Can pregnant women drink chamomile tea? Can pregnant women drink chamomile? Therapeutic baths for gynecological problems

During pregnancy, every woman carefully listens to the instructions of the doctor who monitors her condition. The expectant mother wants to do everything right, because the life and health of her baby depends on it. Therefore, having received indications for the use of any drug, a woman first of all seeks to find information about him and his action. can be prescribed by a doctor of antenatal clinic or recommended by friends and relatives who have already given birth. And if in the first case you can find out all the information from a specialist, then in the second you are probably tormented by doubts. And so that you are sure of the harmlessness of this method of self-treatment, let's figure it out: is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy? And also consider contraindications and recommendations for the use of medicinal herbs.

Healing properties of chamomile

A wild flower, on which young beauties like to tell fortunes on their beloved, can really have a beneficial effect on the human body. Treatment with its decoctions and infusions is universal, it can be carried out both externally and internally. The range of application is wide, and side effects are practically not observed. :

  • It has a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system.
  • It is a natural antiseptic.
  • Helps to dilate blood vessels, relieve spasms and eliminate headaches.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • It is a source of calcium and magnesium.
  • Reduces joint inflammation.
  • Helps in eliminating nausea and toxicosis.
  • It is a cosmetic product that maintains the natural beauty of the skin.

These properties of chamomile are the result of a remarkable composition. After all, its flowers contain many useful vitamins and minerals needed by the body. For example, vitamins C and PP, carotene, glycosides, organic acids, valuable essential oil is obtained from fresh raw materials. Thus, chamomile is a real storehouse of health and beauty, which is widely used in the medical field.

External and internal use of chamomile preparations

Is it possible to take This question is especially interesting for those who are determined to overload their body with synthetic drugs as little as possible. Chamomile infusion is used in the treatment of various diseases. It is often recommended for colds, allergic reactions, and numerous kidney, liver, and bladder problems. Therefore, for an ordinary person, there is an unequivocal positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink chamomile infusion. During pregnancy, things are different. Pregnant women, in the event of any ailments, try not to take medicines and prefer herbs and traditional medicine. One of the brightest representatives of medicinal plants is chamomile, and there can be several ways to treat it. It is perfectly safe during pregnancy to gargle a sore throat with a decoction, make compresses, baths and inhalations using chamomile. Therefore, if you are faced with the question of treatment through a healing flower, and you are thinking whether it is possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy, it is best to use it externally. This will help to quickly cope with colds, inflammation of the urogenital area, as well as hemorrhoids.

Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy?

Drunk infusion of chamomile and during pregnancy can have a beneficial effect on the body. It will quickly eliminate bloating and gas formation, constipation, help to emotionally relax under stress. In addition, during pregnancy, chamomile helps reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, which is very important for the comfort of expectant mothers. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy is likely to receive a positive answer. You can, but be careful! It is very important to consult your doctor before use and know the dosage.

In what form can you drink chamomile, in what dosages is it allowed?

This drink is prepared in the form of infusion, tea or decoction. Chamomile infusion is stored for only 3 hours, it is very convenient to prepare it in a thermos and take it warm. However, it is very important that this drink is not too strong. But to the question "Is it possible to drink in unlimited quantities during pregnancy?" any doctor will answer: no! The expectant mother is allowed to use no more than 400-500 milliliters per day. The fact is that chamomile stimulates the production of estrogen. And since during a normal pregnancy, the estrogen-producing activity of a woman's ovaries is minimal, their increase can lead to a miscarriage.


Excessive consumption of chamomile drink can lead to an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes or itching. Sometimes there is a complete intolerance to a medicinal plant, a woman becomes drowsy, irritable and aggressive. In addition, you should abandon the internal use of chamomile with a tendency to diarrhea, increased acidity of the stomach and gastritis. Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy in such cases? The answer will be negative.

What kind of chamomile can you drink?

