What to do if you can't find a job: depression or the evil eye. What is valued when applying for a job. Do not trust recruitment agencies

This question is asked not only by students after graduation, but also by those who have not worked in their specialty.

Requirements for candidates

Everyone knows that cadres decide everything, and first of all, employers. These people are trying to find the best employees. After all, the success of the enterprise depends on them and their actions. For this reason, when you see an advertisement for an employee, the requirements for the candidate are very serious: higher education, knowledge in English and, of course, work experience. But where to get it? Not everyone was lucky enough to work in their specialty, especially if a person has just completed his education. Nevertheless, you can please the employer without it. Read on - how.

Compiling a resume

This document, which is mandatory when looking for a job, will represent you when selecting an employee for a particular vacancy.

A resume must be written correctly, especially if you are interested in how to get a job without work experience. Basic information is your name, address, marital status, education (you need to specify the specialty), citizenship. But, in addition, in the resume you need to mention your additional skills. If you are interested in work without experience for students, then be sure to describe everything that you know and can do. For example, possession computer programs. And also the presence driving license, auto and the ability to use it at work.

Languages ​​and their level of proficiency are very important. If you know the language at a sufficient level, but because of the lack of practice you are embarrassed to indicate this, then it is very in vain! But lying, if you don’t actually own it, is not worth it.

What to write in the "work experience" section, if there is none?

As without work experience - that's what most students who have completed their studies are interested in. This question cannot be ignored in a resume. Well, we will not bypass it, but will answer it with dignity.

After all, you probably had an internship, so write about it. if you have positive characteristic from the place of internship, you can attach it to your resume. This will serve you well. Many students work part-time during their studies, and most often not for higher education. educational institution specialties: promoters, bartenders, waiters. We advise you to include this experience in your resume. After all, it means that you are already familiar with labor discipline know how to communicate with customers. Let such activity not be related to a real “serious” profession, but the fact that you are interested in earning money already speaks in your favor.

Is it possible to write that there is experience if it is not?

Let's say you understand that a manager without work experience will interest the employer much less than with experience. Let's say you have a familiar employee of some enterprise. And if you provide his contacts, he will be able to confirm that you worked for him and have proven yourself well.

So why not write that you have experience in this company in the specialty you need? In fact, it is theoretically possible to do so. But even the simplest positions like a waiter or a store clerk provide some skills and knowledge, and what can we say if, for example, you lie that you were a sales manager or an accountant? Lies will be revealed on your very first day at work. Believe me, it's better to admit that you have no experience and show your desire to work than to tell three boxes about your abilities and then be caught lying.

Face-to-face interview

Your resume will say a lot about you, but you will reveal much more about yourself during the interview. without work experience, passing the interview? these tips:

  1. Be confident, but not overconfident. A calm smile, a firm voice will show that you may be worried, but you are able to pull yourself together in stressful situation, which is the interview. Look directly into the interviewer's eyes - gently, not hard.
  2. Answer the questions you are asked honestly. You should not lie, as a shifty glance will tell about this better than any lie detector.
  3. For interviews, dress modestly. If you are a woman, then it is better not to put on makeup at all than to make a catchy “war paint”. Don't wear a lot of jewelry.
  4. If the subject of your research is work after graduation, then the employer may ask you some specialized questions to probe your knowledge. For example, if you studied at the Faculty of Economics, then you may be asked what is profitability, profit or gross domestic product. If you answer “I don’t remember” with a bewildered smile, then this, of course, will not be in your favor.

Imagine that they don't know anything about you. Your clothes, appearance, behavior will say much more than your words. A person who is tastefully dressed, but not brightly dressed, honest, direct and confident enough in himself and his abilities will create a positive impression.

What to do if it is impossible to get a job without work experience?

It is unfortunate, but still there is a possibility that you will not be hired for the desired vacancy only for the reason that you do not have experience. No problem! You can get a job at the same company, but in a completely different position.

For example, an assistant without work experience is needed almost everywhere. As well as the secretary-referent, office manager. Having gained such experience as corporate culture, having met with the management team, in a year or two you can easily move to the desired position, if you want, of course. Just do not keep your desire to yourself, report the need for career advancement to your superiors.

Where can you get a job after high school?

Do you think that you can work only after receiving a secondary or higher education? Not necessary! In fact, work after graduation is very diverse. And you can find something as an additional or main income. What can recent students do?

