What does the name Alina mean for a girl: a complete description. The meaning of the name Alina

Creative Cheerful Hospitable

Alina Kabaeva, Russian athlete

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Alina mean?

Researchers argue that the meaning of the name Alina is inextricably linked with the Latin language, where it is explained as “other”, “foreign”. But this is far from the only interpretation.

The number of versions of origin is striking in its diversity, and sometimes inconsistency. For example, in the Scandinavian countries, where the form of Adeline is also the equivalent of this name, it is translated as “majestic”, “generous”.

Many are based on German and French origins, where, denoting "noble", it has the forms: Adeline, Adele, Aline, Adelaide. Initially, the Slavs interpreted this name as “scarlet”, “red”, and then they began to give it the meaning “beautiful” and “beautiful”.

For the people of Scotland, Alina is an "honest" girl. By the way, the male counterpart of this name is Alistair.

Quite interesting and Greek meaning, which is interpreted as Sunbeam". Thanks to such a wide choice of the meaning of this name, everyone has the right to choose for himself what the name Alina means for him personally. But any of us will agree that it is beautiful and it doesn’t matter what language it actually came from.

Would you name your child by this name?

You will not find this name among Christian saints. But in Orthodoxy, the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea or Palestine is considered the patroness of Alina. She is also called Valentina.

She lived in the 300s. During this era, Egypt was ruled by Emperor Maximilian, who was known for being a supporter of the persecution of Christians. Alevtina also suffered from them. Appearing before the court in the Palestinian Kesari, she and two of her associates, the martyr Paul and Chionia, without hesitation confirmed their Orthodox origin and devotion Christian faith. Having experienced all the cruelty of torture, the sisters Alevtina and Khionia were burned, and the head of the martyr Paul was beheaded.

History knows many of the fair sex who bear this name. Among them are actresses, sportswomen, poetesses, musicians.

Of course, having heard Alina, we are faced with the image of an athlete and gymnast Alina Kabaeva, to whom many songs and poems are dedicated and who is now actively involved in charitable activities.

Another stable image is the beautiful Alina Sharigo, faithful companion famous French impressionist Renoir. And also Alina Moradei - Italian film actress. This list can easily be continued by others. prominent personalities, which, without a doubt, testifies to the high creative potential of these wonderful women.

Name Forms

Simple: Alina Full: Alina Ancient: AkulinaAffectionate: Alinochka

Very often, the characteristic of the name Alina is associated with something very slender and fragile. It seems that this girl is hardly able to withstand the harsh reality. But this is only a misleading impression. Thanks to her inner core, she will not only cope with all the troubles, but will also remain able to provide support to others.

For girls born under the constellation of Aquarius or Libra, this name is perfect.

The nature of the "winter" Alina will be somewhat different from that of the "autumn". Alina, who was born in winter, has high mental abilities, is logical and consistent in her actions, she will never give up her goal.

"Autumn" Alina prefers practical side things: she has a clear idea of ​​​​what she wants to achieve in life and will find a way out of any situation.

The secret of the name Alina tells us that she is under the auspices of Leo and Mars.

The talisman flower for Alina is a lily, her stone is pearls, and her color is lilac. Such middle names are perfect for her: Mikhailovna, Vladimirovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Yurievna, Gennadievna.

Alina is a woman with excellent taste, she tries to surround herself with attractive things and does her best not to remain in the shadow of anyone's attention.

She is a big fashionista: in her wardrobe you can find many outfits that she will definitely use to show off.

These characteristics of Alina serve as a prerequisite for the fact that she is an excellent storyteller, and this is one of the trump cards to attract universal approval and favor. True, sometimes Alina gets carried away and goes too far.

The description of Alina is closely connected with such concepts as faith and love.

If she believes and loves, she will do even what, it would seem, is beyond her capabilities.

But if disappointment befalls her, she will destroy everything around her. Her character sometimes does not coincide with what the name Alina means. Stubbornness and obstinacy lead to the fact that she has fewer and fewer supporters and friends, and it is increasingly difficult for her to achieve mutual understanding with others. Often she is at the mercy of emotions and feelings, but her condition will never turn into nervousness.