There are several types and a pharmacy. For cosmetic purposes, you can use a fragrant flower, but only pharmacy collection is suitable for the treatment of diseases. When taking a healing flower internally, it is best to buy chamomile at the nearest pharmacy. This collection is environmentally friendly and proven, this fact must be taken into account when discussing whether it is possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy. After all, being in a position, a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for her child, who has not yet been born. The baby's body is still very weak, so the use of any low-quality products can harm him. With regard to medicines and medicinal herbs, the issue is even tougher.

There is no single answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy. In some cases, a drink made from medicinal flowers can have a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman. However, you should be aware of contraindications and dosage. And also do not forget that the collection used inside must be pharmacy or collected in a guaranteed ecologically clean area.

Easy pregnancy to you and health to your children!

Carotene, glycosides, phytoncides, pectins, tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, essential oils.

Chamomile is used in a variety of ways:

  • rinsing and inhalation - for respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • rinsing the mouth - with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • nasal lavage, drops - with a runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • tea - for colds, coughs, as a sedative before bedtime;
  • decoctions, infusions - for gastritis with low acidity, enteritis, colitis, flatulence, to increase appetite and improve digestion;
  • douching, washing, baths - for diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • external use - for damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Can pregnant women drink chamomile tea?

Many medicines are contraindicated during pregnancy, as there is a high probability of harming the baby. The use of chamomile for medicinal purposes is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Pregnant women can take weakly brewed chamomile tea in the absence of contraindications. Washing with infusion, rinsing, inhalation and external use is allowed.

  • take only after consulting a doctor;
  • weakly brewed tea is allowed to drink no more than a cup a day;
  • if the doctor has prescribed a decoction of chamomile, then take it warm, 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals;
  • the course of treatment is not longer than a week;
  • it is forbidden to independently increase the dosage and duration of administration.

The benefits of chamomile for pregnant women

Useful properties of the plant for pregnant women:

  • kills the pathogenic microflora that causes thrush;
  • relieves nervous excitement, headaches;
  • improves sleep, helps with insomnia;
  • eliminates bloating, helps with constipation;
  • analgesic, wound healing, bactericidal action;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • helps the cardiovascular system;
  • relieves spasms;
  • helps with toxicosis;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • eliminates nausea.

What kind of chamomile can you drink

There are about 25 types of chamomile. For internal and external use, pharmacy chamomile is used. For cosmetic purposes, an odorous variety is used.

Some horticultural plant varieties are very similar to medicinal species, but do not have medicinal properties. They cannot be used for treatment. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is better to purchase a ready-made collection at a pharmacy for making tea.

Chamomile Tea Recipes

In order for chamomile tea to bring the maximum benefit during pregnancy, you need to properly prepare the drink. In addition to the usual collection, in the pharmacy you can buy chamomile in bags, which is convenient to brew in a cup.

Pour boiling water over the teapot. Put 2 tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant into it. Pour 250 g of not steep boiling water. Cover with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. Strain and drink once a day in a cup. To reduce the concentration, the drink must be diluted with water. Tea can be drunk with honey, mint or lemon.

The recipe for a healing decoction of chamomile helps with colds, relieves headaches, nausea, and soothes. Pour dry flowers (20 g) with cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Strain. The decoction is drunk before meals, 2-3 tablespoons three times a day.

Contraindications, restrictions and possible harm

During pregnancy, you need to drink tea from chamomile in a small amount and only according to the doctor's indications. Otherwise, tea drinking can turn into serious problems.

Chamomile consumption in large quantities increases the level of the hormone estrogen, which causes increased uterine activity. In the early stages of pregnancy (up to the 4th month), with a threat of miscarriage, with an increased tone of the uterus, you can not drink chamomile tea.

Microclysters and douching are prohibited due to the risk of disturbing the acidity of the vaginal environment, premature opening of the uterus and premature birth.

With improper and long-term use of chamomile, allergic reactions, redness, itching, burning, coughing, dizziness, irritability and sleep problems are possible.

Chamomile is forbidden to take in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by low acidity.

