typically mountain rivers With fast current. Along the banks of these rivers, there are often outcrops of numerous stones and picturesque cliffs. The channel is replete with rifts, rapids and small waterfalls. When they reach the plain, the rivers lose their mountainous character.

The total length of all rivers in the region exceeds 80,000 km. The total area of ​​all rivers and lakes in our region is approximately 2% of its entire surface, much more than in neighboring regions. Perhaps that is why the Kama region is called the water region.

In addition to rivers, in our region there are about 800 lakes and more than 300 ponds, three large reservoirs: Kamskoye, Votkinskoye and Shirokovskoye.

lakes poetically called "the blue eyes of the planet." IN Perm region the most Various types lakes: deep and shallow, small and medium, flowing and drainless, surface and underground, floodplain, karst, tectonic, natural and man-made, fresh and salty, overgrown, completely lifeless and rich in fish, with beautiful names and completely unnamed. However, most of the lakes are small, floodplain and nameless. In terms of the number of lakes, the Kama region is inferior to other Ural regions. The total area of ​​lakes in the Perm Territory is only 0.1% of its area.

Most large lakes are located in the north of the region:

  • Chusovskoye (19.4 sq. km)
  • Big Kumikush (17.8 sq. km)
  • Novozhilovo (7.12 km2)

Most deep lakes (all of them are of karst origin):

  • Rogalek (depth 61 m)
  • White (depth 46 m)
  • Large in the Dobryansky district (depth 30 m)

The highest salinity of the surface lakes, there is Lake Igum (25.6 g/l) in the Solikamsk region.

The largest underground currently considered a lake in the grotto of Friendship of Peoples in the Kungur Ice Cave (about 1300 sq.m). In total, more than 60 lakes were found in this cave. Lakes are also known in other karst caves - Pashiyskaya, Divya, Kizelovskaya.
Lake Blue- an outcrop of an underground river.

Some lakes of the Kama region are protected by the state. State reserve on Lake Chusovskoye was created to protect many thousands of flocks of migratory birds. The reserve on Lake Adovo is designed to preserve the nesting sites of the rare whooper swan in the region.

Ponds and reservoirs. Ponds were created in the Kama region with the most different purposes: to regulate the flow of small rivers, for the needs of small-scale energy, timber rafting, fishing, water supply, irrigation, for decorating rural areas. The largest ponds:

    Nytvensky (area 6.7 sq. km) on the Nytva River

    Seminsky (area 5.2 sq. km) on the Zyryanka River

    Ochersky (area 4.3 sq. km) on the Travyanka River

The most ancient ones were created 150-200 years ago at the old Ural factories. Now about five dozen such veteran ponds as Ochersky, Nytvensky, Pashiysky, Pavlovsky, Yugo-Kamsky and others have become a kind of monuments of history and culture.

In the region there are also larger reservoirs than ponds - reservoirs, created in connection with the construction of hydroelectric power stations: Kamskoye and Votkinskoye on the Kama, Shirokovskoye on Kosva.





Normal retaining level, m above sea level




Total volume, cubic km


Surface area, sq. km



Depth at the dam, m

Reservoir length, km


Year of filling




HPP capacity, thousand kW


swamps V Perm region widely distributed, both upland and lowland. Swamps and lakes in the north of the region are traces of the former continental glaciation. Part of the swamps was formed as a result of natural processes in slow-flowing reservoirs. Often, human economic activity leads to swamping: intensive deforestation, the creation of reservoirs, the construction of dams, and the laying of roads.

There are over 800 swamps in the Perm Territory, whose peat deposits can be of industrial importance. But the development of peat in many swamps is not recommended because of their role in water conservation, biological and other valuable qualities. In addition, vitamin-rich cranberries and cloudberries grow in swamps. Many swamps are good haylands.

Most large swamps are located in the north of the region:

    Bolshoye Kamskoye (area 810 sq. km)

    Djurich-Nyur (area 350 sq. km)

    Byzimskoye (area 194 sq. km)

The groundwater . Diversity natural conditions edge created many of their species. Particularly well represented fresh water having excellent drinking qualities. IN Lately several dozen types were found in the Kama region mineral waters, many of which are of interest for resort construction. So far, iodine-bromine and hydrogen sulfide waters are most widely used in the resorts of Ust-Kachka, Klyuchi and in the balnearies of the city of Perm.

There is a lot of water in Russia - over its vast territory, which occupies one seventh of the land, flow more than two and a half million rivers. Most of them are known and loved only by those who live (or rest) on their shores. However, rivers of a completely different order are more interesting and important - giant water arteries that can be seen from space. For centuries, these giants served our ancestors as sources of water, food, as transport routes and continue to serve people to this day.