Alina is very perceptive, she can easily unravel the secret thoughts of others, and nothing escapes her attention. The owner of the name herself knows how to hide her intentions.

Sometimes it seems that the ambition of this woman appeared with her birth. It has certain goals and consistently achieves their implementation.











Alina carefully chooses her partner. What seems to be a trifle to many, for example, the manner of speaking or dressing, will be of paramount importance to her. But if you get her approval, she will surrender to her feelings without looking back, and you can learn a lot from her.

Alina is incredibly sexy, sex will never be something insignificant for her.

It is believed that Greek origin named Alina from the phrase "sunbeam", tells us that she simply bathes in the attention of the opposite sex, but she is in no hurry to get married.

The nature of this woman is such that it is very difficult for her to find mutual language with the mother-in-law, so you should not even try to live with the older generation.

Alina is a great hostess, her vanity leads to the fact that she does not miss the opportunity to receive guests, and she succeeds in this.

The meaning of the name Alina for a girl

melodic woman's name Alina is full of softness, mystery and mystery, because its meaning has not yet been fully defined. It is attributed to both ancient Roman and Greek, and even Slavic names.

Nevertheless, it occupies the top lines of popularity, regardless of what it means. The choice of parents in favor of this name is easily explained: it is gentle, beautiful and disposes to the child.

The name Alina has its own merits: it is consonant with many Russian surnames and patronymics, has a large number of diminutive forms.

But do not flatter yourself, because these innocent creatures eventually turn into real fighters who are not amenable to any influence, sometimes even aggressive; they do not deviate from the intended path, clearly following a specific plan.

Alina is an extrovert. This means that your child will be comfortable in any situation.

What will Alina succeed in?

Alina can achieve success in any field professional activity. With versatile talents, your child may become an architect, journalist, musician, engineer, artist or doctor in the future. But the profession of a teacher is absolutely not suitable for your girl because of her unrestrained nature.

Patience is the quality that Alina's parents will need to raise their daughter. Although, if desired, and to achieve her goal, she may seem like a sweet and obedient child.

Alina does not experience any difficulties in her studies. She easily remembers educational material and has certain abilities. This is a child who should not be forced to read, Alina also often enjoys drawing.

The girl's health cannot be called especially strong. Pay Special attention on her food, try to take care of her digestive system.

What games will Alina like?

Alina is an incredible inventor and dreamer, so if you offer her to compose a story, this activity will arouse genuine interest.

She is restless, loves active games, you will not get bored with her. Alina is kind to animals. Bolonka, Pekingese or Sheltie can be the best gift for this girl.

Astrologers and sages have long argued that the names of people have a strong influence on their destinies. Due to their skepticism, men do not pay due attention to these moments, and only women are anxious about such nuances. Who knows, perhaps that is why ladies have a more developed intuition. The name of a person that is given to him at birth is not just a harmonious set of letters, but a certain energy code. One of the most interesting in its origin and meaning is the melodic female name Alina.

The origin of the name Alina has four common versions:

  1. Some historians believe that Alina belongs to the Franco-German group of names.
  2. According to other historians, Alina has ancient Greek roots.
  3. There is information that the name Alina Arabic origin and it means "faithful."
  4. The English claim that it is originally contained in one of their oldest Oxford dictionaries of names.
  5. The melodic combination of letters Alina is so to the liking of many peoples that each of them is ready to consider it to be their own. Thus, another opinion was born that this Tatar name, which from time immemorial has been given to girls by representatives of this particular nationality.
  6. There is also a Russian version. This name was used by the ancient Slavs, there is an opinion that it first appeared in Russia and came from the name of a red flower and means "scarlet".

None of the variants of origin is not confirmed by clear facts to the extent that one or another version is considered correct and the rest are rejected. Therefore, on this moment each of them has every right to exist. However, due to such a large number versions in many sources, the decoding of the name Alina is very complicated. According to some sources, Alina can literally be translated as “noble”, “ray of the sun”, according to others it already sounds like “other”, “not like everyone else” or even “alien”.

To understand the true meaning of the name Alina, anyone who wishes today is helped not only by historians and linguists, but also by leading psychologists, astrologers and numerologists. These specialists dedicate a significant part of their lives and conduct long extensive studies, studying the characters and fates of millions of women of various ages and nationalities, compiling and publishing fairly reliable statistics.