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to take alcohol infusions and essential oils from chamomile.

Expert opinion

Certified Dietitian. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. Herbal teas do not contain caffeine and are therefore considered safe. The question of whether such teas can be consumed during pregnancy worries many, since there is no exact data on most herbs and their effects on the developing fetus. There are mixed opinions about the safety of herbal teas for both pregnant and non-pregnant women. Chamomile is on the list of safe ingredients and is regarded as a very beneficial herb. The assumption of some danger of its use is explained by the fact that chamomile belongs to the general recommendation group of herbal medicines, which it is desirable to avoid during pregnancy. The opinion of most practitioners still boils down to the fact that chamomile tea in moderation can be enjoyed during pregnancy and lactation.

Other Uses for Chamomile

Douching. Chamomile helps to cope with candidiasis. During pregnancy, douching with infusions of chamomile is resorted to in extreme cases and only according to the testimony of a gynecologist. Self-medication can lead to a worsening of the situation, cause dryness, itching and uterine tone.

Washing and baths. Such procedures are safe for pregnant women and help with cystitis or thrush. However, every day it is forbidden to wash with infusions of chamomile.

Inhalations. With cough, runny nose, pain and dryness in the throat, steam inhalations with chamomile help. A safer method during pregnancy is the use of a nebulizer. It is allowed to add sage, eucalyptus, coniferous buds, linden, St. John's wort, plantain and marshmallow. Inhalations can only be recommended by the attending physician.

Rinsing the mouth and throat. For the treatment of the oral cavity and throat with inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, water decoctions of chamomile are used.

Washing the nose. Pregnant women with a runny nose are allowed to wash the nasal passages with a weak chamomile decoction. No more than 5 times a day under the strict supervision of an otolaryngologist. A concentrated decoction of chamomile can cause burning and dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Skin processing. With various inflammations and injuries, the skin is wiped with a decoction or infusion of chamomile. For oily skin, rashes, you can use a concentrated decoction. The product is poured into ice molds, frozen and then rubbed with cubes on the face twice a day.

Hair Care Product. With weak hair and hair loss after washing the hair, rinse the hair with a warm decoction of chamomile. The plant restores strength and shine to the hair.

Chamomile is one of the safest plants and is used even in the treatment of young children. Is it possible to drink decoctions and teas during pregnancy - there is no definite answer. A woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of the child, so you need to be careful and consult a doctor.

You can learn about the beneficial properties of chamomile in the video below.

When a girl finds out that she is expecting a child, her attitude to everyday nutrition changes dramatically. This is not surprising, since from now on it is necessary to monitor your diet more carefully. After all, a small life grows and develops in the womb. All decoctions, infusions, juices and teas require control and confidence that they can be taken during pregnancy. Chamomile is no exception, for some ladies in an interesting position, it may be contraindicated by a doctor.

Useful qualities of chamomile for pregnant women

  1. If you first consult with a specialist, you can avoid negative consequences. Usually, doctors recommend that their patients be tested, and if there are no contraindications, chamomile is allowed to be consumed throughout the entire period of gestation.
  2. Moreover, brewed chamomile inflorescences can be used both internally for treatment, and externally to improve the condition of the hair and skin.
  3. It is no secret that during the bearing of the fetus, a woman suffers from hormonal surges. She can become whiny, irritable, sweet. These mood swings unsettle not only the expectant mother, but also those around her. To prevent this from happening, they drink chamomile to normalize the psycho-emotional and hormonal environment.
  4. Very often, the first symptoms of pregnancy are accompanied by a violation of the stool, constipation, and difficulties in the activity of the digestive organs. If you are tired of struggling with the “stopping” of the stomach, bloating, flatulence, chamomile tea will only benefit and eliminate unpleasant consequences.
  5. In addition, it is useful to consume a weakly brewed drink during vomiting with toxicosis in women at an early stage of gestation. Chamomile helps to eliminate nausea in combination with mint or lemon balm leaves.
  6. The plant is loved by everyone for its antiseptic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory properties. A strong decoction is used to eliminate damage to the skin, as well as to heal ulcers on the mucous membranes of the stomach and the entire esophagus in particular. This helps ladies who have gastritis or an ulcer.
  7. If you often experience severe migraines or headaches, blood pressure instability, sleep problems, it is worth introducing chamomile tea into your daily diet. It will reduce intracranial pressure, strengthen the vascular walls and purify the blood.