1. Seller or sales assistant. You can trade or encourage a customer to buy a product.

2. Participation in promotions. in stores, and other sales-activating promotions.

3. Courier, food delivery man.

Work without experience for women

Some girls get pregnant while studying at a university, and therefore, after receiving a diploma, they immediately go on maternity leave. Therefore, when they decide to start building a career, the employer looks at the young specialist with at least distrust.

But this is no reason to lay down your hands and not even try to find a place for yourself! Get tips on how to fill out a resume and pass an interview. Also, think about whether you want to work in your specialty, or maybe you are interested in something else? An accountant and a financier are much more boring than, for example, a consultant in a store with women's clothing or cosmetics. Such work without experience is sometimes more suitable for women, it spends less nerves, and brings as much money as, for example, the position of a bank employee. In addition, there is always a demand for pedicure and manicure masters, hairdressers, sports instructors. After graduating from not very expensive courses, you will receive a second diploma and will be able to immediately earn money.

Such an activity is not very difficult, on the contrary, you can earn money in a way that is pleasant for you in good environment without performing complex operations.

Watch without work experience: where to get a job

If you want not only to receive money for your work, but also to live for your own pleasure, work on a rotational basis is suitable for you. What is special about this chart? You do not need to be at the workplace five days a week for eight hours. You will work according to a special schedule approved by management. For example, it can be work according to the scheme one day after three, a month of work - a month of rest, as well as another system.

A watch without work experience is quite possible for you if you do not disdain physical labor. So, for example, there is always a demand for various and auxiliary workers, loaders, security guards, packers. What do loaders and security guards do, of course. But what are the duties of ancillary workers? It requires stamina and at least a minimum physical training. Shift work is best paid in the north of Russia, but you can get a job in your hometown.

And finally

Just because you don't have work experience doesn't mean you won't be able to get a job. You have several options:

  1. Try to interview for the position you want, even if the job requirements state that work experience is required. If you make a favorable impression on the employer, you will not be refused and will be taught everything in the process of activity.
  2. It happens that a favorable impression is not enough. Try to get a job at the same company for a job where experience is not required. With a little work, you will become familiar with internal regulations and culture, become familiar with the leadership. There is a high probability that after some time you will be transferred to the desired position.
  3. If you are stubbornly not hired anywhere without experience, think about whether you want to change your specialization? Working as an accountant or banker is much more boring than advising store customers, doing fitness training, doing hair or nail extensions. Get a second specialty and immediately get down to business that will bring you money.
  4. If you want to not only earn income, but at the same time have a lot of free time, shift work is suitable for you. This means that it is not traditional, in the form of a five-day week, but another, for example, a month of work - a month of rest. You can get good money. And to get a job as a packer, handyman or security guard, experience is not required.

Income without work experience is not only strange offers from the Internet. We talk about real professions where you can earn money without experience and education.

There are a lot of vacancies where no experience is needed. The start-up market grew by 22% in just Last year, as the HeadHunter study shows.

Of course, you can’t just take it and start designing spaceships or treat people. But you can deliver orders or meet customers. In some areas, employers are willing to teach you everything you need. Inexperienced employees are most welcome in these industries:

For a number of professions, the personal qualities of an employee are more important than past career or education. Top of expectations this year The state of the Russian labor market for young professionals employers included these characteristics:

  • Responsibility - 22%.
  • Purposefulness - 10%.
  • Stress resistance - 10%.
  • Goodwill - 9%.
  • Performance - 7%.
  • Active life position - 6%.
  • Accuracy - 6%.

Based on labor market reports different years and offers on HeadHunter, we have compiled a list of the best jobs for beginners this year.

  • Basic requirements: accuracy, politeness, cleanliness.
  • Salaries in Moscow: from 35 thousand rubles + tips.

This is the most popular request of employers - 4% The state of the Russian labor market for young professionals from all vacancies for beginners. You can respond to a job offer without a medical book, the main thing is to quickly take up its design. There are many vacancies with flexible hours: weekend waiter, night shift waiter. This is a physically intensive job, which means strong legs and comfortable shoes are a must-have. Everywhere food is offered at the expense of the company. nice bonus this profession - tips.

  • Basic requirements: your smartphone, punctuality, responsibility.
  • Salaries in Moscow: 40-70 thousand rubles.

The perfect job for those who hate sitting in an office. In addition, you build your own schedule - a luxury that even white-collar workers do not have. You also control the salary level yourself: more orders - higher income. Officially, you can find a job without interviews and resumes. For example, to become a courier in the company "Dostavista", it is enough to download the application to your smartphone and go through registration. In the same application, you need to respond to customer orders - the courier chooses them himself. Earnings can be received every day in cash or on a card once a week.