Determining which is the longest river in Russia is not so easy. Historically, the lands east of the Urals were inhabited unevenly in different periods of time. And therefore, throughout its course, the river could repeatedly change its name. Sometimes it happened that supposedly the tributary of the "main" river turned out to be longer and more full-flowing than the river itself. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion, for the rating of the longest rivers in Russia, we have chosen only those that flow under the same name from source to mouth.

10. Ural - length 2428 km

The majestic Siberian Ural opens the rating of the longest rivers in Russia without tributaries. Although it occupies a modest tenth place, if you look only at Europe, it is second only to the Volga and Danube in length. Once the Cossacks, who began to explore the vastness of the Trans-Urals, called it Yaik. And until now, under the old name, it appears in numerous Cossack songs.

Ural is a capricious river; over the centuries, it has repeatedly changed its course, leaving scattered oxbow lakes, lakes and a dense network of channels in its basin in abundance. The Ural, like the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea.

9. Ishim - 2450 km

For neighbors Ishim has greater value. In Russia, on the banks of this river is the only city of Ishim. While there are several of them in neighboring Kazakhstan, including even the capital of this country. True, you have to pay for popularity - according to the latest data from environmentalists, it is better not to swim in Ishim. The waters of the river carry, in addition to the usual household waste, and also industrial waste - oil products, compounds of iron, oil and manganese. And all this wealth is also seasoned with pesticides washed into the river during the spill every year. Ishim flows into the Irtysh.

8. Vilyuy - 2650 km

The Vilyuy is the longest tributary of the Lena, which is by no means a small river. It flows through the territory of Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are two hydroelectric power plants on the river, launched back in Soviet time. They provide light, heat and energy to nearby mining sites.

One of the tributaries of the Vilyui is a place of pilgrimage for ufologists, affectionately nicknamed by the old-timers "Valley of Death". According to rumors, there are huge mysterious objects that look like cauldrons, ranging in size from six to nine meters in diameter, and made of an incomprehensible metal.

7. Amur - 2824 km

“Clouds are gloomy over the Amur” - is sung in an old Soviet song. It is on this river, which separates the lands of the then USSR, and present-day Russia, from China, that three tankmen, the heroes of the song, serve.

The very name of the river speaks of its size - "Amur" comes from the word "damur", which means in the language of local residents, the Manchus, literally "big river". It begins in the steppes of Mongolia and flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Amur is exceptionally rich in fish - up to 139 various kinds fish. But only one quarter of this abundance has commercial value.

6. Lower Tunguska - 2989 km

The Lower Tunguska is almost as long as the river into which it flows - the Yenisei. Although in summer months the river is full-flowing (water flow reaches 31 thousand m3 / s), but in winter it barely gains a quarter of this amount. The reason is permafrost; frost-bound underground springs barely support the life of the river. But during the melting snow, Tunguska crushes rocks and uproots trees.

5. Yenisei - 3487 km

From the tributary of the Yenisei we pass to the Yenisei itself. The river separates Eastern Siberia from Western. The beginning of the Yenisei, the confluence of two tributaries, is located near the city of Kyzyl, the capital of Tuva. And it flows several thousand kilometers to the north, into the Kara Sea, forming a whole bay of its own name.

Throughout the Yenisei there are many cities, several hydroelectric power stations and a number of reservoirs. Also on the banks of the Yenisei are several the most beautiful reserves Russia - such as the Krasnoyarsk "Pillars" and the Sayano-Shushensky nature reserve.

4. Volga - 3531 km

The longest river in Europe, without a doubt, deserves the title of "mother". Since ancient times, Slavs and peoples settled on its banks, which later became part of Russia. For the first time, the Volga was mentioned in his Notes by the ancient geographer Herodotus. In the Middle Ages and Modern times, it served as a trade route connecting the north of the country with the south, and during the years of industrialization after the establishment of Soviet power, hydroelectric power plants on the Volga provided industrial enterprises young state electricity.

The Volga begins with a modest, unremarkable spring flowing on the Valdai Upland, and ends with a delta more than 170 km wide.

3. Ob - 3650 km

The third longest river in Russia is the Ob. It would be the first if we count it together with the longest tributary, the Irtysh. Then its length would be an impressive 5410 km. The Ob basin is the largest in Russia - its total area is 2990 thousand km2.

Despite the size and full flow (during the flood period, the Ob can overflow up to 30 km wide), most time of the year the Ob spends under the ice. Throughout the river there are many cities, including such large ones as Novosibirsk. The Ob flows into the bay named after itself in the Kara Sea.