After conducting a lot of research on the characters of girls and women Alin, psychologists describe them as very contradictory natures. Despite all the tenderness that we hear in the sound of the letters, all Alina are different common features: they are very eccentric, do not differ in great patience, are very cunning, lively and even "explosive". These are unique ladies, they are always excellently erudite, have their own opinion, different from others, which they are not at all afraid to insert “in place and out of place”, they love material benefits very much, they will never miss their chance, but for a very long time they conceal all their grievances . Outwardly, Alina is always elegant, has a delicate taste, is very beautiful and sexy in the physical sense of a woman, while they are so scrupulous not only to themselves, but also demand the same from their chosen one. Alina behave with men like true queens. To win such a lady, the gentleman will have to spend a lot of time, effort, cunning and even wisdom. The ideal chosen one for Alina is purposeful and clever man who will have a bright and strong charisma in order to be able to put his woman "in place". Oddly enough, Alina loves it, they can never live next to an indecisive man.

Alina are very interesting, but very difficult ladies. As they age, they tend to learn to perfectly control themselves and own their emotions. But often, when giving this name to their newborn daughters, parents are unprepared for the consequences that it imposes on the character of little girls.

The meaning of the name Alina for a child

What to expect loving mothers and dads from little Alina? This is a true fidget and fidget, which is not easy to cope with, it is almost impossible to achieve perfect obedience from her. small but main secret named after Alina is that it must be dealt with with the help of tricks, rather than directly stubbornly insisting on your own. In conflict situations, it is better to switch her attention or captivate her in time new game than to strictly reprimand her for her behavior. And often this also applies to the behavior of even quite adult women.

In order to get the baby to fulfill any elementary duties, it is better to promise something in return for brushing her teeth or making her crib every day than to give her educational lectures. As another method of correcting the child's behavior, psychologists advise using the abbreviated version of "Alya" more often, with frequent use it significantly softens the character.

When choosing names for their children, many parents are guided by dates, according to the Orthodox name calendar, and see if there is an interpretation of the name in the old church version. If such a name is there, it means that the child will have his personal guardian angel, but not all names are on such lists. Alina is not there, however, moms and dads who liked this particular name can not despair, because for baptism Alina is turned into on paper, and she also has her own personal guardian angel.

Any name is usually given to us once and then accompanies us all our lives, but there are situations when people we know, for some unknown reason, suddenly change it and become completely different people. Thus, in desperation, they try to escape from their fate, not realizing that instead it would be sufficient to carefully study the influence of the name given at birth on their own destiny. The interpretation of the name Alina shows us with a good example how carefully parents should approach the issue for their child. This does not mean that complex names should be feared. Of course, some of them leave difficult imprints on the character of people. But at the same time, they can help their owners to live a bright and outstanding life, the main thing is to study all the features and learn how to correct them in the right direction.

The name Alina is relatively young for many countries - it has been found in newborns in various families since the 30s of the last century, and by the 90s it entered the second ten most popular female names.

origin of the name Alina

Translated from Latin, the meaning of the name Alina is “alien”, “other”. There are other versions of the meaning of this name. For example, in Arab countries Alina is female form the name of the man Ali, and means "exalted", "noble". Similar meaning of the name Alina in Scandinavia. In this country, it is a variety of the name Adeline and is interpreted as “generous”, “majestic”. In Greece, the name means "sunbeam" (a variant of the name Helena), and at the same time, in Scotland, the name is used as a variant male name Alistair, and means "honest".

Name day.

The name Alina does not have a name day, because there are no saints with that name in Christianity, and, at baptism, Alina is most often given other names - for example, Alevtina, sometimes Alla, less often Elena.

The meaning of the name Alina in childhood and her upbringing.