Which of the pregnant women is shown taking chamomile

  1. Most often, chamomile decoctions are taken during colds in order to increase the protective functions of the body. They also drink tea when a change in climate is planned as a result of a vacation, or one season follows another. In such situations, the load on the immune system is significantly reduced, it is easier for a pregnant woman to endure virus attacks. This group also includes the consumption of chamomile drinks during the seasonal peak of influenza and acute respiratory infections.
  2. Since ladies in an interesting position are not supposed to often use pharmaceutical products, chamomile on the water will act as an excellent composition for a cold. She also gargles her throat for pain and perspiration. It is worth knowing that you should not take more than 2 cups of the drink per day.
  3. Another application option is the presence of periodontitis, gingivitis or stomatitis. With these neoplasms, mouth rinses are performed. Ulcers heal quickly, pain disappears. This becomes possible due to the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of the drink.
  4. By agreement with specialists, chamomile drugs are taken by pregnant girls with gastritis, flatulence, colitis, enteritis. By relieving muscle spasms of smooth muscles, the condition with the mentioned ailments is alleviated.
  5. If a girl who is carrying a fetus suffers from loss of appetite, it is necessary to drink chamomile. This tea perfectly increases cravings for food, but at the same time you do not overeat. You just need to drink a decoction about half an hour before the main meal in the amount of half a mug.
  6. For problems of a gynecological nature or difficulties in the work of the genitourinary system, douching with chamomile decoction, rinsing, baths are carried out. Thanks to such manipulations, you can get rid of severe discomfort and itching. But to eliminate women's problems, it is better to drink directional medications in parallel or use candles.
  7. For pregnant ladies, chamomile helps to maintain the skin at the proper level. If there are serious neoplasms on the body, it is enough to take a bath with the addition of a decoction on this plant. The tea is also used as a facial tonic.

  1. Pharmacy chamomile during pregnancy can be used in various ways. Infusions can be drunk and used as an external remedy. In any case, it is necessary to make a blank from a dry collection. After infusion, the composition can be applied.
  2. To prepare a universal remedy, it is recommended to use a common recipe. Pour 100 gr. dry collection of plants 0.5 l. filtered water. Send the components to the burner. Wait for the composition to boil, boil the chamomile for about 5-7 minutes. Infuse the remedy under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Strain the infusion and take it internally.
  3. To use the product externally and internally, you can use a more concentrated composition. Pour 60 gr. raw materials 250 ml. steep boil. Boil the remedy on a lazy fire for about half an hour. Remove the lid, leave the composition to infuse until completely cooled. Strain before use. Means prepared according to two recipes can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  4. You can prepare the infusion in an even simpler way. Such a tool can be used in any way during the bearing of the baby. Mix 250 ml. boiling water with 30 gr. dry collection. Infuse the remedy for about 3 hours. To facilitate the process, it is worth using a thermos. Strain the infusion before use.

Ways to use chamomile for diseases

  1. If you decide to take the remedy inside, it is best to use a freshly prepared warm infusion in the form of tea. Alternatively, it is allowed to prepare a drink in a thermos for the whole night and drink the product throughout the day in 3 doses. The allowable rate should not exceed 0.5 liters.
  2. To cope with diseases of the mouth or throat, regular rinsing should be carried out. It is better to resort to the procedure after a meal. The duration of therapy will take no more than 30-40 seconds. Do the rinse a few times. After that, it is forbidden to drink water for 2 hours.
  3. Chamomile decoction showed itself well as inhalation. To start the procedure, you can use a small teapot made of porcelain. Insert a paper cone into the spout of the product. Inhale for a few minutes before bed.