2. Irtysh - 4248 km

If the development of Siberia had gone in a different way, the Irtysh would have been in the first place in the rating. But it happened as it happened, and the much longer Irtysh is considered only a tributary of the Ob, and together they take 6th place in the list of the longest rivers in the world.

The Irtysh originates on the territory of China, where the Chinese take almost a third of the flow for their needs, then flows through the territory of Kazakhstan, where the river is already so large that ships can navigate it.

The Irtysh feeds both the industrial and agricultural enterprises of Kazakhstan, and provides water to the capital of the country, Astana. On the territory of Russia, the river also does not have to rest - there are many cities and several power plants on it.

1. The longest river in Russia - Lena (4400 km)

In the Yakut language, Lena's name sounds like " big river". The longest river in Russia stretches for 4400 km from the Baikal ranges to the Arctic Ocean and flows into the Laptev Sea. She flows into harsh conditions- the surrounding lands are bound by permafrost. Therefore, there are few cities on the Lena, and the largest of them is Yakutsk.

For many hundreds of kilometers, the river flows through an almost deserted area. Like other rivers in permafrost conditions, the Lena “feeds” almost completely on melted snow and rain, so in winter the water level in it is low. Lena spends most of the year under a thick layer of ice, freeing herself from it only for brief 4-5 warm months. Although the navigation period is short, cargo is rafted along the Lena, cruises take place, people go boating, go on river trips and visit sights. One of the most famous is the Shishkinsky rocks, where the creativity of ancient people has survived to this day.

List of largest rivers in Russia

The table shows 75 rivers with a length of at least 1000 km.

NameLength, kmIn Russia, kmFalls into
1 Yenisei - Angara - Baikal - Selenga - Ider5550 4460
2 Ob - Irtysh5410 3050 Gulf of Ob, Kara Sea
3 Amur - Argun - Kerulen5052 4133
4 Lena – Vitim – Vitimkan4692 4692 Laptev sea
5 Ob - Chulym - Bely Iyus4565 4565 Gulf of Ob, Kara Sea
6 Amur - Argun - Hailar4444 4133 Amur Estuary, Sea of ​​Okhotsk
7 Lena4400 4400 Laptev sea
8 Ob - Katun4338 4338 Gulf of Ob, Kara Sea
9 Yenisei - Small Yenisei (Kaa-Khem)4287 3930 Yenisei Bay, Kara Sea
10 Cupid - Shilka - Onon4279 3981 Amur Estuary, Sea of ​​Okhotsk
11 4248 1900
12 Yenisei - Big Yenisei (Biy-Khem)4123 4123 Yenisei Bay, Kara Sea
13 Volga - Oka3731 3731 Caspian Sea
14 Ob proper3650 3650 Gulf of Ob, Kara Sea
15 Volga - Kama3560 3560 Caspian Sea
16 Volga3531 3531 Caspian Sea
17 Yenisei proper3487 3487 Yenisei Bay, Kara Sea
18 2989 2989
19 cupid proper2824 2824 Amur Estuary, Sea of ​​Okhotsk
20 2650 2650 R. Lena
21 Kolyma - Kullu2513 2513 East-Siberian Sea
22 2450 800
23 Ural2422 1550 Caspian Sea
24 deer2292 2292 Oleneksky Bay, Laptev Sea
25 Aldan2273 2273 R. Lena
26 Dnieper2201 485 Black Sea
27 Kolyma2129 2129 East-Siberian Sea
28 Vitim – Vitimkan1978 1978 R. Lena
29 Indigirka – Khastakh1977 1977 East-Siberian Sea
30 Don - Voronezh - Polnoy Voronezh1923 1923
31 Don1870 1870 Taganrog Bay, Sea of ​​Azov
32 Podkamennaya Tunguska1865 1865
33 Vitim1837 1837 R. Lena
34 Pechora1809 1809 Pechora Bay, Pechora Sea, Barents Sea
35 Kama1805 1805 Volga river
36 Northern Dvina - Vychegda1803 1803 Dvina Bay, White Sea
37 Chulym1799 1799
38 Angara1779 1779
39 Indigirka1726 1726 East-Siberian Sea
40 Northern Dvina - Sukhona - Lake Kubenskoe - Kubena1683 1683 Dvina Bay, White Sea
41 Khatanga – Kotuy1636 1636 Khatanga Bay, Laptev Sea
42 Ket1621 1621
43 Argun – Hailar1620 1487
44 Tobol1591 1090
45 Alazeya1590 1590 East-Siberian Sea
46 Oka1500 1500 R. Volga
47 Yana - Sartang1492 1492 Laptev sea
48 Amga1462 1462 R. Lena
49 Olekma1436 1436 R. Lena
50 Selenga - Ider1433 409 Lake Baikal
51 White1430 1430 Nizhnekamsk reservoir, Kama
52 Taz1401 1401 Taz Bay, Kara Sea
53 Tavda - Lozva1356 1356 R. Tobol
54 Northern Dvina - South1318 1318 Dvina Bay, White Sea
55 Vyatka1314 1314 R. Kama
56 Zeya1242 1242
57 Taseeva - Uda (Chuna)1240 1240 R. Angara
58 Uda (Chuna)1203 1203 R. Taseeva
59 Markha1181 1181
60 Demyanka1160 1160
61 Omolon1150 1150 R. Kolyma
62 Anadyr1150 1150 Gulf of Anadyr, Bering Sea
63 Vychegda1130 1130 R. Northern Dvina
64 Gum1130 555 R. Dnieper
65 conda1097 1097
66 Om1091 1091
67 Vasyugan1082 1082
68 May1053 1053 R. Aldan
69 Seversky Donets1053 335 R. Don
70 Onon1032 734 R. Shilka
71 Tura1030 1030 R. Tobol
72 Pur – Pyakupur1024 1024 Taz Bay, Kara Sea
73 Western Dvina (Daugava)1020 325 Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea
74 Biryusa (She)1012 1012 R. Taseeva
75 Khoper1010 1010 R. Don