When brought up in early childhood Alina gives a lot of trouble. She is proud, impudent and stubborn, very irritable, does not tolerate comments, is not assiduous. Alina does not consider parental authority. By nature, a girl named Alina is endowed with many talents. She studies well at school, she has a good memory, she grasps everything on the fly, she is capable of languages ​​and, at times, knows several of them. She is very fond of reading, especially fond of historical novels. She has developed Creative skills, draws often and a lot. Alina is proud, sometimes arrogant. She is a leader by nature, tries to command everyone, which causes frequent conflict situations including teachers and parents. Alina is excitable, but not nervous. Even in childhood, the duality of her character is manifested - she is both objective and subjective at the same time. She loves to patronize someone, feels the need to take care of someone. But, in this pursuit, she can often show her iron will. Prefers communication with boys.

The meaning of the name Alina in psychology.

By psychological type, Alina can be attributed to extroverts - as she easily adapts to life situations. With age, Alina becomes more indulgent, her character becomes a little softer, but along with external softness, she continues to have a lot of male traits: stubbornness, intolerance, insolence. She does not like comments, but she gladly makes them different - everything should be just the way she wants. Alina is conflicted, so she does not always manage to easily establish contact with others. Many consider her to be devoid of flexibility, because everything Alina thinks, she will definitely say. But, miraculously, she will be able to find the strength to keep her excitable character in her hands, in the event that she herself is interested in this.

If Alina is up to something, it is useless to try to convince her and suppress her desire. She cannot be forced to do something by force, one can only try to agree, citing iron arguments. People around her have the impression that she was born with a pre-planned plan for her life. It is better not to argue with Alina - she will grind to powder. Everything that surrounds her works and moves in the rhythm set by her. All doors are open to Alina. From the outside it seems that nothing in the world can stop her, and she will destroy any insurmountable obstacles. But, the main engine of her life is faith in own forces. In any undertaking, she suffers defeat only when this faith is broken.

The meaning of the name Alina in fashion and clothing choices.

She is a fashionista, she has taste, she will always be aware of the latest innovations. He knows how to assemble a unique outfit from almost nothing and will definitely demonstrate it. In any company, Alina attracts attention, loves and knows how to do it. Alina generally likes to show off, and is very dependent on the opinions of others, their recognition is important to them.

The meaning of the name Alina in relationships and sex.

Alina is aware of her attractiveness for men and actively uses it. She frankly admires herself. She is very sexy, but Alina will show it only with a partner whom she fully trusts. She perceives sex more with her mind than with her heart. She is more pragmatic about sex, often using it only as a weapon to achieve her goals, which could not be achieved in any other way. Despite the male environment, a woman named Alina gets married late. And the older Alina is, the more intolerant she becomes of interference in her personal life. Living with Alina is not easy, but for her partner she is ready to move mountains, of course, if she loves and trusts. But, if he disappoints her, everything will immediately turn into ruins.

She treats money easily, spends it without thinking.

The meaning of the name Alina in marriage.

For marriage, Alina is suitable for men with names: Eugene, Victor, Mikhail, Vladimir, Yakov, Alexander. Alina should not marry men, honor the names: Igor, Dmitry, Alexei, Anatoly, Nikolai.

The meaning of the name Alina in cooking and household.

Alina skillfully and with pleasure leads household, hospitable and loves to flaunt her culinary masterpieces. But, peace and harmony will settle in her house if Alina lives separately from her parents or mother-in-law. A woman named Alina is tender and loving mother. She often spoils her children and indulges them in everything. Their daughters often inherit their mother's character.

The meaning of the name Alina in the seasons.

Alina's girls, born in winter months, as a rule, are smart, decisive and consistent in their actions. "Spring" Alina, will remain an incorrigible romantic and dreamer, will be a little unbalanced. Alina's born in summer, will be good-natured, but quick-tempered and eccentric disposition. And the “autumn” Alina is enterprising, resourceful and practical.

The meaning of the name Alina in choosing a profession.

Alinas are very capable people and can work in different fields. It is better for a woman named Alina to choose professions in which development will be impossible without hard work, perseverance in achieving a goal, patience, and creativity. The professions of a musician, athlete, journalist, actress, translator will be the most advantageous. But, due to the unrestrained, conflicting nature and the ability to rush from one extreme to another, Alina is not recommended for professions related to teaching.


Alina should take care of her health, especially weakness in the body - the stomach. Yellow and orange color in clothes is favorable for Alina.