Chamomile during gestation can be used in various ways. Healing herb has a lot of positive qualities. Proper use of the plant will help get rid of many problems and minor diseases. Follow your daily allowance.

Video: the healing properties of chamomile tea

The article discusses chamomile during pregnancy. We tell you whether it is possible to drink it in the early and late periods, what are the contraindications for use. You will learn about the benefits and rules for using the product, how chamomile helps to cope with coughs, colds, thrush, cystitis and sore throats.

Pharmacy chamomile is one of the safest medicinal plants that can be used in the early and late stages of bearing a child. It is used to treat children, adults and the elderly. It is of particular benefit during pregnancy, since at this time the list of approved drugs is quite small.

The use of chamomile during pregnancy inside has certain rules

With proper use, it can be used throughout the entire period of bearing a child, not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes. For example, rinsing your hair with a decoction of chamomile helps make it stronger and has a slight lightening effect.

The natural product has the following beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • painkiller - relieves stomach cramps,;
  • soothing - effectively eliminates stress, depression, apathy and overexcitation;
  • antiseptic;
  • relieving manifestations of toxicosis;
  • wound healing;
  • eliminating gases in the intestines;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Chamomile also enriches the body with such important trace elements as calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.


Any medications and traditional medicine, including chamomile, during pregnancy should be used only after consulting a doctor. Firstly, it is necessary to exclude serious diseases that caused malaise. Secondly, the specialist will determine the exact course of treatment and application of the natural product.

Chamomile is usually prescribed for colds during pregnancy. It effectively copes with inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract with tonsillitis, influenza, SARS, acute respiratory infections - in this case, it is gargled and inhaled.

If a pregnant woman suffers from a runny nose, then washing the nose or using drops with chamomile decoction will help to cope with the malaise. Chamomile tea helps relieve coughs, but during pregnancy, you can drink no more than 2 cups per day.

For inflammatory diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis, it is useful to use mouth rinses. This procedure relieves swelling and redness of soft tissues, and also soothes the mucous membrane. Due to the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of the product, the infection is eliminated.

Decoctions and infusions are prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, flatulence, chronic gastritis. Chamomile eliminates increased gas formation, inflammation and muscle spasms.

The use of pharmacy chamomile is effective in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area. In these cases, it is used in the form of baths, douches and for washing. Such procedures quickly cope with discomfort and discomfort, but they will not be able to completely cure the disease, additional medications will be required.

It is useful to drink chamomile for problems with appetite, as it increases it and improves digestion. The active substances contained in the product activate the production of gastric juice, gently affecting the mucous membrane. In case of poisoning, the plant is used as an adsorbent that binds and removes toxins.

The antiseptic properties of chamomile allow it to be used internally and externally to treat skin lesions and mucous membranes.

Decoction and infusion recipes

Pharmacy chamomile can be used in various ways: externally, topically and internally. But first you need to prepare a decoction or infusion, which will later be used to treat certain diseases.

Infusion recipe

You will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • chamomile flowers - 2 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Place the flowers in a thermos, then pour boiling water over it.
  2. Insist 3 hours, then strain.

decoction recipe

This decoction is best for ingestion.

You will need:

  • dry chamomile inflorescences - 5 tbsp;
  • water - 0.5 l.

How to cook:

  1. Fill the inflorescences with water, then put the container on the fire.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, then cover and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Be sure to strain before using.

Concentrated decoction recipe

This remedy is best suited for local and external use.

You will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 4 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Fill the chamomile with water, boil the composition over low heat for 30 minutes under a closed lid.
  2. Remove the lid, cool the broth. Strain before use.
  3. Store the product in the refrigerator in a closed container for up to 2 days.


Below we will talk about the methods of using infusion and decoction for various pathologies. Remember, before using these products, consult a specialist. An important rule for using the described remedies is the temperature of the decoction or infusion is not higher than 38 degrees, otherwise there is a risk of burns, increased inflammation or miscarriage.