Russia has a huge territory, when studying the relief of which more than 2 million rivers are visible. They draw bizarre patterns and extend beyond the borders of the country. Some are small and do not exceed a few meters in size. Consider the longest Russian rivers .

The longest rivers in Russia are the Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur, Irtysh

Top 12 longest rivers in Russia

Ob - length 3650 km

It flows in Siberia and is 3,650 km. It is formed by the confluence of the Katun and Biya. It forms 5,410 km along with its tributary the Irtysh, which is why it has the title of the longest river. This length is considered the second in all of Asia and the first in Russia. The food of the Ob is mostly snowy. As for fish, there are about 50 species. Of industrial importance are: pike perch, perch, bream, pike. Valuable species include: sturgeon, whitefish, peled, sterlet.

Yenisei - length 3487 km

Yenisei. Like the Ob, it flows in Siberia and flows into the Kara Sea. Length 3487 - is considered from the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei. This reservoir divides Siberia into Western and Eastern. Food is mixed: snow (predominant), rain and underground. Many flows into the Yenisei different rivers, and their total length exceeds 300,000 km. Yenisei - important waterway Krasnoyarsk region.

Lena - length 4294 km

Long and deep river. It falls into 10 significant rivers of the world. It flows in the Irkutsk region, as well as Yakutia. In Russia, it is considered the largest, provided that the basin of the reservoir is within the territory of the country. It flows into the Laptev Sea. The length is 4,294 km, the basin is 2,490 thousand square meters. km. The source of the Lena is a small lake not far from Lake Baikal. This river is the sea transport route of Yakutia. When the ice on the Lena melts in spring, it floods the coastal areas, so they are poorly populated, there are 6 cities.

Amur - length 2824 km

Amur. The river of the Far East, flows in Russia, China and Mongolia. The Chinese call the Amur the Black Dragon River. It is formed by the Argun and Shilka rivers. They say that the source is a stream that flows into Onon, which merges with the Ingoda River, after which Shilka is formed. Length - 2,824 km. The Amur flows into the Amur Estuary. It is distinguished by the diversity of the ichthyofauna - about 108 species of fish, of which 36 are important for fishing.

Irtysh - length 4248 km

Volga - length 3690 km

This is the largest river in Europe. In addition to Russia, it also flows in Kazakhstan. Initial length - 3690 km, after the repeated construction of reservoirs - 3530 km. There are 4 major Russian cities on the Volga: Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. It is considered the world's largest river that does not flow into the oceans. The mouth is located in the Caspian Sea. Her pool is the third part European territory Russia. The Volga is fed by snow, rain and groundwater. There are 70 species of fish in the Volga, most of them are commercial.

Lower Tunguska - length 2989 km

Vilyuy - length 2650 km

Kolyma - length 2129 km

Kolyma. The river is located on the territory of the Magadan region of Russia and Yakutia. The length of the Kolyma is 2,129 km, counted from the source of the Kenyelichi (the right component of the Kullu River). It flows into the Kolyma Bay (East Siberian Sea). The Kolyma is a navigable river with three major ports.