  • Key Requirements: Communication skills, ability to achieve results, basic knowledge PC.
  • Salaries in Moscow: from 50 thousand rubles + percentage of sales.

The sales sector is growing more dynamically than others: in Moscow alone, HeadHunter offers 2,840 vacancies where work experience is not needed. The duties of a sales manager are to look for new customers, remind old customers about the product, and conclude contracts. Usually, a percentage of transactions or a bonus for a completed plan is added to the salary. There are offers remote work: after all, you can call buyers from home. Product information and customer base is usually provided by the employer. Scripts are often issued - scripts for a conversation with a client, which contain phrases pushing for a purchase and working out objections:

You are expensive!
- What are you comparing it to?

  • Basic requirements: kindness, responsiveness, politeness.
  • Salaries in Moscow: 30-70 thousand rubles + bonus.

The main tasks are to lay out the goods, advise customers and work with the cash register. Yes, all the time on my feet and in contact with nervous clients. But for work in holidays give out an award. And one more plus: sellers receive discounts of up to 50% on store products. Settle down where you really like the product, then you can buy your favorite branded sneakers cheaply or afford the latest smartphone faster. So that customers are not in a hurry to leave, stores create pleasant conditions: it is warm, music plays, it smells good. So, it will be comfortable to work there.

  • Basic requirements: pleasant appearance, sociability, the ability to find an approach to the client.
  • Salaries in Moscow: 35-60 thousand rubles.

Administrators are required wherever you need to meet customers with a friendly smile: in restaurants, fitness centers, hostels, beauty salons. But you won’t get off with one smile: the duties include accommodating guests, scheduling clients, advising on services. If you like communication, you won't get bored at this job. At the same time, one must be able to treat other people's whims with understanding. This is called customer focus: if a guest says that the chair is hard and the water in the glass is too wet, the administrator should help solve the problem. But clients are also nice - from time to time, administrators also receive tips for their work.

You will need

  • The best job sites in Moscow are www.hh.ru, www.superjob.ru, www.joblist.ru, www.ulovumov.ru. Students and young professionals should look at www.career.ru and www.futuretoday.ru.


Despite the fact that the crisis seemed to have passed, the number of unemployed did not decrease much. Now the labor market is still the employer's market, and not. Therefore, employers, as a rule, are looking for employees slowly - they know that they can always find a decent specialist who is willing to work for little. Accordingly, not all applicants are considered.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be found. There are companies that are ready to hire a candidate with high salary expectations, as long as he is a true professional. Contrary to the popular myth that in Russia it is now possible to get a good job only through "connections", many people find decent work in such companies. To do this, of course, you have to go through a rather tough selection.

The first stage of selection is, of course, a resume. Most job sites have a specific form that you need to fill out. The resume should be simple, concise, give a clear idea of ​​your key skills and strengths. It is especially worth mentioning your work achievements, as well as managerial work experience, if any. In the event that you don’t have it yet, focus on the good knowledge gained at the university, strengths of character and the desire to learn in the process of work.

If the employer is interested in your resume, they will call you back and schedule an interview. Before the interview, you should go to the website of the company that invited you and find out as much as possible about it. Try to think of what questions an HR manager might ask a candidate like you. It would be useful to read articles about interviews and thematic forums. Even at this stage of selection, you may be offered a test or asked a couple of questions about your specialty, if, in addition to the HR manager, there is a department in which they are looking for an employee. So you should be prepared for that as well.

final stage The interview will usually be a conversation with a representative of the top management of the company. The most successful candidates reach this stage. At this level, it is important to discuss the details of the work, the social package. You, in turn, will be tested on the ability to behave, sociability and loyalty.

Do not forget about other ways - ask your friends if they need a specialist of your profile. Few people like to be indebted to other people, but what if you really are a good candidate for a vacant position in their company. Don't be afraid to take action, after all, you may have to help them someday.

Helpful advice

A lot depends on the impression you make in the interview. There are no patterns, all people are different, but there are things to remember. A confident and active candidate will always seem more competent and suitable. The candidate's positive attitude and openness will also produce best impression than excessive seriousness and stiffness: the employer does not need people with problems or those who seem to be.


  • how to find a job in Moscow

We spend a huge part of our lives at work. If, at the same time, it is boring and complicated, this will certainly lead us to depression and dissatisfaction. Interesting job, bringing income and pleasure, can be found for everyone. The main thing is to correctly define your goals.

You will need

  • - Internet access.
  • - Email.
  • - Business Cards.
  • - Summary.