Many expectant mothers are interested in whether it is possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy. Yes, but you must follow certain rules. Chamomile tea is prepared according to the decoction recipe. It is best to drink it warm, but not more than 450 ml per day. Regular consumption of this drink improves the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the immune system.

If you don’t want to bother with preparing a decoction, then buy a special chamomile tea in the form of filter bags at the pharmacy. Its cost is in the range of 40-80 rubles per pack with 20 sachets.


It is necessary to rinse the mouth and throat after eating. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction or infusion for 30 seconds, perform the procedure twice a day. After that, do not eat or drink for several hours.

Washing the nose with chamomile decoction will help to cope with a runny nose

Nasal lavage

In the complete absence of nasal breathing, the procedure is prohibited. If it is, at least partial, then use a special teapot for washing, a syringe without a needle or a douche.

Instillations into the nose

For nasal congestion and runny nose, drip 3-4 drops of concentrated decoction into each nostril 3-5 times a day. It is not recommended to carry out instillations with allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, since in this case you can only do harm.


For the procedure, you can use a nebulizer if its model allows the use of infusions and decoctions. If not, take a porcelain teapot and insert a paper cone into its spout. Breathe in vapors for 3-10 minutes.


In the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin or face, use decoctions or infusion. For traumatic lesions of the dermis, soak a cotton pad or gauze in a healing liquid, then blot the wound area.

Washing (gynecological baths)

Take a basin, pour 10 liters of warm water and 500 ml of chamomile decoction into it. Gently sit in the container for 10-20 minutes. This procedure is prescribed for inflammatory pathologies of the external genitalia. In some cases, washing with chamomile can alleviate conditions with hemorrhoids, cystitis and thrush, but these ailments cannot be completely cured.


Despite the benefits of chamomile douching in diseases of the urogenital area, it is forbidden to carry out such procedures during pregnancy, both in the early and late stages of bearing a child. This is due to the fact that douching can provoke a miscarriage or.


With the correct use of pharmacy chamomile, it will not harm the body of the future mother and fetus. The only exception for external use is only the presence of individual intolerance.

You should be extremely careful when using the product inside, as chamomile can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness, rashes and itching. Less commonly, signs such as weakness and migraine, attacks of aggression and irritability can be observed.

With increased acidity of the stomach, a tendency to diarrhea and anacid gastritis, it is advisable to abandon the use of the remedy.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is an effective and inexpensive remedy that can cope with most diseases during pregnancy. Use it only strictly according to the rules, so as not to harm yourself or the baby.

Video: Chamomile tea

During pregnancy, you can not drink chamomile in any form. When released into the bloodstream, the active components of chamomile preparations can have undesirable effects on the uterus, which can lead to a threat to the pregnancy itself.

Taking chamomile during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and premature birth

Similarly, pregnant women should not add chamomile to inhaled solutions, since the active components of the plant from the lungs can also enter the bloodstream and lead to similar dangerous side effects.

Chamomile during pregnancy can only be used externally for the treatment of skin and hair. It is also allowed to wash the labia majora with it, rinse the mouth and instill chamomile preparations into the nose and eyes.

Theoretically, a doctor may decide to prescribe oral chamomile to a pregnant woman if the benefits of such an intake outweigh the perceived risk. However, such an appointment is almost never made, since the benefits of chamomile in any disease are not so significant that for the sake of it one could risk the safety of pregnancy.

Most authoritative sources on traditional medicine indicate pregnancy as a clear contraindication for taking chamomile preparations. WHO reports that chamomile has no effect on the fetus, but does not recommend drinking it for pregnant women.

How can chamomile be dangerous during pregnancy?

Chamomile, when taken orally and when its individual active components enter the bloodstream, can stimulate uterine activity and contractions. According to researchers, chamomile preparations can lead to miscarriages and cause premature birth.

The birth of a child weighing less than 2.5 kg is a possible consequence of taking chamomile preparations in late pregnancy.