Ural - length 2428 km

Don - length 1870 km

Like the Volga, it flows in Europe, but it is inferior in size to it, the length is 1,870 km. The source is located in the Central Russian Upland, the mouth is the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov (Taganrog Bay). The Don is important as a navigable river. The Seversky Donets is the largest tributary. There are up to 70 species of fish in the Don, but due to the ecological state, their stocks are decreasing.

Khatanga - length from the source of Kotui 1636 km

Khatanga. River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is formed by the confluence of the Kheta and Kotuy rivers. The length from the source of the latter is 1,636 km. It flows into the Khatanga Bay (Laptev Sea). There are 112 lakes in the basin of the reservoir, the total area of ​​which exceeds 11 thousand square meters. km. Khatanga is navigable and is used for catching omul, nelma, and vendace.

Everyone understands the long rivers of Russia in their own way. Some people want to hear about those that flow completely on the territory of the country, for others, the main thing is that most of them are “at home”.

The largest rivers in Russia by basin area

The rivers that we considered earlier, as the longest, will be included in this list, but we will add three more to them: Dnieper, Northern Dvina and Indigirka. Consider the largest rivers in Russia and Interesting Facts about them.

The Ob basin is 2,990 thousand square meters. km. The Novosibirsk reservoir functions in the southern part. The Ob Sea serves as the basis for several sanatoriums and recreation centers. Many people from neighboring regions come here to relax.

The Yenisei basin - 2,580 thousand square meters. km. The point where the Big Yenisei and the Small Yenisei merge is considered the center of Asia. This prompted the establishment of the obelisk symbol. There is a ski resort near Krasnoyarsk.

The Lena basin occupies a relatively slightly smaller area than the Yenisei - 2,490 thousand square meters. km. On the shore is the village of Sottintsy with a population of about 2 thousand people. It operates the historical and architectural Lenin Museum "Friendship".

The area of ​​the Amur basin is 1,855 thousand square meters. km. This river has the highest indicator of fish diversity - 108 species, but 36 species are of commercial importance.

The Volga basin is 1,361 thousand square meters. km. The ancient Romans called the river generous, and the Arabs called it great. Back in the 8th century, she had great importance- gold, furs, honey, wax, slaves were transported along it.

Kolyma has a swimming pool with an area two times smaller - 643 thousand square meters. km. On the right side, the river is still called Kulu, as the Evens called it. There are gold deposits in the basin. The Kolyma hydroelectric power station stands on it - it provides electricity to the entire Magadan and the region.

The Don basin covers 422 thousand square meters. km. This river is every fisherman's dream. People come here to “hunt” 90 species of fish. Interestingly, in England there are two rivers with this name.

The area of ​​the Khatanga basin is 364 thousand square meters. km. There are many islands in the channel, the basin itself has 112 lakes.

The Yakut Indigirka River has a basin of 360 thousand square meters. km. It is interesting to know that the north pole, the village of Oymyakon, is located on this river. And also on it stands a monument city, whose inhabitants died of smallpox in the 19th century - Zashiversk.

The Northern Dvina flows in the north of Russia in its European part. Swimming pool with an area of ​​357 thousand square meters. km. The old steamer “N. V. Gogol”, which in 2011 turned 100 years old.

In big Russian rivers also include the Dnieper with a pool of 504 thousand square meters. km. In addition to our country, it passes through Ukraine and Belarus. In Kyiv, every year in the summer (1 Saturday of July) the Day of the Dnieper is celebrated. It is the third largest river in Europe, after the Danube and the Volga.

Rivers on the border of Russia

Russia neighbors eighteen countries, and only Japan and the United States are considered maritime borders. The rest are considered land, but this does not prevent them from including rivers. Consider the border water bodies of Russia.

Let's start from the western border - Barents Sea, and we will move towards the South. Between Norway and Russia we will see the Pasvik River. After it, the country borders on Finland. We see the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, which is located in the southwest. Next is Kaliningrad region. It borders on Lithuania and Poland. Most of this border runs along the Neman, as well as its tributary Sheshup.

Continuing the journey from the Gulf of Finland, we will see the border from the Narva River, as well as Pskov and Peipus Lakes. Then Russia is separated from its neighbors by a land border. It is sometimes crossed by rivers such as the Zapadnaya Dvina, Desna, Dnieper, Seim, Oskol, and Seversky Donets. Plowed expanses of fields stretch all the way to the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov. All this was the division of territories with Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine.