The talisman is a pearl.
In the numerology of the name Alina, the number 4 corresponds. This number symbolizes strength, stability and reliability. Number 4 people are very responsible, persistent, hardworking and patient.

The name Alina should be called girls born under the signs of the horoscope: Aries, Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer. Astrologers do not recommend using this name to call people born under the signs of Gemini, Scorpio and Pisces.

Brief and diminutive variants: Alinka, Alinochka, Alyusha, Alechka, Alinusya, Alinushka, Alishenka, Alyunya, Alenka, Alinchik, Lina, Alinusik, Alya, etc.
Ruler Planets: Sun, Mars, Mercury.
Happy Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday.
Celebrities who live under the name Alina: Alina Pokrovskaya (actress), Alina Kabaeva (gymnast), etc.

Full name:

Similar names: Aline, Aliina

Church name: -

Meaning: noble, bright, alien

The meaning of the name Alina - interpretation

A name for a girl is a serious choice. Many factors have to be taken into account, how it will affect further fate, and an interpretation that may differ from the first expectations of the parents.

Until the 90s of the XX century, the name Alina was very exotic, which is hard to believe now, when girls are called that way quite often. The name has several theories of origin and interpretation:

  1. The name comes from an ancient Germanic word meaning "sunny". This interpretation has another origin - Greek.
  2. Alina is considered an abbreviation of more complex names (Albina, Adeline), which soon became independent. The Oxford Dictionary claims that the meaning of this name goes back to the Arabic word, translated as “noble”, “famous”.
  3. In Latin, the name means “alien”, while in Scotland it means “honest”.

Most linguists prefer to use the first option, since it is the oldest possible in this case.

Alina's name in other languages

Astrology named after Alina

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

Little Alina is very restless and wayward - she does not give in to full control by the parents. That is why there will often be quarrels and conflicts caused by the very freedom-loving nature of the child.

In order to instill obedience in Alina from an early age, she should be severely punished for serious offenses. Otherwise, this will lead to their frequent repetition and the complete loss of the girl out of control.

You should not warm up her excessive love for endless delights and praises. After all, very quickly the girl will begin to demonstrate strong will and the desire to focus everyone's attention on yourself in order to feel the adoration and respect of the public.

At an older age, Alina will become a growing conqueror of hearts, as she loves to catch admiring glances and be in the center of male attention. This can interfere with learning, but here, too, parents should remember the severity so that the girl does not neglect important knowledge at the very beginning of his life.

Alina is diligent in her studies, if the people around her are able to appreciate her achievements. She will work hard enough until she achieves the desired result. But if the girl does not like something, she will immediately hint about it, and any pressure will be inappropriate - for this reason, she cannot be forced to attend circles and classes that she does not like.

Alina combines sometimes incompatible character traits - authoritativeness and friendliness.

Since Alina is very freedom-loving, capricious and peculiar, it may seem to many, especially men, that she was already born with an exact plan for her life, which she will embody without the consent and approval of others.

Being self-confident, a woman conquers any heights, whether they are professional or individual, relating to relationships with a loved one. Alina knows about the peculiarities of her character, seeks to compensate for negative qualities, struggles with their manifestations.

Often a woman hides her feelings, not allowing others to see her real emotions. She has good intuition, often helping to achieve a lot, including victories on the personal front.

Alina's character

Being self-confident, she will choose the most difficult profession and achieve unprecedented career heights in it. We can assume that self-confidence is the basis of Alina's character.

The love of freedom of a woman often leads to the fact that the tasks are solved exactly the way she wants. If you choose the right key to this lady and come to a compromise, then mutual success is inevitable. Her strength of will, caring for her neighbor, fearlessness and courage in mastering new things can only be applauded.

The desire to constantly be in the spotlight can be considered a manifestation of selfishness and capriciousness. Alina has a difficult character, which forces others to think twice before crossing her path. She can hold a grudge for a long time and will never forgive betrayal.

With someone, Alina will be strict on the verge of reason, she will allow others and forgive more than another person would forgive. She is characterized by contradictory behavior and emotionality with a negative connotation, which often leads to conflicts.

Alina's fate

Alina's character does not allow her to sit still, so she will definitely get a good education and find herself in an area that requires constant work on herself, reaching new heights and improving her skills.