Very often we receive this or that education without realizing the subtleties future profession. As a result, we run the risk of being on a boring and low-paid job. It's never too late to change your life. It is awareness and desire to change the situation in order to enjoy work, and should be your first step. Think about what you would like to do (throw aside). Where do you see yourself in the future? What kind of activity makes you feel good? So you can determine the field of future work. It may seem to you that the chosen type of activity is interesting, but will not bring much income. Most often this is not the case. With proper skill, enthusiasm and zeal, you can always turn your favorite pastime into profitable business.

Once you have defined your goals and scope, select a specific list of jobs that you would like to do. Tired of the monotonous office routine? The global labor market is gradually moving towards a home-office system (offices), remote work and attracting freelancers. If a free schedule is important to you, prepare the necessary base to work. Cellular telephone, a laptop, mobile modem, an organizer, high-quality business cards - all this should always be at your fingertips, because about or a project can appear at any time.

Gone are the days when successful career considered a lifetime job in one company. Today, a profession can be changed at any age, and lack of experience is unlikely to become an obstacle to employment. The main thing is to prepare for the search: write a resume correctly, present a high-quality portfolio and not be afraid to complete a test task.

Putting emphasis in the resume

A resume is the first contact between an employer and a candidate. If there is no work experience in a new specialty yet, the resume needs to be edited. First of all, change the title: from the old profession to the new one.


List all the trainings and refresher courses you have completed that are relevant to your future job. If the applicant’s profile education is philological, but in parallel with his studies at the university he attended design courses, this will be an argument in his favor.

Nevertheless, the first education should also be mentioned, especially if the specialty is quite general: sociology, management, history. Higher education is often one of the filters in the selection of a candidate. If there are several formations, they are highly specialized - for example, medical, and the candidate wants to leave this industry - then you can not indicate them.


Be sure to talk about your experience, even if it is not related to new job. Pay attention to those aspects that will be useful in a new field: a candidate who has worked as a developer for many years can apply for a sales manager position in an IT company.

Experience is not always work for money. Add participation in volunteer projects, internships and internships to your resume.


Imagine a candidate who started working in a clothing store as a student and became a regional sales director before graduating from university. Most likely, such an employee big potential for development even in a new professional field for him.

Therefore, it is important to present your growth within the company in your resume. Each role does not have to be written in a separate section: they can be listed under the responsibilities and results of the last position held. It is not necessary to write a detailed story, it is better to do it in the format of short abstracts - this is a more suitable option for a resume.

Skills and personal qualities

If the applicant “grabs everything on the fly” and “learns quickly”, you definitely need to talk about it. Best with evidence: “was a member of the student council and organized festive events”, “received gratitude from the dean of the faculty for ...”, “became the best employee of the branch according to the results of half a year”, and so on.

Match the job requirements with your knowledge and competencies. Pick out the ones that apply to you new position. Add them to the "Key Skills" and "About Me" sections.


Pay attention to the final phrase in your resume or cover letter. It is she who ultimately shows that the candidate has an interest in a new field. For example, you could write something like this: “Aims at the personal and Professional Development in the field of IT, in the near future I plan to take training courses / trainings or receive additional higher education on the topic.

Writing an accompanying

Do not start your letter with the phrase "I have no work experience." Use positive language:

  • “during my studies, I received knowledge from the field…”;
  • “I have the personal qualities necessary for this position…”;
  • “In my previous job, I gained experience…” and so on.

Pay attention to motivation: tell why you are interested in a particular position in a particular company. Sometimes candidates without experience, but with “burning eyes”, bypass professionals who are tired of work due to motivation.

Attaching a portfolio

Experience and work skills in some cases can be assessed without an interview, based on a portfolio. Based on it, the employer will get an idea of ​​the professionalism of designers (web, graphic, landscape, interior, clothing), authors (content, rewriting, copyright), photo and video operators. A person who is familiar with computer layout and has experience in creating websites can start doing printing. Or a long-time journalist always has a chance to retrain as a public relations specialist or press secretary.

Most employers also pay attention to general knowledge and basic skills: communication, presentation, analytical skills of the candidate - regardless of whether he has experience or not.

Leave time for testing

Test - a chance to prove yourself. If an employer draws attention to an applicant without relevant experience in the resume and offers to complete a test task, it is worth taking the time to do it. Thus, the candidate will not only demonstrate his skills and knowledge in practice, but will also be able to assess for himself how ready he is to take on this job.

Experienced candidates must complete test tasks much less frequently. In their case, a portfolio is usually sufficient.