The southern border begins at the Kerch Strait, which connects the Azov and Black Sea. We draw a line to the mouth of Psou - the beginning of the border with Georgia, Azerbaijan. It passes along the river valley, and then along the ridges of the Greater Caucasus. Further, the border will turn to the north and go along the valley of the Samur River up to the Caspian Sea. Passing through it, it again becomes land and is laid across deserts and steppes. The border with Kazakhstan is not clearly fixed and runs along the Irtysh. A small part of the boundary is fixed by the rivers: Ural, Ilek, Maly Uzen, Tobol and its multiple tributaries, including the Ui.

The eastern border clearly runs along the ridges separating two river basins: the Katun and the Bukhtarma. The boundary from Altai to the Pacific Ocean is almost entirely stretched along the mountain belt. However, there are "border" rivers Amur, Argun, Ussuri and its tributary Sungach. Neighborhood with China is created almost everywhere by rivers. WITH North Korea the border is formed by the Tumannaya River and leads it to the Sea of ​​Japan.

To the east, Russia is a neighbor of the US and Japan. Separates them maritime border: Pacific Ocean with the Japanese, Okhotsk, Bering Seas and numerous straits. The northern border is also maritime: the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

Now, looking at the map, you will see the borders that create the seas, rivers and lakes of Russia and neighboring states.

The main navigable rivers of Russia: description, economic importance and ecology

The main ones, of course, are navigable rivers Russia and those that play a significant role in the Russian economy. However, this exploitation leads to severe pollution of water basins. Let's consider the situation in more detail:

  • About two dozen reservoirs of various sizes have been built on the Ob. And also in its basin, oil-producing activities are carried out, which a priori cannot have a good effect on the state of its basin. There is a hydroelectric power station near Novosibirsk. Wastewater and swampy forests provoke even more water pollution and deterioration environmental situation the whole country.
  • The most full-flowing rivers in Russia and the world, like the Lena, for example, are doomed to all kinds of exploitation. It is navigable and therefore of great importance, since the transport networks along its coasts are not very developed. However, such intensive use adversely affects the quality of water and the state of the ichthyofauna. In its basin, enterprises for the extraction of gold and diamonds are carried out. And also there are 12 reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations.
  • Part of the Amur basin belongs to China, as it is a border river. Navigation is well developed on it, there are 37 reservoirs of various sizes. In addition, 29 more small reservoirs have been built on small rivers. The waters of the basin are polluted with sewage and emissions from machine-building, electrical engineering, mining and other industries.
  • The Yenisei, like the Lena, belongs to the high-water rivers. There are 39 reservoirs and 3 hydroelectric power stations in its basin. Its huge resources are able to provide the Krasnoyarsk Territory even in the distant future. The river is considered very promising for other regions.
  • The Volga is the largest river in Europe. It is famous for its shipping channels that connect it with four seas: Azov, Black, White and Baltic. There are about 12 reservoirs on the river, which are essential for transport, fisheries, energy and other things.
  • The Don is very important for the Volga-Don shipping canal. However, frequent ships provoke rapid pollution of its waters.
  • The Ural basin is considered scarce, but is used for various kinds industry. Especially for this, the Iriklinsky hydroelectric complex was built on the river.
  • From all of the above, two conclusions can be drawn: good - the widest rivers of Russia number many thousands of kilometers, which makes the state rich in natural water resources, bad - the country heavily pollutes them, which leads to inevitable environmental problems of a global nature.

Volga River - description, meaning and ecology

Volga replenishes the list of the largest rivers of the whole world. It flows in the northern part of Russia, located in Europe. The source is located in the Valdai Upland, the mouth in the Caspian Sea. Its length today is 3,530 km, but initially (before the construction of reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations) it was 3,690 km. The area of ​​​​its basin is measured in 1,360,000 square meters. km, which is 8% of the vast territory of the country. Without flowing into the ocean, it becomes the largest in the internal flow. The Volga is fed by snow (60%), groundwater and rainwater (30 and 10%).

Today, about half of all industry and Agriculture Russia. Twenty percent of fish production comes from the Volga. It has 9 reservoirs with hydroelectric power stations. Connection by water with the Azov, Baltic, White and Black Seas is of great importance for navigation. The canal connecting the capital with the Volga is very significant, as it provides navigation and water supply to Moscow.

Attention should be paid to the environmental problems of the river. 38% - an impressive indicator of polluted effluents, which falls on the Volga from the all-Russian. Such severe pollution provokes the development of mutant fish, and poisonous algae, decomposing, emit about 2 hundred poisons, which are still unknown to science today. The progress of her deterioration every year is more and more shocking.

The researchers noted that after the construction of dams, the river lost its ability to clean itself, which indicates the hopelessness of the situation if people do not intervene to stop the environmental problem. The Volga is a river of huge resources, which provokes the abuse of its reserves. This is what leads to the rapid deterioration of the ecological state of the water basin.