Ali's first marriage, if it is early, will not bring her happiness and will fall apart over time. Subsequent relationships will be strong, as the woman gradually realizes what she needs for happiness. In this case, the partner should be a match for her - self-confident, well-groomed and purposeful, with a strong character that will not allow himself to be henpecked. Alina loves children with all her heart, which often leads to indulging their desires in everything.

Alina is unable to endure boredom and monotony. This becomes the reason for her constant craving for knowledge, so many are surprised to learn that she is erudite and loves to indulge herself with new information from various fields.

It is worth noting that Alina, who has built her family nest together with her loved one, can turn it into both a nightmare and a paradise on earth. She easily and willingly eliminates domestic problems, takes care of the household and children. But she will not tolerate a despotic attitude towards herself, will not listen to ultimatums and will immediately break off all relations if she feels oppressive control over herself.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Thanks to her confidence and unshakable faith, Alina is able to conquer any peaks. It suits her perfectly creative profession, which can be directly related to art.

In the musical field, she will achieve success, which is determined by the desire to be in the spotlight, to receive admiring glances and enthusiastic applause.

Alina is inherent leadership skills, she often achieves career heights in order to fulfill the most challenging tasks on one's own. She can choose both a creative and a more complex profession, becoming a doctor or a financier. Alya knows how to work to the limit of her abilities, jumping over her head in cases where her self-confidence is unshakable.

Marriage and family

Most often, Alina marries late. It's very hard to build with it. family relationships, but if a man meets her needs and meets her expectations, there is nothing impossible in this task.

Alina is sure that she is right and in the event of a conflict she will defend her to the last. Since in many cases she is completely sure that disagreement can be considered an attempt to control, it is wiser to avoid conflicts with her until the fire of the quarrel has flared up to its full potential.

Sex and love

Alina is selective and picky, she will not choose the first man she comes across, although she will very willingly accept compliments and admiration. In relationships, she has despotic inclinations - if a man is weaker than her in character, then it is better for him not to wait for a good one.

She will exploit her partner in every possible way, seeking obedience from him and indulging her whims. Therefore, the most suitable would be a self-confident man, well-groomed and looking after himself, able to put her in her place, if necessary. Having found a lover who fully satisfies her needs, Alina is able to be faithful in a relationship.


Alina's health is directly related to the season in which she was born. If this is a cold season, then diseases associated with respiratory system(bronchitis). It also happens that a girl suffers from scoliosis or eye diseases.

Born in the summer, Alina can be capricious in early childhood, refuse to eat, and later fall into depression and get sick with a minor cold for a long time.

To avoid the development of trifling diseases into a chronic stage, parents should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and force Alina to undergo therapy or treatment in a hospital, if necessary.

Interests and hobbies

Alina is fond of what brings her pleasure and makes her feel even more confident. She often associates her hobby with creative endeavors, succeeding in which she will gain greater confidence in her own strength.

To do this, she will brag about the visual manifestation of her achievements, therefore limiting the girl in her choice of activities in free time not worth it.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

What strikes her is the discrepancy between the sexuality she exudes and her true libido and sex drive. The first is aggressive, attractive male attention, the second - frail, underdeveloped. She knows that she is attractive, and the desire of men to take possession of her amuses her vanity. She amuses herself with them, not understanding the meaning of this game, since she herself does not feel desire. He likes to manipulate men, using his feminine charms, using fans for his by no means sexual purposes. Despite the fact that she rarely feels attraction, she loves sex, enjoys it and climaxes easily. Her disagreement with some poses may have very prosaic reasons, for example, the fear of ruining her hair. Sex does not interest her to the extent that it might seem at first glance. Throughout her life, men take her for another, and many of them suffer an unfortunate disappointment. She never cares about her partner, does not try to understand him, but she herself has rather big claims.

In bed, she is constrained, pinched, and only the "December" Alina knows how to throw off all the fetters. However, this also has its reverse side: her impulsiveness leads to the fact that she begins to lead an absent-minded, intemperate lifestyle. "Summer" Alina business a woman who knows how to calculate and foresee everything, she is just as pragmatic about sex. Often intimacy serves her as a tool with which she wants to get what she can not achieve in another way, say, a promotion. Alina is a woman who perceives sex more with her mind than with her heart.