Such an outcome is possible if chamomile decoction, tea or infusion enters the digestive tract and its components are absorbed into the blood.

A similar effect can be seen when chamomile is added to an inhalation solution in a steam inhaler or nebulizer. At the same time, getting into the lower respiratory tract, some active components of chamomile can also be absorbed into the blood and have the same effect as if they enter the digestive tract.

According to the WHO, chamomile preparations do not have any teratogenic effect either when taken orally or when used as a means for inhalation. Consequently, these drugs do not affect the fetus, and their main and currently the only known danger lies in the possible stimulation of the muscular activity of the uterus with all its undesirable consequences.

In rare cases. Such situations are very rare, but possible and regularly documented. Despite the fact that this plant is often used to relieve allergy symptoms, some pregnant women may experience hypersensitivity to its active components, and even applying a chamomile preparation to the skin, not to mention taking it inside, will cause a characteristic reaction.

At what time is this remedy especially undesirable?

It is most dangerous to use chamomile in the early stages of pregnancy and in the last trimester.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, chamomile tea, decoction or infusion can lead to miscarriage even before the woman herself realizes that she is pregnant, when the miscarriage itself can be difficult to distinguish from heavy monthly discharge. However, there are cases of such involuntary termination of an already identified pregnancy.

In the later stages, chamomile can lead to premature labor and the birth of a child ahead of schedule. Often in such cases, a referral of the mother for preservation is required in order to ensure the full maturation of the fetus and its birth in normal terms. In the entire 3rd trimester, the likelihood of such an undesirable effect from taking chamomile preparations is very high, but it increases as the birth approaches. At 38-39 weeks, it is especially high, and drinking tea with chamomile at this time is strictly prohibited.

What types of chamomile are more dangerous?

Roman chamomile differs from pharmacy chamomile in less tall heads of inflorescences

It is believed that Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is the most dangerous during pregnancy, a species related to pharmacy chamomile and having similar pharmacological properties. Its stimulating effect on the uterus is so pronounced that its preparations are officially listed as contraindicated for use in pregnant women by the US National Institutes of Health.

However, chamomile (most often used in Russia and the post-Soviet space) should also not be drunk by pregnant women, since the consequences of taking it differ little from those of the Roman one. In all literary sources, it is chamomile that is described as a remedy that is contraindicated during the gestation period.

What preparations of the plant and with what use are clearly prohibited during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is strictly contraindicated:

  1. Drink chamomile tea or decoction (essentially they are one and the same), including those bought and brewed in bags;
  2. Take inside an infusion of chamomile, both water and alcohol, or on any other basis;
  3. Drink various teas and decoctions, which include chamomile as one of the components. For example, a very popular tea recipe with propolis, sage, marshmallow and chamomile should not be consumed during pregnancy;
  4. Breathe chamomile over the pan or add its preparations to the inhalation solution with a nebulizer. In both cases, it is possible for the active components of the drug to enter the lower respiratory tract, but when inhaled with a nebulizer, this probability is much higher (the nebulizer is designed specifically for treating the lungs and bronchi with a medicinal solution);
  5. Do enemas with chamomile;
  6. . The danger of these procedures lies both in the likelihood of miscarriage or premature birth, and in the fact that with douching, pregnant women are more likely to have a baby with a low birth weight (less than 2.5 kg) than if they refuse to carry out such procedures.

It is important to understand that the amounts and concentrations of chamomile preparations taken by a woman affect the likelihood of unwanted effects. The more often a pregnant woman drinks tea or infusion and the stronger it is, the greater the likelihood of a miscarriage or premature birth. This, however, does not mean that if you drink chamomile decoction rarely, then it will be relatively safe: if such a drink is not habitual for the body, it can work even in minimal doses and concentrations.

How can pregnant women take chamomile?

Chamomile during pregnancy can be taken in all forms, involving the application of its preparations to the skin or to the external mucous membranes. For example, the same chamomile decoction or infusion can:

Poultices with chamomile are quite acceptable during pregnancy, if they are not carried out to warm the abdominal cavity.