Lena River - description, meaning and ecology

The northern rivers of Russia are the largest in the entire country. Lena is the tenth largest in the world. It can be considered the largest in the Russian Federation, since the pool is located entirely within the country. The main tributaries are: Mama, Vilyui, Aldan, Chaya, etc. Its source is near Baikal, and its mouth is in the Laptev Sea. The length of the river is 4,480 km, the basin area is 2,490,000 sq. km.

Lena's nutrition is mainly due to melt and rainwater. Eternal cold and permafrost do not allow it to be fed by groundwater. The river is of great importance in the transport sense, as many shipping routes pass through it. Gold and diamond mining is carried out in its basin. In addition, there are more than a dozen reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations.

In addition, its rich animal world. Fish resources in Lena are truly inexhaustible. Since no dams were built on it, the fish have a large amount of food, and this stimulates an even greater diversity of the ichthyofauna. Siberian sturgeon (listed in the Red Book), sterlet, pike, and nelma are found in its waters.

It is worth saying that before the construction of reservoirs and the active exploitation of people, Lena was one of the most clean rivers in the world. However, even today, compared to others, it is considered not as polluted. Perhaps because there are not too many along it settlements. This is due to the fact that it can overflow the banks.

Concerning environmental issues, then, of course, shipping and the extraction of precious metals have a negative effect. However, researchers today point out the problem global warming, which adversely affects the northern rivers of Russia. It provokes large floods that destroy the coast.

It is worth knowing that on the banks of the Lena there is a beautiful national park, referred to as "Lena Pillars".

The Ob River - description, meaning and ecology

The widest rivers of Russia cannot be imagined without the Ob. It flows in the Western part of Siberia and is the longest in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that its size gives it the right to be the second in Asia. Forms its confluence of Biya and Katun. The length is 3,650 km, and the basin area is 2,990,000 square meters. km (the largest figure in the country). In the north, the Ob flows into the Kara Sea, thereby forming a bay - the Gulf of Ob. By full flow, the river is considered the third. Most deep rivers Russian Lena and Yenisei.

On the Ob is the Novosibirsk Reservoir. It took 11 years to build the dam, starting in 1950. locals This place is called the Ob Sea. There are resorts and sanatoriums here. Residents of many nearby regions come here to relax. Oddly enough, but built at the end of the 19th century, the canal connecting the Ob with the Yenisei is not used today and looks rather abandoned.

The main sources of the Ob are Tom, Charysh, Irtysh, Ket and Chulym. The river is fed mainly by snow. About 50 species of fish are found in its waters. Half of them are of commercial importance. Sterlet, sturgeon (their catching is punishable by a fine), peled and several other species are considered valuable. The goal of fishermen are: pike perch, ide, pike, roach, perch, crucian carp and others.

There are several cities on the Ob, but Novosibirsk and Barnaul are considered the largest in terms of population. Concerning economic use, then almost anywhere in the river you can periodically see cargo and passenger ships. Mining is carried out in the Ob. And also on the river is the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station. The river is used to supply water to all nearby settlements.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the upper reaches of the Ob (the area of ​​Biysk, Barnaul and Novosibirsk) are a great place for fishing. Extreme lovers can relax on the rafting of the tributaries of the river. In the summer you can come to rest and treat yourself to the wonderful fruits that ripen in Siberia - grapes, melons, watermelons.

As for the ecological state, then, of course, such exploitation cannot have a positive effect on the Ob and its tributaries.

Angara, video

Walk along the Ob on a motor ship, video

Yenisei, video

On the territory of our country there are a huge number of rivers (2.5 million). Most of them are small, their length usually does not exceed 100 kilometers. Then the question arises: what are the largest rivers in Russia? We will try to answer it in this article.

To begin with, we will present you with a list of these rivers:

  1. Yenisei.
  2. Lena.
  3. Amur.
  4. Volga.
  5. Kolyma.
  6. Khatanga.
  7. Indigirka.
  8. Northern Dvina.

And now let's talk about them in more detail.

River Ob

The largest river in Russia, which is located in Western Siberia. It is formed by the confluent Biya and Katun rivers. From the source of the Irtysh, its length is 5410 kilometers. In the North, it flows into the Gulf of Ob. The water basin of the river occupies a huge area - 2,990 thousand square meters. km. According to this indicator, it rightfully occupies a leading position in our list. In terms of water content, the Ob is in third place, second only to the Lena and the Yenisei.

The Ob feeds mainly on melt water. During the spring-summer flood, the largest river in Russia receives most of its annual flow. Since April, the flood begins in upstream, in the second half of April it begins in the middle reaches, and in early May this process occurs in the lower reaches. The water level rises when it freezes. When the river opens up, short-term insignificant rises in levels occur as a result of the resulting jams.