By Higiru

Translated from Latin: "other", "alien".

Alina is a sickly girl in childhood, very irritable, stubborn and impudent, not tolerating any remarks. Often brought up in an incomplete family, by one mother, but she inherited her character from her father, and she looks like him. She has a good memory, she quickly grasps what she hears, and Alina studies well at school. She loves to draw and read historical novels. Alina is proud, seeks to command everyone, is conflicted and manages to ruin relations with almost all teachers at school, and she constantly quarrels with her mother over trifles. Prefers to be friends with boys.

With age, the nature of these women softens somewhat, becomes more calm, although many features: stubbornness, intolerance, the ability to go from one extreme to another - are preserved. People around her sometimes find her cunning, but in relations with men she lacks flexibility: she will definitely say something to her own detriment, which she should be silent about.

Alina gets married too late, they have girls who look like their father, but with the character of their mother. They are good housewives, very hospitable, but they cannot get along with their mother-in-law. The nature of these women is such that it is better for them to live apart not only from their mother-in-law, but also from their parents.

Alina knows how to present herself, she always tries to look attractive. She is a fashionista good taste. He manages to make an original toilet out of nothing and will not forget to make others pay attention to him. She generally loves to brag.

Alina are capable people. They work in different areas, among them there are engineers and artists, doctors and salesmen, journalists and architects, musicians and teachers, although the latter profession, given the unrestrained nature of such women, is contraindicated for them.

The highest probability happy marriage with one of those who are called Alexander, Evgeny, Victor, Mikhail, Boris, Peter, Vladimir or Yakov. Men named Dmitry, Igor, Alexei, Vladlen, Nikolai are not suitable.

1. Personality: women who understand the souls of people and things

2. Color: yellow

3. Main features: will - activity - intelligence - susceptibility

4. Totem plant: gorse (shrub with yellow or white flowers)

5 Spirit Animal: Termite

6. Sign: Leo.

7. Type. They know how to control themselves, which allows them to extricate themselves from difficult situations. Under certain circumstances, they become aggressive. It is very difficult to bring up such girls, because they are not easy to manage.

8. Psyche. Extroverts, easy to adapt to surrounding life. Simultaneously objective and subjective. They feel a great need to devote themselves entirely to some business, whether it is caring for the welfare of relatives, social activity or religion.

9. Will. From iron, but rather from steel. Don't let them sit on your neck!

10. Excitability. Very strong, but never turns into nervousness.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Born revolutionary. If it is necessary to dissuade them from any project, then this can only be done by persuasion, and not by force.

12. Field of activity. It seems that they are born into the world already with ready plan life. Everything around them should spin at their own pace. This is that rare type of women for whom all doors are always open, but if they lose faith in their strength and their destiny, they can fail.

13. Intuition. It is easy to understand the deeply hidden secrets of others, they cannot be deceived, whether it concerns your thoughts or your heart.

14. Intelligence. Significant. Subtle diplomats use this quality in all situations. They have excellent memory and a great interest in life and the world.

15. Susceptibility. The main engine of their life. If they believe and love, they can turn mountains, if they are disappointed, then they turn everything into ruins. Parents do not enjoy authority in the eyes of these girls.

16. Morality. Consists of rigor and concessions. The actions of specific people are evaluated very strictly, if we are talking about events or entire nations - allow deviations from harsh norms.

17. Health. They are tenacious like salamanders, but still they must take care of their health, in particular the stomach.

18. Sexuality. Sex for them is all or nothing. Able to devote themselves to serving an ideal - even their own intimate life. But anything can happen... Let's take into account the fact that there are many masculine traits in their character...

19. Activity. They can be compared to heroes. Perhaps, in order to live with them, you also need to be a hero?

20. Sociability. Is it possible to speak of the friendship of these Don Quixotes in the guise of a woman, waging an endless struggle with windmills? They are proud, their friendship is despotic, but they are true friends.

21. Conclusion. Give them the opportunity to conduct and order, and if they throw you a battle cry ... take advantage of their rare moments of goodwill!

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