We respond to suitable vacancies

Often those who do not have experience have to start with internships. But we recommend applying for entry-level positions too, especially if your resume already has work experience in another specialty. Act confidently and persistently: everything will work out!

For those who still doubt themselves, we have compiled with examples and useful wording. Experts of the Ready Resume service can compile this for you: HR specialists will conduct an interview and prepare a document suitable for your career plans.

Education at the university assumes that immediately after graduation you will freely find yourself workplace within the chosen specialty. However, organizations and the government have other plans.

The state, for its part, rarely correctly predicts the exact number of specialists needed in a particular field. So it's not a fact that you have enough space. On the other hand, no one canceled the blat.

There is another moment that will be difficult for anyone to predict: the crisis. AT Hard times companies cannot afford to keep even highly qualified employees. There are massive layoffs. So where can you get a job after university in such conditions? After all, you have enough knowledge, but the trouble is with experience. And the employer will invite rather who is devoid of ambition, but has long been familiar with activities in a particular area.

And what remains for yesterday's students if they don't get a job after graduation? That's right: unskilled work or freelancing. But is it really for this that you soared your unfortunate brain for so many years and pored over the implementation of all control, term papers, diploma theses?

Life after graduation: how to get a job?

Even at the stage of admission, it would be good to monitor the data on after which institute it is easy for a young specialist to get a job. The fact is that there are universities that help in the employment of graduates in their specialty.

It also doesn't hurt to follow the companies. Some organizations are interested in an influx of fresh young meat. Such employees are cheaper than experienced ones, and at the same time, as a bonus, the company in the person of such an employee receives youth, enthusiasm and a desire to learn. Even with a small pay for your work, it is worth going there, at least in order to gain experience in your field.

Do not neglect the opinions of HR managers who point out an overestimated level of self-esteem and their own market value in young professionals.

Even if the work during the holidays was paid much more than what the employer offers you, do not rush to refuse. Often, career opportunities come with a small salary. And this is much more important for you at the moment.

Don't forget to prepare for interviews responsibly. Learn more about the company beforehand. And at the meeting, try to demonstrate all your advantages. Let the employer know that you are interested in working for them, even though you have no experience in this area.

How to find a job for a university graduate without work experience?

Few people know that a crisis is an ideal time to look for a job by a young specialist who still has absolutely no experience.

Employers cannot maintain experienced and highly paid employees. And here your task is to offer yourself to such employers in all its glory. Convince him that you will do the same for much less money.

The crisis will end sooner or later, and by then you will have gained experience and skills that will become the basis for asking for a raise.

Often, employers are willing to compensate for the lack of knowledge of an employee with a small salary.

If there is no work in the specialty

It also happens that even if you agree to any conditions, you can’t find a job in your specialty, but you want to eat.

What should be done in this case:

  • bring up all the old connections if you have ever worked part-time in logistics, sales, call center, outsourcing;
  • look for work as an assistant or part-time assistant;
  • find any rough job (courier, loader, consultant) and continue to look for work, send resumes, go to interviews.

By the way, finding a job in England after university is also very difficult. Former students they have to work at McDonald's and be unemployed before they can find something suitable. The main difference from us is that foreign students ready for this situation.

Do not try to get the first job that comes your way, but you should be careful with ambitions. It's good when you know your worth. But often graduates make the same mistake: they try to find a job with a salary in the market that matches this specialty.

Remember: a high salary is the result of hard work, experience gained and constant work on oneself, advanced training. And while you do not have this, it is quite natural that you will receive many times less for the same functions than a more experienced colleague.

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And here are a few useful tips that will help you stand out and sink into the “soul” of employers.

  1. Design your resume to stand out from your competitors. Describe the advantages that you think others don't have. Knowledge will add some weight to your resume foreign languages(the more - the better), excellent knowledge of office programs and equipment, etc.
  2. Even in the last courses, begin to engage in self-education. Take courses that are not covered by the university curriculum. Let it be ordinary cooking classes or car driving courses - this data will help to form an opinion about you as a purposeful and capable of learning young specialist. If possible, do an internship while studying at those enterprises that are known in your area. This will help with employment.
  3. Self-confidence (mind you - confidence, not self-confidence) is the key to getting a job. Calmness, self-control and confidence will let the employer know that you are not only ready to get this job, but also to reach certain heights in this area. And since you yourself are going to rise to a certain level, then at the same time you will pull up the company behind you. During probationary period show yourself as hardworking, responsible and executive.

Remember, it doesn't matter how long you last in your first job. The main thing is to be able to get it, and then it will be a completely different story. In the meantime, you are looking, looking closely and thinking, the service for students is ready to help you

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