The flood ends in the upper reaches in July. In September - October, a rain flood begins, which continues until freezing in the lower and middle reaches. The ice cover remains on the Ob for an average of 220 days a year.

The main tributary of the Ob is the Irtysh. The length of this river from its source, which is located on the border of China and Mongolia, to its confluence with the Ob is 4,248 km.

Fishing has been developed on this river for a long time. Even at the end of the 19th century, there were a lot of ruff, perch, sculpin, pike, shokur, muksun, nelma and other fish species in the river waters. Today, there are fewer fish in the waters of the Ob, but nevertheless there are about 50 species.


Today we present you the largest rivers in Russia. The list continues with the mighty Yenisei. This river is considered a natural border between the West and East of Siberia.

Its length is 4287 km. The Yenisei flows through the lands of two neighboring states - Mongolia and Russia. The total area of ​​the river is 2,580 thousand square kilometers. This figure allows this huge river to take second place in Russia.

On the left bank of this Siberian river there are plains, and on the right bank there is an endless mountain taiga. In this regard, there is a sharp asymmetry of the banks of the Yenisei. The right bank is more than 5 times higher than the left one. On its way from source to mouth, the river crosses all the climatic zones of Siberia. That is why camels are found in the upper reaches of the Yenisei, and polar bears are found in the lower reaches, closer to the ocean.

Lena river

It cannot be said that this is the largest river in Russia, although its dimensions are impressive. The length of the river is 4480, and its total area- 2490 thousand sq. km. The Lena River is rightfully in third place among the major rivers of our country.

The river is mainly fed by water from the melting of glaciers and snow - approximately 50% of total. Precipitation gives the river approximately 38% of water and approximately 13% is underground nutrition, more typical for the upper reaches.

In mid-October, the Lena freezes up in the upper reaches. It opens in mid-April. The ice cover is kept on the river for about 270 days a year.


The topic of our article was the largest rivers in Russia. The names of many are known not only to Russians, but also to our neighbors from other countries. For example, Amur. This is one of the longest rivers in our country and the largest in Far East. It flows on the border of Russia and China and carries its waters through the territory of Mongolia. The Amur flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The basin area of ​​this river is 1,855 thousand square kilometers, and its length is 2,824 km.


Sung by poets and composers, which inspired artists to create immortal canvases, is, of course, the Volga River. And although this is not the largest river in Russia, it is a symbol of our country.

The source of the Volga is located on the Valdai plateau of the Tver region. The Volga is considered one of the largest rivers on our planet. The length of the river is 3530 km. The total area is 1361 thousand square meters. km. The river flows through the lands of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Kolyma river

This river is located in Yakutia. Its length is 2,129 km. Water basin - 645 thousand square meters. km. Kolyma was formed as a result of the confluence of two small rivers Kulu and Ayan-Yuryakh. Kolyma flows into the bay of the same name.


This river is considered the oldest in Russia. Don originates in Tula region on the Central Russian Upland. Its length is 1870 km, water basin- 422 thousand sq. km.

The course is very slow, for which the Cossacks call this unhurried and majestic river"Quiet Don". This is due to the flat profile in which the channel passes. The slope to it is quite insignificant, on average this value does not exceed 0.1 degrees. In some areas, the width of the valley reaches 13 km. The right bank is steep and high, while the left bank is low.

Khatanga river

This river is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Its length is 1636 km. Water basin area of ​​364 thousand square meters. km. It is formed by two rivers Kotuy and Kheta.

This river flows through a wide valley in the North Siberian lowland. There are more than 112 thousand lakes in the Khatanga basin. Their total area is 11.6 thousand sq. km.


In Yakutia, on the slopes of the Khalkan Range, there is the source of the Indigirka River. Its length is 1726 km, the water basin area is 360 thousand square meters. km. Its source is made up of two medium-sized rivers - Omyokon and Kuidusun.

The Indigirka is the coldest river in Russia. IN winter time in the lower reaches it freezes through. In summer, it is covered with frost and turns into a sparkling ice stream, picturesquely flowing among the mountains. From the end of September, the river is shackled by ice, which does not disappear until June.

Northern Dvina

Our list of the 10 largest rivers in Russia has come to an end. It is completed by the Northern Dvina, which flows through two large regions - Arkhangelsk and Vologda.

Its length is 744 km, the area is 360 thousand square meters. km. At its source unite small rivers Sukhona and South. This northern river famous for the fact that the history of shipbuilding in Russia began on it.

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