  1. Lubricate various rashes and abscesses on the skin;
  2. Treat skin for allergies;
  3. Rinse your mouth and throat without swallowing the decoction itself;
  4. Wash your nose, wipe and rinse your eyes, wash your hair;
  5. Treat wounds and ulcers, cover the edges of deep tissue incisions;
  6. Make lotions, baths, poultices;

Simply put, procedures are acceptable in which chamomile does not enter the digestive tract or respiratory tract. Provided that the pregnant woman is not allergic to chamomile, such procedures will be harmless and safe both for the fetus and for the pregnancy itself. If characteristic allergy symptoms appear during such procedures, the use of chamomile should be discontinued.

Why should you not be especially worried about the inadmissibility of using chamomile during pregnancy?

At the same time, the inadmissibility of using chamomile during pregnancy is not at all critical. To date, not a single disease is known that could not be cured without chamomile, chamomile itself is not an indispensable remedy for almost any pathology. This means that at the time of gestation, it is quite possible to do without chamomile tea or infusion, and refusing them will not lead to any significant consequences.

Washing the nose is a normal daily practice for yogis. If such procedures are carried out with a decoction of chamomile, they will ensure the prevention of bacterial infections and the cleansing of the nasal mucosa from impurities and allergens.

For example, with a cold (acute rhinitis), taking chamomile tea inside does not have any therapeutic effect. In this disease, rinsing the nose with a decoction of chamomile and gargling with it can be useful, they help to reduce inflammation. But such washing and rinsing is quite acceptable and allowed during pregnancy.

For a cough associated with inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, inhalations with chamomile help to slightly reduce the inflammation. However, during pregnancy, chamomile for such procedures can be replaced by many other anti-inflammatory drugs based on herbs or pharmacological preparations. In addition, today there is no evidence of the effectiveness of chamomile when used for coughing: there are suggestions that it can help, but it is not used as the main drug for any reason that causes coughing.

Therefore, if chamomile is not used during pregnancy, this will not affect the success of the treatment of any pathologies. So, it is possible to get away from it during this period without any consequences.

What do different authors and researchers say about the use of chamomile during pregnancy?

The inadmissibility of using chamomile during pregnancy is indicated by most authors of works and books on medicinal plants.

V. G. Kukes in the reference book “Phytotherapy with the Basics of Clinical Pharmacology” indicates pregnancy as a clear contraindication to taking chamomile.

James A. Duke, in the Handbook of Medicinal Plants, indicates that chamomile tea or decoction should not be used during pregnancy, but mentions Lininger's Natural Pharmacy, which indicates the possible admissibility of using these drugs for some indications.

Newall, in Herbal Medicine, details the effects of chamomile on the menstrual cycle and its ability to induce uterine contractions and early labor. The book strictly states that the use of chamomile during pregnancy should be avoided.

  1. Chamomile during pregnancy should not be drunk, used as a solution for enemas and douches, used rectally or as a component of inhalation solutions;
  2. Chamomile during pregnancy can be applied topically, treating the skin with it, various rashes on it, rinsing the mouth, washing the nose and using it to wash the hair;
  3. Chamomile preparations during pregnancy should not be drunk at any time, but they are most dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy, when they can lead to miscarriage, and in the last weeks, when they can provoke premature birth;
  4. Refusal of chamomile during pregnancy is not at all critical in the treatment of any disease. If it is not used, any pathology can be eliminated without it.


  • James A. Duke - Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. second edition. - CRC Press, 2002.
  • Phytotherapy with the basics of clinical pharmacology. - Edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V. G. Kukes. - Moscow, "Medicine", 1999.
  • Newall, C.A., Anderson, L.A., and Phillipson, J.D., Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-Care Professionals, The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1996.
  • Lininger, S. et al. Eds., The Natural Pharmacy, Prima Publications, Rocklin, CA, 1998.
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